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    Nuclear Winter


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    Nuclear Winter Empty Nuclear Winter

    Post by Yuiisai 22nd December 2019, 11:29 pm

    Event Information:



    Nuclear Winter 59882_s

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    Nuclear Winter Empty Re: Nuclear Winter

    Post by Yuiisai 25th December 2019, 12:19 am

    The white haired woman was standing at the edge of the once flourishing town of Morgate, she had heard of the town when she was learning about Fiore and so wanted to see it. The sight of it right now made her heart sink, it was a wasteland of a ghost town and that wasn't down to the thick blanket of snow, no it wasn't a natural disaster that had ended this town but a man made one. Now she wanted to know what had happened to this place and why the people in question had done such a horrible act. She wanted to make them pay for what they had done to these people but for that she would need to do some investigating. She stood out on the white backdrop due to the vibrant red and green kimono she wore, her white hair done up with jade, mother of pearl and ruby hairpins. She had been talked into joining a guild that had just recently formed, the guild master had told her that the guild wanted to take out the impurities and darkness from the world. Considering how she had been treated in Midi it seemed like a good idea, a place were everyone was treated the same and so signed the guild's roster without realising that she just joined a dark guild or that it would mean she would likely have to comit unspeakable acts to make the utopia they would bring to the world. Then again seeing this place she may have changed her more peaceful nature even if she wasn't part of Elysium. "Such pain and suffering happened here." she whispered walking deeper into the eeiree town in the hopes to hear something or see someone, but she started to lose hope with each and every step she took.

    She seen garlands in tatters, some still from one home to the next or even around lamp posts, others were hanging from the roofs or laying on the ground under the snow; Fairy lights were decorating everywhere but were either not working or broken, door wreaths were part destroyed. There where other broken decorations, skelentons on the ground of people and animals alike. "Were they celebrating yule?" she asked to herself as it seemed like there had been a festival going on or that they were at least getting ready for one, perhaps she should have came here during another season but it was to little to late. "Spirits show me your truth" she whispered, this wasn't her magic but more an innate gift that gave her the vision of an area for a short time. The area filled with lively music, everything broken fixed itself, people were dancing and singing carols while others decorated, played games, collected for charity, went shopping for gifts. There was even a santa's grotto for children and by the sounds of it there was going to be christmas floats, she was so very excited to see that and it showed by the grin on her face but it vanished as she remembered the state of the place before she asked for the spirits to share their memories with her. The memory faded as it wouldn't come to pass, perhaps this was the reason they couldn't move on, she had no idea as much as she had these gifts it wasn't exactly like she had ever really been allowed to use them and even if she had it wasn't like their were to many teachers for this kind of thing as far as she knew. It was something she would need to look into regardless if she wanted to improve herself and move her guilds motives forwards.

    It was when she was thinking about finding a teacher for herself that she remembered that she herself had became the teacher of two other Elysium guild members. Her magic was still on the fritz at the moment so it wasn't like she could show them anything pratically to help them advance and she wasn't all that well versed in many magics but she was sure that she would be able to help them improve and get stronger. This was her contribution for the moment and hoped that would be good enough for their guild mistress, well if it wasn't then there was nothing that she could do about it at that current moment in time. Still when she had found out about this place she had sent them both an invite to meet her at Morgate town, she was now wondering if she had done the right thing but at the same time they might have some information of what happened in this place and between the three of them they might be able to put the dead to rest. This also had it's own issue in the fact that these spirits might not know that they were dead and that she was calling for them to show their memories so that had its own issues, one of the issue was the moment they realised they were dead if they didn't know was they could turn on her and her two apprentices but still if they wanted to make a pure future they would have to erase the taint of the past and this would be a step in the right direction in her opinion. For now she pushed it out of her mind and listened to the carol singers in the square entertaining the people of their town, it really must have been something to see back when it was happening especially with all of the smells that must have went with the hot chocolate, the cookies and the likes. "I want to help them move on, I just don't know how... am I even strong enough?" she whispered to herself not wanting anyone to overhear her in case they came hostile at that very moment due to the discovery of their fates.

