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    Fresh off the Boat


    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1050

    Fresh off the Boat Empty Fresh off the Boat

    Post by Tao 1st December 2020, 2:21 am

    Errings Rising {} D-rank

    WC: 603
    TWC: 603
    Tagged: @Arthur Harrington
    Muse: Ugh

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    The instant he stepped onto the weathered wooden deck of the ship, he felt a weight lift from his very burdened shoulders. With head held high, he cast his golden orbs outward to sea instead of saying goodbye to the country of his birth, Dongxia. All he took with him was a lonely and trepidatious childhood, his trusty polearm, and a small travel bag filled with his prized tea set, as many herbs as he could fit, and a sack of mandarins. Even though he was officially leaving, the young man couldn't relax until he could get off the boat. It was a sturdy, extremely well-made vessel running on steam and oil, but it was very Dongxian. It would take him as far as Port Robinshire in Ca-Elum, and only then would he begin to feel free.

    Ca-Elum didn't catch his attention much. He wandered around the big city with typical but muted tourist interest. There was no denying that the port had anything and everything for sale from nearly every country he'd learned about in school. I was an introduction to world goods. Even more comforting was the lack of anything authentic from Dongxia. There was a stall claiming to have artefacts, but any native Dongxian would note they were paltry fakes. He saw one small tent where he suspected a merchant was peddling herbs and medicines, but he quickly moved on from it in favour of a Joyan shop selling loose-leaf teas. He bought only a few since he was travelling light, purchased a snack for the road, and boarded a Ca-Elum transport vessel heading for Fiore.

    The difference between Dongxian ships and Ca-Elum ships was startling, but they seemed equally efficient even if he did find the latter lacking a certain finesse. He sailed close to Minstrel which tempted him, but something held him back. He had had this plan since his mother taught him about all the countries. Fiore had always been his first stop for exploration. Rumoured to be a land of freedom and acceptance, Fiore would be low-risk. It had a diverse population and terrain. He would try his luck there before he ventured on to the less hospitable nations.

    Swinging around the southern coast of the peninsula, the ship docked at a port town named Cedar. It was far from the enormous, bustling trade city of Port Robinshire, and after Ca-Elum's first impression, he was a little disappointed. Cedar offered little more than fishing stalls and architecture, unlike anything he'd ever seen. He descended the ramp with only a few others, pausing on the docks to get his land legs back. It wouldn't take long to explore this place, but the young man was already running into a snag. While he had a travel plan for the order of nations he planned to visit, there wasn't much planning done once he arrived in those nations. Fiore must have larger cities. Inland, perhaps?

    Just like that, there was a new visitor in Fiore, a half-demon from Dongxia named Tao, who had never been allowed a surname due to his paternal lineage. The first thing Tao wanted was some maps. He'd get nowhere if he wandered around lost. The problem was, upon venturing more into the town, he saw nowhere to attain any maps, none of Cedar and none of Fiore. He was quickly learning that Cedar wasn't a hotspot for tourism. Hitching a ride on a trade ship had taken him out of the way for someone new to the nation. Though he hated to ask, Tao's only option now was to find someone to help him.



    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 726,963

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Commander of Helios
    Second Skill: Warrior of Helios (Light Demon Slayer)
    Third Skill:

    Fresh off the Boat Empty Re: Fresh off the Boat

    Post by Oberon 1st December 2020, 10:03 am

    Arthur Harrington
    HP: 2640/2640 MP: 1890/1890

    Arthur's day had been relatively uneventful so far. It was the kind of domestic day that the paladin enjoyed quite a bit. There was laundry to do, groceries to be shopped, and rooms to be cleaned. This didn't mean that it was a boring day, though, he found as he finished up the last of his chores before getting dressed up to go outside. He knew it was getting slightly chilly with the coming season, but he wouldn't let it affect him to such a degree due to the general warming nature of his magic and the slight aura he could coat himself with to avoid discomfort in any cold temperature situations. Cedar wasn't a small town by any means, and since he owned an apartment in the busier part of town, whenever he left the hallways of his apartment building, the roads and sidewalks were always stuffed and packed with people out and about, especially now that it was coming towards the holiday season. Now that the solstice's festivities were approaching, people were beginning to slowly put out their decorations and such for the year.

