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    Anon Brier: Light Make Magic

    Anon Brier
    Anon Brier

    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 12
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light Make Magic
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    Completed Anon Brier: Light Make Magic

    Post by Anon Brier 19th July 2017, 8:31 pm


    Primary Magic: Maker Magic: Light Make
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you trained for goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description:Light Make Magic is a Caster Magic and a is considered in the genus species of Molding magic in the Light Magic tree. Light-Make involves uses the element of light, which is energy that's a form of electromagnetic radiation, visible to the naked eye. Like most other forms of Maker Magic, Light-Maker is strange when compared to other elemental magics. It lacks the power of other elemental make magic, but offers a lot more versatility and creativity that is only limited by the caster's imagination. It is considered the most versatile of the maker magics.

    To cast light make magic, Anon claps his hands together and then points the palms at his target. Depending on the spell he wishes to cast, this can changed. Should he be casting defensive spells, Anon would cross his arms in an 'x' shape over his torso as though he were guarding. Burst spells would simply be cast without a tell, the spell circle usually appearing below the user.


    • Extremely Versatile: Able to be used offensively or defensively.
    • Unhindered Creativity: Light Make magic has the ability to use all four categories of magic (Single/Multi Target, Area of Effect, and Burst.)


    • Friendly Fire: Such is the way of light, spells from this type of magic are able to hit allies and can't be cast to exclude targets in their area of effect
    • Lack of Power: While extremely versatile and creative, this magic is weaker than other maker magic and will either do less damage or have less range than its rank.
    • Extra Effort: When in darkened areas or against dark magic, light make takes 5% more (of maximum) mp to cast. IE: Instead of 10% it would be 15%

    Arm of Destiny:

    Description: Long ago, there was a famed demon hunter. It was said that he never brought any tools with him. No swords, no bow, he didn't even use magic. He used one hand, the hand that shot forth a brilliant beam of pure light energy. It was bestowed upon him by the gods when he swore to hunt to down all that was evil after his family’s tragic death. He destroyed many demons, and while his name remains a mystery, his legend and powerful lineage lives on to this day, scattered throughout the world.

    Ability: The user can call forth a powerful laser of light energy to decimate whatever lies ahead of them. 20 meter range + 20 meters per rank over D(Max 100 meters at S-rank).  TThe user pulls back their hand (right or left, whichever arm they we’re bestowed with) gathering up energy before thrusting it forward to unleash the devastating beam.
    The beam deals double the user’s rank in spell damage, 2 meter wide +2m per rank above D(max 10 meters wide at S-rank) and 20 meters range + 20 meters per rank above D(max 100 meter range).

    Usage: One use per thread. After use the user will not be able to use spells for 1 post.

    Unique Abilities:

    Body Glow: A passive ability that activates in dark and dimly lit areas. The user's body glows like the sun, bathing the area within ten meters(10m) around him in light. It allows the user to be able to see in areas that one would normally have a hard time doing so. The drawback for this is that it can not be turned off and makes him more of a target for those who hide in the dark as the glow practically radiates from a distance. Easier for him to see, but easier for others to find him.

    Day Vision: During the day, in well-lit areas, or just in a perpetual sunlight land, the user is able to pick out minute details and changes in the landscape up to fifteen meters away with the precision of a hawk. The downside is that while in darkened areas, looking further than ten meters has everything becoming blurry masses and fine details are completely lost on the light mage. When re-entering light, it takes a full post for the user's eyes to re-adjust.

    Light Fists: A side effect of being a light magic user, when punching and swinging their fists, the user's hands generate light magic that give them the ability to strike for 5hp with each pair of strikes landed(two strikes, added onto unarmed damage). The hands of the user will have trails of bright light following with each swing, which can be eaten by light dragon slayers or cancelled out with dark magic. Should either happen, this ability will be null until the next topic.

