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    A Spooky Day Off [Event]

    Blaire Fenella
    Blaire Fenella

    Lineage : Curse of The White Witch
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    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Empty A Spooky Day Off [Event]

    Post by Blaire Fenella 9th November 2022, 9:54 am

    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Ciarran-Post-Template

    Most people wouldn't really want to do anything similar enough to work on their day off. Especially on the day of such a large festival. All throughout Era there were decorations befitting the season. Spooky and scary, dark and macabre. It was Halloween. As a result, all Rune Knights that had yet to be stationed out in a different location than the actual headquarters had been given the day off to spend as they wished. Like most of the newer Knights, this included Ciarran. He had spent a good chunk of his day wandering the city, playing the few sideshow games they had and generally just enjoying some degree of relaxation, instead of yet another day of at least mild to moderate stress from the very line of work they were in.

    A day off was something that he expected would almost never go unquestioned. After all, who would bitch and moan about not having to go out on patrol for a day? Certainly he hadn't. Unfortunately for Ciarran, a fellow low ranking Rune Knight had caught him just wandering the grounds, not doing very much. As it turned out, the person who had found him was running a 'corn maze'. Not very spooky or scary on it's own, right? Well, that was where they wanted him to come in. The details for the twist of the maze came with the specification of an 'intimidatingly tall' person to act the role of 'killer'. He was the only person they'd managed to find.

    The maze was set to open any moment, they just needed their extra worker to manage to get it open on time. The one who was scheduled for it was just 'running late', they promised. Truth be told, they were lucky Ciarran was in the holiday spirit. After all, the boots had been sized for someone who clearly wore at least a size and a half larger shoe than he did, the thick pants were so large that he'd wound up having to cuff them and tuck them into the boots. As for the mask, he'd wound up needing to make an extra hole in it with an awl so that it could be tightened around his head properly. Man, whoever they'd initially hired on for this must have been a big bastard.

    He checked his 'equipment' over a few more times. They'd given him a plastic knife with a retractable blade. The 'blade' oozed a bit of some washable dye. Something to mark those who'd been 'killed' from the survivors. Supposedly it'd be nothing but one's physical fitness making the difference between things. There was a field surrounding the maze itself that shut down magic, much like the Neutral Grounds had. With that in mind, he pulled a small, wrought iron key out of his pocket, and tossed it into the locker on top of his street clothes. The first 'guests' would be starting their trip through the maze any minute now. They'd have fifteen seconds before the signal went off in his room, allowing him into the lockers. With that in mind, he spun the knife they'd given him in his hand a few times, testing the balance. With all of the springs and whatnot in the handle, it meant most of the weight was in his hand. He spun the knife one last time as the buzzer went off, allowing him to finally enter the maze. He'd told them, one group. That was it, then he would be able to run off and try some of the other things the place had to offer!

    Word Count: 596
    Total Word Count: 596
    Tags:  N/A

    Last edited by Ciarran Ackerly on 9th November 2022, 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Empty A Spooky Day Off [Event]

    Post by NPC 9th November 2022, 9:54 am

    The member 'Ciarran Ackerly' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Die_02_42159_sm
    Blaire Fenella
    Blaire Fenella

    Lineage : Curse of The White Witch
    Position : None
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    Posts : 42
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
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    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Empty Re: A Spooky Day Off [Event]

    Post by Blaire Fenella 10th November 2022, 6:00 pm

    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Ciarran-Post-Template

    It didn't sit right with him, truth be told. He knew it was a game. Something spooky meant to be in line with the spirit of the season. But he still felt bad playing a outright 'villain' role. As a result, he hesitated the first few times he'd manage to run into one of his erstwhile 'victims'. He felt ridiculous, honestly. The outfit was far too large, the sports mask that served as his 'killer' mask was just plainly unintimidating. He was almost convinced there was no way anyone in the maze was having any fun.

