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    Red Wedding [ Event]

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 24th February 2020, 12:06 am

    Janet had found herself in Rose Garden to help with some festivities that were happening. Janet would be attempting to get into a wedding that was to be had.  A magic council representative was getting married to there beloved. Love was in the air as people seemed very happy and cheerful for the couple. Janet could care less, her only aim was to ruin the Council Representative and push her guilds agenda. However first thing she had to do was get in.  Apparently you needed a plus one or to be couple to get access into the chapel to begin with. She sighed. She didn't want to start the killing yet as she needed to do it at the right time. Plus her being part dragon would surely cause issues right off the bat. She gave a deep long sigh looking around slightly.  Everyone seemed to be with someone already until Janet spotted someone standing along, a pink haired girl. She would keep her dragon features hidden as she walked over.

    Janet would approach the pink haired women carefully looking her up and down, she wasn't about to say what she was doing here but then again if this was someone  looking for people like her it could spell out trouble. However Janet needed to get into the Wedding so it was a risk she was willing to take. She would walk up to her smiling a little at the beautiful girl before her.  "Excuses me miss...my plus one seems to be missing….if it's not to much trouble could you walk in with me and act as my plus one….it's very important I attend this wedding and that I am not late." She said sounding sweet trying to hide her true intent for now. Janet would look around slightly making sure there were no prying eyes as she waited for the pink haired girl to answer her, hopefully with a yes.


    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Guest 24th February 2020, 6:32 am

    “Of course I will. I never say no to a lady who talks so sweetly,” the pink haired girl answered with a sweet smile of her own. She hadn’t expected to have been approached in such a way and had almost responded in a hostile way but as soon as she sensed the female and had heard the sweetness of her voice, that hostility had vanished. The girl hadn’t brought anyone with her as a plus one and in truth, there was a pretty good reason for that. Her friends just never tended to last too long in her company as she was rather demanding when she wanted to be. They always seemed to end up falling to her wrath in the end and she’d never been one for long term friendships anyway. Short, sweet and memorable. That was how the demented pinkette liked things to be.

    Dressed for the occasion, Cierra would glance up at the tall female in front of her, an eyebrow raising slightly at how guarded she seemed to be, not to mention the woman’s rather imposing height. The slayer’s curiosity was instantly aroused. Truthfully, she’d come to the event out of boredom more than anything. Her supply of jobs had run out for the moment and the girl had found herself with time on her hands. She didn’t expect that the wedding would be all interesting but the thought of free food was always tempting to her and the creators of the event had promised that in spades. The last wedding that she’d attended had ended up turning into a complete bloodbath and there was a part of her that hoped that perhaps something along the same lines would happen here. She’d never really given a shit about the sanctity of marriage and neither did her mother, who hated human rituals in general.

    Her pink orbs now looking up at the half covered woman in front of her, Cierra cocked her head to the side and chuckled, “If we’re gonna be teaming up for the day then we should at least get to know each other a bit, don’t you think? My name’s Cierra, what’s yours?” The body language of the woman was certainly captivating and the girl was quickly starting to feel the desire to take a look under that cloak. It was almost as if she was hiding something and the pinkette had never been fond of secrets. She was becoming interested very quickly, as she often tended to and with a giggle, she’d soon add, “Somehow, I get the feeling that this wedding is gonna be a lot more fun with the two of us attending together.” She certainly hoped so anyway and her eyes began to wander as she looked the tall woman over, her curiosity continuing to rise. Just what was this woman up to and what was with all the secrecy? Was she a spy? An intruder? A creep? There were questions starting to form already and the girl couldn’t help but grin.

    (505 Words)
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 26th February 2020, 8:03 am

    "Thank you very much" Janet I would say happily looking at her before heading back towards the chapel. However while they were walking into the chapel, though as they walked in she could defiantly feel that she was watching her closely. Janet couldn't blame her though as she kept her hod up though she couldn't risk anyone making a scene about her scales though her prying eyes only got worse as she spoke claiming to want to get to know each other as she said her name was Cierra. Janet would pause thinking to herself wondering if she should give her a false name or bot as she was wanted...though the obvious features of her body were hidden...perhaps she wouldn't notice if she deal...Janet could work it out then. She took a breath slightly looking up. "J Janet, my names Janet… I like your name...it's very pretty" she say with a small smile looking at her a bit more now. She took a deep breath as she said the was going to be more interesting now that they were partners on this. She took a deep breath, that was a interesting word for it but nodded. "Yeah I am looking forward to this…" she kept her Meek Persona up for now the wall some of it wasn't that some of it wasn't and she was given you a nervous about to be around such a beautiful looking girl… but would not do in the Moment by showing her scales and being called a free sober now she would just keep walking forward into the chapel.

