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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]


    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Artemis 25th July 2014, 7:10 pm

    This was actually a rather unusual job Artemis had picked up. A couple was getting married but the bride was afraid of her ex-boyfriend showing up. Apparently one of her friends got a bit to tipsy and spilled the beans to the ex. The pair was expecting him to show up, but they wanted some extra security. Although the reason Artemis took the job wasn't all pure. She was able to convince Priscilla to tag along with her on the job. She never actually saw her in action so if worse came to worse Artemis could see how amazing Priscilla was. And if the best case scenario happens, which was what Artemis was hoping for. Her and Priscilla could dance, drink and maybe slip away for some more fun during the reception. It was all a win/win scenario for her. But anyway, the wedding was still a week away and Artemis needed to hunt a dress down.

    Well a week passed faster then expected but Artemis found a nice dress for the wedding. She was going to meet Priscilla there so a lot needed to be done before hand. She painted her nails blue and her dress was green with blue trimmings and a blue sash that sat around her waist. She opted out of high heel shoes. Her dress was long enough where it covered her feet but even though she rather of gone bare foot she wore a nice pair of roman style sandals. Once she was ready she head to the location of the wedding. The venue was very fancy, and looked to be really expensive. Artemis held back from drooling when she thought about what kind of food this wedding would have to offer during the reception. But first she would need to find Priscilla in this mess of people.


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    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Sumdumguy 27th July 2014, 5:50 pm

    Suddenly, Artemis would feel a pair of familiar arms wrap around her belly, and a familiar face rest its chin on her shoulder. "Sup, pups?" Priscilla asked with a giggle. Letting go of her hug to let Artemis turn around, the ancient girl smiled in her teenage form and folded her arms in front of her. Her dress was similar to the one she wore when in her adult form, except a bit less revealing specifically for the occasion. Her red heels clicked against the floor whenever she took a step, and she looked generally appealing. "Soooo... You ready to keep an eye out for that weirdo the bride lady was talkin' about?" she asked, walking next to her lover and wrapping an arm around her side. She wasn't being provocative nor suggesting anything with where she placed her hand, as she wanted to keep it all clean until the reception was over, or at least later during it. The two would be able to slip out and find a quiet place for them to start more of their activities that both of them loved so much.

    "I kinda hope he shows up though... I do wanna see how you do in a fight, after all." Priscilla said. Sighing, she begun looking around making sure that said boyfriend wasn't here before sighing and leaning into Artemis. "He's not here yet, but he will be... eventually... until then, let's just enjoy the wedding, okay?" she said, leaning into Artemis and sighing happily. "I love you so much..."

    Last edited by Sumdumguy on 30th July 2014, 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Artemis 29th July 2014, 9:12 pm

    "Not much, just looking at the prettiest woman in the room." said Artemis cheerfully. She said it in a low enough tone so that no one other then Priscilla would hopefully be able to hear. Just from over hearing other conversations, the bride had become a bit of a bridezilla and she did want to incur that wrath.

    "You really do look amazing. And I wouldn't get your hopes up if I were you. I have a good feeling about this. We are going to breeze through this job with no issue, have fun at the reception, I plan on drinking a lot, I haven't really had any alcohol in a while. And then after the married couple are on their way, we can steal a few slices of cake and a nice little 'food fight' that we can both enjoy." said Artemis as she leaned in. But Artemis felt like something was off about this whole wedding, as much as she hoped this crazy ex wouldn't show up he probably would. She couldn't help but shake the looming feeling of doom. The pair began to head to their seats, passing by a mirror on the way.

    "Crap! I knew I forgot something." said Artemis looking at their reflection. She reached up to her neck and sign. She almost teared up a bit. She actually spent a lot of money on that collar. I was gold and had red gems on it, and the buckle was made of silver as well the hoop part of the collar.

    "I picked out a really nice looking collar to wear to this wedding and I left it at home." said Artemis with a sign after explaining what it looked like to Priscilla. After that she just shuffled to her seat.