    As she was condemplating this her eyes closed so she wasn't paying to much attention to her surroundings, that was a major flaw as she heard a tearing sound. Her eyes opened quickly as she turned to look around to see where the sound might have come from, she couldn't see anything that could have possibly made a noise. Her milky jade eyes turning a blueish-purple as she heard another taring sound and see the tares in her kimono, this was something she just wouldn't put up with. She was taught to be the perfect doll and she was happy to have such an apperance so done everything in her power to look flawless with how she looked. She came here for one thing and now wanted to find the bastards that ruined her new kimono and make them pay, she didn't care that the ground was already stained with blood, right now it mattered very little to her; in fact she thought it could use a little bit more. I wasn't exactly like it could do any more harm than had already been done there. "I just got this kimono and now it ruined!" her voice no longer its normal warm, gentle and caring self it normally came out with, as she looked around in a three hundred and sixty degrees to see who had the audacity to not only attack her but to ruin her apperance. What she found was what she believed to be men surrounding her, their skin looked ice blue and semi transparent what she found odd was that that they seemed to be hovering just off the ground. In their hands they each seemed to have a lance made out of ice "Well that answers that question, you're all so fucking dead." her voice was more than a little hostile, it was down right cold and dripping with venom as she spoke.

    Dashing forward she paid little attention to her own health or even her clothing being destroyed since to her it already had been. The five enemies lunged at once towards her, she had managed to dodge most of the attacks thanks to how the kimono was designed still one managed to pierce her left shoulder and the other nicked her side. She didn't feel either attack as there was to much addrenaline pumping through her body, she ended up grabbing the ice lances of the two ice elementals had landed a hit on her and pulled them out of her clothing and or body depending on where they had struck before pulling the two lanced forward with enough force to push the lances into the opposing ice elemental with very little effort. Normally she wouldn't have done such a thing but she made sure that it went through their hearts, that still left three that she had to deal with and even in her current state of mind knew that the same trick wouldn't happen for the second time, the third one she lunged at and just beat till it broke into ice crystals but while she was doing that the fourth had started throwing ice lances at her two had hit her in her back and went right through. She still didn't feel the pain as she pulled them through and threw them and the several other that hadn't hit towards the fourth making him look like an ice porcupine. She picked up a large string of christmas lights as the fifth looked at it's comrades and started to panic running off, throwing the lasso it missed making her having to throw it five or so more times as she started to chase it down finally managing it. Once she caught it she pulled it up as she tightened it by throwing it over a tree branch and allowing it to thrash as it slowly got strangled becoming still "That's a problem sorted, now to wait for the others to turn up." with that she went to a seat calming down the citizens of the town continuing as if nothing at all happened.

    Word Count: 1,673
    ~~Word count complete for event, will continue as a job~~
    @Gades Saito @Odhran Aegisbane

    Ice Elementals
    Snow Brute


    Nuclear Winter 59882_s
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Nuclear Winter Empty Re: Nuclear Winter

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 25th December 2019, 12:59 am

    Odhran's new mentor had made her way to the town earlier than Odhran and his fellow mentee. At some point, Odhran had lost his other mentee, too busy in conversation with his Celestial Spirits to pay it any mind.

    "Are you sure it's wise to just leave Gades back there?"

    Odhran shrugged. "It'll be fine, I'm certain. Gades is a member of Elysium, after all. If they can't manage to fend for themselves by their lonesome, than what good are they in creating a new world?"

    Arnaluuk gave a dumbfounded stare at her Keybearer, hoping in vain that he recognized the irony of his statement. What was also something that Arnaluuk was dying to mention was the fact that they, too, were lost. The mentor had said that they would be in Morgate Town, but Odhran was far too unfamiliar with the surrounding landscape for that to mean anything to him at all. Instead, he just continued to wander on, too stubborn to listen to any advice from the Frozen Sea Spirit.

    While he certainly did not need to, Odhran thought it would be best to make a good first impression on all who would view him in such a state. He had his four greatest Spirits out, Arnaluuk and a male Scorpio walking on either side of him while Lupa and Noel flanked behind him, each taking a side. They had encountered a number of beasts, primarily wolves and one particularly aggressive deer, but they had not encountered any combat, as the wildlife fled away from him at the sight of the five powerful creatures marching towards them. Odhran smiled at this. His intimidation plan worked on beasts, so it must work on humans, he thought. He could already picture the look of pride on his fellow guildmates' faces as he continued on what he thought was his way towards Morgate.

    Suddenly, the air began to chill around him. "Ah, I see you are setting the mood nicely, Noel."

    Noel gave his low, quiet laugh. "If only this were of my own power."

    Odhran laughed alongside his Spirit before realizing the implications set from the words. He turned towards the Winter Reaper with a confused look on his face before his unspoken question was answered. Barreling through the woods came a giant creature made of snow. The quintet scattered to avoid the charging beast as it knocked aside each of the trees nearby. All of the quintet but Noel, that is, who stepped into the path of the brute mid-charge. Noel set his bag on the ground before extending his arms, locking in a grapple with the brute. It roared in Noel's face, which remained as expressionless as a skull should be. Noel laughed as it shoved the brute back.

