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    Surprise Wedding

    Nestor Azarov
    Nestor Azarov

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    Surprise Wedding Empty Surprise Wedding

    Post by Nestor Azarov 18th March 2020, 2:45 am

    Surprise Wedding O2VD1RJ

    It wasn't often that Shen got out, usually, at least. Back home it had been the same thing, of course. He wasn't really one for randomly deciding to pursue some activity that involved the outdoors by himself, preferring to instead busy himself with the lacrima net or video games when he had time, which, lately, it seemed he would have. He was, after all, not even a full-fledged Rune Knight as of yet, which, in honesty, was something the young man knew was the best option. The recruit had happily taken part in any training course the Rune Knights had to offer, beginning to understand how to use his own magical power, though, at current, he was still very much, in effect, useless. Shen had no practical abilities that would or could be of any use to his current employer, he recognized that fact, and as such had very much accepted the fact that front line combat or investigations were a caliber or two too heavy for him. He was content with remaining a recruit, as long as he had some kind of job to keep him busy, organizing files and other menial tasks of the same sort filling that role.

    Regardless of that fact, though, Shen had today found himself in Rose Garden to attend an event, the exact specifications of which he wasn't even quite sure of. He'd skimmed the advertisement, but had decided that it would be good enough of an excuse to lave the HQ for a day. Not that he wanted to go out and all, but ever since he'd joined the Rune Knights there had been a shadow that loomed over him and his new job, that particular shadow, which filled him with a sense of dread and discomfort even by thinking about it in passing, carrying the name Lilith. Why she had followed him or how she had found him were both still facts that very much escaped him, though the young Rune Knight recruit was convinced that she had done so with the explicit intent to keep up her relentless torture and bullying. It would seem as though he was fated to endure her for the rest of his life, which, now that he thought about it, might not last for much longer anyway. He'd almost gotten himself killed twice ever since joining a guild, something that, along with the presence of his sister, seriously made him reconsider his life choices.

    Still, at least he would get a day. A day without her, a day where he could relax, attend a wedding, maybe eat some cake and breathe without her scheming how to make him miserable once again. At least somewhat hopeful, Shen rounded a corner, walking down a gravelled path to what appeared like a large courtyard, encircled to all sides by buildings, some more office-like, others appearing like larger halls. He assumed that this would be where the weddings were held. Without thinking about it much more, Shen approached the first person that appeared unoccupied enough to help him out, hoping he would be lucky and catch an employee of the company that organized this event. "Hey, I'm here for the wedding", he raised a hand in greeting, a somewhat sheepish and nervous smile on his lips, though his tone, with a little more confidence than usual, appeared calmer, steadier. "Can you help me out with that?"

    Word Count: 567
    Personal Word Count Total: 567 / 4,000
    Thread Word Count Total: 567 / 8,000



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    Lineage : Descendant of the Candy Witch
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    Surprise Wedding Empty Re: Surprise Wedding

    Post by Dela 21st March 2020, 12:08 am

    "Mmmmrrraaaaugh...." a barely human groan rumbled from under the tableclothed dessert table. An attendant tasked with replacing the half-eaten wedding cake with fresh one made a sharp 'meep' sound and jumped back. The first wedding of the day had just ended and staff was scurrying to reset the whole event for the next demonstration. Pausing, the poor confectioner listened for more noises before cautiously lifting up the white table covering. Beneath the table was a girl laying vaguely twitching. She screamed and stumbled backward, startling the blonde girl. Her head jerked unnaturally toward the noise, eyes bloodshot and unfocused, jaw slack and drooling. At first glance, her skin was mottled in areas as if it belonged on a long-buried corpse rather than the pretty girl gasping like a goldfish that had jumped out of its bowl. To terrorize the innocent chef more, the reanimating body used one arm to drag herself out from under the table. Rightly so, the lady forgot all about the cake and ran away screaming.

    After a few more acclimating seconds, Dela was back to her normal self and getting to her feet. Where was everyone? Last she remembered, she was being dragged off to be wrangled into a dress to marry...Vera. The events were jumbled. She was to be a bride, but at some point Cillian hugged the two girls. No way she could forget being smushed into that muscly torso...it'd been enough to take her poor virgin breath away. Vera turned to dust somewhere in there, causing quite the ruckus. What had killed her? Being flustered over Cillian's abs, the dust inhalation, or the woman who had been dragging her away? Well, it didn't matter, now did it? In the end, she'd rolled under the cake table in the chaos where she'd been the entire ceremony. "Those jerks..." she muttered, stalking toward the back of the set up so she could escape before more people saw her. "Went on with the ceremony with a literal dead person under the table and no one noticed....fml..."

    Dela was not in a good mood. She honestly was pissed off. This injustice and prejudice against polyamorous people! Granted, there actually wasn't an official romance between the team of three, but making the close group of friends decide who would get to participate in a friggin' fake wedding was so...so...one hundred years ago! She would know! She grew up on those old-timey farm days! However, it hadn't mattered what the choice had been. She and Vera didn't get to do it. No, Cillian and Vera had gotten fake married! She'd probably gotten to touch the abs again. Oh god...did she kiss him? Did he kiss her? Did they kiss each other? Her guts twisted. The two probably had this magical, earth-shattering kiss while she was dead under a table only feet away.