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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by NPC 29th July 2014, 9:12 pm

    The member 'Artemis' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] StrongMonster

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Sumdumguy 30th July 2014, 3:02 pm

    "You mean this collar?" Priscilla said with a grin. From behind her, she seemingly produced the collar that Artemis was talking about. Without any explanation as to how she got it, Priscilla simply smiled and proceeded to put it around Artemis' neck for her with a warm smile. "It looks good on you Arty." she said after finishing and looking down at the collar happily. She really did like how it looked on her lover. Opening her mouth to say something, the ancient woman was unfortunately interrupted by the doors to the wedding hall being flung open forcefully. All eyes and heads turned to look at what could be making such an interruption, only for those in the crowd to gasp in shock. Standing there in the now open doorway was the ex-boyfriend of the bride.

    "Well he's here early." Priscilla muttered with a playful smile. "Welp, I hope you have fun stopping him from doing... whatever it is he tries to do. I'm gonna sit here and watch."

    And with that, Priscilla playfully nudged Artemis in the direction of the ex-boyfriend. It appeared he had been drinking, as he was both carrying a wine bottle that looked empty and was stumbling around quite a bit. While she didn't intend to make Artemis do ALL of the work, Priscilla did want to see how she diffused the situation, so for the moment she just sat and waited. If things got out of hand she wouldn't hesitate to jump in and fix things herself, as she was expecting Artemis to want to see how she did in battle as well. However, until things got out of hand, Priscilla simply sat back and watched her girlfriend go to work. Hopefully it would be easy for her.


    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Posts : 180
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    Experience : 162.5

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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Artemis 30th July 2014, 5:41 pm

    Artemis' face lite up and Priscilla pulled her collar out of the shadows and placed it on her neck. Simple things like that made Priscilla amazing. Artemis yawned and got ready for the ceremony. She honestly found most wedding ceremonies boring, but she could just rest her head on Priscilla's shoulder. The groom was waiting at the alter and after a few moments the bride was walking down the aisle. But she wasn't even at the alter for a minute before someone burst into the church, yelling to stop the wedding. Artemis sighed in agreement with Priscilla, she was hoping if he were to show up it would be later.

    "Wait what! P-Priscilla! I can't!" said Artemis was she was nudged in the direction of the Ex. She would of tried to turn around and hide behind Priscilla if it wasn't for the fact that the entire church was now staring at her. She shuffled up to the ex-boyfriend. Hoping that this could be done easily enough and it end with no fighting.

    "E-Excuse me. I-I'm going to have to ask you to leave." stuttered Artemis. It was obvious to tell how nervous she was. She was never really good with people to start with, unless she was drunk. The ex-boyfriend stared at her, fire in his eyes that said I dare you.

    "P-Please sir, we don't need to make this a scene." said Artemis. She put her hand on the man's shoulder to try and turn him and around and get him to head out the door, but it quickly back fired.

    "Get the hell off of me!" shouted the Ex. He raised up his hand and struck and Artemis, sending her flying back. She hit on the the benches hard and moaned from the pain and she forced herself back up. Artemis seemed a bit different, a bit off. Her eyes where a bit glazed over, like she was living slightly out of her past. She quietly raised her hand, gathered the magic power and cast a spell. Shortly after the room was filled with a buzz as a swarm of wasps now filled the room, flying towards the ex-boyfriend.

    Spells used:



    Rank ups::

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Sumdumguy 5th August 2014, 7:28 pm

    The moment the man put his hand on Artemis in the way he did, Priscilla's expression changed completely. Jolting upright from her seat, the woman strode quickly over to Artemis and reached out to put a hand on the girl's shoulder as she rose from the pile of rubble before pausing. Something was off with Arty... but what? The next thing she knew was that there was a massive swarm of wasps flying straight towards the ex-boyfriend. Did Artemis do that? It seemed so, meaning that her magic was some sort of bug or nature based one. Knowing Arty, it was most likely the latter. However, much to her dismay, Priscilla watched the wasps close in on the man, only to quickly fall to the floor dead when they got close. There was no warning, no visible field of magic or anything, they just... died. Maybe it was some kind of death magic, or possibly even anti-magic... thing.

