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    The Copycat Assassination

    Atuzite Fumus
    Atuzite Fumus

    Lineage : Bringer of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Withered Death Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Copycat Assassination Empty The Copycat Assassination

    Post by Atuzite Fumus 28th January 2020, 9:16 pm

    2178/1500 WORDS
    Atuzite Fumus
    Yea. I'll make my mark; just give me time and all your money.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    Atuzite Fumus, that was a person fiore hadn’t seen or heard from for quite awhile. For a time he could’ve been considered a very promising dark mage. Of course his fame mostly sprouted from his solo attack of the old legal guild, Crystal Swan. His known assassinations was also probably a large factor of his fame. However Atuzite’s path of fame eventually took a turn for the worse after the events of the Crystal Swan attack. While Atuzite was able to escape with his life his pet snake, Dreogan was not so lucky. Atuzite considered Dreogan his only true family, so his death gave Atuzite a deep depression for awhile. This depression eventually became bad enough for Atuzite to try to force Fairy Tail his first guild to execute him by attacking them. Atuzite grinned under his gas mask thinking back at these events. Currently he was at a roadblock in his career, with his training complete Atuzite was finally ready to get back to serious work.

    Atuzite over his training had done some simple stealth jobs just to get by but other then that the male hadn’t done a job in over a year. The assassin was of course excited since he was finnally gonna enjoy another assassination. The job was given to him from one of his old friends who was now an informant for a dark guild. Apparently some “gang” in the Phoenix mountain area was being idiotic and when looting or doing other crimes they flew the flag of a dark guild. Atuzite assumed they didn’t want weaklings hurting their reputation or something like that Atuzite really didn’t care. All that mattered to him was that the job stated they don’t care how he does the job as long as he kills all of the “Copycats.” Not only was it a assassination mission it was one Atuzite could do pretty much free reign. This was certainly going to be fun.

    Atuzite left the diner of the small settlement slipping his gas mask back onto his face as he began to look around. Eventually he found what he was looking for, the east gate of the settlement. Asking around before Atuzite had found the attacks usually happened on the east path so he decided to start there. He walked about 15 feet out of the settlement before beginning to walk into the forest that sat on the right side of the path. The mage crouched down on a tree branch facing towards the path as now all he had left to do was wait. His plan was to wait for someone like a trader to leave the settlement and to stalk them until hopefully they get attacked by the gang. Atuzite sat up there for quite a few hours until it was around 2 hours till sunset when he finally got lucky. Yelling was coming from the gate and Atuzite could see the head of the horse pointing out from the gate. “I am done waiting for the Rune Knights to get here at any moment those hooligans can come to attack the whole place!” Atuzite assumed it was an older man from the voice, a perfect target for bandits to rob on a path. “Mr Brown please if you leave there’s almost a certainty you will be attacked on your way, Im sure the rune knights will be here soon just wait a bit longer.” This second voice Atuzite assumed was also a man but younger in the 40-60 range was his best guess. “It's better to try then sit here and wait for death to come to us.” Next Atuzite could see the horse began running forward. The horse pulled a small cart along with it with the man Atuzite assumed was Mr. Brown inside the cart. Mr. Brown was very short only about 4 ft 10 at most and seemed to be rather old as he had a decently long beard. Atuzite waited for a few moments to make sure the cart was ahead of him by a bit. He then began moving as fast as he could jumping from one branch to another trying to make sure the cart was at least always in view. After a few minutes the horse’s pace began to slow allowing Atuzite to also move slower so he didn’t have to waste so much energy he also decided to hop off the branches to the ground. Hours began to slip by and the sun eventually set. Around midnight the cart came into a large clearing and Mr. Brown decided to stop to rest for the night. As Mr. Brown began to get out of the cart Atuzite caught up and leaned against a tree for rest. Suddenly, after Mr. Brown stepped away from his cart to stretch his legs a large slash of wind came launching from the right side of the clearing straight at the horse. The horse was cut straight through dead before it even hit the ground the shock wave from the attack would tip the cart onto its side and send Mr. Brown flying a loud snap could be heard as he landed. It was time the assassination truly began.

    Having no time to waste Atuzite slipped his hand into his pocket grabbing out a medium sized orb that most could probably tell was a lacrima. Atuzite pressed a button on the back of the lacrima making it start record. Atuzite pointed the lacrima towards the scene with now figures emerging from the edges of the clearing and he whispered “Let’s get this started shall we.” Atuzite put the lacrima back into his pocket but left it recording so it could record the sound at least. Atuzite could see 5 people not including the old man in the clearing now 4 men and 1 girl. Atuzite decided to go for the girl first as she was the furthest from the others and seemed to be not moving from where she was for awhile. Atuzite sneaked around the clearing until he was behind where the girl was. He dashed forward as he moved he used his poisoned edge spell forming a dagger made of coursing venom in his right hand. In just a few moments he was behind the one known as “Kim Strange” his poison knife straight at her throat. She didn’t even have time to react as Atuzite slit her throat launching a splash of blood and killing her instantly. As her body hit the ground the smallest of the 4 men turned to him a mix of shock and fear in his eyes. Atuzite lifted his left hand into the air using his signature spell Skull of Venom creating a bowling ball sized orb of cloudy poisonous gas before launching it straight upward into the sky. After it flew 10 meters above himself it exploded outwards into a large skull made of purple gas. Atuzite’s calling card of a purple skull was in the sky once more for the first time in quite awhile. This “Copycat Gang” never stood a chance.

