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    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy]


    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
    Guild : Meliora Vitae [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 39
    Experience : 34,736

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Leviathan
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy] Empty ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy]

    Post by Dagda 27th January 2020, 6:45 pm

    I found the perfect images for this thread~:

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Free Form
    Post Word Count: 1,206
    Job Word Count: 1,206
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Moondust
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Darkness encompassed Dagda. It was all he could see. It surrounded him, filled him, consumed him. It held him, carried him through the void in which he had been thrown. Occasionally a light would flash in the pitch black, streaking by before returning him to the darkness. Dagda had noticed that it had a tunnel-like shape every time light would pass by.

    The Leviathan wasn’t sure how long he had been here in this space. Minutes? Weeks? Did time even exist here? There was no way to track it. There wasn’t even a way to tell where he was. All he knew was darkness. Darkness and pain.

    The last thing Dagda remembered was being in the control room of the Mizi fortress on Tetsukazu. He had come there to meet with the Mizi to discuss his actions from a previous day. Despite his hatred for the beings, he wanted to reconcile with them for the sake of his people. They were still blinded by their worship of the invaders. He had to act like he was still a supporter of Mizi control. It was too soon and too dangerous for him to usurp their control after working against them in the shadows for years.

    The meeting had been an ambush. Dagda was alone with the five remaining Mizi. As he entered the chamber, they had confronted him. All of his treason against Mizi rule was brought to light, exposing Dagda. He was a heretic in their eyes, trying to stir rebellion under their noses. They had attacked him after all their accusations were revealed. It was a vicious, one-sided battle. The magic they had cloaked the room with prevented Dagda from using his Leviathan form, which left him at a disadvantage. The battle waged around a giant circular opening in the center of the room, which was covered by a metal aperture.

    The Leviathan held them off the best he was able, but there was only so much he could do. It all came to a head when he was sparring with a Mizi by the name of Ergal. Dagda's arm had transformed to be made of a dark blue-gray slate. Metal had sheared off of stone as he battled the axe-wielding being. His right arm and the weapon had interlocked and the two struggled to overwhelm the other with strength.

    Another Mizi, Sighne, attacked Dagda from the side. Before he could react, she had swung at his arm with an enchanted sword. It landed at the spot where the slate part of Dagda’s arm ended and the skin began. Magically enhanced metal cut clean through skin, flesh, and bone. The Leviathan’s stone arm dropped to the floor. He was left with a furiously bleeding stump as he had roared in pain.

    Dagda had stumbled back, nearly blinded by pain. Sighne used magic to open the aperture in the center of the room. Beneath it was a dark opening that swirled and crackled with energy. It seemed to be and endless hole with no bottom. Sighne had approached Dagda, who could barely stand straight. With a strong kick, the Leviathan was launched into the portal and away from everything he had ever known.

    The whole time Dagda had been in this tunneling void, he slipped in and out of consciousness. The pain from his arm stump was always there, throbbing and aching. It never seemed to end. When he was conscious, Dagda’s mind wandered. It was hard to contemplate where he was and what this place was. Did he really exist? Had he passed away, and this is what came after life? He often thought about his son. The little boy’s face was easy to picture. Dagda missed him dearly, and often found himself in tears at the thought. Would he ever see his son again? He struggled to even consider the possibility.

    After a few days - or was it minutes? - Dagda stopped floating and started moving. It wasn’t clear how he knew, he just did. Slowly he began to pick up speed through the tunnels. Light began to flash by more often. Eventually, it became constant, outlining the tunnel-shape. Dagda realized that he was in some sort of portal. It could even be a wormhole. Whatever it was, he was traveling through space. The light that lined the tunnel was created by passing stars.

    Dagda felt that he was getting close to something in the tunnel. Though it seemed never ending, subtle shifts in the space let him know when things changed. The titan had no control over where he was going. Eventually he ought to end up somewhere, right?

    That somewhere ended up being a portal opening that approached in a blink. Dagda was launched out of the opening at a fast pace. Dark brown eyes looked frantically around, trying to figure out where he was. It seemed that he had been dropped out of the wormhole tunnel into a stormy sky. He wasn’t even sure what planet he was on, but it definitely wasn’t Tetsukazu.

    Dagda looked around through the dark storm clouds as he fell. Wait - falling? All at once, the Leviathan realized that he was plummeting through the air towards the planet’s surface. Gusts of wind and thick raindrops began to pelt the man as he fell. His skin turned red with the battering of the weather.

    The Leviathan broke through the base of the stormy clouds. Beneath him, a strange-looking forest spread for miles. The trees were tall and unlike anything he had seen before on Tetsukazu. Dagda looked straight down and realized there was a lake beneath him. He was directly on target to land in it. The waters looked turbulent with giant waves that pushed from shore to shore.

    Dagda could only watch as he fell closer and closer. He curled his body into a ball the best that he could with only one arm. A raging fire of pain had alighted in the stump once again, reminding him that it was a fresh, open wound. The titan closed his eyes as he reached impact, hoping that he wouldn’t die.

    His body collided with the lake’s surface with a BOOM, sending water splashing high into the air. The turbulent water tore at his arm wound. Dagda let out a tremendous roar of pain that shook the earth. The titan’s form tore through the water and he collided with the lakebed. Rocks tore at his skin, breaking through the clothing and leaving him with cuts all over.

    Dagda uncurled his body slowly, the pain nearly knocking him out. He had to get out of the lake before he drowned. The injury, the fall, and the water had taken all of the little energy he had. There was no chance of turning his body to stone so that he didn’t have to breathe. He began to push himself to the surface.