    The people in the wedding hall were panicking and were quickly getting up to pile out the door. The bride and groom had also seemingly vanished, and the only three left in the wedding hall were the ex-boyfriend, Artemis, and Priscilla. Looking over her shoulder at the ex-boyfriend, he seemed livid. Not only that but he was approaching Priscilla.

    "You have one final chance to leave." she called out to the man across the wedding hall. He didn't even seem to be listening. Well, it was his loss anyways. A few seconds passed and Priscilla turned her attention to Artemis, a smile crossing her lips as she did so. "Are you alright Arty? Sorry, I guess I underestimated the guy. I'll take care of him quickly and then we can call the people back inside, 'kay?" she said quickly before sighing and closing her eyes.

    "You think you can beat me? Hah, I'll show you just-" the man was cut off, as he came into range of Priscilla and reached out to grab her hair. Before he could finish his sentence or grab hold of Priscilla, he was struck directly in the stomach by a fist that appeared out of thin air.

    "Soft & Wet..." Priscilla muttered slowly, making sure the seemingly perverted words were heard by both Artemis and the ex-boyfriend.

    In an instant, a yellow figure emerged from Priscilla's back, making it clear where the fist came from. The man opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a golden hand punching him square in the chin, sending him flying backwards and into the door.

    "I gave you a warning and you still declined. It's your fault you're going to need to go to the hospital in just a few seconds." Priscilla said, looking over her shoulder at the man who was slowly rising from the pile of debris. "I'll make sure you have trouble walking for the next month after coming here for your petty revenge."


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    Last edited by Sumdumguy on 7th August 2014, 4:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Artemis 6th August 2014, 7:55 pm

    Artemis' eyes widen as she say her wasps starting to die. She tried to pull the swarm back, but she was to slow and it died it it's entirety. She was useless now, that was the only thing she had against the man and now it was gone. Priscilla was besides her, so she would be able to see the frustration that hide under her now blank expression. Was she really that weak? She thought she was some what strong, after being able to escape her pass life when she was pretty much confined to the basement. But she couldn't beat up some punk who was pissed off about his ex getting married.

    Most of the people had escaped the wedding hall at this point, only leaving her, Priscilla and the ex. The ex charged at them again only to be hit right in the chest by a floating yellow hand. Artemis seemed to snap out of her stupor when she heard Priscilla say 'soft and wet' in a really seductive tone. Artemis was at full attention by the time the yellow guardian was in full view and hit the ex across the room. Artemis' eyes widen again. She knew that Priscilla was stronger then her, but she really didn't seem to understand the gap in their strengths till now.

    It would probably be best if Artemis stood back for now. She would be able to help Priscilla if she got hurt or if she could move fast enough maybe throw a shield up.


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    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Sumdumguy 7th August 2014, 4:51 pm

    With a grunt, the ex-boyfriend pushed himself upwards and wiped the bit of blood that was leaking from his mouth. The two punches he had just taken were quite powerful, enough to crack a rib or two. Not only that, but whatever that yellow thing was, it was fast. Much faster than anything the man had seen before. There was only a slight flicker before he had been hit, making it known the thing could move faster than the eye could see, but only slightly. Even still, that was faster than him, so he would have to be creative to get rid of it.

    Priscilla on the other hand, had not budged. She only wore a sly smirk on her face as if she knew she already won. That was because she practically had. This man was incapable of dealing with Priscilla's magic, it seemed, unless he had something else under his sleeve. Priscilla merely looked over her shoulder at the man, just in time to see a spherical blue projectile slam into her back. The woman let out a gasp and was flung across the room and into the wall. However, before Priscilla could hit the wall, the summon known as 'Soft & Wet' punched the wall that she was headed for. Two seconds later, upon impact, Priscilla hit the wall with a quiet thud and hit the ground, seemingly unharmed at all. All she did was get up, brush herself off, and turn to look back at the ex.

