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    Baddie Breakout [Willow]

    Kaz Valent
    Kaz Valent

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    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Baddie Breakout [Willow] Empty Baddie Breakout [Willow]

    Post by Kaz Valent 14th August 2024, 7:12 pm

    Outside the quiet town of Clover a cage carrying cart tumbled along the dirt roads. Surrounding it was a platoon of Rune Knights led by a lieutenant. It was not a particularly strong platoon, the six dark mages in the cage were low priority and Clover Town was a naturally quiet place. They were still trained knights, so when a tall man with long dark hair stumbled into the road in front of them every knight stopped and took a defensive stance.

    Despite their wariness, the man did not leap and attack them. Instead he stumbled around drunkenly, first almost falling backward before taking a few unsteady steps that left him near one of the knights. One of the man’s hands went to his mouth as if to stop himself from puking while the other was held slightly in front of him to help with balance.

    “Get out of the way boozer,” the knight said, reaching his arm out to push the other man away. He did not get to finish the action as a blade made of flesh and bone erupted from his back, the other end of the blade connected to the drunk’s outstretched arm.

    Shock ran through the knights for a moment, but then they raised up their staves. In retaliation the now decidedly not drunk Kaz lifted the dying knight up to use as a shield causing the knights to pause momentarily, not wanting to hit their comrade. This was their second mistake, as while they watched the man gave one last scream of agony before his body melted into the dark mage's, leaving only clothes behind.

    As the knight disappeared, Kaz’s muscles rippled and they grew in size. Once the body was completely gone, his enhanced legs sent him hurtling toward another knight who did not even have a chance to blink before his head was sent flying from his shoulders. The next nearest knight attempted to strike at him, but only found air as Kaz dropped down.

    His arm returned to its normal form, allowing him to push against the ground to kick back at the knight. The outstretched leg melded together to form a new blade, catching the attacking knight in the throat.

    By now the remaining knights had gathered themselves and would no longer be caught by Kaz’s unexpected movements. Pressing himself against the cart bought him a few precious seconds as he called out to the nearby trees with a feral grin. “That’s your cue, gorgeous!”


    Last edited by Kaz Valent on 15th August 2024, 6:26 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 7,143

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Law Slayer
    Second Skill: Curious Case of Willow
    Third Skill: Weaver of Fate

    Baddie Breakout [Willow] Empty Re: Baddie Breakout [Willow]

    Post by Willow 15th August 2024, 5:16 pm

    Willow Banner
    Right or wrong, it's very pleasant to break something from time to time.

    The trees shuffled only once to indicate that anything -- or rather anyone -- might be in them. Then a figure burst through the thicket of leaves and branches in a grand, flipping leap into the air above the crowded Rune Knights. Two long braids waved behind the head of the so-called ‘gorgeous’ person that had emerged in such grandiose fashion and he was correct, Willow was quite the looker. The manic Xocili giggled as she pivoted her body to face towards the ground and the grouping of men and women that had begun to turn and inspect the direction he had yelled towards. Her arm whipped out and away from her, a flash of light reflected the sun off a small gold key in her hand.

    A booming sound of a gong resonated through the immediate area as another figure breached through the thin barrier of their reality and the Spirit Realm. The featureless face and monochrome flesh were easily missed against the bright colors around the gaping hole in its chest and the circular halo that clung close to its back.“Libra! Gravity Shift!” the woman yelled out with glee and her spirit obeyed, holding out his hands in front of him. All at once, it was like the gravity had been suctioned out of the area, leaving the Rune Knights and the woman herself weightless. The soldiers floated up from the earth, a few of them panicking as they couldn’t keep themselves grounded. The woman giggled before she inhaled deeply, the gravity that had been stolen gifted to her by her always obedient servant.

    All at once, she fell on top of one of the Rune Knights, slamming him into the ground with the force of a boulder. He made a sickening crunch as his form impressed into the road, a gasp the only other sound that could be made as his life was brought to a brutal but swift end. The braided woman grabbed the closest Rune Knight next to her as she rolled to her feet, the officer of the law staring at her in panic. “God of Law’s…” she chanted as she swung the female Rune Knight up and caught her by the foot, essentially holding her by neck and ankle.