    Wandering just outside of Cedar's shopping district, Arthur found himself walking along the city's shoreline. The piers of Cedar were just as gothic as its cathedral and architecture. Stone masonwork patterned designs on the boardwalk with iron cross fences signaling designs of flowers and such as fences to the water. The paladin was not wearing his signature armor on this day in December, instead one of the brown fancy coats that he had picked up from the store a couple of days back. The ocean's tide lapped at the stone posts of the pier, he figured they were more stable than wooden constructs when left in the water for a long time. He wasn't a builder nor civil engineer so he wasn't particularly sure in that regard. It was a relaxing sound, the ocean, reminding him of his past when he was doing mercenary work on a ship and fought that undead sea monster. Turning around a corner, Arthur came to see a dark-haired male who seemed awfully confused about his general location. There was a jewel in the center of his forehead, and it intrigued him because he knew it was part of a foreign culture, but he couldn't quite place what country it was exactly from. His eyes were an inviting shade of gold, and Arthur would be lying to say that the man wasn't attractive in a cute sort of way. This would be his chance, then, to make a good impression and help someone who seemed awfully confused. Maybe he was new in town? That would be a good thing, because it seemed as if everybody knew who he was in town, which made his efforts at most things rather difficult. And it felt right to help people out anyway, even on his time off. With his deepest most charming tone, Arthur managed to spit out.

    "Hey there, you need help with anything? You look quite lost- either lost or confused anyway."

    TAG: @Tao WORDS: 512 NOTES: bleh

    Spell Healing:
    Spell Damage:
    Spell Durability:
    Strength: 90HP
    Speed: 180m/s
    Spell Range: (X)1.5
    HP Regen: 20%/Post
    MP Regen: 15%/Post
    MP Regen: 10%/Post


    Oberon Sutharlan | Vault | Golden Lacrima - EXP2021/11/10 | #FBCCD3 | Faerie Legacy

    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1050

    Fresh off the Boat Empty Re: Fresh off the Boat

    Post by Tao 1st December 2020, 3:28 pm

    Errings Rising {} D-rank

    WC: 308
    TWC: 1423
    Tagged: @Arthur Harrington
    Muse: Ugh

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    The bejewelled young man turned his face toward the deep voice, though he didn't reply immediately. It was always a struggle to interact with someone new for the first time, though beyond that he was more than willing to converse. He gave Arthur a quick appraisal as if merely scanning him would tell him would reveal intent. Was this a typical Fioran wishing to help or some sort of thief? He had precious little knowledge on how the average Fioran looked or acted, so there was no way for him to know if this was suspicious behaviour or not. Either way, Tao was not some ignorant newcomer who would trust blindly. He could distrust and still receive some assistance.

    "I am new to Fiore," Tao spoke, his tone higher and curter than the other man. He was proficient in most of Ishgar's languages, though his Dongxian accent would cling to his words like a sheer shroud. "I intend to travel and require maps," he stated, turning to face the much larger man in the brown coat. Were all Fiorans as large as he? In Dongxia he was of average height, but so far he seemed to be on the short side of things here. He...didn't like that very much. Looking up at people was annoying, and this one was about a head taller and much bulkier. Bringing his suitcase around to his front, Tao proceeded to bow courteously. "My name is Tao. Do you know where I can find the maps I need?" he asked. Despite the focus in his words, the half-demon wasn't actually in that much of a hurry. If he could find no maps, he'd just have to explore at random. It was just preferable to know a little about the nation so he'd have an idea where he should be looking for herbs...and demons.



    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 726,963

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Commander of Helios
    Second Skill: Warrior of Helios (Light Demon Slayer)
    Third Skill:

    Fresh off the Boat Empty Re: Fresh off the Boat

    Post by Oberon 1st December 2020, 4:42 pm

    Arthur Harrington
    HP: 4800/4800 MP: 2655/2655

    Arthur wasn't expecting the younger man's voice and accent to hit him like a sack of bricks, but it very much did. The dark-haired male spoke with a lilt in his voice that Arthur wasn't quite able to place but recognized it as a foreign accent. Admittedly, he wasn't the best at geography class back in the academy, but that was a long time ago and he had grown since then as a person and was trying to culture himself. Maybe this guy would help him in that regard, in regards to culturing him with a diversity of knowledge not offered by a textbook. From what the man said, he was new to Fiore, explaining the look of pure confusion that had been plastered on his face not mere moments ago. It must have been overwhelming for the poor guy, arriving in a new country and surrounded by foreign surroundings and foreign people who spoke a different language. The traveler spoke in almost perfect version of Arthur's language, which was quite impressive to be honest. This new arrival would definitely be interesting, it seemed, and definitely the little bit of change he had been desiring in his life. Now that they were facing each other in conversation, the paladin could get a closer look at the man in front of him. With a rounded face, pale skin, and small pointed nose, Arthur couldn't help but be attracted to his cute features. Though, given the man's general new-ness to the country, he'd probably have to help the little guy warm up to him a little bit before he even started flirting or pursuing romance. That was assuming, of course, men even held the adventurer's attention. It was unlikely to be the case, and so the paladin would not pursue such a thing quite yet when he really just wanted to tell the man how cute he was.

