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    The cold winds of Christmas

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    The cold winds of Christmas Empty The cold winds of Christmas

    Post by Godlike Frederik 23rd December 2019, 7:24 am

    There was nothing friendly about the snow outside; it falls thick enough to blind any traveller by foot or vehicle. The gale whips each flake, so pretty on its own, into a projectile that hurts unguarded skin. The sky above has none of the light that noon-time should have, so thick are the black clouds. And the sound, deafening as it bellowed around castle, honestly the given name blizzard was inadequeate if you had to face the harsh cold in person.
    Normally on days as this Dahau would sit back and wait out the storm, safely and comfortable from behind the archshaped glass window in his chambers. However it wasn't only the storm that roared outside, driven into a frenzy a large scale of several mountain inhabitants came with the natural calamity. They desceded from the mountain tops and started to attack the stationary guards outside the guild hall, the poor souls didn't stand a single chance. With the blinding snow, most of the guards didn't even saw any attack coming, it was by chance that one of those guards managed to ring the alarm bell to alert the entire guild, or at least those who were present at the moment.

    Annoyed Dahau made his way downstairs to the mainhall, his presence and a menacing aura growing with every step, until he came across the few soldiers who managed to survive the ordeal outside. 'Sir Dahau!' shouted one with a panicked voice 'Outside! We're being overun by the creatures from the mountain, something got them riled up!'
    Dahau couldn't believe what he was hearing, the castle was in danger by mere beasts. Sure Mount Hakobe wasn't the most hospitable of areas but never before did any of the guard and mages had any trouble with the creatures that roamed around.
    'Stand aside' he responded harsh and infuriated 'Driven back by hungry mongrels and woodland critters, how pathetic, but not to worry I'll deal with these pests personally!'

    Honestly Dahau could use a fight to blow of some steam, the days at the castle were dreadfully dull lately. Most of the other mages were out on a job or guild mission, even their beloved Guild Master liked some private time so every now and then. Dahau on the other hand mostly remained at the guild, he didn't often go on mission nor did he venture outside a lot lately.
    Then Dahau got a marvelous idea, since it was so dull lately a little contest would probably live things up. He quickly grabbed the closest soldiers at his collar. 'Gather any remaning mage!' he said with a devious smile 'Tell them, Dahau is challenging them, to wager their worth in a battle of skills and kills! The one with the highest deadtoll wins!'

    'S-Sir is this really the time?!'

    'Go! before i count you among my victims!



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    The cold winds of Christmas Empty Re: The cold winds of Christmas

    Post by Cirven 26th December 2019, 7:24 pm

    The snow storm raged around the castle which was a hazard to any regular person but those who were in Errings Rising were not anywhere near regular. They each had things driving them that pushed them to either be stronger than most or to be crazier than most. Either way, it helped in their resilience to the weather among other things. The Detergers were not exceptions to this and hid all over the mountain no matter what the conditions were in the wild. A portal opened up in the air far above the ground. The barrel of a ethernano sniper moved through the portal until all of the weapon could be seen along with its wielder who was a woman wearing dark colored thermal clothing with a assortment of gear hanging from her body. She hung from the portal upside down and looked through the scope of the sniper to scout out the area where she would see the many creatures that had found their way around the mountain. "Cirven, I am looking at creatures that have found their way through the storm and are starting to attack the nearby villages." Korvin's voice spoke into the Devil King's head as she hung upside down and looked over the area more, using their telepathic link. He was floating in a dark void dimension with his eyes closed as he heard the message. His eyes opened and he started to quickly move through the dark void dimension. "Time for some fun, everyone! Move out and dispatch the creatures as swiftly as you can. Lanis, you handle the south end. Ves, you handle the west. Korvin, take the east. I will handle the north side. Nakiya and Laniiar, you both are on back up duty. Be ready to move if needed." He gave out his orders telepathically to everyone as he quickly moved.

