Fairy Tail RP

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    Aeron Krishna

    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 51
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 23,075

    Aeron Krishna Empty Aeron Krishna

    Post by Aeron Krishna 15th December 2022, 10:15 am

    Link to additional character slot purchase: Click

    Name: Aeron Krishna
    Gender: F
    Age: 25
    Birthday: 11/18
    Sexuality: Mythal-sexual Demisexual
    Special Characteristics: She is capable of changing her appearance at will to any shape or form she desires.

    Personality: Aeron is an aggressive individual who does not easily trust others. She is always looking over her shoulder, paranoid about running into danger around every corner. As a former dark mage with a traumatic and complicated past, she has seen the worst that humanity has to offer and has a tough time seeing the bright side of things. She is easily intimidated by most social situations, and is prone to outbursts of anger and embarrassment though she is doing her best to learn how to be in better control of her emotions. Despite her more anti-social tendencies, she does genuinely want to build honest and healthy relationships with others, but is often held back by her insecurities and her lack of experience.

    In battle, she tends to second guess herself and her abilities, due to the fact that she has little to no self confidence. This is only compounded by the fact that Aeron recently lost access to all of her magic, and now has to start over again as a mage. Though she has some experience in leadership roles, due to her being an ace in some of her prior dark guilds, Aeron never felt comfortable in such positions. She does not think she has what it takes to be a leader, and is intimidated by the idea of being responsible for others. Aeron would much rather follow someone else’s lead or operate as a lone wolf.

    Given her history as a dark mage, she struggles with accepting things like praise or acceptance, primarily because she is not, and never has been, happy with herself. She lives in constant fear of judgement from her peers, particularly those that know of her connections to the Warlord Thana, and feels that her past deeds as a dark mage makes her undeserving of forgiveness or understanding from the rest of society. She also struggles with accepting herself as a real person, since she is technically a fractioned piece of another woman’s soul that was torn out and crafted to be a standalone individual.

    • Privacy - The fewer people bothering her, the better.
    • Reading - A nice, quiet, solitary activity that challenges the brain.
    • Training - As long as she is improving herself, she can make something of her life.

    • Crowds - They’re usually loud and irritating.
    • Displays of Affection - It makes her extremely uncomfortable.
    • Attention - Being the center of attention makes her extremely nervous.

    • Strength - Aeron strives to attain the tools needed to protect herself and the people she has learned to care for.
    • Growth - More than anything, she longs to prove that she can be a better person than she used to be, and that she can make the world a better place.
    • Killing Thana - She is convinced that as long as Thana lives, humanity is in peril.

    • Powerlessness - As a stubborn and aggressive woman, if she is heavily outclassed in a fight she reacts poorly.
    • Exposure - Whether emotionally or physically, she’s afraid to let anyone see her bare.
    • Thana - She knows first hand how horrifyingly cruel Thana is and fears that Thana will never truly be gone from her life.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5’6”
    Weight: 130lbs
    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Blue
    Skin Tone: Tan

    Guild: N/A
    Tattoo: N/A
    Tattoo Color: N/A

    Faction: Rune Knights
    Faction Chapter: N/A



    Aeron Krishna Empty Re: Aeron Krishna

    Post by Guest 15th December 2022, 10:34 am


    Aeron Krishna QlhAT3Z

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