Fairy Tail RP

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    Pirate Raid! [Job / Solo]


    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 38
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 825

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Malevolent Dark Magic
    Second Skill: Benevolent Light Magic
    Third Skill:

    Pirate Raid! [Job / Solo] Empty Pirate Raid! [Job / Solo]

    Post by Adeptus 4th February 2023, 2:13 am

    Adeptus had arrived in Hargeon early this morning, he had come to take care of a pirate gang that were kidnapping women for slavery. He had dispatched them relatively easily, though not without some injuries and after he had saved the women who had been captured, he got some medical attention. After getting the all clear, the masked mage made his way to an inn he had pre-booked in town. On arrival, the woman at the counter informed him that a letter had arrived from the Fairy Tail guild with the words 'urgent' written on the front in all caps. The young mage took the letter to his room and immediately opened it, reading its contents. "Pirates again..." He said to himself as he continued to read the details. It was made clear to him that this letter had been originally sent to the guild back in Magnolia, but was then forwarded to him as they knew he was already in town. Apparently another pirate gang has invaded the town of Hargeon and have demanded a large sum or they were going to raid them. Irritated by seeing this, Adeptus knew he would have to step in and it seemed like the guild knew he would step in, they didn't even have to ask.

    Immediately leaving his room at the inn, Adeptus made his way to the authorities, informing them that he was from Fairy Tail and that they were to tell the pirates that the answer was 'no' and that he would be handling it. With that said, the masked mage made his way to the edge of town, predicting that although they were pirates, they'd likely to attack from land in order to throw Hargeon off guard and he was right. Out of the nearby forest where they had been waiting, close to 20 pirates emerged wearing distinctive leather coats. "You wont be progressing any further." The young mage said firmly, a serious tone in his voice as he eyed each and everyone of them up and down, determining the best way to dispatch them. The pirates all looked at each other and then to their leader before they all turned back to the masked mage and laughed. "Get him." The leader said firmly, initiating his small armies to start charging in.

    Sighing, Adeptus raised both arms up in front of himself and created a white magic circle. "Star Shower." Three blast of green and white energy fired out, immediately dispatching three of the pirates. It was here that several pirates called forth hand cannons and began to fire upon him, to which he dodged quite easily by pushing off the ground and leaping into the air. He retaliated back with an arm engulfed with black and red energy. "Darkness Wave!" Swiping his arm horizontally that sent out a blade of red and black which took out three of the hand cannon users. When his feet touched back down on the ground, four more pirates were in close proximity to him and started to strike at him in close quarters. However, Adeptus was not only trained in advanced magics but also in hand-to-hand combat. He took one pirate out with a swift, right heel to the face, another with a left elbow into the stomach and a right handed upper cut. Barrel rolling himself into the air, he extends his legs outwards, fan kicking the other two pirates in the face and knocking them out.

    Landing back down on the ground again, Adeptus raised his right arm towards another pirate and fired a blast of green and white energy. "Light Grenade!" Which connected with the pirate but also forced him back into four others, giving himself some more breathing room in a sense. The guy who was hit by the blast was knocked out but the other four were beginning to get back onto their feet. Using this time, the masked mage pushed forward in almost blinding speed and positioned himself behind another two pirates. He placed one hand on each of their backs, his right arm engulfed in light magic, his left in dark magic. Blasts fired from point blank range would have normally killed the targets but he used less magical energy so instead, it sent them flying into nearby trees, one of them snapping and falling on the pirate while the other was dropped to the ground winded.

    The four pirates who had been knocked down had made their way back onto their feet, however Adeptus was already waiting in front of them with another arm in a black and red aura. Releasing the blade, three of the pirates were sent soaring backwards, being knocked out when they his trees, rocks and the ground. The other who was still standing there was then knocked out with a swift right hook in the jaw. Turning to the remaining pirates, the Fairy Tail mage raised a index finger and created a green and white marble size energy ball. "Big Bang!" Releasing the energy with a flick of his wrist, the marble was sent forward, exploding on impact of a pirate's chest and engulfing another four pirates in the blast radius. Unfortunately, the leader managed to dodge out of the way at the last minute but all other pirates had been dispatched. He didn't wait however and immediately charged at Adeptus, using requip magic to give himself a hand cannon. Just as he was about to fire it upon the masked mage at point-blank range, Adeptus took hold of the cannon, turned it back and fired it upon the user. He knew it wouldn't be enough to finish him and thus, Adeptus created a black and red fireball within his hand to finish the job. "Demon Fireball."

    A while back, just after the Big Bang spell had eliminated the remaining henchmen, members of the Rune Knights had arrived on scene. They chose to simply watch the scene unfold, rather than stepping in but these were also the same Rune Knights the young mage had met earlier. Information was exchanged and the Knights took the pirates into custody.

    WC - 1,019 / 1,000


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:00 pm