    "Come on guy, just stop trying and let my pummel you already. I don't wanna have to use any more energy than I have to, I need it for me and my girlfriend's activities later." the woman said with a sly grin. It even seemed like she was unfazed by the fact she just hit a wall as well, causing the ex even more confusion.

    "The hell is this bitch...?"


    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Artemis 9th August 2014, 3:15 pm

    "P-Priscilla!" yelled Artemis as she saw Priscilla go flying. What hit her exactly? Artemis didn't see anything attack Priscilla. Maybe it was something they couldn't see normally. Artemis looked on at the battle, worried about Priscilla. Artemis could not help but sigh in relief as Priscilla stood up, seemingly unharmed.But ho was that possible? Something like that must of really hurt, even if she was protected from hitting the wall. Was Priscilla really that strong? Sheesh, Artemis was starting to feel more and more useless as this fight went on. Although her transparency in this fight seem to be ending soon. The man who was previously focused on Priscilla quickly turned his attention to Artemis. Artemis eye's widen as she realized what was going to happen. She threw her hands up to cast a spell.

    But it came to late. Artemis felt something invisible hit her square in the stomach. She coughed as the air forcefully left her lungs. She flew backwards and hit the wall hard. She crumbled to the floor, gasping for air to return to her lung. A couple of nick-nacks that where on the wall fell off. Some landed on her but a few missed. Her visions swam as she laid on the ground, fighting to stay conscious. What had hit her? It felt kind of like a fist but it was to large. It felt really hard to stay awake. Whatever hit her, hit her hard. She blinked a couple of times in an attempt to stay awake. The Ex had started to make his way closer to Artemis, probably realizing that if he can't take Prisicilla on that Artemis would be a piece of cake.


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    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Sumdumguy 16th August 2014, 6:36 pm

    Before Priscilla could act and push Artemis out of the way, the vampire had to stand and watch her girlfriend get viciously attacked by a spell from the man. She couldn't see what hit her, but she knew it had made contact once Artemis was sent flying. And that was the moment that Priscilla snapped. She shot forward, propelling herself and shattering the ground underneath from the sheer force. The ex-boyfriend hardly managed to give her a side glance before feeling the force of something slam into his side repeatedly and painfully. From Artemis' point of view, Priscilla was standing just next to the man and the golden guardian known as Soft & Wet was punching the man at inhumane speeds.

    "How dare you strike my mate!" Priscilla roared in fury. "Know your place, mortal!"

    A few seconds passed as Soft & Wet eat down on the ex before rearing back and striking him in the chin, sending him crashing into the ceiling above them. Priscilla scowled and ran her hand through her hair messing it up a bit but not too much. "Don't come down, destroying these sacred grounds is far more appealing than being forced to see your face again."

    Turning back to Artemis, Priscilla rushed to her side to make sure she was okay, an actual look of worry in her eye. "Are you alright, love?" she would ask, her hand gently grasping Artemis' and squeezing it tight. "I swear if that man gave you any permanent injuries..." The woman frowned and averted her eyes. She would kill him, if he hurt Artemis that much, but she wouldn't tell her mate that out loud. It might scare her, and Priscilla didn't want that, especially not now.

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Artemis 17th August 2014, 11:22 am

    Artemis grunted in pain as she felt Priscilla's hand wrap around her tightly. She still felt really out of it, and wasn't one hundred percent sure what had just happened. She coughed, covering her mouth as she did. When she backed up a bit there was a small amount of blood on her arm and some blood trickled down the side of her mouth. Her eyes widened as she saw the blood. Her body became rigid as she looked at the blood. She started to panic, she tried to move backwards but only ended up pushing herself farther up the wall. It was taking all of her strength not to scream at the sight of her own blood. Any possible attempts of Priscilla talking to her just fell on deaf ears.