    And then they'd both left her behind. WELL, SHE HOPED THEY WERE HAPPY.

    How could she get revenge? Her steps paused outside the gate while her mind whirled nonsensically, partially from just coming back to life and partially out of irrational anger. People sidestepped around the weird Rune Knight standing directly in the way, entering the event as guests for what they hoped would be a nice ceremony, either out of boredom or because they were looking to hire the service. Dela remained this way until she heard words. Words close to her. Aimed at her. Her crystal blue eyes jumped to him, just staring for a few moments. She knew him. It was her job to know pretty much everything. Shen. He was a Rune Knight like her. From what she'd seen at a distance, he was usually quiet, scurrying around like a mouse trying to get out of eyeshot. Pink lips pursed, though her eyes blazed brightly. Sure. This would do. "I can definitely help you with that," she replied, face cracking into a smirk. Not offering anything more, she grabbed his wrist and turned back toward the gates and the tents. "Hey! We're here to be the bride and groom!" she called, initiating a swarm of delighted designers to get them ready. One of the women paled when she saw Dela, but for whatever reason chose not to say anything. And if she knew what was good for her, she'd not mention the ceremony before this. Dela didn't want to hear it, and she definitely didn't want to have to explain to anyone what had happened.

    wc: 743/4000


    Surprise Wedding 60731_s

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    Surprise Wedding Empty Re: Surprise Wedding

    Post by NPC 21st March 2020, 12:08 am

    The member 'Dela' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Surprise Wedding R2fEWNz
    Nestor Azarov
    Nestor Azarov

    Lineage : None
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    Surprise Wedding Empty Re: Surprise Wedding

    Post by Nestor Azarov 21st March 2020, 10:21 am

    Surprise Wedding O2VD1RJ

    "Ah, uh yeah, awesome, cool. So I, like, read this brochure and it said something about, like, attending this wedding as a guest. I, uh, I don't really know how to, like, start out or where to go so I thought you could help me out and- Hey!", the young Rune Knight recruit had begun to respond to the short, blonde girl that had suddenly popped up before him with a hopeful and somewhat relieved tone, blabbering on in anticipation of assistance that she'd seemingly offered him, which, of course, would turn out a little different than the young man had anticipated. As he was still chatting away, motivated by a mix of excitement and nervousness, he suddenly felt her hand wrap around his wrist, one foot stumbling in front of the other when she turned around with Shen in tow. The surprise on his face was quite evident, this same surprise transitioning into shock when the girl exclaimed, quite gleefully so that the two were to be bride and groom.

    "Uhm, excuse me, what?", the Rune Knight recruit turned his head towards her before it swerved around once more, his eyes, this time, though, falling on the legion of employees that had suddenly shifted their attention to the would-be pair. In that same instance, Shen's face paled, losing 2 or 3 shades of its normal color, all confidence and excitement suddenly blown away. "W-w-wait, wait!". This was most definitely not what he had signed up for. Hell, he didn't even know it was possible to get married here. Not to mention the fact that he'd more or less mistaken this girl for an employee, not someone who'd suddenly exclaim that they would be bride and groom. What the hell was wrong with her? He didn't even know this chick. What was this situation he'd gotten himself into? He wanted to speak up, protest loudly, but found his tongue glued to the top of his dry mouth, the words instead escaping him as an unintelligible jumble of noises that could've been attributed to an intoxicated monkey over a person, "Err, uhm, I-, uh, ah ...", the "sentence" devolving into one of Shen's habits, a burst of nervous laughter that kicked in when he neither knew what to do nor say, "... haha- hahaha".

    He would once more turn to the girl, his face still pale, though his expression now twisted in a subtle, nervous panic. "H-hey, uh ...", he noticed now that he didn't even know what to address her as, "... t-this is a little m-much, don't you think. I, uh, w-we like, d-don't even know each other", Shen stuttered, visibly uncomfortable. A bunch of people had already begun to more or less assault him with measuring tape, moving the yellow wrapping around his arms, thighs, waist, Shen's face, now, beginning to regain some form of color, if only to paint his cheeks and ears in a healthy shade of tomato. "I-is this, like, one of these pranks?", he would resume the nervous giggle. "H-haha, y-y'all got me, okay. Got me good, too. Uh, so can we, like, stop now?". That would, of course, not be the extent of this. Before Shen knew it he just blinked, his regular clothing, a plain T-shirt and a pair of jeans, miraculously replaced with a suit, and not just any suit. The black material, almost appearing like soft silk, was a perfect fit, so much so that the young man was sure he'd never worn, no, even seen fancier clothing than this in his life, his hair pulled into a low ponytail. Where had this come from? What had just happened?

    The Rune Knights head was spinning, a single internal scream dominating his conscious thought at this moment.

    "Dude what the fuuuuuuuck?!".

