Fairy Tail RP

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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Kit Kerrington 24th August 2020, 3:37 am

    It was another day in Magnolia, the sky was Blue the citizens of the city were bustling about with their business, however it was quiet in the cathedral today barely anyone inside besides Janet. Janet had made her way to Magnolia with her Guild, Elysium the time was nigh and they have been planning for months on how to deal a blow to the guild known as Fairy Tail. They were easily one of the stronger go with Magnolia one of the more influential ones in the world. There isn't a person in the world who doesn't know the name Fairy Tail and what the skilled stand for whether it was past or present. However today people would be knowing them for something different, as Janet stood in front of the alter she had waited, her hope today was to break the illusion of Fairy Tail strength, and destroy the sense of security and maybe get a Slayer or two out of the deal. There plans were in motion just needing a bit more time but you need to make sure one person was out of the way one person would be dealt with for the time being. Fairy Tail Guild Master would have to be handled before they could start the operation. Janet had done her research on him and decided to put a request out for him meet him here at posing as a client knowing that they were mercenary company now she didn't figure he would decline such an invitation. If the reputation was with Janet heard about as of late she was positive he would show up. She would be standing at the altar with her Hood up and her cloak wrapped around her body not wanting to show off her dragon scales or show up any sign that she was one of the Warlords of Fiore doing her best to keep a low profile and act like another citizen tell he showed up at least. She has the utmost faith that her Guild was doing the same as well, they all knew the plan for the day they all knew their job and they all knew what was going to happen. They weren't strong enough to survive this and that will be another story however for now she had her up most faith in her family. She wanted the world to know that her family were strong, and they were not one to be trifled with. Quietly she would wait until she heard Cathedral doors open with a small smile on her face waiting for the get Fairy Tail Guild Master Mura to show his face, she was eager to get a chance to destroy another Slayer in the world, but most of all she was eager to see the the world's reaction to their presence and what would happened to Fairy Tail today.

    WC: 480
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2592
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Mura Kensho 24th August 2020, 4:58 am

    The squeaky sound of scrubbing a soaped sponge against the edges of a common toilet seat would meet the few who ventured to empty their bladders in the bathrooms of Fairy Tail’s guild hall. Hygiene was of great importance, and despite Kumiko having insisted that she helped out with the maintenance of their items, Mura’s heart still felt a bit ached by Nessa’s rebuke. A rebuke that had passed quite a long time ago, more than a year, but he’d do anything to avoid ending in such an awkward situation again. At least, it built character; who knew a Master of such a huge and famous guild tend to such troublesome labor?

    With his white cloth covering the front of his head, he finished his job and wiped his forehead in relief. The place looked clean, the toilets reflected your face on them, and you could possibly eat from the faucets without contracting any bacteria. Kyuken simply spectated him, not motivated to aid him in any way like this as the samurai ghost was easy to distract. Zirconis, on the other hand, wanted none of this and would rather spend his time outside near the job board where Adam (the bartender) rushed over to the dragon ghost in urgence.

    “Where’s Mura? There’s a notice up requesting his sword from… uh, the client has decided to not state their name. Should I-” the bartender informed Zirconis. The dragon ghost would quickly take a look at the paper held in front of his draconic, sharp eyes; it was true, no name signed under. Once the paper was in the hands of the grumpy dragon ghost, it wouldn’t take long before he found his way to where Mura was exiting the toilets. The guild was at the time of the day where most - if not everyone - that he had basically grown with and bonded closely to were present. Too bad that a quest was at hand.

    “Hmh, no name? Ain’t that suspicious… let’s find out exactly why they decided so,” the shaman suggested his two ghostly pals. Another look would circulate around the walls of the guild, eyeing his guildmates as they went on with their own businesses, duties and chats.

    So many people to catch up with, but the paper in his hand requested his imminent assistance. He could always return later…

    The cloth was torn off from his head and simply tossed aside. Before heading out, he went to the bar’s front and picked up his two most valuable weapons, Harusame and Futsu no Mitama. He would never go out on a mission without those two on his hips, ready to be unsheathed at the note of danger or direct combat. Once they were readied, he waved Adam goodbye for now and walked out of the guild hall, its gates slamming shut with a solid clap.

    The Cathedral, huh… it had been a while since Mura helped out a poor soul trapped to the bell of the old church who now made it ring every morning, every mid-noon and every sunset tirelessly. However, this notice couldn’t have come from that guy, since watching the bell’s shining glow was more urgent than talking. The writing style was new… a little too formal, given that most people wouldn’t worry about the beauty of their scripts when their house was haunted or when their relatives were attacked.

    At the foot towards the entrance to the Cathedral, Mura did notice the presence of a mage inside. Now, it was getting a little suspicious… this magic felt primal but suppressed. Did the notice come from a wizard?

    Well, only one way to find out… Mura would force the doors open with ease, meeting the hooded gaze of a feminine figure standing further at the other end of the hall inside of Kardia Cathedral. Not much could be said about their appearance other than that, but they did emit an aura akin to a… dragon?

    “…” Why were they hooded? From who did said person hide herself? Could it be that a fugitive or a runaway prisoner sought his aid in clearing their name or covering their tracks? Not exactly something that Mura wanted to do without any context to convince him.

    “Are you the one who put up this notice?” Mura spoke to the hooded figure while lifting the paper up in front of him.

    WC: 731


    Elysium VS Fairy Tail is set in motion! The first round is to set up people's doings, and the next round will have the Boss Dragon emerge and attack the guild hall! I hope that you'll all enjoy this bout between us ^^


    Sir Leonard
    Sir Leonard

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Have an Admin as a friend!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 2628
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Eorlund Gray-Mane (Dead)
    Experience : 1,375,256

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: Bladestorm
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Sir Leonard 24th August 2020, 7:41 am

    Greatly impressed by the hands on leadership style Mura is demonstrating in the guild in leading a cleaning drive, Leo found himself in the streets of Magnolia with a content smile underneath the large hood overshadowing his face. He had volunteered to purchase with great initiative and enthusiasm that was somewhat unbecoming to the mostly enigmatic hooded figure that stays at one corner of the guild. Unbecoming enough that most of the guild members found it weird, still others were surprised, even to the point that they only heard about him now, that he wasn't some trophy or warning to other people to not to make too much of a trouble or they'll end up like a bum or prisoner in the corner.  In tow was his daughter Lina who was hopping and skipping along as she held the right hand of her father. The bustling city market had numerous stalls for various needs. The great Magnolian Market. And though the times have introduced other markets, this one was still Leo's preferred destination. The prices and quality of the items are affordable and excellent, and the fact that you can bargain with the shopkeepers are indeed a welcome bonus. Mutterings and various noises filled the market area, as it would appear everyone is out and about the ever so energetic town. The people in the area are on the population's older side as it would seem that the younger of the people preferred the new shopping malls and such.

    After a few more minutes of browsing, he had finally found a stall that sells cleaning materials. They stood in front of a table that laid out all the various items with the shopkeeper opposite the two. Lina let go of her dad and started rummaging through the squeaky rubberized items for cleaning while Leo greeted the owner and mentioned what they required. The shopkeeper happily pulled out the item they were looking for and stated an already reasonable price. But Lina who tried to put on her most serious face she could do, tried to bargain with the shopkeeper. The two adults had a laugh about it and jokingly commented at how much of a successful business owner the little girl would be. Leo even patted her head but also told her how this was already reasonable. Lina, who now was also pouting for a few seconds finally conceded and said "Fffiiiiinnnnne."

    Lina also did not forget to remind her dad that they should get gloves and other accessories in order to better clean the hall than with just the bare essentials. Finding reason in her words, the swordsman smiled at the little girl and agreed to additional purchases. The vendor was being delighted by the girl's suggestion and felt generous so he gave a discount to the pair for their additional purchase and they happily parted ways. Or rather the two left the owner of the stall stayed there and awaited more customers.

    On their way back, they would walk as they had when they were on their way to purchase the items: happily. Leo's spirits are held high today. For it seems that peace has indeed comparatively reign in Fiore since his prime. But he was not blind to many dangers lurking in the shadows, yet he had hope that they can confront them and the worse was behind them. Yes, indeed, nothing this day can make Leo loose hope for this generation as he walked now with pride as he could catch glimpses of the new guild hall.

    WC: 592
    Leo's Total: 592


    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  60684_s
    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Guest 26th August 2020, 8:39 am


    It had been some time since the latest of Faustein's adventures which involved the research expedition to the Unknown Lands and also the welcoming of a new member named "Hanako" into Elysium's ranks. Since then, Faustein had gotten back to his usual daily routine of being a practicing physician-scientist mage as well as his ongoing mad science research. So, time had marched on steadily for him until the present. Faustein had received the summons from Elysium a few days prior to present time. The event was apparently an attack that was to be carried out on the wizard guild that called Magnolia Town its home. This guild was none other than the famous Fairy Tail guild whose members included many famous and powerful wizards, so he did not quite understand the logic of attacking it without provocation in this manner. However, orders were orders and far be it from him to disobey them. His task was to sow chaos in the Great Magnolia Market in order to distract the members of Fairy Tail away from the guild hall, so his fellow Elysian guild members could make their move.

    Hmm, well this could be a fortuitous opportunity wherein some additional testing of my “King’s Eye: Hypnotic Gaze” ability could be performed, well that is as long as no one comes to interfere or intervene in my affairs, of course.

    He mused silently thus while he readied himself in his usual physician-scientist’s outfit and after affixing his utility belt and other equipment holsters to his person, he headed out to the Great Magnolia Market. Once there, he began to pose as a customer for certain vendors to appear as a harmless bystander. After a few hours of doing this, he activated one of his favorite abilities, aka the “King’s Eye: Hypnotic Gaze” ability that he was hoping to test once again to determine the extent of its effect. Due to this, his eyes started glowing, though only the truly observant could pick it out and that too after close observation. Then, he affected the vendor in front of him and caused her to go quarrel with her neighboring vendor. Then, he turned his gaze casually and nonchalantly upon the male vendor whom this first female vendor had gone to quarrel with, and both started to squabble to an increasingly greater degree as time went on. Then, he cast this same ability on a few other vendors and whomever of the passersby that he ran across on his way as he moved about in the Great Magnolia Market.

    Then he put on his smart holographic glasses with the idea to obscure his eyes from view with their polarized lenses in order to avoid letting people know he was the root cause of all the quarrels and squabbles which were starting to spread through the Great Magnolia Market at present. Then, he carried about buying groceries and other such daily necessities from the other vendors he did not affect with his ability, appearing for all intents and purposes to be innocent of any crime. However, if any mage with decent skills decided to stop and examine the currently squabbling denizens of the Magnolia Market, it would become apparent that the situation was not a naturally occurring one. Additionally, as he had his usual full body physician-scientist’s attire on and because his Elysium guild tattoo was hidden beneath said attire, there was no way to tell at a glance that he had anything to do with Elysium. To all appearances, he was just another physician-scientist mage going about his daily shopping.

    Text Legend:

    • Italics: Faustein’s silent thoughts
    • Bold w/ Quotes: Faustein’s speech out loud
    • Non-Italics, Non-Bold: Faustein’s action text
    • Bold w/ Italics (No quotes): Faustein's whispered, covert speech

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Senkuishigamiwork

    Faustein's Battle Stats


    1. Faustein is summoned for the fight between his guild, Elysium, and Fairy Tail guild in Magnolia so he starts stirring up trouble in the Great Magnolia Market.










