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    I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri]


    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri] Empty I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri]

    Post by Imai-chi 21st March 2020, 12:44 pm

    Job Info:
    The sound of Imai dunking the contents of his soda bottle down through his throat echoed between his ears as he had braked on his stroll in the grand city of Era, the epicenter of the Magic Council and his destination for today’s little adventure. After having missed the opportunity to meet an old ex-Sabertooth member back when he was too busy locking himself in his bedroom, he decided to make up for it by… well, doing some research and all.

    It turned out that Lady Serilda Sinclair was the Field Marshal of the Rune Knights. And that came as a shock for the young stardust wizard, for that was, like, a huge ass position. Damn, she must’ve been working her ass dry like grinding a sword onto a grinding stone to get there.

    It was no wonder that he saw her in the Sorceror’s Magazine that often. He hadn’t been uninformed for that long, but he still felt like he just crawled out of a lizard’s hole and caught news of it. A combination of pride of her and shame of himself haunted his mind and soul with poor, little Sei hanging onto his shoulder like the little, cute alien it was.

    Imai suddenly began ruffling his hair annoyingly. He had to meet her! He had to see her! He felt absolutely terrible! She had been a guildmate of his for a temporary period, and he never as much as talked to her! What the shit, Imai?!

    “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so goddamn sorry, Serilda… Seril, Seri, Seriseri, you seri, sexy bastard!” Imai cried out to himself with random passers-by looking strangely at his elegy, “Don’t you worry! I’ll be right there soon and greet you like you deserve it, a’right?! JUST WAIT FOR ME; I’M ON MY WAY!”

    Not wanting to waste a second more, he bowed down and channeled magic through his legs that allowed him to leap several buildings over the streets, so he could dash between roofs to approach the headquarters for the Rune Knights quite sooner. He was so eager and excited to meet her in person… it was like having an appointed meeting with a celebrity! She was a celebrity! Not only was she the Field Marshal of the fucking Rune Knights, but she was also one of the Ten Wizard Saints! Da’ fuck!?

    He landed rather heavily next to the official entrance to the reception room for Rune Knights where a line of other people were gathered to report issues, cases and such. He sweetly joined the line and frequently looked over the line by leaning to the right and to the left to see if it was his turn anytime soon. Sei took the opportunity to sleep on his back like a backpack, while Imai couldn’t stand still. He was so excited…!

    At last, it was his turn! In front of him was the desk, and behind the desk was one of the receptors who looked down at him. Despite being around 18, he had a young, slim and short build perfect for the anaerobic style that he embodied. He could easily be mistaken for a younger teen.


    “… Greetings. Name?”

    “Imai Uchuuken, sir!”

    “And what is your case?”

    “Not really a case, but I wanna meet a Serilda- I mean the Field Marshal, y’know.”

    “Oh? Do you have an appointment with her? A promised meeting at a given time about now?”

    … Oof.

    With his bluish attire and his headband proudly showcasing the Sabertooth Guild Mark, Imai considered just saying that he was kind of a Rune Knight himself… but that would be a lie…

    WC: 611


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1413
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri] Empty Re: I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri]

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 15th April 2020, 3:55 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Despite how much her life had seemed to calm down lately, Serilda was busier than ever. It had been over a year since she had taken over the Rune Knights, and in that time she and Mythal had made excellent headway into building the military force back up since the attack they’d suffered that had caused their leadership vacancy in the first place. The place was once again clean, whole, and organized. A lot of files were still either missing, destroyed, or in need of being properly refiled, but the bulk of the work was pretty much done at this point, leaving her able to relax and focus on other more important issues.

    Ironically, it was actually her personal life that had been more hectic than her professional one, as of late. Mythal had recently proposed to her, and Serilda was still getting used to the feel of the ring on her finger. They were still at the beginning stages of planning the wedding, which they still hadn’t picked a date for. Add to that the recent knowledge of Mythal’s adoptive father still being alive after all these years and the very emotional reunion with him, plus the political drama and activity revolving around herself and Mythal both being named one of the four Gods of Ishgar… needless to say, things were hectic.

    Currently, she was sitting at her desk reading through a report that had come in from the Engineering department, detailing the week’s progress they’d made on some of the recent upgrades and inventions they’d been working on. A tone sounded from her intercom to let her know someone from one of the main offices was reaching out to her. “Lady Sinclair?”

    “Go ahead, Valorie,” Serilda told the woman without pulling her eyes away from the report.

    “I have a young man here by the name of Imai Uchuuken. He’s requesting to speak with you, but he does not have an appointment. Normally I wouldn’t bother you with it, but he does appear to be a member of Sabertooth, so I thought it best to let you decide.”