    As he breached the water, waves tore at the man. Was the lake always like this? He hoped not. “Help! Please help me!” he cried out weakly across the water, hoping that if there was anyone around that they could hear him over the storm. If not, there was a large chance that he would perish.



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 374
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 336,993

    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy] Empty Re: ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy]

    Post by Percy 1st February 2020, 1:30 am

    “Something fell out of it!” a voice rang over the torrential rush of the storm to a team of people scurrying around a beached boat. “Hurry! We have to get to these coordinates,” Perseus Dagger emphasized as he lowered a tool from his eye and shoved a piece of paper with a hastily scrawled bunch of numbers on it into the captain’s hands.

    “Sir, it’s a bit dangerous..” one of the team lightly protested, to which Percy only grinned and clapped him on the back. “No risk, no reward, Parsons! I’ve been tracking dimensional anomalies for years, and this is the first time I’ve gotten to one in time to not only witness it, but get a hold of what comes out of one. Hurry, hurry, everyone!” the science nerd urged, pulling his raincoat’s hood over his two-toned head a bit more as he rushed onto the boat.

    Percy had his hands in many technological projects. More generally, he adored all things science. Normally this applied more to the tech side, but technology could be applied to nearly every field of study, from the more science fiction to practical medicine. He had no idea the two would meet today, though. The youngest Dagger son had invented a device that continually scanned the magnetic forces around Earthland, occasionally detecting a change. Normally it looked as if black holes formed within the ozone of their planet, closing as quickly as they opened. He suspected wormholes existed, either naturally or magically made. While inter-dimensional travel was a draw on its own, Percy was more interested in the magical element. If someone could rip holes in space and time to move things around, perhaps such a being could bestow magic on someone? No matter the vast discovers and breakthroughs he made in the world of science, magic would always be at the forefront of his one-track mind.

    This particular disturbance picked up by the device crackled for a long time before it opened over a lake in the middle of Sakuramori. The forrest was very familiar to him. He’d spent a lot of time researching in the strange environment filled with magic and spirits. While it did usually have his allergies in a whirl by the end, he cared not. His team rushed right to the indicated site by lacricopter towing a high-powered boat, both of his own design to function no matter the weather.

    Even if his research team was wary of their boss’s slightly reckless enthusiasm, they were ever obedient to the influential Dagger family and dared not throw their livelihoods away to resist. Percy would never have treated them this way, but they weren’t used to the unusually soft nature of the youngest sibling. The boat sliced through the choppy waters like a hot knife through butter, using a mix of smart design and bottom weights to stay perfectly stable. All eyes scanned for something foreign in the water, but it was so choppy and dark from the storm that Percy feared it’d been lost. “Quick, someone get me some thermal nocs,” commanded the head of research, holding out a hand expectantly. The lenses appeared in his hand within an instant and he gave the area another scan, then gave an uncharacteristically loud whoop. “THERE IT IS!” he cried, pointing in the appropriate direction so the captain could steer that way. The more he looked at the orange and red shape bobbing in the water, the more his brows creased in thought. “Or...should I say...he rather than it,” he mildly corrected himself. It was clearly a humanoid shape, and given the build it was traditionally male. It might have been a hasty assumption given that it’d just popped out of a wormhole from lord knows where, but he’d edit himself later after further observation.

    As they pulled up to the struggling man, it seemed either the relief of being saved or his condition robbed him of his consciousness. Just like that Percy snapped from the curious researcher to someone with medical experience. Blood mixed with the rainwater in the floor of the boat, turning it pink quickly. “He’s injured pretty badly. Emma!” A girl emerged from the cabin below in a white coat, carrying a hefty medical bag. “The worst is his arm— Er, the lack of a-arm...” His eyes trailed to the stump and he felt his stomach do a little flip. Sympathetic pain in his own arm throbbed sharply, and the amount of blood gave him just a moment’s pause. He was medically trained enough to handle this, but he had never been an emergency surgeon. The traumatic nature of the injury and the pressure were things Percy had never been the best with, but within seconds he switched to mind over matter. He knew what he had to do. “HURRY! Back to shore, we have to get him into the copter and back to Dagger Corp. Emma, on the way help me curb the bleeding and preserve the nerve endings,” he commanded, getting right to work. If he could save these nerves, he already had an idea of what he could do for this man.

    Within a half hour they were back at Dagger Corp and the mysterious portal man was in a state-of-the-art hospital room. While the company wasn’t a hospital and didn’t do much in the way of rescue care or even general medicine for the masses, they did quite a number of experimental surgeries, usually offering trials for specified scenarios. While the trial testing out the new artificial limbs hadn’t started yet, it was close enough. This man was too prime a candidate for his high-tech prosthetic to pass up the opportunity.

    Once scrubbed in, he and a medical team went to work installing the base connector to the stump, effectively taking care of the wound and preserving the nerves needed to work the cybernetic arm. Overall, the whole team was surprised by how nearly identical the man’s physiology was to an Earthland human. If there were any huge differences, they couldn’t discern them while doing surgery on the remaining part of the arm. It was a mystery how he’d received the handicap, but it was a very clean cut. Too clean. Presumably some sort of blade? A casualty from the wormhole? They all had so many questions. Was he even from another dimension, or maybe another time? The questions would never end, but the surgery would quickly. It was a success! His other cuts and bruises were cared for, then he was left to rest and recover.