    But as he stalked quietly through the maze, he heard it. Friends joking around, talking about how badly they'd almost gotten 'killed' mere moments ago. That was when it clicked. He was taking half of it too seriously, and the other half not seriously enough. He was so focused on the concept of a killer being a 'villain' type and letting it make him feel bad that he wasn't really trying as best as he could have. Thinking in terms of the bigger picture? This was basically just one giant game of freeze tag.

    And that shift in perspective was all that he needed. He had fifteen minutes. Two had been wasted already. It was time to give these people a real challenge. They came here wanting spooky fun, it was time for them to get it. It took all of eight minutes to find and 'stab' every single guest who had entered the maze. He'd almost missed the first one, but his own active combat experience had been enough to help him correct his swing, flipping the knife in his hand to get them with a 'solid' hit on the backswing. Five more minutes later, and he'd changed back into his street clothes. The people who were running the maze thanked him for helping out, and even gave him one of the Skull Tokens that were being used for the raffle as a show of thanks. They had their proper killer ready to take over from here.

    He pocketed the coin, and picked a random direction. Era wasn't the most massive place, so surely there would be interesting things in pretty much any direction he went, yeah? This assumption would be proven quite correct. He'd chosen to go south from the maze, and was starting to approach a series of stands. Oddly enough, there was a thick fog roiling away along the ground, thick enough to completely cover one's feet. It looked to be coming from a single stand. Specifically that of a punch bowl. Standing behind it was a costumed figure. Judging by the costume itself, the idea was clearly the headless horseman.

    As he approached, he was given some spiel about the punch bowl holding a concoction that only the bravest, most unwavering souls would even dare to try. The sign itself said that anyone who drank an entire glass of the punch would be given an additional skull token. Interesting. So, Ciarran walked up to the stand, and ordered a glass. Bringing it up to his lips, he tipped it back and began to drink...

    Word Count: 521
    Total Word Count: 1,117
    Tags:  N/A

    Last edited by Ciarran Ackerly on 10th November 2022, 7:16 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Empty Re: A Spooky Day Off [Event]

    Post by NPC 10th November 2022, 6:00 pm

    The member 'Ciarran Ackerly' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Die_06_42164_sm
    Blaire Fenella
    Blaire Fenella

    Lineage : Curse of The White Witch
    Position : None
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    Posts : 42
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,050

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    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Empty Re: A Spooky Day Off [Event]

    Post by Blaire Fenella 10th November 2022, 6:26 pm

    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Ciarran-Post-Template

    At first, the drink had been pleasant. But then, about halfway through it..something changed. Out of nowhere, it began to taste sickeningly sweet. Like someone had taken the base of a fruit punch and then added a whole pot's worth of simple syrup into it! But, Ciarran kept drinking the swirling blue liquid, the faint fog coming off of it only serving to make him more ready to prove himself. Everything started to get sharper. He could hear more clearly, he could see far more easily in the darkness beyond the buildings above him. He even became more keenly aware of his clothes. As he slammed down the cup, the headless horseman serving the brew whistled.

    "My my. I've seen many a ghost and ghoul tonight. But you're the first werewolf we've served." He could hear the teasing in the worker's voice as he pulled out a small mirror for Ciarran to look into. Sure enough, there were canine ears atop his head now. His eyes had changed to a very distinct gold. And his canine teeth might as well have become fangs. Well. That was going to be annoying. Luckily for him, the horseman told him that it would only last for the remainder of the night. As a show of respect for his 'bravery', Ciarran was given a second token. Supposedly the limit any one person could enter into the raffle was 3.

    That meant he could get one more if he wanted. So, after trading a few jokes back and forth with the worker, Ciarran continued to wander the fairgrounds. That was when he found perhaps the single most interesting display that one could have found in Era. Someone had managed to set up an entire Bayou in the middle of town for a tunnel ride. Complete with ominous banjos and everything. His curiosity piqued, Ciarran worked his way through the line, his much keener eyes making short work of the darkness in the area, as they adjusted quite easily.