    She pulled her hand from Priscilla's vice like grip. Although it could simply be that Priscilla let her hand go when she tried to pull away. She could fix this... she knew she could. She new a spell that would work, but she never actually tried it on herself. She didn't even know if it would work. She hovered her hands over the spot where she got hit and tried to use the spell. At first it looked like it would work but after two seconds the spell died out. This just caused Artemis to panic even more. She kept trying and trying to cast the spell again only for it to fizzle away. Her eyes darted around the room, finally landing on Priscilla. Artemis' eyes where full of fear as it slowly began to sink in that something was off and she couldn't fix herself.


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    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Sumdumguy 18th August 2014, 5:22 pm

    Priscilla opened her mouth to speak but realized that Artemis wasn't listening. From her reaction, she could tell that the wolf wasn't used to seeing her own blood. It was kind of sad but somewhat understandable. Either that or she grew scared of seeing it over the years. She recalled Artemis telling her how badly she was treated by others, she could understand if she was afraid after that. Reaching out to gently grasp Artemis' arm to wipe away the blood, Priscilla was interrupted by something flying past her...

    ...and impaling Artemis in the chest.

    Priscilla hadn't even heard the explosion that the ex-boyfriend had caused, which in turn freed him from the hole in the ceiling he was stuck in.

    "You... bitch!" The man yelled at Priscilla, clearly furious at the pain she had caused him. "How DARE you hit m-" He was cut off at that point, by Priscilla's hand shooting straight into his chest.

    "Talking like that makes it look like you think you're important. Don't you know there's no such thing as importance when it comes to humans?"

    Did he hear her, or was he too in shock that Priscilla was now standing there, hand in his chest and wrapped around his heart. Whether he did or didn't, he deserved to be punished. Murder didn't faze Priscilla anymore anyways. Doing it your entire life for hundreds of years would do that to you. No more pain, no more caring. Just the ability to kill without repercussions. 

    "And with that, I forbid you farewell." was all she would say before twisting herself back and pulling his heart straight out of his chest. "I believe we will meet in hell again."

    Another second passed and Priscilla was back at Artemis' side, her face having lost its seriousness and now showing a look of both fear and sorrow. Just by looking at her lover, she already knew her choices. The wound was too fatal to use healing magic on, and she would die before any proficient healers could get here. It was either let her die or... Priscilla didn't even want to think of the second option. She had promised herself she wouldn't do that anymore, but it seemed that she was being given the option again. Oh how tempting it was, even if she would only be allowed a few more hours with her lover before the realization hit in. The realization of what she would have become at that point. It saddened Priscilla immensely just to think about it.

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Artemis 18th August 2014, 6:38 pm

    Artemis' eyes widened and she felt the large, splintered wooden pole pierced her flesh. She could scream in pain but all that came out was a whole lot blood. Artemis started to panic again, her eyes locked on the wooden pole sticking out of her. She was able to pull her eyes away to look at Priscilla. But she couldn't find her. She saw to figures standing in the middle of the church but couldn't make them out very well. Her vision was starting to swim and blur. And then as if Priscilla could hear her thoughts, she was next to her. The two people in the middle of the church where gone. Was one of them Priscilla. Does that mean the other was the Ex? But what happened to him? She couldn't tell, her vision was now starting to fade as well. Was this the end for her? She didn't really live that long and she had only recently became truly free. She had gotten a girlfriend and had made so many friends at her guild. But this was it?

    Artemis coughed again, blood getting everywhere. She moved her hand blindly, trying to find Priscilla's. Once she did she wrapped her hand around Priscilla's. At least her final moment where with the one she loved. There could be worse things, she could be far away from anyone, with no one to be there with her. Artemis breathing started to become labored as her lungs became to collapse and fill with blood. There was just one more thing... one last thing she wanted to do before she passed one. Using her hands she found Priscilla's face, finding her lips with her fingers. Painfully she lifted her body up and met with Priscilla's lips with her own. One final kiss before she passed one. There was so much she had wanted to do with her life, but at least she could pass on in piece now. She lowered her body back down the best she could with out flat out falling. Resting on the wall. She felt so tired, she just wanted to fall asleep now. Artemis closed her eyes slowly.