    Those outside of the dark void dimension would be able to see movement in the shadows throughout the castle if they paid enough attention but that was because they were allowed to notice it as the Canary Ace made his way to the north side of the castle to take up his position among those who had started to engage the enemy. He jumped from shadow to shadow at fast speeds, even jumping in and out of Dahau's shadow before his form would materialize from out of the shadows multiple feet away from Dahau just after the man had given his order to call a wager on the worth in battle. "A competition is what you are calling for? You do know you are challenging more than just me here, right? You are asking that everyone I call my family show you their worth when you haven't even started yet yourself? You must have a lot of faith in yourself, huh?" Cirven spoke and shot Dahau a grin as a burst of white flames erupted further down the mountain, the usual sign that Cirven had started to fight. "You might want to hurry up before I take all of the fun away." Cirven spoke and then dispersed into magical energy revealing that he was a clone of the real thing. A fairly large group of devils and demons would then make their way out of the castle and towards where Cirven was.

    The white flames blended in but burned away at the snow around of the arrival of Cirven with some of the weaker creatures being hit by his grand entrance. "If that is the most you can take then this will be a let down and a waste of time for all of us. I hope you can take much more than this..." He spoke out to the creatures that were in front of him.


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    The cold winds of Christmas LxcTBIi
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    The cold winds of Christmas Empty Re: The cold winds of Christmas

    Post by NPC 26th December 2019, 7:24 pm

    The member 'Cirven' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The cold winds of Christmas NXDHjfc The cold winds of Christmas OdAaNwh The cold winds of Christmas OdAaNwh The cold winds of Christmas OdAaNwh The cold winds of Christmas R2fEWNz

    The cold winds of Christmas Empty Re: The cold winds of Christmas

    Post by Guest 30th December 2019, 1:00 pm

    Was that really his mentor? Someone randomly shouting challenges into the air? Of course someone responded. It was a person the kelpie was still confused on, having met Cirven when Leah had entered the guild. A person who made sure the water horse wasn't shot almost immediately after Lott had said nobody would care if he was. If there was any way to confuse the fae quickly, it involved him being nearby both of these people. To call Dahau or Cirven intense and strong would likely be under selling it. How did Laurence end up near enough to even see this madness? Well, for one he wasn't in the castle. Why? That... he didn't actually remember. Was there a reason? Maybe it was the monsters? That was likely the case. "..I don't know why I'm outside and only have a vague idea what's going on." Did he though? "..Do I...?" Lime green eyes looked around to the shadows moving about, head tilting a bit. "I'm not interested in competing with people that could easily kill me, but if there's an attack going on then I don't want to miss out on a meal just because i'm confused." Fresh blood from fresh prey sounded good right now. The holiday had put him in a slightly sour mood anyway, as he hadn't gotten any fresh 'food'. Well, not the kind that a creature like him favors anyway. So there was no need in needing to figure out why, when, or how he had left the castle.

    A sane person would probably stay far away from the two over powered men and let them do whatever they wanted while keeping a good far distance. Anybody who tried to accuse Laurence of being sane though would clearly understand the man even less than he understood himself. Sure, the mind had unclouded a bit since joining, but it was still a big fuzzy mystery bag for the most part. This wasn't the sort of event that helped it become less clouded, but it was certainly one that made him hungry. The kelpie wanted fresh blood, no matter who was around or what nonsense they were shouting about. He wasn't strong enough to even care about things like pride! Of course he was currently wearing the clothes Kien had bought for him, mainly because the werewolf had destroyed the only other outfit he owned. But what mattered now was blood. The fae was hungry. Intruders meant blood, right? and raw meat. That was what he had assumed. So the water horse started to move down the mountain, hoping neither of the two over powered over hyper men would care that he wanted to kill something too. Well, it didn't matter if they cared. It should matter, but he was SO hungry! Hungry enough that he went for what looked like something that might have blood? Oh... damn, damn it! It was only after getting further down the mountain that he realized it. "...None of them look like they have meat."