    Unstable charge of Chapel it was quite the beautiful sight was all the numerous ways they were testing things for the upcoming wedding there are many things that need to be done, Janet looked around "so many people…" she said not having expected to be this money not that it mattered to her but it was more than she was expecting. She would look over to the pink hair girl once more. " so since we're sticking together what should we go start to do first… it looks like they could need help with quite a few things so whoever you want to go first I'll follow…" Janet had the counter Target quite yet so she didn't want to just hurt causing a panic in case they would run so pronounce you would help out with the event and making sure the wedding went off as planned so they can find their target hopefully the pink-haired girl known as Cierra was willing to help her even though she didn't know she was doing he did quite enjoyed her company... to make sure she stayed out of the crossfire though Jenna could sense his pain but to make sure she stayed out of the crossfire though connect to scent a faint bit strong power from her..she what is now curious and I keep a closer eye on her as well as she waited to see her choice as there were quite a few, from taste testing the cake, catching a thrown bouquet, dress sizing and evening dancing...though Janet's eyes would linger at the dancing. But maybe later for now the job came first.

    WC 542
    TWC: 866

    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Guest 26th February 2020, 9:00 am

    “Nice to meet you, Janet,” the pinkette answered, her gaze wandering slightly as she took a slightly closer look at her new friend. She couldn’t get much of a read and besides the tall woman’s slightly nervous sounding voice, it was difficult to tell much of anything. It only made the girl more intrigued and as they walked towards the chapel, her gaze would spend more time on her friend more than anything else. There was something odd going on here and the slayer was determined to find out what. For now, however, she was quite happy to just go with the flow and see what would happen. In the back of her mind, the thunder goddess was already thinking about ways of making the wedding a little more exciting although she doubted that any of the other guests would call it that. The job only stated that she should help the company with some of their activities, they didn’t say what she was supposed to do after. Maybe she could run off with the bride and have some fun with her? It was a pleasing thought and it made her smile wickedly.

    When Janet spoke about there being so many people, she’d chuckle softly, “I’m not surprised that there are so many. The thought of a fancy do is always enough to get people dressed up. Stuck up pricks. I kinda want to just slap some of these guys in the face, don’t you?” Given the nervousness of her friend, the pink haired girl would take the woman’s hand in hers, “There’s no need to be nervous, they won’t do anything stupid, if they’re smart.” There was a brief glint in her eye, which would briefly show her truer nature but it faded as soon as it appeared. She smiled though as Janet mentioned taking part in some of the activities, with the girl’s eyes lighting up as her gaze turned towards the wedding food. “How about a taste of that lovely cake?”

    Leading her new friend over towards the large confectionery, Cierra would gently cut a piece for each of them. It did look lovely although whether it tasted as good as it looked would be found very shortly. The girl had planned to simply just stuff a piece down her throat, as hungry as she was but with a snigger, she’d instead pick up a piece and raise it towards her plus one for the day, “Open wide, Janet!” Her eyes were filled with whimsy and it was getting tougher to fight off the temptation of just pulling off her friends cloak and having a look at what she was hiding from the girl. She’d always been someone who liked to get to the point and seeing her friend dressed in such a teasing way was only making her more appealing to the pink haired slayer. She was going to find out the truth, one or the other, before the day was out. That, she promised herself.

    (501 Words)
    (1006 Total WC)

    Last edited by Cierra Huxx on 26th February 2020, 9:01 am; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by NPC 26th February 2020, 9:00 am

    The member 'Cierra Huxx' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Red Wedding [ Event] Die_04_42161_sm
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 10th March 2020, 6:02 pm

    Janet would look over to the cake that you could just tell her to go and try tasting some of it, Janet couldn't lie it didn't look quite delicious. With a brief moment of hesitation to a give a slow nod and walk over to the cake area with Cierra.  Though she was caught off guard for another moment as she saw her quickly grab a thing of cake and then put them on a fork and pointed towards Janet telling her to open wide.  Janet would look a little confused as she had said me looking at her quickly for a moment and then at the piece of cake that was being thrusted towards her.  Though she felt no reason to be hesitant so with that in mind she would open her mouth to receive the cake. She took the bite of cake she didn't realized some of her cloak would shift a little for a brief second. Her teeth would apper to be a bit sharper then the normal persons teeth as from a brief second one or two of ger black scales would show past her hood until she would pull away starting to chew on the cake.

