Three barrels of wine, five sacks of rice, two boxes of jewelry were all assets assigned to the old merchant of dawn town, aim to deliver these safely to Era from the Phoenix mountains. The man will be rewarded with a sum of money in order to deliver these safely to the destination. With two horses tied to the cart, he mounts the wooden transport and begins traveling up towards the mountains. Almost an hour has passed and the old merchant found himself in the mountain trail. Hiding in the shades and thick foliage were a specific group of bandits that claim themselves to be Savage Skull. Whereas of course Savage Skull would thrive in looting inventory of their dead victims, they'd never consort to trivial things such as stealing from merchants and diverting unwanted attention.
The group makes its moving running among the trees and hiding behind boulders. The time to strike draws near and as soon as the old merchant reaches half way through the phoenix mountains, out came the group of bandits. First it was the booklet brothers, Wade and Randy who startled the horses, then it was Toby the defiler who would kick the old merchant of his seat and finally Zack Storm who stepped on the poor man's old throat.