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    What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2


    What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2

    Post by Guest 17th September 2020, 3:33 am

    The angel did not say anything for some time and simply sipped her tea, intrigued by the conversation that was taking place. There did not seem to be any secrecy regarding the coven’s sacred items or methods which was rather surprising to Medeia. She was not even an official member yet and despite that, Temperance and Grandma were willing to talk as though she was. Maybe she was just over thinking it or perhaps she had become too accustomed to keeping secrets but either way, it was rather refreshing for the raven haired woman. She was perfectly at ease with how things were for the moment and there was a notable relaxing of her shoulders. She deliberately avoided making eye contact with Free though, preferring to look anywhere but at him, lest it caused her to throw something in his general direction. It was amusing for her though to note just how easily Grandma seemed to be able to control him. Clearly there was more to their relationship then met the eye

    There was a lot to pick out from the conversation and her interest was especially piqued by the idea of an item that could grant an unlimited lifespan to the user. She had not expected such a statement and had assumed that the lifespan of an Umbra Witch was naturally long. To be proven wrong was fascinating and there was a part of her that could agree with Grandma’s reasoning for no longer using the locket. An eternal life had its drawbacks and there were times where the angel herself had felt her age, so to speak. Those moments were fleeting but they came now and again. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on one’s point of view, there was no simple way to prevent her immortality. It was simply a necessary aspect of her life. To live forever and watch the world change around her while occasionally giving it a little kick when necessary.

    She only actually spoke when the topic turned to demons and making pacts with them, a topic she knew a fair amount about. “I certainly agree with that decision. Binding yourself to such a creature will only lead to pain and torment. Both of you are far fairer without that kind of taint.” It was a compliment but did not contain any of Medeia’s earlier flirtatiousness. Medeia was considered a dark mage and there were many out there who assumed that the reason that she was known as fallen was because she had been corrupted by the devil. That was not the actual case, she had simply turned away from the holy path and started upon her own journey, one that had blessed her with far more strength and knowledge than her original one would have. She had come to realise that while most tended to believe that there was only good and evil or light and dark, the truth was that such beliefs were just naive. What was important was to follow your own path, one that followed neither the light nor dark. That was her opinion anyway and one that had formed over centuries.

    (522 Words)
    (16039 Thread WC)

    Lineage : Witch of the Trinity
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
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    First Skill: Tarot of the Morei
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    What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2

    Post by Temperance 17th September 2020, 9:32 am

    Grandma was able to tell that Medeia was a friend to the witches at least, or otherwise she wouldn't have been so open and freendly with her around too. She didn't know about her past as an angel, but it didn't matter to her as she continued. "The Umbra Witches were the darkness of this world. Due to their affiliation, they have a natural ability to form pacts with the demons of Inferno. Naturally, there are many avenues or methods to form these pacts. You could even wield demonic weapons without their pacts, however, most earn their favor for thier souls. That is why many use the Umbra Watches-- to preserve their time to allow them to life essentially forever. Each witch earns it upon completing their trials to prove themselves.  " Grandma explained as she offered them buttery madeleine. Temperance happily took one, as did Hex who meowed happily to the sweet cake-like cookie. "The biggest benefit is to never have to pay that price by natural age-- so long as you do your part."

    One such part, and part of the soul-pact demons made was killing angels. Not the kind that Medeia was, but either way-- they would demand angels in hell to feed on or for other reasons.

    And naturally, Temperance chooses to not have that kind of deal with the demons. It was why her magic was so different from that of other Umbra Witches. But that was a topic for another time. "But you didn't make the pact. So, you're okay being... this way?"

    The elderly woman smiled at Selina. "Oh, please don't worry about me. I have accepted this. I have lived longer than anyone should. I am content waiting for my end with grace. Till then, I choose to live contently and in peace. Still, some excitement and visitors now and then is good for the heart. "

    Selina had finished her tea as she looked to Medeia, Hex, and even Free, who was now behaving. "I didn't think there were other witches like me who choose not to accept the pact. I was proud to be among the Umbra Witches, but I felt--"

    "-- You're soul was too valuable to simply trade?" Grandma asked, a smile on her face. "I knew I sensed a kindered spirit with you, sweetie. I noticed your use of card magic as well. If i may venture a guess... you too found the trinity statue deep in the catacombs, didn't you?"