    Some time later, Percy returned to the room with the replacement arm. It looked robotic with its bright metal and black silicone in the joints and covering the digits, but still had the proportions of an average human arm. One day the Dagger scientist hoped to make a skin-like cover for the prosthetic that would make it look real, but as it was, it should function nearly exactly like a normal limb, minus the tense of touch. Installing touch receptors into the silicone was the next thing he planned to work on. Leaving the arm on a table across the room, Percy approached to check the skin around the connector, then started attaching wires into the base that would serve as the new “nerves” for the new arm.

    The two toned young man’s mismatched eyes glanced over at the scarred face of the man for what seemed like the hundredth time since they fished him out of the lake. Something about the man kept drawing his eye...and it was making him uncomfortable.

    [wc: 1265 || Percy’s Total: 1265 || Group Total: 2471]



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
    Guild : Meliora Vitae [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 39
    Experience : 34,736

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Leviathan
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy] Empty Re: ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy]

    Post by Dagda 1st February 2020, 5:36 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Free Form
    Post Word Count: 915
    Job Word Count: 3,386
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Moondust
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Dagda’s ears were battered by the noise of the storm and the waves of water. Despite the din, he could swear he heard a voice cry out. The titan did his best to fight the current as he looked for the source. Another wave crashed over his head, submerging him for a moment. He resurfaced with a gasp. Every muscle in his body was burning with the effort it took to stay alive in this moment. He had to fight! Fight the water, fight the pain, fight the panic. It was a battle of body and mind.

    “THERE IT IS,” came the cry of a voice from nearby. Relief coursed through the exhausted Leviathan. Someone was here! Dagda saw a boat tearing through the water towards him, cutting through waves with ease. Blackness had begun to eat away at the edge of his vision. Dagda knew he wasn’t long for the waking world and maybe not for the living one either. Whoever it was had arrived just in time.

    The titan felt his body being pulled from the churning water onto the boat. A few heavy coughs racked his body as it got rid of the water he had inhaled in the lake. That was all it took for Dagda to run out of energy. Bleary eyes closed before he could see who had rescued him from the clutches of the water. He felt his consciousness slipping, then blacked right out.

    While Dagda was out, his dreams remained as turbulent as the lake. He dreamed of the Mizi enslaving his people more than they already had. They were torturing his friends and family to know more about his secret rebellion. Magical shackles and chains held titans of all races as they were forced into the mines. Dagda tried to stop them in his dream. He paced towards Sighne, ready to attack. She turned to him, and Dagda recoiled in shock. The alien was holding his son!

    The fear of his last dream caused Dagda to rocket to the waking world. He could hear someone shuffling around nearby. The sound of metal being placed down could be heard across the room, then footsteps approaching. Whoever it was started touching his upper arm. The limb felt weird… Dagda tried to clench his hand into a fist. The movement failed and his heart dropped. Why couldn’t he feel his hand, or arm, or anything below the shoulder?

    Dark eyes cracked open, taking in the well lit room. It was clean, colored with pale paint. Dagda slowly looked over at his right side. Someone’s head was bent over his arm, fingers working swiftly with some wires. The hair was split down the middle - half red and half white. He couldn’t see their face.

    The Leviathan’s eyes wandered down further. He realized that his chest was uncovered by clothing. Some bruises and scratches dotted his torso from the landing. Dark brown eyes flickered to the right. Whatever the person was doing felt weird. They moved slightly, revealing the metal base that covered the end of the stump where his arm once was. All at once Dagda remembered what had happened. Sighne’s sword taking his arm off. The wormhole, the storm, the lake. The boat that had crossed wild waters to save him.

    Dagda was filled with adrenaline all at once as he freaked out. Whoever this was had done something to what was left of his arm. The titan didn’t know where he was or even what planet he was on. Everything was unfamiliar and therefore had to be treated as a threat. This person could be slowly killing him with the wires!

    Dagda leapt up from the hospital bed he was in. It took a moment to regain his balance and center of gravity. In a split second, the titan had vaulted himself over the hospital bed towards the two-toned person. All the wires and tubes that had been attached to and in him were ripped out. Fluids and medical supplies scattered all over the floor.

    The titan bowled right into the other person, knocking them to the ground. He stumbled but came to stand over them. They turned out to be a young man with a scarred face. Dagda moved to grab him up with his right hand. The phantom feeling of the missing limb had deceived him. He was usually right handed and was going by muscle memory. It would take a while to become accustomed to using his left hand. A frustrated grunt left his mouth.

    Dagda grabbed the front of the young man’s shirt in his left hand. Standing up, he lifted him and pinned him against the wall with a THUD. Due to Dagda’s height, the other man was held high off the ground. His chest rose and fell swiftly as he tried to regain his breath from the sudden activity. After lying still for an uncertain amount of time, it was an effort to move. Adrenaline pulsed through the titan. Veins were standing up in his hand and arm as the muscles flexed.

    He leaned in towards the young man. Dark eyes glared threateningly from under furrowed brows. “Who are you? Where am I? What did you do to my arm?” he snarled, clenching his fist tighter around the shirt. Dagda wasn’t usually this aggressive, but he was confused and slightly scared. Not knowing anything about his situation was unnerving. He would intimidate answers out of this man if he had to!



