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    Hunting Prey (John/Ling)

    Kieth J. Rowland
    Kieth J. Rowland

    Lineage : Curse Of The Serpent-Wolf
    Position : None
    Posts : 18
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Hunting Prey (John/Ling) Empty Hunting Prey (John/Ling)

    Post by Kieth J. Rowland 26th November 2020, 12:51 am

    John Rowland
    HP: N/A MP: N/A

    John slowly rode his horse through the trails of the forest. The serpent was hungry today, it needed to be fed before it hungered to the point of activation. That was the last thing he wanted, considering his perilous escape from the law not even months ago. Here in Magnolia, he was safe from the Rune Knights for now. They didn't know that he was here in this moment, hiding out among the open with no attempt to remain hidden. It helped that he always went by a fake name or two, switching between ones as neccesary. Errings had helped him in that regard, helped him get set up with Aliases and thing of that nature to avoid detection from the law and all of its enforces. Right now, he was wanted for a list of things that could get him a whole lot more than life in prison, and that was only for what he had been caught doing. The pace of his horse was purposefully slow as to avoid startling any nearby wildlife. A cold chill blew through the forest and kicked up leaves that were sent flying between branches on the near-winter breeze. It was practically winter at this point, in all but snowfall considering the chilly weather. The gunslinger was donning a heavy winter coat, brown leather and white fur cuffing and insulating his flesh. The Nayee didn't like the weather at all, finding cold climates inhospitable. But John knew better, it was only a dislike for the creature, nothing that could harm the thing other than causing a slight chill down his spine from the snake's displeasure. It had been quiet recently, though not to the point of concern. To be fair though, it had genuinely been a long while since he had gone on a job and given the chance to feed on a soul. For now, the Serpent-Wolf would have to be satisfied with whatever game he managed to catch with his Litchfield Repeater.

    Once the familiar sight of a soul entered into his vision, John quickly slowed his horse before dispelling it. The pulsating ball of white-blue light was visible to him beyond the rock's edge and in the shallow ravine. From what he knew of hunting and the creatures he had hunted, this was nothing but a simple deer, and easy kill with all things considered. Quickly stealthing himself under the Serpent's Shadow, the gunslinger walked freely towards the deer without fear of being spotted. From what he knew of experience, the only animal that could see through the Nayee's shadow were cats or anything feline. it was a weird occurrence, but he didn't try to reason or explain it. His own existence was practically a weird occurrence all things considered. John could see the animal from his vantage point on top of the rock. The deer wasn't too far from him, maybe a few dozen meters at best. It was still yet to hear or sense him even as he readied and aimed his repeater at the deer's head. As his repeater fired off a surprisingly loud sound into the forest, birds scattered as the deer fell to the forest floor with a thump. John's ears rang with the percussive force of the gunshot. He had forgot to silence the damn thing, and had probably woken up every creature for miles and miles. Approaching the dead deer, John stared down at the soul and siphoned it away from the afterlife as it left the animal's body. Its soul was surprisingly satiating, because the dear had quite the presence, perhaps the avatar of some druid or forest god? John didn't know, and frankly didn't care. Maybe he didn't need to consume any flesh for now, that was preferable in his position. John quickly skinned the deer and detached its fur from the body. Rolling it up, he secured the pelt with twine before summoning his 'horse' once more and stowing it on the creature's back. Butchering up the deer's corpse where it law, John retrieved a few dozen good cuts of meat but unfortunately had to leave everything else for the forest's scavengers. He didn't have unlimited space in his backpack after all.

    TAG: @Ling WORDS: 703 NOTES: bleh

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