    Temperance paused at that. She recalled the time she had wandered into the catacombs below the church-- rumored to say to go as deep as inferno itself. She had gotten lost and used Tarot cards to find her way-- and ended up finding a shrine with 3 massive statues encircling one another, showing the 3 goddesses. The more. It seemed this woman, was the same.

    "You knew about that?" she asked.

    "But of course. Most witches know of it and give it respect, but few feel to use its power due to its... unpredictable nature. But those who master it control the future. It was why I fought for so long, but even so, a life of unbound freedom must meet it's end at some point. But worry not, child. Your story is just beginning." Grandma said as she willed herself up. "More tea?"

    WC: 559

    Last edited by Temperance on 17th September 2020, 11:18 am; edited 1 time in total


    What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2

    Post by Guest 17th September 2020, 11:09 am

    Munching on the buttery treat that was offered to her, Medeia pondered to herself once more. In her own way, she had felt precisely how both Temperance and Grandma had when choosing a different path. It was a brave decision to make and one that very few had the courage to do and Medeia respected both of her fellow witches for being able to make that choice. It did instil a sense of camaraderie within the angel and she also admired the elder witches' decision to end her journey rather than simply live on forever. There were many who desired immortality but few who could live with it and even fewer who could turn away from it. It was truly inspiring for the raven haired woman to hear of Grandma's inner strength. Would she be able to give up her immortality if the day ever came? She honestly did not know but that was a question that was unlikely to ever be asked of her.

    As she listened, her curiosity regarding the coven was piqued even further. History had always been a somewhat fascinating subject for the angel and although she had not delved all that much into particular passion recently, the thought of learning more about the beginnings of the Umbra Witches did arouse her interest. Since she was going to become a member anyway, she felt it was fair for her to inquire into such things and given how open both Temperance and Grandma had been, she did not see the harm in posing a question or two as the elder witch was just about to make another pot of tea.

    “I would love to learn a little about just how the Umbra Witches came to be and how they first began their affiliation with demons,” she finally said, her purple eyes clearly showing her interest. “Was the coven once a part of a larger group of witches which ended up breaking away or has it always been independent and isolated? You mentioned that the clan has always had an affinity with demons but who was the first Umbra Witch to make a pact with one? A matriarch of the coven perhaps who still lives today? Forgive me for being so curious but I have always had a fondness for learning about the past.”

    She realised at that point that she was sounding like an excitable little girl with her questions but that did not bother her all that much. After all the daftness that had taken place that day, Medeia was simply relieved that everything had managed to resolve itself and perhaps this was her way of relaxing. Finished with her bombardment of questions for the time being, Medeia would affectionately pick up Hex and place the flying cat in her lap, where she could give the feline a good stroking. Was she trying to wind up Free at the same time? Possibly but she was not all that bothered about him at that point, instead listening keenly for an answer to her questions.

    (508 Words)
    (17106 Thread WC)

    Lineage : Witch of the Trinity
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tarot of the Morei
    Second Skill: Arcana Armaments
    Third Skill: Persona

    What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2

    Post by Temperance 17th September 2020, 11:57 am

    As the majority of the group finished their tea and cookies, Hex began to user her wings to gently fly about, while Free observed the cat, but kept quiet for the time being as the ladies talked. Though he was clearly a guy with guy-like interests, seemingly board with the conversation, he behaved for now.

    Medeia's question was a good one, as both Temperance and Grandma took an interest. Temperance knew the tale, as any Umbra Witch born in the coven knew. Much of it fell into lore and myth rather than truth since its been so long. Still, it was important. Grandma let out a deep breath as she realized the importance of the tale. "Ah, the history of the Umbra Witches is a long and ancient one. I doubt there are many who are among the original but I shall tell you what is told." she said as she raised a wrinkly finger to a bookshelf.

    From it-- where Hex flew, the book shifted and flew into the air. "MREOW!" Hex gasped as the book surprised her, and Free laughed as the cat spiraled head over heels in t he air.