    She blinked and glanced at the intercom. “He’s with Sabertooth?”

    “Yes, ma’am.”

    “Did he say if something was going on?”

    “No, he doesn’t seem to have a case of any kind. I’m thinking it’s a social visit.”

    Huh, that was weird. Serilda wracked her brain, but while the name rang a slight bell, no face came to mind. Given that she was typically quite good with names, it was likely this was someone whose name she had heard a few times around the guildhall but hadn’t actually formally met back when she was a member of Sabertooth. She glanced at the time. It had been a while since she’d taken a break, Serilda supposed, and it never hurt to take efforts to maintain good relations with other guilds, particularly the one that gave her her start as a wizard. “Go ahead and send him up.”

    “Will do.”

    The call clicked off. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Victoria shift her position on the couch. The older woman had been reading a book on one of the many historical wars in Earthland’s recorded history, mostly minding her own business, but now she looked up at Serilda from across the room. “We’re getting company, I take it?” she asked.

    “Guess so. They’re with my old guild I was a part of before I got hired here. Not sure I’ve ever met him, though. If it’s a social call, we’ll probably be talking for a while.” Putting the file away to read at a later time, Serilda glanced at the Seal. “Would you rather stay or go somewhere else? The chapel is usually free if you want someplace quiet to keep reading.” The relationship between the two women had come a long way since their first, somewhat horrific meeting. They had been on very rocky footing for quite some time, but despite everything Victoria had relinquished a modicum of subservience to Serilda far quicker and easier than the noblewoman had expected. There was a level of trust between them now that wasn’t entirely complete, but it was sufficient. Certainly more than there was between Mythal and Lux.

    Victoria hummed in consideration, giving it some thought. “I think I’ll stay for now,” the old woman finally said, snapping the book shut and setting it aside. “I am interested in learning more about these guilds. Plus, I can always just leave if I get bored.”

    Serilda snorted. “Well, just be nice,” she teased. “The last thing I need is my alma mater thinking I was disrespectful to one of their members.”

    The Seal of Conquest rolled her eyes, but smirked.

    By the time Imai reached the office, he would find himself in a rather sizable space. It was a large office with dark hardwood floors. Several bookshelves stretched along most of the walls containing thick leather bound books on Fioren law and history. One wall was lined with a number of large windows that allowed the natural light of the sun to flood the room. There was a door in the back that lead the way to a small private bathroom and closet, and in one of the front corners was a sitting area complete with a couple small sofas and a coffee table set on an area rug. The overall feel of the room was actually quite simple, despite the obvious high quality of the furniture -- nothing overly extravagant. The only big statement piece was a large purple and gold tapestry that hung on the wall behind her desk, bearing the image of the twisting dragon that was the symbol of the Sinclair noble house.

    Serilda herself sat at the desk, clad in a white and dark blue tailored suit that was trimmed in gold with some of the hems. Her long white hair was pulled back in a bun on the top of her head. Aside from the engagement ring on her left hand, the only other jewelry she wore was a simple silver ring on her right hand that also bore the crest of her family and marked her as the heiress of the duchy. To her right, Victoria was retrieving a glass for herself from the small bar that held an assortment of drinks, both alcoholic and non. No huge display, but enough for entertaining guests of note that came to visit her at work. Near Serilda’s desk, a full sized wolf sat quietly on a large pillow, her thick black fur frosted with light speckles that make her coat look like a starry night sky. The wolf watched Imai with dark, interested eyes, curious to the newcomer but not moving to greet the young man.

    “Please come in,” the noblewoman said with a smile when he got there, her pale blue eyes resting on him with polite but genuine interest. She stood from her chair and came around to meet him, offering a firm hand to shake. “It was Imai, right? I’m sorry, I don’t believe we ever met at Sabertooth. This is my associate, Victoria.” Serilda gestured to the older woman, who nodded toward him in greeting but otherwise said nothing, continuing to fix herself a drink. “This is a bit of a surprise. I haven’t heard from anyone in Sabertooth in a while. Is everything alright? Was there something you needed help with?”

    Valorie had expressed her thoughts that this was a social visit, but that didn’t necessarily mean the young man hadn’t been keeping his true purpose to himself. If Sabertooth needed Rune Knight assistance with something, Serilda would be more than happy to provide it. However, she didn’t want to assume, and thought it best to let the young man state his own intentions rather than rely on Valorie’s educated guesses.

