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    The Immovable Object and the Unstoppable Force


    Lineage : Master of the Other World
    Position : None
    Posts : 117
    Guild : Less
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 16,460

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yin Yang Lightning
    Second Skill: Material Advantage
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    The Immovable Object and the Unstoppable Force Empty The Immovable Object and the Unstoppable Force

    Post by Believer 16th July 2021, 12:26 pm

    Th young wizard felt like a slob, imagining he looked just as poorly as he felt. The mission he'd completed only an hour early involved rounding up pigs, so Tad had worn his active wear, prefering to get that dirty than his normal clothes. Thaddeus Windrift, despite his icky feelings, was enjoying the town of Magnolia, now that he had time to wander the streets rather than rushing through them like a mad man. The shops were generally quaint and a bit disheveled, but the products were beautifully crafted. A nice jacket, mostly maroon, but with gorgeous green highlights really caught his eye. He was a little short on cash, hence the mission of recollecting a farmer's pigs, but with the payment he just received and a little bit of haggling, Tad thought he could probably swing the purchase of the jacket.

    The sweaty fellow took the jacket off the hanger before placing it onto his own body. As usual with clothes, Tad's lanky arms were a bit too long compared to the arms of the jacket. It was something he was used to and didn't really mind as it gave his wrists a little room to breathe. In a way, he appreciated the look with a jacket that didn't completely cover the sleeves of his shirt. Tad was perusing some more items, feeling out the jacket when a lady walked up to him.

    "Are you gonna pay for that jacket?" her tone indicating that she had already made her mind up about Tad and his intentions.

    "This one?" Tad asked, flicking one that was still on a hanger with his hand. "I had no intention of paying for this one mam, but I also had little intent to take it home with me, so all in all, the chances of me stealing it are relatively low, right?" The smile on his face was somehow reassuring and not at all condescending.

    "I meant the one you're wearing, bub."

    "This one?!" Tad said, spinning around 360 degrees while holding the jacket out as he spun. Once he returned to facing the woman, he looked down at the tag. "Weeeell..." he started, drawing the word out. "That depends on you, specifically whether or not you and I can come to some sort of agreement on a price that is substantially lower than the one you've got listed on the tag." He flicked the tag as he mentioned it before stepping closer and placing his hand on the woman's shoulder. He felt completely at ease placing his hand on the woman and meant it as a show of good faith.

    The woman, however, stepped back, allowing Tad's hand to fall from her shoulder. "I've heard enough out of you, get out of here right now!' The shop owner pointed to the door before bringing her finger back to herself and pointing at the door again, but this time with considerably more earnest than the first time.

    "If you insist!" Tad exclaimed, quickly turning towards the door. He was fully aware that he still had the jacket on, but she'd told him to leave. He was just complying with her directions, so he was completely faultless in this endeavor.

    "Hey!" The owner realized that he intended to leave without taking the jacket off. "Come back here! That's..." she trailed off as the young wizard was already through the doorway. She rushed to the door, slinging it open and screaming "THAT MAN STO..." once again the woman trailed off.

    She looked down, to find Tad a crumpled mess on the ground and another young man standing in front of him. It was apparent to her that the would-be thief had run out the door so quickly and collided into this other man. She giggled a little before repeating her question: "Are you gonna pay for that jacket?"


    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

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    The Immovable Object and the Unstoppable Force Empty Re: The Immovable Object and the Unstoppable Force

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 19th July 2021, 10:46 am

    The town of Magnolia had been on Sojiro's list to visit for some time now, in his quest to try and understand this land so he could find a way back home. Of course, between wild monster attacks and bandits littered on the roads, what was supposed to only take a week or two, ended up taking nearly two months instead. It felt as though he hadn't seen large groups of people for forever, which was why he was more than relieved once he ended up on the streets of the town.

    The man had taken care of himself while traveling, though his outfit still made him stick out compared to most others. He wore a track jumpsuit that was mostly white with stripes of light blue along it, a red emblem on one chest piece, on his face was a pair of red-framed glasses that contradicted the blue hair rested on his head, and he only carried a single duffel bag that had the same symbol on his chest.