    Word Count: 630
    Personal Word Count Total: 1,197 / 4,000
    Thread Word Count Total: 1,940 / 8,000



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    Surprise Wedding Empty Re: Surprise Wedding

    Post by Dela 23rd March 2020, 1:24 am

    "Shhh, just let it happen," she urged Shen with a devious expression while they were measured, poked, and prodded in places that no average person had probably ever been prodded. It seemed these design mages needed absolutely precise measurements before they could give up the fabric goods. "I know who you are, Shen. Besides, from what I understand, marriage doesn't absolutely need people to know one another. Actually, the more people know each other, the less likely they are to make it down the aisl--No stupid white dress!" Dela interrupted herself and demanded, which seemed to cue the sketchy woman that had dragged her off before and seemed super wary of her now. She hesitantly approached, touching a single index finger to her forehead. Then in a bippity boppity boo her crop top and jeans disappeared and were replaced with an elegant black dress with gold accents that the blonde could have only dreamed of. It fit like a glove immediately. The strappy black heels completed the look, then one of the girls assaulted her head with a brush until her hair was in a nice wavy side-part. Simple as that.

    As the horde of preppers shoved flowers in her hand and parted to reveal their creations, Dela stole a peek of the hesitant boy. He cleaned up nicely. He was no Cillian du Crosse, but he was at least cute. That would make this revenge better, right? To be honest, she was already starting to reconsider her plan of revenge. With a clearer mind, she could see that this wouldn't bother Cillian in the least. He had super dense rocks for brains and seemed impervious to most of the spectrum of human emotion. The childish man with God's chef hands was more of a mystery to her than she'd like to admit. In light of this epiphany, Dela almost granted poor Shen an out of this situation. They could both run the other way in their fancy clothes and go do whatever. Maybe get a pizza. Go back to the HQ. With how scrawny and timid he was, she just assumed he liked to game. Dela knew the type. The only thing keeping her from acting on the second thought was the incessant reminder that Cillian and Vera had probably kissed. The magical girl wasn't sure why, but there were many facets of that fact that rubbed her all the wrong ways. Her feels affliction would keep her going as if having this moment would serve her somehow later. It probably wouldn't, but maybe it would.

    Linking arms with the silky suited groom and tugged him forward again. "I'm Dela, by the way," she told him as they stepped from the tent. The blonde didn't offer anything else. She was enough of a jerk to leave out that they both worked in the same place and that was how she knew him, also conveniently leaving out that she knew his sister, as well.

    The music started. It was time to walk! Dozens of unfamiliar faces turned with anticipation toward the pair, as unconventional as they may be. Black wasn't the customary bride's color, after all, but she was hardly the traditional bride. The old-fashioned farm girl rejected nearly everything traditional. Whether he'd come willingly, freeze, or try to run, Dela was determined to get him to the priest at the end of the aisle. Lazy was her default state, but when she put her mind to something, nothing could stop her. Her mission right now was nothing more than laying a big fat kiss on Shen so she could stow that piece of info in her mind to bring up and throw at a certain someone later. Was it kind? Absolutely not, but Dela was a lot of things and kind wasn't anywhere near the top. She was selfish and self-serving with the only exceptions being her sister or sometimes her friends. This young Rune Knight she was wrangling was neither at this point and time.

    Once they were in place, the ceremony began. It was quick, quite abbreviated from a normal one. Yeah, yeah, this was just a demo. Dela was impatient through most of it, not caring for the speech on love and what marriage meant. The young woman had no plans to actually get married. That was much more Elle's field of expertise, despite the two being identical physically. With all the male attention her twin had always gotten, there was no doubt that once she was saved she'd find a husband. Well, as long as she could find one who didn't mind a woman with no arms.

    The words "you may kiss the bride" were barely spoken when Dela attempted to pull in Shen by the lapels and plant a big ol' kiss on him! At least she was hot, right?

    wc: 805 | Total: 1548/4000


    Surprise Wedding 60731_s

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    Surprise Wedding Empty Re: Surprise Wedding

    Post by NPC 23rd March 2020, 1:24 am

    The member 'Dela' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Surprise Wedding OdAaNwh
    Nestor Azarov
    Nestor Azarov

    Lineage : None
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    Surprise Wedding Empty Re: Surprise Wedding

    Post by Nestor Azarov 24th March 2020, 7:11 am

    Surprise Wedding O2VD1RJ

    Shen was swiftly shut up by the girl's insistence, not least because of the fact that she seemed so confident in her decision that he was immensely intimidated. He got bad vibes. Not only that, though. For some reason, she seemed to know his name, too, making that fact known in a rather dubious manner which honestly freaked the young Rune Knight out more than he could articulate. Who the fuck was she? Was she stalking him or something? Of course, she also made a point to express the fact that she believed that people didn't need to know each other to marry, which was already fucked up. Well, at least Shen didn't know her, while she seemed to know him for some reason. The young man simply stood there, pale still, as if frozen in place, mulling over the implications of this event and their meeting, this sudden twist, and his role in this scheme, pretty much dumbfounded, rendered speechless. He felt practically paralyzed by his own lack of direction and willpower, his head sent into a spin by the passing of senseless thoughts, theories that would come up and die as soon as they did. he had too many questions and literally zero answers to any of them, and in the end, it seemed like he wouldn't get any at all.