    WORDS: 1346/1346 | @Imai-chi
    Serilda Sinclair



    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri] Empty Re: I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri]

    Post by Imai-chi 16th April 2020, 3:47 am

    Lady Sinclair? Imagine being addressed by your last name - actually, Imai had already tried being called Sir Uchūken before by the much, much, much dreamy and heartwarming kitsune Itori so long ago, so if anything, he should have known that for someone as prestigious as Seri, calling them by last name was… a must? Was it a written rule? Should Imai also refer to her as Lady Sinclair? He wasn’t the prime example of people’s knowledge and awareness of the duchies throughout the land, and even if the information was available for him, why would anyone assume that Imai had any interest in that? Of course, a brat like him knew nada about the Sinclair family - he only knew Serilda, and that was due to all the interests in her as a Wizard Saint, a previous Sabertooth Wizard and a smoking-hot babe!

    The lady at the counter did refer to him by his full name, which he could only sparkle at with a quick ‘yup’ cutting in between her speech. He adjusted his headband holding the illustrious Sabertooth Guild Crest, feeling extra proud about being a wizard from that guild as clearly, Sabertooth was among the big guns out there in the magic world.

    Yeah, a social visit. There wasn’t much else to it… as a matter of fact, Imai didn’t even think this through enough to come up with a topic that he wanted to talk with Seri about. Maybe just a quick ‘hi, how are you?’ and stuff, but… nah, fuck that. Someone like the Field Marshal of the Rune Knights were clearly at the top of the world right now, so why would her day be any worse? Maybe it was a taxing duty, but hoyl shit, she packed a lot of clout! If Imai was the Marshal, then he would have so much fun! Yeah, he could already imagine it; him wearing a fine, sharp uniform and ordering people around and all that leader-like stuff. As a leader, Imai was - in all honesty - a goddamn lost cause. It was good that he was just the Ace of Sabertooth and nothing more… wait, oh shit, oh fu-

    After the sweet lady at the counter hung up, she asked Imai to follow that way… then this way… then up here… then this way again… then turn here… and then this way… he walked quite far. The headquarters of the Rune Knights here in Era was expectedly huge, and thus was… well, again, expected by him as the lady back at the counter had to talk through a lacrima mic. Luckily, he had good memory and found the door that would lead into the Field Marshal’s office.

    Now, this was an important moment. She had never met him, but he had to, like, give a good impression and all. Otherwise, he would do his guild poor. He quickly ran his hands over his hair, adjusting some loose bangs and spikes over his headband. Sei was still sleeping on his back, but she… I mean, he… it had only the shortest layer of hair on its head while its body was silky and smooth. Sei likely had no issues with that hair.

    And with that out of the way, Imai breathed in and opened the door ever so slightly. It was moved just one foot, and after a couple of seconds of silence, Imai’s head peeked out. Imai had to tilt his head to the side quite a lot, in which he decided to just hang on the side of the door with his hands and gaze into the office sideways. Sei decided that this was a good time to wake up, in which the pink alien companion peeked out from the slightly opened door along with Imai in a similar fashion.

    The office was large, roomy, spacy and quite modest-looking. It was definitely larger than his bedroom, and it still held more furniture than his bedroom, but yet it felt emptier than his bedroom back in Shirotsume. There was no talking about his bedroom in Yggdrasil - that place was yet another lost cause just as much as he was, really.

    There were large shelves filled with thick books definitely containing other subjects than the, uh, *cough* books that Imai held in possession under his bed in a cardboard box. There was also a bar to one side looking fresh and fancy, filled up with various drinks that Imai had never touched before in his life. Straight forward, he spotted the authoritative desk as well as the person behind it, which did signal the time for him to properly enter the room in all his honor.

    “Nice place, girl…!”

    Letting go of the door, Imai opened it further and walked in with a big smile on his face, dressed in his blue, sleeveless shirt revealing quite a lot of his orange t-shirt and poked with a white, long scars. His pants were darker but also a bluish nuance, and he carried his devices, iLac and various scrap tools on his two belts having small pockets strapped on them. Boots were black with red, thick edges and end, and he also wore a pair of fancy gloves with what looked like cut-off orbs sewn onto the backhands. The plaster on his nose had been changed before he escaped the bathroom (he once got such a strong nosebleed that it poked a hole through his nostril), and at the top of the star wizard was his headband proudly showing off his guild’s logo strapped around his forehead. Boyah!

    There was a dragon behind Seri, though. Pink and gold, but Imai didn’t recognize it as any special dragon. What he did recognize was Seri herself; sat on a desk, she quickly rose up and appeared to wear the coolest uniform that Imai had ever laid his eyes on. It had a white, buttoned shirt as a base, and with the blue, short cape decorated in stripes of gold, it spoke of royalty to him. And if he squinted his eyes just a little, then he could also make out the curves on her waist, chest and lower legs. However, before he attempted to do that, he strolled towards the desk and grabbed her hand with both of his, shaking it rather hastily. Sei simply floated next to him and observed.