    "I-I'm sorry, It seems that I broke my promise and I'm leaving you all alone again." said Artemis with labored breathes. And like that the world started to fade into darkness.


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    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Sumdumguy 18th August 2014, 7:02 pm

    Time. There was no time. For once in her life, she didn't have time for something. And she couldn't get more either. She hadn't needed it before, as she was timeless, but now... Artemis was going to die. No, it couldn't end like this! As much as she didn't want to, she would have to. She would have to do THAT. That thing she promised her mother that she would never do, just before she passed on as well. But before, she could realize it, she was locked in a brief kiss with Artemis. She could already taste her lover's coppery blood, the familiarity of it making Priscilla cringe a little. So many bad memories, ones that were now resurfacing in what was probably the worst time. Was she panicking? She listened briefly to her heartbeat to check. Yeah, she was panicking. Her thoughts were jumbled, her heart was racing like it hadn't in years, and now of all times was the time she had to make one of the biggest decisions of her life. And that was saying something, considering some of the things she had done in her past.

    Hearing her lover's words, Priscilla shook her head and hoped that Artemis would forgive her for this. Without hesitation, she decided, and reached up to grab the wooden pole that had pierced her love's chest. "I'm so sorry, Artemis." she said, pulling the pole out quickly and tossing it aside. With that, she leaned Artemis' head to one side and eyed her neck. This was a bad idea. A really really bad idea. The only idea.

    Artemis was probably already unconscious, meaning that she wouldn't feel the painful bite of Priscilla's teeth digging into her neck to drain the tiniest amount of blood. Shortly afterwards, the wolf would undergo a change, both mentally and physically. A tear rolled down Priscilla's cheek as she pulled away. The hole was already starting to close up in Artemis' chest, and the girl would wake up.

    "I'm sorry..." Priscilla mumbled as she clenched her teeth. "I couldn't... protect you..."

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    Wedding Crashers [Priscilla] Empty Re: Wedding Crashers [Priscilla]

    Post by Artemis 18th August 2014, 8:01 pm

    Artemis wasn't dead... how? She felt like she was floating in a black void. Was this what death was and she was just imagining it? No she could tell she was alive. She just floated for awhile, unable to move, until her eyes opened. The light was blinding, her arm shot up to cover her eyes. Wait sunlight? It was the evening when they where at the wedding. Wait wasn't she at a wedding. She sat up, resting on her elbow. She expected pain but felt none. What? Artemis looked down. Other then the silk sheets and blanket that previously covered her upper torso, she was completely bare. The only thing she still wore was the ornate collar she had worn to the wedding. Was it the next day? How did she get here? Artemis took a look around, she recognized the room. It was part of Priscilla's mansion, but Artemis couldn't see Priscilla. Artemis got up out the bed, her feet a bit shaky.

    She walked to the closet and pulled out a silk robe. She wrapped it around herself, covering herself completely. But as she tied it, she changed her mind. She opened the robe a bit. Her chest could now be seen but not so much where you saw anything more then a bit of the side of her breasts. Looking out the window the Sun was well up into the sky, it had to be the next day. And then a curious thought appeared in her mind. She ran to the Bathroom and looked in the mirror. Her chest was perfect, none of the blemishes that existed where there and neither was the gaping hole in her chest that should be there. Not even a scar to prove it's existence. The whole experience was strange to her. But then she noticed something. When she opened her mouth for a bit there was something that caught her eyes. She opened her mouth and saw two very large and sharp fangs, a lot large then her normal fangs. Artemis left out a scream before covering her mouth.


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