    When they finally got out of the tunnel, Ciarran found himself appreciating the dedication that went into this particular ride. They'd walked through a false cave, out into the proper swamp of the 'bayou'. There were rickety row boats, each one powered by..skeletons. Holding poles. Alright, mixing aesthetics a bit. But somehow, it worked. Each person in line got on board one at a time, listening to the cryptic warnings that the ride operator had in store. As to be expected, there was an air of mystery and intrigue. But that wouldn't last for long, as the skeletons disembarked. The trip itself was tame enough. Listening to the ambient sounds of the animals and wildlife that populated this fake bayou was nice. Nice enough that Ciarran crossed his arms behind his head, leaning back in the boat ever so slightly. This wasn't spooky, it was plenty nice. So nice in fact that Ciarran almost missed the moment when his boat passed through a barrier. A certain shimmering, purple barrier. Now it was time for the real ride to begin...

    Word Count: 509
    Total Word Count: 1,626

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    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Empty Re: A Spooky Day Off [Event]

    Post by NPC 10th November 2022, 6:26 pm

    The member 'Ciarran Ackerly' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Die_06_42164_sm
    Blaire Fenella
    Blaire Fenella

    Lineage : Curse of The White Witch
    Position : None
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    Posts : 42
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,050

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    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Empty Re: A Spooky Day Off [Event]

    Post by Blaire Fenella 10th November 2022, 7:14 pm

    A Spooky Day Off [Event] Ciarran-Post-Template

    If there was any ride out there in the festival that exemplified the 'trick' part of trick or treat, it was most certainly the Tunnel of Terror. The deep south bayou theme did a wonderful job at disarming gullible idiots like Ciarran, got them to let their guard down. That meant their minds were like an open book when they casually drifted through the barrier that allowed the mage running this ride to really get things rolling. All of a sudden, Ciarran's vision would go black. The next few things he would see were nothing less than traumatizing.

    At least, they would have been. If they weren't things straight out of his memories. In this case, it was retraumatizing. The first thing that appeared was a relative far too drunk for their own good, but this time so gigantic that they towered over even the tallest of the mangroves that lined the area. The bottle was tossed, and a massive wave heaved the boat into the air! After it landed, the area became covered in fog, and his attention was drawn to his left. They were slowly sailing past a wide, empty graveyard. There was a freshly dug grave, and a casket waiting to be lowered into it. It took a moment for him to realize what was going on..but when the fog cleared away from the name on the grave, it was like his heart all but stopped. It was his own name.

    If that wasn't enough, the boat suddenly lurched downwards without warning, sending Ciarran dropping down into the dark abyss without any warning at all! Thanks to the brew he'd consumed earlier, he could still see. Much as he wished he couldn't. If seeing his own funeral being attended by nobody, implying that he had been entirely forgotten was enough to stop his heart? What he saw now was enough to start it back up again, at a very worrying pace. He was continuing to sink, but he could see what he was sinking past. Smooth, slimy skin. Like that of a shark. He sank. Down, down, down..until he found himself floating in front of a giant, reflective thing. He was almost sure he was going to have a heart attack, as he could have sworn that the massive beast grinned at him before he finally found himself being yanked back to reality as the boat bumped up against the end of the ride.

    He was physically shaking by the time the remaining workers pulled him out of the boat. One pressed the final Skull Token into his hand..along with a little something something. They could tell that the illusion mage had gone perhaps a little too hard on him. Ciarran walked past them all, the light having completely left his eyes as he went to find someplace to collapse down onto. He eventually found a seat, off the beaten path. One of the eating areas that had been set up a bit too hastily for anyone to be willing to really stay.

    With that in mind, he all but collapsed onto the bench, his head in his hands as he tried to shake off the cold sweat that clung to him. It would take a full hour before he managed to find his feet again. He could still smell the salt water and the shark itself. Oh boy. He was definitely going to be having nightmares tonight. Maybe he could just enter his coins into the raffle and take a seat for the night...

    Word Count: 584
    Total Word Count: 2,210

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:39 pm