    “I-It’s so good to see you, Seri! Sorry for not having talked to you or even checked you out before, b-but it kind of pissed me off that we haven’t met, s-so I thought that maybe, j-just maybe, I could, y’know, pass by and say hello and all, y’know, to check how you’re doing and, w-woah, you look great, amazing, can’t take my eyes off of you, just like in the magazines, I-“ He took a moment to breathe and looked over to Victoria, waving his right hand that let go of Seri’s up high and widely to her like a happy child. “Hey there! You must be her colleague! Doing a great job, a’right!”

    Was Sabertooth alright? Yes. Was there anything he needed help with? Nope. “Nah, Sabertooth are doing totes’ splendid, don’t worry ‘bout us! Hey, I’m not interrupting you in any work at the moment, am I? N-not that I want to or anything, b-but if you want help with, say, a case or two, then I’m free all day today-“ His eyes, in the middle of blabbering, spotted the black wolf with star-like dots on its wild fur next to Seri’s desk. It was such a good boy. Such a good boy! And that was fact!

    “I-Is that your wolfy?” Imai asked, suddenly disappearing and reappearing next to the wolf as he kneeled down and gazed at it with a hand ready to pet it, “Hey there, boy! Are you a good boy? Are you? Are you? Aren’t you such a good boy? Yes, you aaaare! See, I’m friendly and all, no worries, boy…!”

    WC: 1330
    TWC: 611 + 1330 = 1941


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1413
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri] Empty Re: I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri]

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 27th April 2020, 10:00 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Imai peeked his head into the door slowly, along with a small pink creature that was clinging to his back, like they weren’t entirely sure if they should walk right in or not despite the invitation for him to come up. He complimented the office on his way in, smiling up at her. He was dressed in a blue and orange get up with a couple belts that seemed to have pouches for holding various items. There was also a strip like a bandage of sorts across his nose, as well as a band of cloth around his head that bore the familiar Sabertooth logo. He came forward and took her hand in both of his, shaking it with a bit of gusto while the little creature on his back floated up into the air beside them to watch.

    He spoke to her with a bit of a stutter that seemed to come more from potentially being nervous than having any sort of speech impediment. Apologizing to her for having never spoken to her before, he explained that it had bothered him that he had never gotten the chance to meet her and he had just been hoping to do so now while he happened to be in the area. He followed it up with complimenting her appearance, comparing seeing her in real life against the pictures from the magazine. The young man was clearly a bit star struck, which was both humbling and amusing, but also concerning as he had yet to stop shaking her hand.

    Once he took a second to breathe between all his words, Imai did lift one hand up to wave to Victoria, acknowledging the woman and giving her encouragement for doing a good job. The older woman was smirking wickedly, not bothering to hide her amusement over what was happening. Aw, look at that, the Seal teased, her voice entering Serilda’s mind telepathically, You have a fan. How adorable.

    I know how to hurt you, Serilda casually reminded the woman, though the threat wasn’t without humor. Still, it was certainly odd and a little uncomfortable but Serilda was more than used to maintaining an even demeanor in the face of awkward and concerning situations. As such, he wouldn’t be able to tell from her expression that she was a bit thrown off by his rather boisterous mannerisms, nor that she was having a small conversation in her head with the other woman. Instead, she simply asked about the state of Sabertooth.

    He informed her that the guild was fine and then quickly asked if he was interrupting her work. The young man offered to help her with any cases she had, while also staunchly playing off how badly he actually wanted to help with them. He was apparently free all day to do so, and was about to continue speaking toward other things when his eyes fell upon the wolf. Xiuh looked up at him with her big curious eyes, interested in the young man but making no move to go see him. The animal didn’t jump out of any surprise when Imai disappeared from his spot to materialize next to her -- after all, she was used to Mythal and Serilda both being able to come and go in similar fashions.

    However, as soon as Imai reached out a hand as if to pet her, a low warning growl rumbled from the starry coated canine. She did not snap at him or make any attempt to bite him, but if he continued to reach out to her it was obvious that she would. And for her part, Serilda did not make any effort to reprimand the wolf. After all, Xiuh was doing exactly as she had been trained, to keep a respectful distance from strangers. Imai may have been from her former guild, but Xiuh didn’t know him and the Voidwalker was not going to punish the canine for warning a stranger back.

    Victoria chuckled openly from her spot on the sofa, where she’d returned to sit after collecting a drink for herself. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” she informed the young man simply, a tone of amusement in her voice. “That wolf was bred and trained for war. She will bite your hand off without a second thought.”