    As Janet chewed on tue cake she found herself to be pleasantly surprised by what she had eaten.  The cake actually tasted quite good as she chewed on it like a sweet silky cloud she though for a moment before swallowing it looking at Cierra.  She had been expecting much worse however now it was her turn to taste the cake.  "It's quite good...you should try it." She said looking at her making sure ger features were hidden again as a fee people glanced at her oddly but said nothing about the cloak. She would then reach over grabbing a plate herself and taking some on a fork and pointed it towards Cierra. "Your turn…" she said with a slight smile as she waited for her to accept the cake not sure if this was right but she had done it to her she waited for a moment waiting her. Though as she would look at the pink haired girl she would see and sense there was something more both on a personal and power level that wasn't showing….she would have to be careful of this one.  But a smile remained as she waited not wanting  to rowse any suspicions yet.  She didn't want to blow this very opportunity however  she was positive and we come out at some point anyway but best not to do it sooner than later.  Though the prospect of feeding such a beautiful woman I slice of cake like this did make Janet feel a little uneasy for these and she couldn't quite figure out quite yet but nonetheless she did to her so it was only fair and turn that she did it to her as well.  A few people stared at them as  Janet held out her fork a bit of a spectacle but nothing that was too weird after I was just a plus one feelings I want some cake

    WC: 521
    TWC: 1387

    Last edited by Janet Cinderfeild on 19th March 2020, 4:59 am; edited 1 time in total

    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Guest 11th March 2020, 7:36 am

    Cierra giggled as Janet accepted the cake but that wasn’t the only reason, as she was briefly able to get a glimpse of what was hiding under her new friends cloak. The dual slayer didn’t see much but enough to arouse her curiosity even further and the temptation to just pull Janet’s cloak off was becoming more and more difficult to fight off. Her impulses were always so hard to ignore and the girl had to shake her head to avoid just going with them. There was obviously a reason why her plus one wanted to hide and for the moment, she could just about respect it although the pinkette mused that the longer things continued like this, the more suspicious Janet would look. Cierra personally didn’t care about what people thought about her and never had done, as the thoughts and opinions of mortals never did bother her. Why would they? Their narrow mindedness was pathetic and she’d spent hours listening to her mother putting them down when she was growing up.

    When Janet returned the favour and presented her with a slice of cake, the girl didn’t wait a moment and gleefully ate the dessert, savouring every tasty morsel. “Wow, you’re right, it tastes great!” she piped up, smiling at Janet, before finishing the piece off, “They did a great job with that.” As much as she didn’t like giving credit to humans, she simply had to regarding the cake, there was nothing else for it. Eagerly, her gaze would briefly look around the large hall in order to find something else to try and for a moment, it would linger on the dance floor, however, given Janet’s nervousness, she was unsure if her friend would be up for it. Yet, she thought it was worth a go and after thinking about it for a while, took her friends hand again and led her towards one of the corners of the room, deciding to just let her feelings known.

    “OK Janet,”
    she said brightly, “I get that you’re a bit nervous being around all these people but it’s starting to look a bit funny with you hiding behind that cloak. There’s no need to be so timid around these humans and I’m sure no one would bat an eyelid if you just took your cloak off. If they do then fuck them, today’s about everyone having a good time and that includes you.” Her pink eyes were locked onto Janet’s face and the look in her eye was one that was clearly saying that she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Her tone changed slightly too, a touch of flirtiness in her voice, “I wanna see what’s under it Janet and it’s driving me mad.” As she spoke, the girl noticed a couple of people looking in their direction and turning towards them, she barked, “Mind your own bloody business!” The words had the desired effect with them swiftly turning away and giving the two women some space.