    His attention would only shift from his clashing and confusing thoughts back to his self-proclaimed bride when he felt her arm wrap around his, his eyes shifting to see that, much like Shen had been magically changed into a rather nice and elegant outfit, so had she. The black dress was unconventional but obviously elegant, and, a fact Shen couldn't help but take note of, very form-fitting and at least somewhat revealing, his eyes lingering on a certain part of the dress, or rather, the absence of dress for a fleeting moment, immediately averting his eyes when he realized that he had been staring. "I- uh, I-I'm-, eh, ... I mean I don't- ... I mean-", he tried to explain himself, an immediate blush lighting up both the Rune Knight recruit's face and ears. It was painfully obvious that Shen didn't come into contact with the other gender much, or any gender, for that matter. He'd gone out today for what he believed to be a day of well-deserved peace and quiet, at least for just one day, and had somehow ended up in a situation that was just as stressful as a day spent at the Rune Knight HQ, even with the threat of Lili's presence looming over him and his day off at constant. He should've stayed inside and played video games, maybe watched some Lactube videos instead. At least the girl had introduced herself. Shen took note of the name "Dela", though he was unfamiliar with either the name or the face. Not that it mattered too much. It didn't change the situation he was stuck in one bit. Instead, Shen simply reverted back to his nervous giggle. "H-haha, D-Dela, how- ... how nice ... hahaha".

    Shen didn't resist when she essentially started dragging him along, at least not physically, of course. His mind, however, was concentrating on nothing else at this moment, desperately trying to find some kind of way to get out of this whole ordeal. "Oh, sorry, I have an urgent doctor's appointment" ... no, that would be way too obvious. "I really need to go to the toilet". That was something. Maybe he could escape through a window and make it off the Company grounds unseen. "Fuck", was all Shen could really think about saying, though. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck". His body didn't react to any of his signals. He was like a statue, no, a robot, moving along mechanically and reflexively, if not only in order to not stumble and fall face-first. His mouth was dry and felt like it had been glued shut, a visible film of cold sweat appearing on the forehead mostly hidden under his natural dark and died red hair. He looked around, a characteristic "oh gods oh why gods no help me please right now" expression on his face, though he realized it was already too late as they began to walk down the aisle, music beginning to play in the background. This was way too surreal. People lined the sides of their path as they walked, all of them strangers and unfamiliar faces. How did it even come to this? He had to get out. Was there even a way to still get out? His eyes shot around in a panic, his expression contorted into a forced, pained smile. Wait, even if he wanted to run now, the girl had him locked in a vice-like grip. There was no way he could get out now. This chick was crazy. Totally loco. Shen realized the errors of his ways way too late, a single word echoing through his head: "Fuuuuuuuuck".

    For the entirety of the ceremony that followed, Shen simply stood there in silence and absolute motionlessness, locked in place as if someone had stopped time for the Rune Knight recruit, his heart nervously pounding in his chest. Was this really how this would go down? Would he really be married without any of his own input? And once the ceremony was over, would she actually follow through and take his first kiss? Just like that? As if it was no big deal? He had always thought of it as a bigger deal ... then again, this was a wedding, after all ...

    And then, just as he had feared, it had seemed like the time he had dreaded so had come, "you may kiss the bride" decidedly NOT being the words that Shen had wanted to hear any time soon, if ever, in his life. Still, frozen in place as he was, there was little he could do when Dela actually went in for the kiss, the young man simply standing there, as if made of glass, evidently uncomfortable, but also unable to resist, his nerves seemingly shut off by the sheer panic, timidity, and defining insecurity.

    Word Count: 1,021
    Personal Word Count Total: 2,218 / 4,000
    Thread Word Count Total: 3,766 / 8,000



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    Surprise Wedding Empty Re: Surprise Wedding

    Post by Dela 25th March 2020, 3:50 am

    Mmmm, yes. Like kissing a refrigerator door. This seemed about right, considering the boy's inability to articulate full sentences without sounding like a car that wouldn't start. Okay, so if she'd thought this out a little more and perhaps chosen a more suave, opportunistic man, perhaps she'd have had a nicer kiss to brag about for her jealousy plot. So she'd just have to embellish a bit when she told Vera and Cillian about this. It wasn't like that was beyond her capabilities. In her constant quest for usable truths, she'd learned to twist them where needed if it served a bigger purpose. As far as anyone would know, Shen was the best kiss she'd ever had.

    Okay, that wasn't so much a twist as a flat out lie. Up until this point her worst kiss had been from a young man she not-so-affectionately nicknamed 'Vacuuman' in her notes. When he'd gotten done attempting to suction the lips off her face, it'd been all she could do to pretend it was the most magical kiss she'd ever had so she could wiggle some info out of him in his vulnerable state. She hadn't known it was possible to give lips and face a hickey other than from sucking the air out of a cup or something, but he'd certainly enlightened her. Okay, maybe Vacuuman was still the worst, but Shen was a close second. Kissing her own hand would have been more exciting. With how he checked her out earlier, she'd had a glimmer of hope that his primal instincts would have kicked in or something.

