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    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by desirée 14th May 2022, 9:34 pm

    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Dd8a7pv-5ffe5d2b-4264-4c27-b645-88c8ad93b6ab.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzZkNTVlNTYxLTNiZWQtNDczNi1hMDc1LTdlYmFkYjE5MWRjN1wvZGQ4YTdwdi01ZmZlNWQyYi00MjY0LTRjMjctYjY0NS04OGM4YWQ5M2I2YWIucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ 8VYfgr2

    desirée blooms luminous rose

    Marked with the delicate change of the once barren trees, it had now been a full year since Desirée had returned to Earthland from the three years that she had spent waging the apex of the interdimensional war within the crystalline atmosphere. This year's winter months felt much longer than she had remembered them being, even if the frosted chills that gusted across the horizon were just as ordinary as they ever had been within the earliest months of the year- there were no seasons within the holy realm of Chrysalis, and though that was quite the change of pace in itself, getting used to the seemingly endless expanse of her native world and its constant changes once again was starting to get more and more simple for the reigning pink diamond. Though bearing the crown of queendom had quite the charm on its own, there was something special about the way the world of magecraft existed to her- she had a soft spot for the world she was born within and both it's magical and mundane properties, something nothing could change.

    Aware of  the one-year anniversary of her descent back into the world's fluffy white clouds from the cosmos above being today, the guildmistress of roses found herself within the streets of Oak Town to celebrate her many blessings that had manifested into existence within the past year, originally something she wished to do in solitude. However, upon her arrival, it became clear to Desirée that now would be anything but the time to reflect upon these magnificent accomplishments alone- there was a spring festival bustling within the town of ethereal legends, an opportunity in itself that she would be unable to pass up. Parties were one of the idol's favorite events to attend, especially those that would involve communities of mages coming together peacefully in order to achieve elation.

    Making an appearance at a spring festival like this one felt like destiny to the pink-haired songstress. During the nighttime prior Desirée had released a new single produced entirely through the crystalline resonance and wavering lights she was capable of refracting out of her demon slayer lacrima- it was known to the world as Ostara Prism, and though the song did not consist of lyrical artistry like most of her songs would in some ways, she felt as though it would be a stellar anthem to lead the delicate blossoms of spring across Earthland and beyond (link under post header image ♡).  It seemed to be doing well upon Fiore's newest music charts, currently ranked at a three- an appearance at a festival like this would be an opportunity to further promote her newest spectacle of magical composition by song and slayer magic. Nevertheless, before she would make an explicit appearance in the crowds, she wished to accomplish the one thing she came to the town to do. To reflect on the past and the future that was yet to come.

    Sitting upon one of the largest statues that lined the curved stone roads of the town of trees, the guildmistress would find her legs dangling off the side of the statue as she would begin to paint away at the surface of an egg with an art set that had been given to her upon her arrival at the town's gates, delving into her own thoughts. The statue that she had found herself within the grasp of, quite literally as she had been sitting upon its cupped hands in all of her lustrous glory, was a depiction of one of the first to hold the title of a Wizard Saint. This was one of the many individuals that the demon slayer had looked up to that had been from the surface of the planet- it was the pink-haired girl's biggest aspiration to become a God of Ishgar one day, and though it did not seem as though that day would come soon as she still had many things to master within her endeavors, she did not feel as though the title would be impossible to conquer one day if she worked hard enough. Desirée wished to be reputably known for more than just her decade of musical experience- she wished to be known to be one of Earthland's ethereal success stories in relation to magical skill, something she would never cease to seek out again. It had been almost five years since she had been named a Rising Star- and so much had changed since then, it didn't even feel fully real to her. Her life had been a dream come true, and though dreams were always accompanied by looming nightmares, it felt as if it had been quite some time since she felt the dread she had felt in years past. Though the war was raging on across the borders, life was finally beginning to feel comfortable and at ease.

    "All finished~! ♡" the guildmistress would exclaim to her companions that would lay together scattered about within her lap, "what do you guys think? Too pink? ✰"

    Holding her hand outward in front of her gaze, which would be accompanied by the fluctuating beams of light that would cascade outward from the galaxy diamond upon her forehead, she would show the bioluminescents and her crystalline beast the finished egg that she had decorated within her temporary solitude upon the statue's heights. It would appear to resemble an egg from one of the species of fauna that lived within the crystal realm's cosmic lands- it was to look like that of a gemstone serpent egg, looking to form geometrical shapes on the sides that almost made it look to no longer be in the shape of an oval. Within these designs, there would appear to be streaks of solidified pale pink light, which would appear to be lustrous and near-white within the sunlight. It would seemingly resonate with the clothing that the gemstone queen had worn to the festival; under a fluffy white coat imbued with thousands of brilliant glowing diamonds, she would wear a sundress that would appear similarly geometrical, constructed entirely of fluctuating pink light and prismatic rosy diamond gemstones that would shift through glimmering hues with each second that would pass. Above the galaxy diamond that would rest upon the center of her forehead, illuminating the slits between her flowing pink bangs, remained the ethereal diadem of the crystalline race in its prime, a glowing construction of white and pink diamonds that represented her status within the other world as a Queen- it would have extra diamonds and various forms of quartzes dangling down from its sides, attached by strings of light that would fluctuate with her delicate movements.