    (503 Words)
    (1509 Total WC)
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 19th March 2020, 4:59 am

    Janet stood there looking at the pink hair girl as she screamed at other patrons to mind there own business. She gave a deep sigh, setting her plate down, slowly shaking her head. Janet was surprised to see those and see a bit of her more True Colors show which made her a little more trusting to say the least. Janet could certainly sense that there was something more to this girl then she could see on the surface though Janet was the same thing more or less so she couldn't blame her for that however it did make her curious so perhaps it was time for her to reveal her secret and learn more about the pink haired girl though she couldn't have the pink haired girl Cierra jump the gun...plus if needed she could deal with her appropriately. She would slowly take her hand as she looked around the chapel seeing a small back room that they could dip into without being noticed for at least a short while. Taking one more deep breath she stayed to pull her. "Come with me please…" she said quietly not to make a scene as she went into a back room which was currently being used for storage purposes. Janet took a brief look around before turning her attention to Cierra. "Please don't scream or make a scene…" she requested, her voice having an air of pleading but also a threatening tone to it all. Janet would then slowly and carefully undo her garment.

    Janet would slowly reach up letting her Dragon claw would come out of her robe black thick scales adorning it as she would grasp her hood pulling back on it. After she would reveal her other features. Half her face in black dragon scales coated half her face with on eye being more reptilian a golden dragon eye with a black horn poking out of her hair. Then from under her dress her tail would slowly unfrail and a long black dragon tail coated in simulare black scales would be revealed. She looked at her. "T this is why I wear my cloak...i'm half dragon...people freak out when they see me and I have a job to do here...if people freak out and my target vanishes then i fail….sorry for using you and i would appreciate even if your done helping me to stay quiet for both our sakes." Janet would ask looking at her curiously hoping she would do this, though she was also hoping she wouldn't freak out and cause a panic at the wedding. Janet would wait for the pink haired girl's response as she stood there. Time froze as Janet would begin to watch her, waiting to see her reaction though she had her Claw at the wedding most people were hysterical at this moment and Janet couldn't afford that at the moment no she would give her the benefit of the doubt until shown, otherwise she was no better than those humans.


    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Guest 19th March 2020, 6:04 am

    As Janet removed the cloak and revealed her true appearance, Cierra’s jaw dropped in surprise, her pink orbs glowing with curiosity. She certainly didn’t scream and truthfully, the girl hadn’t thought much of Janet’s half pleading, half threatening tone beforehand either. The pinkette wasn’t afraid of anything, that just wasn’t how she worked. The girl couldn’t help but gawk at her new friend and after a moment of simply watching her, she started to walk around Janet, amazed by the sight in front of her. Cierra actually almost stood on Janet’s tail accidentally but was thankfully fast enough on her feet to avoid that. It was a little while before she said anything but by the time she came back around to face Janet, she’d regained her composure, a bright smile on her face, “Well, Janet, this is a bit of a surprise but I do love surprises." Her tone hadn’t changed much and she was as confident as ever, “Had I known that you were such a sexy dragon lady then I would have asked about your cloak before,” she complimented, a flirty smirk on her face for a moment. She’d never met anyone quite like her new friend before and there were so many questions that she wanted to ask. However, it seemed that they’d have to wait.

    “You don’t have to worry, I’m not gonna ruin your cover and if you’ll let me, I'd be more than happy to help you out still,” she continued, interested in the task that Janet seemed to have. “I’m gonna take a guess and say that your target isn’t gonna last long when you get hold of them and that’s something that I’d love to see. I don’t really care much for the people here anyway so if you wanna get rid of this lot then I’ll gladly get involved too. Besides, I really wanna see you in action, Janet.” Now that she could see her friend properly, it was difficult for Cierra to not just stare. It wasn’t out of fear or repulsion. No, she was genuinely interested and that was the look that was in her eyes.

    There would also be something else in her gaze, the carnage loving monster that hid within the sweet looking girl. The thought of death and torment began to stir up the adrenaline and blood-lust, with Cierra briefly shuddering in anticipation. This little event was going to be a lot more interesting then she’d first thought and at that moment, she committed herself to aiding Janet in her mission, uncaring as to the effects it might have on her. She’d shed so much of that lovely crimson liquid already while on the road and by now, it was just a daily event for her, one she loved. Her grin widening, she’d then look up to her new friend again and giggle, “So? Who’s the guy or gal that we’re gonna kill, Janet?” She was more than ready to delve back into the realm of blood and broken bones once again.