    It was time to call it. This event had coded on the table and the defibrillator was broken.

    Dela pulled away quickly, giving him a simultaneously tired and disappointed look which quickly shifted into amused pity. She'd done a number on this poor guy. It was time to give him a break. He looked like he was about to have a heart attack. "Yeah, alright, alright," she said with a sigh, looking thoughtful. The officiant looked between them nervously. "Uh...you can throw the bouquet now," he whispered, but Dela shushed him since he was interrupting her brainwaves. After a few seconds, she snapped the fingers of her free hand. "Oh, I've got an idea," the girl-in-black told Shen, now turning to face the audience. However, before she could do whatever she'd thought of, she had to appease the crowd of eager women gathered toward the front of the chapel. They seemed expectant. And confused. It took Dela a second to remember what the priest had said before she cut him off. Right. Throwing the flowers. Turning her back to the rabid single ladies, she did a simple toss and heard the distinctive, mosh-pit sounds of bodies smacking into each other as they clambered to get it. As it hit the apex of its trajectory, the flowers blew apart in a fantastic display where it rained petals and sparkling lights down on the women, much to their amazement. The rest of the crowd broke into oohs and ahs. Dela only saw their chance to escape.

    "Come on, let's blow this popsicle stand," the blonde grinned, reaching out to grab his hand or arm again if she could, at least to get him started. To her, it looked like he'd need further urging since he had turned into a slightly melty block of ice. Regardless of whether she had to drag him or he came on his own, while everyone was distracted by the exploding bouquet, Dela wanted to get out of here. This was far more effort than she usually spent on, well, anything. The only time she willingly worked hard was when it served her in some way-- which this had fallen under at the time-- but with the kiss over, her desire to continue dealing with it all was rapidly dwindling. Remaining here would only mean more work. Cake cutting, pictures, dancing...yuck. No, Dela had something else on her mind. Something much more quiet and sedentary. She hoped Shen would come along since she figured she had at least a little explaining to do. Otherwise, it'd be awkward if they ever had to take a mission together at work down the road.

    Darting off to the left, her heeled feet rapidly took her past the dessert table she'd laid under earlier, dead and forgotten. It only rustled up more mental images of Vera and Cillian kissing, laughing and having a nice time without her. Surely the food-loving man had gobbled up the cake and any other high-class edibles offered while Vera floated along by his side, being her adorable quirky self. Had they danced? Could either of them actually dance? This all bothered her more than it had any right to. It wasn't like Cillian had any clue, and while Vera did know more of Dela's feelings, Dela could only think of how many ways her one-sided affections could derail the closest friendships she'd possibly ever had. And at the center of all the trouble was the blonde, but she just couldn't seem to bottle up the feelings this time. Meeting the immortal man had turned much of her world on its ear. The prospect of not outliving someone and having a chance to forge some sort of bond called to pieces of herself she hadn't known were still pulsing, alive and craving. Prior to these two blowing in like two natural disasters, she'd been content to be the crazy cat lady that spent all her time by herself, feasting on greasy pizza, causing even the best gamers to rage quit, and going out only when she could find another piece of her cursed puzzle.

    As she made it past the crowds and even the employees without anyone noticing she intended to run the heck away, Dela managed to dart into the changing tent at the back to grab her original clothing. The Rune Knight didn't take time to change. Surely some sort of security would be looking for them once the petals, glitter, and wrestling girls calmed down. They'd want to drag them back to finish the demonstration.

    No. No more. The more moments passed, the more regrets she had. Even more guilt-inducing was that she was all hot and bothered with a man enough to waste so much time. With every day she used her magic, died, and resurrected, the closer her immortal life came to being conman food. And if she became conman food before she could rescue her twin and break the curse, then everything she'd done up to the point would have been for nothing. A waste. Dela wasn't one to waste effort, and she'd absolutely poured more energy into her quest than she'd ever thought possible prior to her decision to take it on.

    Assuming he'd followed her in the end, the now over-dressed girl stood outside the tent, getting her bearings. There was a specific place she was looking for. It was to the west of here, she thought. Reaching down to remove the strappy heels that would be a pain to walk in, she slung them over her shoulder. "Hey, wanna go get some pizza? You need to chill and I'm sure you'd like to talk about this," Dela said to Shen, turning right and walking up one of the pretty streets in Rose Garden. "There's a really good place right up the road from here."