    Why did that piss Lott off? He wasn't sure why, but it did. It felt like there had been a plate nearby, only to get closer and find out that it was only a plate of ice. He used the spell drown on one of the ice elementals. The creature starting to freeze the water from his magic, something that pissed him off quite a bit. Of course the elemental had no interest in the cool bodied fae, especially when there were much warmer people around. He tried to keep focus to keep the spell going, but he was very bad at keeping focus too long. Thankfully there was spells that didn't require focus. This was how he ended up using the maxed out variant of his sharp water spell. The ability was called 'Bleed', but nothing remotely red came out of the ice elemental when it fell apart. "...I'm hungry." Can't something bleed? Anything? Some meat, he just wanted to kill and eat someone, something. There had been other ice elementals nearby had cracked, but had avoided enough water spikes to stay intact enough to still be alive, however 'alive' an ice person could get. Seeing the one being fall apart but not bleed just pissed him off more, hitting the other two that had been nearby until they fell apart as well. Why don't any of them have blood!? Like giant mobile ice cubes!

    Words: 740
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    The cold winds of Christmas Empty Re: The cold winds of Christmas

    Post by Godlike Frederik 7th January 2020, 1:28 pm

    A deep laugh rolled off his tongue. His call was heard and some promising combatants had appeared. One was the enigmatic kelpie he had so rashly taken under his wing, Laurence Lott, a strange yet surprisingly loyal creature. Honestly, Dahau found the critter rather vague at times but he seemed capable enough to take care of its prey, so who was he to judge. The other person really got his blood pumping, stepping from out of his own shadow only to appear several feet away from him, was Cirven. A behemoth in his own right and fairly powerful, even Dahau would think twice in fighting this man directly. It seems he had accepted his challenge and threw him a grin along with a taunt, before dispersing into thin air.

    'Tch, don't get ahead of yourself jester! I'll make sure you'll lose this battle, no matter how many you bring along!' Dahau could call his own men to back him up, his own squad of battle-hardened warriors, but to be honest to would only get in the way of him and his fun. And testing himself against Cirven's own elite squadron of killers was a true delight.
    In response to Cirven, Dahau powered up, his magical energy increasing a tenfold making sure his presence was felt through the entire guild. His dark purple aura started to become visible and like steam, it would emit from his body. Then with a powerful dash, he shot forward in a straight line, leaving nothing but flying dust in his wake. He slammed through the guild doors which flew open, only to land in the middle of the giant stone bridge that connected the guild to the rest of the mountain.

    As he came to a still, he stood in front of three humanoid creatures. Elementals assumed Dahau, since their bodies were clearly made out of ice. There was barely anything human about these petty creatures, they didn't have the finely round shapen limbs of men, but they were pointy and sharp. In fact the only comparison they had was that they'd walked on two legs. 'Inferior critters!' he laughed loudly.
    The creatures were clearly surprised at Dahau's sudden appearance, as they didn't even take on a battle stance, instead, they just gawked at him. Taking the opportunity, Dahau instantly summoned forth his artillery, which were four large cannon barrels that floated in line with Dahau, and instantly bombarded two of the elementals in front of him. With a terrifying barrage, they got shredded to pieces, their limbs falling to the ground and shattered on impact. In anguish, the creature looked at his former companions who were nothing but brittle ice now, which was a mistake, because the following second the creature turned back towards Dahau, he was not staring straight into the eyes of the dark mage. But it was looking down the barrel of on of his cannons.

    pc 485 + wc 475 = 860

    OOC: 2 normal creatures defeated

    1 scorpion
    7 elementals
    1 big snow monster



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Age : 35
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    The cold winds of Christmas Empty Re: The cold winds of Christmas

