Fairy Tail RP

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    ♢ Dark Retribution | Julius ♢


    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
    Position : Warlord of Devastation
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,745,750

    Character Sheet
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    ♢ Dark Retribution | Julius ♢ Empty ♢ Dark Retribution | Julius ♢

    Post by Jester 30th October 2020, 8:53 am

    I torture you, I'm a slave to your games, I'm just a sucker for pain.
    I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down, I'm just a sucker for pain.

    What a perfect day for punishment. The red-head thought to himself, perched on the roof of a clown car driven by one of his clones. Resting back on his palms, his golden eyes staring up at the gloomy sky above, the desolate land stretching around him for miles. The car would halt, meaning that he had arrived at the location specified in their intelligence, a hundred and fifty miles northeast of the curse lands border - a short distance from the base of The Forsaken Devil's guild. He stayed there on the roof of the car, humming idly to himself as he waited for the arrival of the Errings Rising member who would be joining him on this little endeavour.

    He could have handled this by himself but alas, he was an Ace of the guild and that meant doing the duty bestowed to him by his Queenie. Which meant for the sake of guild matters, occasionally working with others. He didn't mind, as long as the other didn't get in his way this would be just fine. Oh how he hoped it was a little someone fun to play with, maybe as delightfully interesting as Oakey, the Music man or his chaotic Queenie. The task at hand would be the punishment and ultimate eradication of the Forsaken Devils, who had taken it upon themselves to challenge Errings Risings status. Apparently, the dark guild the clown belong to had grown to such status, that other dark guilds were attempting to quash them. To take their place amongst the elite of dark mages that wondered the earth. Pathetic really. The four members of the guild that they had slained were little more than henchmen without a home, but still, this could not go unanswered. And eye for an eye as they saw, or in this case... a much more uneven exchange. The Forsaken Devils would soon come to rue the day that chose Errings Rising as an enemy, Jester would make sure of that. Not for long though, they wouldn't be alive long enough to truly suffer in existential regret. A shame really, Jester could really use a new plaything.

    WC: 360 Tag: @Julius

    Last edited by Jester on 5th November 2020, 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 47
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Jester
    Experience : 2,280

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Portal Magic
    Second Skill: Thousand Forms
    Third Skill:

    ♢ Dark Retribution | Julius ♢ Empty Re: ♢ Dark Retribution | Julius ♢

    Post by Julius 1st November 2020, 8:54 am

    Quite a few missions had come and gone since Julius had last used the abilities granted to him by his demonic heritage. As such he found himself reveling in the pleasant sensations using said powers always gave him. Though he did remind himself that such pleasures were exactly why he avoided using them overmuch in the first place. Such things could become devilishly addicting. So he limited himself to one active demonic ability for the time being. It was his favorite in fact, the sweet pleasure of true invisibility.

    Julius stood, unseen, undetectable by sight or magic sensory. After all, his inherent abilities were not necessarily magical to begin with. He scanned the veritable wasteland around him with distaste and wariness. Though his activities were dark, he did not terribly enjoy dreary environments such as this. Though he supposed it did make what he and his soon to arrive partner were about to do that much easier. Julius felt a slight grin form for a shadow of a moment. Though he did not usually revel in dirtying his hands with violence, he had found it somewhat more pleasant the longer he was a member of Errings Rising. Perhaps his more...barbaric compatriots were starting to rub off on him.

    Whatever the reason, he found himself ready and happily willing to bring vengeance to the Forsaken Devil's guild. While Julius had yet to form any attachment to those killed by them, the fact remained they had snuffed out members of his guild. Possible friends, allies, and most likely: tools. Julius did not let such things pass in Iceberg, and he surely was not about to start in Fiore and beyond. Thankfully they had traced the perpetrator remarkably easily. Today they would be taken out like so much of yesterday's garbage. Especially given who Julius was to work with for this mission...

    Speak of the devil as they say, and they shall appear. As Julius' thoughts turned to his partner for the mission, a remarkably out of place vehicle rolled into view and stopped a short distance away. Atop it sat none other than Jester, guild ace of Errings Rising, and a man who Julius' information networks spoke quite highly of. Granted the information he received also tended to be spoken with fear, but it was high praise nonetheless. Today would be another interesting day it seemed. Errings Rising supplied Julius with no small supply of them apparently.

    Approaching warily, Julius dropped his invisibility upon approaching the car. Slowly fading in to view, Julius gave the red haired man a courteous bow without lowering his eyes. A crimson gaze and a slight smirk was offered alongside a soft greeting."Why, hello there, good sir. My name is Julius Reilly, and it seems today we will be ridding ourselves of a pest to our fair guild together. It is a pleasure." More formal than perhaps necessary, but Julius was not one to skimp on tact. Not to mention some of the rumors about Jester spoke of his delighting in the vicious torture of those who displeased him. Julius was under no illusions that he could threaten the man in such an open place, or perhaps any place for that matter. Hopefully he found Julius' greeting satisfactory.

    WC: 542/542
    TWC: 902


    ♢ Dark Retribution | Julius ♢ GaJcsjc

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
    Position : Warlord of Devastation
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,745,750

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    ♢ Dark Retribution | Julius ♢ Empty Re: ♢ Dark Retribution | Julius ♢

    Post by Jester 15th November 2020, 9:29 am

    I torture you, I'm a slave to your games, I'm just a sucker for pain.
    I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down, I'm just a sucker for pain.

    Jester stared at the sky above, in his minds eyes he was picturing all the fun little things he could do today. The guild wasn't especially large, about medium in size for a new guild. But big enough that it would provide lots of victims. He wondered if he would have to share them with his company today, or would he get the majority to toy with. The quantity wasn't so important, slaughtering in mass was always great fun. The crazed concoctions of chaos that he could create were notorious. But it was also more fun to work with a smaller number of victims. Toys of a more specific nature, ones he could play with over a long period of time. Ones he could drag out the suffering for, building it up in doses until they reached a riveting crescendo of pain and devastation.

    His clone that was driving the clown car, would spot the guildmate, informing through his mind's vision that he was there. As he approached, Jester would sit up and look straight at his guildmate, notices the interesting colour of his eyes. A tall fellow of lean build, body decorated with tattoos and piercings in his ears. The man spoke in quite a polite manner, greeting Jester in quite a formal way. It was quite rare for the clown to be greeted so civilly by others, politeness was only used when it benefitted the user in some way. But how did it benefit this man? Was it fear? Was it to appear charming? Or was it so fair as to be an attempt at manipulation?

    So far, the clown could not tell that this one was a game player, but it was too soon to tell. There wasn't enough information, and as such there was nothing left to do but proceed. With this in mind, the rolled his legs back, building up the momentum to spring up onto his feet. Standing with his legs apart, hands on his hips and face to the side. He would thrust his arm out exuberantly, pointing in the direction of their target. "HUZARR! INTO THE VALLEY OF DEATH, MAY OUR PATH BE PERILOUS AND OF GRANDE ADVENTURE! ONWARD, MY NOBLE STEED!" With that, he would stomp his foot firmly onto the hood of his clown car, which would slowly begin to creep forward.

    "Tell me Soldier, what skill do ye possess?" He continued, as his car rolled forward at it's painfully slow pace. Turning his gaze upon the his company, it didn't matter if they had a plan. But knowing what the Erring's Rising member could do would likely contribute to some ideas for later.  Either way, he planned to have lots of fun.

    WC: 454 Total WC: 1,356
    Tag: @Julius


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:40 pm