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 374
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 336,993

    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy] Empty Re: ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy]

    Post by Percy 9th February 2020, 11:13 pm

    It was a shock how quickly things went sideways. One moment he was glancing over the stranger between work on the wiring at the stump, the next the base and its wires were jerked from his grip and sight. He jumped off his stool and staggered back a couple steps, watching his patient stagger out of bed and thrash about. "H-HEY!" he started dumbly, wanting to tell him to calm down and stop ripping all the IVs and such out, but nothing more came. The mysterious man from another world was fraught with panic, as was Percy more by the second. Had the sedatives wore off so soon? This was the price he'd pay for not fully knowing the physiology of his patient.

    Maybe this had been an unwise decision.

    Percy had been just about to open his mouth to try and calm him when a flash of skin launched at him. vaulting over the bed and slammed him with enough force that he smacked down onto the cold hard tile. Wheezing some air back into his lungs, mismatched eyes widely stared up at him as he loomed. Too startled to put up a fight, Percy should have used the second or two granted to him by the dawning realization that the limb his patient wished to use was missing, but instead he chose to basically remain there. He scooted back a little, holding up a hand meant to calm the bewildered man. "Y-You're saf--" he tried to get out, but it was too late once more. The remaining left hand grabbed him up like he weighed nothing more than a ragdoll in a child's grip. That was quite a testament, seeing how Percy was no lightweight with his well-trained muscles and the attacker only had one arm. Never before had Percy been lifted so high by the collar nor slammed so hard into a wall, so once again he was groaning and left gasping for air. One hand gripped the wrist of the spooked male's arm wrist, the other pushed defensively at his bare chest. Muscles twitched with effort under his fingers, and leave it to Percy to manage to admire this despite the threatening nature. He was a fine specimen indeed. Percy knew at least three martial arts moves that would get him out of his position, but his science brain was on. Fighting back might injure the other man further, or even jeopardize the surgery on the stump. Plus, any hope of keeping him here to finish required him to think with his head and not with his might.

    Despite this dire situation that had Percy reeling, he felt a wash of relief as he heard language he understood pass from his aggressor's lips. At least he knew they could communicate, something he hadn't considered until now. How much worse off would they be if there was a language barrier to complicate it further? "P-Perseus D-D-Dagger," he responded to the first command, eyes still wide as they stared into the dark ones near his face. He was almost afraid to blink. "You're in D-Dagger Corps' medical ward. Y-your arm was missing when we found you!" the younger Dagger male assured him, mistaking the question for an accusation that he had been responsible for the loss of limb. He had no idea what this man remembered before he landed in the lake. "S-See? I s-saved the nerve endings in your upper arm...for a p-prosthetic replacement." The scientist patted his chest toward the right arm. Even though the wires were a bit wonky from being jerked out of his hands, the base still remained attached to his arm and nerves. Maybe he'd take a look and see it wasn't hurting him. In fact, it wasn't bleeding and probably didn't hurt too much. The Dagger's medical skills and access to cold fusion post-surgery treatments made wounds heal absurdly fast.

    As time ticked on with Percy still in his precarious position, he started to squirm a little in the strong man's grip, his own pain from being slammed and held there starting to wear on him. Even so, he couldn't help but notice how close this muscular man was to him. He was...a nice-looking guy. Something about that and his magnificent show of force had his heart racing now, not entirely out of danger, but also...attraction? No, that couldn't be right. Percy wasn't into that...was he? He had been spending a lot of time looking at his face and body... Now the hand placed on the other man's chest seemed awkward. Cheeks flushed brighter and brighter, spreading from ear to ear the longer he was pinned to the wall. "I...I'm just trying to help..." he nearly whimpered, turning his eyes off to the side.

    [wc: 793 || Percy's total: 2058 || Thread Total: 4179]



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
    Guild : Meliora Vitae [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 39
    Experience : 34,736

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Leviathan
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy] Empty Re: ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy]

    Post by Dagda 10th February 2020, 7:18 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Free Form
    Post Word Count: 731
    Job Word Count: 4,910
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Moondust
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    The young man’s hands grasped at Dagda as the giant held him against the wall. He felt one on his wrist while the other touched his bare chest. Despite the touch and pushing, he didn’t budge an inch. There were hundreds more questions he needed to ask. Until the younger one proved himself not to be a threat, Dagda would hold him hostage in the air.

    Dagda watched the man’s face with intense scrutiny. The pain and panic the other was feeling did not escape his notice. A twinge of guilt twisted in the titan’s gut. He would likely apologize once he felt safe.

    The Leviathan listened carefully as stuttered words were spoken. The two-toned one revealed his name to be Perseus. There was fear in his widened eyes as he spoke. Dagda’s expression relaxed as he heard language he could understand. He remained quiet until Perseus had answered his first questions. Apparently he was in a place called Dagger Corp. The giant man glanced around the room, trying to piece together what that name meant. Nothing really gave him distinct clues. He knew he was in a place that provided medical care. It was unlike anything he had seen on Tetsukazu, though. Even in this room there was more advanced technology than anything his people had created.

    Dagda cursed himself as he realized the wording of his question had been mistaken. He was painfully aware of how his arm had been lost. A silent curse was mentally said towards Sighne. Perseus continued to explain that he had been attempting to preserve what was left of Dagda’s arm. The touch of his hands drew dark eyes to the stump. Metal gleamed in the white light of the room. Wires hung awry from where they had been ripped from the young man’s hands.

    Dagda took a moment to test out what remained of his right arm. He lifted it and twisted, watching the base on the end. The metal didn’t stretch or pinch his skin. The titan rolled his shoulder then flexed what he could of his arm muscles. A tiny bit of soreness and discomfort was present, which was much better than he had expected. All the blood he had seen coating his body when he was last awake was washed away.