    After shooting up his calling card Atuzite wasted no time dashing forward at the stunned male known as “Toby the Defiler.” Seeing him coming the male began swinging his two knives wildly in fear. He was lucky enough to block the first attack as Atuzite simply slashed at his head. He was not so lucky on the second hit however as when Atuzite jumped backwards after the block he threw his dagger straight at Toby’s head. The dagger implanted itself straight into his head killing him instantly. As he killed the so called Defiler he heard two sets of heavy feet approaching him from both sides. He immediately jumped forward dodging the attacks of the Booklet brothers however a slash of wind was also launched at him luckily the slash was aimed at the ground where he was meaning he didn’t get hit by the attack but he was knocked back from it. As he was flying he saw he was gonna crash into a tree so, he flipped around mid air to be hit in the back rather than the front. His back slammed into the tree and he slumped down to the bottom of the tree. He quickly got up now very pissed off. As he stood up a black aura suddenly surrounded himself thanks to his lineage. The aura would suddenly condense together at his hands as he used his lineages Orcus ability charging his magic. Next Atuzite used his poisoned arrowhead spell summoning a bow and arrow made of coursing venom. As he was currently still scared feeling Atuzite’s aura Atuzite decided to shoot at Randy Booklet first. As he was distracted Randy could not react fast enough and he caught an arrow to the head killing him. Wade seeing his younger brother die he yelled in anger and sprinted at Atuzite. Seeing him coming Atuzite shot his next shot at Wade. Wade quickly moved to the side trying to dodge the arrow however it didn’t work fully and the arrow caught him in the shoulder however he kept coming at Atuzite. As he held the bow he focused his magic above Wade creating a square of condensed poison before having it drop down on Wade. As Wade breathed it in, he immediately stopped in his tracks, stunned. With him unmoving Wade was easy pickings as Atuzite shot his last arrow into his head killing him just like his brother. Finally, Atuzite turned to the last member of the gang Zack Storm. Zach was staring at Atuzite as he moved his hands in front of him as if holding a ball made of air, he was charging an attack. Wanting to finish this Atuzite went all out. First, he prepared his spell known as Snake Bite. Next, he dashed forward until he was within 30 meters of Zach. Thirdly, he used his Acid Spray spell to spray acid out of his hand toward Zach. Seeing this Zach released his attack making a beam of wind launching forward clashing with Atuzite’s spell. At first it seemed Zach was winning the clash however Atuzite wasn’t done yet. He used the spell called Balls of Death. Behind him Atuzite made 4 balls made of poison before launching them forward into the class. As it was now two spells against one Zach began losing. As he wasn’t able to react fast enough Zach was hit with not only both Atuzite’s spells but also his own spell. When the spells hit him Atuzites prepared spell triggered launching fangs made of venom towards Zach. As all the spells hit him he immediately died as he was sent backward with so much force he almost completely went through the tree he was launched into. The assassination was now technically over however Atuzite had a few things he wanted to do before this job was over.

    Atuzite reached into his pocket and pulled out the lacrima that had been recording this enter time. First he pointed the lacrima at himself and took off his gas mask. “I don’t know about you but I think I did an amazing job for my first job back.” He then pointed the lacrima at the scene around him showing off his handiwork before pointing it back at himself. “Anyway I should introduce myself in case you forgot me, names Atuzite Fumus. Now you probably wanna know why I did this you see these idiotic imbeciles thought it was a good idea to pretend they were dark guild members since they’ve been doing this for a few months now with no retaliation from the magic council so, the dark guilds decided they might as well end these weaklings before they ruin their reputation. Since killing a bunch of fakes could be considered not necessarily evil lets do a bit more shall we.” Atuzite then walked over to where the old man Mr. Brown laid on his back looking up unable to move thanks to his legs being broken. “Please help me….” He wasn’t responded to with words but rather by actions. Atuzite pointed the lacrima down at the old man as he lifted his leg and with his full strength curb stomped his head. His foot went straight through his head killing him as he stepped away from the body he pointed the camera back at himself. “Obviously if your watching this you saw what I did with the mayor of this lovely settlement whoever is watching this at least give the magic council this message: These deaths are your fault and that Atuzite Fumus is finally back.” Atuzite then slipped back on his gas mask and ended the recording. He then made himself back to the settlement and slept for the night. The next day around noon Atuzite left through the back of the mayor’s house. Inside the mayor layed on the floor dead with the lacrima on his chest and under it written in poison was “from Atuzite Fumus.” Atuzite then left the settlement job completed.
    No notes


    The Copycat Assassination PZOGGNQ

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 1:09 pm