    (508 Words)
    (2017 Total WC)
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 21st March 2020, 2:03 pm


    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by NPC 21st March 2020, 2:03 pm

    The member 'Janet Cinderfeild' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Red Wedding [ Event] Die_03_42160_sm
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 21st March 2020, 2:05 pm


    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
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    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by NPC 21st March 2020, 2:05 pm

    The member 'Janet Cinderfeild' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Red Wedding [ Event] OdAaNwh
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 21st March 2020, 2:22 pm

    Janet would say she was very surprised on many levels on how this encounter turned out, not only was this pink haired girl in front of her okay with her killing someone but she even complimented her scales in a way she never thought she'd here causing any light blush to go on her face. “Y you...like my scales…” she would save other quietly for a brief second before shaking her head beginning her Focus. “Right... my target is a magic house representative who is the groom for the day. I need to get close to him though but you're right the cloak might scare him off though my scales might scare him off as well so I'm in a bit of a bind so if you can help me I would appreciate it.” Janet said thinking for a moment looking at the pink haired girl and then the Supply Closet around them. before getting a bit of an idea she would look back towards the pink-haired girl since she said she was willing to help her. “ are you good at fitting dresses by chance maybe if I can look like bride in question... I can sneak over to him and you can distract the actual bride or get rid of her I don't care whichI'll leave it up to your discretion but if you can keep them occupied I can get close to the groom and get this wedding really started…. so what's it happens I'm not really stealthy so I might need help clearing out the other occupants I don't know how you feel about that but if you don't like it you might want to leave if you are keen on helping me though I wouldn't mind….” Janet pause realizing she was rumbling a little bit perhaps it was due to the pink hair girl complimenting her and her looks over Arrow but Janet then blushed a little bit more as she wasn't quite used to Leading people. “ that's just my idea though if you have something else in mind that could help please let me know I just need to make sure I get this done…heh” she says I'll be in the back for neck deciding to stop talking see what the pink-haired girl Cirrea how to say on this and if she had any insight that would help them. Though Janet smile would remain glad she found someone at least. Didn't throw rocks at her or try to capture her or hurt her for being who she was so far at least know she wouldn't let her guard down fully yet as she's meant to face people before no perhaps this one will be different time will tell but Jen had a good feeling about her.So with that Janet we keep her tail out as it curled around the front of her looking into Cierra’s eyes with hers not just to get her partner used to the idea of what to get Jenna used to the idea that she didn't have to hide herself as much anymore which was a good thing but also a very difficult thing for her.


    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Guest 22nd March 2020, 4:59 am

    Cierra smirked as Janet blushed at the compliments, finding the reaction cute. She didn’t push any more on the subject for the moment but the pink haired girl was definitely interested in her new friend and she expected that the more they got to know each other, the more interested she would become. There was just so much that she could ask about her friend, about her background, her family, how a dragon and human even could get together. Yeah, that last question was a weird one but the girl was intrigued about it nonetheless. Anyway, for the moment, Janet’s job came first.

    “Hmm, well, I’m more used to ripping dresses off than making them but I suppose I could give it a try,” she said cheekily, before walking over to the supply chest and placing a hand on it. The moment she did, a ripple of magical energy would burst from it and a figure would suddenly appear beside it, looking rather sheepish. Cierra was unamused and quickly snapped, “Hey! What the hell were you doing there? You are eavesdropping on us?!” Her tone has changed from cheeky to aggressive very quickly and the figure's face seemed to turn pale.

    “No! Not at all!” he squeaked, “If you will just listen to me for a second, I can explain. My job is to dress those attending today and by putting your hand on the box, you summoned me here. I am a tailor mage and will gladly help you with your little problem. I can dress your lovely draconic companion and make for her the most beautiful wedding outfit that either of you have ever seen. Just give me a few moments and I will do just that, please?”

    “Well, OK but make it snappy,” the pinkette answered, “We don’t have long and we have a job to do.”

    Folding her arms, she’d watch as he began to work, performing an intricate almost magic like dance as he moved in time with the fabric, turning pieces of white material into a beautiful looking dress. It was quite a performance and even Cierra had to admit that it was fun to watch but as he started to put the finishing touches to it, the pink girl slowly began to form a pair of blood red claws from her knuckles. Now knowing the full scale of the mission and the secrecy involved, he couldn’t live once it was done and so once the task was done and he handed the dress for Janet to wear. Cierra would come up from behind him and stab him right in the kidneys, stopping him from screaming out and collapsing to a heap on the ground. The dress shouldn’t have been damaged though and after the task was done, she’d look up at Janet, a big grin on her face,

    “There, that should handle him. Try on the dress and let’s see how it fits, Janet.” She had to admit that she was interested in how it looked on the half dragon.