    Post by Cirven 9th January 2020, 5:26 pm

    Cirven moved quickly down the mountain side as he tore through enemy after enemy with a large smile over his face. The feeling of his claws ripping through the bodies of the creatures that were staging the attack had him feeling as if he was weightless. It was his own sort of harmony in his mind that killing mercilessly gave him. The pure excitement he felt with each enemy being tore through by him was comparable to the feeling a child got when they received their new favorite toy during a holiday. The enemy he was dealing with had been pushovers though so his excitement did not last as long as he would have liked with it being too easy for him. He stopped suddenly in a group of the ice creatures which left him surrounded by them. "Let's make this more interesting, shall we? I will let five of you hit me with any attack you like. That is a pretty good handicap, right?" The Devil King shot the entire group around him a grin and turned his head side to side to look at each of them. Each turn of his head caused the creatures to jump defensively back while wielding their spear-like weapons. Cirven continued with his offer by putting both of his hands out in the air above him which caused the creatures to quickly twitch more. "Don't be shy. Take your best shot at me before I get bored of this too." His voice sounded calm and collected before taking a deeper and darker tone near the end of his speech. He did not know if the creatures could understand him or not but they soon would take action and a spear stabbed through his chest, another went through his right leg, one through his left arm, another through his lower abdomen and the last one went directly through his head via his right eye. Blood dripped from each of his wounds but he barely flinched from the attacks. "Was that your best shot?" He spoke out and like Dahau a sudden spike in his magical power would be felt throughout the area like a beacon of light in darkness. His aura took on a green hue and he continued speaking as white flames came from his body and melted the ice spears off of his body along with his body healing quickly from the damage it had just endured.

    "That was not worth my time of stopping at all. I will show you how you take a free shot at someone." A dark portal opened up near him and he quickly reached into it where he would pull out a scythe with a blade on each end of it. The Ice Elementals did not want to take another chance on him moving and they threw more of their ice spears at Cirven, who let go of his scythe. The scythe would float in the air and spin quickly like some sort of saw blade and deflect the ice spears from hitting their target. Cirven would again take his scythe and cut it through the air opening a hole into the Death Realm. Cirven would throw the scythe inside of the portal which created multiple more portals to appear around him and all of the enemies in a lage radius. Red chains would shoot out from the portals that would wrap around the Ice Elementals and hold them up like prisoners waiting to be tortured. Cirven would reach back into the portal that was in front of him and pull out his scythe, The Cataclysm and cut it through the air again causing a red shockwave of energy to erupt out in the vicinity of the portals causing all of the chains to break and release his enemies while also causing his enemies to burst away into shards of ice. "Now that is an attack, right?" He spoke out to the now dead creatures around him with no response back. "Tough crowd." He chuckled.

    A sudden large claw shot up from the snow near him and swung through the air towards him that he was not completely ready for due to his moment of laughter. The claw collided with his body so hard that it sent him skidding across the ground and slamming into the mountain wall many yards away. The impact of his body hitting the mountain caused a loud splat sound to echo throughout the area. The Cataclysm would end up on the ground away from Cirven and disappear in a portal of darkness like it appeared in earlier. The full body of the creature would come out of the snow to reveal a large icy snowman-like creature that was around 9 or 10 feet tall. Cirven pulled himself from out of the mountain wall that now had an indent from his body hitting it so hard. He had to snap multiple of his bones back into place after he got from out of the wall. "That is exactly what I am wanting! Let's do this. Frosty!" He yelled out in pure excitement and quickly rushed towards the creature with black lightning racing across his body. The behemoth of a snowman swung its ice-claw hand towards Cirven's trajectory but the devil used his speed to swoop above the attack and  shoot out five spears of black electricity from his right hand that he stabbed into the creature and then used his strength to ripped them through the body of his enemy. The snowman let out a growl from the pain but as it did it swung its over claw at the airborne Cirven that connected. This time Cirven was able to brace himself for the attack and rolled across the ground before getting back onto his feet. What he was not completely ready for was the speed of the snowman creature as it was able to quickly move through the snow towards him and extended it ice claws to the size of what looked like multiple long swords and slashed them across the body of Cirven, sending blood out across the snow as a large chunk of the Ace's body was torn from his torso. Cirven fell to his knees with a shocked look over his face as he looked down away from the creature. The creature started to move its arm for another attack but a sudden mix of black lightning and white flames came over Cirven's arm created a sword of the two elements mixed together that cut through the arm of the Snow Brute. His head looked back up to his enemy with a crazed look over his face. Cirven then used his spell to quickly cut across the creatures body multiple times in seconds without a word escaping from him as he did so. The creature fell into chunks as the devil watched now with a frown. "Aww... Did I go too far with that? Hmm... I wonder if there are anymore like you around here.." He questioned as he looked around the area before rushing off to continue having his fun defending the castle and the area around it.