    Intense power resonated off of her and impressed upon the woman. And before everyone’s eyes, the Rune Knight began to shrink, her screams drowned out by the whine and shriek of metal and bone. Willow’s hands moved towards one another and the Rune Knight continued to compress into a singular, smaller form until the dark wizard’s hands came together. Then when she pulled them apart, a round metal ball, leaking viscera, sat perfectly in the palm of her hand. “Maximum Sentence,’ she added with a grin, completing the spell’s chant before casually tossing the ball over her shoulder.

    Willow snapped her fingers and the gravity in the area returned to normal. Sliding on a pair of headphones, she glanced over at Kaz and winked at him as she casually placed herself between the cart and the group, effectively surrounding them with Kaz on the other side “So which one of y’all wants to take a stab at tryin’ to stop us? Cuz if ya don’t, we’re gonna butcher each and everyone of ya and then probably screw like rabbits on your corpses.” It was hard to tell if she was just saying that to terrify the Rune Knights or if it was a cold hearted promise but either way, she could almost taste the trepidation run through the officers.

    WORDS: 594 | @Trinity  
    Serilda Sinclair


    Baddie Breakout [Willow] GMD1cGPt_o
    Character | Junk | Stuff
    Kaz Valent
    Kaz Valent

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 30
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Experience : 1,268

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    Baddie Breakout [Willow] Empty Re: Baddie Breakout [Willow]

    Post by Kaz Valent 15th August 2024, 6:25 pm

    Watching as the guards floated up into the air, Kaz had to appreciate her work. It took a special kind of person to kill with such style. A completely crazy person, but that was what made her so interesting. Naturally what went up eventually had to come down, and once again turning his arm into a blade he shoved it through the heart of one of the knights gravity had so handily dropped before him.

    Between Kaz’s sudden violence and Willow’s manipulation of gravity, some of the junior knights lost their composure completely. The pungent smell of urine assailed his enhanced nostrils, but rather than be put off he saw it as a sign that the mission was going well. “Never done it on a corpse,” he said thoughtfully, sounding completely serious. “Sounds like a delightfully novel experience.”

    Terrified by the back and forth, the knight with the wet pants made a break for it. “Get back here!” one of the knights called, revealing himself as the one leading the platoon. Grateful for the foolish knight desperately trying to make a run for it, Kaz leapt forward at a speed the fleeing knight could not hope to beat. It would be inconvenient if there were any living witnesses among the knights, but rather than simply cutting him down, the dark mage transformed the fingers of his other hand into small blades and jammed them into the other man’s back.

    Even as the man released a scream of pain, Kaz lifted him into the air by his bladed fingers and spun around on one foot. A moment later a fireball slammed into the unfortunate human shield screaming even louder as his robes caught on fire.

    “If you could make sure their leader’s head is intact after you kill him, that would be lovely,” he called out to Willow as he dropped the flaming body to the ground.

    Leaving proof that Divine Calamity was behind this attack had been underscored as the most important part of the operation, which ran counter to wanting to keep his identity hidden from the Rune Knights for now. Wanted posters would make infiltration much more difficult in the short term, and not being able to go to bars to pick up dates would be a tremendous personal loss. So he had come up with an alternate plan, and that plan was best implemented using the lieutenant's head.

    A handful of knights remained though, so they had to be eliminated first. Next up was the panicked knight who had just killed her coworker. Charging forward once more, he partially dodged another fireball sent hurtling toward him, causing it to clip his arm instead of hitting him straight on. The skin of his arm burnt and blistered immediately, sending a shiver of pain and pleasure up Kaz’s spine. Moments later the attack showed its ineffectiveness as the skin began to mend itself. He would have liked to enjoy the pain a bit longer, but not having full mobility could prove deadly.

    Once he was close enough to see the tears streaming down her face, his bladed arm swiped down, opening her up from shoulder to hip. Before the body could start to fall from gravity, he kicked it toward the next closest Rune Knight before skewering both. That accounted for most of the cart’s guards, so he took a moment to pause and survey Willow’s progress.

    568 Words
    1577/2000 Total



    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 7,143

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Law Slayer
    Second Skill: Curious Case of Willow
    Third Skill: Weaver of Fate

    Baddie Breakout [Willow] Empty Re: Baddie Breakout [Willow]

    Post by Willow 20th August 2024, 12:08 pm

    Willow Banner
    Right or wrong, it's very pleasant to break something from time to time.

