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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1697
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
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    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Samira Nassar 20th June 2019, 7:10 am

    Event Info:

    Somehow, someway, in some ridiculous and impossible fashion, Samira got herself lost. Yes. Lost. She had become living proof that Wizard Saints and even the Gods of Ishgar were capable of such stupidity at times. To make matters worse was that she got lost in the Cursed Lands. How one went from trying to get to one of those seasonal festivals that was in literally every city and town but instead ended up smack in the middle of some obviously not very festive and dangerous land was anyone's guess. Leave it to her to figure out how to do that without trying and still not know how it happened, preventing the knowledge and experience from being told and spread so others could attempt to accomplish this miraculous feat. It wouldn't have happened if her portal spirit was available. Or any of her flying spirits in general really. It was very rare to have them all busy at the exact same time. One could rationalize that they were celebrating their own festival, but many of her other spirits were still present. And complaining. Apparently she relied on quick travel for so long that she had forgotten how to use her own sense of direction according to them, hence taking a wrong turn.... somewhere.... a very long time ago. Walking from place to place sure was slower than she remembered, especially while wearing a yellow summer dress with heels. Not the smartest choice but she was told to dress in bright colors such as yellow and orange and that was the only outfit she had in those colors! The complaints and criticism of the spirits in her head only made her continuously sigh even more.

    While trying to find her way out of that mess of gloomy forest trees, since apparently going back the way she came was not working as well as it should have, Samira picked up on the sounds of music. The volume was low, indicating that it was a bit far away, but the fact that she could hear it brought some relief to the woman. Maybe she wasn't as stupid as she and her spirits thought! There really was one of those festivals way out there! A bit suspicious really considering the location, but it was there! Naturally, the summoner made her way towards where she heard the music. It got louder as she got closer but not by much. There was still quite a bit of distance, but there was a slight change. Festive decorations and lights were all around and even hung on the trees. There was even a sign with an arrow. Samira stopped in front of it and tilted her head curiously after reading it. It was simple and to the point, if not a little vague on certain details. "This way for festival" It didn't specify what kind, if you needed an invite, if those that followed the arrow's direction were really some sort of blood sacrifices for a random solstice god. That was a thing in some stories, wasn't it? Sacrifice some people to plan for good future harvests and safe winter and such? Eh, details. She'd follow it and see what happened. If things turned bad then that would be a major whoops to be added on for the day.

    Along the way more arrow signs were spotted and followed until the path became an obvious dirt trail that was decorated. Eventually she came to a sort of invisible barrier that prevented her from moving on. Another sign that pointed to a trough filled with floating apples and water. Above that was another sign that said "Bobbing for Apples." Then another below that with the rules. Samira cringed inside. She was supposed to play that game? Her hair was not prepared to enter a trough filled with water. Her face wasn't either really. Pass. Apple bobbing was not her type of game.

    "I'll do it!" Shouted one of the spirit's in Samira's collection, having summoned herself without prompt. Before Samira could react, water splashed from the trough and onto her clothes as the spirit pretty much jumped into the trough to get apples.

    "That" Samira began to say, trying to hold in the annoyance she felt from the new situation and now partially wet clothes, "is not how you play that game."

    "But I got the apples!" Serqet took a bite from one of them and began to chew and even talk with her mouth full. "And they're delicious!"

    'Please let those be poisonous apples. Please.'
    'We are never that lucky.'
    'Hey guys, don't be so mean. Who else are we going to have to do all the dumb stuff if she dies from eating a poisonous apple? Do any of you want to play that game?'

    The response was a unanimous no. Quite frankly, none of them could imagine themselves bobbing for apples. They didn't enjoy looking that ridiculous, or even feeling that way either.

    While trying to settle the matter of the first obstacle game, Samira had neglected to read the other sign that was there. It was a warning about certain elementals, sprites, and even something much more powerful being in the surrounding area and that it was very possible to run into them along the way of the path. Because those that set up that particular festival were super special awesome they even made it to where clearing some of them out would also remove the barrier. It made those silly games optional! Like the current one! Another thing she neglected to realize or predict was that she would not be alone in this grand adventure of all adventures. Things were just getting started.

    (Word Count: 948)


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
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    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Experience : 11,529,025

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    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 20th June 2019, 2:31 pm

    -In the Cursed Lands-

    Wearing her familiar green-and-gold outfit with Argent Gloves and backpack, Leona also carried her Silver Longsword because the Cursed Lands were teeming with zombies, werewolves, spirits, and other hostile entities who did not take kindly to the living in their territory. Leona had been here before on several jobs, so she was not as daunted as a first-time traveler to the region would be. The Wizard Saint of Courage also carried a Silver Longsword and potent magic, so she was ready for anything... well, almost anything. She had a weapon, water, food, everything but that most basic of items, a map.

    It took awhile before Leona realized that she was completely and utterly lost. The blonde felt really dumb and wondered where she had made the wrong turn that had led her to this point. The wind blew through her hair and rustled it as she looked around and found something very strange in the area. She saw what looked like a carnival. A CARNIVAL.

    There were festive and appropriately colored lights that were gold, yellow, and other colors befitting the occasion. There was also the sound of music floating in the distance... accordions or organs seemed to form a large part of the instrument choice for the music. Those were not her first choices, but she was a mage, not a music critic, so she followed the sound of music and eventually spotted a simple and hastily painted wooden sign hanging on a tree.

    "THIS WAY TO CARNIVAL" It read in crooked letters that looked like a child had hurriedly painted them on with black paint. Below the text was a thin arrow pointing to the right. Leona stopped to think about the situation for a moment.

    This whole setup looked more than a little sketchy. It looked like something that one would see in a children's cartoon or comic book. Should Leona proceed with this, especially without backup? The answer was no.

    "O FABLED HARPIES, O SISTERS THREE! LEND YOUR STRENGTH UNTO ME!" Leona raised her hands in the air and recited a familiar chant. Moments later her harpy sisters arrived to keep the blonde company.

    "Hey girl, lost again?" Sylvia asked. Leona frowned.

    "I'll take that as a yes." Sylvia the orange-haired harpy commented.

    "Like, really? I thought you'd learn the lay of the Cursed Lands by now! You're such a blonde, Leona!" Daphne the black-haired harpy snarked. Leona was tired, lost, and more than a little hungry. She was not in the mood for Daphne's sarcasm and clenched her right fist.

    "Hey, what's that power signature I'm feeling?" Sandy the brunette asked, diverting Leona's attention from Daphne's attitude. Leona reached out and felt a rather powerful magic, one far stronger than her own. There was only one mage in existence who was that powerful, but the blonde was not sure that it was not a trap meant to lure in lost mages to their deaths.

    "I don't know, but let's check it out." Leona said to her harpies before walking on ahead of them. The trio flew dutifully above her to watch for danger. Leona kept going until she found a crude but serviceable dirt trail and walked to its end, which was rather soon thanks to some invisible barrier that prevented her or her harpies from passing. The blonde frowned.

    "Like, really? An invisible barrier? C'mon!" Daphne snarked. Leona huffed and looked around. Another crudely painted sign pointed towards a "Bobbing For Apples" game that was conveniently stationed nearby. Another sign laid out the rules of the game for potential players.

    "Bobbing For Apples, huh?" Sylvia asked. Leona frowned again. The last time she had been around any water of appreciable depth she had nearly drowned.

    Leona read the sign below the rules sign and saw that she could either bob for apples or she could fight spirits that were empowered by the change in season. Since she was not spoiling for a fight, Leona decided to bob for apples. She hoped that she would not regret this.

    Leona got down on all fours, then slowly leaned down into the metal trough and tried to grab an apple stem with her teeth. She heard snickering from behind her and was just about to grab an apple when she felt her hands slip and she fell over face-first into the water. The panicking blonde flailed about for a moment, then calmed down just enough to right herself and pulled her head out of the water. Her head and chest were soaked and Daphne was laughing at her.

    "Um... I don't think that's how it's done, Leona." Sandy diplomatically commented while Sylvia tried to get Daphne to stop laughing before their mistress lobbed an apple at them. Leona ignored it and went down again, focusing hard and eventually grabbing an apple by the stem with her teeth. She raised her head and stood up in triumph.

    "Um... congratulations?" Sylvia offered diplomatically. Daphne continued to laugh. Leona was sorely tempted to throw the apple at Daphne's smug face, especially after the raven-haired harpy made a crude remark.

    "This isn't a wet t-shirt contest, Leona. This is a family-friendly event." Daphne snarked. Leona was about to hit the ceiling when she spotted the source of the magic signature. The blonde took one look and her mouth went dry.

    It was Samira Nassar herself!

    "Oh great." Leona muttered, trying to adjust the soaked fabric of her top. She was an apple's throw away from a living legend of the magic world and she was looking like this. The carnival could only get better from here.

    [Word Count: 968]
    [Leona's Word Count: 968/1,500]


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 24th June 2019, 5:35 pm

    Ruvel || Y-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count : 1,723
    @Samira Nassar @Leona Jarnefeldt
    Notes :

    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right?

    There was many reasons why the blonde haired youth was glad he couldn't count and couldn't get angry or irritated, because if he could do either he would likely get bothered at just how often he found himself within the cursed lands of late. He was starting to swear if it wasn't one thing it was another, and normally it was that accursed haunted theme park, if he knew no better he could swear that it was scentient and wanted him to remain. He was unsure as to why he kept being able to leave when it was clear that it had the abilitie to keep spirits stored within it, perhaps it was because of his contract with Oykai, Shindara and Amuul but he had no real way of knowing without asking them. Thing was he had no idea if they would answer his question or if they did that they would answer him truthfully. Regardless of the reason he had entered and left the hellish place several times and he had no doubt that he would hear its siren call again. He couldn't bare being in there at all, he felt so useless, he watched as those who died within it go through their deaths over and over again in an endless cycle. At current he was greatful that he had lost his sense of sight however it only made his already acute hearing that much sharper, which in that place was a curse all its own.

    He had left the company awhile ago doubting himself as a leader, how could he protect those who he was suppose to if he couldn't even protect himself. He found himself wandering in the hopes for answer and ways to adapt to his current condition, the twins kept him up to date with what Oykai was doing. As much as he appreciated it, he knew that nothing would come of it. Demi, the woman he had trusted for as long as he had known her had betrayed him, he didn't know all the details but he knew she tried to kill him and that his death was interupted thanks to the his summons. Thing was he knew that Oykai's efforts were in vain already, he knew twins of his race shared everything. Strengths, weaknesses, experiences, illnesses, pain, injury, information and plans; it was like dealing with a single person but within two bodies. This normally meant if one died they both did but from the way Shindara and Amuul had been speaking of late he could tell something had changed that had put them in an area of the unknown. That was never a good sign, the twins were always confident in things so this placed the already fragile youth at ill peace.

    He had not long came out the haunted theme park he now called his own personal purgatory at this point, he had went in with one of his mentees and investigated a little more. He wanted to help but without all the information he didn't think it was going to happen, well, there was that and the inner turmoil that he was currently facing. "Ruvel, you okay or should I get one of my cousins to play guide?" The four foot two inch blue haired reaper clad in white, the hood of his top covering his eyes. "I'm fine considering the challenges I currently face""but?" Oykai added in quickly knowing that his young summoner couldn't lie but it didn't mean he couldn't ommit details "But how can I hope to help anyone living or dead if I can't defend myself from things?" he asked slowly moving foward his foot always hesitantly checking to make sure he was still on hard ground, though stopped and flinched as he was hit upside the head "Listen here you idiot..." the slightly smaller male began moving to be in front of him "How could you have known that Demiari was going to try kill you? She had been an ally up until that point. No one had any way of knowing..." he tightened his hands into balls below his sleeves, he could and should have seen it coming much sooner than he did but Demi and himself had always had respect for the privacy of the other so didn't check her thoughts or heart. "She was told to choose her path and she did and without being asked I chose mine." it hurt him because he knew eventually he would end up fighting against her and where he he would hold back in her current mind set he knew she wouldn't.

    "Just don't be to hard on yourself Ruvel, everything will work out." he tried to say to allow him to be positive but it wasn't exactly his strong point, he usually left the pep talks to his cousins. "Are we out of the cursed lands yet?" he asked the other who shook his head "Nope, if anything we're deeper." Oykai replied making Ruvel sigh. He looked up hearing music and tilted his head "Do you hear that?" he asked hoping the other did and he wasn't just crazy, it wasn't like the annoyingly repeditive music of the theme park but it was lively "Nope, sure the stress isn't getting to you Ruvel? Perhaps you should get some rest." he said concern showing in the undertone of his otherwise calm voice. "I'm not crazy Oykai, I swear I hear music in that direction" he said pointing to the south east. The summon knew that he couldn't lie and knew what the next request was going to be "Fine, but if it gets dangerous you're getting out of there." his tone showed he wasn't about to budge on this, he didn't need the lecture from his cousins or Johann to be pissed off with him because he failed to protect his little brother. Then again he was pretty sure he was already going to be on the elder males shit list when he went to visit Ruvel's ancestral home only to find there was no one there. What was done, was done and now all he could do was keep him safe.

    Taking Ruvel's hand he went in the direction his summoner hand pointed, before long he too heard the music "Damn your hearing has improved." he said only to notice that the youth turned his head away "Sorry, I know what was taken from you and I'm working to find a way to give it back bare with me Ruvel." It was uncommon for him to show such warmth in his current state but he knew right now the blonde was fragile and so needed to be handled as such. Inside the forest he walked past the signs as he seen no point, loud music usually meant a party of some sort so there was no reason to waste their time reading signs for now. Around five minutes Oykai stopped feeling a different magic and stopped Ruvel beside him as he now read the rules of a barrier that seemed to appear "Do you know what bobbing for apples is?" Oykai asked his summoner Ruvel opened his mouth to say something but closed it 'Cousin, given his upbring think of the words you just said.' Shindara sent to his cousin through the bond they held with Ruvel. "Sorry, should have thought... one of us needs to know because I don't see you liking the alternitive." Oykai said which allowed Ruvel to know that it entailed fighting and so shook his head. Out of all his summons only one was human and so perhaps they had the answer to their current riddle "Confn ekess ve o' vrak di edar." Ruvel spoke softly as he did an over grown forsythia would grow beside him revealing a four foot two boy around the age of eight years old with short messy raven black hair and bright lime green eyes, he appeared to be wearing a forest green t-shirt with a leaf on it and tan shorts, his hands seemingly dirty from playing in the mud

    "Ru?" he asked in confusion "What's bobbing for apples?" the slightly older male asked "oh! That's easy... you get a bucket of water, and put apples in it then challenge people to get the apple out by only using their teeth. Why?" he asked seemingly confused after the explination. Oykai pointed to the barrier "To get passed that someone needs to bob for apples or we need to fight, he's not in the condition to do the latter so it's simpler if we play the games perhaps." Oykai informed Sato "I can bob for apples, it's fun... I always bet big sis." he said with a grin kneeling down at where he was to bob for his apple, Oykai watched in fascination showing Ruvel through their link what he was seeing, neither of them could understand what was fun about trying to get a bit of fruit in such a method especially with the posibility of drowning to do so. After a few tries Sato came back with his rosy apple which now had a bite out of it "Done, we can go on now... I hope there's more games like these." he said seemingly excited about what was going on. Oykai took his summoner's hand once more and moved forward "If your staying stay close okay, I rather not have to be the one to break news to Yona that you got hurt for something silly." he said watching as Sato remained close but ran around them like a hyper kid dosed on sugar and caffine, before long he seen two people he hadn't expected to see "You both get lost too?" he asked before grinning at Samira "I have a present for you..." he said knowing they had a shared interest, his eyes going to Ruvel "Samira and Leona are here." he informed the youth turning to face them with a bit of help he placed his hand to his chest and bowed just a little "It's nice to... ah..." he paused because he couldn't finish the sentence it would be a lie, he couldn't see them now could he. "It's nice to bump into you both is such a desolate location." he found a way to greet before standing once more.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>

    Oykai is being used as an npc primarily
    WC complete


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1697
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Samira Nassar 27th June 2019, 12:12 am

    Samira had been a tad bit distracted trying to explain to Serqet how exactly the Apple Bobbing game really worked. Naturally there were no actual demonstrations else that would mean that she was actually playing, and she had already decided she was not going to do that. Serqet was. She was the one that volunteered and saved the summoner from having to do it herself. Or exploding her way through the barrier. Assuming that worked. She had learned quite a while ago from a long gone friend to just destroy all obstacles by way of making it all go boom if she had to. She didn't have to JUST yet. More importantly, there seemed to be quite a powerful force of magic that seemed to get nearer and nearer. The woman couldn't place it. Not her fault really and certainly it wasn't because she had no idea who the one that signature belonged to was. Samira knew well the name and face. The Silver Wolf guild master and Saint of Courage had her face on magazine's everywhere for quite a while. Probably still did. The reason Samira didn't recognize it was because it had grown exponentially since the last time she was anywhere near the other mage. Probably the day of the dueling festival of sorts where she had watched the match. But really Samira was pretty far away from where that action was. No. The last time she was really in the same room with Leona was probably back during that mysterious Halloween party. But then, who even remembered that event clearly? Certainly not Samira!

    So, what did Samira do whenever she felt the power of what was surely a monster that was native to the cursed lands coming closer and closer? Absolutely nothing. She was too busy dealing with one of the goofball spirits! The monster of doom could finish making its way over. She was here to check out the mystery festival. Not monster hunt! Maybe the monster would just make a turn somewhere and get lost. Like she did. But it was not to be. The blonde headed monster had made its appearance in the form of Leona Jarnefeldt. Well, Leona and her three harpies.

    Just as Leona had not noticed her though, Samira had also not taken notice of her either. Her spirits hadn't exactly set off the danger alarms and she was too distracted getting a certain spirit out of the apple trough she had jumped right in. It wasn't until she heard the splashing of water that she let go of the struggling spirit, turned around, and blinked. One slow moving blink as her emerald colored eyes stared at the leader of the Silver Wolf guild, who had seemed to plunge her head right into the water while flailing about. "She... certainly gets into the spirit of the game..."