    WC Complete:



    The cold winds of Christmas LxcTBIi
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    The cold winds of Christmas Empty Re: The cold winds of Christmas

    Post by Guest 10th January 2020, 4:53 pm

    It seemed like no matter where the young water horse looked, all the enemies he or others had killed had any blood in them. None, none, none! Not even the big one Cirven killed! And the guy HAD to bleed, it made the dark fae even hungrier to smell the mans blood in the air. For some reason demon blood just made Lott want to kill more, not like he understood this or knew. It was all added to hunger and agitation over not getting anything. There was one enemy type left that he hadn't seen killed yet, the scorpions. Arachnids typically didn't have blood, but desperate times lead to desperate guesses. This was why the young kelpie ended up dashing after the scorpions, quietly muttering 'please have blood' to himself over and over. Their mouth hung open for a few moments as they dashed over, jagged teeth briefly being lashed by the cold winds. The hunger was rubbing all over the mind and stomach. The large scale guild job at Hostia had given him far better restraint, but it wasn't exactly limitless. He had been trying to learn better restraint, so had been trying to avoid eating raw flesh for as long as he could. Over foods filled his stomach to some degree, but he had found it was impossible to push back the hunger for raw flesh from a living being for too long. A few weeks was basically the limit, it was one of the reasons why his mind broke so fast as soon as the signal had been given back then. It didn't matter how much control they had learned. The short time he had been a water horse meant there was no way they could wait without eating for years upon years without eating anyone as his sire had.

    Bright lime green eyes flashed in color before using the weakest form of their bladed water attack, 'scratch'. The beasts didn't exactly look deadly and Laurence didn't want to waste magic. It would be a total waste if they had no blood. He let out a low grow after the pack of ten burst into pieces from the spell. "None, none, none! DAMNIT I'M HUNGRY! ALL YOU DAMN WORTHLESS BLOODLESS ICE THINGS!" That was when something either smelled Lott, or heard him. Maybe both? No matter the case, its displeasure and presence was felt instantly by the dark fae in the form of a huge hunk of ice. It hit the mans back hard, causing them to be flung to a different part of the mountain. He felt like a blood soaked mess, but for some reason the smell of his own blood was a little calming. The sight of the new enemy was exciting. It looked like something with meat and blood. A furry angry intelligent thing that was infuriated at him. He had read about yetis, but actually seeing one made it hard to realize what they were immediately. Everything felt painful, but for some reason the kelpie couldn't help but to laugh with an overjoyed tone. An enemy with blood, there was really one! It even found him! It found him! For some reason the intelligence it showed by quietly moving in for an attack left a nice feeling. Why was it exciting to think that way? Exciting to think of attacking or getting attacked by it? But he didn't feel that way before? Well no, in hostia too... was that a thing from being hungry?

    These were some of the the loose strange thoughts lead him to using the blood around him to heal their wounds the best that he could. It felt like everything was attached again at least, thus the dark fae moved the large hunk of ice off. With it removed, he could now see past the ice again. The yeti at this point was almost close enough to smash the water horse with one of its hands. What a strange foggy confusing delight everything was now. Everything felt more foggy and clear. Why did life have to be such a strange paradox? For some reason he didn't mind not feeling fear right now. Water started coming off Laurence, forming into blades. They shot in all directions, showing that the kelpie would rather stay in immediate danger if it meant they could deal the damage they wanted to. "Why does blood calm and delight me down after a point when it drives me more and more mad before it?" Or maybe it showed that they were still a confused and young creature that was far too eager towards very large beings.

    Words: 772
    Laurence's Total: 1512
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

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    The cold winds of Christmas Empty Re: The cold winds of Christmas

    Post by Godlike Frederik 15th January 2020, 1:51 pm

    A smirk had appeared on Dahau's face. He could feel the presence of the other mages around the guild increase exponentially and he knew that the guild was about to deal a decisive blow against the winter invaders. With a vile smile, he turned towards the last remaining elemental on the bridge. The ice shaped humanoid was a strange sight to behold, shaped like a man but with sharp edges and stalagmite shoulders. It looked back at Dahau passed the cannons that were aimed at it, not moving a muscle as it clearly knew that any movement would usher Dahau to fire the cannons.
    'I guess it's time to finish this little staring contest of ours. I would say it has been a pleasure.... but let's be honest shall we, you sorry lot haven't even given me a single sweat.'