    Softly, the book landed before Temperance, Medeia and Grandma. The pages soon opened to reveal ancient illustrations drawn in the yellowing pages. "The history of the Umbra Witches, is as old as the tales of light and darkness itself. Back when the world was young and man still had not grown beyond mere animals in ingenuity or magic, the world was constructed by 3 powers-- light, darkness, and chaos. Naturally, the world we live in now is the world of chaos. No one can say who truly pulled the strings in that time, but the clans had yet to be. There were rumors that a god who oversaw this world-- looked to humans with adoration. Or perhaps, gods in this case. " Grandman explained and gently willed the pages to fold, revealing a bright light-- and two gems. "Man was young, but full of untapped potential, but lacked free will-- so a great conflict occurred with the powers above, and the result entrusted two treasures. "The Eye of Light", and the "Eye of Darkness". Both of these treasures were blessed to each of humanity's instincts, and we began our first true steps to prosperity."

    The next picture showed, revealing two groups of people, one with violet clothing, and ones with white and golden colors, each head of them reached out holding one of the two gems. "With the birth of the gems, the shackles that held back humanity's free will was forever severed, but the guardians to these treasures-- the gems that could not only define history but create it as well-- were held by two clans. These clans became known as the Umbra Witches, who held the eye of darkness, and the Lumen Sages, who held the eye of light. "

    "At the start, both clans cooperated. But with free will, came greed, distain, envy, and a lust for power. No one is sure how or why this happened. Perhaps the Lumen sages grew fearful of the Witch's sworn nature to the darkness, or perhaps the angels to whom the Lumen Sages sworn alliegance with were disatisfied with the covenant to the dark and the sages were forced to act. But even though the two clans were forged with the best of intentions to safeguard humanity's future-- it was soon shattered and war broke loose between the two. "

    The next page revealed a depiction of the wars between the witches, sages, angels and demons. "The clans exchanged blows many times in history, each one losing sages and sisters alike. Eventually, the bloodshed stops but still skirmishes still existed. Regardless of that, the true purpose between the clans existed... to safeguard the world from those beyond, and from itself. Can you guess why, such a task was given to both the forces of light AND darkness?" She asked, looking to Temperance.

    She knew the answer all too well. It was what motivated her and what she learned as being a fledgling Umbra Witch. "Because people can be corrupted by light, just as much as anyone can be by darkness. Evil isn't exclusive to one or the other. The purpose of the two was to preserve balance in the world." she answered.

    Grandma gave a sage-like nod. "Indeed, little one... " she said as she looked up in rememberence. "I myself lived during that time of bloody war. Even the midsts of it all, I remembered the parts in which I played. Still, I never forgot that reason. Some witches either didn't see the same, or considered it self defense. Either way, the treasure each clan holds, is why the other tends to aim for their throats. Both sides, to some degree, lost sight of the true history we had been charged with. " she explained.

    WC: 820


    What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2

    Post by Guest 18th September 2020, 3:39 am

    The longer the tale went on for, the more invested that Medeia felt herself becoming. An intriguing one for sure and she did not find it farfetched in the slightest. The heavens had always had always bizarre interest in humanity, one that the fallen being did not honestly share. Oh, she had her favourites but in general? She cared very little about the state of the race. They bred like rabbits, ruined the natural beauty of the planet and continued to fight wars with each other for idiotic reasons. Grandma’s story did a pretty good job of reenforcing that particular belief and Medeia at least, could definitely believe it. The mention of her fellow angels caused a look of distaste to cross her features although she had a fairly good idea that the beings came from a different sect to hers. Otherwise, she would have probably already been aware of the tale. The heavens were vast, with many groups who enjoyed interfering with the world of man. She would need to do more research on the topic although gaining information on her kind was always a risky task. She was not exactly friendly with them any longer, after all. It did, however, give her another reason for joining the Umbra Witches. The opportunity to eliminate a few of her old allies was always one that she was always on the lookout for.

    After thinking over the story and allowing silence to return to the room for a minute or so, the raven haired woman would finally respond.

    “I would personally wager that there are many among the angelic sect who are unhappy with the arrangement, even now. It is by their very nature to combat those who have fallen to darkness and the temptation to do so had been ingrained in them since the beginning. I think it was naive to expect both sides to cooperate but the gods have always been that way. They never think things through properly and instead seem to simply hope for the best. I suppose though that the endless warring between the Sages and the Witches is a form of balance though and perhaps that is what the gods had been planning all along. They are not above using others for their own purposes, despite their divinity.” There was a note of disgust in the angel’s voice and she briefly recalled her own time among the stars but simply shook her head afterwards and returned to the topic at hand. Her interest remained though and so she continued with her questions.

