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    (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den


    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 726,963

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Commander of Helios
    Second Skill: Warrior of Helios (Light Demon Slayer)
    Third Skill:

    (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den Empty (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den

    Post by Oberon 11th November 2020, 4:13 pm

    Riding through the streets of Magnolia was somewhat nostalgic for Arthur. It was nostalgic since it felt like it had been so long since he was helping out that poor mother and her equally as troubled daughter. And yet, Arthur found himself returning here on a job. The clacking of horse hooves against cobble was oddly satisfying to him as his horse bounded down the city streets. Sticking to the side roads and avoiding heavily populated squares, Arthur was doing his best to avoid a crash. His horse was never one to hesitate, putting full trust in its rider that they would not crash. It was exhilarating, almost a joyride at the speed he was going. The hair that Arthur did not have up in a bun was flapping in the wind behind him, and his heart was beating with just as much vigor as the gallop of his speed. A shop's sign flapped in the wind left behind from his pace, "Sorry!" Arthur called out as he darted past a group of pedestrians, each member taking their turn to shout some sort of explicative. He felt momentary guilt for disturbing them so, but the rush of his joyride overcame any of that hesitation. From what the job had described, he would be meeting another mage at the entrance to the forest as the sun went down, right at dusk to be precise. He wanted to make it there in time, Arthur wanted to make a good impression on his coworker, networking was one of his strong suits in that regard. From what Arthur could tell without glancing at his timekeeping lacrima, it was getting there rather quickly. All of the town's cities had yellow light emanating from their pane glass storefronts, while the streetlacrimas were all on for the evening. It was a beautiful sight, in a way, to see that the sun was going down and the effect it had on the city. While the night did generally tend to make him somewhat disconcerted, his proficiency and life experience granted him reassurance in his abilities as a mage and general mercenary.

    "Easy, boy!" Arthur calmed as he pulled on the reigns of his horse. Sending dust up into the air, its hooves skidded to a stop right outside of the city's edge. Before him stood the gate separating the town's outskirts and whatever dwelled within the forest. From what he had known, there wasn't much to the forest aside from the general creepy feeling. Because it had been so long ago when he had last entered the forest, the thought and feeling that came with the place was just generally foreign. What he did remember, though, was that the forest did in fact have some very peculiar residents in terms of fauna. The most interesting, if he remembered correctly, where the wolves that could look into his soul and return with all of his intentions and desires. If he had the choice, Arthur would avoid that pack even though they had been quite hospitable to him before. His mind, naturally, kept wandering back to the encounter he had experience prior to meeting the pack. He could remember it as clear as light shining through an open window, there had been something watching him in the woods that day, something that he was potentially going to slay. From what the poster described, it was some type of magical lion that terrorized the town's outskirts.

    Hitching his horse on the post of the fence gate, Arthur dismounted from his horse and combed his fingers through its mane. Patting it on the head, he soothed it while waiting for his partner to show up.

    WC: 614 TWC: 614


    Oberon Sutharlan | Vault | Golden Lacrima - EXP2021/11/10 | #FBCCD3 | Faerie Legacy

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den Empty Re: (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den

    Post by Cetus 12th November 2020, 6:51 pm

    Caimileir walked down the street. He had a... thing. Yes? It was hard to think. Cetus touched a hand to his nose as it started to bleed. That wasn't a good sign. Probably Persephone's fault. The implant was acting up more and more every day. He could barely keep one personality. Dubhar laughed at the absurdity of it all. He was alive. He was free! Who cared about his nose bleeding? His jead not being screwed on quite right? The air brushed against his face and his blades could be wet with blood at any moment. Dubhar licked his lips in anticipation. Then the world went black.

    Quite enough of that, I think. Persephone said coldly. The Egos each went to sleep without warning. The AI had suppressed them all. Now the body was hers to play with. She stepped into the body. Stretching languidly, she purred in satisfaction. Caimileir had been correct. He did have an appointment. Persephone decided she would attend it. At least until the master woke once more.

    The scents of Magnolia assaulted her new sensitive nose. The sounds were deafening. How did the master deal with the cacophony? The assault from all the sensations? She scowled with his features. Having the body wasn't as much fun as she thought it would be. Persephone started for the gates where they were supposed to meet the partner. A man brushed against the body. Persephone gasped. She barely controlled the body as muscle memory nearly took the man to the ground. This had not been a good idea. A smaller area with only a few better would work better for a test drive. Reaching into the master's mind, Persephone woke Caimileir. She stepped out of the driver's seat to allow the male the reins.

    Caimileir blinked, unsure of how he'd gotten here. The last thing he remembered was making an appointment. Magnolia was plagued by a strange lion creature. He wanted the body for materials in his Lacrimail. Now, apparently, he was in Magnolia. Could it be time for the appointment already?

    Disturbed, Caimileir headed for the gates. His body was clad in a black suit he didn't remember putting on. A light blue tie encircled his neck. A white button up lay beneath the suit jacket. Artifacts adorned his wrist and thighs - a bracelet containing armor and a few books. Clients had given them to him in payment.