    The creature just stood there facing its imminent doom, while Dahau wallowed in vice, savoring every second of this moment. Slowly an orange glow could be seen down the barrel of the cannons, carefully charging and building up power to release a massive one-shot attack. As he roared with laughter the cannons fired, or so he thought. In the split-second his weapons fired upon the enemy, a thick spike of ice appeared in the barrels. And instead of blasting the elemental into small pieces, each cannon exploded simultaneously from the mere pressure.
    Dahau had no choice but to stand firmly as the sheer force the explosion slowly but steadily pushed him back. The moment his cloak stopped fluttering and the scorching heat disappeared he lowered his left arm he had held in front of his face. Between the lingering smoke, he could see his cannons, broken and in shambles while in the midst of his weaponry he could see his enemy. No longer the elemental as before, but now it looked a bit taller as large icy wings had spawned from his back.

    'You can sprout wings, so what' he bellowed 'not that it matters, the result will be the same!'
    It got lucky, the elemental took advantage of Dahau's tardiness and created a frozen explosion inside the barrel of his cannons. But it wouldn't happen a second time, that he could promise the creature.
    Without a further second of delay, the creature came at Dahau, a high-velocity attack with the spear aimed at the tall dark mage. But just as he was about to hit him, Dahau vanished away with a quickstep. The spear hit nothing but the stone pavement and shattered apart from the powerful thrust the elemental threw at Dahau. Not even a split second later, Dahau had already appeared behind the being. His dark silhouette towering high above the creature right before he punched the creature with an insane force. Sending it flying into the walls of the guild.
    Dahau followed suit so that the moment the elemental landed Dahau had already reappeared in front of the creature and grab it by the head only to burrow his own knee into its face. Just like stepping on thin ice you could hear its skin crack as broken lines appeared all over its face. But Dahau wasn't about to let up, still holding on to the creature he swung around and threw it several meters back onto the bridge. He then snapped his fingers and four more cannons reappeared, now surrounding the elemental. 'This is the end' he said, right before each cannon fired a powerful blast, shattering the creature's entire body into small pieces.

    Dahau triumphantly towered above the broken remains, casting a large shadow while he could only think that whatever was left to the elemental from before, now looked like broken glass. He found it surprising how a creature made out of such a hardened element, now looked so fragile.
He was about to turn around and walk back into the guild until he suddenly felt a larger presence rapidly moving towards the guild. With it also came a burst of vile and insane laughter, carried along by the storming winds. He recognized it right away, Dahau heard it before, namely from a certain dark fae who was taken over by bloodlust. He knew that once the kelpie was in such a state, he would continue fighting until he had quenched his thirst. Which might become problematic. The presence Dahau felt was stronger than the creatures he had faced earlier, strong enough that it could become an actual nuisance. 
Quickly he hurried towards Laurence’s location, only to see a large primate rushing towards the kelpie. Its white fur sometimes almost indistinguishable against the snowed landscape. Judging from the appearance and the rumors he heard from some of the other guild members, this creature had to be a yeti, an apelike entity he hadn’t seen before.
The yeti leaped towards Laurence and just as it was close enough to launch an attack, water shaped blades appeared all around the mysterious dark fae and sliced at the yeti’s arm as it hurled a large fist at him. It let out a loud roar in pain as it backed off for a second, this gave Dahau the opening he needed. With the creature solely focused on Laurence, Dahau launched a surprise attack.
With the snap of his fingers, the four cannons that blasted away the elemental from before poofed between Laurence and the yeti and almost immediately fired at the creature. Four shells exploded against its rough exterior, but despite that, it let out another painful roar it appeared that the damage was only superficial. The yeti’s muscles seemed thick enough to bear the brunt of Dahau’s attack. 