    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Description:

    Active Stats

    HP: 1080/1080
    MP: 798/870
    Melee Damage: 60 HP
    Speed: 120 MPS
    Shields: 000/000 HP
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 300 m

    Base Stats & Buffs

    HP: 600/600 (+80% FROM EQUIPMENT)
    MP: 600/600 (+45% FROM EQUIPMENT)
    Melee Damage: 60 HP
    Speed: 120 MPS
    Shields: 000/000
    Spell Damage Buffs: +30% (ANCIENT MAGIC PERK)
    Healing Buffs: +50% (DUE TO UA)
    MP Costs: -10% (CASTER MAGIC PERK)
    MP Regeneration: +10% once/5 posts
    HP Regeneration:
    Damage Reduction:
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 300 m

    Equipment & Passive Gains

    POST WC: 598 / TOTAL WC: 598 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)

    @Aven Alveron

    Last edited by KuroFaustΩ on 9th September 2020, 1:41 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Lineage : Witch of the Trinity
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 106,049

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tarot of the Morei
    Second Skill: Arcana Armaments
    Third Skill: Persona

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Temperance 26th August 2020, 9:40 pm

    It was a day that Temperance couldn't help but grin about. The trickster in her was itching for the chaos to come. Not that she was some wonton diabolical person who desired destruction or death. She was more capricious than that. So when news came to her that Elysium were making their move against Fairy Tail... she couldn't help but have her interest peaked.

    But of course, like any heist or job she did, she would never be so foolish to go in hastily or foolishly. For starters, she was dressed in her 'Fool's ' attire. A common look with her thick glasses, jeans and vest. She was in her guise as Sorcerer Weekly's reporter. In this disguise, no one would think she was a dark mage, or the infamous thief "Temperance".

    However, some might recognize her with the company of a certain Exceed cat who was nearby-- a black cat with claw-gloves and a witch's hat over her cute head. The cat seemed feral like, but it was an act just as much as Temperance was.

    Faustein and Janet were already in position, and she wanted to get a bit closer to the scene of things, but recalled she had to keep a distance as well. As she had wanted, she was into this kind of encounter. Not to cause any serious damage-- but in the end it came to one point.

    Those goody-two-shoes fairies needed a shake-up every now and then. If anything to toughen them up, but more so to mess with them a little would be fun. That wouldn't kill them.

    She adjusted her glasses as she spied on the cathedral where the meeting was. She didn't know what would transpire at first, but she kept an eye out, hoping to find others. Either her own teammates in hiding-- or perhaps Fairy Tail, for her to interact.

    "Mrow... I hope everyone else is okay? But how are we gonna approach them?" Hex asked softly, looking up at the glasses-wearing black-haired woman.

    "For now, we cover things. Keep an eye on who is around. We can have fun with the fairies when we get a lay of the land. Besides, you know I love a good entrance. But still... even we can't take those fairies lightly..." she said.

    WC: 382


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 318
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,761,571

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
    Third Skill:

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Trinity 28th August 2020, 10:52 am

    450 WORDS
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.

    It was finally the day.

    Janet had been planning this attack with her aces for quite some time, and Thana had more than been looking forward to it. She didn’t have any personal grudges against the Fairy Tail guild, but that didn’t mean anything to the psychopath. She didn’t need to have an issue with any particular person or organization to want to see them suffer and twist in pain. Torture was a very real aphrodesiac for her, and it didn’t much matter whether it was someone else’s agony or her own. Janet had decided that Elysium was ready to strike out and make a statement for themselves against another guild, and that was enough for Thana.

    Granted, there was a part of her that was intrigued by this other guild. After all, she had somewhat recently murdered one of their members. Ghost had been an… odd mage, to say the least. Exceptionally hypocritical, full of himself, with a grandiose presentation of his abilities that had fallen quite short of what he’d claimed to be. In the end, she’d grown bored with his incessant ranting, and annoyed with the way he’d talked himself up as being some great wizard when he had ultimately been no one at all. The instant she figured out he wasn’t worth the effort it would take to string him along, she’d almost dismissively shoved her hand through his chest and ripped his heart out, chewing on it like a peach. Presumably, the Fairy Tail guild had learned about her in some way by now, and as such she was eager for another confrontation with them, if only to confirm if the guild was full of more halfwits like Ghost had been or if the rest of their membership was more worthwhile.

    For now, she sat comfortably on the patio seating of a restaurant not far from the Fairy Tail guild hall where she could see the building and its entrance. She had used her magic to temporarily disguise herself to keep from being recognized before the attack could properly begin, sporting platinum blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. The small table was occupied by only herself as she gently sipped her coffee and seemed to be reading from a book about magical theory. Her mind was anywhere but on the novel, however, as books rarely kept her interest at all. She was merely waiting for the chaos to start so she could rush into the fray and wreak havoc, adding one more guild to the list of those that wanted her dead.

    With a malicious little smile that she couldn’t quite keep from her lips, Thana absently turned a page and continued to wait.
    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


    Cyrus Gwydion
    Cyrus Gwydion

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 97
    Guild : Confidence International
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 1,293,344

    Character Sheet
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    Third Skill:

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Cyrus Gwydion 29th August 2020, 8:48 am

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Ag4bYpR

    The day in Magnolia was nice, the warm rays of the summer sun instilling in the city and its residents a certain sense of comfort, the streets bustling with people intent on making the most out of the good weather and the nice atmosphere. Of course, Taylor would be no different.

    It had been a little bit of time since she had joined the mages guild known as Fairy Tail and, not very long before, left her home and family in Bellum behind. Pondering over this, it was a surprise that her family had not yet found her. They certainly had the monetary means to do so, but she figured that they would look in Bellum first. Outside of the nation, their influence was not nearly as great as it was within, and so discovering her all the way in Fiore would be a feat, to say the least. She reckoned that it would take some time to discover her whereabouts, if they discovered them at all, which, in turn, naturally gave the girl time to discover what the world had to offer her and advance her capabilities as a mage. Theoretical knowledge was a great foundation, undoubtedly, but practical knowledge, going out into the world and seeing, experiencing it for yourself was something that no amount of money could buy, something that her parents didn't exactly seem to understand. Even though the time she had spent as part of Fairy Tail and in Magnolia had no been long, she had become considerably more powerful and confident in her own powers, learning more on a daily basis with every mission completed and every battle fought.

    Today, though, would be a little different. She'd just returned from a long mission to Desierto, and while the job she'd done had been fun, without a doubt, even a girl as eccentric and hungry for knowledge and experience as Taylor needed a little bit of a break every once in a while. The plan was to retreat to the room she had rented near the guild hall of Fairy Tail and read. While practical knowledge was great, she wouldn't forget to keep up with the theoretical parts of her training. The two worked best when applied in tandem, naturally. And so, with the small book in one of her hands, a lexicon on the native fauna of Fiore, and a bag of snacks and other groceries in the other, she, too, would wander the streets of Magnolia on her way back to her accomodations, naturally paying little mind to the people around her. It all seemed like just another beautiful day, the girl not expecting what was soon to come ...

    Word Count: 447
    Personal Word Count Total: 447
    Thread Word Count Total: 3,670


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 29th August 2020, 12:55 pm

         882 words    
         even the gods can't stop me    
         how can you    
    Another day had come and Vandrad’s uneventful work ethic continued as consistently as the sun rose and fell. His routine had become somewhat of a stupor, or so some would think. He woke up, he spent a few hours training either with Mercury or not, he cooked or simply ate breakfast and then he checked the job board for any opportunities. If he found one, he’d reach out to Mercury to see if she was free and would eventually head out on the job. If nothing peaked his interest, and depending on if his Silver Wolf companion was there, he would either get back to his lessons instructing her how to play the piano or he would journey over to the guildhall of Silver Wolf and continue to master the art of construction and creation. He’d been rather adept at manufacturing and engineering from his own practice but the tips and tricks that Mercury had provided him brought him to levels he hadn’t fathomed in such a short amount of time.

    It was a rhythm he was fine with. Routines worked well with Vandrad, specifically because he had been raised and then subsequently trained to follow protocols. Living the life of a regal person afforded him very little opportunity to sleep and being an officer in the military robbed him of any remaining possibility. He was accustomed to it and frankly, he was adjusting to having Mercury around or being around her basically every day. He kept his practice and methods to himself but he didn’t hide it; anyone could easily walk into the training room or check out his room while he was building and he wouldn’t hurriedly try to cover up his work. The only time he may consider acting so rashly is if there were times that he and Mercury were working together in a more… physical setting. Yet another practice that had somehow become routine.

    His feelings and affections towards Mercury were complicated, or so he told himself. Truly they were quite simple for anyone not wrapped up in layer upon layer of bravado, denial and pride. She was his comrade -- easily his most trusted one as well -- and together, they were a force to be reckoned with. What Vandrad didn’t understand or simply chose to ignore was the fact that, for all intents and purposes, they were a couple. A verbally abusive and taxing couple but one nonetheless. If his family were around, they would be needling him with that fact relentlessly until he finally broke. Lucky for him, the distance between Fiore and Bellum granted him leniency, though that didn’t keep Mercury from constantly texting them and letting them know what was up.

    Oddly enough, he had seemingly made other connections as well. For a man that did his best to stay in his own lane, he managed to run into other parties that piqued his interest… or his hatred. His adoptive brother, Mythal, was a curious case but from what Vandrad could tell, he was a decent man. The woman he was engaged to, Serilda, was a far more proper woman but regal and appropriate as she deserved. While the Prince certainly understood a lot of Mythal’s mannerisms, he found himself far more connected with the Field Marshall, seeing her as an easier person to talk to. The two pairs had seen each other a few times and, so far, Vandrad had learned a good amount about the engaged couple as well as his father. It was relieving to finally be making progress on the mission that had brought him to Fiore in the first place.

    Unfortunately, the relations within his own guild were… tense. He had a lot of respect for his fellow wizards, especially the management team, but he so rarely saw other members. And his own reputation had surely been sewn into a rather tenuous region by his encounter with the insufferable Louie Calvin Klein. A pissant with far too much ego, which was saying something in Vandrad could recognize it. His disrespect towards other people was on par with many nobles the Prince had seen within the hierarchy of Bellum. Their first meeting had resulted in blows being exchanged and an unfortunate attack upon Nessa, one of Fairy Tail’s Aces. And their second encounter had been just as physical and full of loathing. Vandrad now did everything in his power avoid Louie, if only to prevent himself for commiting outright murder.

    And that’s just what Vandrad was doing at the moment, narrowing his vision to the job board and nothing else. He’d finished his training, he’d cleaned up and eaten and now it was time to look over the possible missions he could undertake. The guild was bustling with activity but that was nothing new. Most people simply went on by without a word while others tossed him a casual greeting. His silence was commonplace to such exchanges, unless someone went out of their way to address him more in depth than just an informal greeting. He snorted out through his nose as his eyes scanned the papers, finding nothing of interest that truly stuck out at him. It seemed as if today would result in more lessons, which was fine by him.

    Just another day in the routine.  
         for name    
       Vandrad's in the guild hall  


    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Kit Kerrington 8th September 2020, 7:04 pm

    Janet would smile under her her hood as she her his confused voice, the warlord would reach up slowly as she turned around her dragon claw arm would show. she would pull down her hood and let her tail out as she smiled a smile that was innocent but also strangely with Malice, the Warlord of Vengeance doing nothing to hide her intent during the situation. She then spoke the only thing she tried to hide was her giddiness about what she was about to do. "Hello Mura...I wont waste my time with a introduction...as you should know me already…" She said her voice elegant but more draconic letting that sod of ger out today. She assumed that A Wizard Saint would be told about the Warlords, if not then he wasn't worth the introduction. She reached up undoing her cloak letting it fall showing her black scale armor. As the cloak fell she spoke. "I did indeed put a request out for you, so I don't need anything from you...I simply needed you here…." she said with a small hiss not wanting to waste or give him any sort of time she raised her dragon claw into the air letting scales grow on her body, her eye change and other horn grow out as a power magical burst would pulse in the air.