    "Uh-huh." Even Serqet, who had playfully dove in herself just moments prior was also blinking and staring in disbelief.

    Naturally Samira had thought Leona had purposely gotten into that position and had not considered that it was a natural accident. Still, seeing the other woman playing the game like that made her wonder if she was actually wrong with how the game was played. Maybe you really were supposed to just dive right in there. Samira moved closer to the rules sign and read it over again before looking back at Leona with a silent and awkward stare. Nope. The Apple Bobbing rules had not changed. Well, Samira couldn't be one to judge. Maybe it was some sort of... tactic. Yes, a competitive tactic for the game. That had to be it. Leona was a competitive apple bobber! She had even given it another attempt and had succeeded! A testament to her apple bobbing skills! A skill that Samira would never have since she refused to play the game and would probably be terrible at it. She would respect this skill to the max while standing in front of a professional apple bobbing player.

    Samira had taken just a single step forward to approach Leona when she heard splashing from behind her, and then felt water begin to seep through the back of her dress. All a split second before the scorpion-tailed spirit that had been in the apple trough rushed on over while holding an issue of Sorcerer's Magazine, the one with Leona's picture on the cover, and a pen. "Hihi! I'm Serqet!" The hyperactive spirit, who's appearance and name did not exactly seem to completely match her personality, introduced herself with a huge grin while holding out the two items with hope that the Saint of Courage would take them. "Could you sign this for me? I'm a huge fan!" Serqet would look panicked for a moment before looking behind her, then turning back to face Leona and leaning forward a bit. "Just don't tell Samira about this. I think she'd get jealous," she whispered, somehow having the logic that just because she whispered that part that Samira was somehow deaf towards the previous shouting. At least, this would happen assuming Team Leona didn't send Serqet flying to the moon for randomly rushing over the way she had. What sane person, or spirit, does that?

    As for Samira, she actually wasn't jealous, but she was a bit displeased that now the back of her dress matched the front side, in that it was a bit wet from all the water splashes. This deserved an apple throw. A mental apple throw with the image of her tossing the apple and sending Serqet to the moon. Why was it mentally done? Because chances were she'd end up hitting Leona or one of the harpy ladies if she actually tried to do it in reality. If they sent Serqet flying themselves out of concern that the scorpion-tailed spirit was going to do something hostile, Samira would do nothing. It was actually a pretty common thing when dealing with that one. Serqet never learned to approach people normally instead of like some crazed hyperactive lunatic.

    All of that silliness made it to where Samira had not noticed the other three joining the grand midsummer adventure. Well that and the fact that unlike Leona or herself, they didn't really give off much magical presence. But even normal citizens were like that. It was more of the familiar voice that got Samira's attention. Her mental torture of Serqet popped like a bubble and she was brought sailing down to reality as she looked in the direction of the voice. "You are here too?" It wasn't so much her being rude about it, but it just happened to be the first thing out of her mouth from the surprise of it all. First Leona and now... uh... eh... what was his name? Samira didn't really recall introductions being made the last time they ran into each other. All she knew was that the small reaper didn't like to be called 'Deathy". As for the other two, one was a blonde teenager on the younger side. Although the gender could have gone either way. She wasn't entirely sure. The important factor was that whoever she or he was, it had to be the older sibling of the child that was with the reaper before during the invasion of the Christmas holiday oversized knick knacks. There were similar features and the reaper was with them both. Logic! Clearly it wasn't Ruvel, the God of Ishgar of Resilience. She wasn't entirely convinced that the toddler from before was actually him either. That was just impossible! Right? Ha... haha. Ha. As for the other kid that was running around, Samira did not recognize at all.

    Then there was a mention of a present. Another curious thing to hear that made her blink and her surprise and confusion grow a bit more. She never would have thought about getting a present from him. Oh boy! What could it be?! Common sense would have told her it had to be something similar or relating to air freshener. That was the only thing those two had in common the last time they met. Every spirit that currently heard the conversation and could read Samira's thought process groaned. For months they were surrounded by the scent of Winter Spice. Everywhere! How the heck she managed to get it even into their part of the celestial realm was anyone's guess, but it was darn well there! And it was all that small reaper's fault for showing it to her that day!

    "You did not have to get me anything," Samira replied, replacing her confused expression with a small smile as she took a few steps towards them to be a bit closer. "But it is nice to see you again." The location possibly could have been a bit better for most, but she wasn't going to complain about that part. The Cursed Lands was apparently a lot more of a happening place than she originally thought.

    The blonde headed youth then spoke after being told that both she and Leona were present. It seemed as if a bit of help was required for it as well. Perhaps there was something wrong with their vision? Samira frowned for a moment upon that realization and as he spoke, but she wasn't going to address it. It was probably best not to and she was sure she wasn't the only one ever to do so. "Well it may have been desolate before, but I am now having to change that description. At least for today," Samira became a bit more chipper about it all and her earlier annoyance with her spirit was long forgotten. She had not been the only one to get lost! "Are you going to try and make it to the festival too now that you all are here? I was just about to congratulate Leona and see if she wanted to tag along with me. She has incredible Apple Bobbing skills. I cannot wait to see how well she does in the others if there are more. This will apply to all of you too if you decide to come along."

    (Word Count: 1694
    948 + 1694 = 2642
    1500 used for Event

    New WC: 1142)

    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 7th July 2019, 2:45 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 27th June 2019, 11:53 am

    This was so embarrassing that it defied description. Leona had accidentally dove into the trough and ended up getting her top half wet, including her chest. First Ruvel had shown up out of nowhere and now Samira had finally noticed the Wizard Saint of Courage plucking at the fabric of her outfit top. They probably thought that the blonde enjoyed the attention that came with that kind of thing, but they would be wrong.

    Leona was not sure what to say to either of them. She was not sure anything that she could say would dispel the awkwardness surrounding their meeting. Things were not helped by Daphne making snide comments that added fuel to the fire.

    "I think the green-haired chick's taken, Leona. Besides, she's way outta your league." Daphne commented telepathically. Leona frowned deeply. What made the dark-haired harpy think that Leona was attracted to Samira?

    Leona did not have time to say anything sarcastic back because a brown-haired warrior princess in a brown, orange, and gold-colored outfit came charging towards her and the harpies. Leona's face went pale when she realized that the oncoming warrior princess was one of Samira's summons. Samira had gotten tired of Leona's awkward nonsense and was going to get rid of her!

    Leona wondered who would take her place as a Wizard Saint once she was dead and buried and just a footnote in history. Would it be that Shane Stern guy who was making waves in the talent-packed Rune Knights? Would it be Gisen Coestra the bunny girl? Would it be Tyson Rhodes the youthful but determined mage from Sabertooth? Or would it be Gaia Sabin, the ambitious young mage who was married to Kyran of West Fiore Trading Company?

    Maybe Leila Vergious would decide to reclaim the title of Wizard Saint. There were so many candidates for the title and so few places for them. Leona did not know who would take the place left vacant by her demise.

    Whoever took her place, they would likely do a better job at making people feel hope than she did. All Leona could do was dabble in science, try to play the scholar of ancient languages, and kill bandits. The others... they could succeed where she had failed. They could bring hope to a world that needed heroes, someone whose hands were not stained with blood like her own.

    Leona was expecting to die but was instead greeted by the warrior princess holding a copy of Sorcerer's Magazine with the Silver Wolf Guild Mistress herself on the cover. Samira's summon wanted her to sign it! Leona blushed. This was the first time someone ever asked her for an autograph.

    "Um, sure. I'll sign it for you." Leona whispered, taking the pen and going along with the summon's wishes. She was sure that Samira was fully aware of what was going on, but Leona went along with it anyway. Anything to forget the dark thoughts that had just run through her mind. Leona steadied the magazine and gave a neat signature in cursive handwriting.

    "Wow, Leona, your thoughts are DARK." Sylvia commented to her mistress.

    "Understatement." Leona replied tersely. She turned her attention from the warrior princess to Ruvel, the Guild Master of West Fiore Trading Company. Now that some of the awkward had vanished, she could speak to him without looking too dumb.

    "It's nice to see you too, Ruvel. I had just gotten here myself and played the Bobbing For Apples game. I don't know what on Earthland a festival is doing out here and I'm not sure it's entirely safe." Leona said to the slightly shorter blond male.

    "I wouldn't be surprised if zombies or werewolves crashed the party. In some parts of the Cursed Lands you can't throw a rock without hitting either one of them." Leona explained why she thought that the festival "grounds" were not entirely safe. That was one reason she brought out the harpies... they were a great eye in the sky as well as good partners in a fight. They also made good company... even Daphne, who seemed to make it her business to troll Leona at any given opportunity. Leona needed to find some new friends.

    Leona recalled what Samira said about Leona being a great Bobbing For Apples player who was a competitive one. The Wizard Saint of Courage blushed so hard that her head almost caught fire. Samira mistook the blonde's attempt to avoid drowning as being a competitive Bobbing For Apples player?

    Leona was not sure which was worse... being mistaken for some kind of weird person who enjoyed drawing attention to her chest or nearly drowning in a metal trough as a result of trying too hard to play Bobbing For Apples and slipping in. The second fate was certainly more ignominious than the first. Wringing part of her damp hair dry, Leona then turned to Samira.

    "Do you really think that there are more festival games involving water?" Leona asked the Goddess of Humility with a small amount of apprehension on her voice. Leona and water had not gotten along lately. First she had almost drowned under the Abandoned Cabin and now she had almost drowned at a festival. She found it funny that both incidents had taken place in the Cursed Lands, but the feeling of needed to breathe and not being able to was not very amusing to her. Maybe she and water were destined to be enemies since she was named after the lion.

    [Word Count: 966]
    [Leona's Word Count for Event: 1,500/1,500]
    [New Word Count: 434]

    Last edited by Leona Jarnefeldt on 4th February 2020, 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 1st July 2019, 1:21 pm

    Ruvel || Y-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count : 2,983
    @Samira Nassar @Leona Jarnefeldt
    Notes :

    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right?

    Ruvel could only smile to the others, it had been a while since he had been seen by anyone he guessed, not since the incident that had almost killed him what he could only imagine was several months ago. It was decided between his summons that he would be taken far away from Tolgalen and hidden from everyone that would think to hurt him once again. When settled within the ruins of his ancestral home within the farthest regions of the Silent Glaciers that the snow maiden whom was once one of his summons was sent as messenger to Amber Island. Seyuki was sent with a letter instructed that she herself had to place it in to Johann's hands and no one elses regardless of how long that wait may be or who may request to have it, the summons wanted to take no chances that their young summoners location might fall into enemy hands. It was weeks before they seen Seyuki again but that was to be expected with how long the travel would have been from where they were to the island and guild Johann now called home. The letter let him know where Ruvel had been taken and was being hidden for his safety, that he could visit when he had time but they wanted him to know what was going on so he didn't think the worst given everything that had been going on of late.

    Ruvel himself hated being inside the ruins but right now without the help of others there was no way he was going anywhere and he knew it, he also knew that his summons wouldn't let him out of the place regardless of the mental anguish that it caused him. This was the safest place for him right now as far as they were concerned as it was designed to keep him safe, the only alternitive was a place they never wanted him to go as he would never be able to leave it. The ultimate protection that Demi herself had made if she ever tried to harm him, problem was it was a gilded cage with no escape. Oykai knew that death would never be able to enter the pagoda when he entered and the thing couldn't be destroyed due to the amount of wards that where placed on it. He also knew that due to the fact that Demi herself hadn't crafted and only placed a small fraction of the defences into place there was no way she was going to be able to get through the defences. He was glad that she at had the foresight for that but still as much as he knew that Ruvel should already be in there, they just couldn't sentence him to an eternity of isolation if there were other options open to them. He was also glad that his cousins never told his twin about this place or they might have had other issues that they could do without at the moment.

    Still overtime the younge blonde headed mage got restless and they knew he would have to stretch his legs at least for a short time, they could even use this as a way to help train his other senses now that his sight had been removed, Oykai who normally played guard these days knew that they'd all be in trouble if Johann came for a visit and there was no one there. It wasn't something that could be avoided however or Ruvel may end up doing something no one wanted. Under strict rules Oykai and the other summons agreed that he could go on a job, which made the youth happy. It was only to be one small job and then they were coming straight back but it was enough to settle the unsettled youth. He even went onto a ship without issue and sat with some help in what would be his normal spot if on a company ship. During the journy Oykai had a look over the task Ruvel had wanted to go on, given that he was blind and not just unable to read they had all been prescreened by the summons so been deemed as safe, the issue was the flyer that he was currently looking at wasn't one that he remembered them agreeing on so it concerned him some.

    It was more concerning that it was within the cursed lands but they had agreed that he could do it, so they would stick to their word regardlesss, they knew their summoner couldn't lie so it would mean that the moment he chose this job it would have to be complete or it would have consequences. After a week or so on the ship they managed to get to where they were going, and finished the task with some issue but no one was permanantly hurt so there was always that he guessed. Still to stumble across Samira and Leona as they got lost was a strange thing to the reaper but he was glad within reason because it allowed Ruvel to socialize with people other than his summons for a change. He was also glad that Sato knew what bobbing for apples was or their little group would have a little problem that would end up with fighting, this was something that he wasn't wanting right now and knew his summoner hadn't gotten a handle on his senses enough to use his magic as efficiantly as he once had with sight, this was something they could work on over time and he himself would continue to study to try and see if there was a way to remove the energy that could and likely would keep him blind for the rest of his life.

    Hearing Samira speaking to him he chuckled nodding "Yes, I am here too." he said to the spring green haired summoner "My true name is known by a select few but you can call me Jasper." he said to the other, Ruvel knew that now Oykai's name was out of bounds and he would have to either call him by the name given or use their own bond due to the stigma of knowing one of his kinds names. Oykai was always strange to Ruvel as he had three names and they all held importance, his birth name only known by his family, the name given due to his cast and only known by his cast and then the name that he was referred to by those within his culture due to his status. The blonde often wondered if it was the same for Demi given she was the exact same in all aspects, he looked down saddened knowing that he would never be able to ask her himself. "The answer is yes, she has the same issues I have. You should know this." Oykai said tilting Ruvel's head back up once more "You both should introduce yourself, she looks a little confused." he explained "I'm Sato, my big sister is Yona!" the young boy in the t-shirt and shorts exclaimed excitedly with a giggle taking another bite out of his apple. "I'm Ruvel Mizune, one of the four god of Ishgar." he said simply placing his hand to his chest once more bowing to where he believed Samira was only for Oykai to move him so he was bowing in the right direction before he stood once more.

    "Oh, that little thought you had Samira..." Oykai said with a grin leaving Ruvel's side for a moment as he floated up and leaned into her ear "He and that glowing lightbulb of a toddler you seen in Era at Christmas... one in the same." he said with a chuckle before landing on the ground and walking back knowing that Sato would be able to handle being protector and guide for a few seconds if anything was to happen. He stopped looking to the two elder women "I should warn you, my race are telepaths by nature so I can hear your thoughts and the thoughts of your companions if they get to close and that counts doubly for my cousins, just thought you might want the warning in case I say something strange." he said covering his mouth yawning as he stopped by Ruvel's side once more. "And Samira, he was that kid that done the huge light show... he was previously hit with a de-aging curse that was broken a few months back." Oykai explained Ruvel remaining quiet as things were explained for him, not that he minded much. "Sato look after Rui for a few moments for me okay?" he said watching as the boy nodded before walking into the portal, both Samira and Leona would be able to see what could only be described as a huge library.

    The books, scrolls and lacrima where not just on the shelves but piled on the floor, there was a huge pile of fifteen to twenty open books on the floor as if they were all currently still being read and at once. It was when a sofa and a bed was seen that it was clear that this wasn't a library but an actual living space "Don't mind his bedroom, it gets kinda messy at times." Sato said to the others watching as Oykai was seen walking back and out of the portal it closing behind him "What did you just say about my home sappling?" he grumbled holding a few things in his hand "That your place got messy some times." he replied "Well yeah when I'm researching something or writing up notes it tends to." he agreed but knew that there was a good reason for that as he held out a package and a bag to Samira "I figured out your measurements thanks to the tree back a few months ago, pretty sure those Rune Knights want to know them though with what they seen." he said with a chuckle "The outfit was made by Rui and I made the scented candles, incense and oils in the bag." he let the other know allowing them to be taken before looking at Leona holding out another package "He had a keen eye and it looks like you needed a change out of your current soaked clothing." he said with a smile "It to was made by the boy wonder here, he likes to tailor and cook." he informed the silver wolf guild master.

    Oykai once again picked up on Samira's thoughts and nodded "He is indeed blind, thought the one who done it almost killed him." his fists balling under his sleeves, he hated that this had happened to someone like his summoner who wanted to do no harm to anyone but the universe seemed to want to make his life hell one way or another. It made it worse for him that his own twin sister who had done this meaning he held the sin of this attack as well because he was cursed with being a twin within their race. "No, we were on our way back from a job and got lost. Jasper wants to take me back to where I've been for the last while so I'm safe." he said in honesty to the green haired summoner "I'm adapting slowly to my current situation don't feel the need to beat around the bush or sugar coat things for me, I won't get any with people doing that." Ruvel continued so the two other mages knew he just wanted to be treated like he normally was, he hated when he wasn't because to him it normally meant something bad was going to happen to him. The issue for his summons was that the way they judged the blonde haired teens health was removed from them, so now they had to rely on him telling them and they didn't hold their breath on that happening any time soon.