    As he scanned the crowds of people, he wasn't surprised not to find any familiar faces among them, causing his little bit of joy to get stomped out. His face was stoic, showing that he was thinking and didn't want to be bothered by anyone, deterring most greeters at stores from bothering him while he was walking.
    Where the hell is the inn this town? If I don't sleep in a bed tonight my posture may never recover... Of course, things never really went the way that Sojiro wanted to, at least not in this cursed world he had been dragged into.

    And then it happened, just like it always does. Sojiro, despite his average height and seemingly average-looking build, was actually built like a small brick house. The Hero Spirit had even increased his physical aspects when he came this world, meaning that when something collided with him; he didn't budge. It was only a moment later that the doors of the same shop opened with someone screaming, before seeing Sojiro standing there. As the woman's eyes fell to the ground, Sojiro's eyes would do the same and for a moment he seemed shocked... Then annoyed, brows furrowing together as he would ask outloud, not to anyone directly but it could seem directed at the thief and the woman,
    "Just what have I gotten myself into now...?"


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    Lineage : Master of the Other World
    Position : None
    Posts : 117
    Guild : Less
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 16,460

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yin Yang Lightning
    Second Skill: Material Advantage
    Third Skill:

    The Immovable Object and the Unstoppable Force Empty Re: The Immovable Object and the Unstoppable Force

    Post by Believer 21st July 2021, 11:50 am

    Tad wasn't surprised that there were legs in front of him, rather than a toppled individual like himself. He, physically speaking, was a lanky guy who lacked a lot of muscles. With older brothers, he was used to finding himself on the ground, no matter how much energy he'd put into toppling the other person, when physical confrontations occurred. His eyes slid up the body, seeing a track suit which seemed particularly out of place when compared with the outfits of everyone else. Of course, it wasn't too dissimilar to Tad's own yellow outfit, though his was more revealing. It was then that the shop owner sneered at him and asked about paying. Tad paid her no mind, mostly cause his eyes were still affixed to the man standing in front of him and his brain was more interested in the specimen within that track suit. As Tad's eyes made it to the man's face, he realized three things almost at the same time: Sojiro was handsome, he wore glasses, and he was roughly the same age as Tad.

    Hearing Sojiro's words pushed Tad into action, quickly jumping to his feet. Tad spoke "Don't get the wrong idea. I'm just a young submissive boy who does what I'm told by my elders." His eyes flashed over to the lady as his body began removing the jacket he was wearing. "I was just trying this fancy jacket on, you see," he said as he removed it and handed back to the woman, whose anger was visibly growing as Tad spoke. "And she came over and yelled at me to get out. I followed her instructions, but ran into you on my way out." He stepped closer to Sojiro and placed his hand on Sojiro's forearm. "You're a very sturdy and handsome man, by the way, but I had no intention of stealing this woman's coat."

    The woman simply scoffed before taking her item back inside, dusting it off as she did so. The door closed behind her. "Good riddance, I say," Tad responded to the woman's departure. "Now that we're alone..." his voice trailed off as Tad's hand slid up Sojiro's arm to his bicep, squeezing a little. "What should we do?" Tad's eyes made a suggestive movement as his mouth turned into a slight grin.


    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

    Character Sheet
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    The Immovable Object and the Unstoppable Force Empty Re: The Immovable Object and the Unstoppable Force

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 27th July 2021, 1:49 pm

    The exasperation showed on Sojiro's face as he watched the person slowly get off the ground and start to take a jacket off, which he would hand back to the lady that had come running out of the store. With her jacket in hand, she seemed more than willing to let it go and let bygones be bygones. He fought back the urge to literally groan when the man complimented him and told him he had no intention of stealing the jacket. Sojiro's head, as Tad asked what they were going to do now that the two of them were alone, would tilt back and he'd look at the sky. What did I do to deserve this? But he only looked up for a few moments before turning his head back towards Tad.

    "Well, for starters, most people usually give their names before hitting on me. I've got to say you have an interesting way of going about things, Mister...?" And, assuming Tad gave his name, Sojiro would offer his own in response. "Sojiro Sakura." With names out of the way though, Sojiro would remember what his goal was once he had come to the town; a goddamn bed. This whole time he hadn't shook Tad's hand off his arm, mostly because it didn't really bother him, especially because he realized he could get something from this man; information. "Do you know where the nearest inn is? I just got into town about fifteen minutes ago, if even."


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 7:49 pm