    Meanwhile outside the Church the sky grew black and lightning crackled in the crackled in the are, as the wind picked up blowing as of a storm is coming in. Cost of spell circle would appear in the air from above the church centered on Janet's location. As the circle appeared on a wild Roar will be heard as two claws were then tear it open massive in size as it's silver eyes would shimmer and glow. Now everyone watching would see as a massive Dragon would start to claw and tear its way out of a circle roaring one more time such a loud while that would be heard all over across Magnolia. He was in get one big flap its wings and fly directly towards the guild hall as planned, people on the streets freak as smaller dragons flooded out behind it giving Elysium its sign begin their tasks. It would fly directly towards the guildhall or fairytale in land with a thud outside of it before shattering Windows everywhere around it drawing some building including that of the Guild Hall down the building so study it was not without some damage letting everyone around her and into go home no its presence has a letter one more loud shrieking roar. Its gazed was focused ready to destroy some Fairies and there home as it towered over there guild hall.


    Meanwhile the roars of the massive dragon and minions rang outside cause a sound that would insight fear and panic to most people, to her though it was bliss as she smiled letting her wings span out. She took in a deep breath and then smiled as she looked towards Mura. "the fall of your guild is now at hand and the era of Elysium is now a hand!" She said her smile less innocent now and now full of malice. "Now prepare to fall before me the Dragon Queen of Fiore!" she said as a of it were a fact, she wasn't going to let Mura leave here any time soon, the strong would fight and live, the weak would fall. A little taste of Elysium way of life as she glared down the Mura now just needing to keep him busy for a while everyone completes there tasks.

    WC: 610

    Dragon at the guild hall:
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Mura Kensho 10th September 2020, 4:24 am

    Once she turned around to face him, Mura got a glimpse of the stranger’s arm, which was the most exposed part of her at the moment. It looked like armor for a moment, until he zoomed in and spotted that it was coated in recognizable layers of sharp scales akin to lizards and dragons. What kind of being was this client? Mura as of yet had no reason to fear for anything as any Fiorian had a slight chance to meet a Dragonkin of some sorts or just be aware of their existence - hell, Mura had met his fair share of half-humans before, so to have one as a client wasn’t alarming.

    The tail that she let down proved a little more unnerving; she didn’t have to reveal herself so much if she wanted him to identify her for a half-human or someone along the lines of that. It was first when her hood was pulled down that he focused on her face… and recognized her for who and what she truly was.

    Just like so many years ago, he met a famous Dark Wizard without alarm… but this time, it wasn’t by sheer luck. If he remembered right, her name was Janet Cinderfeild, a classified Warlord in the wizard world by the Council. For some reason… he couldn’t help but be reminded of his foolish treasure hunt back in the Forgotten Desert, where he sadly faced another Dark Wizard and a Coming Storm much like the encounter right now.

    He didn’t need the memory of what happened back then… it was a handful years ago.
    She revealed that she lured him here via the request… the one he held in his hand, which quickly he hid in his pocket and scoffed. There was no time to waste, for she began channeling magic in an assumed attempt to cast a spell. A spell that he didn’t need to see or witness in order to know that he had to stop her; charge at her, attack her, slap her spell away with his own, snuff out her life before another tragedy was to spawn.

    And so, he charged at her with his hand clenching Harusame as he pointed it towards her. It was to no avail, for despite his efforts, a moment of staggering was thrown at him by the magical burst causing him to cover his face. That was when the atmosphere grew dark… it was the sky outside. Everything happened rapidly, but the roars and the screams told him of the scenery outside.

    Magnolia was under attack by a gigantic creature. Janet must’ve summoned it. That led him to believe that she lured him here to keep him from intervening outside, hence the false flyer. Was there some kind of barrier in the Cathedral? Or would she try and keep him here by force? What was he going to do?

    She summoned the unseen beast outside, that much was certain. If he managed to escape her to take it down, she would likely summon another one. She didn’t appear to be out of mana at all, either. No, that wouldn’t do; leaving sight of her was not an option.

    Elysium… Mura hadn’t heard of that organization. It was a Dark Guild, likely, and Janet here was likely their Master. That reminded him that there were still a good amount of Fairy Tail Wizards in Magnolia at the moment… he could trust them to… t-to…

    His legs weren’t planted solidly. Why was he worrying about them? They could take care of the threats outside; all he had to do was defeat her, right? She was the summoner, so her summoned monster would expire should she be killed. Then that was the plan for now. Fairy Tail had already been through enough invasions at this point - this was just another one. His hands were slid behind his back for a brief moment, discreetly pressing on the iLac mounted on his wrist. Whoever carried one from his guild would get the notice, no matter where they were. That was his quickest line of communication with his guild for now…

    A single glance was thrown towards the exit of the Cathedral, figuratively eyeing the guild through all the walls that were soon to shatter. Nessa… Thea, Aven… whoever’s nearby… do your best. It was unlikely that they heard his prayer, but he hoped for the best. What Guildmaster would he be if he didn’t trust his closest mates?

    There was no fucking way that he would let this so-called Dragon Queen get away with what she was doing. His katana, Harusame, burst out in white light as Kyuken’s spirit entered it. Quickly, he held the red dagger in his left hand and let his magic surge through both blades, manifesting auric plates of armor and enlarging the former sword into a soul-shattering work of art. Its tip lit up in a bright blitz, and he jagged the blade forward to send a clear ray of rapturing energy straight at Janet. Weaken her, then beat her… that was his strategy for most of his battles. And it worked wonders.

    WC: 857
    TWC: 1588
    @Janet Cinderfeild
    Spell Used:



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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by ivyleaf33 12th September 2020, 1:20 am


    A cloaked figure slipped through the alleyways of Magnolia, pausing occasionally to look around them in a motion that could only be described as surprise. The person beneath the thick fabric was surprisingly short and small, not even pushing 160 cm in height, and slipped easily under most townspeople’s radar. Magnolia was a place that often attracted odd mages, so such a sight was not too unusual. After all, the guild hall that lay at the heart of the city was their pride and joy, and the frequent strangers was something that they accepted, and even welcomed. It meant that there would be more business for Fairy Tail, and thus more business for the rest of the town. Mages were known for making quite a lot, and it helped to have a lot of them living in your city.

    This particular mage was a little different than the rest, however. Their steps were sure and steady, despite the frequent pauses, and they moved with practiced ease through hidden streets that only a local Magnolian would know. The raucousness of the markets and the festive banners fazed them not, with the figure not so much as blinking when encountering one of the more dramatically decorated storefronts, with giant magical balloon figures performing in front of it.

    Then again, if anyone were to get a good look at the figure’s face, there would be no surprise at all. Despite the thinning of baby fat from her face, and the cropped black hair that had browned slightly under the sun, the guild mark on her shoulder shone as brightly as ever. Sorano Granon was back in town, after an whole year missing. The former guild master of Fairy Tail had returned from places no one would have expected her to survive, and she was ready to get back into business.

    Or so it might seem to an outsider.

    A strange clenching feeling squeezed itself around Sorano’s chest as she peered skeptically at the road that led up to the guild hall she had lived in for half of her life at this point. On her journey back home, she had heard rumors of what had happened to the beloved guild after her disappearance. Mura had taken over as guild master, which she was thankful for, and the guild seemed to be doing as well as expected. It was comforting news, but the letter mage was certain that returning would not be that simple. Would her return cause unrest in the guild, undermine her teammate’s authority? Were they still even teammates? Without Hana, how would he have possibly continued on his own?

    Anxious questions plagued the teen’s mind as she began to make her way up the path, wrapping her hood tighter around her head. Although her appearance had certainly changed, she was sure her magical signature and face were not all that different than before she had left. Who knew how people would even react to her return at this point? In a way, she had abandoned them, disappearing during a job only to never return.
    word count
    eyy sorano in da house now


    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.

    Sir Leonard
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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Sir Leonard 12th September 2020, 6:48 am

    Bliss was a feeling Leo had never felt. He was excited and somewhat satisfied to finally have a taste of it. For all the years he's been alive, he hasn't been able to feel relaxed due to the personal weight and pressure his legacy and family puts him through. Yes, today was the moment of bliss, and -


    Leo was not destined to feel bliss so it seems, or to have a sufficient enough amount of it for a sufficient amount of time. He was just getting into the feeling of it when dark clouds suddenly formed out of nowhere. A sight that is a textbook sign of impending danger at this point especially for the people of Magnolia. The old man was stopped in his tracks and immediately as if on an instinctive memory, he would gaze upon the Cardia Cathedral, a site that is almost just as synonymous to Magnolia aside from Fairy Tail. The area above the holy place, a magic circle spring forth. In a feeling of hopelessness and  depression, he suddenly lost grip of the goods the just bought and fell to his knees, all the while the dark family crest on his shoulder would sizzle and smoke due to the negative emotions feeding it power. His daughter, Lina, quickly rushed to her father's front and tried to hug him, which was traded by having a father's hand gently be placed on his daughter's back. "I'm sorry Lina. It appears the world hasn't changed at all." he said in a depressed tone, and suddenly a roar was heard  all throughout town that made cower and run while he just slowly lifted his head to take a peek. There was a dragon going after the hall, and he just scoffed at it as he was  not surprised or impressed. "This world only knows death, darkness and destruction... there is no hope for it. Perhaps it does deserve to end, so that a new one can take over." he continued. A black aura emanated out of him and slowly, skeletal hands would reach forth from beyond the dimension, but they would be stopped by the gentle warmth of a small hand basking in light that touch the man's face. He looked down and saw his smiling daughter trying to cheer him up.

    "It's going to be ok, dad." she said, as cheerful as she could despite the current situation, smiling at the end. "Times have changed. There are new heroes, and new heroes need new baddies to fight. And baddies are lame because they can't think of anything new to do. And their hope's right here!" she continued placing a fist on her chest, signifying that she was this world's hope. "But the hope's not ready yet hehe. So uhm... can you continue to guide and protect the next generation until they are?"

    Leo would just stare at his daughter, thinking of what she has said. And the fact of the matter is, she's right. The people this little girl has surrounded herself with certainly had an effect on her intellectual growth. Yes, people like Mura, Nessa, Mythal and many others are the result of the ways of old made better. He almost felt dumb that he forgot that darkness will always rise to balance the light the heroes of today and of the future shine upon this world and his daughter is one of them. He would be reminded of his vow to protect and guide her and so the old man's spirit, the black magic dispersing completely and Leo stood up and looked at the hero-to-be.

    "Go to the government office and help organize an evacuation." he said sternly, which the girl happily zipped through the streets as quickly as she could, the speed of light aiding her to move faster while the old man looked with slightly squinted and had a smirk on his face, filled with a renewed vigor and purpose. There are new heroes of today, and it may be up to the old to guide them, make sure they don't make the same mistakes they did. He certainly has to personally see Lina grow up to be a fine young hero of her own. And though while there were many smaller minions, the real threat was the big one and he didn't pick out the name Dragonbane for himself for nothing. The man quickly dashed through the town, easily leaping on to the buildings, making it so much easier to get to the hall faster by dashing and leaping from building to building.

