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    Human nature. [Birch]


    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
    Position : Warlord of Devastation
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2,745,750

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    Human nature. [Birch] Empty Human nature. [Birch]

    Post by Jester 18th May 2021, 7:06 am

    Human nature. [Birch] MSqa7Qe

    We take what we want. there's so many ways to be wicked, with us evil lives on the right side of wrong, there's so many ways to be wicked

    Skipping through the halls of the Erring's Rising castle, Jester couldn't help but find himself a little bored. He had just enjoyed the delicious Euphoria of toying with another life, until the eventually climax of watching the girl be mauled together by her own beloved pet hound. Which Jester had of course drugged and sent into a rabid state. Her screams had been so beautiful.

    And here he was not a day later, still riding the effects of the kill but not quite sure what to do with himself. Sheba was exploring the mountainside for some fresh prey, which left Jester all on his lonesome. He pondered what to do, as far as his knew his Queenie wasn't in the castle at the moment, and he didn't particular know or like the other members well enough to play with them. Well, except for one.

    His eyes lit up and his grin stretched across his ivory features instantly. Of course! He could go play with Oakey! Turning on his hell, the clown would skip down the halls in the direction of his guildmates room, all the while humming a playful tune. As he reached the room, he would not knock but instead yank the door open, stepping inside and slamming it behind him. Before pirouetting around the room in the most elegant manner, humming his tune even louder as he glanced at the blonde's face to see what sort of reaction he was having to the intrusion.

    WC: 247 Thread WC: 247 Tag: @Birch


    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

    Alt Account- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 82,536

    Human nature. [Birch] Empty Re: Human nature. [Birch]

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 22nd May 2021, 3:01 am

    Birch was suffering. He had always been one to hide in his room when he wasn't working toward his ambitions, but now it was more out of necessity. As his blood pact with Lilith progressed with its symptoms, he barely left his room at all unless it was to accomplish something pressing for his own goals. He didn't trust himself, not with her linked emotions plaguing him more intensely by the day. All he needed was to run into Saraphina when Lilith was feeling particularly needy. The phoenix had underestimated how intense feeling her more... loud impulses would be. It was framed as more of a problem at Christmas when Jester's female form had tempted him, and it had only grown into a more monumental problem since. He couldn't be trusted around anyone! That accursed lecherous woman! Wasn't her thirst ever quenched?? It was driving him insane.

    He had half a mind to use his presumed loophole to break out of this curse right now. He knew he wasn't thinking straight and wouldn't, but Tahoma hardly seemed that important. Still, despite the inconvenience, he didn't feel like doing that to Lilith. Being linked to her had perhaps created a bond whether that was intended or not. It was as if they were constantly getting to know each other's deepest darkest secrets without spending hardly any time together. It was a strange way to feel like a friend was made.

    Though Saraphina and anyone willing to give in to his sexual desires were at the top of his 'Avoid At All Costs' list, the very last human being he wanted to see in any scenario flounced into his room without so much as a knock. Birch had been perched on the edge of his bed, clothed in only a white tank top and gym shorts, furiously pumping his weights to try and work through Lilith's influence. His blond locks were pulled into a messy, low ponytail, which became even messier with how violently he jumped to his feet to glare. His hands dropped the weights with a loud clang. "NO. Get out!" he yelled, though this was not his usual glowering rage that he aimed at the idiotic clown. This was much more urgent, almost fearful. Desperate. As much as he wanted to rush Jester and violently eject him from his room, Birch dared not get too close. His mind was already floating to Femme-Jester and those lips beneath the mistletoe. As much as he loathed this red-headed, pirouetting man, not even rage could turn his turbo-charged libido off. To wrap his calloused hands around that psycho's pale neck and squeeze until he was gasping for air...OH NO! Oh, no no no no no...

    [wc: 453 || total: 700]


    Human nature. [Birch] Ih2UNXF

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
    Position : Warlord of Devastation
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,745,750

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    Human nature. [Birch] Empty Re: Human nature. [Birch]

    Post by Jester 22nd May 2021, 8:29 am

    Human nature. [Birch] MSqa7Qe

    We take what we want. there's so many ways to be wicked, with us evil lives on the right side of wrong, there's so many ways to be wicked

    As always seeing Oakey flustered in such a way, delighted Jester greatly. He was so easy to rattle and to think the clown had barely gotten started with today's dose of toyings and fun. It was always a dangerous game with Oakey, to push his buttons so teasingly, Jester was well aware of the truly dark and violent nature that the man kept hidden by his stoic and grumpy exterior. At any moment he could snap and lose his composure completely, and who knew what would happen after that. The thought tititalized Jester in the most sinister manner, oh how he'd love to witness Oakey lose control. To play audience to the man's most exquisite darkness, alas he had always managed to maintain that control.

    However, there was no doubt that something curious was going on with the blonde at the moment, he had always been one to avoid the more tedious goings-on in the guild. But lately, that seemed to be even more enforced than usual, particularly since the winter period, when Jester had undergone a rather interesting physical change. Had it been that embarrassing for the man? To kiss the one he so abhorred. Had Jester known it was going to affect him in such an entertaining way, he would have certainly done so sooner.

    Jester giggled at the man's enraged roar but made no efforts to leave the room. Instead, he would cease his twirl before the man, lowering his hands to his waist and rocking his hips as he switched his weight from foot to foot. "Oh me, oh my. Someone's feeling testy today," He cooed with a snicker, watching the man's stance in an inspection manner. "What's the matter Oakey? Something under your skin is it? There, there, tell your dearest Jestey all about it~" He stepped forward slightly, still out of the reach for the blond, honey eyes watching him with intrigue.

    WC: 319 Thread WC: 1019 Tag: @Birch


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