    Percy began to move in the grasp of his left hand. Dagda realized he had been holding the young man there for quite a while. The hard wall against his back was likely to be quite uncomfortable. His plea pulled at Dagda’s heart a little. The titan felt bad for how harshly he had attacked. All the questions he had originally asked had been answered and he felt content with the result. This humanoid had saved his life and was trying to preserve what was left of his arm. He was not a threat.

    Dagda loosened his grip and lowered the younger man down to the ground. He placed Percy gently on the floor and returned his left hand to his side. Dark eyes looked down at him, a much kinder expression than before accompanying them. “Perseus,” he began with a nod to the youth, “I apologize for attacking you. I had to ensure my safety. Everything here is unfamiliar…” Dagda looked uneasily around the room once more.

    “My name is Dagda, I’m from a planet called Tetsukazu.” The titan intended to extend his right hand to offer a handshake, but paused when he was again smacked with the reality that there was no arm anymore. Dagda clenched his jaw and sighed, then extended his left arm for a handshake. Should Perseus accept, the titan’s grip would be firm but not painful.

    “Thanks for saving me, kid,”
    Dagda continued, his bass voice a friendly rumble. “And my arm,” he added. “I’m curious about the work you’ve done. I want to know how it all functions. I think I know what a prosthetic is, but things are quite different where I’m from. If someone lost a limb it would just be replaced with one carved of stonne.” Dagda missed his homeland dearly. However, he was somewhere different now with no apparent way to get back. Everything new and unfamiliar had to be taken in stride.

    “I do have some other questions, though. What planet is this? What is Dagger Corp.?” Dagda looked perplexed as the words came from his mouth.



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 374
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 336,993

    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy] Empty Re: ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy]

    Post by Percy 29th March 2020, 8:03 pm

    Percy heaved a small, quivering sigh of relief as it seemed his explanations were accepted. He was rewarded by being placed back down on his feet, which almost seemed to reject his weight for a moment. He sagged back against the wall for just a second before he regained himself, seeming a bit shaken but growing stronger by the minute. The Dagger male was no weakling, but he'd been caught off guard in more ways than one.

    As the taller, stronger male apologized, Percy managed a lop-sided smile and shook his head. "N-No, please, I was the one who wasn't prepared to properly interact with someone not from this world. I hadn't expected you to wake so soon," he assured the man, still not moving as if motion would set the stranger into action again. Instead, introductions were made. Dagda from the planet Tetsukasu. The nerd in Percy bristled with excitement. He was meeting a man from another planet, an extraterrestrial. So many theories and dreams had just come true. It was all he could do to hold himself back from grilling Dagda about, well, everything. Honestly, he might have if attention wasn't brought back to the issue at hand as Dagda tried to shake with his missing arm, having to settle for an awkward non-dominant handshake, which Percy returned, equally as firm.

    Once their hands released, Percy carefully walked past him and back toward the bed to pick up his tools. Despite his scare, he was already focused on the arm once more, wanting to repair the damage just done and finish it up as soon as possible. The alien thanked him, to which Percy only smiled and nodded in humble appreciation. But the two-toned boy was a different creature when in scientific mode. "Please, come back to bed," he said, realizing how suggestive it might have sounded and blushing, but continuing on. The fact was, Dagda needed to do as he said so he could finish up the base of the arm. "I was able to save the nerves in your arm and hook them into cybernetics within the base. So when you flex your muscles or your brain otherwise tries to communicate actions to your original limb, the impulses will travel to the base and into wires that will thus control your new arm," he paused to motion to the prosthetic humanoid arm resting on a counter not too far away, "just the same as your old one. The connection can work both ways, as well. With an upgrade in the future, I can cover the arm in cybernetic mesh and silicone. It will send sensory information back through the wires, allowing you to feel with your prosthetic if you choose. However, if this is not as good an option or better than replacing it with stone, I can remove it," he said, though he sincerely hoped he wouldn't have to. He didn't imagine stone might one day soon yield any sense of touch, but then again, he was not from Earthland. Perhaps Percy was presuming too much.

    While that question hung in the air, the Dagger scientist addressed the others Dagda has. It seemed they were both full of questions, which was understandable. "This is Earthland. Dagger Corp. is my family's company. We have our hands in many enterprises, but I'm head of the research department, which is where we are right now. I study all things technological and how they apply to the other sciences, including medicine, in your case," Percy answered, letting the words sit for only a moment before his own question bubbled from his lips. "When you say your people would replace a lost limb with stone, do you mean by magic? Or is it just a stationary limb-shaped statue for aesthetic purposes?" Of course, he would immediately go digging down the magic rabbit hole. Percy always did.

    [wc: 646 || Percy's total: 2704 || Thread Total: 5556]



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    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy] Empty Re: ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy]

    Post by Dagda 2nd April 2020, 4:43 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Free Form
    Post Word Count: 792
    Job Word Count: 6,348
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Moondust
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Dagda followed Percy’s lead as the younger man instructed him to return to the hospital bed. There was still much work to be done on the base. The phrasing and his subsequent blush went right over the titan’s head. He was oblivious to the effect his presence had on the scientist. The titan returned to the bed, laying with his right arm on the same side as his rescuer.