    Ruvel blinked hearing the words of the other "Is that the music I've been hearing then?" he asked unable to tell without the help of others. "I asked Jasper to lead me here because I was curious, so I guess the answer would be yes." he said with a small smile "I know I may slow down everyone's fun, but mind if I tag along? It's been a while since I've conversed with anyone other than my summons and snow maiden and their counterparts." he said hoping that they would agree to him going with them even for a little while. "I seen her bobbing for apple skills and that's why I brought her a change  of clothing because that top is absolutely soaked." Oykai said with a small chuckle, he had no idea why Ruvel had made clothing for Leona, he guessed it was meant to be a present for some sort of special occassion but right now it seemed like she needed it more rather than later. Oykai picked up on the darker thoughts of the Silver Wolf guild master and quirked an eyebrow under the hood that covered his eyes 'You shouldn't think like that Leona, it is true that death comes to all but you should enjoy the gift of life before one of my cast come to claim it from you.' he sent right into the blonde haired woman's mind 'At that point it won't matter to you whom will be taking your position, titles aren't things you take with you after all.' a small smile crept across the albino males face, he hated dealing with those that had such thoughts but it seemed to be a common thing amongst mortals from what he had seen. 'Live for the hear and now, let tomorrow's problems be just that because you never know if you'll see the new day so why worry about it?' he finished hoping it would sink in to the other. This was why the living bothered him they worried about the most insignificant things at the end of the day, he had never been like them so he himself could never truly understand it and never would he guessed. "Given we are in the cursed lands that would a high inevibility, but given how strong we three are I doubt much would give us issue." he said calmly, he knew he would have a harder time fighting with finess but he did have other spells that hit everything so there was that.

    He understood the concern of the other guildmaster but until there was an enemy to be worried about, they should try to have fun. The context of 'fun' was still new to the youth but he was trying his best to learn for Arcadia he smiled for a moment with a light blush in his cheeks as he thought of her flowing blonde hair, sparkling emerald eyes and the beauty of her face but tears started to fall from his eyes and roll down his cheeks as he came to the realisation he may never see her again, that he would only have the memories of her apperance that would change over the years he was sure. "Rui.." Sato said with a bit of concern "What's wrong?""He just realised he can't see the woman he cherishes any longer, his heart is hurting worse than when he has to summon me." he said not knowing how to comfort him he looked to the other two that were there souls easily seen in his blood ruby eyes "I don't know how to comfort him, any ideas?" he asked Ruvel shook his head wiping his sleeve across his still hurting eyes "I'm okay, I still have memories of how she appears but I should go see her before we head back." he said not knowing if she knew what had happened "Absolutly not, the longer your in Fiore the easier it will be for them to find you.""I don't care I want to see her and I will no matter the danger I have a right to tell her." he said quickly making Oykai groan "Fine, but if she isn't in her guild hall when we turn up then we go back no fuss." he didn't want to argue right now and with everything that had gone on he thought that being near Arcadia might life his spirits a bit. Oykai eventually looked to the small group and sighed "Shall we get going? This place should be safe given people spent the time to set up and such and even if it isn't then we should enjoy ourselfs up to the point we need to deal with the issues that may arise." he said with a shrug taking Ruvel's hand and moving along towards the music once more, only stopping when he came across another barrier not caring if the others decided to tag along "Why did we stop?" Ruvel asked "A ring toss game it seems... with how your eyes are I doubt that you can do this one so will need the help." Oykai sighed this place was going to be far less fun for his summoner than he originally thought "I can do it, don't worry." he knew he might not be able to do it on his first few tries but he would never get over his hinderence if he didn't try. "Let's wait for the others and see who's going first." Ruvel said  with a frustrated tone "Yeah, might be for the best in the end." Oykai agreed only to turn his head hearing some guy near by calling out insults to those who passed by "That guy needs an attitude adjustment." the albino male said crossing his arms "Perhaps it is part of his game." was the only thing Ruvel could suggest not knowing if it was due to not being able to see the dunk tank.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>

    Choice of ring toss or dunk tank

    Last edited by Ruvel on 6th July 2019, 1:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Samira Nassar 3rd July 2019, 10:02 pm

    "Yaaaayyyy!" Serqet whispered in rejoice as the Saint of Courage agreed to sign the magazine for her. It was truly an exciting day. First free apples and now an autograph from the one and only Leona Jarnefeldt. Maybe she'd get super lucky and be able to make an entire collection of Wizard Saint autographs! For now though, she was ecstatic to have the one in her collection. Now she could go back home and annoy brag about it to all of her fellow spirit companions and even the other world entirely. Then she'd be sure to frame it and put it on a wall somewhere for all to see. It was going to be great. Once the signing was complete, Serqet took the magazine back and hugged it close to her chest. "Thank you!" She turned and sped off, dissipating into purple colored particles during the movement. Now the blonde was free to do as she pleased... which hopefully involved getting a new shirt at some point.

    Aha! So now Samira had a name to use for the small reaper other than the nickname a spirit had given him the first time they had met. The woman had no issue with the chosen name he preferred others use, even if it wasn't his real name. Many spirits didn't mind either because they simply didn't care. The one that used to call him Deathy though was eye rolling in that protective celestial space of his. Jasper? Seriously? That sounded way too normal and didn't exactly match the fact they were all staring at a four foot tall and some inches reaper. 'What was wrong with Deathy as a nickname? It described him perfectly and even had that cutesy ending to it. Small pokeable things need to have cutesy names. It's a law that's written somewhere.'
    'Are you saying that you find him cute and pokeable?'
    'For me? That's a no. He's creepy and I am staying here instead of going out there. You're the one that almost poked him the last time. Death by poke. Do I normally look like someone that wants to write something that stupid on a tombstone? So do me a favor and walk away before you get the temptation to-' The sentence was interrupted by Samira's sudden reminder of the cheek poking that she didn't get to do that last time, and the desire to try it again. He naturally picked up on that, as did the others with a heavy sigh. 'Dammit, Samira!'

    Thankfully the summoner had resisted the urge to try it again. Just because the temptation was there didn't mean that she was suicidal. The warning was given the last time and she was fully capable of heeding it. Her focus had now gone to her confusion on who the other two were, which was also taken care of rather quickly. The messy-looking child introduced himself as Sato, although the mention of a Yona made her tilt her head in further confusion. Her eyes gave a quick glance around, wondering if she had missed an older girl somewhere but she had seen nothing. Maybe it was just extra information that was given for the sake of it. Children did that at times. "Hello, Sato," Samira smiled and nodded as she replied. Then she focused on the blonde youth and waited for his introduction. "Nice to meet you, Ruvel." Another smile and nod without her even fully realizing the entire introduction. Then the proverbial lightbulb switched on and exploded into pieces. "Eh?!" Her emerald colored eyes widened in disbelief. That had to be a lie or exaggeration! The last time she looked at the records there was a picture of a toddler by that name! Well, she did think that photo was really outdated at one point, but surely the Council wouldn't have accepted such a photo. Maybe. She didn't know. Her mind was blown. "But-" she paused her words, her mind still blank from the destruction of any thought process that was originally there. "I thought..." She looked from Jasper to Sato and then back to Ruvel, clearly confused. Even Leona had walked up and called the blonde male by name. Then as if her thoughts had been picked up on it was explained that the small toddler from before was actually Ruvel. Did it occur to her that it was a spell of some sorts that de-aged him? Of course not. The first thought that entered her head was the opposite. Samira moved closer and leaned in for further inspection with her now wide eyes and gasped. "You grew up so fast!" Not.. quite accurate. Not even close actually. Samira was corrected with Jasper informing her that it was a de-aging curse, and she stood up straight once more. "Oh." Well that made more sense, didn't it? It was likely a more interesting tale as well that she would have to ask about later on. Did she feel stupid about her train of thought? Not even a little.

    Unfortunately, the whole mind reading was what the spirits focused on instead. Normally such a thing was impossible. Their own thoughts and voices would have been reached well before Samira's, yet somehow that reaper was able to pass through them unnoticed. They did not think their guard was let down that much while in the presence of allies. Apparently they were either wrong or he was able to get through even all of them combined. Perhaps the missing few was what made it possible for that breach. They would have to investigate and correct the issue at a later point. For now, they would have to deal with the fact that there was no mental protection. Yet another had crossed paths with their summoner that could defy the barriers and protections they had in place. It was so very annoying, and they did not want repeats ever, let alone so soon. The spirits demanded that she tell the small reaper to stay out. They themselves currently had no intention on going out there and starting a fight over it. Samira would have forced them back if they so much as tried and they could feel that. The ones that didn't give a damn about what she wanted were also away or had their links turned off to where they could not tell what was going on. Thank goodness for small miracles. 'That would be rude. He said he has a present for me.' And thus every spirit shook their heads and died inside. Apparently asking for someone to stop reading one's mind was rude if they brought presents. It better be a damn good gift that's for sure.

    A portal was then opened by Jasper, and after he instructed Sato to look after Ruvel he stepped through it. Naturally Samira was drawn to it, curious as to where it led. Instead of it being some vague flashes of blinding light the portal was one of those that showed exactly where it led it. Some sort of library it seemed to be. Dozens upon dozens of scrolls and books littered the shelves and even the floor. "Not the cleanest or most organized library, is it?" She thought out loud as she stared into the portal. Well that certainly didn't stop her from wanting to walk right through that portal so she could see what all those scrolls and books were about. Maybe it had some hidden knowledge that was located only in that library space. Then she noticed the bed and sofa. Maybe it wasn't a library. With that thought, Sato had commented that it was actually Jasper's room. Well it being someone's room didn't really make her want to go in any less. It was an open portal. Not like it was closed and locked. But before she could get her chance to just waltz right through it, against the advice of certain spirits and her better judgment, Jasper returned and the portal disappeared, much to Samira's disappointment. She pouted, but she was over it fairly quickly. Maybe next time.

    "Oh, thank you. You really did not have to-" Samira had just been about to thank the both of them for the gifts. Both of them had even made the items instead of just purchasing them. Extra effort was involved for something they really didn't have to do. She felt bad about not having done the same. Perhaps she'd make sure she had something prepared for the future. Not that she really knew what Ruvel liked and she doubted Jasper really wanted a lifetime supply of air freshener. For them that'd probably be an eternal amount. Maybe she'd ask around. That was how her thought process worked in those quick moments when she accepted the package and bag. Then it quickly hit her on what Jasper had just said. Her face turned a shade of red as she was reminded of that day. "We do not speak of that! Ever!" While not her fault that Christmas Tree had set a scene that was even more embarrassing and showed more than Leona's drenched shirt taken out of context. People needed to forget that even happened! Samira calmed her comical embarrassed outburst and went back to focusing on the fact that she got anything at all. She wanted to look at everything but uh... with a glance around their surroundings there was that huge reminder that they were standing right in the middle of the Cursed Lands. "You do not mind if I open these later, do you? This is not an ideal present opening location, and I do not want them getting dirty and broken after you both put so much effort into it. You are both very kind so thank you again." Ruvel had even made something for Leona and handed it to her. He really was one to be prepared it seemed. The other woman must have been thrilled to have a nice shirt replacement right when she needed one. There was just one problem and that was the fact the Cursed Lands lacked a dressing room. Well, maybe she could hide behind a tree or something to switch shirts or use her harpy ladies to surround her and act as a visual blockade. Assuming they were fine with her opening them all up later to look at everything, Samira would use a bit of her magic to open a small celestial portal and put the gifts inside where it would then close and disappear. They would be there until she retrieved them.

    It was confirmed that Ruvel was indeed blind with further details that he was nearly killed during the event that led to his condition. A most unfortunate thing to happen. She would not press for details, however. If they wanted Leona and herself to know then they would have told them. "Fair enough, Ruvel," Samira commented with an agreeing nod when he made his wishes known that he wanted to be treated normally and not have things toned down on account of his blindness. At his question on if he could tag along though Samira blinked. She didn't really think that he would slow them down at all really. Considering how long it took to get past the bobbing for apples game none of them were exactly rushing to get to the end. "Of course you are welcome to tag along! That is why I asked if you were heading that way. It will be fun! A festival in the Cursed Lands. It is exciting and mysterious and there is no telling what we will find once we reach the real party!" Samira wanted to take the hands of both Ruvel and Leona and lead them through the path as if they were skipping down a yellow brick road. But it seemed her lack of worry was not exactly infectious. Leona had expressed her concerns about the Cursed Lands and potential dangers and Ruvel agreed, but he also agreed that with their combined powers it was highly doubtful that they'd run into anything that they couldn't handle. Then Leona had asked her a question involving the games. Although the fellow Saint seemed bothered. Was she afraid that she'd make Ruvel and herself look bad with her carnival game talent? Well maybe since she mentioned water she was just afraid of ruining the new outfit Ruvel had made her if she changed into it. That made sense and Samira completely understood. The fact Leona almost drowned in an apple trough didn't even register in the summoner's mind. "I do not know." Samira folded her arms over her chest and thought about it. "The only games I can think of at the top of my head are those little water gun games where you shoot at a target. Maybe even the game where you throw a ball at a target and the person connected to said target gets dropped into a water tank. It will not be one of us though so your clothes should be fine. Do not worry." Yes, the clothes were something that Leona was surely and one hundred percent worried about. Not the death by drowning or anything.

    Before the group could continue on there was one other matter to take care of. Ruvel had begun to cry, and upon listening to the conversation it had to do with someone he was very fond of romantically. It was a sad situation that seemed more extreme in details than just his blindness preventing him from seeing her. Jasper had asked for advice on how to comfort him but Ruvel was quick to intervene before Samira could say anything. She just stood there and listened quietly until they went on ahead. In truth, she had no way of comforting him. The only advice she had was that if he truly never could be around her again then it was best to just forget about doing so. Keep the memory to cherish and learn from but leave it at that and do not long for more. Samira would respect him for being the rebellious type, though. At least rebellious in this case. He wanted to find and be with her at least one more time. Hiding for what may be forever wasn't exactly living, after all. Not when he wanted more. Although, Samira did have her concerns. Based on that conversation it sounded like someone was trying to find Ruvel. Hopefully his presence would not put that girl in any danger, or hopefully she was very capable of defending herself. Actually, weren't the two of them on a page in one of the magazine issues during Valentine's Day? Samira would have to check it out to be sure of that. For now though, she kept to herself and said nothing. It wasn't any of her business and Jasper knew what was best for Ruvel more than she did. Ruvel also seemed to know what he wanted. There was just nothing for her to add in that wouldn't seem like putting her nose where it didn't belong. Perhaps Leona would have some beneficial input.

    If Leona had not changed into the new outfit just yet, Samira would tap her shoulder to get her attention. "You should probably change while the boys are ahead and no one else is around. Although, I can have one of my spirits dry you off rather quickly if you like. Their powers are acting a bit strange today though so there is probably a ninety eight percent chance that you will end up on fire. I do not suppose that you have fire resistant abilities, do you?" Most would have probably said that was an obvious no based on appearances, but in regards to ability and magical prowess Samira was not all that certain. It was possible that Leona was very much fire proof. Her clothes too maybe. Samira forgot to inquire about that which was a bit odd seeing as a burnt shirt was even worse than a soaked one. If the offer was declined, Samira would understand and begin to follow along the path. If Leona had said yes... well hopefully she was fire resistant because there were going to be some flames to make that shirt dry in seconds.

    The path continued on until Samira caught up with the others, who had been stopped by another barrier and were waiting. "Another one?" Samira inquired before looking at the game that had been set up as a trial to complete before given access. This party was hardcore. Bottles lined the ground with various colors, with a single golden one. Thankfully getting the golden one wasn't exactly required. They just needed to hit a certain number of points to make the barrier go away. The amount required to gain entry to the next phase was told on the rules sign, as well as the amount each bottle represented with the golden one being an instant vanish of the barrier. Easy enough. "It looks like we are all given four chances. I assume there is a magic cast on this game to prevent cheating. Or I would hope anyway." It was tempting to just cheat by using magic to make the rings fall on the golden bottle. "But these are often usually rigged as well. I will not judge if someone tries that tactic if we fail enough times." Just her putting that out there. Just in case.... Honestly, it would probably be her that attempted it.

    "You were here before us, Ruvel, so you can go first if you like." It was probably going to be a difficult game for someone that couldn't see, but who knows? Maybe he had very good intuition and could do it very well like some people being able to do things blindfolded. If he didn't go first and Leona didn't volunteer, then Samira would ask if she wanted to have a turn. That is, assuming no one offered for Samira to go. In which case she would accept the offer. No matter which place she was in line, the outcome would be the same. The woman would grab four of the rings that were on a nearby booth and start to throw them, not really aiming for that golden one that was likely impossible to get, but the ones around it that were also high in points. Two misses and two hits. Not bad, but not great. She would be satisfied for now and step aside to let the others have their turns. If they all managed to hit something then the barrier would vanish and they could move on. If they didn't and they were stuck they could try the game again or cheat. Or go fight something. That worked too.

    Either way the next area would be larger than the others since it had one big setup for the dunking game that had the shouting man Ruvel could hear previously, as well as one of those games that tested one's strength. Oh boy!

    (Word Count: 3175
    New WC: 4317)

    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 7th July 2019, 2:46 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 3rd July 2019, 11:22 pm

    Leona despaired on how to get out of this latest predicament without coming across as... weird. Ruvel came to the rescue with a package of clothing that provided both a way out and a way to keep what dignity Leona had left. The soaked blonde gratefully took the package from Ruvel and looked for a safe place to change into the new outfit without Samira or Ruvel seeing her.

    "Thanks Ruvel. You're a lifesaver." Leona thanked the slightly shorter blond guy before ducking off behind a cluster of bushes as tall as she was and opening the package. Inside was a blue and white outfit that was a bit like her current one except that it also featured a pink necktie of sorts. It looked like it was tailor-made to fit her... no pun intended. Leona looked around for voyeurs and when she was satisfied that there were none, she started to take off her outfit top and replace it with the new one. Leona did so quickly and had barely put it on and secured it when Daphne stuck her head through the bushes and scared the blonde.

    "Like, do you like that Ruvel guy? Like, like like?" Daphne asked with a smile on her face. Leona clenched her teeth and threw the soaked top at the black-haired harpy. Daphne caught it with a clawed hand and threw it back.

    "I guess you do." Daphne took another jab at her mistress. Leona ignored the provocation and looked at Daphne.