    "Well,  I'm satisfied by it~," the gemstone queen would smile as she would stand from her resting spot in the statue's hands, "let's go add it to the display at the tent over there~! ♡ Shall we get going, Lumi, Luna, and Rose?"

    Levitating downwards with her magical abilities of the cosmos, the idol would smile as she would sight a few of what was presumably her younger fans pointing her out from below, across the crowd's way- her hair would flutter within the wind as she would gracefully descend to the center of the bustling festival streets, optics appearing to glisten the colors of lime green. It wouldn't be but a few minutes of a walk until she'd reach the tent to turn in the egg she painted.

    "I wonder if any of our guildmates are here, shall we take a look around after we turn in our painted egg? Oh, I'm so excited we stumbled upon these festivities! ♡"

    total thread wc: 1,270 | 6,000
    post wc: 1,270
    tags: @Jade_Nettle @Morgana Primrose


    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ IY2eFxu


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 32
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,150

    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by Jade_Nettle 5th June 2022, 5:36 pm

    U-ugh. That was the third time already that Jade had concentrated on decorating her egg that she had forgotten to breathe. Her methodology was simple—a traditional use of increasingly dark dyes and a pen that used melted wax to create increasing layers of resists. Some of the people there would recognize this as a Pysanka Egg. Jade’s motifs were rather simple—white lace-like designs that were complimented by a few fern-like vines in several shades of green, and geometric flowers in a handful of colors. At this point, she was well aware that there was no way she could win the competition. Heartbreaking.

    She had honestly hoped that in a town full of mages that maybe she’d have a chance at standing out in an arts-related competition. No such luck. Apparently every artist in town had the same idea—and the competition was fierce this year.

    At least she had a steady hand. While the sharpshooter’s egg was no Best in Show, it would have at least made her hometown proud to see their traditional motifs done with decent skill. She leaned back in her chair, waiting for the darkest dye to completely dry before the final step—melting off the wax and revealing the final pattern.

    And yet, Jade felt somewhat bad for how seriously she took this. She’d heard more than a few kids crying about how good others’ eggs were. A true pity that some lost the ability to participate without the anxiety of competition so young. Jade had definitely been the type of child to look at the work of adults and get upset about the gap between their skill levels—even before the age of ten. She suddenly felt sorry for the parents—including her own.

    The turn-in tent had a display of the best eggs from the last several years. In front of each egg there was information about the artist. Apparently the townsfolk really enjoyed it when the mages took part in the festivities—something about it making them seem more human and approachable. So Jade could hardly ignore such an opportunity. As a member of the guild, she had the responsibility of bearing their public image as well as their martial reputation.

    Remember to breathe.

    Jade drew in a big breath, letting it out slowly in an attempt to give some semblance of serenity. Then, out of the corner of her eye she spotted a luminous wave of fluttering hair.

    “I didn’t know you were here too, Guildmaster,” she said.

    “I’m just about to finish up here and turn mine in.

    ((Wordcount: 435/2,000))


    Information about Jade Nettle

    Jade's Vault

    Jade's Magic
    Morgana Primrose
    Morgana Primrose

    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 103
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
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    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by Morgana Primrose 13th June 2022, 2:22 pm

    rolling for Illya


    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ 5kxIQ3p

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by NPC 13th June 2022, 2:22 pm

    The member 'Morgana Primrose' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Die_01_42158_sm
    Morgana Primrose
    Morgana Primrose

    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 103
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer
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    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by Morgana Primrose 14th June 2022, 2:07 pm

    The Spring Festival was here at last! Illyana and her familiars would be stepping all around Oak Town. Even from when the sun's circumference kissed the horizon on the brisk early morning sky, the staff were already fully prepared for the oncoming horde of people that would be arriving when the day had just properly begun. Like many of the residents within the territory, Illyana had been fairly in high spirits for the upcoming festival. Even back in the cold, sometimes imposing nation of Pergrande, her home nation would manage to kindle the spirit of the festivities and have a grand time. It was her first Spring Festival away from home, where the laurels of her family's name held very little strength than what they were before. The mage sauntered down the streets with an anxious expression, her plain looking shoes, worn from the miles upon miles of travel from Pergrande. Her attire, though given by a most charitable older woman on the road, lacked the flair and style that a mage of Luminous Rose would have proper. It did help her blend in, which Illya did support as she wanted nothing to draw attention to herself dressed like this.