    Once he got to the hall, he open the huge double doors with a snap of his finger, standing outside he announced "I'm sure you can all see, we're being attacked. Magnolia needs to be defended once more. Where's Mura?" and took a quick scan of the place; he was nowhere to be found. He thought he had to deal with this for now as time is indeed of the essence. The man turned around, drew the great sword from his back with his right hand, and clipped his robe off, letting fly off into the wind with his left. The man in the white sleeveless shirt sighed and commented "Ah shit..." then the now free hand he moved it to the right side of his face, forming a fist when it got there, and the pulled it down back to his left side, requipping a very old an nostalgic piece of armor and continued "...here we go again." then we leapt into action, scaling a building very quickly, and jumped higher than the dragon's height. Once he achieved the peak of the jumped he placed his entire weight forward and prepared to position his blade to stab the dragon with force.

    The attack was swift and devastating, unfortunately the dragon's scales were tough that it only afforded Leo with some sort of area to hold on to the dragon. He equipped his hammer and yelled "Slam!" as he put the hammer down on the dragon's back sending earth-moving seismic waves rippling across the dragon's back that had to hurt, which of course, it did. Though the creature did not sustain that much damage it was annoyed enough to want Leo off its back, shaking him off and finally grabbing the man and throwing him back down in front of the guild hall seemingly falling like a meteor.

    From the dust lifted crater, Leo's hand, clenching a hammer with its head on the ground and used it as a cane to lift himself off, shaking more rubble off of him Yep, that's really tough he mused. In this brief moment, he noticed a person standing nearby a figure whose features were covered by a cloak. And though he wasn't sure who it was, the person - she - felt familiar, this day had been getting more and more nostalgic and interesting so it seems as a smile crept up his face and addressed the woman "Nice to see you again, Sorano." happily, before leaping into action once more and getting on the same spot he was on the dragon's back. Once there, he requipped two of his finest weapons and started rotating them to imitate a saw blade with his telekinetic connection to them and started trying to cut the dragon open which was a tiny bit easier due to the attack from earlier. Helpful yes, but only very very very little.

    WC: 1,245
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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  60684_s
    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Louie 12th September 2020, 7:22 pm

    "So this is one of those épique battles that this town is so known for..."

    Walking down the road as hordes of ordinary people ran past him in terror was none other than Louie Calvin Klein, multimillionaire and probably the best thing that has ever happened to Fairy Tail, dressed dapperly as usual. Well, he wasn't even certain that there would be a Fairy Tail after today since the dragon that had decided to show up was making quick work of their pathetic excuse of a Guild Hall. Unlike the swarms of people trying to evade the monster's outrage, Louie's face was caked with interest, but not fear. He didn't run away, but he didn't run to everyone's aid either. He was impeccably curious but completely uninterested in what happened to the guild whose emblem he donned. Instead, he looked at that beast as if it were a gigantic inconvenience... like a roadblock.


    Louie continued on his path, one hand holding a small plastic cup full of iced coffee, and the other was a small plastic bag full of something. While he had originally came to this guild for business opportunities, the person who was in charge of that suddenly vanished as far as he was concerned, and really he had no reason to be there anymore. But still, he found himself coming to Magnolia often for one person alone—Nessa Cordelia Lux. Sometimes he'd text her beforehand that he was coming to grab her for a day out, and sometimes he would show up unexpected on days like today. But this was arguably a lot better than busying himself with some girl. If he was lucky, Vandrad would've been in that building and be crushed.

    Before he'd decide to sit down on a bench and watch this battle unfold, he'd walk over to the Guild Hall, turning his head this way and that. He was looking for Nessa, just in case she too had a greater interest to go out and eat than to stick around with insects like them.

    WC: 341 | Total WC: 8118 | WC Needed: ??? @Nessa Cordelia Lux @Odhran Aegisbane épique = epic ""  —
    Template by ivyleaf33


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 23rd September 2020, 5:26 am

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid. I have
    loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Nessa was nowhere near Magnolia when the incident began, in fact, she hadn't even been in the same realm when she got the news. She had been in Valhalla, enjoying a pleasant feast with the Valkyries. She had been so busy for some time now, and what with how Nessa had been feeling as of late. She had found herself growing incredibly frustrated with the real world, her friends were constantly busy, Markus was working over at Dies Irae and still without an iLac trying to contact him was a chore. There were her guildmates, although she didn't feel especially close to most of them. Mura perhaps, much like an older sibling to her despite being the same age. Arcadia was... gone. Aven and her, well it was fine but also a little weird. She couldn't place her finger on it, perhaps guilt or a general awkwardness. They needed to talk, she knew that, but it just wasn't happening.

    Which was why she needed to escape to a constant, those the most present and consistent in her life aside from her family, were her Valkyries. So she had got into the habit of escaping through a portal on occasion and just enjoying time with the girls. They were always so energetic and fun, not to mention they had a library of exciting anecdotes to lose yourself in. The Starlight Maiden had just been digging into a drumstick when Tiphanae burst into the great hall of their home. The girls at the table; Elgorea, Arcturus, Lucinda and Nessa would whip their heads round to look about the wind Valkyrie as she stormed the room. "Nessa Lux, there is an incident back in Earthland, back at that place you refer to as your guild hall." Nessa dropped her food, standing up suddenly. "What kind of incident?"

    "It's under attack." Nessa's eyes would widen into saucers, pushing her chair out, she turned from the table. Eyes glowing white with magic, as she opened up a portal in Magnolia. "Do you want us to come with you?" Arcturus would ask, but Nessa shook her head. Any remnants of her light-hearted demeanour wiped away, replaced with a concern and determination. "No, not yet. I'll scope out the situation and depending on what's happening I will summon you guys." She told them, and with out further word she stepped into the portal. There would be the briefest moment of disorientation as she passed between worlds before she stepped out into the plains of Earthland. The light from her eyes would fade, her gaze returning once more to wide violet eyes that scanned the chaotic city. She had stepped into the middle of town, a short distance from the guildhall. An audible gasp escaped her lips as she spotted it - the guildhall.

    It was utter destroyed. The building she had cherished for so long, the place where she had found a second family. All of it lay ahead of her little more than a pile of ruins. The walls, the floors, her office. It simply wasn't there, all she could see was the dusty cloud of destruction that surrounded it, and the trail of devastation that followed the path of the beast responsible. A dragon, ginormous in stature and relentless in its chaos, moving around and furthering the demolition. She needed to stop it, but first, a greater need called her. Before she could register that she was moving, her feet had already begun pounding the earth. Closing the distance between her and the guildhall, her eyes scanned for Mura but she didn't see him. Where were the other aces? Did they know this was happening?

    She arrived before the rubble, her eyes searching for life. They scanned the remains of the guildhall with great intensity when she spotted something. A limb. She rushed over to it, lifting the large panel of wood that hid the rest of the person. Grunting as she tossed the heavy material to the side, she would look down, realising she who had been trapped under there, tears quickly streaming to her eyes. She fell to her knees beside the young teen, "Percy! Percy! No please, oh god!" The sweet shy boy that he was must have been in the guildhall when in struck, she pressed her index and middle finger into the crevice of his neck, checking for a pulse. Waiting and waiting before she noticed it. The faint thudding of his heartbeat pulsing against her fingers, she exhaled in relief. He was alive! Thank the stars he was alive.

    But this provided a new dilemma, Nessa didn't fully understand Percy's... nature. He either couldn't use magic or didn't know how or something. She wasn't entirely sure, but she knew that she couldn't heal him, that if she did, for some reason, whatever it was, she would do more harm than good. Instead, she scooped him up, pulling him into her arms so that he was resting on her lap, looking up she did the only thing she knew she could. She began to cry for help...

    WC: 847  Thread total: 8,965
    Tag: @Odhran Aegisbane


    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  60582_s


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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by MoRueran 23rd September 2020, 8:08 pm

    A baker who owns his own shop in Magnolia and his apprentice Martian Moonie was hard at work making the goods of the day, kneading dough, rolling it flat, pouring some batter into molds, measuring the proportions for the various ingredients that were to be used and then preparing them accordingly by the bulk and in wide varieties to satisfy the different palettes of the townsfolk. Billiam Feyson, the store owner and head baker, called for a short break to get himself a cup of coffee while the younger fellow followed after his boss to get a can of berry fizz. It wasn't long before commotion started to brew as the sky above darkened with clouds and what appeared to be a giant flying lizard descending from the equally massive spell circle that lit up the dark and brooding storms on high and in tandem with the menacing lightning. A sense of terror swept the citizenry in a wave as the massive dragon and what was likely its much smaller but still sizeable spawn immediately started to wreak havoc all over the place.

    Already, wizards of the local guild were mobilizing and trying to get the situation under control, the Magnolians were making quick exchanges amongst themselves as to what's happening and various speculations and theories were being thrown before they were made to scramble in panic at the approach of the malevolent creatures coming in their direction. The initial scare then gave way to a mass evacuation that was being conducted by a number of brave souls-- among them a brave young girl-- who gathered as many people as they could together and have those who congregated leave Magnolia and seek refuge in neighboring towns or cities in as orderly a fashion as they could. There were to be some stragglers who weren't quick enough to catch up with the rest of the evacuees, one of them being Granny Easterly Constello-Aria, who absolutely refused to leave despite the frantic pleas of her adult children until she gathered every painted work made by her late father Northerns Astraea Constello. 

    Then one of the smaller dragons swooped in and was about to tear the elderly lady apart when Mars quickly came between the two and landed a heavy right hook into the reptilian creature's jaw and sent it swerving into a building. One of Granny Ester's kids was able to gather everything she could before she and one of her brothers helped take their mother to safety and possibly with the rest of the evacuating group. Using his Erythrite Domain sensory, Martian used his heightened spatial awareness to sense out anyone or anything living that might still be close by. Thankfully, no one human beside himself was present in the area he was in and, it was just as well that the lesser dragon he swatted would quickly bounce back and charge at the domesticated barbarian in retaliation to the large welt it now sported. The talons on the scaly beast's lower legs managed to connect in their strike as they hit Mars squarely in his midsection. Except the talons were not only unable to skewer the strange childlike man to do more than the minor damage it actually manage to inflict, but they also weren't able to bring their talons back out, as they were now stuck to a hard carapace that the brawler's body formed around his torso and limbs, acting as a natural form of armor concealed under his clothing.

    The non-mage fighter began emanating a red haze, a great deal of heat was coming off of Mars's body due to the tremendous deal of energy he was expending in preparation for battle. Martian Moonie was a member of Fairy Tail despite his inability to use or even produce magic or magical energy. He was an abnormality whose existence and purely biological abilities had no clear explanation. His induction as a member was made fairly recently and happened in an appropriately uneventful way, as no one other than the current Guild Master knew of his membership. This was made evident as, despite receiving the guild's insignia on the back of his neck by Mura himself, his name is not in the guild's official roster. In a rare stroke of insight or out of some highly developed instinct, Mars pleaded with Mura to leave his name omitted from the records so that he could protect Billi.

    Bringing his Unexplained Prowess to the fore, Martian wielded the abilities his physiology granted him as if it were second nature, his cheeks reddened with the feverish burning of his strength as he curled his hands into tightened white-knuckled fists and began brutally beating the creature down with blow after heavy blow. When it was done, the boy took the now battered creature's head in both of his hands and, with a strong and quick twist, snapped its neck, killing it. After simultaneously freeing the injured animal from further suffering and permanently eliminating a threat, Mars moved onwards towards the center of Magnolia, his near-closed gaze aimed towards the gargantuan creature that just finished obliterating the guildhall. It was there that some individuals could be seen either very close to the rubble, dug themselves out of the rubble, or were helped out after the guildhall's collapse. The giant dragon was already being engaged by a man who was in impressive shape despite the age that was showing on his weathered yet tireless face, his eyes held determination that was as unyielding as it was ferocious as he landed his attacks on the large monster.