    “It’s been a few year since I have. And the other participant wasn’t exactly consenting but I was feeling experimental,” Willow remarked with a grin, casually twirling one of her braids in her hand. Her eyes glanced over at the retreating Rune Knight, her smile widening fully and bright at the sheer amount of terror that had overwhelmed the coward. Unfortunately for the group – maybe fortunately, depending on one’s point of view – their commander roared at the one retreating, doing his best to rally them under his banner. Oh she did so love when they tried to repair what was already fracturing, as if bandages were like to hold a vessel already breaking into pieces. She giggled as she watched Kaz catch the runner and impale him on his fingers before utilizing him as a human shield, taking the full brunt of the fiery attacks launched at the other dark mage.

    “Okay but you said head, not sanity!” She chirped up as she snapped her hand out elegantly. From a subspace portal beyond comprehension, a firearm slipped out of the breach and into her hand, the weapon looking nothing like what existed on Earthland. In a burst of movement akin to her comrade, she rushed into the heart of the group and came up behind the leader, whose attention had solely been focused on Kaz. Her hand jammed into his head… yet it didn’t. It was as if the leader has become a liquid and Willow’s hand had breached it, her fingers swimming up through and taking a gentle hold of his features. “You know the funny thing about bein’ a law slayer, beyond killin’ you lot,” Willow casually told the gasping leader, who was trying to understand what the hell was happening. “Is that I can manipulate most any law. Such as the law of physics, which keeps your molecules all perfectly knit and tight. One slight change to my atoms and we can pass through each other, though you can still feel me. Mmm and you are tight!” Willow teased, rolling the man’s nose between two fingers.

    “Or I can alter your molecules! Such as… oh, I know!” Willow’s hands tightened on the leader’s face and then, all at once, his body deflated. Quite literally, the mass in his limbs and form disappeared and the leader was changed into a flaccid husk, though judging by the sounds he was still making, he was very much alive. Willow withdrew her hand from the altered man and grabbed his flimsy arms as he began to flutter to the ground. Humming to herself, even as the Rune Knights around her exclaimed in horror and disgust, she wrapped the limp, flat arms around her neck and tied them together in a neat bow, essentially turning the once bold leader into a cape.

    “Now then,” Willow announced proudly, taking towards the two remaining Knights and placing herself between them. With a grin, she began to turn towards one of them. “How would you like to- URK!” The Rune Knight on the other side of her, aided either by mania, rage panic or some mixture of the three, had Requipped himself with a sword and run Willow through. The blade her stabbed through the cape as well but it didn’t seem that the order of succession meant much to the screaming man. He quickly withdrew his blade and began to stab erratically into Willow’s body, opening up jagged wounds in her torso. Blood spewed from her mouth as she stared, wide-eyed, at the Knight she had been addressing.

    That Knight found his gumption as well and roared some kind of spell. Despite the strange pain she was feeling that she, as rationally as she could, attributed to fear, she cast, creating a runic ward that then shot out a blast of ice spears. The spears ripped through Willow’s body like paper, tearing her to shreds even as both Knights continued to attack until… well, until they couldn’t.

    Their screams fell eerily silent as blood began to pour from their grievous wounds. Willow, the actual Willow, stood watching with a grin as the two Rune Knights collapsed to the ground. What Kaz could see and what remaining Rune Knights could see, was that the two Rune Knights had suddenly turned on one another and began attacking their comrade with the full intent to kill. One had been hacked and stabbed repeatedly while the other had been torn to bloody bits by the ice spells. “There’s also the law of perception. One tiny twist and suddenly it’s like being out in the desert without any water!” she announced proudly to the two, clearly dead Rune Knight bodies. Or perhaps she was telling the commander that was still draped over her back.

    “I changed my mind, Kaz! Before I turn this guy back into a person and we leave his head, we can use him as a blanket! That way it’s almost like a threesome!” Willow called out, grinning ear to ear as she shot a few rounds of magical bullets into the corpses at her feet.