    She rounded the first corner she came upon, pushing past the bodies of natives here. Their looks at her did nothing to help with the mental anguish she was experiencing at what they must have been thinking about had they known where she hailed from. "Excuse me. Pardon me…" The young mage said, squeezing her way past two adults mingling about the current prices of sweets here at the festival. A lot of looks were thrown her way, each one gradually wearing down that shield of defiance that the girl had worked on all night to maintain. Illyana knew full well over what they would be upset about. Many of them probably hadn't even seen a full blooded Pergrandian in the flesh before, or if they had, one that was shown in the newspaper that had been freshly erased from this world. Still, she pushed on while the pops besides her would bring the girl's attention elsewhere.

    ”It's okay, Summoner. I'm sure they don't think badly of you.” came the familiar voice of Hyda, her orb form floating on the girl's right shoulder as it would flounder about during the girl's little tour through the town. The sudden appearance of one of her spirits caused Illya to jump back in surprise. She nearly bumped into a waiter carrying a tray full of colorful drinks, filled to the brim with sugar to celebrate the day. He shot her a look while the girl flashed an apologetic look while he walked away soon after. After that encounter, she turned to look at the shape of Hyda with frustration. "I thought I told you about reading my thoughts…" she exhaled, looking down at the friend shaped oval and cupping her in her petite hands. Hyda settled in while looking up at the girl. She exhaled, but would stand underneath an awning with empty tables surrounding her. "I don't even belong here. Everyone else is…I'm their enemy and they all just don't want anything to do with me."

    Another pop came as a similar shaped spirit popped up in front of the two, his head possessing a zig zagged shape to resemble a lightning bolt. ”You gotta stop worrying and enjoy the holiday. You're just some face in the crowd to them, Summoner.” Elektri said, zipping across the tables around them while inspecting all of the pictures of food across the menus. ”Like look at all of this food! Now that we're not in Pergrande, you can summon me to, ah, test all of this stuff for poison.” A third pop came to her side, Aery appearing in front of the group.

    ”Aloof as it sounds, Elektri is right. Perhaps some busy work will get you in the mood.” Aery said.
    "I guess, but what could be around?"
    The spirit scanned around their surroundings before finding a stand for an egg hunt. A smirk grew on her face, with the green colored orb turned to the group.
    ”I think I have an idea…”

    Several minutes later, Illya was among the many scrambling around the fields of eggs with a basket in hand. The woman was careful to not step on any as she was dashing to different spots on the hunt for eggs. Her inexperience with the surroundings was what would hold her back from being truly quick on her feet, but some much needed help from her spirit friends would help her get a solid amount of eggs from the competition. ”I found one!” Hyda called out to to Illya, pulling out a medium sized egg with great care as the mage hurried over to allow her spirit to place it gently inside. Elektri and Aery were exploring about, the yellow spirit having been caught helping himself to some of the eggs placed around every now and again.

    After the hunt was finished, the organizers tallied up the findings and to nobody's surprise, Illya had miraculously found over half of the eggs hidden around, thanks to her helpful little friends. She'd be presented to a complimentary egg for her troubles, enchanted to never go bad. While the gesture was kind, Illya had to keep it away from Elektri before he exploded from how many eggs he had eaten in the short time he was summoned. Illya walked before her eyes would catch a glimpse of a wonderful woman who had been in charge of the guild she had managed to fumble her way into: Desirée Blooms, famed idol and guildmaster of the Luminous Covenant! Illyana felt so privileged to see her up close in person like this! She had been everything that the younger girl had been dreaming of! Still in a bit of euphoria from the egg hunt, the girl hurried over in an elated mood, even without the help of her hidden servants. The guildmaster was busy talking to another woman, maybe somebody close or in tge guild? It wouldn't hurt to check!

    "D-Desirée Blooms?" Illya's timid yet hopeful voice came from beyond the pair, Illya surrounded by her spirits, still invisible as they'd hide behind her form. "It's such an honor to meet you! I'm, like, such a huge fan! Your music helped me through some tough times, b-but whatever. You hear that a lot. I, ah…wanted to say hello and meet you in person. It's a huge honor to be a part of the Luminous Rose!" Illya was giddy and babbling at times, overly excited to meet a star as bright as Desirée. Still, her usual meek demeanor was put on hold as her inner fan girl came out in full swing.