    (508 Words)
    (2525 Total WC)
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 24th March 2020, 6:01 am

    Janet would watch as a man what appears only as she touched your chest getting on guard herself though after hearing that he was going to make her a dress she looked uneasy but before she could say anything in protest the man had already started working on the dress for her measuring and doing all sorts of things, her first instinct was to slash at him and carve him up not liking having someone be so intrusive Around her Dragon parts however he seemed to be quite good at what he was doing and so far so good. Janet would let him continue his work Until eventually she would have a flowing white wedding gown with gloves that would cover her Dragon claws even and make it look a little more natural, a nice white flowy dress that drag behind her that would easily hide her tail and then Avail. We'll go over her horn and cover her face the hide her Dragon features in the front. Janet fell quite beautiful in this wedding dress glad the bear was covering her face from her blush. The tailor that had shown up was truly someone who had mastered his craft. the before she could say anything to him he saw him suddenly died as her partner seemed to had stabbed him in the kidneys to silence him, probably for the best Janet was planning on doing the same thing just not right away. Janet could help you give a small smile as she watched him bleed out on the floor and died before looking back up her partner not sure she could see it through the veil but she blush on her face, she felt very lucky she found and picked out a good partner for this even if it was Van Damme chance and she did it with such skill she can help but admire it, how are these feelings wouldn't last too long so with that in mind Janet would then slowly walk over the just dragging behind her. she would walk up to a partner and smile a little bit through the Veil. “Okay So I'm going to go out and find our Target and do what I have to do perhaps if you could get in a position for crowd control and help send out some of the audience I'm sure all eyes will be on me making it quite easy for someone of your skill…” she said observing how quick and clean she killed the Taylor before giving her a nod. with that she would turn and slowly walk out of the back room in her wedding dress.

    Has Janet would walk out in the back room all eyes will lock on her she walked down and I'll in her wedding dress giving Cierra time to slip out. as she walked down the aisle she would look around people stopped what they were doing and gaze up the bride-to-be or something of that nature. Janet couldn't help but feel extremely nervous she's ever had so many onlookers at one time that haven't been trying to throw rocks at her or calling her a monster and said it was a look of pure joy and beauty. it could help make her smile but then again she knew it was all fake she wants you took off the veil that people would start screaming. so she stayed focus and looked around until she finally saw her Target the bride in his tuxedo as he walked up to her. he gave a warm smile he was a nice handsome gentleman with a clean cut, the son of a high ranking magic Council representative Who is making life quite difficult for some of her Associates. He would smile warmly at her. “you must be the bride question you look lovely today” he said in a tone that would make most normal women fall to the feet however Janet just gave a smile and was slowly move closer to him giving a small nod not wanting to say anything yet. He looked confused looking at her trying to peer through the Veil. “ come now darling why don't you say anything this is a wedding after all don't you think it's appropriate to say something?” he would ask giving a small smile but also have been look as if we were saying not to embarrass him so with that Janet would not in start to move closer to close in for her kill.

    As Janet got closer to him she would give a small smile and then lean and clothes and speak hoping that her partner was in position and almost ready to help her when the fight broke out as surely it would. All Janet would say is she leaned in and whispered grabbing him pulling up a little closer “Till death do us part~” She said in almost soft and alluring tone as she then gouged through his stomach with her Dragon claw do the glove surprised at the glove didn't seem to break though it was a nice crimson red by now. The man will have a look of surprise on his face as he would slowly reach and grab her dress trying to make sense of what just happened several audience members now looking towards them trying to do the same at all was happening so quickly, as she would then turn right up causing the white dress she was wearing to go Crimson as she lifted the veil showing off for Dragon features her tail coming out from the dress she would look back at everybody else as they all started to scream and point at her. Janet knew this was part of what was going to happen so she waiting for a partner not to make her move all eyes were on her in more ways than one as her Target laid dead on the floor behind her as she shared now sent her message shared now sent her a message she cannot but wonder what her partner thought of her right now though I suppose those kind of questions can be asked after this red wedding had ended.

    TWC: 3451

    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Guest 24th March 2020, 7:19 am

    The moment the fool died, the crowd erupted in fear and anger, which was the precise moment that Cierra burst into action. Leaping out from her hiding spot, she’d start lashing out with her blood red claws, tearing through those all those in range as she let her blood lust fully consume her. Men and women, young and old, it didn’t matter to the girl and she was like a bull in a china shop. Blood would soon start to cover the ground as she leapt from target to target, unleashing her assault. Adding her blood magic to the mix, she would then start to unleash it, poisoning even more targets to fall to the ground, howling in pain as horrible boils began to appear on their body. It was a horrific display and the girl revelled in it. The sweet girl from before was gone, replaced by a pink haired animal, giggling like a madwoman as she slaughtered all those in her path. It was carnage to the extreme and boy was it fun.