    A young woman with silver hair was cradling an unconscious boy in her arms while calling for help. From some magazine, Mars recognized her as Nessa Lux, one of the guild Aces. It was likely she was trying to get help for the teen who was probably in worse shape. Besides the emotional turmoil, she didn't seem to be in any real danger yet unless more of those smaller dragons decided to focus their attack. Without a word, Martian ran in the direction the dragon was in, eager to use his strength and grow stronger. There was a mountain to climb right in front of him, and he was one of the climbers seeking to reach its peak. Only through the attainment of ultimate strength will he attain ultimate freedom.

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  AbB9Xbq

    word count: 1061
    Thread total: 10,026

    Last edited by Martian on 24th September 2020, 7:55 am; edited 1 time in total


    Health: 600/600
    Stamina Pool(SP): 600/600
    Character Speed: 80 mps
    Melee Damage: 40 hp [+36 hp][+36 hp][+34 hp]
    Erythrite Domain Sensory: 150-meter radius [When Activated]
    Unexplained Prowess
    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Aven Alveron 23rd September 2020, 8:48 pm

    The calm always comes before the storm, and so it was that Fairy Tail's day of reckoning started unlike any other. There was no unease in Aven's stride, as he made his way along the Market District, waving kindly to some familiar faces, and conversing with one particular merchant. A street vendor that Aven frequented quite often, Garo was a large set but gentle man that baked and sold pastries. The baker wore a grin as Aven perused his goods. "Stare any longer, and I'll have to charge ya for eating my merchandise with your eyes, Aven, my boy!"

    Aven didn't break concentration, his gaze flitting patiently between the jelly-filled donuts and the cinnamon rolls, weighing his options. "This wouldn't be so hard if you didn't make them all so delicious, Garo," He sighed into the glass, straightening to face the baker. "I'll just have to take both of them, I suppose."

    Garo shook his head in mock dismay, gingerly scooping the pastries up and into a paper bag. "That's been your order for the past three weeks, and ya still need a whole five minutes to decide?"

    Aven laughed, waving the comment away as money exchanged hands, grasping the bag with a bright smile. "Sure, but what if I decided to change my mind? I need to be sure about these kinds of things." Prize in hand, he took off, glancing back over his shoulder. "Until next time, Garo!" The merchants of Magnolia were a lively bunch, no doubt, but the same could be said for most every else in Magnolia. Most days, Aven found, there was just the right amount of excitement and intrigue to satisfy one's wanderlust, a quality the young wizard had come to adore about the area. As he was about to discover, however, today was not like other days.

    It came first with a echo of power, a tremulous wave of High Tier Magic being used nearby. Aven's senses snapped into focus, pulled out of their reverie, but not nearly in time to gather any actionable information on the source of the pulse. The result of the spell itself, on the other hand, appeared in the sky in short order, causing a bit of color to drain from Aven's face: a magic circle, monumental in size, had manifested over the Church, sporting glyphs that Aven had only seen in forbidden texts. A summoning circle? Many magics, since the turn of the century, had been streamlined to disregard the use of Magic Circles, in favor of quicker activation times and more discreet casting methods. The only spells that tended to stick to their archaic roots were those of such devastating power that prior knowledge of their casting was a non-issue... which placed the threat of the Dragon tearing its way into reality at a gruesome level.

    The bag of pastries fell from his grip, scattering out of the paper and onto the cobble.

    In the heat of the moment, Aven could feel something calling out to him. Perhaps just the ghost of a feeling, that echoed out from the Guild Mark on his left hand. He held his hand up for a moment. Mura... His eyes darted back up to the sky, where the Dragon was making an aggressive dive, its movements pointed and deliberate, as though it had a target. It swooped down and landed with a massive quake, right around... the Guild Hall!

    Aven was in shock. Magnolia was... no, Fairy Tail was under attack! Thoughts reeled through his head, questions of who and why, all jumbled in a panicked mess as he scrambled to analyze the situation. Lost in his own confusion, he stood stock still, unable to bring himself to action. The clatter of glass against stone, the splintering of wood, and the desperate cries of hopeless onlookers bombarded his senses, surrounding him with an aura of dismay. One voice, however, cut through the murk as clear as day, a cry of anguish that sent chills down his spine.


    Almost unbidden, Aven's body surged with a dark power, small particles of Dark Matter floating off and around him, cracking the ground as the blood in his veins blackened, darkening his skin. A split second later, he vanished, leaving nothing but a few lingering particles behind him, and appeared in front of the guild, only to view the wreckage, and the heart wrenching scene amidst the destruction: Nessa was kneeling, screaming for help, with a grievously wounded Percy collapsed in her grasp. Tears threatened to spring from his eyes, as the Guild Hall he'd grown to love sat decimated before him, and one of his precious Guildmates broken and battered. Sadness, however, was not the emotion he was feeling: there was something foreign in its place, a burning that began to engulf his chest, as he strode forward through the splintered beams, to stand by Nessa and Percy.

    Aven's eyes were hard as steel as he surveyed, their usual soft glint lost among a burgeoning sea of rage, his eyes fixed up at the dragon. There was a young man he didn't recognize , glowing with a crimson haze, rushing forward to engage the mountainous dragon, the beast already flanked by a grizzled form he could swear he recognized from somewhere, shearing into the dragon's flesh blow by blow. Aven spoke, unnatural vibrations in his voice causing it to cut through the dirge of battle. "You know, I told you that I'd always be there when you needed help, Nessa." He glanced down, a sort of numbness in his expression. "And as an Alveron, I'm a man of my word." He gritted his teeth, his brow furrowing dangerously, as he glared back up at their foe. "But I hope you'll look away for what comes next; today, I may break my Oath of Purity..." Aven's eyes burst into a black abyss, as his left arm became inundated with a storm of swirling black particles, and his right hand began to gather bright, golden energy, and he howled, "BECAUSE I'M GOING TO BURY WHOEVER DID THIS!"


    [Word Count: 944.]
    [Thread Count Total: 9,909.]

    HP: 200.
    MP: 10,965/10,965 (Spent 660 MP, regained 1,096.)

    Active Shielding on all nearby Fairy Tail Members (Besides Percy): ~35,000 (Appx. 34937.5)

    Abilities Used:

    Guild Abilities Used:

    Last edited by Aven Alveron on 16th March 2021, 11:20 am; edited 2 times in total


    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Aven_Sig
    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 23rd September 2020, 9:28 pm

         1020/1902 words    
         even the gods can't stop me    
         how can you    
    Nothing was going to happen today, was it?

    That seemed to be the case. So rather than spend his time simply standing at the job board and cursing the lack of interesting missions, Vandrad turned and headed back up the stairs. He’d set up a small area in the training room where he could work on his technical skills and that was now his goal. It was a perfect place to design armor and weapons; that way he could utilize the training simulator straight into field testing whatever he had worked on. It granted him a whole realm of opportunity for mechanical growth and already, a small smirk was on his face as he contemplated the possibilities for the day. Mercury had already helped him make great strides in his mastery but he was seeking to continue his growth. With any luck, he would even surpass her in this.

    Amused at the thought, Vandrad opened the door to the training room and passed through before closing it behind him. The gauntlet he had been crafting the day before was still on the workbench, ready and waiting for him to get back to work. He took up his soldering torch, slipped on his goggles and his earmuffs and got back to work. As the machine whirred to life and began to spray sparks all over the protected area, outside Magnolia was descending into chaos. Elysium had launched its attack and even now, the massive dragon was descending upon the guildhall with great prejudice. Were he not distracted, the prince of Bellum would have heard the carnage and sensed the approach of the behemoth. But his focus was simply on his creation and nothing could have alerted him in time when the monstrosity ripped through the building. All at once the lights shut off and the room around him collapsed inwards, piling rock, metal and cement down upon him. The floor beneath him splintered and broke, sending him fall amongst the rubble in a stunned and bewildered daze. Then when he hit something solid, everything went pitch black.

    The first thing he felt was the high-pitched ringing in his ears. It was sharp, like the highest note of an octave before glass would shatter. He groaned groggily as his eyelids fluttered, attempting to open them up. Pain throbbed all throughout his bodies and he could feel the warmth of blood running over his extremities. The weight of the rubble pile was immense, especially for his form that felt like it weighed thousands of pounds. But his passiveness was quickly wiped away by the alerted training that had been dulled by the impact. His time as an officer in Bellum came swimming back to the surface, running down the details in his head. There had been a bombing or an attack of some kind -- that was the only explanation for the room collapsing in on itself. No doubt the rest of the building had suffered damage as well, including his guildmates. As his hearing started to return, the squealing fading away, he could hear the sounds of screams and the thunderous falls of something massive. The ground was even shaking from the sounds… or, at least, whatever was making the sounds.

    This was no place for a warrior to be when someone attacked. Snarling, he pulled his magic out from his core and pushed it out through a mighty aura of power, strengthening his limbs. He pushed off the rubble from his body until he was in a semi-kneeling place and then pushed himself to his feet, releasing his pent up magic at the same time. The debris would explode off of him, the closest and smallest fragments vaporized from the intense pressure. With his path now cleared, Vandrad lifted his head to look skyward since, apparently, the sky was now there for him to see. And there, taking up a large portion of the sky, was a mighty dragon. The malicious beast had been summoned right into the heart of Magnolia and it was clearly the culprit for the attack on the guild. He looked about his immediate area to verify that the guildhall had, in fact, been utterly devastated. The once pristine business building was in shambles and ruins, a wreckage unrecognizable.

    He heard a familiar voice call for help and he leapt over the remaining debris around him to land in the remnants of the room he’d heard the sound. There was Nessa, kneeling on the ground, with a younger man’s body cradled to her body. Another man, some pretty boy he barely recalled being named Aven, was there with her, his own magic bristling about his body. Vandrad’s jaw clenched tighter at the sight of the body in Nessa’s arms, a fellow guild member brought down in such a surprising and cowardly attack. "You bastards…” Vandrad hissed between clenched teeth as steam began to rise off of his body. Electricity crackled in the air loudly around his entire form and in one swift surge of power, he had pushed his Empowerment to his highest tier. Blue hair and blue eyes overtook the once black hues and a glowing, wild aura embraced him like a cloak. "You’re going to pay!” He swore before he rocketed up into the air, a glowing pylon of rage and punishment.

    He came to an abrupt stop at the same level as the dragon’s head, his focus needle focused on the creature. "HEY YOU OVERGROWN LIZARD!” Vandrad roared, even as he threw his hands out to the side. Magical energy, further boosted by his rapid absorption of the ethernano in the air, sparked to life in his palms and grew into equally powerful orbs of energy. "TAKE THIS!” At once, his arms swung forward and slammed together at the wrists. The two balls of magic combined together and detonated outwards in a beam of golden magic, nearly twice the size of Vandrad himself. He’d taken careful aim for the monster’s neck, looking to incinerate it’s upper body in one fell swoop.

         for name    
       Vandrad is PISSED  



    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 34
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: #LifeHack
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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Crowlee 24th September 2020, 3:29 pm

    You're on Candid Camera!

    Everywhere in Fiore, lacrima devices turned on. Lacrimavisions, iLacs, even a few washing machines that were installed with wireless connection. All at once their screens would flicker on and reveal a pitch black screen. For those that were already watching something or playing with their phone, they would find their content gone and replaced with the same empty view. If anyone tried to switch off of it, they would find their remotes and buttons disabled. They were stuck there.