    As Percy tinkered with the wiring, he was explaining how everything worked. Dagda listened closely, focusing on processing the words he heard. In his home world, the Leviathan was fairly proficient at science and development. He had worked closely with the researchers in his tribe from a young age, wanting to learn everything he could. Any information was just more ground he gained in becoming well-rounded as the leader of his people. Everything that was being explained to him now by Percy was totally new, though. It was such an advanced science behind the metal base now attached to his body. Dagda was thoroughly fascinated.

    The thought of being able to sense touch just the same as he had before was stunning. He never knew such materials and signals could create synthetic sensations. “I… wow,” was all he could muster for a moment. The titan sat quietly, thinking as Percy continued. Apparently the planet was called Earthland. Dagda had never heard of it before. It must be far from Tetsukazu. At that moment, he felt very small. His home, his son, everything he had ever known could be lightyears away.

    “Interesting,” Dagda commented as Percy said he was the head of research at his family’s company. “You seem to be very advanced in science for your age.” He hoped the two-toned one would take it as the compliment he intended to be. Truth be told, Dagda was purely guessing at Percy’s age. Whatever humanoid species he was could age faster than their appearance showed, there was no way of telling.

    The scientist queried about the process of stone prosthetics. It was such a normal thing for Dagda that he had to think for a moment on how to explain it. The long way was probably the best, since it seemed the youth had no prior knowledge of his kind. “My people are a species called Stone Titans, or Marmor. Long, long ago we were borne from the highest peaks of Tetsukazu by the World Spirit. Her love of the beautiful yet rugged mountains is reflected in our true forms, though we usually take on a humanoid form. There are all different tribes of Marmor and we all bear bodies of different types of rock. I am from the Slate tribe.” With that, Dagda leaned over and slipped his arm under Percy’s hand so it was resting on his bicep.

    “Watch,” he instructed simply. Beneath Percy’s hand, the smooth human skin would begin to change. It hardened quickly and darkened. What was once flesh was now a rough, dusky blue slate. The patch was small, just beneath the hand, and faded back into skin beyond the tips of Percy’s fingers.

    “When one of us would lose a limb, the humanoid limb would be gone permanently.” Dagda glanced woefully at his own stump. “But if the titan so desired, they could have a stone prosthetic. There’s two ways of doing so. The first is to carve a limb out of stone and fuse it with the body. There it would function the same as the previous limb had, except without touch. It couldn’t turn back into flesh and is forever stone. Many choose this option, as they can use any type of stone. It’s a fashion choice to have a limb of a different stone than your own natural one.” He let out a huff of laughter, reminded of some of the ridiculous matches he had seen.

    “The other option is to use the powers given by the World Spirit to regenerate the limb. This way is much harder and requires dedication, patience, and a large amount of the natural stone that the titan is made of. If I were to do this, I’d need to consume a blue slate boulder the size of this room.” Dagda glanced around the space. “Though I could replace my limb that way…” he trailed off, returning his gaze to the base that Percy was working on. “I would much rather you complete what you are working on.”

    “I’d like to be able to feel with that arm again.” he added quietly. The notion that he wasn’t doomed to an unfeeling stone arm gave him hope. Dark eyes looked up to meet the scientist’s. The titan gave him an encouraging smile. “What you’ve done is fantastic, kid. Thank you.”



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    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy] Empty Re: ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy]

    Post by Percy 27th April 2020, 5:07 am

    Percy's intricate work on the wires in the base slowed as the story unfolded. It was so foreign that it almost sounded like a high fantasy story. A world spirit loved mountains so much that she breathed life into them and made an entire race of living rock beings full of diversity. His mismatched eyes glimmered in bedazzlement. So enamored with the tale was he that he hardly noticed Dagda slipping his bicep under his idle hand until he was already lightly grasping his patient's flesh again. Of course, this would bring another light blush to his cheeks despite himself. Even so, he watched as instructed, the blush promptly disappearing and being replaced two dualling expressions; One the serious analytical gaze of a seasoned scientist and the other the child-like admiration of something fantastical.

    Much in the way Dagda had been left speechless by his scientific explanation of synthetic skin and cracking the technology behind touch in a prosthetic limb, Percy was left in awe of the Marmor's explanation and demonstration. "W-Wow," he breathed in his trademark flustered stammer. Fingertips tingled from the flesh magically shifting from stone and back. It itched a little, but it wasn't too much different than when he handled lacrima for his inventions without gloves. Percy's mind whirled with so many questions that he almost became overwhelmed and dizzy.

    Despite doing his best to come off as the opposite, the brilliant young inventor grew slightly displeased with being called a 'kid'. It was one of his buttons that always annoyed him when pushed, and though he made it a point not to rise to it because that is exactly what a kid would do, this time he was enough off his game that he did. This was the second time his age was mentioned and he felt the need to set the record straight. "I'm nineteen, which on this planet means I am over one full year into adulthood," he informed Dagda without malice, though it was quite petulant in the beginning. However, he eased up and smiled sheepishly. "You were right though. I'm a bit young to have the position I have. But, despite the fact that my family owns the company, I did earn my title. The Daggers are not known for being generous to anyone and are even less so to family if they do not meet and exceed expectations..." There was a hint of tired bitterness in his tone. Yes, he had definitely earned his place in the Research Department, if only because he'd worked so hard to prove himself with something other than magic. Still, magic was power, so there was no mistake that his lacking it was viewed as a huge detriment and weakness. Percy was a blight on the Dagger's name no matter how much success he had in his fields of study.