    And sure enough, there was. Just around the bend, there was this brightly awninged eatery sandwiched between a coffee shop and an insurance company. It was small, but often the best places were. Gregorio's Pizza touted the best pie in Rose Garden, and Dela believed the claim. Once inside it was decorated in sleek, modern minimalism with hand-carved wooden chairs and tables. The walls were a clean eggshell and decorated with pictures of Gregorio's family. The establishment had been handed down to many a Gregorio in its long-lived history, so there were many portraits of round-cheeked pizza chefs to decorate the plain walls. The cursed blonde didn't care for any of that, though. It was the smell of fresh garlic roasting and hand-made bread that consumed her hungry senses. Even as she entered and sat down, the host, young Gregorio the Seventh, simply nodded and headed back to the kitchen to undoubtedly put an order in for 'Millie's Usual'.

    wc: 1400 | Total: 2948/4000


    Surprise Wedding 60731_s
    Nestor Azarov
    Nestor Azarov

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    Surprise Wedding Empty Re: Surprise Wedding

    Post by Nestor Azarov 25th March 2020, 7:47 am

    Surprise Wedding O2VD1RJ

    The kiss went over just about as expected, with minimal, or actually, no input at all from the young man, who remained frozen in place still, most of the actual kissing being done by the blonde girl. It didn't last long, though, luckily. In fact, it was over in but a moment. Still, Shen's face, instead of regaining some color, remained pale and unmoving, his expression twisted into a pained and obviously uncomfortable smirk that seemed like it had been carved into stone. His expectations had been thoroughly subverted, to say the least. Why was it always him who ended up in situations like this one? Why couldn't he just have a normal day, surrounded by normal people, doing normal things? Just once, just one single day. Was that really too much to ask for? He needed a break, taking short and almost gasping, though somewhat subtle breaths between realizations. Well, was that it? Just like that, they were married? What a joke. How anyone could take this wedding ceremony seriously was beyond him.

    Who did take this ceremony evidently very seriously, though, was a group of shrieking women, who all reached for the bouquet longingly, driven by whatever frenzied haze and superstition this ritual would induce. Swiftly, Dela would launch the thing in the air, Shen's eyes following the object as it soared and, not more than a moment later, exploded in a brilliant display of sparkles and flower petals. It was beautiful, and Shen would have perhaps even appreciated the show as such if he hadn't been in such a bad mood. The day was more or less already ruined. He had really wanted, no, needed a timeout, a break, instead, now, feeling even more stressed than before. His nerves were practically fried, his mind was tired and thoroughly disappointed, indeed, he barely paid any attention to his surroundings or any of the people present anymore. He just hoped that it would end sooner rather than later and that after that, they would finally let him go so he could slump back to the Rune Knight HQ, find his room in the barracks and sink into his bed so he could shut himself in for a few days, avoid people as much as possible to recharge and process what had happened today. A subtle sigh escaped his lips. At least it was better than suffering his sister's wrath, right? Shen wasn't so sure about that anymore ...

    Lost in his own moping depression, Shen, at first, barely felt Dela grab his hand, though realized that, as soon as the girl began pulling him away once more, she had more plans still, his panicked eyes turning to her as he stumbled along, a simple "I- uh ... what?" involuntarily escaping his surprised brain. One more time the blonde girl would subvert his expectations, doing a complete 180 yet again, his understanding of the situation at hand barely able to keep up as she dragged him back up the aisle they had walked down previously. His expression one of sheer bewilderment and confusion. He'd thought that the false ceremony was not over, yet here they were, making their escape. In honesty, this girl and the way she acted were more of a riddle than he would care to admit to himself, her seemingly contradictory actions presenting a challenge the Rune Knight recruit couldn't wrap his head around. Still, he followed her, motivated by nothing but the pure relief that he wouldn't have to endure more of this bullshit.

    "H-hey, where are w-we-, oh, okay, alright, g-guess we're going", the confused man attempted to ask her as she began to make her way back to where they had started out with Shen in tow, realizing half-way through that Dela's destination was, most likely, not anywhere on the Company grounds. At least she seemed more interested in gathering her things and making a quick exit, his sneaking suspicion confirmed when she, in a rather direct and seemingly uncaring manner, asked him if he wanted to go grab some pizza. A question that served to confuse Shen more than he already was. "I- uh, ehrrrm ... I d-dunno", he stuttered out quickly, avoiding looking her in the eyes and instead staring on the ground off to the side, trying to keep his composure. In reality, he just really wanted to go home and forget all of this had ever happened, but ... maybe talking about this wasn't a bad idea. Shen had some questions he could use answers to, after all. Whether he would get those answers or not was an entirely different question. "I g-guess ...", he would affirm simply.

    On the way to the pizzeria Shen would remain quiet and introspective, though shooting the occasional look over to the blonde only to avert his gaze after just one fleeting moment, silently wondering what went through her had and what had gone through her head before. Just what exactly had she been thinking? What was all of this about? Luckily, their little trip wouldn't take long at all, the two entering the place, Shen immediately being hit with the fresh smell of tomato, garlic, basil. It was admittedly appetizing, the longing for a delicious slice of pizza at least helping the young man feel a little bit more normal, a little bit more human. Apart from that, Shen didn't honestly care much or pay much attention, instead focussing on Dela when the two would finally sit down, the recruit finally getting a chance to articulate himself.

    "S-sooo, uh, like, alright. I- uh ... I mean, like, no offense and all, uh D-dela, right?", he began, looking at her nervously, though somewhat less stressed and timid than before, continuing with an inquiry that constituted less of a question and more an outlet to vent his frustration, his tone, though, nonetheless soft and reserved as he asked.

