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    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event)


    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Empty The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event)

    Post by Thatcywalker 14th May 2022, 10:14 am


    Rolling for easter egg hunt and four leaf clover hunt


    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Darksteel


    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Empty The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event)

    Post by NPC 14th May 2022, 10:14 am

    The member 'Thatcywalker' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Die_01_42158_sm The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Die_05_42162_sm

    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Empty Re: The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event)

    Post by Thatcywalker 14th May 2022, 2:59 pm


    The day was nice in oak town; flowers blooming, the sun in the sky wasn't too hot, and even a nice wind blew through. It was a perfect day to celebrate the oncoming of spring, and most were more then happy to rejoice in the festivities. Most as they were was one dragon slayer from silver wolf who didn't really care too much for the attractions on display. In her Iserheim armor, the blacks and blues of the chainmail armor were a stark contrast to the pastels most had on display in the town. Reina didn't really care though, as far as she was concerned she wanted to pick up this package for the nerds back at the guild. As for why she would do something so simple was a unfortunate consequence of her heritage; dragons always kept their word. Even if it means losing a stupid bet so simple that she shouldn't have bothered with the task, a waste of time and energy to humor the no good-

    A smell drifted to her nose as she took notice, her eyes drifting over to where most were gathering around. Now being led by her stomach, she would venture over to the crowd as she beheld more of the festival. And to her surprise their was a dragon statue? Small one that was clearly made out of paper mache and grass with a flower crown on top of it's head. Her curiosity now thoroughly engaged, she would had ventured over to it and found someone to ask about it. "Hey, what's the deal with the dragon?" She would had asked the woman next to it, who was wearing a long skirt with pastel colors, her own flower crown on top of her head. "Oh I take it your not from around here! Sorry, clears throat, this is our dragon for the spring festival this year! Whoever wins the most competitions will be crowned the spring dragon for the season! Ah what beautiful flowers we chose for the crown this year too, wonderful daisies mixed with tulips and-"

    "Where can I sign up?" Reina would had interrupted which would had surprised the lady.


    "Where can I sign up? To earn the spring dragon title?"

    "Oh I'm sorry dear were already half way through the activities. Don't worry though you can still enjoy-"

    "Nonsense! Surely I can still win the title."

    "I-I uh think I'm needed elsewhere, excuse me." the lady would had tried to leave the conversation but was cut off as Reina side stepped in her way.

    "Where's the next event happening and tell me quick." The demand was out of place for the peaceful atmosphere that the lady nervously pointed in a direction. Reina would take a look, and seeing a crowd of people around, walk towards them. The lady would only sigh in relief after the aggressive woman had made enough of a distance.

    WC: 486

    Last edited by Thatcywalker on 15th May 2022, 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Darksteel


    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Empty Re: The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event)

    Post by Thatcywalker 15th May 2022, 3:16 pm

    The dragon slayer would had joined the group within a minute with a determined stride. Upon reaching them she noted many of the members had green baskets with various designs of flowers and vines on them. Most were idlily talking but a few heads had noticed the out of place newcomer. One of them would step forward, and it would take Reina to look behind the pastel decorations to see a rune knights uniform. The man had a few inches on Reina but had a kind gaze as he began to speak. "Hello there, are you here for the easter egg hunt?"

    "If it's for the title of spring dragon, then yes!"

    "Yeah, just grab a basket from the table over a few feet. Were going to start in ten minutes so when your ready, please join the crowd so you can hear the rules." the rune knight would had gestured to the table where a sparse amount of baskets remained. With a purpose she walked over and examined each basket. Most of them at this point were gone leaving the less popular around, and it was clear given how they had less flowers on them then the other baskets. However just because they had less flowers didn't mean they weren't worse as she noticed a basket with Winter Heath woven into it's design. The flowers were organized on the handle to make it look like a passage way with a clear area for one to hold the basket, which she took. Reina would then walk back with a smug look as she looked over the other common flowers in the baskets; they may had bigger blooms but a Winter Heath had a silent strength to it that made it pop out especially after a long snow fall.

    As she found a spot to wait it would be clear that her superior taste was noticed by another. She watched as the young man approached; Reina estimated him being a foot taller then her but due to his slouched posture he appeared only a few inches taller. He had some rather mundane clothes on given the festivities, simple jeans and a shirt with only a flower crown to suggest he was part of the festivities. His basket was of simple yellow daises as he approached, a hushed and cautious tone delivered his words, "You chose a good basket there, is it because it reminds you of Iceberg?"

