☽ T H E P E N D A N T O F P R O M I S E S ☾
Name: The Pendant of Promises.
Rank: Multipart ||| Strong+ Magical Item, Strong+ Magical Item, Strong+ Magical Item.
Type: Magical Necklace.
☽ A strangely-designed pair of necklaces that are precisely identical and hold the energy of the dragons that the priestesses worship. The metal is made of silver and diamonds, while the chain is made of a similar silver; they both glisten when light shines upon them.
☽ Grants the twins many advantages in battle.
☽ Cannot benefit allies unless the individual is wearing both of the necklaces at once.
☽ A B I L I T I E S ☾
☽ ウェルビーイング: Passively, the twins retain a 70% increase to their health.
☽ 長寿: Passively, the twins retain a 70% increase to their MP.
☽ 健康: Passively, the twins regenerate their health by 5% every other post.
☽ マナ: Passively, the twins regenerate their mana by 5% every post.