    "Do you mind?" Leona asked with a voice that was trying to be polite but showed that her patience was fading fast. Daphne smiled and slowly pulled her head back out of the bushes in a way that was totally creepy. Leona took off her green skirt and was about to put on the blue one when the harpy's voice whispered a joke from behind the bushes.

    "Your skirt makes your butt look big." Daphne whispered. Leona put the skirt on, put on the blue-and-white boots, then packed away her green-and-gold outfit into her backpack and put the packaging in there as well. The annoyed blonde then emerged from the bushes and faced a worried Sylvia and Sandy. Standing behind them with a wide smile was Daphne, who was obviously using her sisters as a shield to keep Leona from hitting her with an apple, her fist, or a spell.

    Leona turned away from her and towards Samira and Ruvel. She looked down the path and there was a booth for a Ring Toss game, one that did not involve water. Leona was grateful for that because she doubted that Ruvel had another convenient change of clothes handy.

    "I'll check it out." Leona said to Samira and Ruvel before sauntering up to the booth and reading the rules posted on the sign. She had four plastic rings that were slightly smaller than a standard paper plate and had four tries to throw a ring and have it ring the golden bottle. There was a floor covered with bottles of varying colors that were neatly aligned in ranks and files like a glass bottle army, but the golden bottle was the main target. The prize depended on how many rings she managed to get to ring a bottle and what color the bottle was.

    Leona noticed the neat stack of rings on a wooden table with a festive summer-themed white and yellow tablecloth. She looked at them, then the bottles, then at Samira and Ruvel. The blonde was willing to try any game that did not involve water.

    "It seems legit, so I'll play first." Leona informed them. She grabbed the rings with her left hand, then sidled up to the booth and picked a blue bottle on the first row as the target of her first ring toss. Leona took a red ring into her right hand and gently tossed it with a flick of her wrist. The ring landed around the neck of the bottle and slid right down. So far, so good.

    Leona looked through the five rows and picked out a green bottle on the third row for a slightly greater challenge. Leona took a blue ring and gently tossed it with the same flicking motion; the ring landed around the neck of the bottle and shot down to the base. The elated blonde then turned her attention to the golden bottle in the middle of the fourth row. If she were to ring this one she would win the game.

    Leona took a deep breath, aimed carefully, and threw it smoothly. The orange plastic ring bounced off its mouth and rolled on its side until it hit the far end of the booth. Leona frowned and looked at the bottle... something about it made her want to try again. She had one ring left, so she had to make it count.

    Leona took a minute to get ready. Once she was mentally ready, she leaned forward a bit and made an underhand toss, not lifting her leg so that she did not flash Samira, Ruvel, or her harpies. The blonde held her breath and watched as the green ring rung the neck of the bottle and wobbled around it like someone rotating a hula hoop very fast. It wobbled around for six rotations and threatened to leap off the bottle, but after five more fast rotations it admitted defeat and sunk down around the bottle.

    Leona was pleased with herself for winning on the last toss. On the table where the rings were stacked sat a small plush lion with a fuzzy mane and deep brown eyes that peered into her soul. Leona found herself drawn to it despite herself and inspected it for traps or tricks, then picked it up and tried to find a way to fit the small king of beasts in her backpack.

    "OK Ruvel, looks like you're up!" The victorious Leona said to Ruvel while trying to work the plush lion into her backpack. Carrying it around in her arms would be so undignified.

    Leona's New Outfit:

    [Word Count: 1,042]
    [Leona's New Word Count: 1,476]

    Last edited by Leona Jarnefeldt on 4th February 2020, 11:16 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 6th July 2019, 4:58 pm

    Ruvel || Y-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count : 1,873
    Total Word Count: 4,856
    @Samira Nassar @Leona Jarnefeldt
    Notes :

    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right?

    Oykai could only roll his eyes hearing the quick conversation between Samira and her own summon, he really did hate that nickname, to him it was just as bad as being called a reaper. Samira was mortal so it was of course likely easy for her to see him in such a thing but her spirit was just ignorant in his opinion. "My cast is actual title is Spiritual Calling in translation not Reaper, we don't reap people we call and lead them to the next stage of their journey. We reap the sorrow, hatred and horrendous memories of the last moments that we take on their next stage." he said his voice cold as he spoke, he wasn't exactly the warmest guy to begin with in this form, but, still he normally acted civil regardless to his dislikes of the living; it was something about being called a death god or reaper that seemed to hit an extemely raw nerve of the blue haired male. "Jasper, calm yourself." Ruvel quickly chimed in "Uh-hu... remember I thought you were scary once but you had to explain things 'cause I didn't know... maybe they don't either?" Sato added not knowing if his words were true but he wanted to help, this only made Oykai groan because he knew there was nothing he could do to win this arguement "Fine.." he said crossing his arms not overly happy but there was nothing for it at the moment.

    Sato waved with the hand that had his half eatten apple in it "Hi miss Samira!" he said excitedly once more giggling happy "I know you don't know who is within my company but Miss Hisamori has just been promoted to one of my vice presidents with me away from home I believe the company requires additional attentionl and if she can put up with Japser of all people she deserves the position." Ruvel said with a chuckle behind a clenched hand "I will kill you Rui.""And we all know you'd have to deal with Johann if you did." Sato quickly added with a big cheesy grin "I could tell the twins you just threaten his life""Do it and I'll take your life for a second time runt.""Aww but you'd make my big sister cry and you can't because of my contract... we both know it... Ruvel would have to give it up and he wouldn't... Would you...?" the quick conversation had Ruvel rubbing his temples "Will you both please get along with one another or I am dismissing you both and dealing with things on my own." the blonde groned, he knew that he was in no position at current to be on his own still he would rather try than the headache he was getting any worse. "No, Sato I will not be ending our contract until my day of passing and Jasper stop picking on him or there will be consequence." he said putting an ent to the discussion once and for all, Sato sticking his tongue out at Oykai who could only roll his eyes "Just remember Sato, that form isn't longed for this world..." he whispered to the other summon making him drop his apple nodding "I remember..." he said sadly moving to dig a hole and placing the ruined apple inside it returning it back to the earth before running back after Ruvel and the others. "I was enjoying that too." he pouted but knew he could get more later.

    "I went on a task with my big brother Johann, Mr Detholusin, my adopted big brother Cirven and Demi..." when he mentioned Cirven and Demi's names the stances and mood of the three changed drastically from what it was but where it was clear something had happened between the small group and the two mentioned it wasn't clear as to what had happened, what was clear was that it hadn't been for the better of the blonde. "Cirven, Johann, myself and Mr Detholusin were all affected by the curse... it seemed however due to what I was using as a way of defence was preventing my body breaking the curse as it wasn't the type I was meant to be using. I had to find my true defences before I could, Johann came with me and by the end of it I was how I am now with new abilities." he said with a smile knowing were he didn't need to explain himself or the ordeal he had been through from when he and Samira had first met til now, he still thought it might be nice to let her know "I could speak again in my native tongue again if it puts you more at ease or glow as I did back then." he didn't like the fact he glowed and it still wasn't a well known fact out of a handful of people "I would also rather the latter doesn't become a well know fact if possible for.... reasons..." he would rather not get into what those reasons might be but still he knew curious minds often wanted information especially if they were told no.

    Oykai let out a silent groan rolling his eyes once again "It's not because your guards are down, next to Rui's, Johann's and those within my race your mental defences are rather strong. This being said not only are my race natural telepaths but my cast bring those who meet their cycles end to the beginning of their next, so..." he took pause for a moment "So we see the memories and take the image of someone they knew that is dear to them, we find that it brings them comfort and they can take that step more easily. Due we know the back doors and weaknesses in mental defenses because of it." he explained to not just the small people within the festival but through the bond that Samira held with her own summons "It is not because I want to intrude on thoughts because to be honest I couldn't care less if you paid me to, it is just something that is natural to me when in this realm... it's one of the many reasons I hate mortals... it's like I never get a moments peace while in the presence of people who are inside the cycle of life and death." he overshared in that instance but he was sick and tired of people thinking that he actually had a choice in hearing things mentally when he didn't "It's doubly annoying for me because I also hear the thoughts of the people around my twin... so I hear the thoughts of people I'm not even near." he sighed "Anyway, I'm sorry if I intruded on anyone's thoughts." he said continuing to walk with Ruvel to where the next section of games seemed to be.

    Ruvel had been smiling since Samira commented on what she seen "That is just his study not his house, he's been researching how to get my sight back or if it is even possible for that matter." he said calmly taking the four rings that Sato had went to get him for the ring toss game "Jasper keeps everything neat normally unless he is researching something." The young blonde explained to Samira "He's one of his realms top researchers.""It's why I have a lot of books, scrolls and information lacrima" He explained his eyes going to a gem that dangled by his side a small smile on his face "My orders are given to me in gems like this one dangling, but this one is special to me so I keep it with me at all times" a light blush on his cheeks "Getting a fever or you thinking of her again?""Rui!" he said sternly Ruvel laughing happily at getting under his summons skin for the first time since their contract was made. "That tells me everything Jasper, I'm glad you finally made up with her." he said warmly throwing his first hoop but missing the bottle "Miss" Sato said letting his summoner know "Okay." he replied throwing another "Miss" Sato said again Ruvel nodding throwing another, he knew he was at a disadvantage but this was training of sorts so he didn't really mind. Throwing the third ring he knew that it was an over shot a smile on his face "Last one, best make it count." he said throwing the fourth towards the golden bottle for a moment it looked like it was going to jump off but went down "Did I get it?" he asked "Yup!" Sato cheered happily "Sato choose something for yourself for helping.""Really?! You mean it!" Ruvel chuckled nodding "Okay!" he said running to go choose a present for himself as Oykai took him by the hand leading him to something that could do he guessed. "Where are we going?" he asked the albino summon "Test your strength." Oykai said in return making the youth uncomfortable.

    The reaper could feel it instinctually "Sato, return home if you don't mind. I think one of the twins wil be required." Sato nodded hugging his sunflower plushie he got as a prize "Okay! I can show my big sister my new friend! If you need me again Rui just call me kay?!" The green haired boy said waving happily to the group "Of course, thanks again for your help Sato." Ruvel said just before the male left 'Amuul, I need help. It's dark so you can come out of my shadow.' he sent to the younger of the two void princes. From Ruvel's shadow a 6'3" tall, seemingly lithe built, albino skin toned male with long white hair tied to the left, deep indigo eyes. He was wearing a semi loose black and carmine red hanfu robe over it was a long sleeveless crimson hatori, at his back a straight sword with a white tassel would be seen. 'I'm here, what's needed?' Amuul sent to Ruvel "Test of strength, we know my body isn't strong enough for this." he explained Amuul nodding taking the hammer with little issue feeling the weight, due to his innate gifts he seen what the trick was and hit the scale slightly off lower centre within a few seconds a ding would be heard 'That was easy.' he sent to Ruvel "My prince would you mind taking over, I have an issue." Oykai said holding up a blue crystal  'Yes cousin, go.' he said watching his cousin walk through a portal after a few moments. Due to everything that was going on Ruvel hadn't paid much attention to the goings on of the others but was led back by Amuul 'Hello to you both, my name is Amuul.' He sent to the other two bowing politely 'Oh and don't worry about ruining your clothing, our summoner has several outfits make for most people he meets.' Amuul let the other two know knowing there was at least one more water game in this festival. Ruvel smiling happily "This is the younger of the twin princes from the void, Jasper's cousin." he let them know knowing that there was a family bond knowing that they didn't mind such a thing to be known.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>

    Italics only is telepathy to a single person
    Italics and bold is to the group


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Samira Nassar 7th July 2019, 8:01 am

    The comments made by Jasper continued to be of an annoyance to many of those spirits connected and listening in. The main one communicating especially. Samira mentally cut off the link with that one to prevent any more outbursts or possible actions from being taken that would have made things worse. She was still in her mindset that it would have been rude to demand that Jasper stay out of her mind when he and even Ruvel had made gifts for her. Based on his responses he didn't seem to have much choice in the matter regardless and would have preferred not always having such involuntary access to another's private thoughts. However he was taking initiative to enter the mental conversation instead of remaining quiet and ignoring what had been said. That had taken a breach of privacy even further and was something that she would have to address if they ever crossed paths in the future and that problem still occurred. Thus far for that day she would let it slide. Samira didn't plan on making or participating in any drama. She just wanted to enjoy the festival, assuming of course they ever got to the real party. With all of the barriers around and a severe lack of other people it was possible it was all a prank or a trap. Well, that was to be dealt with later if necessary.

    The ring toss game had been done by each of them and they were allowed to move on. With a bit of relief the mind reading issue with Jasper would come to a momentary end. Both he and Sato took their leave. It was unfortunate really. Despite the slight issue she enjoyed the interaction and banter between Ruvel and those two. Samira also liked being told about the curse that had de-aged him some time ago. Naturally she was curious as to the reason of why he didn't want people to know about the glowing, but she could understand him wanting to keep secrets. They didn't know each other all that well, and if she were going to pry it was best that it was not in a public location. If the Cursed Lands could really count as a public setting. It certainly was open enough for eavesdropping ears, she supposed.

    In their place was another that seemed to take residence in Ruvel's shadow until called, or she assumed he had been called. He had popped out suddenly while she was waving and saying goodbye to Sato. The newest addition to the party completed the Strength Hammer game with little issue. A proverbial sweatdrop appeared at the side of Samira's head as she smiled awkwardly and watched. Well that certainly made the game look easy, didn't it? He must have been stronger than he looked. It was after that, that Jasper took his own leave in order to take care of some business. Samira waved goodbye to him too but whether he noticed or not was anyone's guess. If the issue was serious enough then probably not.

    Regardless, the one known as Amuul led Ruvel back to them and made his introduction by way of telepathy. Samira was quite used to mental voices in her head so that wasn't the surprise really, it was more so that, that was the method of communication used when he was standing right there. Perhaps he couldn't speak normally and was a sort of mute. "Hello there. I am Samira," she greeted warmly with a small wave of her hand since handshakes were likely not good for her health when performing that act with one of his race. "I suppose you prefer telepathy as your form of communication?" Thus far in the few moments he had been around he seemed friendly enough, and very polite. They were all so well mannered actually. It was kind of... eerie now that she thought about it when compared to her own magical team of dysfunctional hooligans.

    After she had spoken to greet Amuul though, another voice jumped into the conversation. One that came from the dunking game that was set up not too far off. Apparently an associate of the festival had taken notice of them all and had taken it upon himself to shout out varying insults so they would take notice of him as well. "Excuse me for a moment. I am going to look into that game over there, and see if I can quiet down that noise." While Samira wasn't really one to get angry over petty insults, especially ones that were just for the game, she still didn't approve of it. Surely there had to be a better way to gain interest for a simple game.

    She left them to make her way over there without saying another word. Once she approached, Samira got a better look at the one in the tank. Usually it was some man in a sort of swim wear. Or even a type of clown. For this case the one in the tank was dressed in some ridiculous costume that was similar to one of her spirits, but much more... obscene. Was it a way to poke fun at the real Cernunnos? Samira covered her mouth, trying to suppress a giggle that could be the only logical reaction to such a costume that was so similar to her spirit version. Whether as part of the game or real offense, the one in the tank didn't seem to like the laughter. He was supposed to be the one laughing, after all! His comments and insults that followed mattered little to her. She would try this game. There was a booth where a great many buckets of throwing balls were lined up. With a light skip in her steps she grabbed some and went back to standing in front of the tank to have a better view and angle of the bullseye target. One ball was thrown and missed. Then another. The woman was more accustomed with aiming a bow or even a sword than she was with throwing balls. Maybe she'd train in that area for next time. Still though, she could have sworn she had hit the target at least once or twice but the ball just bounced right off. Did she really not throw hard enough? The thought gave her pause as she contemplated if perhaps that game was also rigged for failure. Another insult caught her attention. It would have been ignored entirely if it had not practically been permission for her to cheat. A comment had been made that even with all of her spirits helping her that she would never manage to hit that target and make him fall into the water. Yes, he knew who she was. He knew who all of them were. It was hard to not recognized a trio of Wizard Saints passing by. And so, with that comment, Samira's eyes narrowed, taking it seriously. "Very well." A magic aura lit up around the summoner as all of the spirits currently there gave her a portion of their power for this... game. The man in the tank realized that he was taken a bit more seriously than he would have liked and tried to take it back but it was too late. The next ball was thrown in full magical force, breaking through the enchanted plate of the target, through the wall of the tank, through several trees, and on and on the ball went until it disappeared somewhere in the distance. Needless to say, the game had been won. The man on the board fell into the water. A long overdue punishment.

    The barrier containing them in that portion of the festivities vanished. The four trials of Apple Bobbing, The Ring Toss, The Dunk Pit, and The Strength Hammer were complete. Now the true festival was revealed as even more games, booths, and even people were up ahead. Would this end with them all just enjoying themselves? Or would there be more going on with this festival in a strange land? Even the narrator behind this post does not yet know!

    (Word Count: 1356
    New TWC: 5673)


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 8th July 2019, 2:49 pm

    Leona had long since given up on trying to stuff the plush lion into her backpack and opted to just carry it in her arms. It was undignified for a Wizard Saint to carry a stuffed toy around, but it was slightly easier for her to get away with it since she was a female. Ruvel could get away with it too since he was a strong mage who happened to look very young for his age. As for Samira... who was brave enough to insult the strongest mage in existence and who outside of the Magic Council could tell her what to do?

    Some guy dressed in skimpy clothing that no man should wear had the audacity to insult Samira with some choice insults about the Goddess of Ishgar's competence. He implied that she would be unable to win the game without the aid of her team of spirits. Unable and unwilling to let the challenge go unanswered, the Goddess of Humility strode forward to the dunk tank where the man was sitting with the intent on teaching him a lesson in manners. Leona was glad that she had not been the one to anger Samira by having the bad sense to imply that the green-haired Goddess could only get by with the help of her spirits.