    A dark skinned man with a horse stood where Caimileir was supposed to meet his partner for this job. "Hail! Are you my escort?" He said pleasantly with a wide smile. Caimileir held a hand out towards the man. "My name is Caimileir. You can call me Cai if thats easier. I'm not the best fighter though I am agile. I'm not really a combat mage either so unfortunately you'll be doing all the work." He hoped this was the right guy. Otherwise things were going to be really awkward.

    WC: 493
    TWC: 1107


    Gabriel Bank

    (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den CetusSigs

    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 726,963

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Commander of Helios
    Second Skill: Warrior of Helios (Light Demon Slayer)
    Third Skill:

    (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den Empty Re: (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den

    Post by Oberon 13th November 2020, 3:15 pm

    Arthur watched the blue-haired man approach. His hair was a vivid color, styled in an almost-spiky type of way. It fit his relatively handsome face nicely, a stark contrast to the man's otherwise unassuming demeanor. Arthur could barely even feel the man's magical signature, and if he was pressed and unaware of his presence, he would not have considered it anymore than a natural fluctuation in atmospheric mana. Still, as the figure approached him, Arthur couldn't help but send him a welcoming wave and charming smile. His suite was spectacularly well-fitted, fitting his leanly muscled form in a way that left little to the imagination. Arthur would enjoy working with this man, he thought. An excellent taste in fashion almost certainly meant that the man had good taste in other aspects of his life, that he was put together and responsible. The world could use more mages like that. But then again, Arthur was probably just making assumptions that would be cleared up later. Regardless, the man called out for his attention and began speaking once Arthur's eyes and focus directed upon him.

    With the address, Arthur stood tall from his leaning position, meeting the man's gaze. Quickly readying himself in his military posture, he answered the questions and greeted the man in return. Arthur's voice was deep and grizzly as he spoke. "Yeah, I'm your escort, or well I assumed partner for this request. I think I'll call you Cal, and you can call me Arthur. Nice to meet you, and by the way that suit looks great. Not much of a fighter? No problem, I can handle it for us, although this was supposed to be a slay the beast type of bounty work y'know, so probably not the best choice for a non-combat mage. Regardless, I'll keep you safe and slay the beast. Your agility could prove quite useful, from what I know, as we are facing off a feline-type hybrid. From what I was told at the registry, it's been spotted using both light and dark type elemental spells, alongside a bit of necromancy for its pack of cats. Quite the combination, in all honesty. I think it'll be a challenge for sure, but nothing too dangerous. It was spotted a short distance from this fence, although I have no clue where it's actually nesting. Here, follow me.

    Tying his hair back in a bun, Arthur continued past the stone gate and down the meadowed path. There probably wasn't anything within his immediate vicinity, but it was always a good idea to be vigilant. Sending out his magic to sense for any local signatures, he felt a strong lingering disturbance towards the left part of the forest ahead of them. It wasn't there now, but it had been at one point, kind of like a footstep of magical signature, leading out further into the forest beyond his sensory range. The thing was practically and probably four kilometers into the forest, not too far all in all. While the sun was beginning to set, there were still enough rays shining down on them for Arthur to feel the comfort of his god's presence. His slayer's senses made him excruciatingly aware of the verdant and almost floral scent of the wind as it passed along the meadows and flower fields. Suddenly, wings grew from his back as they began flapping. A few inches off the ground, he looked down at Cal.

    "I could make our travel a bit quicker if you didn't mind me giving you a piggyback. It would be quite the distance on foot, and might allow us to finish this thing off before night falls.

    WC: 611 TWC: 1718


    Oberon Sutharlan | Vault | Golden Lacrima - EXP2021/11/10 | #FBCCD3 | Faerie Legacy

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den Empty Re: (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den

    Post by Cetus 24th November 2020, 9:10 pm

    Caimileir noticed to rigidity of the military in his escort's posture as the man straightened. Excellent. The mage would clearly be competent in that case. He did wrinkle his nose at the man's proposed nickname though. "Thank you, Arthur, the suit is hand-made. I do prefer you not call me Cal honestly. Cee would work for me if you don't like Cai. As for why I took the job, I own a buisness that relies upon using unique materials. I hope to use the body to further my creations." Caimileir found the combination of magic to be intriguing. How the cat lived was a wonder with the clashing magic types inhabiting its body. He'd never seen anything quite like it.

    The bluette followed Arthur at the mage's instruction. When the other mage popped wings, Caimileir let out a low whistle. They were things of beauty. The entrepreneur wondered if Arthur would mind if they were touched. Entranced by the wings as he was, it took a moment to register Arthur's words. "Ah, I'm afraid that isn't a good idea. I have a magical skin disease that could tear your wings to shreads with the wrong movement. I have another way to travel." Black fire erupted from his feet and hands. They narrowed into thin dagger-like flames. Caimileir slowly, unsteadily rose into the air.

    He offered his partner a grin when they were level. "Shall we be on our way, Arthur?" Angling his body, Caimileir shot off toward the woods. He was going in entirely the wrong direction. His magical sensory abilities were quite pitiful. Mages were the extent of his limited knowledge. Lingering magical signatures couldn't be detected by the inventor, so much so that he didn't even realize they existed. As Caimileir flew, he thought he heard a small sigh within his head.