    Name Light Make: Solar Flare
    Rank: D
    Type: Light|Area of Effect
    Fused Spells-
    Description: The user focuses their mana and expels it in the form of a blinding flash that will blind a target, dealing no damage. It will cause the target affected to be unable to see for two posts and covers a smaller radius(15m) around the user compared to other D-Rank spells. The targets or those affected will feel a burning in their eyes as though they dared stare at the sun too long. This spell makes it harder for the target to see. (Same rank and lower sees 50% less than normal distance while a rank above only 25%. Two ranks higher unaffected.)
    Duration: Two Posts
    Cooldown: Four Posts

    • Makes it harder for the target to see. (Same rank and lower sees 50% less than normal distance while a rank above only 25%. Two ranks higher unaffected.)
    • Gives a Burning Feeling in Eyes/Makes Eyes Water


    • Can Hit User
    • Can Hit Allies
    • Half range of normal D-Rank (15m)

    Name Light Make: Mirage
    Rank: D
    Type: Light|Burst
    Fused Spells-
    Description: The user focuses their mana inwardly into the body and creates a near perfect mirror image of themselves. They are then able to step out of the way, allowing the image to take their place. The image itself actually has no shadow to speak of and doesn't affect the world around it in any real way. Should it be struck, the strike will pass right through it, the image retaining form until the magic wears off or is released. The user can not move more than twenty meters(20m) from their mirage.
    Duration: One Post
    Cooldown: Two Posts

    • Mirror Copy of User


    • Can not attack
    • Glows as it is made of light(Easy to discern from real thing)
    • User can only move 20m away before it fades

    Name Light Make: Shield
    Rank: D
    Type: Light|Defensive
    Fused Spells-
    Description: The user concentrates magic around their body and forces it outward into a barrier around themselves and those within range. The barrier is made up on pure, blinding light and masks those inside from viewers outside of the shield.  The user must stay in the position the spell was cast in while this spell is active, or they will be unable to maintain it. The barrier will extend to encompass up to three people (counting the user) and can only extend to protect those people if they are within twenty meters(20m) of the user. 2 D-Rank spells and one C-Rank spell will break the barrier.
    Duration: Two Posts
    Cooldown: Three Posts

    • Blocks line of sight for those outside the barrier
    • Can be shaped as it forms to suit needs


    • Dark Magic takes one less spell to break through
    • Can not move without losing spell
    • Only extends for a maximum radius of 20m

      Name Light Make: FIRIN MAH LAZOR
      Rank: D
      Type: Light|Offensive
      Fused Spells-
      Description: The user focuses their mana around their body and when they cast this spell, pushes it outwards to form a face made of pure light that stands ten meters tall. The only feature this face has is a mouth, which will then open and shoot out a beam of light that has a circular radius of five meters. This beam of light will blast out for thirty meters(30m), doing ten HP damage to any in its path. The beam travels at thirty meters per second. Upon reaching thirty meters(30m) the beam will dissipate.
      Duration: Instant
      Cooldown: Two Posts

      • Multi-target spell capable of hitting any in its way
      • Lights up area if dark

    • Can only be shot straight forward
    • Can't move during firing
    • Avatar face can be broken with equal rank magic, cancelling spell.

    Last edited by Anon Brier on 28th July 2017, 1:36 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Anon Brier: Light Make Magic IsdkYKo

    Jobs Completed


    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Completed Re: Anon Brier: Light Make Magic

    Post by Hania 27th July 2017, 5:08 pm

    Hello Anon, my name is Tamashi and I will be your grader this time around, I do apologise for your wait. Any and all requests of mine will be made in This wonderful shade of purple. Any concerns, worries or questions you may have can be directed to me through private message or if you use discord direct message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

    With that all being said, lets begin shall we?

    The Grading:

    Once again I apologise for the wait, a few simple edits to be done. When they're complete either bump the thread, send me a private message or a direct message on discord and I will come back as soon as I can.


    Anon Brier: Light Make Magic 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requiem
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    Completed Re: Anon Brier: Light Make Magic

    Post by Hania 28th July 2017, 1:37 pm

    Anon Brier: Light Make Magic THwUvUP


    Anon Brier: Light Make Magic 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:15 pm