    "... alright, so, uh, Dela ... What the actual fuck?".

    Word Count: 993
    Personal Word Count Total: 3,211 / 4,000
    Thread Word Count Total: 6,159 / 8,000



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    Surprise Wedding Empty Re: Surprise Wedding

    Post by Dela 27th March 2020, 10:55 pm

    Now that she'd finally let him speak-- if what came out of his mouth could be called that-- she couldn't keep at least one corner of her mouth from tugging up into a smirk. Dela hadn't anticipated that the poor stammering boy could be so direct, but she had put him through quite a kerfuffle. And while she actually enjoyed jerking people around and never really providing any reasoning for it, she at least owed her coworker this much. "Mmm, yeah, I'm sorry about all that. It seemed like a good idea at the time," she started bringing the length of her flaxen locks over her left shoulder so she could idly run her fingers through it. "As petty as this sounds, I was trying to get back at my friends. We had attended the ceremony before this one together, and...I have a thing for one of them. The whole thing was a disaster, though, and while I was dead under the dessert table I think my friends fake-married each other, so I was a bit...jealous," she admitted, shrugging sheepishly. She owned her mistakes and could be quite honest with herself and others when she wanted to be. "Imagining the two of them cuddling and kissing and having a good time without me got to me, so I wanted to be able to hit them back with a story where I went on without them and kissed some hunk, not that Cillian would ever actually pull his head out of his butt long enough to notice," continued the magical girl, clearly still bothered by the mental images she had to endure, but also starting to regret the questionable thought process she'd had when she first resurrected. Now that she thought about it, her mind was quite jumbled lately when she came back to life. That was a new development. Dela would have to be careful and try not to make decisions until she was fully back to normal, calculating self.

    The pizza didn't take long to come out. By the time she paused her explanation, Gregorio the Sixth popped out of the swinging double doors of the kitchen with a giant pizza, fresh out of the oven and steaming. It was already on one of those cute little pizza pedestals so it wouldn't consume the useable space of the table. As he placed it down, Dela tossed a perky "Thanks, Greg!" at him and his rosy chubby cheeks. His son whirled in with plates and cutlery, earning him a "Thanks, Greggy!" as a reward. The father-son due then split and went back off in their respective directions to let the overdressed pair eat.

    "Oh, gorgeous as usual," Dela grinned, looming over the pie with malicious intent. Margherita pizza was her absolute favorite when she was dining out in the pizzeria itself, which was a treat. The mozzarella, thinly sliced tomatoes, and basil were arranged perfectly daisy-like as usual. The sauce was thin enough under the toppings to keep the crust crispy on the bottom. Perfection.

    "Anyway...I really am sorry about all of that. We can't have it be weird if we ever get assigned to a mission together. It feels like Mythal already watches me a little closer than I'd like," she said, getting herself a slice and digging right in. It only occurred to her after a few seconds of munching on it hungrily that Shen might not like it. "Is this okay? We can order something else as well if this isn't something you want. Buying you lunch is the least I can do before we go back to HQ."

    wc: 602 | Total: 3550/4000


    Surprise Wedding 60731_s
    Nestor Azarov
    Nestor Azarov

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    Surprise Wedding Empty Re: Surprise Wedding

    Post by Nestor Azarov 28th March 2020, 5:38 am

    Surprise Wedding O2VD1RJ

    Shen blinked slowly, his eyes, locked on Dela as she explained her reasoning for putting him through this whole ordeal in the first place, narrowing, gradually, further and further as she spoke. Occasionally, her words would leave him to wonder if he'd heard her or understood her right. So, she had orchestrated this whole thing just because one of her friends got fake married to another one of her friends, but she had a thing for one of these friends, so she got jealous, and wanted to make them jealous, and she somehow ended up dead? Shen's expression was one of obvious confusion. Did she have too much alcohol and end up passing out under one of those so neatly decorated dinner tables? That was the most likely option. Dela was, of course, still alive, otherwise, she wouldn't be sitting right in front of Shen, leisurely talking away while she waited for her order of Pizza. "S-so ... this was all to get back at that Cillian guy?", the Rune Knight Private confirmed, taking a deep breath. That was just completely ridiculous, and the fact that he himself had to suffer through her antics for that reason alone was almost laughable. A pained smirk would lift a corner of Shen's mouth. "T-that's ... uhm ... wow".

    He really didn't know what else to say. Man, that was pretty depressing. So he'd been literally the next best available person to get back at them, her friends, that was. Wrong place, wrong time, nothing else. On some level, Shen had hoped that perhaps the reason hadn't been such a superficial one, but at the same time, he'd also wished that she hadn't put him through the fake wedding in the first place. Wait, if he was just the next best dude on the street then how did she know his name? Could she, like, read minds or something? Before he could really think about this more and come up with something to say, the order of Pizza was promptly placed before them, along with cutlery and plates. Dela seemed familiar with the two men that had brought the dish, greeting them like she knew them personally. Shen, of course, paid little mind to that fact, the young man beginning to notice that he, too, was pretty hungry. In light of the events that had occurred today, he'd completely forgotten to eat. Of course, he had at least hoped for a few slices of cake as a wedding guest, but that had obviously fallen through. The smell of basil, tomatoes, and garlic was, admittedly, quite an appetite-inducing one, as well.