    Leaping over one of the tables, she’d land on top of a well dressed man trying to escape and crushed his skull with a vicious punch to the head, turning it to mush. A mere human couldn’t handle her physical strength and they didn’t stand a chance against her. It was so enjoyable and she swiftly summoned a wave of blood in order to stop anyone leaving, causing multiple targets to smash against the wall, crumpling to a heap and opening them up for attack. There were so many victims and every time she turned around there seemed to be another one to be killed, who she’d quickly take out with a violent punch or claw strike. God, how she loved this feeling and she sincerely hoped that Janet would soon get in on the action. She desperately wanted to see her draconic friend in action and as her gaze turned briefly to her friend, a lustful smile would cross her face as she chuckled, speaking to her friend, “Come on Janet! Let’s get stuck in and get rid of this lot. I wanna see those sexy powers of yours.”

    With that said, she’d create a machine gun using her requip magic and start to open fire on everything that moved, laughing hysterically as she shredded those around her. Riddling people with bullets was always fun and because the weapon sprayed so many bullets, it was pretty hard to miss her foes. Even more people collapsed under the force of her attacks, causing the adrenaline to pump even faster through her body. Not one of them seemed to be able to fight back but she didn’t care. No one was going to survive this besides herself and Janet, no one. Shouting, she’d turn her gun upwards and start shooting the ceiling ornament, causing shattered glass and other rare materials to fall from the sky, cutting through the helpless targets. She’d then swiftly run to the front doors, easily passing those trying to escape to prevent any victims getting away.

    Panicking, they would screech and try to turn around and run but knowing that Janet was there to deal with them, the pinkette would just pick off the targets that caught her eye. With a wave of her hand, she’d then summon her sniper rifle and start to have a little fun with that, loving the sound of her bullets crashing into her foes and killing them. Uttering a spell, she'd enter her shooting stance, increasing her damage and her accuracy became even deadlier as she continued to fire. It really was like shooting fish in a barrel and it was very pleasurable for the girl.

    Of course, she had to keep an eye out to make sure she didn’t shoot her new friend but her eye was good enough to avoid that. All this carnage was making her lustier by the minute and watching Janet as she got the dress bloody only made her more so. Perhaps after this was all done, they could have some private time, hopefully. She was desperate to get to know her new friend and watching her in action only made her feel more deeply for her. She’d never met anyone with as much pure strength as herself or perhaps even more than her, so to watch the half dragon in action was deeply eye opening. Maybe one day she’d have that power too and that thought sent her into almost overdrive. She craved power more than anything and perhaps if she stuck with Janet for a while then maybe she could surpass her already immense strength.

    Rifle in hand, she’d continue to send power shots flying towards her victims, shooting them with a single shot and ending their miserable lives. This little party had turned out to be a whole lot of fun and she’d never imagined that it would turn out quite this way. She wasn’t complaining though and enjoyed every moment that she spent massacring the fools around her. The walls, the floor, even the ceiling were covered in blood by now and the dual slayer’s nostrils flared at the lovely smell. Oh, how she adored the lovely crimson liquid and as it covered her clothes, she giggled like a child, as if all her birthdays and Christmases had come at once. This was as heavenly for her as it was hellish for those killed by her.

    Watching as a few would try to jump out of the window’s to safety, Cierra would turn her rifle towards them and unleash a barrage of penetrating bolts, catching them before they could escape and practically pinning their bodies against the walls. It was rather vibrant imagery and so she started to decorate the chapel with the bodies of those that were killed, as a sign to all those who would visit the place, as well to the moronic council who failed so often to keep control. As if such a thing could be done anyway. There would always be chaos in the world, as long as it was run by the weak, who lacked the strength to maintain it.