    After a moment, a spotlight appeared and highlighted a man. A trule reprehensible man that looked like he was a walking, talking corpse -- mostly because he was. Green hair, yellowed eyes and teeth, skin as pale and bubbled as terribly placed wallpaper and a black and white striped suit that was covered in dirt and many other disgusting colored stains. The dark shadow of his beard shifted as his mouth opened, revealing disproportionate yellow teeth that were filled with centipedes and flies. He straightened his tie as he stared directly into the camera that was pointed at him.

    “Welcome, welcome, welcome!” he greeted the thousands of viewers, throwing his arms out dramatically. Can everybody see me?!”

    They could but obviously no one could answer him. Crowlee didn’t need an answer though. He knew it in his bones and showed it by widening his smile even more before he cleared his throat, hacking out a slimy green ball of mucus and spitting it off screen.

    “The following contains violence, course language and adult situations not suitable for minors. Viewer discretion is advised!” Then with a quick wink, the spotlight died out and plunged the stream back into darkness… before the entire room was lit up, revealing what seemed to be the set of a sports-centered talk show. A large, curved desk sat in the center of the stage, made of beautiful mahogany. Several large panels made up the back wall that were evidently lacrimavisions, providing a means to show footage. And seated on either side of the desk was… two Crowlees, each one wearing a regal three piece suit that somehow was even more stained than his usual attire.

    “Good evening, I’m Suc Deeznuts,” the one on the right spoke up. “And welcome to Fiore’s official broadcast of the Magnolmania. With me, as always, is my co-host Byte Miass. Byte, are you excited about tonight’s event?”

    “Am I ever, Suc. Lemme tell ya folks -- these are two stacked organizations with a lot of depth. I think we’re looking at a great matchup that people are going to be talking about for a long time.”

    “Indeed, Byte. Now let’s take a look at the Tale of the Tape.”

    The screen shifted to the backdrop of Magnolia, already under siege. The camera panned over the tops of the city, catching the flames and explosions as well as the massive dragon stomping its way through buildings like a toddler in a kindergarten sandpit. The image blurred as two images popped up in front of the screen -- those of Janet Cinderfield and Mura Kensho.

    “On the one side you have Mura Kensho and the defending champions of Magnolia, Fraggy Fail. Their opponents for the night are Janet Cinderfield and her notoriously bold Elysium.” The voice over of Byte (though no one would be able to tell the difference between the two) explained.

    “Now I gotta tell ya, Byte -- this is gonna be a tough match to call ahead of time. You see, Faggy Frail is synonymous with Magnolia and with wizard guilds the world over. Hell, their name is in the site’s name! They have a lot of heavy hitters that are in the higher rankings of wizards, including some that have Prestiged. They also have the advantage of home field advantage and that may be what gives them the edge over Elysium.”

    “That may be true, Suc but don’t forget that Elysium is based out of Sin -- a sub board that is quite literally described as hell on Earth. And let me tell you, as someone that has been to actual Hell, that description ain’t far off. Their members have been hardened by their time in the wastelands so they won’t go down easy. Plus they had the advantage of surprise, managing to swoop in and take Fruity Pail with their knickers down.” As each detail was described about the guild, it was printed up on the screen over the close ups of Janet and Mura, presenting all of the details for the viewers to see.

    A cross wipe brought the screen back to Suc and Byte. “The match is already underway. While we get the screens set up, let’s check in with our field reporter, Bee Lowmei. Bee?”

    The screen once again cut to yet another version of Crowlee, this time dressed in a yellow poncho with the hood up. In his hand was a dismembered hand that he’d decided to use as a microphone. He’d adjusted the fingers so it was giving the middle finger and spoke directly into the extended digit. “Hey Byte, hey Suc. Now as you can see behind me, Elysium has this massive fucking dragon just going ham on this city like a fat kid chomps into cake. Just a moment ago, it tore down the Ferry Sails guildhall, most likely killing a lot of the members still inside. A real hard blow for the defense. See, we even have footage of one now.” The camera cut away to a low resolution, zoomed in shot of Nessa, cradling Percy’s body and calling for help. “Looks like Weepy Tits is going zero for one on saving her friends. We’ll have to see who else falls in this match but it’s looking like Elysium has the advantage at the moment.”

    “God, Bee sucks, doesn’t he?” Byte muttered as the camera shifted back to the hosts.

    “Literally liquid trash. I’ve seen discarded dumpster babies do better reporting.” Suc agreed.

    “Uh guys… I can still hear you.” Bee spoke up.

    “Oh we’re aware, fucknuts” Byte continued, rolling his eyes. “Now then. Our cameras are rolling and taking in all the action. Our producer, Zack Nukeyardrat, has given us the green light to stream the match with minimal commercial interruption. So far, it looks like Mura and Janet are set to face off.” Byte said, pointing to one area of the screen.

    “And several members of Prairie Mail are looking to take out the heavy hitting dragon. A key strategy to weaken the offense and allow the defense to take the momentum back.” Suc gestured to the other screen, showcasing the dragon and the Fairy Tail members moving in to fight it. “Keep on watchin’ folks…

    “We’re just getting started.”

               TAG! | 1116 | NOTES              
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
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    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
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    Experience : 786,120

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    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 24th September 2020, 4:59 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61

    Magnolia was always such a fun place to be around. Parties, festivals, bright lights everywhere! Such a laid back place, such a wonderful place to vacation to. The magnificent cathedral, all of those lovely places to visit and it all just felt so right.

    Well, usually.

    Something was going on, something strange was in the air today within the oft peaceful town of Magnolia, but Odhran could not quite put his finger on it. Maybe it was the surprisingly cold air? Then again, that may have just been because he was wearing a swimsuit, mistakenly thinking that he was going to Hargeon rather than Magnolia. At least Hargeon had beaches. Oh well, maybe Odhran would have to take a dip into the river. Perhaps it was the lack of celebration? Maybe it would be too much to ask for a festival every day, but there needs to be a festival any time Odhran was in town.

    A giant roar sounded and screams of various different emotions were heard.

    "Oh," Odhran mused to himself, looking up to see the massive dragon marching its way through the town. "That might be it." He admittedly somewhat forgot that his mission was today, he thought it was supposed to be tomorrow. His vacation, completely cut short by work! Honestly, the nerve of some people! Ruining a god's vacation!? Whatever, he still had work to do. He could possibly postpone his vacation plans a bit longer. He had no idea where he was supposed to be looking, but he still remembered his mission: kill anyone involved with Fairy Tail. He did not feel the need to summon any of his Spirits for the time being, they would simply get in the way and he could use them in a pinch. Now was not a pinch, though his relaxation plans were in jeopardy. He sighed, knowing that the work of such an important person like himself was never finished.

    That said, even in spite of the chaos rumbling and tumbling all around, Magnolia was still rather beautiful. The brick architecture was incredibly well built, most of it lasting quite long and not collapsing for a while, and when the buildings finally did fall, they would be rather satisfying to watch. Each brick toppling piece by piece, Odhran casually stepping around them and, in one instance, having to raise a hand to form a shield to protect himself from the full weight of a three story house toppling. His bare feet slapped against the stone pathways as he examined the city that would hopefully, yet tragically, become ruins. Who knows? Perhaps Odhran could use the ruins to build a giant castle for himself. Magnolia was in a convenient place, close to the harbors of Hargeon, and situated nicely on a river. Lupa would have a blast with it, no doubt. So many fish to catch... oh, and Arnaluuk would probably enjoy the river as well, nice place to turn into an ice rink of sorts, for sure.

    Maybe Odhran would have to keep that in mind for the future, not just for his castle. Oh well, details could be thought of later. For now, he just wrote the thoughts on a summoned piece of paper from his Ark of Embodiment. For now, work. He looked at a map of the town before leaving for the journey, but of course by this point the Ace had forgotten everything about it. He preferred learning by seeing, not by studying, after all.

    Plus Lupa had eaten the map the second day that he had gotten it, and Odhran could not be bothered to ask for another one from Janet or Trinity or Thana or whatever her name was. Janet was far too busy and the other Ace was just weird. Well, both Aces were weird, as was Janet. Really, the entire structure of Elysium's normalcy fell onto Odhran's shoulders. Such a burden it was for him to carry, making sure that the world was as protected as possible so that he, as well as Janet and Seika, he supposed, could actually have a worthwhile place to rule over. So maybe destroying Magnolia was not the best idea?

    The dragon roared again. No, destroying Magnolia was a great idea. It was a fun endeavor, that was really all that mattered, but there were other implications too! Fairy Tail was a super old guild, so if they destroyed the city and its guild hall, well of course he would gladly take credit for that! Maybe then the Council would start paying attention to all those resumes he sent to them about possibly being promoted from a measly Coming Storm to a terrifying Warlord! Ah, what a dream! What a wonderful dream!

    His musings were cut short by a series of yells and crying noises. He turned to see some white haired woman cradling some dude next to a few other people, honestly it really did not matter too much to the Ace. Suddenly, one of them had his hair turn blue and he went all electricy before darting through the air like a missile. Another weird looking person seemed a bit on edge as well, but it was no concern to the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm. He had a question, and these were the first people he saw, so he thought that it would be best to ask them.

    Stepping up to the duo - well, trio, but one of them did not really seem to be in the best condition to answer a question - Odhran slid his hands into the pockets of his swim trunks. The trunks themselves did not actually have pockets, but it was nothing that a little bit of Ark of Embodiment could not fix.

    "Umm, excuse me?" he asked, stepping nearer. He tapped the woman on the shoulder. "Hey, so, uh, sorry about your friend and all that, tragic stuff I know, but I got a question. So if you could just, y'know, stop mourning for a bit that'd be great, won't take any more than like a minute of your time, tops. So you know that huge dragon wandering around? Right, so while it's really fucking cool and all, it's kinda made my job a bit on the difficult side. See, my boss, the dragon - okay, technically the person that summoned the dragon, but she's also a bit of a dragon, but really at that point we're just getting into semantics - gave me some order. I'll be honest, I don't really remember the exact wording of it, but long story short she asked me to kill every member of Fairy Tail that I see. So, since I'm so smart, I thought, 'Hey, why not go to their guild hall!' Brilliant, I know. Anyways, the dragon I think has already destroyed the guild hall? So I'm having a bit of difficulty finding it. So if you could just point me in the direction of some Fairy Tail people, I'll be on my way and you can get back to your grieving or whatever. Thanks in advance!" Odhran gave a big smile on his face, hoping to look as appealing as the asker of a question as possible to this mysterious woman.

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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  XBivwWT

    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Aristotle 26th September 2020, 11:52 am

    Having come a little unprepared on her first trip into Magnolia had not been much of her best choice in this case. Much to the brunettes choice to carry her materials with her from place to place, she has thought to save herself some time and trouble having to lug it from one town to the next before finding the next place in which she could settle down in. In the meantime, she was able to set her belongings in a place akin to a storage facility and keeping it to a unique system only allowing mages with their specific magical “signature” of sorts were able to get into it. It was a way to keep items in which she had for the time she spent here in Fiore, however there wasn’t much that she could attest to in finding a source of whom made the equipment she carried with her. Whomever it was either passed a long time ago or this wasn’t really an item from which the new Fairy Tail member could conclude was made in this country.

    With little money left after housing her materials, she was left to wear this gear until she arrived back in Magnolia to save the stress of carrying it and also saving herself money should she need anything in an emergency. Unfortunately for her, the little left in her pocket would be unable to scratch the surface of the emergency ahead of her.