    Leona clutched her stuffed lion and watched from afar as Samira began to throw balls at a white disk attached to a mechanical arm and painted with a red bullseye. After Samira's first few attempts did not succeed, the man did not have the good sense to quit while he was ahead and goaded Samira with more snide remarks mixed with insults. He kept going right until she had had enough of his nonsense and did something that gave her more power to overcome the game, which appeared to be one of those rigged carnival games that people disliked. Samira's next throw hit the target dead center and dunked the man in the water tank, silencing his baseless talk in a decisive fashion.

    Leona turned away from the dunk tank and focused her attention on something that had caught her eye. Ruvel had just finished a game called The Strength Hammer, completing all the games necessary to access the entire carnival. Now that all the magical barriers had been removed, the carnival was open for the Wizard Saint and God and Goddess of Ishgar to explore.

    "Hey girl, what will you do from here?" Sylvia asked her mistress.

    "I don't know yet, Sylvia. I've never been to a carnival before." Leona answered with uncertainty. There were so many activities to choose from and so many food booths with wares to sample. She was somewhat interested in a confection called cotton candy but had no idea what it was. It looked like someone had scooped sections of clouds out of the sky and had dyed them different colors before putting them in plastic bags for sale.

    There was also a flavored ice booth with a large white sandwich board sign to the left listing all the flavorings that customers could pick from. Once they made a selectionthe worker took shaved ice in a white styrofoam cup and put the chosen flavoring on it with a syrup bottle turned upside down. Leona was halfway tempted to try a cup of that sugary treat.

    Three booths to the right of the flavored ice booth was a conventional soft-serve ice cream stand that sold ice cream in cardboard cups. Aside from the old standbys of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla, customers could also pick from flavors like Neapolitan, Rocky Road, Caramel, and more. Again Leona was tempted to try something from there.

    "You act like you've never seen ice cream before." Daphne snarked.

    "I grew up in the middle of the desert, Daphne. We didn't have ice cream in the desert because there was nowhere to keep it cold and that stuff melts fast." Leona replied calmly, suppressing the urge to shout at the raven-haired harpy for being so insensitive. Daphne suddenly looked embarrassed and quickly backed off. Sandy kept quiet but had an apologetic facial expression.

    Leona had never been to a carnival before. It was a new experience to be among all the lights and cheerful accordion music and laughing people playing games of all types. With so many options laying in front of her, Leona had no idea what to do next.

    [Post Word Count: 760]
    [Leona's New Word Count: 2,236]

    Last edited by Leona Jarnefeldt on 4th February 2020, 11:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 2nd December 2019, 4:57 pm

    Ruvel || Y-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count : 1,310
    Total Word Count: 6,166
    @Samira Nassar @Leona Jarnefeldt
    Notes :

    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right?

    Oykai looked at the green haired summoner and sighed a little, he understood that he likely overstepped but given how his race normally communicated added with what his primary cast was, it wasn't as if he could prevent most of the time. That being said he did try as best as he could, he hated it when people tried to burrow into his head but that was rare given the boobie traps he had set up in places and then there was how his race and cast were so all in all he didn't have that issue. The mind to him was a sanctum that should never be tread on without invitation and he had just broken that self expected rule doing as he did to Samira, he forgot how easy it was to get through the mental defences of other races and even spirits so would send each and every one of them a gift basket of some sort of air freshening incense. That should make amends, right? "Sorry about that, I try not to overstep into people minds for obvious reasons." he let the woman know, his tone showed he was ashamed of his actions still there wasn't really a lot he could have done about it then or now. His mind then jumped to something strange somewhat suddenly as he tried to figure out why he was still using 'Jasper' as an alias, it wasn't exactly like Yona was around, still it seemed to mean something to him even if he didn't quite understand what that was entirely.

    He made sure that one of the other summons would cover him as he himself had to take a leave of absence, seemed that people couldn't take the day off when it came to killing each other and so he had to go deal with it, he at least waited until the group got back together. "Duty calls I'm afraid, people won't stop killing each other or dying for that matter." he smiled a little "I leave you with my cousin Amuul, he's a good person if not a bit of a crank at times." he chuckled before holding out a crystal and bowing a little a closed door appearing in front of him "My name is Oykai, I am the leader of the spiritual calling and have been sent to claim a group of people within your realm. I ask that you allow me passage." He said calmly his tone respectful as he stood straight the door opened and a book appeared floating in front of him "Now you know one of my names, I request that you do not use it in mixed company. I will allow my cousin or Ruvel explain why." he said his tone respectful but stern as he spoke this sentance the book pulsing impatiently, with a sigh he moved through the door with the book the door closing before vanishing as if it was never there. 'I apologise for my cousin's brashness. There is quite a taboo on knowing names for his cast as they hold quite a bit of power over the one who owns it. This is why they tend to use psuedo names and hold a second cast.' Amuul informed the two ladies with his young summoner 'Please call him by his requested name when in a large group unless he states otherwise.' he finished bowing a little politely in thanks.

    He had watched as the door his cousin went through had vanished before he had spoken 'What you call 'reapers' we call the 'Spiritual Calling' they take the last break of life from a person, but if travelling to another realm they tend to announce themselves so the gods or protectors know that they are there to do their duties. This realm is a little different for my cousin.' He informed them looking to Ruvel "I put a specialized dagger through my heart and he comes from my near dead body." Ruvel informed them, he didn't seem to be in distress at the way he called Oykai, it was just a part of his life he had accepted. He understood that calling on death's power came at a price and the contract he had with Oykai prevented him from killing him, as an added bonus Oykai had claimed right over Ruvel's life so no other of his cast could claim him even if the worst should happen. This was the reason that the youth had only lost his eyesight and not his life to his sister Demi only a short time before.

    Amuul picked up on Samira's thoughts on how he might be mute, this he could only believe was a normal way of thinking due to how he communicated, this was further proven by how the green haired summoner spoke to him and bowed to her politely. 'It is a pleasure to meet you lady summoner. As for your question, it is not wither I prefer it or not lady summoner, were I can speak like yourself it is unnatural to any outside the Spiritual Calling to do it within my race. I am of the royal cast, then again so is my cousin but he is also part of the Spiritual Calling thanks to who gave him and his sister life.' He informed the other summoner nodding as she excused herself standing and watching to where she was going. 'Seems like she's going to make the rude male take a swim.' he informed Ruvel watching the scene playing out before her "Oh, well he deserves it." he said before covering his mouth with a yawn. 'It seems rigged.' he informed him after a few hits didn't work "Rigged? What do you mean?" he asked the albino male at his side 'The lady summoner hit the target several times and he has yet to fall in the water.' he continued "Won't wo-" he started only to finish hearing a splash 'Well, it went through the target and well they will be looking for that ball for weeks.' he informed Ruvel who chuckled, he wasn't at all surprised Samira like himself was one of the four god of Ishgar, it was no easy feat to become a wizard saint let alone one as strong as Samira. "Amuul?" he asked hearing his guide move. 'Remain here please my summoner, I will be back in a moment.' he sent back to Ruvel who could only nod.

    The albino male moved to one of the booths 'Could I please have a pink, blue and green cotton candy. Three candy apple, three toffee apple, three chocolate apple in both white and milk and three vanilla ice cream with sprinkles with strawberry sauce, could I also have a sugar free vanilla ice cream with nothing on it.' he said holding out the jewel required and waited for the man behind the counter given him what he had requested. When the man gave him the bag and the four cones he handed back to the group giving the plain one to Ruvel before holding one of the cones to Samira, Leona and Daphne 'I thought vanilla would be the best decision. I brought cotton candy and other fair sweets for the three of you to have.' he said holding out the bag watching as Ruvel started to lick the ice-cream quietly a smile on his face. "What are we going to do next? I think there's going to be a bonfire and fireworks." Ruvel said calmly, he might not be able to see anything but at the same time it didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the atmosphere with the others "If it makes you feel any better Miss Jarnefeldt this is my first carnival too, perhaps we can find some rides." he suggested not sure if that would be something the others would enjoy.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>

    Italics only is telepathy to a single person
    Italics and bold is to the group


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Samira Nassar 13th December 2019, 12:56 am

    Already Samira was getting to know a great deal about Ruvel and the summons around him. More than she expected to know actually. Not to say that was a bad thing. Information overload was a good thing in Samira's book. The more she could know, the better. Within reason, of course. Not all details of life was something she needed to know, or even wanted to. There were limits. Thankfully she didn't think the two mages accompanying her would step over that boundary. Maybe Leona's harpies since they seemed to be quite the characters, and very similar to some of Samira's more rambunctious spirits. What was a bit surprising to learn was the extent that it took to call forth Jasper, now fully known to her as Oykai. She herself could offer her life energy as a way to summon her spirits if necessary, but never to the point of near death. The only one that could harm her to that extent only used it as threats. Actually going that far would not be beneficial. It was interesting how even though they all had summoning magic as a part of them and had some similarities, they were all still very different in several ways. Would everything she was learning about the two be added to a journal and notebook later? Most certainly. Another one for the massive collection she already had about other things and people.

    With all of that put aside during her little game of dunk the jackass, Samira returned to her fellow mages, who had already entered the newly discovered festival. Finally! Now the real reason she was there, which was to experience the festival, could finally get started. The challenges before, while unique and could be considered fun she supposed, were still forced if they wanted to reach the place. That took quite a bit of fun and freedom away from it all. That could all be forgotten now though. The true fun could begin! Although, as Samira looked at the festival and the other people having fun, and took in the smells and sounds around her, she was reminded of another festival she had attended a while back with a close friend. True enough the current one was not her first festival like the other two, the other one had been. With that memory a bit of gloom smacked her in the face, but for the sake of those around her she forced it away and put on that smile again. "Oh, thank you very much," Samira said kindly while taking one of the cones for herself. Not only had he bought ice cream cones, but he also had other sweets in the bag he held. They all certainly were very generous, weren't they? At that rate both she and Leona would become spoiled. Refusing it was not an option though. She didn't want to be rude by rejecting the kindness and generosity. Not unless it was too extreme a gesture anyway and thus far that limit had not been reached.

    Samira took a short moment to enjoy the ice cream cone as the others thought about what to do next. Rare was it that she bothered to have the frosty treat, and even if it were just plain old vanilla it was still quite good, especially with the extra flavoring of the strawberry sauce. The sprinkles made her feel like a kid really, but it was a welcomed topping all the same. There was mention of fireworks and a bonfire. That could work. It would give them time to finish off the treats while the firework show went on. Call her a bit selfish but she was enjoying that ice cream way too much to just toss it aside so she could have her hands free to do something else. There was also mention of some rides. That suggestion came with a bit of disapproval from her. One could not eat ice cream while on a ride. Well, they could, but it'd probably be a very messy experience. Her gaze looked over towards some of the more exciting rides. It wasn't hard to find given the screams of those already on them. "Are some of those even safe?" Samira asked, a bit of skepticism in her tone. She herself had been through many dangerous adventures and missions in her life, and it was a good assumption that the other two had as well. Yet rides in a festival was what it took for Samira's danger alarm to go off. Aside from the more high speed and crazy rides though there were slower ones, such as the ever popular ferris wheel and carousel. "If we choose a ride maybe we should start with something a bit slower, and work our way up." Naturally the suggestion came from two things. One she kept imagining pieces of the high speed and whacky rides breaking apart while she was on it, sending her and the others flying to their doom somewhere deep in the Cursed Lands. If the crash didn't kill them then the monsters would feast upon their broken bodies for sure. Not counting the healing magic that she and likely the other two had, of course. That slipped her mind during her exaggerated imaginings. The second reason was the ice cream. She could finish the treat on a slow ride easily. "I am satisfied with the firework and bonfire option too. Should we flip a coin to decide?"

    (Word Count: 912
    Samira Total: 6595)


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 30th December 2019, 11:41 pm

    Despite the cool temperature, Leona hurriedly finished her ice cream cone because she did not want it to melt on her before she could finish eating the frozen treat. Having fingers that were sticky from melted ice cream was something that the Wizard Saint wanted to avoid, especially since the line to the bathroom was rather long. The line to the bathroom numbered at least twenty people ahead of her and was growing by the minute. Thankfully Leona had not had anything to drink... aside from that mishap where she nearly drowned while bobbing for apples. She was still mystified as to how Samira could think that Leona almost drowning was part of the game, but Leona was glad that that fiasco was over.

    Once the ice cream had been finished Leona turned to Samira, who was eying the rides. The Wizard Saint faced the roller coaster and watched a trio of red carts clack up a hill, then pause at the top for a ten count before veering sharply downwards at high speed. The blonde knew that a roller coaster ride was not in her future. It was not the high speed that frightened her, but the idea of looking down from the cart to see the fairgrounds below and realizing how far off the ground she was. Leona and heights simply did not mix.

    "Ummm... if you two don't mind, I'd rather skip the roller coaster." Leona chimed in as she heard the screaming coming from the riders, who were busy zooming down the track towards the point where they disembarked. Altogether it looked like the ride lasted three minutes. Once the carts jolted to a stop the current riders got off so that other thrill-seekers could have their turn on the roller coaster. If Samira and Ruvel got on they would have to go without Leona.

    The blonde's attention turned from the roller coaster back to Samira, who had also expressed interest in going to a fireworks show and then a bonfire. Leona thought that those two options were good ones, but Daphne chose this moment to speak to her mistress. Much like she had done earlier, the black-haired harpy was poking fun at her summoner.

    "Hey Leona, why don't you go on the roller coaster with Samira and Ruvel?" Daphne asked mischievously. Leona frowned. Not more harassment from Daphne, especially when the raven knew that her summoner was afraid of heights. Sandy just covered her face with her hands because she knew that Daphne's effort to troll Leona was going to end in disaster.

    "C'mon! It'll be fun!" Daphne insisted, putting her hands on Leona's hips and gently nudging her summoner towards the line for the roller coaster. The Wizard Saint gently pulled away and tried not to make a scene. Instead of going for a stinging verbal rebuke delivered at high volume like Daphne expected, the blonde opted for a different approach, one that could get the point across without publicly humiliating Daphne.

    "No thanks, Daphne. Remember what happened when you guys took me for a flight when I first summoned you? Do you want that to happen again?" Leona asked Daphne about the incident that had occurred so many months ago. The dark-haired harpy had a blank face for a moment, then frowned as she thought about Leona's words and remembered what happened the first time they flew her around. Leona got the feeling that the raven was starting to get what the blonde was getting at.

    "Like, are you gonna throw up again if you go on a roller coaster?" Daphne asked in disgust. Leona, seeing an opportunity to drive home her point, looked Daphne straight in the eyes and nodded. Daphne cringed.

    "Like, SO GROSS! OK then, never mind. Let's not go on the roller coaster then. Let's just keep our feet on the ground, sweetie." Daphne verbally backpedaled. Having made her point, Leona let the matter go without further discussion and turned back to Samira. She needed to let the Goddess of Humility know which way her vote went so that they could go to the appropriate place before the lines got too long.

    "I'm all for the fireworks and bonfire, but maybe Ruvel wants to start off fast and slow down. We'll wait to see what he wants to do. If we reach an impasse where we just can't decide what to do, flipping a coin would be the best way to decide." Leona said to Samira.

    [Post Word Count: 747]
    [Leona's New Word Count: 2,983]

    Last edited by Leona Jarnefeldt on 4th February 2020, 11:18 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 5th January 2020, 10:29 pm

    Ruvel || Z-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count : 1,342
    Total Word Count: 7,508
    @Samira Nassar @Leona Jarnefeldt
    Notes :

    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right?

    Ruvel wasn't one to speak about himself, he really disliked it because of his normal trust issues but for some reason he felt more relaxed around the two wizard saints he seemed to be going to the festival with. It was beyond odd in his opinion as he had only met Leona once or twice for alliance business and only met Samira once before when he was still under a deaging curse around christmas time in Era and a malicious tree decided to take her clothing as a gift for someone else. It was also the time that Oykai had learned about air freshener, before that he would use large amounts of incense when studying but his world had been expanded a little thanks to that fateful meeting. Whatever the reason was he was just glad that he had some people he felt like he could finally get close to other than Johann, this was a good feeling because recently it seemed anyone he got close to would just up and leave him. He understood that Johann's arm was twisted by the magic council and he wished the elder male had told him what was going on, he also knew however that he was fragile and would have broken down making it that much harder for him to leave. He could only imagine how guilty Johann felt having to leave the guild and family he had grown close to but at the end of the day it was to protect them all as far as he seen it. That was in the past now however but wished he could spend a bit more time with his now elder brother but they were both busy as guild masters, then again their titles didn't exactly make it easy either and then there was the fact he was being kept away from the public eye for the most part by his summons so nothing was going his way in that regard.

    Ruvel continued to eat his ice cream without issue, the twins were normally generous but that was just because of how their culture worked. It wasn't fully like when he was back home however or by how their would have been a lavish banquet in the honour of Leona and Samira. A few treats in a festival however was customary from what he had read, it wasn't like his summoner would eat without his friends doing so either, then again anything other than natural sugar from fruit was a huge no no to Ruvel so he decided to give it to his two friends instead. The blonde haired youth listened to the funfair around him, he had no idea why they had to go through the stupid tests but they had done and now were in the thick of the festivities. He smiled listening to children play at booths as they won gifts and the gentle laughs as they played on rides like the teacups, of course there were screaming coming from the people ridding the rollercoaster and couldn't help but feel a shiver go up his spine. The last time he had been in a funfair it was on a job with Masha, the two had tried going on a date but it was clearly apparent from the first ride that the pair weren't compatible as she freaked out and forced a kiss the entire ride to feel better. He had actually reverted back to how he was but now he realised she had no right to do such a thing, sure she had a fear of enclosed spaces but so did he and yet he had to be the strength for them both. He had no idea she had a fear of enclosed spaces but had he then he would have likely ran somewhere else for safety, the park was haunted and on seeing how the people on the rollercoaster died and had to relive those last minutes still haunted him to this day.