    "I suppose we must fight this off. Perhaps our mentor is watching, so let us show the extent of my - nay - our abilities! Arnaluuk, Scorpio, Noel! Strike it from the ground! Me and Lupa shall fight it in the air!"

    The quintet agreed to their plans, Odhran sprouting his wings as he darted into the sky, twisting and weaving in the air with his wolf. Noel stepped forwards, delivering a punch to the beast that was slightly taller than the Lich. Arnaluuk had already realized that she would not be of much use against an ice creature, so she had resigned herself to assisting Scorpio's attacks, who was much too happy about the pair-up. Scorpio dashed ahead, wielding his spear tightly in his hand as Arnaluuk froze the air around the Zodiac, giving Scorpio a means to strike wherever on the brute as possible, a ramp of ice encircling the snowy creature. Scorpio peppered it with stabs, the brute unable to resist due to the pressure from Noel's own fisticuffs. Arnaluuk motioned for the ramp to burst skywards before she slammed her staff on the ground. She began a chant to summon forth magic as Scorpio began to prepare his own Sand Buster. Noel grabbed his bag, smashing the brute in the face with it before opening it up. The combination of hail, sand, and coal struck the brute at the same time, who staggered back in pain. It roared, showing that it was not done with the fight as it tackled Noel to the ground.

    "Noel! Final move!"

    Noel laughed, as he wrestled the brute off of him with assistance from the pestering of Arnaluuk and Scorpio. Slowly getting up, he wrapped his bony hands around the ends of his bag, opening it to a flurry of soot, coal, and ice. It struck the creature with a high amount of force. It now was time for Odhran and Lupa to commence their attacks. From high in the sky, Odhran called forth his holy right arm, the Spear of Gaebolg, as it extended, piercing the top of the beast's head. Lupa, meanwhile, pawed at the ice-made creature with her paws of fire, causing it to slowly melt.

    The brute was not finished, however, as it grabbed Odhran's arm and dragged him down from the sky. Before he could collide, however, Scorpio had decided to make his own move. Scorpio dashed at the brute, swinging his spear in the air, delivering a flurry of sand-boosted strikes against the beast. It roared, releasing its grip from the Keybearer. Scorpio landed before striking his spear into the ground and calling forth a stream of sand to further demolish the creature. It dropped to a knee before Odhran unceremoniously crashed through its head, getting covered by the freezing snow as the creature finally fell.

    Odhran wiped some of the snow off himself, the slightly fire-imbued tongue of Lupa certainly being of assistance. He finally got up, simultaneously hoping that someone saw the power he possessed while hoping no one saw the embarrassing fall that finished the creature off. That shame lasted little more than a second as he realized that, regardless of the means, he had managed to defeat the beast, delivering the final blow to kill it. He got up, confidently strutting towards Morgate Town, which he could only see due to the hole in the trees caused by the brute.

    "You know, I find this forest irritating. Noel, if you would?"

    "You're going to destroy the entire forest because it's irritating?"

    "Listen up, baby, the boss can do what he wants to. He's the boss, after all."

    Arnaluuk was disappointed both in the Zodiac and her Keybearer, but Noel happily obliged, a blizzard emanating from his being, tearing apart the forest around him. Only then did Odhran notice that the town he thought was Morgate was, in fact, just a single cabin that was now covered in snow and ice. He had already passed Morgate, it seemed, but now that the trees were dead, he could see the town and he made his way there, content with a job fairly well done.

    WC: 1153

    Defeated Strong Enemy


    Nuclear Winter XBivwWT
    Gades Saito
    Gades Saito

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,150

    Nuclear Winter Empty Re: Nuclear Winter

    Post by Gades Saito 27th December 2019, 12:00 pm

    Gades Yawned and crinkled his nose as he trailed behind Odhran in getting to morgate town, the reason he crinkled his nose in disgust was that this place has a bit of foul air to it and the Incubus didn’t find it to appealing at all but he couldn’t blame this place for that. It wasent the town or the peoples fault due to what happened here it wasent their fault but the result of another group. It honestly made the Demon Prince want to growl in irritation. This was just inhumane to test here but then he knew that many humans were beyond humanity and acted like monsters more then real monsters themselves. The incubus had his normal clothing on and his twin swords Alpha and Centuri were strapped to his back as well so he was well prepared for anything that might happen. As he glanced up near the entrance he saw a sudden burst of ice and snow near the outskirts of the town and he sighed before he waited for the person to arrive and when it was Odhran the Royal only sighed before he moved behind him and proceeded to slap him upside the back of the head as he passed. “for future reference this place is already damage enough as it is you don’t need to add onto it have some class” he critiqued simply as he walked infront of him.

