Suggestion Idea Name: Chatbox Moderator(s) own username color
Suggestion Details: Chatbox Moderator(s) having their own username color to distinct them from the other staff members.
Why is Moka suggesting this? It's pointless isn't it? Nope, Nope, nope. Essentially every day at least once I gotta tell people. "Nope can't unlock/lock/move/approve your apps/jobs/topics. I'm just a Chatbox moderator" I think it'll make it just a bit more easier for everyone if C-box Moderator(s) [Cause let's be honest. There was more than 1 C-box only Moderator before] had something that just screamed: "Hey! I'm a C-box mod! I can't do the same things that Moderators do because I don't have the powers too!"
Other Information: #FF00FF <---Possible color? Yes the color does look like this. Only one I can think of. Feel free to suggest another~
Feel free to shoot this down. But if you do. Please give like another suggestion as to how to keep this from happening. And I'm assuming someone on here is going to mention:
"Have no Chatbox Moderators alive at all! There problem solved. Not much Chatbox Moderators do anyway soo..."
or something among those lines. And I give you a counter argument for this. Moderators can not be on 24/7 and the c-box can get pretty cray cray at times. A C-box moderator goal is to keep peace within the chatty. They can punish both staff members and members.
Seijin quote time!
Sources: wrote:
Information: Chatbox Moderators are in charge of making sure nobody starts a flame war or an unnecessary argument in the chatbox. They have the right to enforce other staff members that break any rules in the chatbox. They have the power to kick players as a warning and ban players if they repeat the offense (and they have to notify an administrator if they do). All moderators are naturally chatbox moderators.