    He remembered the picture lacrima he had looked at that lay on the ground, how the images had caught the very second those who rode the coaster knew what ill-fate awaited them not a few minutes later. The images still burned into his mind, the more he thought about it the more he heard the vivid screams of terror as he and Masha witnessed it first hand from the spirits reliving it. What made this worse for the youth he had been brought back there two or three times, he felt like he was being pulled their for some reason and in honesty he didn't want to really find out why. Perhaps this was something he could talk to the others about in time, maybe together they could finally solve the mystery of the haunted theme park but that was a proposal for another day, for now he should be concentrating on the festival and having fun. Samira speaking finally broke him from his train of thought "Not really but nothing is really safe in life, this is why people seek thrills before they pass. I personally do not see why people would be enamoured about putting themselves and their children in danger to go on such things like a rollercoaster." he said finally, his voice was calm but it was clear something was wrong given his undertone but he done his best to mask it. "I would rather not go on something that takes me high off the ground and goes at high speeds.." he said before grinning "If we wanted that kind of feeling I would just call Bennu, riding him would be much safer and warmer to boot." he said trying to take his mind off his former thoughts. "Besides, I don't like being trapped..." it was true they wouldn't really be trapped by the normal meaning of the word, however, they also wouldn't be able to leave if they wanted to so he'd rather pass on that, he wouldn't stop the others if they wanted to go but by the sounds of it they weren't really interested on doing that anyway which suited him just fine.

    His head went to Daphne and Leona as they spoke "I'm more than happy with skipping the rollercoaster, if we eventually do decide to go a faster ride, I'd prefer one that is actually on the ground like the waltzers. We can control the speed ourselves by leaning one way or the other to make the booth spin and if something does go wrong then we don't have to worry about plummeting to our demise." he said in a calm voice, he had went against some scary things and had some terrible things done to him but the vision of what happened to many of the people in that accursed theme park made him cautious about being off the ground if it wasn't with Bennu. He even refused to fly in the company airship because he knew something might go wrong, sure the same could be said about Bennu but he trusted the fired bird and knew he was safe. "It seems we're all in agreement, bonfire and fireworks it is." he said with a smile, he was aware he couldn't see the fireworks but he could imagine the colours, patterns and images they might be making when he heard the bangs as they showed their blooms. He was still excited for the fireworks display and it was seen on his face. With the trio in agreement Amuul allowed Ruvel to take his arm before starting to lead him and the others towards the bonfire. It was still a little early for the display but there where a few people already finding places to sit close to the fire and vendors were even walking around selling toys and other things to commemorate the festivities, some walked around with sweet packs so you wouldn't have to leave your spot to get snacks though if you wanted something hot, there were even some vendors close by for that as well.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>



    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Samira Nassar 14th January 2020, 12:42 am

    So ended the conflict of what to do next. Having a blast on the roller coaster was thrown out for it seemed neither of the three Saints would have enjoyed it. Based on what Samira heard from the interactions between Leona and Daphne, it was wise that the blonde woman did not get on it. Throwing up while on a roller coaster was a less than appealing thought, especially for those around the individual on the ride or those down below and near the roller coaster when the inevitable tossing of one's lunch through the upper esophagus occurred. Samira made a mental note to ensure Leona never got on things that were similar to a roller coaster in speed, altitude, and direction if they were to end up meeting in the future and the situation came up.

    As for Ruvel, he too was not too thrilled about the roller coaster option. Being off the ground and traveling at a high speed was not his thing, at least, not when riding a quickly constructed festival ride. Moreover, he did not wish to be trapped. That Samira could understand. At a young age she didn't like that feeling either. It was something she had gotten over with experience and time, however. Maybe one day he would too. She didn't question or think much about his change of tone while speaking about it. The simple reasons behind why he didn't want to go on the roller coaster were sufficient enough to convince her. Plus, why ruin the opportunity to skip the rides for now? Now she could slowly finish off her ice cream instead of scarfing it down as quickly as possible like Leona had. If she didn't know any better, the Goddess of Ishgar would have assumed that Leona had thought someone would take away and steal the ice cream right out of her hands with how fast the cone had disappeared. An interesting piece of imagery for her thoughts.

    There were more rides to choose from, but there was an agreement that they could always return to the rides later on. The bonfire and fireworks were more interesting to the trio. "It seems so," Samira agreed with the blonde youth, smiling at him while giving a nod. She just hoped that he would enjoy the surroundings despite not being able to see the bonfire or fireworks. Best to think positive though, as someone wise out there had to have said at one point. He seemed to be excited for it, so that had to be enough for her.

    Samira followed along with the others silently. For a moment she broke away to grab some napkins from a booth they were passing by and used them to wrap around the cone and clean off any ice cream that had melted onto her hands. That problem was easily solved. Offering napkins to Leona and Ruvel crossed her mind, but Leona had already finished eating her own ice cream cone, and Ruvel had already been led further towards where the bonfire festivity was taking place. That and the writer of this post is unsure if he had finished the cone or not.

    A different sort of music started to play in the background as they got closer. The other sounds of the festival started to quiet down as well. Rides were making their final rounds temporarily, and shopping and game booths started to close. Soon, the main bonfire event would start, and it was more than simply standing around watching a flame burn brightly. Many within the festival already knew this and had prepared for the temporarily shut down of everything else. Everyone that cared to see and listen to the event begun making their way as well. Samira took note of this, glancing around as more and more people either passed her or were following behind. "It is a good thing we did not decide to wait in a line for a ride. Everyone is leaving them and going towards the bonfire, including the operators." A shame the operators had also left, else it would be the best time to be in line for a ride since no one else was there to make a line in the first place. "This bonfire must be a more important event in this festival than we gave it credit for." The fact that pretty much the entire festival shut down just for it was testament to that.

    As a crowd started to gather around, a pair of women with partially braided long blonde hair and blue eyes took their places in front of the bonfire. Their physical features were identical to the point that it was obvious the two were twins. Though their similarities also went to their clothing as well. Plain white dresses that went past their knees were worn, with only a simple brown belt around the waist. Upon their heads was a simple crown made of white flowers, and that was it for their accessories for they wore not much else, not even on their feet. It was a simple outfit the two had chosen to wear for the summer solstice celebration, and among the rest of those there they did stand out as they should have, for they were part of the festival itself and were part of the performance.

    The lighting of the festival began to dim, as many of the magic lacrima lights were being turned off, replaced by lanterns and candles that had their flames providing light within that small area of the Cursed Lands. Aside from the massive bonfire, of course, which seemed to grow in strength as if knowing it was surrounded by mostly darkness. Once it seemed that everyone was settled and had quieted down, the two young women began to speak while also moving in a smooth and graceful way that was almost like dancing.

    "We welcome all who have come to join us in this celebration dedicated to what is called the Summer Solstice to most, but to others that of Midsummer."
    "We also thank those that have gone through the entry trials to be here at this moment."
    "We are known as the Sisters of the Sun, and come from a people that have celebrated and honored this day for many generations."
    "We hope our short time together will entertain you, and be remembered until next year, where we will hopefully see you again."
    "We have many tales that reign from our heritage and homeland, but first there is something else that must be done."
    "We must honor the flame. A tradition that has been passed down to us and we now wish to share with you."
    "We ask that you please take a moment, and partake in this ancient tradition."
    "We also understand those who wish to not do so."
    "We ask that you remain patient and enjoy watching before the fireworks begin."

    With that said, more festival workers that were also dressed for the celebration made their way through towards the bonfire, carrying crates that contained small velvet red pouches filled with a sort of powder. The crates were set down on the ground at various points within the bonfire circle. Each person was able to grab their own pouch from the crate and toss in the powder inside onto the flames of the bonfire. The flames would grow stronger for a few seconds after the powder was tossed into it, surging outward and lighting up even more than it already was. With enough of the powder applied, the fire would be strong enough that nothing would be able to put it out until after the solstice ended. During this ancient and yet very simple ritual, the background music would change once more, though it had never been and still was never confirmed on who or what was the source of the music. Nonetheless, the twin women began to sing a song from their homeland, gracefully moving around the bonfire circle and welcoming those that came to honor the midsummer flame.

    Samira herself had stayed there throughout the entire speech and even the honor the flame ritual. To her, it was entertaining enough for her to enjoy herself, and it was something that she could add to her journal for sure. Perhaps she'd even write down the lyrics to the song so she would know it for the future and if she ever traveled to where those two were from. If the other two mages and their companions were still present, Samira would turn towards them slightly while walking the steps towards the bonfire center. "I am going to try out this little ritual. I will return shortly." Whether they wanted to participate in it or not she wasn't sure on, but either way she wanted to let them know of her intentions so they wouldn't think that she was completely ditching them. Who knows? Maybe her volunteering to do it would get them to try it as well for funsies.

    Music 1
    Music 2

    Word Count: 1500
    Samira Total: 8095)


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 14th January 2020, 12:27 pm

    Leona was glad that she would not have to ride the roller coaster because she did not want to throw up on anyone by accident when her stomach inevitably got upset by the combination of speed and height. It would be impossible to use the Winged Lion's ability that eliminated her fear of heights so that she could remain calm. Furthermore, she did not want to risk damaging her reputation as the Wizard Saint of Courage by panicking when the roller coaster paused at the highest point of the ride. It was best for everyone involved if the blonde just stayed off the roller coaster.

    Again Leona was amused by the contrast between her name and her fear of heights. Lions and lionesses were symbols of courage that were prevalent in many cultures. Leona was the Wizard Saint of Courage. Leona was afraid of heights to the point that even thinking about riding a roller coaster made her stomach turn. Life was full of little ironies like that.

    "The bonfire? Yeah. I can do that. That's a good choice of activity." Leona readily agreed with Ruvel and Samira's decision to go to the bonfire. It was a fairly safe activity that kept her feet on the ground and all she had to do was stand around and watch the celebration. It was hard to beat that... she would not throw up and she would still get to enjoy the festival. As long as Leona kept a safe distance from the fire nothing could go wrong... she hoped.

    It seemed that the Wizard Saint and the God and Goddess of Ishgar were far from the only ones interested in observing the ceremony because the lines to the rides, vendor booths, and other attractions all began to disintegrate as if on cue. The people all began to move towards the bonfire; even the ride attendants and vendors left their stations and began to make their way towards the bonfire. Leona found that odd, but she kept her opinion to herself to avoid offending anyone. There was a special significance to this that she did not understand and it was best to keep quiet instead of saying something dumb. If she kept quiet and watched she might even find out what the ceremony was all about.

    "Yeah. This festival's probably been going on for decades, if not centuries. Maybe we'll find out how long it's been celebrated here." Leona said something safe and non-offensive about what was going on. She had no idea that the people of the Cursed Lands had a bonfire festival, but in a way it made sense. Fire generated light and light kept the numerous creatures lurking in the shadows at bay, giving the people a much-needed psychological boost in an area infamous for paranormal activity and supernatural denizens. Or maybe Leona was reading too much into it and everyone just liked the festival because it was a welcome break from their routine. That scenario was also plausible.

    After the crowds had largely subsided Leona stood a medium distance away from the growing circle around the bonfire, where a pair of women with partially braided long blonde hair and blue eyes took their places in front of the bonfire. Their physical features were identical to the point that it was obvious the two were twins. They wore plain white dresses that went past their knees and a simple brown belt around the waist. Upon their heads were simple crowns made of white flowers; Leona noticed that the simple outfits lacked shoes. Whether that was done to maintain the aesthetic of the ceremony or if the twins were genuine back-to-nature types was unknown, but Leona found the decision to not wear shoes interesting.

    The Wizard Saint listened to the music that was faintly reminiscent of that back in Desierto, but the music of her home village was provided mostly by woodwind instruments like the flute and the occasional acoustic guitar bought from the Tri-Council City. The music here sounded more... natural and had a greater variety of instruments. Leona was no musician, but the music accompanying the ceremony was pleasing. She noticed festival workers carrying little red pouches of some kind of powder that made the bonfire a little bit larger and brighter each time it was thrown onto the fire. While it appeared safe, Leona hoped that the workers knew when to quit and had sufficient fire-fighting equipment nearby or some fire-dousing magic handy in case the bonfire grew out of control.

    Leona was glad that she had kept her distance because at this point the fire was rather large and bright. Knowing the dismal luck she had with her clothing, had she been standing closer a stray ember would have touched her skirt and either burned a hole in an inconvenient place or set the entire skirt aflame. Ruvel was a miracle worker, but Leona was not sure if he could produce a second skirt when the Wizard Saint needed it the most. Still, there was something about the ceremony that tempted Leona to get closer and perhaps even join in despite her unspoken reservations that this might be some kind of insidious cult activity disguised as a festival. Lacking Leona's reservations, Samira decided to get closer to the bonfire and the singing twins.

    "OK Samira. Have fun!" Leona bade the Goddess of Humility before the green-haired mage made her way closer to the celebration.

    Leona was not sure if she really wanted to join in because she did not want any pressure to dance before an audience. Dancing was not the blonde's strong suit and she would make a laughingstock of herself by dancing with all the grace of an elderly camel. It was best that she stayed away from the circle closest to the bonfire so that there was no pressure to peform.

    "Hey Ruvel, are you gonna get close to the fire or stay back?" Leona asked the God of Ishgar. She was entirely capable of forming her own opinions and doing things for herself, but Leona was awful with social situations and needed a bit of help every now and then. Samira had already made her way closer to the celebration; the Wizard Saint was curious as to whether Ruvel would follow suit or keep his distance like Leona was doing.

    [Post Word Count: 1,057]
    [Leona's New Word Count: 4,040]

    Last edited by Leona Jarnefeldt on 4th February 2020, 11:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
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    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 20th January 2020, 12:34 am

    Ruvel || Z-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count : 2,271
    Total Word Count: 9,779
    @Samira Nassar @Leona Jarnefeldt
    Notes :

    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right?

    The youngest of the three wizard saints was glad they had all come to the same agreement that the rollercoaster was out of the question, albeit it was for different reasons. He had made a mental note not to let Leona on anything that moved very fast with angles, loops and dips, it could and likely would come to a very messy if not chunky end. He would feel sorry for the person having to clean up that mess, it must have been something that happened now and then but likely after the person had left the ride not while they were on it. The poor person the saint of courage's lunch would have fell upon, then again for all he knew said person might have seen it as a good thing as weird as that kind of thing was. Now he actually thought upon it, he likely wouldn't have been allowed on such a rollercoaster due to how small he was. It was a safety thing, likely there may have been magic secondary measures but they were in one of the many cursed grounds of Fiore and he wasn't willing to gamble his life on whether he'd become a very messy pancake on the ground. He did however wonder what the patter his blood pool would make, with that Amuul looked at him with a disapproving look. He was blind as a bat but he could feel Amuul's eyes and without the summon even thinking a word bit his lip like a scolded child "Sorry Amuul, I'll watch my thoughts." he whispered, he was unsure if the others would have heard his apology still he knew he needed to make it. It wasn't really his fault he had bad thoughts every now and then, that again was a side effect of his upbringing.

    To the outside world the youngest of the wizard saints may well have come off as if he was from an affluent family. He was well mannered, had plenty of practiced skills, could navigate his way in negotiations whether they were passive or more aggressive. This couldn't have been farther from the truth, for as long as he could remember he had been abused in pretty much every way imaginable, they kept his purity in check. It seemed like it was important that wasn't taken if he wasn't willing but given he was too young to understand then and even now he hadn't had that talk he wouldn't willingly share his bed like that. His skills were learned out of necessity of survival not because of pleasure, still they helped him now so he tried to forget about the way he learned and focus on the use of them, that being said he wished he could have read and wrote current language when he could see but that alas didn't ever seem to be on the cards due to his disability. He had to admit he knew little of the other two wizard saints that he was currently spending his time with, well he knew Samira was a celestial summoner and enjoyed air freshener and that Leona was from a warrioress and the leader of of one of the guilds from the silver moon fairy alliance. That however was where his knowledged stopped, he didn't like to delve into into the lives of others as he believed that was a two way street and opened himself up for the same invasion and his past he didn't want any to know. He hated his past, it scared him and he feared how others would view him if they knew the truth of his past. He however knew that would eventually come to light but for now he could enjoy just trying to to be normal while avoiding the ones hunting him. He had no idea though how he hadn't been taken yet, it wasn't like he wasn't well known. The youth was a well known diplomat, the caretaker of Tolgalen, a CEO of a company, was not only a wizard saint but one of the top four and though under his alias was a guild master.

    He wondered how he hadn't be taken yet, was it some sort of experiment they were running without his knowledge. No, that couldn't have been it because he was slowly becoming unconditioned from how they wanted him; they had to be biding their time, watching and waiting for the right time to strike. That had become more difficult as he had vanished from the public eye thanks to his summons previous and current being on high alert from the attack from Demi only a short time prior to the festival. Those were problems for another day, he was suppose to he here enjoying himself and he couldn't seem to get out of his own head which he was soon reminded by a screech from Bennu was rude. "It isn't the ride itself I don't like, I am the same on ships, houses, rooms etc..." he explained to Samira when he snapped out of it "It's something I've had for a while and I doubt I will ever like it, I rest outside for a reason... well at least on Tolgalen it did." he said with a smile, many of the guards found it a strange quirk he had, moreso as everyone who worked for the company was given housing as part of their employment. Where he was currently having to call home was far to cold and dangerous to rest outside for someone like him so he was on hyper alert when sleeping in his ancestral home as he was always in a panicked state not liking the fact he felt trapped although the castle was huge. Amuul smiled seeing how the three wizard saints seemed to enjoy their ice-cream though was surprised at just how quick Leona went through hers and chuckled silently 'Please be careful on how quickly you eat frosted treats, you may get brain freeze.' he reminded the saint of courage, his words were not harsh but more of concern for the blonde's wellbeing. Ruvel himself had barely touched his, this wasn't quite his thing and was struggling even with the single scoop 'Don't force yourself my summoner, if it is to much I can take care of it.' his tone calm but the undertone was filled with worry for the youth. "I'll be okay Amuul, it'll just take me time is all." he explained trying to put the albino man at ease but it clearly wasn't working but he remained quiet at least for now.