    His attention, though, would fall back onto Dela and leave the pie before them when she spoke up once more, apologizing and ... wait. "H-hold up-", the young man began with a confused tone, "A-assigned to a mission together? Mythal? As in ... Director Ragnos? S-so you're ... you're ...". The realization that she was a Rune Knight, much like Shen, hit the young man like a truck. So that was how she knew who he was. "O-oh, I, uh-", Shen would only realize now that, if she was a Rune Knight, she probably outranked him. Most people in the Rune Knights did. And if that was the case, he had been decidedly too casual. "I-I'm sorry, Ma'am", he said, bowing his head apologetically, "I-I had n-no idea". She would also ask if the order suited him, Shen quickly nodding his head. Of course, Margherita was always a good choice. "T-this is fine, n-no need". To avoid embarrassing himself any further, Shen quickly grabbed a slice of the still hit Pizza and began shoving it in his mouth, though, after a second, recoiling in pain. The cheese was like molten lava, burning his tongue, tears beginning to build up in the corners of his eyes as he reflexively smacked his hand on the table, probably loud enough for Dela to hear.

    Word Count: 659
    Personal Word Count Total: 3,867 / 4,000
    Thread Word Count Total: 7,420 / 8,000



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    Surprise Wedding Empty Re: Surprise Wedding

    Post by Dela 28th March 2020, 4:09 pm

    "Oh my gooddd, no," lamented the blonde, his last words seemingly draining the very life out of her for the second time again. "Please, don't get all formal with me. I definitely don't want it nor do I deserve it!" Dela said, begging him with her big blue eyes not to make a rank thing about this. Her laziness extended even to titles. The more power people thought you had, the more trouble it was. If being a Rune Knight hadn't opened up so many information channels for her that were otherwise blocked off, she'd have never joined such a rigid, military-like organization. It wasn't her style in the least. "Besides, we're off the clock. And after that big smooch I gave you, I hardly think we can say we aren't friends--"

    The whacking on the table caught her attention, shutting the at-times talkative female up. She peered at him over the pizza, deciding if it was just the piping hot cheese burning his mouth from where he shoved it in like a starving orphan or if he was choking. "You okay?" she asked but didn't end up waiting to hear. Either way, they needed drinks, and she only just noticed they'd been forgotten. Hopping up from her chair, she ran into the kitchen, scaring the life out of Greg as she grabbed a pitcher, filled it full of ice and water, and ran back out to grab cups from Greggy. Rejoining Shen, she poured him a glass and lingered near him, wondering if she remembered how to do the Heimlich. Was it even still done the same as it was a hundred years ago? All she needed was to have ruined Shen's day with her ill-conceived plan for pettiness and then have him die as she tried to fix it with pizza.

    It was also remarkable that she could still feel the steely pangs of fear concerning death. True, this fear wasn't for herself, but for Shen, but still. It'd been a while since she'd felt it at all, growing numb toward the whole process for people at large. People died every day. Sometimes she envied them. If she'd not made her contract to try and save Elle, she'd have died roughly twenty to forty years ago and it'd all be over. Instead, she struggled on and watched all her friends and family die from afar, growing more distant from humanity and rejecting bonds out of self-preservation as she went. Despite all that, lately, she'd gained people to care for, which seemed to reignite her concern for this particular boy she worked with. "Heh...please, Shen. Don't die. I might be able to come back from it, but you can't, I'd wager..."

    wc: 452 | Total: 4002/4000


    Surprise Wedding 60731_s
    Nestor Azarov
    Nestor Azarov

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    Surprise Wedding Empty Re: Surprise Wedding

    Post by Nestor Azarov 28th March 2020, 5:01 pm

    Surprise Wedding O2VD1RJ

    Shen didn't really pay too much attention to what Dela was saying, his consciousness instead consumed by the feeling of lavamouth. "Ah ... Ahm fain", the young man would stutter out hastily, the hot cheese still coating his tongue as he tried to chew it down as fast as possible. Somewhat busied by this task, he only noticed that Dela had moved and gotten something to drink when she poured him a glass. "T-thank you", Shen readily accepted the drink, immediately seeking to soothe his scorched tongue and mouth with the cool liquid.

    "I-I'm fine- I'm fine, really, thank you. I ain't gonna die". The young Rune Knight Recruit was quick to dismiss any possibility of him kicking the bucket, at least for now, though he had neither gotten to enjoy the pizza in at least a little bit of peace and quiet nor had avoided embarrassing himself yet again. Today had just been a complete and total disaster For something that was meant to be relaxing, recreational, even, it had been pretty stressful, and Shen was sure that he had sacrificed more than just a few nerves and brain cells. He sighed. At least he'd gotten Pizza ...

    Word Count: 199
    Personal Word Count Total: 4,066 / 4,000
    Thread Word Count Total: 8,071 / 8,000


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