    "Anyway," he began after quickly finishing up the wire repair and placing the connection cap onto the base. Seconds later he was on his feet. "You're definitely welcome, as long as you don't mind being a bit of a test subject. You're the first one to try this new limb. Don't worry though, even though you might be testing it, it poses no risk to you. At the very worst, should it take damage or otherwise become unusable, you can just unhook it and bring it back to me for repair. In the meantime, I'll be making sure to work hard on the synthetic skin, so you can indeed feel again. It shouldn't take too much longer," explained the young man, smiling, "so when you come back, you can tell me more about Tetsukazu, the world spirit, and the stone titans. I'd love to hear as much as you're willing to share."

    He fetched the arm from the counter across the room and returned to Dagda's side. Percy raised the upper arm to the base at a slightly twisted position and as if magnetized, the two pieces clicked easily in place. The inventor then twisted it into a more natural position which locked it in with a satisfying clinking noise. "You might feel a little tingling and light pinches as your nerves adjust to the change and integrate into the wiring. Try flexing your hand a few times, please."

    [wc: 714 || Percy's total: 3418 || Thread Total: 7062]



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy] Empty Re: ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy]

    Post by Dagda 29th June 2020, 12:20 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Free Form
    Post Word Count: 711
    Job Word Count: 7,773
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Moondust
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Percy’s reaction to his stony skin changing was priceless. A mix of awe and scrutiny crossed his face. While Dagda was glad his display was impressive, he was hit with the fascinating and striking realization that he may be the first Marmor to ever come to Earthland. He could truly be one of a kind here. The thought made his lurking sense of loneliness stir.

    “Right, sorry about that,” Dagda apologized, having to bite his tongue as to not add another ‘kid’ at the end of his comment. In the fighting ranks of the Marmor, he had instructed many young men and women in discipline and battle tactics. He had grown used to calling them and any other youths ‘kid’, even if they were only a few years younger than him. But Percy’s biting remark made him reconsider his words. Perhaps he was upset about it because he had been looked down on for being young in such a high-ranking position. Dagda realized that his compliment could have struck a nerve unintentionally. The titan made a mental reminder to be more mindful of his words.

    He also realized that aging of Percy’s kind was a little different than his own species. On Tetsukazu, someone of the scientist’s appearance would be several decades old. Nineteen for Marmor was still the toddler years. Mortality was an odd thing. The titan would have to take time to find out more about Earthlanders.

    “If you’re able to make stuff like this,” Dagda gestured to the base at Percy’s fingertips, “I can see why you’re the head of research.” He respected hard work and perseverance. It sounded like the effort Percy put into his position had paid off despite being an uphill battle.

    The repair from Dagda’s outburst was fixed in just a few minutes. After the cap was placed on, the titan sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed. Percy explained that he was the first one to test out this new tech. Dagda let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in when he was told that it wouldn’t be dangerous. Though he had settled down a bit after conversing with the younger man, there was still an edge that told him to be cautious.

    “Sounds great. I’d be glad to come back, I’d also like to pick your brain about, well, everything. I have so much to learn about Earthland…” Dagda sighed. While there were obviously some similarities between here and his home planet, the vastness of what was unknown was nearly overwhelming.

    Dagda’s dark eyes gleamed with curiosity and excitement as Percy returned with the metal arm. Up close, the design was sleek and aesthetically pleasing. Long pieces of metal covered what was likely a very intricate, detailed interior. On both the front and back of the elbow were pieces of black silicone that allowed for smooth movement while still providing protection for the wires inside. Similarly, the wrist had a small silicone gap between metal pieces that permitted movement. A combination of silicone rubber and hard plastics made up the hand with rubber grips on the palm and fingers.

    Without hesitation, Percy had put the arm in place. Dagda watched with an unwavering gaze as it snapped into place. For a moment, he just sat there. He had an arm again. The thought filled him with a thrill of relief. Following Percy’s instructions, he focused on moving the fingers. At first, nothing happened. Then, with an odd sensation at the base of his arm, the fingers twitched a little. A few little pinches made Dagda wince slightly as the nerves became accustomed to the wires connected to them.

    Within seconds he was able to extend the fingers to their full length and clench them into a fist. Dagda showed his teeth in a gleeful smile as the movements became fluid. He laughed in breathless disbelief as he was able to form a thumbs up. From brain to wire receptors, it was as if the metal was a part of him. The titan was left speechless. So far he had only moved the fingers, sticking to Percy’s instructions. As fantastic as this moment was, he didn’t want to get ahead of himself and potentially mess something up.



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    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy] Empty Re: ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy]

    Post by Percy 27th October 2020, 6:16 am

    The installation that day had gone seamlessly, but it seemed that more than an arm was lost and gained that day. Percy had gladly helped the offworlder with every question he had about Earthland, while also peppering in his own curiosities about his world. A friendship was born, one that both probably needed more than they realized. Percy did, at least. His friend count could be contained on one hand, and of those, he saw them sparsely enough that he always felt awkward. He certainly felt awkward around Dagda, but it was easy to talk to him at the same time. If anyone was making it weird, it was Perseus Dagger and his myriad of ill-placed feelings. If anyone made life needlessly hard on Percy, it was Percy himself. That wasn't Dagda's problem, though.

    Keeping true to his word, as soon as Percy finished the development of his synthetic skin with fully functioning touch sensory, Dagda was first on his list of contacts. It wasn't an untested product like the arm had been, but the titan would be the first to use it for prolonged, everyday life. He'd set up the appointment for the upgrade for today whenever Dagda was free, since this was Percy's day off.