    As the view of Magnolia came to her eyes from atop a nearby hill, the sight former sight of the guild hall was gone. Nothing but smoke appearing from where the towering hall once stood. Taking no other time to wash over in shock of the sight, the brunette ran into the town as fast as she could. The sound billowing of an voice echoing through the town had her slid to a stop at the border of the town where those in the streets nearby were fleeing towards. Without stopping them at all, she would. She continued her rush down into the town, listening to this boisterous voice mocking the actions of those valiantly fighting to save lives and defend themselves. A sickening sound none the less. The amount of seething anger that would have welled up in her would be immeasurable, however her time in this world had shown her how lethal clouded judgements can be when they got to a point that they couldn’t even remember what had happened.

    Streets booming with this annoying voice has rung out more and more, which did fuel the dislike for technology to be the way it was, however if it wasn’t for this, who knew what would happen instead. Her eyes peered to these to watch each screen to see the sickly looking male dressed in a very tacky and badly designed suit. But she could see while watching that one of these copies or perhaps a set of triplets of some sort had been among the streets. If she could get to him, perhaps she could get closer to the person actually running this and get this feed cut. Dangerously stalking through the middle of emptying streets had been This armor clad mage in search for the one bee to begin poking the hornets nest. Not that it was hard to spot such a person, she had managed to spot him just down the road and minding the chaos around them. Oddly enough, the spotting of her target put a smile on her face, picking up a rock and beaming it at the hooded “field reporter”, Elizabeth continued to walk closer to him, armed with only her staff and the out of place smile on her face. ”You must bee a little lost, don’t you think?” She spoke up, partially through a mocking sense.

    637 words



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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by ivyleaf33 28th September 2020, 6:20 am


    Sorano gazed up at the street she had called home for the past five years, standing in the shadow of one of the other office buildings nearby. Fairy Tail – a guild of hopes and dreams, of opportunity, of family. Here it was, the place she had long ago decided to devote her life to. She had left them behind, and now a heavy weight dragged at her unfeeling heart, even though she had come home at last. How strange…

    Still, the letter mage didn’t have long to ponder her thoughts before a shadow split the sky, casting the city of festivities into darkness. Glancing up in alarm, Sorano would suddenly be bombarded by a powerful magical signature. It had been hard to detect with all the strong mages that were present within Magnolia, particularly around the famous independent guild, but now it was unmistakable. Well, this was new, wasn’t it? Had the guild adopted a new pet while she was gone? It was not something that would have surprised the girl, but her assumptions were scattered instantly when the dragon dove down at the guild hall, only to be greeted by waves of magic as mages began streaming out to protect their home.

    The citrine earring in her ear twinged, sending a faint jolt of pain through the earlobe, and Sorano reached up to rub the tender spot with a wince. The specially made jewelry was designed to tell her when her guildmates were in danger or in pain, and it was certainly working right now, as a full-blown battle seemed to explode before her. It wasn’t really what one would expect as a welcome, but Sorano couldn’t be picky when it came to her troublesome family. Letting out a quiet sigh, the girl cast her senses throughout the area to see how she could control the damage, or support somehow in the fight. The hall had been attacked and destroyed far too many times by now for her to be truly surprised, though a quiet disappointment did linger briefly at the thought of the hall she had helped to design being destroyed. Hopefully the lower levels would remain intact at least…it would be a shame if all of Kiku’s laboratories were crushed in the process. She hadn’t even finished exploring them yet.

    Before she could leap into action, however, a figure dashed past in a whirl of overwhelming magical energy. “L-leonard?” A surprised gasp burst from her lips as the man called out a greeting before aiming a particularly powerful punch at the dragon up above. Guildmaster Leonard had been running the guild when she joined, but he had disappeared for a great many years before making a return right before she left on that fateful job. Even though she had known he was back, his physical presence in front of her still came as a shock. This was the man who had welcomed her into the guild, fighting before her, still doing as well as ever.

    Even so, there was no time to reminisce while a battle was going on!

    From what she could hear from this point, there was suffering and fighting going on all over the city by now – it was terrifying how fast the violence could spread. Besides that, there was also a particularly obnoxious voice blasting a distasteful commentary of the ongoing events throughout the city. While Sorano certainly found it irritating, it didn’t change the fact that it was particularly useful for gleaning an understanding of where everyone was. Coming to an ultimate decision after ascertaining that someone was taking care of that terrible broadcaster, Sorano dashed through the burning trees around the guild hall to where the dragon was flying above them, raising her hands to cast a spell.

    Her fingers danced through the air, forming familiar letters, before the air crackled with tension, releasing a lightning bolt that struck the dragon soundly from above. It was one of Sorano’s oldest spells, and the satisfaction of mana leaving her body brought back memories of fights before. Well – it was good to be back.
    total word count
    Spell Used: Solid Script Lightning (S-ranked signature spell)


    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.

    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 5th October 2020, 5:09 pm

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid. I have
    loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux


    She was a strong mage, very strong, that much she was sure of. All her struggles, all of her training, all of this had allowed to her gain such strength. And yet, here was was, completely helpless. Unable to heal Percy, because if she did she would hurt him. She found herself incredibly frustrated that she didn't even have her satchel on her, back when she first joined Fairy Tail she had always carried it. And with it, medical supplies. But she had grown complacent, too reliant on her own healing magic. Then again, how could she have foreseen that this attack would take place, that the guildhall she so loved would be crushed underfoot of an almighty dragon.

    It felt like forever, although a short moment later someone did come. She spotted him, walking toward them through the chaos. His eyes a picture of hardened rage as he looked upon them, Nessa had never seen Aven so angry, and yet she felt no surprise. For she felt a similar anger, like bile it was rising from within; dark and volatile. It wasn't just her anger either, but that thing. That thing that lurked inside of her, trapped within the Starlight Maiden, wanting out. Desperate to hurt. Desperate to kill. Anger was fuelling it, she knew this, and yet still she could not quell her rage. The damage done was too much for such composure, even for someone as patient as herself.  "I can't... heal him..." She croaked to him between her cries. Following which, Aven spoke, his words a reflection of his own upset, she said nothing. She couldn't stop him, or rather, she wouldn't. Whoever did this needed to be dealt with, there was no disputing that.

    There was a rumble from under the rubble, across the mess that was the guild hall. Nessa looked around, eyes desperate and panicked as she realised someone else was under the ruined guildhall. There was a boom, she flinched, curling her body over Percy to protect him from further damage. After which she would look back once more, there was a familiarity to the magical pressure. She continued to cry regardless, knowing that even so she could not stop crying for help, for Percy and over the rubble the source of the explosion arrived in the form of Vandrad. So it had been him that was trapped? As she saw the state of him, she was both upset and relieved. Upset that he had suffered but relieved he was okay. Like Aven, he's magic would also erupt from his body, but with a different effect. Electricity crackling from his body and his black hair lit up with blue hues. Nessa could only watch as he went after the dragon, turning her attention back to the area in front of her, maybe there was a medic nearby, somewhere she could run to.

    "Umm, excuse me?"

    The voice came from a male, someone she did not recognise. She looked around at the man, wearing little more than a swimsuit and unbutton shirt tapped on her shoulder. Her violet eyes staring up at him as he spoke, her face blank as he rambled on, telling her to stop mourning. The rudeness baffling her, but she was too shocked to argue, for now she could only listen. Her disbelieving stare remained locked on the man, the anger within festering into greater mass, boiling over and causing her body to tremble slightly. Worsened by his confession that this attack was directly a fault of his bosses orders and that he was here to kill the members of Fairy Tail.


    The blackened rage within her body, snaked towards the surface. Her face would contort into a furious snarl. And for a moment she was tempted to give in, as the curse pushed her on, encouraging her. Kill him. Kill him like he planned to kill your friends. It's sinister whispering had never sounded so good. And yet as she glanced down at Percy, she knew she couldn't allow herself to lose control of her magic right now. She needed to help Percy, not risk hurting him more. So instead, she would grab hold of the darkness, and force it back. Her eyes however, alight with quiet fury would once again look upon the man. Lifting her palm, she would summon a large pool of Starlight into her hand, allowing it to swell to the size of a giant orb. One half the size of the man it was directed at. "Get. Lost." And with that she would release the massive orb of light. Which should it hit the man, would hit him would such force that he would be sent flying across the town, far away from the group stood amongst the rubble.

    After having got rid of the pest, Nessa looked down at Percy, she knew she couldn't stay here. She had to take him to a hospital, somewhere that could treat his wounds without the use of magic. Carefully, she would tuck her arms under the unconscious boys, and attempt to lift him off the ground. Grunting audibly as she climbed to her feet, desperately trying not the drop him, she would distantly here the sound of footsteps approach. Glancing up, she noticed the approach of another group, a gaggle of men in suits. She opened her arm, preparing to fire another orb when of the men spoke. "Miss Lux, My name is Wallard, I am a servant of the Dagger household. Thank you for taking care of the Master, but our men will see to it that he is transported safely away and receives the adequate treatment for his injuries." Nessa looked on as the man, who looked different to the others in his grouping. Whilst the rest held the appearance of burly, well-dressed bodyguards. His attire was more like that of a butler, he was significantly older than the others. He would reach into his pocket, showing her an ID card, one bearing the Dagger family symbol. She knew that symbol, her Father's ID card had also had one, before he was fired. It was then that she realised she could trust them to take care of Percy.

    "Okay, thank you." She said softly, handing Percy's limp body over to the men, who's collective strength would lift the teenager with ease, already preparing a stretcher to place his body on. After handing him over, Nessa would watch as the group laid down the boy and carried him away to safety. She felt a wave a relief at the thought that he was being treated, but not enough to quell her anger. Her expression darkening once more, she would turn her gaze upon the dragon.

    "Now to deal with you."

    WC: 1128  Thread total: 16,787
    Tag: @Odhran Aegisbane @Aven Alveron @Vandrad Ragnos


    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  60582_s


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    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by MoRueran 5th October 2020, 10:32 pm

    Off with the evacuation group, Billiam and anyone who happened to have an iLac was given an ingloriously repugnant distraction by what appeared to be a sickly yet surprisingly lively fellow and his identical siblings. The bias that was exuded by this strange individual was obviously leaning towards the invading group who instigated and were currently locked in conflict with Fairy Tail. There were some who voiced their concerns over some of its members as the perspective briefly had a close-up on Nessa and an unconscious Percy. There were others who were understandably frustrated that their homes and livelihoods were likely going to be destroyed by the onslaught, but were resigned to accept it as they saw magic users and the like were equated to walking natural disasters that no normal person could hope to quell. Then, there was the very small but very loud minority who voiced there outrage and hatred towards not only the invaders but mages in general, proclaiming that they were nothing more than freaks of nature whose ungodly abilities enabled them to steal jobs from honest, hard-working normal folk. This group was quickly silenced by the backlash that came from the others, as they-- Billiam included-- stated that, if it weren't for the wizards of Fairy Tail, both their homes and their lives would have been snuffed out long ago.

    As the evacuations were well underway, Martian finally made his way to the colossal dragon who was still being bombarded by a myriad of attacks. Already, there were others who joined in with the grizzled warrior who was the first to engage the giant lizard. One mage took flight as he was engulfed in brilliant blue light, his spiky hair matching the hue of the magic he surrounded himself with. This enraged man of glowing blue would strike at the large monster by unleashing a massive torrent of golden energy directly in its face, the impact of the attack causing the ground below to shake from the force while the dragon seemed to remain exactly where it was. Before Mars could even attempt a strike, it took him a fraction of a second to instinctively jump back, the air suddenly had a slightly cleaner scent just above the dragon, and such a thing could only be done when there was a lightning storm.