    Serilda shot the older woman a look, but made no effort to deny the words nor to chastise her for relaying them. After all, she was right, and it was only wise that a person learn to have a healthy respect for such trained animals for their own protection. With any luck, the growling was enough for Imai to keep from actually attempting to put his hands on the wolf. “She’s very friendly, but only when I have given her the command that tells her you are not a threat. Please give her some space so she can relax, and then I’ll introduce her so you can pet her.” Presuming that Imai complied with the request and took a step or two back, Serilda would get the wolf’s attention. “Xiuhcoatl.” The canine turned to look at the Voidwalker attentively. “Allieret. Til lethed.”

    In the blink of an eye the animal went from guarded to full blown curious puppy, practically jumping up on her paws and trotting over to the young man to sniff him eagerly, bushy tail wagging to and fro. While they made one another’s acquaintances, Serilda turned to Imai’s own strange companion. “Hello there,” she said with a friendly smile, holding up a hand without necessarily reaching toward it to see if it would be comfortable coming to her. “Aren’t you beautiful?”

    Whether or not the odd companion elected to come near her, Serilda would eventually draw the conversation back to some of Imai’s earlier queries. “I don’t usually work directly on most cases myself,” she admitted to him. “Normally I delegate them to other Knights. However, I admit that I’m not exactly great at taking breaks. If you’re interested in assisting with some field work, I certainly won’t turn you down. I wasn’t with Sabertooth for very long, but I grew very fond of the guild during the time I was there and will happily work with its current members again. Perhaps in lieu of an active case, I could just take you on a patrol through Era? Maybe we’ll come across something of interest.”

    WORDS: 1100/2446 | @Imai-chi
    Serilda Sinclair



    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri] Empty Re: I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri]

    Post by Imai-chi 16th May 2020, 4:31 am

    So, uh… apparently, some canines disliked patting, maybe. It was a phenomenon that Imai was alien to and unfamiliar with, so the moment the large, dark-furred wolf growled deeply against the advancement of his friendly hand purposed to just pet it like he had petted many other pets in his life, Imai’s hand quickly jabbed away as if being a whip slapped through the air… along with the rest of his youngster body which was now several feet away from the growling wolf. I mean, it growled at him. He could’ve gotten his hand bit off by it! Why was it growling?! What wolf wouldn’t want to be petted?! He didn’t have the slightest mischief (yet) or bad intentions in his heart, so… did it just hate on him? On a stranger that it just met? The wolf was weird…

    Oh, that was why! The sweet lady at the sofa explained that Seri’s wolf was a war dog, trained to engage in warfare and kill people. It was no wonder that its size was this massive - all the skulls it must’ve cracked with its sharp, tough teeth might have substituted lifting iron in its past wars. That was actually pretty fucking cool to think of; a wolf that ran out through enemy troops, clawing its way through their artilleries and just mauling its foes. Cool… but at the same time, it was nerve-wrecking. Hopefully, it would calm down, for Imai didn’t want to be known by it as an enemy - then again, recently, he had been having a lot of misfortune concerning his interactions with females, so if that misfortune played its role again today, then may he rest in peace.

    There were many a reason why he was wearing the bandage on his nose, for crying out loud.

    “S-Sorry, I just… I didn’t mean to be rude or anything,” he apologized to the wolf directly, clapping his hands together and bowing to it, “You looked like you wanted to be petted, s-so I just thought ‘hey, all dogs want to be petted, right?’, but I didn’t know that you were bred for war and stuff and was on your guard all the time!” While his forehead was slammed on the floor, Sei cooed peacefully and did a backflip while floating in the air. Luckily, Seri brought an explanation that she, obviously, could command the wolfy - a wolfy, specifically, since it was female according to the Rune Knightess’ words - and that her commands also covered giving it trust to other people. It would be a pain if the wolf mauled its own new recruits on a daily basis, so Imai should’ve known this before.

    “Y-Yeah, sure, space, I can give space-“ he stuttered as he pushed himself a few more feet away from…holy shit, that was such a cool name! Xiuhcoatl! It was… it was like Quartz- what was its name, again? That feathered dragon thing! Since Imai had not a single clue on what language it was, he simply connected its name to another name that was similar to it… but what was the name, precisely… it was, uh, it ended with ‘coatl’, but the first part of the name evaded his memory. Quartz-coatl? Kiss-coatl? No, it was more… exotic. Cat-coatl… no, that sounded dumb.

    Anyway, forgetting that quickly, Imai listened as the canine heard her words… also in another language that Imai had never heard of. El E era… f? Th? Elee erath? Tel lethith?