    “So, is the reason for the coven's secrecy to try and avoid any more bloodshed or perhaps an effort to protect humanity from being caught up in the fighting? I admit that I am curious about the reasoning behind it. If both sides are drawn to battle by impulse then they will be brought together, regardless of whether one side tries to remain hidden or not. It is an inevitability, especially if the forces of the heavens are involved.”

    (507 Words)
    (7805 Personal WC)
    (18433 Thread WC)

    Last edited by Medeia on 18th September 2020, 9:45 am; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Witch of the Trinity
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
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    First Skill: Tarot of the Morei
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    What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2

    Post by Temperance 18th September 2020, 9:36 am

    Grandma smiled at Mediea's observation. Of course, the woman didn't know she was a fallen angel at that, but respected the opinion. Still, she had a counter point. "Perhaps... but then again if that was the case, they wouldn't of given the Eyes to man in the beginning and let them obtain our free will. There are many versions to that tale, but still if they wanted control, they wouldn't of let it fall to human hands in the beginning. We are a neutral force unless we allow ourselves to commit to one side or the other. " she explained, "Still, in the end, while unfortunate, the Lumen Sages were once our brothers, not our enemies. I like to hope not all of them see the same for the Umbra Witches. Even if simple tolerance is the outcome, its better than open warfare. But as long as the eyes are hidden, all is well. It is said the lead witch of the coven and the lead sage-- holds the power of the eyes, but that isn't always the case..." She said, leaving it off there as she finished her cup of tea.

    Temperance was familiar with the tale of the Eyes of the World. She never seen it, but knew of the power it held. She had reason to suspect perhaps her mother was the holder, but that was merely wishful thinking. Even Aunt Cereza could have been a candidate, but she had denied it a while back.

    Media's next question was an interesting one as to why the secrecy. "It's human nature to be afraid of the dark, but we were born contracted to the dark, hense why so many witches willingly take on the pacts with Inferno, " Temperance explained as well, "While we have the social stigma of being 'evil and dark' being witches, doesn't make it so. It just avoids persecution and senseless conflict by staying secret but doesn't mean we do nothing. If we are to be the dark, we are the things that keep others safe at night. And trust me, I'm sure you know, angels can be surpreme dic--"

    Temperance stopped as she caught her language before the elderly Grandma. "O-oh, please excuse me, Grandmother." she said, hands up to her mouth.

    "Oh, no worries, sweetie..." the elderly woman said with a soft chuckle. It was with that, Grandma continued. "Anyway, naturally the Lumen Sages operate more in the open. especially here in Fiore as they work almost hand in hand with the Zentopian church. While the order is relatively secretive to most in Earthland, the simple fact is they work in cooperation or under the guize to the church. They mainly would act as inquisitors. Mages who freely would use their heavenly power to smite those who cross the church or those in their mind's as evil. But of course, we know the truth... In the end, while each holds their own values and goals, neither one want's to expose the world to their true nature and risk the status quo of the world. "

    As Grandma continued, Hex continued to look around Grandma's house. She soon stopped flying near a table which had an relatively old photograph of a young gorgeous women in a similar Umbra Witch outfit with a black veil covering half her face and her hair tied back. "Mreow... who is this? She is very pretty." Hex asked.

    Grandma smiled as she turned to the cute cat with the witch's hat. "Why thank you, kitty. That's me back in my Umbra Witch days. Indeed I looked much different back then..." she said modestly.  

    "*Whistle*, oh she was the best looking of all the witches, mhmm!" he added proudly.

    Temperance frowned a bit. "I see... now we know why you hanged around here so long, wolf boy," the witch replied. He clearly had a one-sided crush with Grandma, and being immortal, he probably stuck with her so long.

    The sound of laughter came from the elderly woman, amused by it-- silently confirming Temperance's theory.