    There it was, a flash of lightning came down almost instantly, its buildup seemed to run in tandem to the gestures of a hooded figure who appeared to be writing something on some invisible chalkboard. This was a young woman it seemed, or so Martian assumed by both the weight of her footfalls as she approached and the frequency of her steps. Through his senses, he knew others of the guild were taking swift strides to help eliminate the immediate threat the enormous reptilian posed. The arrival of one man with snow-white hair was imminent, his hands already poised to lob whatever deadly spells he had at his disposal, Nessa was quick to follow suit. The players have come to the table to draw from the deck of fate to test their luck except that they would all win if their combined efforts yielded the winning hand.

    When the dragon was eventually forced to land from the assault on multiple fronts, Martian was quick to seize this opening to see if his fists could break through the scaly armor that protected the gigantic scourge. The young brawler took in a deep breath, his hands emitting a dim red bio-luminance as they curled up and were pulled back in preparation to strike. The tempo quickly picking up, the heavy hits were coming forth like meteors, one... three... seven... ten punches in total. Each of those that connected held a degree of destructive power only slightly greater in potency than a C-rank spell, all of them erupting in a focused burst. They came out as straight one-two punches, simple and straightforward, the vermillion pulverizer took care to commit to every individual punch, ensuring that he would deal as much punishment as possible with one attack before giving another. 

    This vicious onslaught made by the non-mage fighter was all centered on one of the dragon's legs in order to cripple it while allowing Mars to be in the position to quickly fall back should the others use more devastating measures or when the dragon eventually retaliates.

    Word Count: 731



    Health: 600/600
    Stamina Pool(SP): 600/600
    Character Speed: 80 mps
    Melee Damage: 40 hp [+36 hp][+36 hp][+34 hp]
    Erythrite Domain Sensory: 150-meter radius [When Activated]
    Unexplained Prowess
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

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    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Kit Kerrington 6th October 2020, 7:39 am

    As the dragon would float over the Fairy Tail Guild Hall destroying it upon its arrival it would breathe heavy getting  ready to let out a horrifying Roar as it looked upon those who gathered around the remnants of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall Though before I could do anything at the moment as it floated there in the air for a moment watching those gather it notice someone charging a rather large attack at it, the energy from the attack feeling almost overwhelming  to those around it as it let out a loud roar, seeing the attack coming for its neck the dragon with quickly so one of its wings around it as a shield absorbing the blasts as it hit him using its other one to stabilize its flight as it took to hit up straight on and it's weighing as a few scratch marks would appear on the scaly tyrant  floating above as it looked down at the creature preparing to strike back however it was not prepared for what was the come. As suddenly it would start getting  assaulted by attack after attack. A bolt of lightning  what's on the striker in the back causing it to Roar and start to make its descent landing on the ground causing an almost earthquake like effect knocking several things down in the area including any of the structure that was left in the guildhall turning at the rubble, as it looked around feeling something attacking it from the ground with a fiery or blows.  

    Giving a large snarl  an then a loud roar that could be heard for miles it would start to turn towards its attackers, its tail swing back destroying several trees in the mountain landscape around it glaring down at the attacker when getting a massive power.  Seeing an aura around everyone down there the dragon inhaled a breath before glaring down at the mall it's dark eyes piercing them as tell me what sound a torrent of black flame coating the land as it flies up in a tidal wave of darkfire in Abyss, As a  darkfire  that can be seen from across the city as a tidal wave surrounding everyone in front of the dragon that I just launched a devastating assault to the Beast. As a fire would  coat anyone that could not Dodge We'll get out of its waving time would be swallowed whole by black flames, that would burn at any defense that they had up at the moment.   as it burned at the dark abyss would flash images of their worst nightmare into their mind of true despair in Abyss leaving them in a more helpless state so the dragon could do its work and start to have its fun. As it let out this  Blackfire from its mouth it’s wings would curl up around it acting as a barrier to it's now rightfully annoyed.

    As Janet would stare their facing down Mura seeing his attack coming at her she would just stand there and do nothing   curious to see what this attack would do to her she just smiled and took it as it slammed into her though not expecting that much as she felt it attack her from the inside gripping her claw  tightly for a moment hoping her draconic blood could heal whatever just happened her as she panted for a moment before looking up at Mura smiling.  “ so that's your power so far now that I know that I can better adjust…”  she said  her voice was almost Sinister but with a happy tone.  She would slowly shake her head watching The Fairy Tail Guild Master giggling lightly There was nothing more Blissful than that dragon roar she heard echo through the city no doubt  that it's already destroyed the Guild Hall. She turned her attention to the Guild Master of Fairy Tail.  “You know, your strong, probably a bit stronger then me... however I'm not here to kill you today, I'm a woman of my word you will fall today by my hand but that will not be the end for you today…”

    She then clapped her  claws together as Cathedral within started to shake and shift.  It had taken some time but they were finally here.  all four walls of this Cathedral would  start to shake in fall, each side being torn down by various  dragons the roof being held up by another still wouldn't collapse in on them as it was tossed aside with little effort.  Now surrounding him A red dragon to his left, a blue dragon to his right, a white dragon behind him, a green dragon behind Janet facing him,  and what appeared to be a silver looking Dragon floating above that had cost to roof aside.   As her pet surrounded him she would smile.  “As I said I'm not here to kill you physically today,  I'm here to break you today... you're going to know how I felt when you Slayers came to kill my parents helpless unable to stop what's happening…. you were going to hurt just like I did… Malignus, Frost, Tekton, Ivor... Destroy everything around us to kill anyone you find…. let him hear and make his choice…. “

    All four dragons Would then dart out in opposite directions they were facing, going out on a rampage destroying buildings and taking as many lives as they could as Janet looked at Mura.  “Your choice is now simple,   you can stop all of my dragons and save your beloved City and its citizens... or you can stop me.” Janet would say that was almost a bit of Glee smiling, almost an innocent smile but it was full of malice intent as she stared down mura and looked up at the dragon floating above them. “Whatever his choice make sure he says inbound,  can't have him running off before our  family is done with their tasks…”  she said up to the dragon as it let out a loud roar and Janet then stare dumb the Fairy Tail Guild Master not making any sort of gesture to attack yet just smiling at him wondering what he's going to do now, the stage is set and everything is in motion now it was his choice what direction he went as she stood there listening to the Rampage around her listening to  the people scream in Terror around her that haven't been evacuated yet, feeling somewhat satisfied as  this help of since I fell for something she knew so now she waited for the next move.

    WC 1098

    Black Dragon Effects:
    Fire does 10x user-rank damage and price's shields for 50% damage.

    If your caught in the flames you see your biggest fear rattling you to your core, stunned for one post.

    Additionally for the next post, it has 50% damage resistance from it's wings shielding it

    Spells used:

    Draconic Ageis:

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Elysium vs Fairy Tail  Empty Re: Elysium vs Fairy Tail

    Post by Mura Kensho 7th October 2020, 8:59 am

    The dragon’s arrival at the guild hall triggered a strange event from the basement. The dragon’s aura, its roar, and its presence triggered something deep inside the crystal boulder carrying Heero’s corpse… reasonably, given the kind of magic that still faintly lingered in him. He… no, the corpse was drawn to the presence of a dragon. It was as if its Dragon Slayer Magic beckoned to face the monster above it as quickly as possible, releasing small bolts of electric shocks around the crystalline substance…

    And somehow, under the debris at the main floor of Fairy Tail’s injured headquarters, the crystal boulder hid away, simply charging… and charging… endlessly, but to no avail. Without a soul, the body just wouldn’t be sufficient and strong enough to carry significant amounts of magic power - what was left, the husk of Heero, couldn’t protect the guild he loved so much back when he was still alive…

    She tanked his spell for some reason. Took it directly without even attempting to jump out of the way. She didn’t even put up a defensive spell… she was sizing him up. It was scary to think of; was she that confident in her position against him? Then again, if she was careless, then he could use that to overwhelm her overtime… but that was a powerful spell of his. He had to be careful.

    She began threatening him again, poison leaking out of every single word of hers. It was as if she had something against him, but he didn’t know nor couldn’t care why. If his previous spell didn’t work, then this one might. As he made up his mind, his Guild Tattoo slowly grew out and showcased what looked like tattoos of small roots that grew at a slow rate. The cathedral’s walls around them began to shake at that point, after she clapped her hands together and another surge of magic escaped her. Mura could then hear roars coming closer… much closer, and different sounds from the huge one at the guild hall - the one whose roars were paused consecutively by his guildmates’ efforts.

    He shielded himself with his Battle Control, but when he saw that the four walls were torn down by dragons of clear differences in color and prowess, he flicked his blade away in a means of threatening them to not come any closer. They weren’t phased, obeying their Mistress’ call… and yet, she continued to talk, clarifying her wish to completely torment him beyond just blood and broken bones. His Guild Tattoo continued to grow out during her threats, while he heard her little comment about Slayers having killed her parents-

    And she wanted him to experience the same pain.

    For someone who had never met him, she sure talked big. Mura’s hands clenched harshly, causing blood to trickle off of his palms. She sent the dragons to each direction - north, east, south, west - to destroy the inhabitants as a way of binding the Guildmaster. It was so sickening; it felt as if everyone had a problem with Fairy Tail, always wanting to destroy them; they met enmity no matter the time.

    His clenching calmed down, and his angered face regained its composure. The Guild Tattoo had reached all over his arm now. He was planning to use a specific spell, but he changed his mind… this other spell would help him with the multiple dragons.

    He quickly raised his hand up in the air, aiming at the silver-colored dragon that tore through the roof of Kardia Cathedral. “You have no say,” was all he replied with, before his arm appeared to explode with unbelievable energy, all gathered as particles of magic from the air during Janet’s blabbering. The explosion compressed into a beam that released hundreds of bullet-like blasts, apparently heading towards the silvery dragon at first, but then spreading out and escaping the cathedral through each hole torn through the walls. The blasts rained out from Mura’s hand like a thousand fireworks, spread out and crashed into every enemy - including Janet herself, who would feel the full wrath of Fairy Tail’s Fireworks. Malignus, Ivor, Frost, Tekton, Seto - every one of the five dragons would be met with a flurry of blasts heading towards them like missiles, each flurry followed by another right behind it in a potentially infinite loop of bombardments, and the show could be seen from every corner of Magnolia. The blasts released dust clouds that covered almost the entire suburban, signaling to every single Fairy Tail Wizard in the vicinity that a Guild Spell had been used and was taking effect on their magical power. It felt like suddenly walking into a warm bath, the boost that raced into each one’s veins among Mura’s guildmates.

    “You idiots never learn!” Mura shouted at her during the bombardment, “Haven’t we made it painfully obvious, already?!” Those words weren’t just aimed at Janet; no, in that moment, he didn’t see Janet as Janet the Warlord. Janet was an enemy of Fairy Tail, just like all other enemies of theirs in the past; from Savage Skull to Basilisk Fang to the Monsterland to Elysium to everyone in between.

    Mura began walking closer to Janet, while the light beams escaping his hand still aimed indiscriminately at all enemies in the radius and at her. All his anger emerged again - anger for the guild, which embodied his heart more and more. His face popped veins, and his arm was getting sore.

    “You’ll regret messing with our city, and you’ll regret messing with our guild!”

    WC. 932
    TWC: 2520

    Guild Spell Used:

    Last edited by Mura Kensho on 4th November 2020, 3:33 pm; edited 1 time in total



      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:20 pm