    And oh Helios, he was bowing out of politeness or respect or whatever. Not only was this cutie cultured and likely educated from being able to speak another language, he also seemed to have a decent amount of courtesy. Yup, it would definitely prove difficult to hold back on charming the recent arrival. Though, the man's intentions did seem to match up with Arthur's own, who had recently set out on travelling Fiore while taking a break from his guild-specific work. He had done a lot for amber island,  admittedly, and now he was still doing jobs but not on the same exact island to be honest. It seemed as if the smaller man- Tao as he was named, had a bit of money to his name. From the jewel on his forehead to the jewels around his neck, Arthur assumed that he was from an upper class family or something of that nature. From his short white tank top, Arthur was able to see the green tattoos and glanced at them momentarily. Shapes and patterns form large tiled designs across his pale skin, they looked pretty good on him and were downright beautiful with how they complimented Tao's outfit and general aesthetic. His clothes were flowy, obviously not from a region who's climate could become cold. It was probably clear that Arthur was checking Tao out, but only for somebody who was attuned to the prospect.

    "Oh you're a traveler? I'm somewhat of a traveler myself, I do a lot of exploring on my jobs and such. I'm Arthur Harrington, one of the more well-known mages in this area. I do a lot of mercenary work for the people living here, it's how I make my living. If you're looking for maps, they're sold at generally every convenience store or magic store. The closest ones to the docks here would be down Pleasentworth street there and to the left. It's got a red and white-striped awning. You're not cold, are you? I'd imagine its a bit colder here than where you're from."

    TAG: @Tao WORDS: 659 (1171) NOTES: bleh

    Spell Healing:
    Spell Damage:
    Spell Durability:
    Strength: 90HP
    Speed: 180m/s
    Spell Range: (X)2.35
    HP Regen: 20%/Post
    MP Regen: 15%/Post
    MP Regen: 10%/Post


    Oberon Sutharlan | Vault | Golden Lacrima - EXP2021/11/10 | #FBCCD3 | Faerie Legacy

    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1050

    Fresh off the Boat Empty Re: Fresh off the Boat

    Post by Tao 12th December 2020, 12:14 am

    Errings Rising {} D-rank

    WC: 350
    TWC: 2432
    Tagged: @Arthur Harrington
    Muse: Ugh

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    Tao wasn't unattuned to the prospect of someone finding him attractive, but he assumed instead that the large, tanned man was wrapped up in the novelty of not only ogling someone 'exotic' from a foreign land but also had likely never seen a half-demon before. He had not mixed with people too often in his formative years prior. Perhaps his perception of the outside world was jaded even more than the average Dongxian. "Arthur," he repeated with a nod in official greeting, though a bit slowly. There were some sounds in the name not present in his native tongue, so forming his mouth around them took a little extra effort and still sounded just slightly off.

    Gleaming gold eyes lifted their subtly slitted pupils to search the left for the street name he'd mentioned. Pleasantworth Street. He saw it and was already angling to pursue the red-and-white awning. "I'm fine. I trained a good deal in the mountainous elevation, so it will need to be colder before I'll need a coat," Tao said, not yet walking off. He wasn't necessarily looking to chat more than he needed, but Arthur had said something interesting. "You do mercenary work?" he asked, motioning for the looming man to follow him. Standing idly by when he could be killing two birds with one stone wasn't his style. "How does one become a mercenary in Fiore? That would be a sufficient source of employment for a traveller. Eventually, I'll run out of funds," the smaller man said, reasoning aloud. He wouldn't voice it, but he would also need many...jewels? Was it jewel that Fiore used? It wasn't quan. That brought up another dilemma. "I have only brought quan with me. Does this country accept that currency or is there someone I can exchange it for jewel?" he asked now. Logic was telling him that quan wouldn't be accepted since Dongxia wasn't one to interact with the other nations and not many Dongxians left their country for the lesser options. No doubt he'd need to exchange it even before buying the maps he wanted so badly.


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:48 pm