    WORDS: 850/1444 | @Trinity  
    Serilda Sinclair


    Baddie Breakout [Willow] GMD1cGPt_o
    Character | Junk | Stuff
    Kaz Valent
    Kaz Valent

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 30
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,268

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    Baddie Breakout [Willow] Empty Re: Baddie Breakout [Willow]

    Post by Kaz Valent 21st August 2024, 12:32 pm

    Truly Willow’s magic was fascinating, Kaz thought to himself. Part of him wanted to dissect her to see if he could find what made her magic work, but he knew that would be counter productive in the end as what was in her mind was just as important. A pity, that. Putting that aside he made his way over to the cart. Since the lieutenant was still occupied, he decided it was time to move on to the other part of Trinity’s request.

    “I am not big on sharing with nobodies,” he said to her as he walked, “but I can always make an exception. Especially since I am sure him smelling of sex will make the investigators even more upset. Now, for you six.”

    Grabbing one of the bars with his hand, he gave a wide toothy smile to the men and women inside. These were the lowest on the totem pole that was being a dark mage. Petty thieves, burglars, and scam artists. No one worthy of Divine Calamity’s notice normally, but the more chaos they caused in society the happier Trinity seemed to be. At least that was his best guess. Originally she had only requested they be freed and he attempted to recruit them, but Kaz was nothing if not a perfectionist. He did not attempt anything, he succeeded.

    “You have been given a once in a lifetime opportunity,” he said in a tone that told them they had best listen. “In exchange for your freedom, you have been cordially invited to join Divine Calamity. If you decline this offer, well…”

    Sweeping his hand toward the scattered bodies caused most of the prisoners to cower, the silent message clear. One particularly rowdy prisoner with a long scar down his face did not seem quite as impressed. “You would not go through all this trouble just to kill us,” he said, attempting to call Kaz’s buff.

    “Wouldn’t I?” Reaching out he sent a wave of magic into the man causing the muscles in his body to begin to spasm uncontrollably. His screaming filled the area as his body tried to contort into several different directions at the same time, his limbs seemingly unable to decide which direction to flail.

    “O-ahhh- okay! I--gahhhhh-- I’ll go,” he managed to get out between screams. Pulling his hand back, Kaz released the spell and let the man collapse in exhaustion. A quick scan of the remaining five showed none of them wanted to share in the experience, though one of them caught his eye. Younger than the others, one girl had the sunken cheeks of someone who had not had a proper meal in a while. Homeless, caught trying to steal food he guessed. While her face was sunken and covered in dirt, he could tell she was at least moderately attractive.

    “You,” he said pointing to the woman and causing her to shrink in on herself, ”will serve me personally. Understood? In exchange, you will receive shelter and food.”

    The offer was not made out of the goodness of his heart, of course. He just wanted cheap labor to keep his room tidy so he could focus on his research. Every minute spent cleaning was a minute wasted. Finding someone to help warm his bed was simply a bonus. The girl seemed to think it over before giving a reluctant nod. She knew she did not have much choice, if her magic had been strong enough to fight Kaz then she would not have been in the cage to start. With that settled, Kaz turned back to Willow.

    “Now would you like to get started on that 'screwing like rabbits' I believe it was?” he asked before jerking a thumb toward the caged girl. “Unless you’d like to make it a foursome.”

    635 words
    635 total

    Last edited by Kaz Valent on 6th September 2024, 11:18 am; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 7,143

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Law Slayer
    Second Skill: Curious Case of Willow
    Third Skill: Weaver of Fate

    Baddie Breakout [Willow] Empty Re: Baddie Breakout [Willow]

    Post by Willow 4th September 2024, 5:41 pm

    Willow Banner
    Right or wrong, it's very pleasant to break something from time to time.

    Willow had done her part and with her offer set out, she simply skipped around the slaughter and began gathering material. There were a fair number of Rune Knights whose armor were still in decent condition; enough that she could take off fragments here and there. Stripping the bodies would have been more suspicious and probably would have convinced the rest of the organization that they were planning some sort of intrusion. Too obvious, too clear. So she took her tools out from her large pants pockets and clipped and cut off pieces that would be innocuous at best. She seemed almost disinterested in what Kaz was doing with the prisoners, at least until he remarked about one of them serving him.

    “I do have a tendency to experiment on the slaves, by the by,” she tossed out casually as she undid the knot on the commander’s arms. Loosening it enough to pull his limbs apart, she hummed as she bounced over to a fairly flat area and made a show of waving him out and then lowering to the ground. “But I’ll try to keep myself in check.” She was grinning as she eased herself down on the ground. She took an all-too-encouraging pose as she draped herself along the blanket that was the commander, staring wantingly at Kaz as he commented on her offer. She lifted a finger and waved it at him, beckoning him closer.