    You could see Imai attempting to pronounce the words silently by twisting his tongue in ways he hadn’t used to speak in his life, and alas, it was a silly scenario. However, the wolfy clearly understood her words, for it immediately rose up and approached him with its ears poked up in curiosity and its tail waggling. While it sniffed him, Imai’s eyes shone at the absolute adorability of this wolfy - it had transformed from a veteran of war to a nice puppy! Slowly, he gained courage and reached his hand out to pet the top of its head, feeling its strong, thick fur pushed down and away by his fingers and palm. It was a solid build, its fur… clearly to protect it in combat, just like the mane of a lion. “W-Woah… y-you’re so cute!” he spoke out, not able to hold in his excitement, “Who’s a cute puppy? WHO’S A CUTE PUPPY? YES, YOU ARE!” Mumbling in joy and content of life, he used his other hand to pet the underside of its furry throat too, allowing the wolfy to understand that he was no fiend or enemy - he was a friend of animals!

    Sei, too, was met with affection as Seri aimed at attention at the pink creature. It tilted its head at her greeting and watched her hand reach out towards it, to which Sei approached and grabbed the hand with its two, tiny, paw-like hands. It cooed in a kitten-like fashion, expressing its happiness of greeting the Field Marshal like this.

    Man, animals and aliens were amazing.

    Oh, Seri had a good point there. As Field Marshal, she was likely much better to aid the entirety of the Rune Knights as their Field Marshal from the HQ than out in the fields. It was like being a Guildmaster… or maybe it was the same? “Oh, a patrol?” Imai repeated few of her words that he heard as his eyes sparkled, “I-I’m, yeah, that’s like top Rune Knight work there! Does that make me a Rune Knight for a day? Or a…” He ended his words from that interval with a silly, childish thought - as a Sabertooth Mage who aided a Rune Knightess, would that mean that he could now call himself a…

    “… Saber Knight?”

    Over-mystifying his words with the change in tone, he looked up at the ceiling in deep thought before chuckling like a pure, little kid. “I guess that would make you a Rune Tooth for a day! I’m in!” He would let go of Xiuhcoatl to stretch his arms a little before sitting in a cross-legged position - mind you, he had been sitting on the floor all the time. “I’ll be of your assistance! And don’t worry about me or if trouble shows up; I’m actually pretty strong if you haven’t noticed…!” He flexed his right arm’s bicep and sparkled his grinning teeth before doing 25 push-ups in a second, 25 sit-ups in a second, 25 squats and a spin at the end while on his feet as he spoke through it all: “I train every single day, both physically and magically! I’m not your average mage downtown, for I am what you might want to call a super mage!” He ended his speech with a pointing finger towards her and a wink, all the confidence leaking out of his face and bodily posture.

    WC: 1150
    TWC: 1941 + 1150 = 3091


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri] Empty Re: I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri]

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 4th June 2020, 10:47 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Thankfully, Imai chose to smartly back away from the wolf when she began to growl, taking the warning to heart. Serilda could feel through her bond with the animal that Xiuh wasn’t really happy about giving the warning. After all, at heart the wolf was a lover and basked in attention and affection. However, she also understood to an almost eerie degree the importance of her training and that it was there to keep her safe, so she followed Serilda’s instructions to a tee and always fell back to the basics of her training if her master didn’t give her ulterior prompts to follow. Imai looked quite surprised by the growling, leaping back in great concern until Victoria spoke up to inform him that Xiuh was a battle wolf.

    The young man immediately prostrated himself before the wolf in apology, causing Serilda’s eyes to widen briefly in shock while Victoria barely managed to suppress a snort, particularly as he rambled on a bit of his inner thoughts and reasons for approaching the animal. Well, he’s quite excitable, isn’t he? the older woman asked, her voice sounding in Serilda’s head.

    Be nice, the noblewoman chastised, though not terribly hard. Even she knew that Victoria wasn’t really being mean at the moment. After all, if the Seal wished to mock the young man she would have just done so out loud. Imai gave Xiuh some space and soon enough, after a few quick commands from Serilda, the wolf was all over the Sabertooth mage and begging him for attention and pets. At the same time, she was greeted by Imai’s own curious pet, who took Serilda’s offered hand in both of its own. Despite herself, the noblewoman chuckled a little in amusement and pleasure as the creature inspected her hand and gave soft mewlings not unlike a kitten expressing its happiness.

    After Imai expressed his interest in helping Serilda with some cases, she informed him that most days she didn’t have the luxury of doing field work as she was typically far too busy with other things. However, being in charge meant that she could choose to take on any field work if she wanted to, provided her other responsibilities weren’t pressing. It just so happened that she was fairly caught up on most of her work and didn’t have any appointments left for the rest of the day. She wouldn’t normally extend an offer for a ride along, but given her history with Sabertooth and her vested interest in wanting to maintain a positive and mutually beneficial working relationship with them, it was an easy choice to make the invitation.

    He accepted the offer immediately, expressing his excitement over the idea of essentially being a Rune Knight for the day. Or well, a “Saber Knight” as he put it. Apparently he thought doing a patrol was high level Knight work, and Serilda couldn’t help but be amused with the idea of how quickly his mind might change on that once he realized that most patrols were fairly boring. Decided that their partnership for the day made her a “Rune Tooth”, he agreed and assured her he would be of great assistance, stating that he was quite strong and she wouldn’t have to worry about him. As a demonstration, he flexed and performed a series of push ups, sit ups, and squats so quickly that she almost couldn’t even keep track of it, his body little more than a blur in her vision.

    She blinked at him for a moment as he finally stopped and stood upright again, pointing at her and giving her a wink of all things. Well he was certainly confident, she supposed. A part of her was starting to wonder what the hell she’d just signed up for, but it was too late to back down now. Plus, he was clearly young. She couldn’t fault him for being… well, animated. With her same composed smile, she told him, “Alright then, it’s settled. Just allow me to lock up my office. Victoria..?” Serilda looked to the old woman where she sat on the small sofa, wordlessly inquiring as to whether the Seal would join them or not.

    The nephilim gave her a considering look and Serilda knew she was judging whether or not she wanted to be present for whatever trainwreck this expedition was going to be. The Field Marshal gave her a slight warning look, once again reminding Victoria to be nice with whatever she was thinking of saying, though it was a toss up as to whether or not the older woman actually caught the look or not. Finally, the Seal flapped a dismissive hand. “You go on. I’ll stay here and finish my reading. The streets of Era are far too crowded for my tastes.”

    “Very well,” the noblewoman said, somewhat relieved that Victoria had opted not to come. The nephilim had been doing better about being more respectful to mortals in recent months, but Serilda wasn’t entirely sure she’d be able to hold herself back for long against someone as excitable as Imai. The last thing she needed was Victoria ruining the Knights’ working relationship with Serilda’s alma mater. Leaving the older woman in her office alone, Serilda led Imai out along with both their pets, and locked the door behind them so no one would bother the older woman while they were out.

    With that all set, the four of them made their way out of the Rune Knight headquarters, with Xiuhcoatl keeping in stride beside Serilda’s heel obediently without the need for a leash. The noblewoman herself walked at an easy pace, not in any real hurry, her posture tall and confident with her hands clasped at east behind the small of her back. They made small talk as they walked, with Serilda asking Imai a bit about himself and his magic, and how long he’d been with Sabertooth. As they made their way down the hilltop where the Magic Council and Rune Knight headquarters were located, she inquired a bit into the state of the guild and into the health of some of the members she knew that were still there.

    The two of them wandered around a bit through some of the town square, and it probably wouldn’t take long for Imai to figure out that the life of a patrol cop wasn’t exactly the most exciting one. Though crime was pervasive in just about every city, it wasn’t a constant flow of activity throughout the day. They passed by other pairs of patrolling Knights a number of times, each of them pausing to salute Serilda and greet them, giving quick reports of the odd theft or minor harassment here or there before moving on with their beats. For the most part, the job mostly just involved the two of them doing a lot of walking and chatting while Serilda kept idly alert with her ears and eyes for any strange activity, somehow both able to pay attention to her conversation with Imai while also paying attention to their surroundings.

    It wasn’t until they had turned their way into the housing district and been walking for a half hour or so that they came across a scene that drew Serilda’s attention. A small crowd of people were gathered outside a house, some of them clearly being nosy while others were comforting a crying woman. A few Knights in the colors and attire of the Combat division were present outside, keeping onlookers back and questioning people while a couple others moved in and out of the house investigating some kind of scene. The Marshal frowned. She could already smell the blood from here and knew without a doubt that a murder had taken place. “I hope you don’t have a queasy stomach,” she told Imai quietly, leading him toward the incident. “Someone was killed here, and recently by the smell of the blood. Follow me, and feel free to look around but if you find anything don’t touch it. Just get me or one of the other Knights so we can make sure any evidence is as unaltered as possible.”

    WORDS: 0000/0000 | @TAGGED
    Serilda Sinclair



    Lineage : A True Magician
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    I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri] Empty Re: I'm A Saber Knight! You're A Rune Tooth! [A-Rank Freeform ft. Seri]

    Post by Imai-chi 31st August 2020, 12:19 pm

    Oh boy! This was really happening… a lot of rational sense was cast aside in favor of the yearn for adventure and exploration, and having just a single day in the field of a Rune Knight would definitely be able to sate Imai’s thirst for action as well as his curiosity. He didn’t assume the possibility that practically nothing was likely to happen during their one patrol, for not every day invited disaster, country-spread conspiracy, murder, riddles and mystery, cartoon-like obstacles or R-rated gore at the hands of a fabric of instability, chaos, fear and worry for the future awaiting the citizens of Era. If he was lucky, then some homeless man would be spotted shoplifting…

    It appeared that Victoria wasn’t going with them, after all. Sei circled around the air, readying for a dash as Imai would happily follow Seri out of the room towards the start of their patrol, signing a last salute to the colleague, indirectly wishing her a good day. She seemed like a ‘funny aunt’ kind of friend…

    Maybe she was Seri’s aunt? Or family relative? Or maybe a close friend and colleague? Most likely a close friend and colleague - what other reason would she have to be in Seri’s office? Wouldn’t that make Imai a close friend, too? Yay! Imai’s cheek reddened in delight, his obvious delusions clouding his mind all the way out of the entrance to the headquarters. Ah, to be the friend of the Field Marshall… holy shit, Imai’s life was sweet. He must’ve had the secret ability to befriend all the babes in all of Earthland, for that would explain so much!!!

    Even as they walked across the granite street, Seri did converse with him in a very familiar manner. He could smell the Sabertooth still lingering in her, and it made him even more joyous than knowing that he was walking with a freaking Wizard Saint. Damn. Anyway, she began asking him about how he had been doing in Sabertooth; the two of them never met when Seri was under their ranks, so they never got to know each other… or even hear about each other. Okay, obviously Imai knew about Seri due to her popularity - rocking them Sorceror’s Magazines - but… she likely never even knew that he existed, did she?

    That was like having a dart digging through his chest upon realization. He could only find solace in the fact that they were talking now, like friends for life.

    “Oh don’t you worry about good, old Sabey and I! We’re actually doing solid; still got our palace standing in Yggdrasil, which is oddly generous of that sentient tree,” he responded to her while clapping his bicep and punching the air, “Many of my guildmates wish you well! I haven’t really asked them, but I know that they’ve read about you and your achievements. It’s like you’ve become an idol… or maybe I’m exaggerating… no, can’t be. It’s obvious, you’re a Wizard Fucking Saint!” his eyes began to shine with his clenched fists tightening. “But again, we’re doing just great! If anyone dares threaten us, they usually won’t get past me! I throw pebble, they see meteors! Heavenly Body Magic, if you wanna know!” Imai had become a manifestation of the untapped forces holding the stars and the cosmos in balance and harmony, what brought light forth from the cores of the suns, what held them together like strings and what led rocks across the black horizons.

    Sadly, though… as time passed, not much happened. He couldn’t help but pout a little, obviously unaware of the blessing that a calm day in Era probably was. A lot of the Rune Knights that they met along the way did salute in greetings to Seri, only having Imai salute right back as if he was right in their ranks. He was a Saber Knight, after all.

    When they gave reports, though, he simply nodded… his focus was difficult to control. Especially when Seri’s beauty melted his eye sockets.

    The only thing that drew him from her covered rear - listen, everybody had x-ray vision if you were creative enough - was the crowd of people in front of a random house in the residential district. This didn’t signal anything good… nothing good at all. Seri’s next comment confirmed this… someone had been murdered inside of that house. “N-Nah, I’ll be fine…” he assured her, knowing that he had a strong gut - sturdy enough to deal with murder scenes, at least.

    He was free to look around as long as he didn’t touch anything. A quick salute was his response before walking towards the entrance and taking a look inside the house. He quickly had to make space for an exiting Rune Knight, but after that, he ventured inside and took a deep breath. Okay, focus… focus, Imai. This is some serious shit… man, what a mood killer, but fuck! Poor soul lost their life here…

    The first thing that he spotted was the obvious plates of dried blood on the floor. There wasn’t much that his magic could do in terms of investigation, but… he could use his brain. Unfortunately, whoever murdered the resident had made sure to avoid stepping in the blood that they spilled to avoid leaving apparent footprints. That only told him one thing; the murderer knew what they were doing. This was somewhat planned.

    What else could he find out… nothing appeared to have been stolen. Personal reason, then? Perhaps vengeance for something? Hnnng… if only he could use his other senses to help; maybe he could smell something in the air that could lead him to some other clues. Maybe the murderer had an odor that they left here, unaware that it could leave a track…

    Imai’s nose suddenly breathed in, trying to smell with all of his efforts. It tried its best to catch a scent, but… he was no bloodhound…

    … Oh wait, Xiuh probably had an awesome sense of smell! Maybe she could smell something…

    WC: 1006
    TWC: 3091 + 1006 = 4097


      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:47 pm