    While Gades wasent afraid to use force he honestly would rather dodge a fight then resort to fighting especially with bare fists hence why he used his swords more often then not though the incubus did know how to fight bare handed if push came to shove. As he walked thru the town he sighed. “whatever happened here really did a number and yet these people are still trying to pick up whats left and live a decent life” he commented more to himself then anyone else but you could hear slight sadness in his tone. “whoever thought this was a good idea needs to be made an example of and the more extreme the better” he grunted. He normally was not one for such a barbaric method to be used against people but in this case it was more then fitting. As he approached the town square he spotted his new mentor Yuiisai and he bowed in greeting and respect when he got close enough.”My apologies Miss Yuiisai I was delayed getting here and some of us apparently decided to use excessive force on their way in” he said thowing a pointed glance at Odhran before he suddenly felt something skittering on his back and arm and he blinked before suddenly feeling a jabbing pain on his back and arms. Glancing at his left shoulder and arm he suddenly saw blue scorpions with stingers that looked like icicles on them.

    when in Sin did these things get on me ugh” he grumbled as he quickly brushed them off of himself and as they hit the ground he crushed them under the boots he had on and he sighed before he pulled his coat off for a second to look at his arm. Sure enough under his shirt he had multiple stings on his arm and blues patches were appearing showing immense cold.”Great now I have frostbite on my arm” he muttered as he put his coat back on and focused on trying to get his arm warm again and get rid of the damage that had been done by the stings. It annoyed the Inucubus to be stung by such things and not know they were there, sure he had encountered some nasty creatures in the past while still growing up in sin but still for the scorpions to get a jump on him was a bit humiliating.

    wc- 640

    Scorpions defeated



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    Nuclear Winter Empty Re: Nuclear Winter

    Post by Yuiisai 29th December 2019, 10:53 pm

    The ice elementals that had not only disrupted her but also ruined the perfect doll look she kept had been taken care off, true it was in a less than ladylike manner but the fact still remained; they done something that no one should ever dare to do to the young white haired woman and so they paid the price of their actions. It had taken her quite some time to calm herself from the anger that she was feeling, the memories of those who once called this place home still moving around her as if she wasn't there. This in all honesty was a blessing if nothing else, she really didn't want to explain anything quite at that moment to people who may have believed that they were still alive. "At least that's something." she whispered to herself as she started to look over just how much damage the vibrant red silk kimono she was wearing had taken, the moment she seen it she was seeing red once again and wanted to turn the already dead enemies into a very fine ice dust before going to hunt down anything resembling their families. Closing her eyes she started to take slow breaths once again to calm down while trying to remind herself that things like this happened in her current line of work. In her opinion it was unseemly but it was what it was and she would do it to the best of her ability, it was for a better world, a utopia that would erase the sins of the past and present. Yes this was something she agreed to work towards when she signed the guild roster, more than that she had even agreed to take on two mages and teach them to be stronger. She wasn't even to sure if she was ready for such a responsibility given her own magic while strong when it wanted to work was more than a little unreliant at current. She knew this was something that she indeed would have to work on, right now she knew she would likely be more a hindrance than a help but she was sure that even she had skills without magic that would be helpful to the guild she had aligned herself with.

    Her eyes opened quickly as she felt a new gust of icy wind attack her, shivering as she hadn't been expecting it and she was was currently out in the open. She looked around scanning the area to see if this was natural or not, something inside her told her this was more the latter over the former and once again she became angry "I suggest you show yourself before you regret it." she called out it was loud but didn't sound threatening in the least, she didn't see the point of doing that after all whoever was stupid enough to do an ice spell like that around her at least should be given enough rope to hang themselves with as they tried to explain themselves. She walked towards the feeling of magical energy and sees her two mentees and sighs under her breath shaking her head "I swear to the kami, they'll never find your body if you pull a stunt like that around me again Odhran San." she said in a voice that was so syrupy sweet it could rot teeth. "I get that you wanted to show off but in a place like this it is best to be more than a little cautious because you don't know how the dead will take to your presence let alone your magic." she warned him her voice calming once more, she didn't want to reprimand him but at current it seemed like she had little choice. "The dead envy the living and will attack them for having what they no longer have themselves." she informed him though she herself didn't know how she knew that, it seemed as natural for her to know this information as breathing this was something scared her but knew she would have to come to terms with it eventually if she was going to grow as a person.