    WC: 676
    TWC: 11,304


    What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2

    Post by Guest 18th September 2020, 10:38 am

    In truth, Medeia was a little baffled by the answer that she received but she decided against pushing the matter further verbally. The angel did not want to cause any friction nor disrespect the beliefs of the Umbra Witches at this stage and so simply kept her thoughts to herself. The question as to why the gods would allow the two items to be given to man was a rather simple one in the eyes of the witch, knowing them as she did. There may not have even been a proper reason beyond wanting to see the effect that the items would have on man. They did not all have the same moral compass as humans seemed to and that was a trait that Medeia herself did share with them. Would she give magical items to animals to see how they would respond and evolve to them? Yes, she probably would. That superiority complex was still within the witch, even if she did a fair job of managing to keep it from emerging too often. Her attitude towards Free though had been somewhat of a slip from her though which annoyed her immensely.

    “You are right, many of them are supreme idiots,” she said, agreeing with Temperance’s comment regarding those of an angelic nature. “I admit that I am unfamiliar with the particular sect of angels that fight alongside the sages but if they are anything like the sect that I once belonged to then I can assure you of that.” Medeia felt no shame or caution in regards to admitting her own bloodline nor did she bear any negative feeling toward the coven for combating them. “There are many among the heavens who only need to hear the word darkness before diving into a lecture or worse. I am not in the slightest bit surprised that some have aligned themselves with this church you speak of. They are truly ignorant to anything other than their own narrow minded beliefs.”

    The conversation once more stirred up memories for the raven haired angel’s own past and they seemed to dwell on the last time she had spoken to her father. Ironically enough, it had been within the fires of Hell, with him paying the price for his own sins. Who had sent him there? Well, it had been Medeia herself, having defeated him in combat and ending his time upon the throne of their sect. She had believed that to be the end of her lust for revenge against her kin but she often wondered as to who was on the throne now. It was a question that she would no doubt find the answer to soon enough but for now, it could wait. Today was about what was happening on the Earth, not the heavens.

    Medeia had to smile as Hex pointed out the picture of Grandma from her early days and despite her distaste for Free, she just had to have a say in the matter, “Wow, I can definitely see why. I might have done the same if I had known you back then.” A chuckle would escape her lips at that point, taking a sip of her tea afterwards. It had to be said that the Umbra Witches were lovely on the eyes and Medeia honestly thought that she had hit the jackpot in terms of finding new allies. There was still a great deal more to learn but the raven haired woman was fully invested at this point. Lovely women, an entire new coven to connect with and the chance to defeat her angelic kin. What was there to truly dislike about this? Well, besides the fact that they may end up running into Free from time to time. She truly felt at home among the witches which was more than she could have asked for.

    (641 Words)
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    Last edited by Medeia on 18th September 2020, 3:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Witch of the Trinity
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
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    Experience : 106,049

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tarot of the Morei
    Second Skill: Arcana Armaments
    Third Skill: Persona

    What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: What Big Teeth You Have... Part 2

    Post by Temperance 18th September 2020, 3:33 pm

    Bear in mind, these are the legends... the true reason behind anyone's reasonings from that time is beyond simple fact, but we must judge and act on our own, as anyone can," Grandma said pertaining to the tales of the past. "Though admittingly i was a witch from that time, and why I was given the rank of elder. But that is long in the past, as i said." she said.

    With the topic of her younger self, both Free and Medeia were interested. Temperance couldn't help but smirk at the two of them now. "You know, Medeia, I think you and Free would make an adorable couple if you gave him a chance." she teased, considering how sexually minded each of them were.

    "Oh, brother..." Hex meowed as she fluttered away from the two and landed upon Temperance's lap. The witch gently scratched her cat around the ears, easing the cat.

    While Temperance had her own questions pertaining to Medeia's origins as a fallen angel, she could tell she was indeed not anything like the other angels that attacked the Umbra Witches. While their time at Grandma's initially came to an end, at least she was safe and happy-- if somewhat in the company of a womanizing werewolf. At least she could tell an exciting tale to her aunts regarding why the deliveries never reached Grandma. But now, at least the werewolf learned a lession and didn't involve a dog house.

    For now, Temperance was content and at least this day was not dull at all. As their time would soon end, and they would return back to the cathedral where the other witches were, Temperance learned that Medeia would be a valuable addition to the group. IT was there that things would start moving for Medeia and Temperance both, as a new comer and a fledgling witch on her own would start to make strides to a bigger world.

    WC: 322
    TWC: 11626
    Both Counts: 20072

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:47 pm