    “Nah, let her stay there. Give her a preview of what you plan on giving her every night. Or well, nights when you don’t wander over to visit lil’ ol me,” she said, glancing past Kaz at the woman and winking at her. Once her fellow guildmate was close enough, she would reach up and aggressively grab him, pulling him down on top of the blanket and straddling him. A dark, lilting giggle escaped her throat as she bent down to fulfill her offer from before.

    After some time making a horrendous and torrid mockery of the blood-filled battlefield, Willow would be back on her feet, pulling on her shirt as the last garment that remained to redress herself. “Some of those moves reminded me of Thana,” she said wistfully. It seemed like a compliment for his efforts, though he may not want to know exactly what that meant. “Now, up you go!”

    With a wave of her hand, she undid the magic on the commander -- mostly. His body and head popped back into their normal forms, instantly gaining mass and weight. But his limbs remained flat and deflated, limply laying on the ground. The Rune Knight commander was silent still; his demeanor was devoid of emotion or light, staring off into nothingness. Any sounds that had come from him had been muffled under the motion of their bodies some time ago. Apparently he was in some kind of psychosis. “Aw man, killing him seems almost like a pity now,” she teased, standing over the commander and gently kicking him in the side.

    WORDS: 501 | @Kaz Valent  
    Serilda Sinclair


    Baddie Breakout [Willow] GMD1cGPt_o
    Character | Junk | Stuff
    Kaz Valent
    Kaz Valent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 30
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,268

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    Baddie Breakout [Willow] Empty Re: Baddie Breakout [Willow]

    Post by Kaz Valent 6th September 2024, 11:49 am

    “I do not care what you do with other people’s property,” he said as he approached her. “But do kindly leave mine untouched please. It might delay my work.”

    Having only recently joined the guild, Kaz did not quite know all the power dynamics and personalities involved. That said, his short time spent with Willow gave some insight into her mind. Phrasing his words as a request seemed the better choice, as he suspected if he ordered her to stay away she would disobey out of reflex. Only the truly powerful could give someone like her orders, and he was well aware he had not reached that point quite yet. This would not be the case forever.

    THat was for the future though. For now he had another priority, and he let her take the lead as they celebrated the successful completion of the first half of the mission. Once they were finished, he stood naked in the road looking down and the partially reinflated lieutenant. The blood that had splattered on Kaz’s body slowly absorbed into his skin as he bent down and grabbed the man’s head by the hair.

    “A pity, perhaps,” he said as he sliced clean through the man’s neck. “But we would not want to disappoint your boss on our first outing together, would we?”

    Lifting the head up, he held it in his hand like an artist might a piece of art they were working on even as blood dripped down to the ground. Wearing a look of mild concentration, the tip of his index finger formed a blade and began to cut into the skin of the dead man’s forehead. With care Kaz took his time carving up the man’s skin, until finally he was left with the crown symbol of Divine Calamity. Satisfied, he placed the head prominently on the cart. An impossible to miss display for whomever came to investigate.

    “There,” he said with pride. “I doubt the Rune Knights will misunderstand who was behind this attack now. We only have to get these weaklings back to the guild.”

    Finding the keys on the lieutenant's headless body, it did not take long to unlock the cage. Prompted by the dark mage, the six inside stumbled out onto the ground, their arms still shackled together. All of them were doing their best to avoid looking down as Kaz was still very much in the buff, a fact completely ignored. Instead he tapped his chin as he looked at them. It was unlikely that any of them had wanted posters, yet there was always the possibility of pursuers spreading something once the attack was discovered.

    Deciding it was better to be proactive, he suddenly leapt forward and grabbed two of the mages by the face. They struggled and screamed for a solid minute until he finally released them, and when he did two different faces looked back. The effect of his magic was not yet permanent when used on others, still it should last until the job was over. The other captured mages tried to beg their way out of the transformation, their complaint did nothing. A few minutes later six new faces looked back at Kaz and Willow.

    “That should make things a bit easier,” he commented. “Now we just need to decide the best path home. You know the way best, any suggestions?”

    562 words
    1698 total


      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 5:51 pm