    Amuul stopped with Ruvel stopping along beside him as Samira moved away from their small group to get something. Amuul moved his hand out to take the napkin that was being offered to Ruvel 'Thank you for getting this for him.' he said to the green haired mage placing the napkin into Ruvel's right hand. "Thank you Miss Nassar" The blonde haired youth said wrapping the napkin around the cone holding the ice cream. He had barely touched his, only a few licks had been given to the frozen treat. It was almost as if he wasn't enjoying or wanting it but was eating it as to not be rude to Amuul's generosity, this wasn't actually the reason but due to him being so private there were only a few that knew the truth about such things. Once again he started moving back towards the bonfire "Amuul..." Ruvel whispered his voice showing concern, almost fear the atmosphere had changed in such a way he felt energised but at the same time it felt so very wrong. 'I am by your side, no need to worry.' the white haired male sent back to the youth he was guiding, he too could feel the change and it wasn't in his best interests to go forward but he had a duty to do and would fulfil it even if it brought around his demise. In honesty he was glad that Shindara was still in their home realm or this would have been harder than it currently was, it gave him some resistance to whatever was going on in this area. Ruvel heard the change in music and stopped dead in his tracks, he didn't want to move forward. Alarm bells were going off, the very fiber of his body and soul was telling him to run and yet he stood as still as a statue not being able to move forward or back the way he came. 'Do you want to retreat?' Amuul asked the youth "N-no, I want to spend time with the others.. I... I just... it.. it's just..." he stuttered shaking ever so slightly but he had no idea why, it was just a bonfire, right? Taking a few deep breaths before he started to walk forward once more as he tried to shake off the feeling he was getting off the area.

    Ruvel listened to Samira and bit his lip but remained silent for a long moment "Some ceremonies are like that, the more people that attend the stronger they become." he replied his voice was meek, shaking, his left hand holding onto his right as if he was trying to protect himself from something, his head lowered almost as if he was being submissive or had been defeated in some way. "Not just this festival if I am correct in my thinking." he said looking up to Samira, for the first time since he had gained his blindfold he was glad it was there so others couldn't see the fear in his eyes. Amuul wanted to take the youth in the opposite direction but unless he asked for such help he wouldn't interfere unless Ruvel's life was in danger, although this did put the void prince on high alert just in case a quick get away was needed. Ruvel could feel the atmosphere change as the light of the lacrima dimmed til all that remained was candle light from lanterns and again he wanted to run, he felt like he was backed into a corner and no matter what he wouldn't be able to go anywhere. Logically, this wasn't the case but his normal logical self seemed to have stepped out on a lunch break with no intention of returning any time soon. It was when the two women started to talk and the brightness of the bonfire that he fully tensed up his ice cream falling to the ground as he began taking a few small steps back towards Amuul as if he was looking for safety from the elder male. "A-Amuul..." his voice was that of a frightened child, he knew exactly what this was and it was nothing good. Amuul was at a loss, he knew his summoner was scared he could feel it radiating off him as clearly as the light of the fire in front of him. He wanted to calm his summoner but he didn't know how so started asking the others that currently had a bond with they young summoner and the ones who previously had to see if some solution could be found.

    Ruvel began to sing the words of the song quietly as if he knew them verbatim, his body about to move, luckily Amuul noticed and held him close his hands going over the young summoners ears 'Listen to the others, listen to me... the music doesn't exist, the dance doesn't exist. This ceremony is in the past, you moved away from that.' Amuul started repeating over and over again, he didn't care if his words travelled throughout the entire area, his focus was on the youth he vowed to protect with all that he could. By now Ruvel was crying the base of his blindfold was saturated in tears to the point the tears were now running down his cheeks. Sure, he was a wizard saint but even they got frightened, even they cried. It was a natural thing right, maybe not over something like this but still his reasons for reacting like this was a very real hell to him. He completely missed what Samira had said due to his ears covering 'Summoner of spirits, please... please don't take part...' Amuul called out hoping the green haired woman would listen to his words, he had no idea if he was to late or not but he could hope. Ruvel's normal facade had faltered. He didn't look like what he had previously, he was now glowing and brightly making many people turn to face him. "A.. Amuul, please... I.. I want to go... I want to be safe..." he cried to the summon who simply picked him up as if he was little more than a toddler 'We will await for you both near the ferris wheel' he sent to Samira and Leona as ran towards the intended meeting location. Ruvel's light was more than slightly discomforting to him, it down right hurt the void prince but he bore with it until the youth felt safe, the pair knew it likely wouldn't be for to long but still for now he held his shaking summoner in his arms trying to comfort him. This was the last place he expected to come across that kind of thing and wished he hadn't even came, before long he was calm enough to put up the glamour once more and await the arrival of the others. He was unsure if they would watch the whole bonfire ceremony or would come to find him right away, but they would wait for them either way.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>



    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 4th February 2020, 4:05 pm

    Note: I have received OOC permission from Samira to skip her.

    Leona listened as Ruvel designated the Ferris Wheel as their meeting point when Leona and Samira were ready to move on from the bonfire. That was a meeting point that was nearly impossible to miss. Even Leona could find it since it was one of only two attractions that dominated the nighttime skyline. The other was the roller coaster that she had lobbied so hard to avoid riding. She was not sure if the Ferris Wheel would be much better for her since it too was a combination of heights and movement, but she noticed that it traveled at a far lower speed than the roller coaster did.

    Maybe Leona could live with a ride on the Ferris Wheel. It seemed to move at a slow enough speed that she could stay calm while riding. Her only other concern was a freak accident like the wheel breaking off of its support structure and sending her and the other passengers on an unscheduled ride through the park.

    "OK Ruvel, I'll see you there once I'm finished here." Leona informed her companion as she kept her distance from the fire to avoid losing yet another outfit to an unfortunate accident. Leona understood that her line of work was dangerous and that she should count herself lucky if the worst that happened was that some of her clothing got damaged. She was also aware than some of Earthland's people considered her to be attractive. Furthermore, she understood that image was important to Wizard Saints and if she kept going around in torn-up clothing people would inevitably draw erroneous conclusions about her. The social media rumor mills were always eager to get news about Earthland's most famous mages and crank out stories for an audience clamoring to learn more about the larger-than-life figures that walked among them.

    Leona's focus drifted from the social media rumor mill to the oddly hypnotic bonfire blazing in front of her and people standing in a circle around it. It reminded her of a celebration during one of the few times in her village that the food supply was stable enough and physical security was reasonable enough that an outlaw attack was unlikely. Leona went back in time to when she was still sixteen and wanted to see the world beyond Nebdoui and beyond Desierto.

    She recalled her mother's stiff opposition to Leona leaving Nebdoui and being a traveling trader like her father Samuel. Sophia insisted that the world was too dangerous for a young woman like Leona, who had only been outside of Nebdoui in the company of her brother Leonidas. It did not matter that Leona knew Wind Strike Magic and had some skill with one-handed swords. Sophia insisted that the world was far too dangerous for Leona to go into. That all changed the night that Joshua Hamlin made unwanted advances on Leona and groped her at the festival.

    An enraged Leona kicked his ass and an embarrassed Joshua vowed to have her family killed in retaliation for being rejected. Chief Elijah, knowing that the incident was partly his son's fault, instead opted to banish Leona from Nebdoui with the provision that she could return only when the exile was rescinded by the chief himself. That incident was the start of all of Leona's adventures to date.

    Leona wished that there was a more dignified beginning to her adventure, something more heroic than "I beat up the village chief's son because he got handsy with me at a village party and it was either exile or being burned at the stake." It was an ignoble start to Leona's career and it made the blonde unhappy that her chance to see the world was a result of that situation. While others set out with admirable goals such as righting the wrongs of Earthland or delivering vengeance to those who abducted or killed their families, Leona's journey started because she got kicked out of her village for something that was technically not her fault. Such was life for the Wizard Saint of Courage. It was a life full of ironies, contradictions, and little mishaps that added up to create the story of Leona Jarnefeldt, the desert chick with the out-of-place last name who went to Fiore and made it big.

    However, as rough as the start of her adventure was, Leona had also been through quite a few good times. She had met the Goddess of Ishgar Leila Vergious and become a member of Silver Wolf. After Leila vanished Poko Monstar saw fit to request that Leona become a Guild Ace. After Poko disappeared Leona was appointed to the rank of Guild Mistress. Once she attained that title her career accelerated from there.

    Soon after that Leona met a list of illustrious up-and-coming mages like Nessa Cordelia Lux, Mura Kensho, Johann Von Weiss, Akeya Kuusai, Haraka Omaras, Ruvel Mizune, Arcadia Fairchilde, and a lot of other mages who had made names for themselves. She also met Sol, a tall, dark-haired guy who was a good fighter as well as a good talker. Then later on when she met with Ruvel to attend this festival she also met Samira Nassar, the near-mythical mage who had a variety of legends surrounding her person. While Samira's power level and dignified appearance was more than a little intimidating, Samira herself was a nice person who looked on the bright side of life and who was more than willing to treat Leona as a peer despite the difference in power.

    Turning back to the bonfire after shoving the unpleasant memories out of her mind, Leona once again watched the fire dance as it burned. She watched the twin performers perform their well-rehearsed dance and watched people celebrate. Maybe she was wrong about her outlandish theory that the celebration was a cover for some insidious plot by a cult to capture people to sacrifice to some unknown deity. Maybe it was just a run-of-the-mill celebration held for the amusement of the region's citizens. Maybe Leona had been watching too many adventure movies like that one about that guy in the fedora and leather jacket looking for a crystal skull.

    Leona chose to believe that this was just a festival and set aside the conspiracy theories to enjoy a time when she was not fighting for her life or fighting for the lives of the innocent. It was just an ordinary festival with an ordinary fire and ordinary songs that were not songs of praise to a deity that required human sacrifice for worship. Hopefully.

    [Post Word Count: 1,090]
    [Leona's New Word Count: 5,130]


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
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    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Samira Nassar 2nd April 2020, 6:55 am

    Samira had been unaware of the reaction Ruvel was having with the bonfire part of the celebration. It wasn't until the one called Amuul spoke in her mind to tell her not to take part. Strange though that he didn't mention why. Was it just out of concern for the possible dangers of being too close to a giant roaring flame? Or was there something more ominous to it that was far more sinister? They all were, after all, in the middle of the Cursed Lands. That was easy to forget while in the midst of fun. The woman had only paused for a few seconds upon hearing the plea. 'There is nothing to worry about,' she mentally assured the summon and guardian of Ruvel, assuming that he would be able to hear her due to his telepathic abilities. The bonfire ceremony seemed harmless enough and so she didn't worry about it. If there was a mystery to it that put people in danger then getting closer to it would just enable her to put an end to it and save others. Either way was a win. She nodded when the summon replied back that he and Ruvel would be waiting at the Ferris Wheel. 'Very well.' And that was that. Leona didn't seem to be interested in fully participating, but Samira could see that the blonde was still nearby watching the bonfire ceremony. As for herself, she grabbed one of the pouches of powder and followed the others that had stepped ahead of her. The powder from the pouches were tossed onto the flames, and the bonfire replied each time the powder particles touched it. The flames swirled and made sizzling sounds as it absorbed the powder.

    Some of the participating individuals danced, and others returned to the crowd. Samira allowed herself to enjoy it for a few moments before she considered that enough time had been spent there. It was time to return to Leona and also meet up with Ruvel to keep him from waiting too long. In her mind, she had also confirmed that nothing strange had happened with the bonfire ceremony. She felt no different nor sensed anything. If there was a danger there then it was very well hidden. Samira had begun to make her exit from the attraction and rejoin the audience, but one of the twin sisters from earlier had stepped onto her path, intercepting and preventing her from continuing on. Well, not unless Samira was the type to shove the woman out of her way. She wasn't. The thought of stepping aside and continuing to her desired area also didn't cross her mind. It was clear the woman had done that purposely and wanted to have a word. The gentle smile as she stared at her was a giveaway, as well as the words she spoke next. "Greetings. You are the one called Samira Nassar? One of the Wizard Saints and Gods of Ishgar?"

    "Just Samira is fine. Or Ms. Nassar if you prefer to be formal." Samira confirmed the assumption for the woman. Being referred to by a title wasn't something that she thought was necessary. Her name was all that mattered, especially while in such a public setting where she just wanted to enjoy herself. Everyone were equals there.

    "You bless our humble ceremony with your presence, Ms. Nassar," the young woman said with a bow of her head and small curtsy. "Thank you for participating. Some others that were uncertain had decided to follow your example and also honor the flame." Her hand motioned over towards the bonfire, where many more people had indeed taken pouches and joined in on the dancing. Though now the music had become more uplifting since the twins had finished their song. True cultural festival music was playing in the background, and the dancing had also become more fun to watch and do. At least, from what Samira could see from the joy on the faces of those that had joined in since she walked away. "This pleases my sister and I. We were surprised to have someone of your status attend our festival."

    "I would be more surprised that anyone at all attended," Samira said back flatly. She didn't mean for any offense or insult. The festival itself was fine. It was the location that bothered her and rose an eyebrow or two. "This location is an odd choice. Most would avoid the Cursed Lands."

    "Ah, yes. Many fear this place and what lives here. Many here are those that attend our celebration every year and are of the same faith as us. They follow us and other leaders of our congregation. We held an event in Sin one year. We are not as many as those within your populated cities, but we are still many. They meet others during their travels and invite them to attend our events. This is why you see as many as you do now. I did not realize that you would be attending. Or the other two. To have one attend is a sign of good luck and that we have been acknowledged and rewarded for our faith. To have three indicates that we have been truly blessed."

    "I see." Samira didn't really know much about their faith, and she felt that the other woman was highly exaggerating the circumstances. Those thoughts remained in her mind though as she didn't want to cause trouble or worse. It was better to just agree within reason or let it go. "Truthfully I got lost while trying to find a solstice celebration elsewhere. To find one here was the last thing I expected, but I do thank you for the warm welcome. I am enjoying myself thus far."

    The twin smiled. "Good. I hope you continue to enjoy all that our celebration has to offer. The fireworks should start soon. You should gather your companions before it does so you can all enjoy it together. I must go now and prepare for the later festivities." She bowed her head and curtsied once more, and then made her departure.

    As for Leona, whatever she was doing by that point, she would find that the other woman in the twin pair had found and approached her. "Greetings. You are the one called Leona Jarnefeldt? One of the Wizard Saints?" Asked in the same exact wording and tone as her sister had asked Samira.

    (Word Count: 1072
    Samira Total: 9167)


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 3rd April 2020, 12:08 am

    In contrast to the other people attending the bonfire, Leona was content to watch the festivities from afar. She was not sure what was going on. She was not sure how it managed to get bigger as the festival progressed and she was hesitant to get any closer to the fire than she had to. Lately Leona's clothing tended to get damaged in embarrassing ways and she was trying to avoid having that happen in front of a large crowd. Bad news traveled fast and the blonde did not want to be any more of a laughingstock than she already might be from the "nearly drowning in a trough while bobbing for apples" incident.

    Leona could only stare at the bonfire and feel trapped by her own insecurities. Part of her had wanted to get close and participate in the festival, but she had trouble interacting with people in any meaningful way outside of work... or outside of combat. In those two areas Leona was bold and decisive, but outside of them she was decidedly less competent. She envied how Ruvel and Samira smoothly interacted with others and made it look so easy while she struggled to even talk to a festival booth vendor. Speaking of those two illustrious mages, they were kind enough to invite her to some festivals and give her an acquaintance or two who just might become friends some day... if Leona would let them become her friends.

    Like with so many other problems in her life, Leona's chief problem was Leona. While she hung around with Samira and Ruvel, she always felt like the little sister who the parents made their older siblings take along with them wherever they went. They were kind to her and helped her out of embarrassing situations with poise and dignity, but the Wizard Saint did not feel like their equal despite being nearly as powerful as they were. She was close to their level in terms of power and prestige, but "close" only counted in horseshoes and hand grenades.

    The Wizard Saint of Courage was so distracted by her hidden feelings of inferiority that she hardly noticed that one of the twin dancers had approached her for some reason, probably because she was in the way of wherever they needed to go. Leona stepped back six paces to let them pass, but to her surprise they did not want to pass by her. Instead it looked like they actually wanted to talk to her. Leona did not know why anyone would want to talk to her unless it was to direct her towards a threat in the area. Was she about to get a call to arms?

    "Greetings. You are the one called Leona Jarnefeldt? One of the Wizard Saints?" The young woman asked her.

    "Yes." Leona answered laconically. She was not sure what the young woman was getting at. She must have grown up in a remote village like Nebdoui because almost everyone knew who the Wizard Saints were. That would be one of the few plausible reasons that the dancer did not know who the short-haired blonde was.

    "My sister and I are pleased that you chose to attend our festival. The presence of a Wizard Saint honors us. It also makes others at the festival feel safer despite the location." She said to Leona, who had pushed back her skepticism long enough to listen to the young woman engaging her in conversation. Leona needed to think of a polite response to the young woman's statement but was struggling to come up with a good one because of her social awkwardness. When the dancer said that the presence of Wizard Saints made the other attendees feel safer, Leona chose to use that topic as the focus of her response.

    "I'm glad that I could be of service. I was worried about the location, but it's been quiet so far. I hope it stays that way for the rest of the festival." Leona finally said to the young woman. She was worried that her presence would draw danger here, but to her relief everything had been quiet. There were no werewolves, zombies, vampires, or other denizens of the night attempting to make meals out of the festival-goers and that was fine by Leona. It was nice to be able to go somewhere and attend a festival without a life-or-death struggle breaking out.

    "We believe that the festival will continue to remain safe thanks to you three. If I may be so bold as to say this, we observed that you were reticent to get close to the bonfire. If we may ask, why is that? Are you afraid of fire?" The dancer asked Leona why the Wizard Saint had not approached the bonfire to dance around it or to offer a sprinkle of the powder that Samira and the other attendees had sprinkled onto the bonfire. Leona was already having a hard time keeping the conversation going, but that question threatened to bring it to a screeching halt. The short-haired blonde had to come up with a good reason and make it fast because the eyes of the dancer were inquisitive and starting to bore into her.