    (1031 Words)
    (3556 Total WC)
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 25th March 2020, 4:38 am

    Janet would watch her partner start the bloody Carnage and couldn't help to give a small smile at hot what a time she seemed to be having with it she would continue to watch for a little while wanting to see the power that she had possessed, wanting to see what she was really about.  Janet would be lying if you said she wasn't interested in find me a way to maintain this powered and bring it back with her though her concentration was broken as soon as she heard her call her name to join in the fun. Janet would look around at all the Fightin patrons I was trying to flee getting gunned down and mowed down by her partner should give a small smile turning her attention to the people at the altar that was trying to flee out the back where they come from. She would hold up her Dragon claw has black shadow and green poison would start to swirl in her hand she would look at the before pointing it out "Nightshade Typhoon" as she said this a we could only be described as a black and green Shadow poison tornado shot out of her hand blasting through them all making them all suffocate on poison as the shadow is consumed them blowing them all against the wall killing them instantly.  As they would succumb to her attack she would then pointer direction towards a solution also got out windows she would then pointer direction towards a solution also got out windows anyone that wasn't already being sniped and gun down she would hold out her hand and summon her Nightshade bow and help pick up any of the stragglers until there was none remaining a black and green swirling energy bow in her hand shooting off poison Shadow arrows.

    Eventually none would remain as Janet would stand there and her crimson red wedding dress looking to her partner with a small smile walking over to the gifts that stayed mostly intact thinking of a few she would take home but also give their her partner for her assistance however she has earned much more than that to Janet cell with that Janet would then slowly walk over to her. "Hello...you….that was incredible… you dealt with most of the people before I can even have a chance to I'm impressed." She said genuinely as she would look up in her eyes.  " I would like to invite you to my guild Elysium, we're not well known but are people on the same caliber of you and either with what's a similar interests… I won't make you but I would be very happy and honored if you would accept my invitation." Janet would say however she would also have a bit of a blush on her face wanting her to join for more reasons than one it wasn't just her strength or power that she admired or her tenacity she found herself quite fond of Cierra, since she was one of the few people that didn't make fun of her scale with or criticize her. To Janet that meant she was a keeper.  

    Can we pause for a moment to wait for her answer, it felt as if an eternity was passing by though  her heart would beat for a moment and she can feel every bit of it but then she would come out of her little chance  with an idea. she would also turn towards the Dance Floor which had a nice shade of Crimson on it and thought for a moment thinking of a secondary reward.  " I would also like to offer you a dance… if you would like to join me" she said with a smile on her face holding out her dragon claw to her hoping she would accept it and leave them both out to the dance floor so they could both dance a missed their good work before anyone found out what happened here today and would come and go in and ruin the moment with for them.  Janet held her claw out and looked up at her hoping but after all this she would say yes and share this dance with her.


    Red Wedding [ Event] Empty Re: Red Wedding [ Event]

    Post by Guest 25th March 2020, 5:10 am

    “You were pretty incredible yourself, Janet,” Cierra giggled, covered in blood and grinning up at the half dragon, “I’ve seen a lot of folks during my travels but none have had as much magical power as you. You’re something else.” The look in her eyes was for a moment almost obsessive as she looked up at her new friend. After what they had just shared together, the pink haired girl was a little reluctant to leave Janet’s side, which was a rather peculiar sensation for her. Usually, she’d just have her fun with someone and then end things but that wasn’t going to work here and when she thought about it, she was glad for that.

    The mention of joining a guild caused her expression to slightly cloud over for a moment, as her fondness for her new friend and her mother’s teachings briefly clashed. She’d been taught that guild’s just exploited their members, using them for their own desires. The pinkette certainly wasn’t fond of that idea but after pondering about it a little further, she realised that her mother wasn’t always right and besides, if this guild did exploit her, then she could always just leave again. She couldn’t be killed so what was the worst thing they could do with her? Exactly. So, she’d eventually smile again and nod, “Alright, I’ll join up with your group for a while. I’ve been wandering around alone for a while now and I could do with meeting a few more people I guess. I’ll help you with whatever your goals are, as long as they mean that we get to have a few more fun encounters like this.” The blood lust was starting to fade from her eyes and the glint in her eye had changed from one of insanity, to a slightly flirty one instead.

    When Janet proposed a dance on the blood red floor, Cierra flashed a grin and gently took the half dragon’s claw, quite liking the feel of her hand against the half dragon’s claw. Letting herself be led towards it, the pair would then begin to move across the area, their movements in perfect time with each other. The pinkette was happy to let Janet lead and simply followed, making the most of the blissful time that they had spent together. As first meetings go, this was definitely an odd one but as far as the dual slayer was concerned, it was one of the most important that she’d probably ever had. All of a sudden she was in a guild, despite her doubts and was now dancing with a beautiful half dragon, having just slaughtered an entire church full of people. For Cierra, the day couldn’t have been more perfect.

    (457 Words)
    (4013 Total WC)

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