Name: Sword of the Gathering Heavens(The Sword of Empty Promises)
Rank: Weak
Type:Sword Hilt
- Spoiler:
-Is that the fabled sword...: Nothing makes for a great bluff then a super accurate replica of an all powerful legendary katana.
-If it's sharp I can kill with it: While it isn't the best sword in the world nor is it magical Von is a highly trained swordsman from Midi. If it has a blade he can use it to great effect.
-Magnet Force: Blades are metal, metal is magnetic. Von can enhance his sword attacks with his magnet magic.
-It's just some sword: While it looks special it's just a sharp piece of metal.
-No magic: No magic to be found here, none at all.
-Short Range: As it is a sword his range is limited.
-Hands on: The sword is an entire 5 feet long which makes it heavy, Von needs both hands on the sword to use it effectively.