    "I didn't approach the fire because... because I'm not sure whether I should approach it. I don't fully understand the significance of the festival and I don't want to offend anyone by doing something like approaching the fire in the wrong way." Leona answered truthfully. Part of that answer was truth. She did not understand the significance of the event and was woefully ignorant of other cultures beyond those of Desierto. She also did not approach the bonfire in case the offerings of powder were part of some occult ritual meant to bring a malevolent spirit from beyond into Earthland.

    Leona waited for the dancer to come up with a response to that statement. In the meantime it did not look like the young woman was entirely buying the Wizard Saint's response to her question, but it could be that Leona was just being insecure again. It was ironic that the Wizard Saint of Courage could face down any threat without blinking but could not carry on a conversation without a lot of difficulty. Leona had somehow infiltrated a cultist lair by herself in Spooky Forest and had faced down Bull Demons and Infernal Guardians alongside the Order of Lightbringers in Fat Monsterland, so why was she so hesitant to talk to someone?

    [Post Word Count: 1,082]
    [Leona's New Word Count: 6,212]


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
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    Character Sheet
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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Samira Nassar 8th May 2020, 5:35 am

    The twin that was speaking to Leona stared. Not speaking at first as she respectfully waited for the Wizard Saint to finish her explanation. It was a strange answer to be certain. There was no wrong way to approach the flames unless the intent was to be purposely disrespectful. Leona did not appear to be that type. All she really had to do was mimic the others that were taking part of the ceremony if she was really uncertain. There must have been a much deeper reason on why the blonde refused to take part. The sister would press the topic no further. Like the one that had spoken to Samira, she too needed to make her time conversing with festival guests short so that the firework event could be tended to and organized. "I see," The twin smiled gently as she closed her eyes and nodded. "Your fears are deeper than just the fire itself." Her eyes opened and remained without judgement over the other woman. "Do not worry yourself over such things. This festival is for you and everyone else that has come to celebrate with us. Enjoy yourself without fear of causing offense. The bonfire will be there throughout the rest of this night should you change your mind." The twin dancer then blinked and her attention on Leona wavered for a moment, as if she had heard something. Though, it was something only she could hear. It was the mental call of her sister scolding her for the delay. "Excuse me," The dancer said apologetically with a bow of her head. "I must now go attend to my other duties. I do hope that you are able to enjoy the fireworks much more than the bonfire event. They will begin shortly, but there is no need to rush to the event. They will be able to be seen from anywhere within the festival grounds, and the entirely of the Cursed Lands itself." As soon as Leona made a reply, or chose not to, the dancer would give another respectful nod of her head and wish her well before departing.

    At that moment, if Leona was unaware and/or had not reacted towards it beforehand, she would feel a tap on her shoulder. That tap coming from Samira, who had finally managed to leave the bonfire area and was now standing behind Leona to get her attention. "Hello again," Samira greeted cheerfully, though also hoping that she had not startled Leona in any way by approaching as she did. It didn't dawn on her as a possibility until she had already done it. "I have returned just as I said I would." Her head tilted slightly as she looked over towards the direction the twin dancer that Leona had been speaking to went. Curious. They both had been stopped by one. Were they actually  triplets so that one could engage Ruvel as well? A humorous thought. "I see you have kept yourself busy even if you stood on the sidelines to watch." It was just a basic observation regarding the dancer. It was always interesting whenever someone approached her, recognizing her as someone that was considered important or powerful. Those conversations always reminded her of those times when she was very unknown. Someone sure had a sense of humor to line her fate up the way it did.

    Her focus left the departing dancer and returned to Leona. "If you are done watching we should probably go check up on Ruvel." Samira had still been unaware of his earlier reaction towards the bonfire ceremony, so her concern wasn't really to make sure that he was alright. It just seemed considerate to meet up with him again after that much time had passed by. "We were told that he would be over by the Ferris Wheel if I recall correctly." The teal-haired woman looked around to see if the attraction could be found from where she was. With most of the bright festival lights still shut off due to the bonfire event, it wasn't as easy as it should have been, but she soon spotted it. "Ah, there it is," Samira stated as she pointed in its direction. An area that was pretty dark, but the shape of the Ferris Wheel could not be mistaken for some misshapen tree. "I do hope everything starts running again soon. I do not know why he would take off towards the dark and closed parts of the festival." It was a bit worrying really, but she was sure everything was fine regardless. Assuming Leona was content to go find the third member of their little trio, Samira would begin to head off towards the Ferris Wheel. Slowly, of course, as there was no need to rush.

    If Leona decided to come with her, Samira would find a way to break the silence between the two girls as they walked by asking questions. Because, why not? It was the first time meeting the blonde in person so she may as well get to know her a bit better. "So, Leona, care to tell me anything about yourself? I have read the issue of the Sorcerer's Magazine that you were on the cover of, but beyond what was published there I am afraid that I do not know much about you." Besides her talent at bobbin' for apples, of course. That was something she learned new that day!

    (Word Count: 904
    Samira Total: 10,071)


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
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    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 8th May 2020, 2:07 pm

    Leona was not sure if the young woman was going to buy her explanation or not. The explanation was definitely lame and not her best "little white lie." The woman was obviously skeptical but let the Wizard Saint down easy with only a cryptic comment about the real reason for Leona's refusal to approach the fire being a deeper fear than a matter of concern over disrespecting ancient traditions. In a way the young woman was right. Leona had a few reasons for not approaching the fire, but only one of them was related to a deeper fear.

    The first and most petty reason was that Leona did not want to have to have her outfit repaired yet again. She tended to take a lot of clothing damage from the most random things and Ruvel was a metaphorical (and literal) magician who always came up with a replacement outfit right when the blonde needed it the most. She was reluctant to have to ask him for yet another replacement outfit because if she did that too much she would burn through his goodwill in no time flat. He was a God of Ishgar, not a walking clothing store for Leona.

    The second and more important reason was that Leona feared this whole festival was a front for a cult. The cult could have killed and replaced the original festival staff with their agents. The cult could then be using the festival-goers as unwitting pawns in their scheme to resurrect a demon lord by getting enough people to pledge fealty to their infernal liege by sprinkling the powder on the fire. If that was not the case, dancing around the fire might have provided the demon lord with the life energy they needed to manifest on the physical plane.

    There was a third reason that she was reluctant to approach, one she really did not want to think about but was forced to think about after the young woman's remark.

    The bonfire reminded her of the village party that she attended shortly before being exiled from Nebdoui. It also reminded her of Joshua's vow to have her and her family burned at the stake after she had beaten him up for getting handsy with her.

    It was not the most compelling reason to be wary of bonfires, but it was the truth. Leona still had not gotten over the events that led to her exile, but she supposed that she owed everything that had happened in her career to her exile. Had she remained in Nebdoui, she would have never gone anywhere and done anything but live the life of a typical desert dweller and fit her mother's ideal of a stay-at-home mother and housekeeper. That led to another issue that had plagued the Wizard Saint from the time she had been granted the privilege to lead Silver Wolf.

    Leona felt like she had only gotten to where she was by being in the right place at the right time.

    It was not all dumb luck that had paved the way for Leona's rise from nobody to a Guild Mistress and a Wizard Saint. The blonde had performed quite a few heroic feats like eliminating the serial killer Jacob Goodnight in Hargeon Town, saving her childhood friends and the prince of the Regudo tribe from captivity while swiping what turned out to be a Muserian Focusing Stone from the commander of the Crimson Sashes, and joining forces with future superstars like Johann Von Weiss, Nessa Cordelia Lux, Arcadia Fairchilde, and Haraka Omaras to defeat an influx of invading creatures from another dimension during the Night of Eternal Darkness. Those brave deeds were surely valid reasons for her to be chosen as a Wizard Saint by the Magic Council. There was more than just extraordinary luck to her career, but luck certainly played a part in Leona's career trajectory.

    After that lengthy bit of introspection Leona returned to the present and thanked the young woman for being as polite as she had been in the face of such a lame excuse from someone who was supposed to be the Wizard Saint of Courage.

    "Thank you. I'll probably approach the fire at some point before the night's over." Leona said to the young woman before the latter left to perform other duties at the festival. Once the young woman had vanished from sight the blonde felt stupid for even making the excuse that she had. Right now was one of those times where she wished that she knew some Invisibility magic so that she could disappear for awhile. It was at that moment that Samira Nassar, the "first among equals" of the Gods and Goddesses of Ishgar, showed up to speak to Leona and suggest that they go find Ruvel.

    "I'm ready to go find Ruvel whenever you are, Samira." Leona said to Samira. The blonde would fulfill her vow and return to approach the fire later, but right now they needed to go towards the Ferris Wheel to find Ruvel and make sure that he was OK. Leona also wanted to do something different at the festival just so long as it did not involve riding the roller coaster.

    Leona then realized that Samira had made a statement concerning the blonde. Samira said that she had read the Sorcerer's Magazine with Leona in it, but she then said that she wanted to know more about the blonde. Samira also added that she specifically wanted to learn something about Leona that was not published in the magazine. Someone wanting to actually know her a little better was news to the Wizard Saint. Then again, Leona did tend to work alone a lot and it was only the festival at the Haunted Castle where she really began to interact with Samira and Ruvel.

    "OK, I'll bite. One thing about me that wasn't published in the magazine is that I wanted to be a traveling mage because of my father Samuel, who's a traveling merchant. He'd tell me and my older brother about all kinds of places and people he had seen while traveling and I'd want to go and see those places and people for myself, but my mother didn't want us following in our father's footsteps." Leona told Samira a bit about herself, throwing in the seeds of the ongoing conflict with her mother as a bonus. Sophia Jarnefeldt was determined that her daughter was going to stay in Nebdoui and have bearing and raising children as the highest goal in her life. Leona Jarnefeldt knew that such a life was not for her and was determined to be a traveling mage until she voluntarily retired or went on one dangerous adventure too many and died as a result of some bandit, demon, cultist, or wild animal getting lucky and landing a fatal blow.

    However, Leona was not going to die any time soon because she was hard to kill. Her skin was supernaturally tough and she was one of the most powerful mages in Earthland. It also helped that she was named in honor of the lion. That name was a mixed blessing because trying to live up to it often made the blonde do risky things. On the positive side, being named after an age-old symbol of power and courage made Leona step up to the plate and do brave deeds worthy of the name.

    [Post Word Count: 1,234]
    [Leona's New Word Count: 7,446]


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Samira Nassar 6th June 2020, 8:59 am

    How delightful! Leona had decided to humor her by actually telling more about herself without the need for an official interview or bribe. Small talk was working! Samira gave the fellow mage her full attention, listening closely to the fact that had been given. So, she had wanted to be a traveling mage, much like her father was a traveling merchant. The stories he had told about his adventures had inspired her, resulting in the young Leona wanting to see those same sights and people one day as well, and have her own adventures too no doubt! Every mage did have their own start somewhere and their own reasons and inspirations. Leona's reminded Samira of the same tales her own grandfather would tell about his adventures. They had that in common at least. Unfortunately, a secondary fact about Leona was added that most likely caused a lot of conflict in the Silver Wolf leader's life. The disapproval of the mother.

    "Ah, well I can see why she would not want that," Samira replied, turning her gaze back from Leona to look forward once more to see where she was actually going. "It is a dangerous world out there, and your current lifestyle is far from being a humble traveling merchant. I assume she did not approve when you did eventually leave your village." She wasn't necessarily agreeing with Leona's mother's disapproval of following the footsteps of the father. The teal-haired mage just understood where she was coming from. It made sense and was logical enough. "But it is who you are. Someone that wanted to get out there, seek adventure, and see the world. Inherited from your father, most likely, so it is quite literally in your blood. At the very least she can take comfort knowing that you can take care of yourself, and you must have several allies that can aid you should you ever need it. Not everyone is so lucky or capable. If she does not understand that now then maybe one day she will. It will be a test of patience and understanding for you, and probably her as well." Samira let out a small laugh after that, followed by saying, "I am not entirely sure if I should be grateful that I got to skip such a conflict or envious that I did not get to be challenged in such a way."

    Around the two mages the festival booths were coming back to life slightly. People gathered around the shop and snack booths that were opening back up, buying last minute trinkets and tasty heart attack on a stick snacks. Though, even though the shops were open and excitement was spreading away from the bonfire area and back onto the main grounds, the main lights were still off. Everything was illuminated still by the small fires and torches. Yet that did not stop the other guests from enjoying themselves. Many were moving quickly, trying to get everything before heading over to the fireworks event. Others headed to the rides, hoping to get at least one ride in before the light show started. There were concerns in Samira's mind that the Ferris Wheel was having some issues since there was no lighting there at all, but soon the shape of the ride could be seen as the small fire lights decorating the Ferris Wheel came alive. It was still darker when compared to a normal festival's Ferris Wheel, but at least it was no longer some dead zone. There was still a bit of a walk to get to the meeting location, but Samira was in no rush to get there. Maybe they could small talk some more. Or not. Awkward silence was good for her too.

    (Word Count: 622
    Samira Total: 10,693)


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) Empty Re: Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 30th June 2020, 2:07 pm

    Leona could not believe that she was speaking to the famous Samira Nassar as something approaching an equal, let alone sharing the same space with her. She also could not believe that she was telling Samira Nassar about her family life, which was not much of a life because everyone was doing their jobs to keep the village going. It was the life of a family who lived in a backwater desert village and worked just to see the next sunrise.

    Leona's mother Sophia was a mage who was a native of Desierto and the lead scribe of Nebdoui plus one of the village's teachers of both children and adults. Her father Samuel was a traveling merchant who could not use magic and had gone on a trip over four years ago to parts unknown. Her older brother Leonidas was at first an apprentice blacksmith and then promoted to the master blacksmith when the original master was killed in a bandit raid and the rest of the apprentices either quit and left the village for the safety of the Tri-Council Cities or had died in subsequent bandit raids. The Jarnefeldts were an ordinary desert family whose greatest distinguishing feature was their last name.

    Leona herself would have been stuck in Nebdoui to work in what little agriculture there was in the village or taking care of pack animals until she was married. Once she was married her primary duty would have been conceiving and caring for children for the rest of her days. Even if Joshua was sincere about his claim to marry her, marrying the son of a village chief was hardly a step up in the scheme of things because she still would have been relegated to child-bearing as her primary responsibility.

    "Yeah, my mother didn't approve of my desire to be a traveling mage and fought hard against it, but in the end she didn't have a choice in the matter. When the chief's son got handsy with me at a village banquet, I gave him two black eyes and a few other injuries in response. The chief's son vowed to have me and my family burned at the stake for hitting him, but the chief said that his son was partly to blame for what happened, so instead I was exiled from my home village. Faced with either burning at the stake or going into exile, the choice was a no-brainer even for me." Leona confirmed Samira's belief about her mother's disapproval of her ambition before adding how irrelevant said disapproval became, adding a bit of humorous self-deprecation near the end. The blonde then went on to explain a bit more about Sophia's view of her daughter's occupation as a traveling mage of considerable renown.

    "Even after my exile was rescinded a while back and I could return to my village again I go there mostly for work-related reasons. My mother still thinks that I'm just going through a rebellious phase and that one day I'll wake up, give up my titles and responsibilities, and go back home to have children and stay there for the rest of my life. She still thinks that if she brings up the subject often enough that I'll relent and come back home." Leona explained a bit more of her relationship with her mother. Sophia was woefully ignorant of how her daughter really felt about the subject. She was either woefully ignorant or just did not want to see that Leona was not a clone of her mother and had consciously made the decision to be a traveling mage with all the risks and rewards that such an occupation entailed. When the subject of being able to handle herself and having allies to help if things got dicey came up, Leona spoke again.

    "Sometimes I don't think my mother wants to see that I can handle myself, Samira. She just wants me to quit being a traveling mage and come back home to give her grandchildren. She just wants me to forget everything I've seen and everything I've done and just go back to life in a remote desert village. As the saying goes, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube." Leona said to Samira. There was no way that Leona could go back to Nebdoui and be happy after everything she had seen and done as a traveling mage. She had worked her way up from a nobody from the desert into one of Earthland's most famous and powerful mages who also managed her own guild. Leona never expected to attain that level of success or embark on the many adventures that she had up to this point.

    Leona had fought serial killers, bandits, zombies, skeletal warriors, a dire hawk owned by a bandit leader, and even members of a cult seeking to destroy Earthland. She had fought pumpkin beasts in Celestial Sanctum during the "Night of Eternal Darkness" alongside members of Fairy Tail and West Fiore Trading Company. She had also rubbed shoulders with other famous and powerful mages like Nessa Cordelia Lux, Johann Von Weiss, Leila Vergious, Ruvel Mizune, and even the legendary Samira Nassar herself.

    How could Leona go back to a remote desert village and be happy after accomplishing all of that?

    Leona paused for a moment and looked at the festival grounds when Samira did. She saw the Ferris wheel light up and momentarily dreaded the idea of boarding it, but at least it was not a roller coaster. The Ferris wheel was the lesser of two evils for the Wizard Saint with acrophobia because it moved a lot slower than a roller coaster and that lack of speed did not trigger her fear of heights nearly as badly as a roller coaster car zooming at high speed along a track. She looked towards Samira and spoke again.

    "I'm ready to go to the Ferris wheel whenever you are... unless you want to hear more about me. If you want to hear more about me, I've got more to tell." Leona said to her esteemed companion. Samira had been patient to listen to her this far without telling Leona to quit whining about her mother's disdain for her career, her mother's unhealthy obsession with Leona having children, and how hard it was to go back home after an eventful life living away from a backwater desert village. Other people had it a lot worse than Leona and the blonde knew that. However, it still hurt Leona that her mother did not care about her career and treated it as an adolescent rebellion instead of at least showing some small measure of pride in Leona for accomplishing as much as she had in such a short time.

    [Post Word Count: 1,124]
    [Leona's New Word Count: 8,570]


    Cursed Lands Has Festivals Too... Right? (Event with Ruvel) KjmbioC

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