    ‘This could be more than a nuisance’ said his inner thoughts. But regardless of his thoughts, Dahau was smiling wickedly, crazed even, as the thought fighting such a primal force got his blood pumping with excitement. 
He flashed towards the yeti, who now was aware of Dahau’s presence. Trying to avert to incoming attack, the yeti scraped a large chunk of snow and rock from the ground and hurled it the incoming mage. But Dahau easily saw it coming and just quickstepped to the side only end up near the yeti’s right leg. With a surprisingly quick attack, Dahau partly turned around his own axis and created a transparent magic blade in the extension of his arm, only to cut through the yeti’s ankle as he swept his blade against its skin.
The yeti bellowed once again and fell down on its right knee, but Dahau knew this was just momentarily as he felt his own attack only gracing the creature instead of cutting deep into its flesh.
    Dahau jumped in front of the creature and ushered Laurence to watch out so that he could attack during the small window of time the creature tried to stand back up. Dahau’s magical power and presence increased rapidly. His aura thickened around him, rending him to a mere black silhouette while those around him could feel the pressure from his power weighing down on their bodies. Dahau himself could feel his own might and magic surging through every fiber of his body, it was exhilarating, to say the least, to feel the peak of his power.  
‘Come forth! My savagery!’ He bellowed as the wind howled around him. An eerie glow appeared all over the area as purple light shined from above. In the sky, hovering over the yeti, a gigantic pentacle had appeared from which a gigantic cannon emerged. Behind the pentacle, you could see a faint and distorted scenery of the cannon belonging to a larger whole, yet this machinery alone was already disturbingly large. Dahau threw his arm towards his enemy ‘Feast upon my wrath!!!’ 
In perfect harmony with his words the large cannon fired with a deafening sound. A giant beam of concentrated magical power shot down and engulfed the entire yeti and send around a shockwave all around. 

    As the winds and the dust settled, you could smell the strong stench of burned skin and hair. And instead of a giant white monstrosity, there was now a blackened creature with cracked skin. Panting heavily as it endured Dahau’s attack, but it found some sort of brute lingering strength as it lunged itself towards Dahau. The Yeti hurled one of his giant fists at him and Dahau was left with no choice but to take on his entire attack. He braced himself and used his entire body strength to catch and hold the entire attack. He grappled on and made sure the yeti couldn’t pull back his arm. Before the yeti could hit him with another attack, Dahau’s eyes lit up and stopped the incoming left fist in its tracks. In fact the entire creature was no in some sort of stasis, unable to move.
‘Now Laurence! Finish this pathetic creature!!!’




    The cold winds of Christmas Empty Re: The cold winds of Christmas

    Post by Guest 16th January 2020, 1:41 pm

    One should expect the water horse to feel happy that he was saved by their mentor, but that wasn't the mans first reaction at all. Upset and disappointment were clear on their face as Dahau saved them and got to make the intelligent and powerful yeti suffer. Of course Laurence had stopped attacking after he had been ushered to watch, not that they had much of a choice. Watching should have been some amount of fun, but it felt more like watching someone else eat. He knew the man wasn't eating the yeti or anything, but it still felt that way. Maybe it was the hunger talking? It was a sensation that pushed at the stomach, leaving painful pangs as their bright lime green eyes watched the battle with hunger. All those bad feelings left however when their mentor finally gave the okay. He got the finishing blow? The thought of eating it was amazing enough to wash away any of the jealous and hungered feelings that had been there before. He could eat! Their sharp and horrible teeth briefly flashed in a smile "Thank you for the meal!" He did know that he likely would have lost very badly without his master there. This loss would have more than likely been a more final death, if he wasn't still dead but living out a weird dream? But what mattered now was action, not weird clouded thoughts that spun through their mind too often! He ran over, water rushing from his form  to create the spell called 'cut'. Though weaker than the full powered form of it currently called 'bleed', it was still effective enough on something already near death. Why use it when just running and eating would do the deed? He just wanted it coated in blood. There was something amazing about the fluid, something that soon took his mind into the berserk mode for certain this time. Lott lunged at the warm corpse before starting to claw and eat at it. The more blood that was on him, the stronger the physical attacks got onto the already fallen creature. The only way to get him out of it now would likely be to either just let him eat, or wash the blood off.

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