    Prepping the table of his lab with the realistic-looking skin as well as the tools to add the wires to the arm and its base, the scientist made sure he had everything. Suddenly remembering something, he scurried off for some spare parts for the arm itself, just in case certain high-use areas were starting to show wear. Actually, he could go ahead and upgrade the cybernetic wire while he was in there. It wouldn't change much, but it would make motions even more lifelike, though most probably wouldn't notice. He'd notice, though.

    Now all there was left to do was wait for Dagda to navigate to his personal lab at Dagger Corp. since this didn't need a hospital visit.

    Actually, maybe he should have just set up the meeting in the hospital. Peering around with a cringe, he took note of how messy his work environment was. He didn't have time to clean, did he? Was it too late to change the plans? Yeah, it'd look weird if he rescheduled now. Maybe if he hurried, he could make this place a little more presentable. Ugh, what would Dagda think if he saw all this mess? As he started frantically clearing away clutter and wiping up spilled grease puddles, his stress grew. There was no way to fix all of this. He had pieces of half-finished crap hanging everywhere from wires and thoughts scribbled in marker on every available flat surface. Chemicals bubbled along the back wall, some splattering everywhere before the burner beneath it adjusted itself to stop it. Percy always had hundreds of irons in the fire, so the entire lab was some sort of organized chaos, not unlike his brain. One corner was for magic research and had a heavily abused chair and coffee-stained table, one wall for tech research, another wall for medical studies, and the last wall was covered in books that were arranged much more neatly than anything else in the room. It was a huge room, but between the clutter and the large, half-constructed mecha in the center, it seemed cramped.

    Even though it was absolutely futile, he still cleaned like an OCD housewife who had just learned her thoughtless husband was on his way home with guests.

    [wc: 582 || Percy's wc: 4000 || Thread Total: 8355]



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy] Empty Re: ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy]

    Post by Dagda 12th January 2021, 8:03 pm

    ♜ Stone and Dagger ♜ [w/Percy] OgDLJYY

    It had been a while since Dagda had seen Percy. After his tumultuous arrival to Earthland and the two-toned man installing his prosthetic arm, the titan had set out to explore Fiore and see what he could do in this strange land until he could figure out how to return home. While the young Dagger had indulged his many questions, that barely scratched the surface of how much he would need to learn about this planet. Cultures, language, slang, currency, social norms, magics - it was all shoved into his head in a very short span of time, often leaving him with a headache after a long day.

    No matter how exhausting it was to be a sponge to knowledge, a stranger, a lonely man, Dagda got up every day and faced the reality he was in. This was Earthland and he was here, that was the truth of the matter. He had to learn to live life on this planet for now. That wasn’t to say the pressure of this situation didn’t get to him sometimes. More than once he dreamed of returning home and cradling his son in his arms, only to wake up with watery eyes, feeling like there was a hole in his heart.

    The town of Magnolia had served as a temporary home base for a while. It was a lovely place, full of kind people and opportunities. Dagda had tackled many physical jobs to earn a small living, enough to get him by for a while. One old man that had needed help moving some boxes of supplies had offered the titan a home-cooked meal after the work was done. This quickly blossomed into a friendship that Dagda hadn’t realized he needed. The two often shared stories and a drink after the old man’s shop had closed for the day.

    The Phoenix Mountains on the west side of Fiore was where things took a turn for Dagda. On a trip there to explore the high peaks that reminded him so much of home, he’d run into a shockingly familiar creature. Hexagoats were a species of six-legged mountain goats that called the rugged, rocky mountains of Tetsukazu home. Somehow one had been brought to Earthland and the titan had encountered it by a stroke of luck. After saving it from the old saddle that was attached painfully around its middle, he’d befriended the spirited creature and named it Six.

    The saddle itself was of Marmor make, identical to those he’d used at home. Within the saddlebags he found many items that belonged to the previous stone titan that had come to Earthland. A rolled-up set of blueprints and a journal had led him to discover something greater left by the titan before. This discovery lent Dagda monumental information and a desperate hope. With what he knew now, he was leaps closer to figuring out how to get home than he was before.

    When Percy had contacted him about upgrading the prosthetic arm, Dagda had set an appointment as soon as possible. The lack of touch sensation had made the metal and silicone arm difficult to grow accustomed to at first. It was very disconcerting having an appendage that he couldn’t feel after having a real one his entire life. He’d accidentally broken many door handles off or touched people with more force than intended.

    He also wanted to speak to the young man about his discoveries in the Phoenix Mountains. Of the few people he knew here, he felt Percy would be able to help him work with what he now possessed. With extensive mechanical and scientific knowledge, he trusted that the Dagger would know what to do.

    After arriving at Dagger Corp. the receptionist directed him towards Percy’s lab. The halls seemed like a maze, but true to her directions, Dagda arrived in front of the door. Inside, he could hear someone scurrying around furiously and the clatter of objects hitting together. Just what was Percy up to? He would have knocked normally, but in his excitement politeness was long forgotten.

    Dagda pushed open the door to see Percy racing around like a madman, trying to clean up the clutter in the room. It was a very eclectic space, filled with books, papers, half-finished constructions, and equipment of all kinds. Very fitting for a scientist. The messiness didn’t bother the titan. He wasn’t necessarily a neat person himself.

    “Percy!” he boomed, extending his arms in greeting. “It’s great to see ya, buddy!” A warm smile accompanied the exuberant words.

    Post WC: 755    Thread WC: 9,110    Tagged: @Percy    Music: I Will Always Return


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