    ”And just like that, our sprout begins to blossom.” Aery said with a satisfied look in her eyes.
    ”She has a long way to go if what her thoughts said were true…"
    ”A forest does not grow in a day, Hyda. It takes a tremendous amount of effort and care to nurture any life into its fullest potential. Mortals are no different."
    The three spirits hung back from where Illyana had been before catching sight of the woman of the stars, with Illya herself seeming far more outgoing now.

    WC: 1,223 // 2,000
    Eggs: 1 // 3


    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ 5kxIQ3p



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by desirée 21st June 2022, 10:55 pm

    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Dd8a7pv-5ffe5d2b-4264-4c27-b645-88c8ad93b6ab.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzZkNTVlNTYxLTNiZWQtNDczNi1hMDc1LTdlYmFkYjE5MWRjN1wvZGQ4YTdwdi01ZmZlNWQyYi00MjY0LTRjMjctYjY0NS04OGM4YWQ5M2I2YWIucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ 8VYfgr2

    desirée blooms luminous rose

    Taking a few graceful steps upon the streets of the town of remembrance and historic spectacles, the crystal queen's eyes would remain a bright lime green as she would witness the approach of one of her newer guildmates with multiple of her senses. It would become clear to Desirée that Jade was wrapping up her participation in the easter egg decorating contest, just as she was- they both seemed to be headed to the booth in hopes to turn in their freshly adorned shells, something that made the cosmic royalty smile in elation.

    "Hi hi hello, Jade~! ♡ I'm so glad we finally have got to bump into each other, I'm sorry I haven't been able to officially meet you sooner," she would raise her hands up to wave with her usual cutesy mannerisms, the swirling lights being projected from the holy gem upon her forehead slipping out with the movement of her bangs in the wind, "for what I presume to be an ordinary mortal, you certainly look the part of your crystalline counterparts up in the cosmos~! ✰ I'm sure the girls in Chrysalis that share your name would love to meet you one day. But anywho, are you enjoying the festivities? I didn't know they were going on until my descent into this lovely town's borders, it was such a magnificent surprise! ♡"

    As she would begin to wrap up her rather extensive greetings to one of the guild's newcomers, another would happen to manifest within the crowd- it would appear to be Illyana, another face she had not yet had the opportunity to speak to in the guild's territory. It seemed as if it was destiny for the girl of the cosmos to find these abundant activities within her personal activities- though it was a bit of a change of plans, it was the perfect time for her to catch up on those dedicated to the ideology she had been dedicated to for oh so long!

    "Oh Illyana, it's an honor to finally meet you, sweetheart! ♡ Thank you for listening to my music, it really means a lot to hear that it's been able to help you through some troubles- honestly, making music has helped me see through some dark times myself, so saying that is just so kind, thank you~! ♡" Desirée would exclaim excitedly to the sprouting root of the Luminous Rose, her almost endless waves of lustrous pink hair fluttering and shimmering through the soft winds that would wind through the packed streets before adjusting her gaze to both of the newcomers, "but most importantly, it is a blessing to have the both of you freshly in the ranks of the holy pink rose- I cannot thank the both of you enough for expressing interest in the hopes and dreams that our guild will achieve. ✰"

    Amidst her speaking to Jade and Illyana, the guildmistress of roses would smile as one of the event's staff would approach her and exchange her decorated egg for a different easter egg, marking that she completed one of the many activities in store for the event-goers, alongside a flyer for an upcoming four-leafed clover hunt. Upon reading the title of this paper, the two bio-luminescent organisms that would float upon her shoulders would squeal and start excitedly blabbering the most random, unconventional gibberish to each other; they were so excited to look for the four-leafed clover they could scream, and while they were, it was rather drowned out by the various conversations happening around them.

    "It looks like there is a search for a lucky four leaf clover just up the way in five minutes or so, do the two of you want to come with? ♡ I'd love to spend this festival with the two of you, it'll be such great bonding time for the three of us~!" she would smile and speak in a bubbly form, her eyes shifting into the colors of a brilliant gold in resonation with her determination, "the luck that is said to come from finding one of these things is supposed to be extra magical, oh, I want to find one so bad~! ✰"

    Maneuvering the energies that would fluctuate from the holy gemstone that rested beneath her crown of diamonds, the pink-haired crystal would ascend above the crowd and would gracefully flutter up the road to her next destination, leaving a small trail of white and pink stardust behind her within the sky. Her companions would rapidly follow, the two bio-luminescents racing to dive into the hunt. If the two of her guildmates would follow, they would notice that she would wait for them on the edge of the rare leaf-hunting grounds before beginning her search for this elusive sprout of nature, her golden optics scanning the area with demon slayer senses in hopes to somehow spot a clover with four leaves within the abundant stacks of its ordinary counterparts.

    total thread wc: 3,751 | 6,000
    personal wc: 2,093
    post wc: 823
    small egg count: x2 (rolling for four leaf clover hunt below)
    tags: @Jade_Nettle @Morgana Primrose


    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ IY2eFxu


    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by NPC 21st June 2022, 10:55 pm

    The member 'desirée' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Die_04_42161_sm

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 32
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,150

    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by Jade_Nettle 22nd June 2022, 4:30 pm

    ((Rolling for Four-Leaf Clover Hunt))


    Information about Jade Nettle

    Jade's Vault

    Jade's Magic

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by NPC 22nd June 2022, 4:30 pm

    The member 'Jade_Nettle' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Die_04_42161_sm

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 32
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,150

    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by Jade_Nettle 22nd June 2022, 7:42 pm

    Jade waved off the Guildmaster’s apology. 

    “Don’t concern yourself over it. These days we’re as busy as ever, and there’s even a war on. A small delay is nothing to worry about. Glad to see you are in high spirits. I just got back from a job last night—I fear I would have missed the festivities if I had delayed travel any further,”

 the mage commented.

    “Oh, good to know! If I ever get the opportunity, that would certainly be an interesting sight. It’s hard to imagine a journey to the cosmos. Perhaps I will have to wait for some manner of extraordinary circumstances for that to become a reality, Guildmaster,” 

 Jade laughed.

    She also extended a hand towards Illyana in greetings. “It sounds like we might have both joined up around the same time. It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Jade Nettle,”

  the green-haired woman offered. “Maybe we’ll end up working on a job together some time in the future. I’m not one for the vanguard—but I think I’m pretty reliable as a rearguard unit."

    While the Guildmaster and Illyana were occupied in conversation, Jade took the opportunity to exchange her own egg. Oof. Competition had gotten even stronger than when she took her first look. People had come out in what looked like record numbers. Some of the event staff were even carefully moving eggs around—making room for the increasing numbers of entries. Jade heard some of the even staff discussing whether or not they could fit another table into the display tent—or if they would have to come up with some new method to ensure all the eggs could be properly seen. Perhaps a levitation magic of some kind? Could they find someone who could take care of that on such short notice?

“I guess I can count myself out for an egg decoration prize. But, it’s more fun if a lot of people participate, right? Maybe next year I’ll get lucky and the committee will pick something that I’’m good at,” She laughed. 

“I could really get into a gardening contest of some kind—although I think that would fit better with an autumn festival. Maybe a perfume blending contest? Not that I can really complain. The buffet looks great. With something like that, I suppose everyone who attends is a winner, right?”

    The flyer for the four-leaf clover hunt also caught Jade’s interest. 

“If you don’t mind, then I’ll definitely join,”   she confirmed.

    The location of the hunt was a local hill. Clover flowers adorned the area with puffy red, pink, and white flowers. A small crowd had already gathered for the hunt by the time the three mages arrived. Among them, there were quite a few children. The promise of extra luck was a hard temptation to refuse.

    Although, Jade had to wonder. Was a four-leaf clover actually lucky, or was it just rare? If that was a case, wouldn’t someone find one if they had good luck in the first place? Not that such a differentiation mattered in the long run. Jade supposed the point was to have fun, and bring the community together. In that case, it was all about participation. Normal people might be less afraid to ask mages for help if they interacted with them face-to-face. It was a humanizing measure. And, Jade supposed, events designed to be entirely luck-based like this would probably come off as more fair than those based on skill—especially to people who didn’t have any magic ability.

    After the signal was given, Jade moved well into the hunting area. At one point, she could have sworn an old schoolmate telling her that four-leaf clovers were easier to find on the edges of big patches—because they were a mutation of some kind. In the end, she got on her hands and knees, going over each individual plant with her keen eyesight. There were no end to the clovers with three leaves—even some with two. The sharpshooter ended up somewhat forgetting the purpose of the activity, and instead began collecting clover flowers with long stalks so she could make them into flower crowns.

    She even stopped searching for the clover—instead particularly pretty clover flowers.


"Guildmaster, are you having any luck?" She asked.


“I think someone might have found it already,” she admitted. It was easy to hear a few shrieks of enthusiasm around the clover patch. No doubt the victorious were feeling particularly lucky already.

    The mage placed a thin crown of dark red clover flowers on her own head. She wasn’t sure how Illya was doing—but something told her the Guildmaster was having about as much luck as her. 

“Can I offer you a consolation prize?” The sharpshooter offered, holding out a crown of pink clover blooms. After all, when it came to the Guildmaster, pink was the only option. Although, many of the clovers were not a true, solid pink. Some were a bright, vivid pink. Others were so pale that they were nearly white. A handful had white petals throughout the majority of the flower—graduating into pink closer to the bottom of the bloom.

    All through the hunting area, a number of bees happily partook of the flowers. Jade spotted several bees ‘lost in the sauce’ as it were. Fat bumblebees. Honeybees with their legs and pollen pockets jam-packed. Maybe they could look forward to some good honey later in the year. 

“Any luck on your end, Illya?” Jade asked. 

By that time, Jade had completely given up on the clover. But, she had amassed an impressive amount of flowers by her side. More than enough for a third crown. Red. Pink. White. Even purple clovers. 

“Do you have a preferred color for your ‘consolation prize’ if you don’t find the right clover?” Jade asked.

    Even if she hadn’t done as well as she hoped in the egg painting contest, Jade was quite dexterous and good with her hands. It was hard to say if her fine motor skills were a result of her working on alchemy and potions a lot—or if she preferred those sorts of activities because she was naturally dexterous from the start.

    ((Post WC: 1,048 | Personal WC: 1483))


    Information about Jade Nettle

    Jade's Vault

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    Morgana Primrose
    Morgana Primrose

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    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by Morgana Primrose 2nd July 2022, 9:56 am

    (( Rolling for Illya ))


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    Post by NPC 2nd July 2022, 9:56 am

    The member 'Morgana Primrose' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Morgana Primrose
    Morgana Primrose

    Lineage : Feeling Empty
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    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by Morgana Primrose 2nd July 2022, 4:03 pm

    The guildmaster of Luminous Rose certainly was more lively than Illya would have given her credit for. Desirée would have been in the middle of talking to the woman in green before she had walked up with her legs shaking of hesitation. The poor girl looked ready to just explode with the amount of energy taking off in her veins. Like a deer standing in the headlights. By some stroke of luck, the pink haired woman spun around with the grace and majesty that her music had implied she had tenfold. It was enough to make Illya feel a tinge of beauty impact her. Even if she was somewhat troubled by the bracelet around her wrist, the girl at least blushed a little from seeing her energetic face swell in joy from her words. She was excited to meet her?! A nobody from a nation that was now universally hated by most other nations? "O-Oh. You're excited to meet me?" Ilyana asked hopefully, her cheeks gaining a crimson color to them. She fussed with her worn treads and would listen as Desirée would continue about being happy that she had been such a huge fan. It was a revitalizing boost of energy that the youth needed now! "Th-Thank you! I wanna make music like you and Illya one day too. To make sure I can help others too…"

    Ilyana smiled back at the starlet before her attention turned towards the woman in green beside her. A hand was extended to her, Illyana's eyes venturing up the limb carrying it to observe her in full. A woman clad in jade green with a serious appearance to her. It made the girl associate her with some kind of warrior from one of the more rural and earthen communities. It was probably that Pergrandian in her that would word it so harshly, but Illyana bore no ill intent or impression of her. How could she when her own home wouldn't even take her back after what had happened. "It's nice to meet you as well, Jade. It would be lovely to work together on a job sometime." The woman smiled. "I'm not really a fighter either. Summoning has always been sort of my thing." The thought of undertaking a job together alongside a guild member was a bit intimidating for the still newish woman, but Illyana was hopeful that she could at least pull her own weight enough to keep from weighing any other party members down. Amidst the storm of self doubt and worry inside of her head, she would come back into the real world at Desirée picking up a flyer for the four leaf clover hunt that was to be held in just five minutes. Illyana was delighted at her invitation to tag along, nodding her head as fast as it could go like the fangirl the youth was. "O-Of course! It would be an honor, guildmaster!" she beamed happily. They made their way to the event starting

    A little while after, the three of them would be on a local hill, as the hunt began a short while after their arrival. Even with her spirits helping fill the gaps between looking for the clover, Illyana was having very little luck in trying to track down this fabled four leaf clover. The odd part was that no other parties seemed to be having the same sort of difficulty finding the prize as everyone else. Illyana even overheard a choice few debating if the four leaf clover was even in this hill area to begin with. "One, two…darn it. One, two, three…Not that one either." She fussed about for a while until the end, when consolation prizes were given out to all of the contestants. Illya crossed her arms with an audible huff, turning to Jade and Desirée. "Sorry. I probably weighed you guys down a lot. You could have found that clover sooner…" she apologized, her Pergrandian accent more noticeable now than it had been before. Her head was doing its best to remain up, although Illyana was hesitant to make eye contact out of guilt.

    WC: 1,909 // 2,000
    Eggs: 2 // 3


    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ 5kxIQ3p



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by desirée 8th July 2022, 2:42 am

    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Dd8a7pv-5ffe5d2b-4264-4c27-b645-88c8ad93b6ab.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzZkNTVlNTYxLTNiZWQtNDczNi1hMDc1LTdlYmFkYjE5MWRjN1wvZGQ4YTdwdi01ZmZlNWQyYi00MjY0LTRjMjctYjY0NS04OGM4YWQ5M2I2YWIucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ 8VYfgr2

    desirée blooms luminous rose

    After digging and digging through the flora that coated the hill of Oak Town, the guildmistress would sigh as her eyes would waver from the ground upward to her group- the four-leaf clover did not seem to make an appearance to either of the three. While Desirée was not in the least bit upset from the festive ordeal, her bioluminescent organisms that floated around her crown of diamonds definitely were; their pink and green hues would now appear to consist of bright variations of blue colors, accompanied by wispy tears made entirely of holy light and crystalline fragments drifting out of their tiny little eyes. Raising her hand outward to accept the prize of the small easter egg, slipping it into her dress's side pocket to be reacquainted with its familiar twin she already had in her possession. Turning to her peers, she would smile in starry confidence as she would listen to them speak about the events that just had taken place, spotting the flower crowns Jade had constructed from the surrounding flora. They were just so precious that the Queen of Chrysalis could not help but smile and organically increase the brightness that radiated from her forehead gem!

    "Lumi, Luna, and I couldn't find it either, but it's alright~! ♡ I'm sure whoever found it deserves it much more than I do," the pink-haired slayer would clasp her hands together as she would speak to the other Luminous Rose members, her gaze looking up toward the sky with golden optics, "besides, even though magic has quite the impact on the realms that get to experience it, I feel like the stars up in the cosmos are leading all of us to a lucky reality, even those that don't see it yet. Just like the light at the end of the tunnel, I think there is luck there too, even if the tunnel is super long and hard to get out of. ✰"

    In the golden eyes of the girl of pink diamonds and hers alone, the sky above her would not consist of the ordinary blue tones and the clean slate that those of Earthland would experience during the daytime- she would be able to sight an ocean of brilliant white stars in a sea of pink in its place, granted by the crown gem of the crystal realm in order to see its brilliance from afar. While she was capable of granting anyone the ability to do so with the effects of her magic, she felt it was a bit too soon to introduce her guild to such unordinary things, though was sure to allow it to manifest within her crystallized brain as a constant reminder of the other world she additionally resided upon. The stars meant more to Desirée than one could fathom as they had singlehandedly changed the trajectory of her life forever- the day one fell from the cosmic realm into the seas beyond Rose Garden was the first time she ever felt that much of holy gem radiance, and though many years had passed since that occurrence, she had never allowed herself to forget what she felt and experienced on that day. Though it would be hard to forget such an exquisite event being that it ascended her into crystalline queendom within the cosmos.

    After she had finished her shpeal about the stars in the sky, her gaze seemed to pull her into a bit of a hyper-focus on what was above, delving into feelings of nostalgia as she would stare into the stellar mass of pink and white light the others could not see. However, this would soon change as Jade offered her one of the flower crowns of the clover blooms, which would immediately break Desirée's focus and cause her to gracefully look down from her gawk into the sky.

    "Oh Jade, thank you so much~! ♡" she would excitedly exclaim to the girl in hopes to accept the gift, quickly slipping it onto her head to rest just under her crown of gems, "it's pink, too!"

    Raising herself off the ground a few feet within ethereal flight, the gemstone queen would smile as she would spin toward Illya once more and would raise her hand out to manifest a small circular ripple accompanied by a magical circle, closing her eyes for a brief moment. It was clear to the guildmistress that the girl was seemingly avoidant of making eye contact and was a bit apologetic for not finding the clover- it was something that made Desirée the tiniest bit upset, though unnoticeable, as there was nothing to be apologizing for in her eyes! Therefore she had an idea, and though she was a bit self-conscious as she did not wish for it to be silly, she decided to go with it as soon as it crossed her mind. Envisioning a small pile of pink diamonds each individually shaped in the image of a four-leaf clover, out of the rippling magical circle would float into the air small crystal constructs that reflected just what she was imagining, about twelve in total.

    "Illya, this is for you~! ♡ If we weren't able to find it today, this should do just the trick until we each get to find an actual four-leaf clover of our own! They say holy pink diamonds are the brightest in luminosity of them all, ✰" she would begin to speak to the girl as one of the clover gems would make its way in front of Illya in levitation, waiting to be plucked, "oh, and for the flower crown and your hard work searching, you get one too Jade~! It's like a trade~! ♡"

    Passing out the levitating charms of gemstones and pink light, she would disperse them evenly upon those in the group and any visible pets, including her own, though her senses would once again be off-put. However, it would not be from an awkward space gaze but from her nose; somewhere close she could smell a freshly opened bottle of some kind of liquor with her slayer senses, alongside some really really vibrantly scented cooking. It would cause her eyes to become developed in a rosy pink color in contrast to her typical golden. Though there was not a need for consumption of anything other than light and cosmic radiance for those of gem-kind, Desirée still enjoyed the old ways of living she experienced for eighteen years of being an ordinary human mage. But eating by no means compared to drinking.

    "I smell liquor and some probably super yummy food! ♡," the girl would exclaim, quickly rising into the sky about ten feet above the hill's surface as she would begin to scan the tents, eventually spotting the shots being poured at a bar with her slayer senses, "it's at the tent with the green pattern and pink tip~! ✰ Let's go you guys~! ✰"

    Bolting across the sky with such speed that it almost looked like she teleported, Desirée would arrive above the tent after leaving a wispy trail of light and crystalline fragments and would rapidly levitate downwards, allowing her heels to clack against the concrete below. It wasn't her intention directly to leave Jade and Illya to catch up on their own, though the scent of the booze caused her to make carry out rather drastic actions in order to quickly get what was abnormally slipping her mind for once- it was the tiniest bit embarrassing for her to think about, leading her to quickly order a bottle of champagne (which coincidentally was in a glass decorated in pink ribbon-like patterns) and take a few heavy gulps straight with no chaser. Burping after doing so, she would let out a sigh and would begin eyeing the food before grabbing a small puffy pastry of sorts and stuffing it into her mouth to mask that grotesque taste that came from that strong pink champagne. To her surprise, one of the event staff would come up and award her with two additional small easter eggs- probably one for each mega gulp.

    total thread wc: 6,807 | 6,000
    personal wc: 3,415
    post wc: 1,322
    small egg count: x4
    tags: @Jade_Nettle @Morgana Primrose


    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ IY2eFxu

    Morgana Primrose
    Morgana Primrose

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    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ Empty Re: ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾

    Post by Morgana Primrose 14th July 2022, 9:13 pm

    Though her spirits were made a bit sour form the lack of finding any four leaf clovers, it was not within Illya's realm of possibilities to let this keep her mood any for a short period of time. Her inexperience and personal history thus far had given the girl a somewhat timid view of the world around her. Understandably so had the two known the country she hailed from. Yet the Pergrandian would look at Desirée once more after the guildmaster rose from the ground while accepting the crown of roses from Jade, soon turning her attention to Illya while the girl's eyes followed her magic in amazement. With just the slightest bit of effort, Illya had been thoroughly impressed by the older woman's offer. A four leaf clover, made out of pink diamonds, floated in front of her. With trembling, dainty fingers, she plucked it out of the sky and held the fragile gift in her hands with the look of amazement. "G-Guildmaster, it's beautiful..." A faint color was on the girl's cheeks, shaking her head while trying not to look too affected by the gesture, but smiling regardless. A feeling stirred within the young mage, whatever it was. They had not such tension in their chest before. Like her airways were closing in, strangling her from the inside out. Such a strange sensation, one which Illyana could not tell if she enjoyed or disliked. The gesture from the woman had caused the Pergrandian to lower her guard a tad. If either woman was to look into Illya's eyes, they would catch sight of that little ember flickering in her eyes. The beginnings of what somebody who wanted something beyond their grasp for now would contain. Illyana wanted to be that symbol of hope that Desirée was, bracelet or not. She would find a way to become her own mage someday. But for now...

    "Thank you. I'll, ah, treasure this. Always."

    Upon a moment's notice, the woman was off once more. Desirée floated towards the tables over yonder, Illya looking to Jade as their leader of the trio would come down form the air and promptly walk away with a shrug before following her to the feast. She had a seat close by and would help herself towards the many foods and drinks close by. For whatever reason, everything had tasted sweeter than usual. Was it because of the festival or perhaps a change of reasoning? Illyana couldn't begin to think about what it could be, but cared little for what ifs. For now, she would enjoy herself. There was work to be done, and if she wished to become half the mage that Jade and Desirée were, her work would be cut out for her.

    WC: 2,366 // 2,000
    Eggs: 3 // 3


    ☽ ostara prism | event w/ jade & illya ☾ 5kxIQ3p

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