Fairy Tail RP

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    Manipulating A Mind


    Manipulating A Mind Empty Manipulating A Mind

    Post by Guest 8th October 2022, 1:30 pm

    Most of her recent jobs had been small and unimportant with this latest one seeming to be similar. She had been tasked with accompanying a young woman to a ball, all the while trying to manipulate her into harnessing the anger and resentment that the girl apparently had inside. It was a rather simple task and no sooner had Medeia come across the beautiful redhead that she had got to work. The girl was rather beautiful and the eyes of the Warlord were soon fully focused upon her, watching every moment that she made. She was rather spirited too and Medeia easily managed to prod and tease her way into the girl’s psyche, arousing her feelings of anger and hate. Sesuna was the girl’s name and even before the hour mark passed, she was already fuelled with hatred and rage for everyone who was in the ballroom.

    Wearing a lovely blue dress, Sesuna would scowl, taking a glass of punch from a nearby bowl. “I want to do nothing more than smash this glass to pieces and gouge someone’s eyes out. All my life I have been treated like shit and it is going to stop. I want my respect.”

    Medeia was beside the woman, her appearance unrecognisable from normal. Her hair was a light brown, her eyes a dazzling green. She felt that it was prudent to take on her alternative form and so today she was Madeline, a friendly mage who adored all those around her. What a load of rubbish. “Then go ahead and take it. Respect is not something that is going to be just given to you. It has to be earned. Take that glass and bury it in the head of the one you hate the most. It will help you get you what you want, my dear Sesuna.”

    Sesuna flicked her gaze to the witch. “You are an unusual legal mage. Here I was, expecting a do gooder and here you are telling me to stab someone. You guys are more fun than I thought.”

    Medeia would wrap an arm around the girl and pull her in. “If you want fun then I will give it to you but first…The stabbing.”

    The young noble smiled and walked away, glass in hand and wandered over to a dashing blonde male who was boasting about his wealth and adventures. Without a moment’s hesitation, Sesuna would throw the punch into his face, smash the glass and then go to town on the helpless fool. The guests screamed and ran for their lives while Medeia simply watched, taking a glass of punch for herself and drinking it in one go. It tasted rather nice and a smile soon grew upon her face. There were guards, of course, who soon enough ran in and tried to break up the assault but they were burnt alive by a simple flick of the angel’s wrist, engulfing them in flames.

    When Sesuna had finished, she would return to Medeia’s side, blood all over her dress, a wide smile across her features. “I have never felt so alive.”

    With a smirk, Medeia simply answered with, drawing the woman in for a kiss. “I am sure I can make you feel even more so.."

    The two then kissed in the middle of the chaos, Medeia’s job well and truly complete.

    (557 Words)

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:39 pm