    "It's Iserheim, and no. I happen to appreciate the beauty of snow flowers compared to most of these bland petals including those ugly daisies."

    The man was a little surprised by her rude tone, then began to sulk away before someone walked by him. Reina took notice of him not due to the outrageous pastel theme his clothes had, but rather the angry look in his eyes. He met at Reina's eye level having the same height as her, only leaving a few inches between them before he began. "Hey go be rude somewhere else huh?!"

    "And tell me what if I decide to be rude here?"

    The short man looked taken aback before he took a breath and rejoined the taller one, taking his hand as they walked away. Reina didn't have much time to think about the encounter as a yell announced it was soon time for the easter egg hunt. She would had made her way toward the front of the crowd as they all faced the rune knight. He was holding a ornately decorated egg as he began his speech.

    "Hello everyone! Welcome to the easter egg hunt! Now the rules for this are simple, their are about 100 eggs out in the park area behind me hidden any and everywhere. Whoever finds the most eggs will be declared the winner of this event! Now before we go any further let me remind all of you no magic nor combat arts are allowed to be use al right?" He looked over the crowd looking for confirmation before continuing. "Now then, on your marks, get set, go!"

    WC: 676/1162

    Last edited by Thatcywalker on 15th May 2022, 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Darksteel


    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Empty Re: The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event)

    Post by Thatcywalker 15th May 2022, 8:24 pm

    Reina had wasted no time once the cue was given. The dragon slayer practically covered half of the whole area with her first leap as her eyes scanned for the eggs. Very quickly she spotted one high in a tree branch that she reached with a leap. Soon one egg turned to two, then three, and soon she had recovered enough that her basket was nearing full. Seeing this she stopped briefly to scout around for any kind of material to reinforce it. Spotting none with time closing fast, she opted to cradle the basket within the crook of her arm to allow for another layer. With the basket secured, she lunged forward into a slide as she snagged a egg before another managed to grab it. With it secured she moved on away from the man with the daisy basket as she scoured for more eggs.

    A few minutes had passed and by this point she couldn't find any more eggs. With a sigh of disappointment she would had turned and began to walk back to the starting line only to see everyone else had long returned back to it already. She made her way back to the original table where the rune knight was speaking idlily with a couple of others as they watched her place down the overflowing basket of eggs. She then turned around with a smug smile on her face as she asked aloud, "I assume I won?"

    The three people looked at each other, leaving the rune knight with the burden to speak to her, "Yes you have won miss. In fact I would say so fast no one else was able to get more then a few eggs."

    "Of course I did. I am very good at whatever I decide to do. Anyways when is the next contest?"

    "...in about ten to twenty minutes. It will be right here as well."

    With a smile, she walked away triumphally while the three continued their conversation.

    "Well I'm glad we decided to have the kid's egg hunt separate this year."

    "She was being pretty vicious with some of the others Mick, you can't do anything about that?"

    "A competitive soul is not grounds for a fine or a arrest. But I will have to keep an eye on her I'll agree to that."

    The dragon slayer had now decided to enjoy the feast that had been put on for everyone. And it was a good one, seemingly they had prepared for her arrival as they even had bison steaks for the taking! Most didn't get anymore then one on account of the game taste and the better options available, which meant she could load up. Besides no one was going to tell the future spring dragon no now would they? As she lamented at the cheap metal they had for utensils, she would had noticed a familiar face at the spot she wanted to eat alone at. Pastel outfit, short stature, and a body language that described anger to a point, the man no doubt wanted to try Reina's patience again. "You have something to say boy?" She would had begun, lazily tearing a piece of the bison steak for her consumption.

    "Yeah you nearly tore my boyfriends hand off at the easter egg hunt!"

    "Well he should know not to get in the way of the spring dragon."

    "The...??? Wait you mean-"

    "Yes, I am going to be this year's spring dragon. And all should be wary of crossing a dragon's path."

    Reina then looked confused as the man laughed aloud, "Oh please, you weren't even here for the first two contests which, by the way, my love won with ease. So you have to win the four leaf clover hunt if you want that title which news flash, not gonna happen."