    Hearing a voice she turned around and bowed seeing his own "It is fine Gades San, I didn't expect the town to be like this." she said her voice saddened, even though the memories were in effect they would be able to see through them for how the place actually looked as they would seem semi translucent as they all knew by now this place was dead and had been for a good while. Seeing the scorpions she backed away unsure what the hell was crawling over Gades but was pretty sure she didn't want to be anywhere near them. "What in the heavens?" she enquired taking his arm as the scorpions were swiped away and stepped on with a nasty crunching sound making her flinch as she looked over his arm "Frostbite venom... um... I don't know much about this... I.. I.. I'm sorry." she apologised in a little bit of a panic, she had never had to deal with such a thing before so she was already out of her depths and afraid that she was going to lose one of those under her care on their first tasks together "Um... maybe we could make a fire and warm your arm up and that'll do something?" she suggested it was clear she was just pulling at straws and hoping that something would fit but right now this was the best that she could do as she wasn't prepared for this kind of thing.

    Word Count: 938
    @Odhran Aegisbane @Gades Saito

    Ice Elementals
    Snow Brute



    Nuclear Winter 59882_s
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Nuclear Winter Empty Re: Nuclear Winter

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 31st December 2019, 6:47 pm

    For some, the scolding by both a fellow mentee and by the mentor herself would be a means towards apologizing or at least promising not to do so. As the mentor went off to start a fire in an attempt to heal the frostbite on Gades' arm, Odhran began to smell something off in the distance.

    "Well, we certainly cannot afford to be ambushed yet again!"

    "Wait they just told you not to-"

    Before Arnaluuk could finished her warning, Odhran had already extended his left hand, which bore a ring with his Perpetuus Sama on it, imprinting the desert of the ancient city over the snowy landscape in front of them. Now there were two separate, potentially long-lasting environmental alterations made by the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm. While the first one was merely for the sake of convenience and trying to save face by not admitting he was lost, the transfer of the snow into sand made a much bigger impact. Now, rather than being obscured by the snowy fallout, the yeti that had been hunting the trio looked out of place, a white speck on an otherwise beige landscape.

    "Found you! Now! Scorpio! Do your thing!"

    Scorpio smiled, implanting his spear into the ground. Though he did not need to, he arranged his arms as if he were firing a bow, and unleashing tendrils of sand into the encroaching yeti. Enraged, the yeti responded by firing out a series of uprooted trees, boulders, and a single snowball towards the two mentees. Noel and Lupa did their work in protecting the group with the entirety of their might, while Scorpio and Arnaluuk peppered the charging beast with their mixture of sand and ice. Odhran smirked to himself, placing a hand on the ground.

    "Emerge, from the sands, Kalross, ruiner of man!"

    A giant snake made out of sand burst forth from the ground, wrapping up the yeti's feet.

    "I suppose it would be apt to not steal all the glory for myself. After all, I am certainly most generous, am I not? Gades! Show your worth! Show the power that makes you fit to be my ally!"

    At his command, or rather implication, the four Spirits Odhran had summoned backed off of their attack, determined only to intervene should Gades be in real danger.

    WC: 386
    TWC: 1539


    Nuclear Winter XBivwWT
    Gades Saito
    Gades Saito

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,150

    Nuclear Winter Empty Re: Nuclear Winter

    Post by Gades Saito 5th January 2020, 3:03 am

    Gades looked at Yuiisai as she suggested that they start a fire and that might help since she wasn’t to sure about how to handle frostbite venom to which the incubus royal lightly smiled and shook his head.”Yuiisai don’t worry its only superficial frostbite so ill be alright as long as I get this covered with my warm coat and I keep moving” he explained since he just needed to keep his body warm and he should start feeling better. As a yeti descended and started to rush at them it seemed that odhran as already jumping into the frey and had his spirits attacking the beast using a combination of Sand and Ice to cause damage.Gades mearly blinked as he unsheathed Alpha and Centuri his twinswords from his back and got ready to attack as well. while the incubus understood why such magic had an appeal to it to him though he saw it as something that made you lean on others for help which he didn’t mind from time to time but in battle it was dangerous. It left so many variables and that was something the Incubus didn’t want to take into account he would rather wield a power that is always at his finger tips.

    As he was offered the chance to attack the enemy the royal simply nodded his head as he rushed forward and ducked under a swing from the yetis arm, while he dodged the white winged demon slashed with one of his blades upwards causing a deep gash but also it cauterized. The yeti snarled in pain before taking a swing at him once more. