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    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    Private ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux)

    Post by Louie 23rd November 2019, 9:38 pm

    The World Is Mine

    Surviving in a third-world country was difficult.

    Louie had only been here for a single day, but the hazards and inconveniences of devolved countries such as Fiore troubled him to the point of exhaustion. His prized loafers were caked in dirt and dust, he had to ride a mule-drawn wagon to get to Era, and he was broke. Unfortunately, the currency had been so accustomed to hardly translated to much in jewels. Even so, these were the least of his troubles! There he was, yesterday evening, alone with a driver whose horrific features could somehow congregate and coined as a "face" who forced him out of his archaic vehicle to go pick pumpkins! The evening only withered from that point, and one repulsive cacodemon after the other insisted on him keeping his stay! How could Fiore be so littered with monsters? It was no wonder that it was so run-down and regressed. Regardless, it's terrible state somehow contributed to its terrible appeal, and Louie insisted on staying.

    Louie hadn't departed from home without some sort of plan, however! Through enormous perseverance and insurmountable willpower, he had arrived in Era in search of his older cousin—Beaux Phacelia.

    To be more specific, Louie had not arrived just in Era, but at the very entrance of the Rune Knight Headquarters with very specific intentions in mind. Unbelievably, he didn't have much money, but he did have a relative whom he assumed did. Now, Louie and Beaux hadn't spoken in a very long time. He didn't think of their relationship as bad or unpleasant, but he hadn't thought very fondly of his older cousin either. He recalled him as mild. Not only that, but how could he have chosen this—a third-world lifestyle—over. . . anything else? Well, Louie could empathize to some degree. He held some iota of understanding towards the notion. He, after all, desired things that were forbidden to him or otherwise looked down upon in every sense. Heckling was never tolerated in his household, but he did it anyway. There were certain things he was not allowed to eat or drink when he was younger, but he sought them out regardless. Even the very blade he originally carried with him for aesthetic (but now, somehow, for protection) was a fruit of his insatiable taste for the things he didn't have. The very world of the unknown and unobtained excited him, and to some degree, it roused him to come here.

    So there he was, at the front doors of the Rune Knight Headquarters. It was a rather unimpressive building. He had seen better bathrooms in his memory of home. Compared to everyone else, Louie certainly did stand out. He wore a grey trench coat the color of iron and a white, long-sleeved turtleneck sweater underneath. The loafers that were once supremely refined, shiny coals were now a shadow of what they once were, now caked in filth. He wore thin gloves that were worn more for aesthetic than for function that matched in hue, and overall looked as if he were living some life of luxury by appearance alone, or had expensive tastes at the very least. He'd meander into the building and instantly noticing the black rags these people wore.

    The uniforms they wore weren't the worst he had seen but felt naked being there. Despite his overt disappointment and borderline repulsion, it was completely concealed underneath a gentle countenance. There was a mild smile across his seemingly small mouth, and his gorgeous golden eyes were wide with innocent awe. Of course, the wider they were, the more approachable he seemed, but this also meant he got to see more of the troubling state of the building and the "people" within them. He wandered forward, looking around until he stopped at a receptionist's desk. The woman occupying it looked foul.

    "Uhm. . . pardon me," Louie leaned over the desk with one hand pocketed and the other on top of the counter, "I hope I'm not bothering you, but could I trouble you for a moment?"

    The foul "woman" slowly raised her gaze from a rather congested folder to meet eyes with Louie. She had a sharp, light face and small, round glasses that rested on the bridge of her long nose. Her eyes were droopy and supremely unwelcoming but didn't seem like they were that way involuntarily. The woman genuinely looked to have what some might coin as a "resting bitchface," but Louie could tell that she simply just seemed like a bitch who hasn't rested. The name plaque next to her said "Valorie," which was a terribly ugly name for a terribly ugly woman.

    Valorie sighed outwardly through her nose and dropped the file that was within her hands onto the desk with an audible whap. "How may I help you today, sir?" Valorie recited from a script that was not there.

    Louie was smiling kindly, tiny dimples appearing on his cheeks. "I'm looking for a man named Beaux Phacelia. I'm his family. Is he here at the moment?" he asked nicely.

    They both paused for a moment before Valorie reacted at all. She sighed through her nose again. "What is your name, sir?" she recited again from the invisible script, much like some sort of machine whose fuel was remorse and regret in choosing her career.

    At this point, Louie was already irritated. If one's sight was superior enough, they could notice an almost microscopic vein bulging on his temple, pulsating with frustration and indignancy. "Louie Calvin Klein."

    Valorie sighed through her nose again. "Please wait one moment sir." said Valorie, reaching over to a telephone was about as bland and unimpressive as her and dialing a number. When she rose it to her face, there was that pause everyone went through when calling someone. The "brrr" of an idle call. Louie exercised superior patience in waiting for the woman to service him. "General Phacelia, if you're in the building, you have a visitor at the front. Louie Calvin Klein. Again, General Phacelia, if you're in the building, you have a visitor up front."

    The call was apparently an announcement over loudspeakers that could be heard throughout the entire building. How lazy of her!
    Words: 1,037
    Tags: @Beaux
    HP: MP:



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : ❖ Rune Knights ❖
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : ✤ DOPPO ✤
    Experience : 26,837

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♥ Heart of Divinity ♥
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    Private Re: ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux)

    Post by Beaux 27th November 2019, 1:27 pm

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Free Form
    Post Word Count: 596
    Job Word Count: 596/XXX
    Muse: 10/10
    Music: Catching On
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Click, click, click.

    The clicking of a mechanical pen could be heard throughout the small office, breaking the dullness. A heater rumbled quietly in the corner. Music played from an old-fashioned radio by the door. It was a Wednesday afternoon, so not much was happening around the headquarters. Today was Beaux’s self-designated paperwork day. He had been working throughout the day to finalize reports and file them away. The menial tasks didn’t bother the Major General very much - in fact, he quite enjoyed the time spent. It allowed him to space out and let his mind wander. Often he contemplated other worlds or fantastical situations, or reflected on fond memories.

    Presently, he was staring blankly at a notebook on the desk in front of him while his mind was elsewhere. Most of his paperwork was done for the day, so distractions captured his attention with ease. The angel was remembering time spent with a long lost lover. The man with violet hair often prowled his mind. Beaux fondly remembered the man’s beautiful face and his heart rate increased. He let out a dreamy sigh.

    The angel nearly leapt out of his chair when the intercom buzzed. Valorie’s voice echoed throughout his little office and could be heard faintly in the hallways. "General Phacelia, if you're in the building, you have a visitor at the front. Louie Calvin Klein. Again, General Phacelia, if you're in the building, you have a visitor up front." Beaux took a deep breath to calm himself before standing up and making his way to the door.

    The Major General walked to the stairs with his hands in the pockets of his Rune Knight uniform. When he was working at the headquarters, Beaux typically wore the basic Knight outfit. There was no need for fancy Spec Ops decor when he was simply doing paperwork. Of course, the outfit didn’t go without his own flair of personal style. The shoulder adornments had been ditched in the place of a long, cozy silver cardigan. The ankles of the tight pants had been rolled up and he wore a pair of stylish loafers.

    Beaux had been mindlessly walking when he finally realized what Valorie had said. A visitor? He began to descend the steps and pondered about it. What was the name she had said? It was… Lewis? No, Louie. Louie Calvin Klein. Beaux raised his eyebrows as he remembered who exactly that was. That boy hadn’t been a part of his life for a very long time. The two had met as kids at family gatherings. The angel didn’t remember much from those days, though. However, he got the unsourced feeling that Louie was someone he should be cautious around.

    He reached the bottom steps and strolled into the lobby. Bonne après-midi, Valorie,” he greeted the receptionist with a wave. She just gave him an unamused nod and returned to her coffee. Beaux had learned not to take her foul mood personally. It just seemed to be who she was. The Major General looked over see a blueish-haired man standing at the front desk. It was definitely Louie, those golden eyes were quite memorable. He was much older than the last time they had met, but still retained the Napedian air of self-importance and the high class style. That was, of course, except for his dirt caked shoes. Beaux forced himself not to look at those as not to offend his cousin by noticing them.

    Bonjour, Louie,” Beaux cheered politely, stepping closer and extending his hand for a shake. “Long time no see, cousin.”


    ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux) 60654_s

    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    Private Re: ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux)

    Post by Louie 28th November 2019, 10:06 pm

    The World Is Mine

    Louie was waiting patiently at the receptionist's desk for his older cousin to appear, repeatedly staring down at is wristwatch to see the short hand rotate. The Joyan wristwatch was made of highly resistant white ceramic and steel with stunning black features and could have easily cost more most people's rent here in Fiore. When his golden eyes rose from its beautiful features and away from the memory of a more luxurious lifestyle, Louie was suddenly back in this austere, lacking reality, littered with the challenges of a third-world country. He tried to stay as still as he possibly could to stray away from the thought of his dirty loafers. Fortunately, however, was spared the thought of these troubles when Beaux Phacelia appeared before him in a rather acceptable uniform.

    "Salut, Beaux!" Louie perked up, the pitch of his voice a little higher than his natural tones as he reached to return the handshake, smiling from ear to ear but was so soft that his face wouldn't wrinkle. "Or should I call you General Phacelia?"  

    Beaux certainly looked different than how he remembered him. When they were younger, he had brown hair and Louie could've sworn he was taller than him too! The more had pondered the recollections, the more Louie coined Beaux as a dullard—a dunce, and perhaps a cretin as well if he were as soft-spoken as he remembered him to be. How could he be anything else for picking such an underdeveloped country to settle into? The moment Louie's hand as wrapped around Beaux's, he realized that he only had his looks and aesthetic going for him.

    Louie, on the contrary, was far more pleasant than his true character made him out to be in this instance and had a life waiting for him in Napedia. He was agreeable, soft, and incredibly "nice" as some might put it, and years of practice and execution permitted him to completely conceal any sort of unpleasant emotion from his countenance, effectively creating this facade that he would routinely use. When did it start? Louie couldn't have remembered anymore, but he did remember how to keep his complexion from souring when he was upset, or how to keep his feet from tapping when angry.

    "I've been travelling so much! Can we sit down and perhaps chat a little bit, Beaux? Or. . . oh!" Louie expression suddenly looked panicked, "I'm not intruding, am I?!"
    Words: 1,440
    Tags: @Beaux
    HP: MP:



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : ❖ Rune Knights ❖
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : ✤ DOPPO ✤
    Experience : 26,837

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♥ Heart of Divinity ♥
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    Private Re: ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux)

    Post by Beaux 15th December 2019, 10:30 pm

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Free Form
    Post Word Count: 352
    Job Word Count: 948/XXX
    Muse: 10/10
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    The handshake was firm, yet brief. Louie greeted him with an ever-pleasant smile. The man seemed to be in a good mood, which Beaux wondered about. Not only were his shoes filthy, but the angel remembered him to be a moody child. Perhaps he had grown out of it with age, or Beaux was remembering it incorrectly. A child’s viewpoint was not often accurate to the truth.

    “Major General Phacelia,” Beaux corrected politely, dropping Louie’s hand. “There was someone else more qualified for the General position than I.”

    Louie voiced his exhaustion from travelling, wanting to find a place to relax. Beaux figured if his cousin had traveled straight from Napedia, then it was no wonder the man was exhausted! The trip was a very long one. “Oh, ne t'inquiète pas,” the angel said to ease Louie’s worries. “I was simply finishing up some tasks, I could use a break anyway!” Looking around, he pondered where the two could go to have some privacy. His office was too cramped and untidy by his standards - which were much higher than most of the other Rune Knights that had offices. Beaux didn’t want Louie to judge his workspace. His dorm was definitely off limits. Lisette, his pet snake, was likely napping on his bed. She was a terror if woken up from her naps, let alone around men. The serpent always preferred to be around women.

    “Oh, I know! There’s a lovely cafe just a few blocks away,” Beaux piped up with a finger raised. “It’s a short walk if you don’t mind.” His gaze stayed far away from his cousin’s muddied loafers, but he was testing the waters with his question. Was Louie still as uptight as they had been raised? Or had he cooled down a bit with adulthood? The angel wanted to be sure before he said too much. The anxiety instilled in him of not wanting to offend or disappoint family with his manners has resurged with his cousin’s arrival. His every manner, movement, and word would be analyzed with scrutiny if Louie was still following the Napedian way.
    @Louie / ne t'inquiète pas = do not worry


    ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux) 60654_s

    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    Private Re: ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux)

    Post by Louie 25th December 2019, 6:28 pm

    The World Is Mine

    "It's a short walk if you don't mind," is what Beaux said, but Louie could hardly bear taking another step in his dust-caked loafers. To him, meandering around in these loafers was about as uncomfortable as taking a step in wet socks in warm shoes. Like a hangnail at the cuticles of your fingertips! It could even be compared to an immense itch that could not be relieved! What an ordinary man would have coined as a minor inconvenience, if not a trifle, Louie found insurmountably exasperating. He knew it could have been worse: his skin, his pants, his shirt, and God forbid, his face! But his appearance and standards for it was one of the only things he didn't leave behind in Napedia, and he'd rather perish in some ungodly hell than lower them now! But whichever the case, Louie knew he couldn't loiter here for much longer without reluctantly bringing attention to his dirtied loafers and his need to vent his furstrations, whether Beaux liked it or not.

    "Is that right? I don't mind at all! Come on, then! Let us be off!" Louie smiled cutely, taking Beaux by the wrist and leading him to the exit. But before both of them completely shuffled out of the door, Louie stopped to peer back and wave farewell to the receptionist who, by this point, Louie could not recall the name of. "Thank you, mademoiselle! Au revoir!"

    Ahh. . . what a shithole. Louie thought to himself in revulsion, though his rather innocent expression still remained, unbreaking. Both him and Beaux would walk for a very brief amount of time until they came to a point in their pathway where very few people seemed to share the road with them. There didn't seem to be a particular reason for this, but who cared about the what's and why's of it all? As they approached the first narrow alleyway between the buildings they walked adjacent to, Louie seized the opportunity like some candy and quickly pulled Beaux into its uncomfortable darkness without warning. He held him by his sleeve and, once deep inside the alleyway so that only a dumpster was within their company, released him in a small, malicious push.

    "You've got a lot of explaining to do, mon cousin!" Louie glared at Beaux with venom in his regal gaze. It seemed that all of his thoughts seemed vocalized now, and while careful not to shout in the threat of it being heard from passersby he'd likely never see again, there was thunderous toxicity in his tones like a malicious serpent. Louie walked over to his older cousin, and while shorter than him, didn't seem perturbed by it at that moment. "This is embarassing! Gênant!" Louie chastised him. It was hard to tell if Louie was upset at the filth covering his loafers, his rather difficult journey from Napedia to Fiore, or where Beaux had ended up. But as far as he was concerned, he was infuriated by all three.

    With an exasperated sigh, he looked down and began to pinch the bridge of his nose, a dumbfounded smirk transforming his lips as the initial outrage simmered out of him like taking the lid off of a pot boiling over with water. He snickered in disbelief. "Incroyable."
    Words: 1,987
    Tags: @Beaux
    Notes: Incroyable = unbelievable / Gênant = embarassing / mon cousin = my cousin
    HP: MP:



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : ❖ Rune Knights ❖
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : ✤ DOPPO ✤
    Experience : 26,837

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♥ Heart of Divinity ♥
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    Third Skill:

    Private Re: ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux)

    Post by Beaux 5th February 2020, 7:30 pm

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Free Form
    Post Word Count: 528
    Job Word Count: 1,476/XXX
    Muse: 10/10
    Music: Bite
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Louie grabbed Beaux’s wrist and led the Major General out of the building. After his cousin said goodbye to Valorie, the angel gave a wave of parting himself. The receptionist rarely responded, but Beaux still hoped that his kindness brightened her day even a little.

    As they walked, Beaux gave the occasional glance out of the corner of his eye at Louie. The man had grown since they last met, not only in height but seemingly in maturity too. Oftentimes, children raised in Napedian society were incredibly snotty and demanding. Louie had seemed that way as a child, but perhaps he had left those attitudes behind. The pleasant smile on his face seemed innocent enough.

    That was, until he yanked Beaux by the sleeve into a nearby alleyway. The angel’s heart rate spiked at the sudden action. He pulled against Louie’s grip and was shortly released with an aggressive shove from the other man. Beaux attempted to slow his rapid breathing as he rubbed his wrist. Though he had been through intense therapy since his encounter with Sanguine, anything that reminded him of that night could be a trigger. He had to calm himself before things had the chance to get worse.

    Looking into his cousin’s eyes, Beaux saw a vicious anger. He took a step back. The sudden action and change in emotion startled the white haired man. This was the Louie he remembered - reactive, aggressive, toxic. His memory had not deceived him about the man’s nature, but Louie himself had. His cousin had always been quick to spit venom at those he deemed deserving, but not always to their faces. Beaux was the target this time, and it was a direct blast.

    “E-explaining? What do you mean?” Beaux stammered. The Major General’s body tensed and he took another small step back as Louie approached. His cousin kept berating him with fury in his words. The angel’s gut dropped. This feeling of fear and guilt was familiar, something felt often in Napedia. Everyone was always scrutinizing, criticizing, calculating. Should a child ever be the target of it, they were often berated by the adults in private. Shame was not unfamiliar, nor was anxiety. Beaux felt both reminiscent emotions as Louie spat words.

    While the angel wasn’t necessarily timid, it was hard to talk back to another Napedian. He knew how destructive it could be in their society to speak one word in his defense. It was seen as a weakness and social taboo, especially among young people. However, Beaux had changed a lot in his time away from home. He had grown stronger, more confident, and infinitely more kind and patient. Louie pinched the bridge of his nose, and Beaux took a deep breath. This isn’t Napedia, he reminded himself.

    “I don’t understand what you find embarrassant et incroyable, mon cousin,” Beaux replied calmly, hoping his voice wouldn’t waver. He had to give Louie the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he was cranky from the journey or from being hungry? The angel couldn’t let his cousin’s toxic words and actions get to him. Beaux did his best to steel himself against whatever Louie would say next.


    ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux) 60654_s

    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    Private Re: ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux)

    Post by Louie 8th February 2020, 8:04 pm


    2,407 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC
    Cling cling to your escapes from reality Become a loser and roar roar Throw throw out your ideals Dappou Rock by Neru

    For a moment, that was all Louie could muster in response to Beaux's untutored reply. He became visibly vexed trying to fathom Beaux's retort and couldn't stop himself for what he was about to say next.

    "Are you retarded?" Louie began, astonished, "You were always an attractive one, but I never took you for being slow. But you are, aren't you? You are, in fact, so retarded that you cannot see the error with this situation." As if all the tallies of wrongdoings visualized in his mind, the anger bubbled over like boiling water on a stovetop. "Beaux Phacelia—my cousin—is not only settling down in this shitty ass country, but is working there as a public servant. A napedian! It's absolutely disgusting seeing you mingle with these people! I'm ashamed of even being related to you! If I weren't so much better, I think I'd rather kill myself than living with the guilty conscience of having such a failure live in the same life as me!" Louie approached Beaux again, his voice low and toxic, raising his finger and pressing it in the very center of his forehead, "And you mean to tell me that you don't see anything wrong with your wasted potential? Your voluntary worthlessness. You chose to be less than, even if you were born below average. And you mean to tell me that you don't understand what's so upsetting with this image?"

    As it goes, it was relatively easy to destruct Louie's filter and patience. The numerous things that could perturb him had the potential to completely unravel and dismantle his decorum in a chaotic instant if given the chance. To no one's surprise, Louie held little to no compassion or kindness for family but placed higher expectations upon them. He expected them to do more with themselves—to become some sort of an asset. So, in seeing Beaux in such an embarrassing state, Louie's ire felt as if he were watching a dog be mistrained.

    With repressed vexation, Louie lowered his finger from Beaux's forehead if he hadn't rejected the condescending gesture already, and sighed. Like the sandy shores of Hargeon, a wave of new emotion wet his countenance and the rage that had consumed him seconds before washed away and was replaced with an uptight calm. His usual prideful smirk danced across his lips once more.

    "It's a waste of my time, but I'll help you see things more clearly. You should be grateful." said Louie, shrugging as if accepting something beyond his control.



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : ❖ Rune Knights ❖
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : ✤ DOPPO ✤
    Experience : 26,837

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♥ Heart of Divinity ♥
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux)

    Post by Beaux 6th April 2020, 1:49 pm

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Free Form
    Post Word Count: 572
    Job Word Count: 2,048/XXX
    Muse: 10/10
    Music: Good Things Fall Apart
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Beaux’s heart sunk. He had given Louie the benefit of the doubt, but his cousin had proven he was truly just mean-spirited. The angel always wanted to see the best in people. He wanted to believe everyone was kind at heart. Even though life in Napedian society had only shown him the worst, nastiest traits of humanity, he still clung on to the hope that people would be nice and treat people the way they wished to be treated. Cynicism was not a trait that Beaux had possessed, nor would he ever.

    Thus, when someone betrayed his hopes of kindness like Louie just had, it was even more of a letdown. Beaux felt disappointment fill his body. His only family in Fiore had just called him retarded and was continuing to berate him for his life choices. Louie approached and pressed a finger to his forehead to emphasize his point. The angel couldn’t help but wince. Being yelled at was not unfamiliar in the slightest. Many times he had been at the wrath of his aunt, whose loud, authoritative voice made him tremble in fear. As much as he hated being yelled at, it was a struggle to stand up for himself at all. When he was young, Beaux just shut down until the yelling subsided.

    As an adult who had been away from Napedia for years, the Major General had grown some confidence. While it wasn’t a lot, it was enough for him to want to express how wrong Louie was about his lifestyle. “Fiore isn’t a bad country,” he started, his voice quiet and steady. If there was any anger within him, it didn’t show. Beaux ignored the comments about his intelligence, though he was slightly offended. “The Rune Knights give me a purpose here, something to do that helps others. I love the connections that this job allows me, mon cousin. The people in this country are kind, caring, and friendly. They love their neighbors like they were family. I never felt anything in Napedia akin to the acceptance and love that I have felt since I arrived here.” Beaux stepped to the side, releasing Louie’s finger that was pressed against his forehead. His back was a little straighter as he gained confidence with each word. The angel was always a sentimental person. Thinking about the people he worked with and cared about made his heart swell with emotion. He had an inkling Louie wouldn’t care about his feelings about his lifestyle, only seeing it through the scrutinous Napedian eye. At the moment, Beaux didn’t care. He wanted to at least give himself some sort of defense. No longer was he the terrified, cowering boy in that icy northern land.

    “I don’t mind not being among the high class anymore. That lifestyle was insoutenable for me. There are things more important than status in Fiore, Louie… You don’t have to strive to be the best, you can just be you. I don’t expect you to understand, but at least heed this: I am happy here.” Beaux’s voice hadn’t wavered the whole time. He was still polite and gentle with his words. No ill will was held towards his venomous cousin even though Louie’s words would continue to hurt him. Wide baby blue eyes stared at the other man with a gaze that begged for affirmation. Though it was futile to convince a Napedian of anything, Beaux remained ever hopeful.
    @Louie - Insoutenable = Unsustainable


    ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux) 60654_s

    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Private Re: ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux)

    Post by Louie 5th May 2020, 9:28 am

    Louie was baffled. The way Beaux had manuvered away from his pressed finger, and how he could abandon and even reject their lives at Napedia so... easily. Fiore had definitely done something to his cousin, and whatever it was, Louie disliked it immensely.

    Watching Beaux live here comfortably without the anxieties or pressures of being a Napedian made Louie writhe from the inside out—but he couldn't quite put his finger on why. It wasn't like Louie was still held down by those people, no longer bending to his family's will and whim just to save their face and keep up appearances. Everything he was and did now was only because of his love of achievement—of winning. The feeling of surpassing others and taking what they did best and doing it better was a feeling that never got old. Louie didn't know what Beaux went through growing up, and he didn't care either. All that mattered was the present, and right now he made Louie's skin crawl in the most aggravating way.

    "Fine," sighed Louie, giving Beaux a disappointed and bitter stare, and smiling as if he were over their argument, "I suppose it'll take more than an afternoon to make you see things more clearly, but your foolishness is making me hungry. Weren't you going to take me to a cafe? And don't take me to one of those places with the trashy coffee roasts and mediocre meals. I want the most fantastique place in town, oui?" Louie commanded, grabbing Beaux's wrist and dragging him away to the bustling streets of... well, whatever this city was called.

    Despite years living apart, leading completely different lives, this dynamic didn't seem strange for them. Louie taking the lead and bossing his older cousin around while Beaux, sheepish, was often forced along. The young multimillionaire would be lying to himself if he said he didn't miss picking on Beaux, even though both of them were grown men now, and one of them haven severely fallen from grace.

    When the two made it back onto the streets, Louie let go of Beaux's wrist, smirking back at him. "Go on now, Fiorean. Lead the way."

    Post Word Count: 360 | Total Word Count: 4815 | Needed Word Count: 7000
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:




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    Private Re: ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux)

    Post by Beaux 30th May 2020, 2:12 pm

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Free Form
    Post Word Count: 554
    Job Word Count: 2,602/XXX
    Muse: 10/10
    Music: Good Things Fall Apart
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Louie seemed to accept the response with a smile on his face. Beaux could tell the contempt in his eyes that told of his true feelings. It was familiar, a commonality in Napedian families. The same disappointment and disgust was present in his aunt’s eyes whenever she compared Beaux to Hieronymus, an older boy from another family who was pitted as his rival. It was the way Louie had looked at him as a child when Beaux refused to play dangerous games, that fake smile that only covered the truth so well. Would Louie continue to feel this way about him for the rest of their lives? The thought sent a pang of anxiety to the angel’s heart.

    Ignoring the slight jabs within Louie’s words, Beaux remembered his promise to bring his cousin to a cafe. The younger Napedian dragged him from the alleyway, taking the lead as always. The situation incited intense déjà vu. As children, this same situation often played out. Louie was always dragging Beaux off to participate in something the older boy was reluctant to do.

    As they reached the street, Louie dropped his wrist and promptly called him a Fiorean. The title made Beaux uncomfortable. Since childhood he’d had a sense of nationality, a pride in being a member of such a wealthy country that produced high quality people. It was what he was taught in school and by his family. To be Napedian was the greatest honor and it made one better than others. With age, the curtain of childhood naivety fell. Beaux had encountered many situations that made him question the strict “truth” of Napedians shoved down his throat. When he and his sister fled their aunt, Beaux had started to dismiss his Napedian heritage. To a hurting young gay boy, the notion of being from such a cruel and heartless society made him want nothing to do with it.

    Since he left Napedia, he had done a lot of reflection on himself. It was hard to willingly claim the identity when there was so much negativity associated with it. All the cruelty, all the manipulation, all the toxicity came with the name. It was inescapable. But he had also realized that being Napedian was not all awful. The beautiful land, the higher education, the delicious cooking traditions, the love he had felt from his parents and sister. There was a way to look at it through rose-colored glasses. The northern land had its merits. Yet still, he struggled to own being Napedian.

    Being called a Fiorean struck a subconscious nerve, though. The childhood instinct was there to urge him to dismiss the title and insist he was a Napedian through and through, true and proud. He opened his mouth, but the words couldn’t come out. The Knight closed his mouth, took a deep breath to steady his mind, and tried again.

    “Alright! There’s a five star cafe just down the block named Menagerie. I’ve been there before, the food is quite good!” With that, he led Louie down the block. What the angel had failed to mention was that there happened to be a fancy shoe store right next door to the cafe where his cousin could trade out the muddy loafers. Despite everything that had been said, Beaux remained his polite, optimistic, and helpful self.


    ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux) 60654_s

    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    Private Re: ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux)

    Post by Louie 30th August 2020, 6:16 pm

    Despite Louie's immense disappointment in his elder cousin, he seemed to have gotten over it pretty quickly. It was his life, and if he chose to be less than, who was Louie to refute that? You could take a horse to a river but you can't make them drink, or something along those lines. He wasn't incredibly well-versed in Fiorean phrases, but he held such conviction in his words that he could convince anyone that he was. Oh, but, Louie would make him drink. Maybe no one else could do it, but he knew he could.

    Disappointment aside, Beaux was his favorite cousin. He was so easy to persuade and pressure, he was like some pathetic little puppy! Even when they were younger, Louie didn't need to use many tricks up his sleeve to get him to come along and do things. In a way, he felt comfortable around him. His parents always had an image for him to uphold, and a rambunctious child who liked to climb trees and untie people's shoelaces didn't really fit that. Beaux was like a shield, covering him from the prying eyes of their family. So, when word got around that the boy went off and disappeared... well, Louie was a little displeased. But only a little. Not before long, he got over it. It wasn't like he disappeared, after all. So why did it really matter?

    "Since you've stooped so low, I wouldn't put it past you to go even lower," Louie wrapped an arm around his cousin's shoulder, reeling him in close as they walked down the block, "did you find yourself la petite amie? Was someone unlucky enough to finally get in bed with you, too? The girls around here aren't anything special, but you have a good enough face. I guess anyone would settle for you, huh? So? Tell me. And be honest. I don't like liars."

    The blonde had to admit that the women around here were either unspeakably ugly or notably acceptable. Some made him turn his cheek once! So, with a face like Beaux's, surely he's found someone as... subpar as he was to bed. Surely... his cousin wasn't that hopeless.

    WC: 364 | Total WC: 5733 | WC Needed: 5000 @Beaux la petite amie = girlfriend / sweetheart ""  —
    Template by ivyleaf33



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    Private Re: ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux)

    Post by Beaux 15th September 2020, 5:36 pm

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Free Form
    Post Word Count: 292
    Job Word Count: 6,025 [5,000 for B rank job, 1,000 for D rank job]
    Muse: 10/10
    Music: Good Things Fall Apart
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Louie’s arm wrapped around Beaux’s shoulders as the younger Napedian hung off of him, invading his personal space as if he were entitled to it. Just like the olden days, he began peppering the angel with uncomfortable personal questions. He was questioning if Beaux had found love in Fiore, a girlfriend to be specific. Of course he would ask that. In Napedia, there was nothing to be spoken of except heterosexuality. The possibility of anything else likely wasn't even a concept in Louie's mind. He already thought lowly of the silver-haired man, but even he wouldn't assume something considered so low in their home culture.

    Beaux gulped. “W-well,” he stammered, looking away as if in thought. He was really just trying to hide his reddening cheeks from Louie. What could he say? Yes, he’d had lovers since coming here. They were all men, some of them even a decade or two older than he. His pushy cousin still was in the dark about his sexuality. Thinking back to their childhood, Beaux winced internally as he remembered the scathing remarks Louie and the other children had made about gay people. He vividly remembered his aunt’s fury and grit his teeth ever so slightly. No, he wouldn’t be revealing that aspect of his life to Louie today, or maybe ever. He didn’t need more relentless verbal abuse from the blonde.

    “I have met a few dames here and there,” the Knight continued, trying to act casual about his lie. “But they all weren’t really my type…” The awkward conversation continued as the two meandered towards Menagerie, Louie trying to pry deeper and Beaux becoming increasingly uncomfortable. It was a mirror image of their childhood, and would likely be a continuing dynamic throughout their lives.
    @Louie  -
    Dames = Ladies


    ❖ FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS ❖ (S/Beaux) 60654_s

      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 7:13 pm