Fairy Tail RP

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    The First Night - Welcome Recruit! - Guild Job


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
    Position : None
    Posts : 60
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood
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    The First Night - Welcome Recruit! - Guild Job Empty The First Night - Welcome Recruit! - Guild Job

    Post by Yakone 4th March 2020, 3:19 pm

    WC: 974

    The night was still young one would call it. Covered in dirt, grime, and sweat, Yagi was out and about in the middle of this forrest mountain out hunting. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't alone. He was out there to try to at least capture some deer and cook it before calling it a night. He spotted a deer just over the small hill he was on and laying in a prone position. He watched it eat grass and from the angle that he was in, he was looking at its rear. He slowly got up and tried to sneak his way towards it tippy toeing it. Though he stepped on a rather tall grass section of the ground. Which caused a sudden jolt to the deer itself. Startled, it looked Yagi's way who froze in his tracks like a deer caught in the headlights. The deer simply ignored it and continued to eat its grass.

    The anxiety was through the roof at this point and a sigh of a phew escaped his breath. He continued to move forward and finally, jumped into action, tackling the deer head on and bashing its skull in with his trusted fist. It didn't take long for the deer to subdue and he finally caught his breath as the deer was dead beside him. Before he could get to his feet, he felt a sharp pain strike his back. If he wasn't so tired, so exhausted after a long days work. He wouldn't have been enough to take him down. Unfortunately, it was enough to take him down and now he was knocked out cold. He soon awakened and what felt like a few seconds, but really it was an hour. He was laying in a warm bed and hearing some commotion, he rose up in a sitting up position just looking over at the doorframe. The commotion had stopped as one of the Silver Wolf members approached him, this man being a fairly large sized man with a lumberjack type of beard.

    He was quick to extend his hand forward to the man with a king gesture.

    "The names Jarico. I am a member of the Silver Wolf Guild. Sorry about what had happened, my partner over there had thought u were in danger and shot his needle at you. His name is Jaiden."

    Yagi then had recognized the pain that had got him and immediately touched his back. He looked to the scrawny silver wolf guild member who was trying his best to hide behind the door.

    "I'm sorry sir, it was an accident."

    Yagi then rose from the bed and beckoning Jaiden over to him. He had complied and went towards him. Yagi brought his hand forward to shake Jaiden's hand and smiled.

    "No harm done. Accidents happen all the time. Now I best be going. Thanks for everything you guys have done. Let me just get my deer and will be on my way."

    Just before they were going to allow him to do it, Jarico was quick to question the man innocently and non interrogation like.

    "I'm just curious, why were you out there in the first place? Do you belong to a guild?"

    Yagi shook his head no, gathering his book bag which is located on a nearby chair.

    "No, i'm just passing through is all. It's my first time being in this area."

    Jarico then watched as the man was placing his bag over his shoulder. He was quick to respond back.

    "What kind of magic do you use?"

    Yagi looking over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow.

    "Blood magic why? I don't tend to use it often."

    Jarico looked over at Jaiden, they both nodded in agreement.

    "How's about you join us for dinner out in the campfire. We have stew and such prepared. We can also add that deer you have as well if you want."

    The truth was, Yagi was homeless and lived out in the woods. He needed a place to call home and so he agreed with a simple nod. There they sat the three of them out on the woods. Eating their meals and enjoying each others company. Jaiden and Jarico was telling him about their adventures that they had gone on, and Yagi, well he was telling them how he had been chasing all types of animals from the smallest to the largest. He was a hunter at heart when it came to tracking wildlife. As the three of them were laughing and enjoying each others company, a giant grizzly bear had approach them, along with two lions beside them. From the looks of it, it had appeared that they hadn't eaten in a few hours. Yagi was quick to rise to his feet and defending the both of them.

    The two lions were traveling straight to Jaiden and Jarico, who immediately tried doing some spells but couldn't accomplish it in time. Meanwhile Yagi went tussle to tussle with the bear. Wrestling it to the ground and beating the living shit out of it with both fist. He saw both Jarico and Jaiden struggling to even fend off the lions who was now on top of them trying to bite their faces off. Yagi was quick to pick up two medium sized rocks and hurling it straight at both their sides. Causing the both of them to flee away from the scene. Jarico and Jaiden both were helped from the ground and now rising to their feet. Jarico folded his arms across his chest and smirked.

    "Even without your magic, you showed that bear who was bossed and saved our skins. How would you like to be a member of the Silver Wolf?"

    Jarico brought his hand forward to shake Yagi's and for the first time. He felt like he was apart of a family.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:59 pm