    PWC: 797


    Gabriel Bank

    (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den CetusSigs

    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 726,963

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Commander of Helios
    Second Skill: Warrior of Helios (Light Demon Slayer)
    Third Skill:

    (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den Empty Re: (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den

    Post by Oberon 28th November 2020, 3:36 am

    Arthur Harrington
    HP: 2640/2640 MP: 1890/1890

    For a mage willing to take the job, he seemed rather averse to actually hunting the beast in the first place. No matter though, Arthur thought as he continued towards the creature. It sort of made sense though, that the inventor needed the beast's materials in order to add or study it in the name of his creations. Arthur had to wonder though what kind of use it would poste to an inventor. Maybe the dream lion's aspects were good for some type of sleeping medication, or maybe some type of fabric from its fur? The paladin really had no idea in that regard, but having a bit of information was better than just running in with his head cut off, so it never hurt to figure out the motivations of his allies. It was a shame too, as the man purportedly had some type of magical skin disease that would shred his wings. Arthur didn't really believe the man, but he knew better than to interrogate why. Would hurt his feelings a lot less to just let it be. Besides, he'd let the guy walk all the way instead of just flying over that in under a minute. Instead, Arthur watched as the man slowly raised into the air using his own fiery ember-like magic, and it made a bit more sense now why cee had denied his personal flight.

    And cei was going the wrong way. Arthur face-palmed before calling out to the well-suited man.

    "Hey, that's kind of like completely the wrong direction, other way dude. Here, follow me. I know where the creature we're hunting is, I can feel it on the wind with its magical signature. It's actually part undead, from what I can tell, although it's kind of interesting, it feels like its using some type of natural necromancy, if you can believe such a thing actually exists."

    It was  a hard thing for Arthur to believe actually, that there could be anything natural in the world that used such an unholy and against-nature type of magic. To believe such a thing possible was against most of his core beliefs, beliefs of natural death and the life cycle of course. The fact that an animal could use magic was interesting enough, but a type of light-dark magic necromancy? Even more fascinating to be honest. Even more reason, unfortunately though, for the creature to be put down. Letting it life just meant more souls to be tortured with their rendering existence in the mortal plane. Upon approaching the creature, he could see its many eyes glowing orange in the dark. Its skin was a dark blue and purple, not unlike a night sky dotted with stars represented with eyes.
    TAG: @name WORDS: 454 (1679) NOTES: bleh

    Spell Healing:
    Spell Damage:
    Spell Durability:
    Strength: 90HP
    Speed: 180m/s
    Spell Range: (X)1.5
    HP Regen: 20%/Post
    MP Regen: 15%/Post
    MP Regen: 10%/Post


    Oberon Sutharlan | Vault | Golden Lacrima - EXP2021/11/10 | #FBCCD3 | Faerie Legacy

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den Empty Re: (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den

    Post by Cetus 11th January 2021, 9:39 pm

    Caimileir scrunched his face up when Arthur told him he was going the wrong way. Of course he was. Just his luck. He struggled to turn about. Up and forward were easy he was still trying to get the hang of turning and sideways without falling. The little adage near the end had Caimileir frowning.

    "There are many living undead in the world. Vampires, Wights, Spectres, Draugr, Ghouls, Lich and so on. It's a natural occurence for the most part. Most of those creatures can generate a field around themselves which infuses necromantic energies. Very valuble to crafters if you can get it in time and preserve the magic. Even better if its wood or metal. Helps attune it to certain energies in various weapons, armor and the like." He explained as they flew. Caimileir thought a mercenary mage would know this stuff. This was what they did wasn't it?

    As the creature came into view, Caimileir's breath caught. That was one ugly beastie. Yet it was also beautiful in a way. Caimileir could feel his magic running out too. Again, his bad luck. "Uh, Arthur? I'm outta juice. I can't fly anymore." Even as he spoke, Caimileir was dropping from the air in jerky start stops. He landed heavily a few meters from the creature. It struck immediately. Caimileir rolled backward away from the strike. His hand slapped out at the claw. Not his best move.

    The creature yowled as a strip of its flesh came away attached to Caimileir's palm. He let out a hiss as its claws scored his wrist. Pressing the wound to his stomach, Caimileir scrambled away. Words caught in his throat as he tried to sing. His magic failed him right when he needed it. The creature prowled. Caimilier could feel its magic from this close. It pulsed from the beast. The tendrils reached into the soil. More curled around its feet. That was when, to his horror, Caimileir realized he was lying on a sea of bones. Bones that were beginning to tremble.

    Caimileir looked up helplessly at Arthur. He hoped the mage had a good plan. His voice was shot with fear, and undead didn't feel pain. His little quirky skin wouldn't do jack ro moving skeletons. The welder kept backing up, trying to put distance between himself and the creature. Anything. Anything to get out of this forest alive.

    WC: 399
    TWC: 1196


    Gabriel Bank

    (JOB) Lurrus of the Dream Den CetusSigs

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:54 pm