    Reina now stepped up to get right in the man's face, which to his credit did not stand down despite the sweat forming on his forehead. "I will be the spring dragon this year, and not either of you mongrels." She would had kept her position for a minute before breaking it and walking away to the tree. Now free of the confrontation, the pastel man quickly walked away while her back was turned.

    WC: 712/1874

    Last edited by Thatcywalker on 15th May 2022, 9:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Darksteel


    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Empty Re: The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event)

    Post by Thatcywalker 15th May 2022, 9:26 pm

    Time had passed quickly as now people had gathered once again for the last contest of the day though the crowd had dropped in size, no doubt involving Reina. She particularly looked focused today, her eyes scanning the area in front of her, only sparing a glare over at the daisy and pastel men. "Did something happen between you two?" "Never mind that, just know we can't let her win." "Yeah something happened..."

    "Al right everybody! The last contest of the day is here and it's a simple goal. Locate a four leaf clover amongst the fields over here. First to bring one back will win this game! I will remind folks here though that magic and combat arts are not allowed, along with a reminder to keep civil with your fellow contestants. Finally we will conclude after a hour on the off chance no one can find it. Now on your mark, get set, go!"


    45 minutes have passed and only three were left on the field looking for the accursed four leaf clover. Unsurprisingly Reina was one of them, now at this point using her strength to partially move and uproot what was in her way in her search. Surprisingly the couple were also around, the pastel man was as relentless as Reina was in his pursuit for the four leaf clover, but lacked her brute force. The man with the daisy basket was also looking, but half heartily as he really didn't want to win at that point, vouching to watch the birds further away as he stood in a crowded section of trees.

    He suddenly felt something prick his back, and was going to turn when a familiar voice hushed him. "Not a move. Now lets continue talking before you decided to leave me hmm?" The plain man started to whimper softly as he realized who the figure was, wishing for this to be over. "Ah I missed that..., you always had a way with words. Now-"

    "Hey!" A woman's voice shouted aloud as both men turned their heads to the source. Unbeknownst to the both of them the redhead had been around and now was within a arms length of the two. Reina herself was only slightly confused at the sight of someone in a pink bunny costume, but would continue with irritation. "You weren't there at the start of the contest so get the hell out of here!" Her loud voice had drawn the attention of the pastel man, who quickly read the situation and began approaching, only stopping on seeing the blade. "You don't get to tell me where I can and can't go bitch. Especially when you look like you came from a cave."

    Reina would had stormed forward, now at the bunny mascot's face as she began tearing into him, "Your more of a mutt then a rabbit, and a wretched one from the looks of you! Your damn fortunate I have more important things to do then put you in your place cur." "How dare you!" The bunny mascot would had pushed the tall man away into the grasp of his lover as both began putting distance between them and the bunny. As for the man in disguise himself, he would had aimed a slash with his switchblade at the dragon slayers neck, only to watch shatter upon coming in contact with her skin becoming a dull iron color before returning back to it's natural pigment. He was in shock as Reina narrowed her eyes, then without warning unleashed a brutal blow that would had knocked the man off his feet backwards a few meters. She would glare at the two men who stared at her, Reina's aura now unleashed revealing her true nature. "I am going to be back for you two later." With that said, she would had stormed off after the man she had threw through the air.


    "So this bunny man that tried to stab you wasn't there when you found him?" The rune knight asked a fuming Reina. By this point her destruction of the trees had been reported, and now a full squad was out to investigate breaking up the festivities. The silver lining was that it was the evening by the time the incident had happened, so it wasn't tragic that the festival ended earlier then expected. "Yeah! Bastard ruined my chance of becoming the spring dragon! Along with those two guys, I swear they worked together to do this to me!"

    "Ok ok, now you've told me about these two men, but their nowhere to be found. Do you have any idea where they could had gone?"

    "Probably crawled away in some hole grumble."

    "Al right well thank you Ms. Darksteel for your cooperation. Will contact you in the future if we have any further questions." With a huff Reina would had stormed off away from the scene. Oh what a rotten day this had turned out to be, but it was expected. Damn mongrels couldn't handle losing so of course they had to sabotage it. She swore when she found them she would pick up where they left off...pick up? With a groan, Reina realized that she still had one more thing to do in town, and trudged toward the store for the pick up.

    WC: 882/2756


    The dragon of spring emerges!(spring festival event) Darksteel

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 8:55 pm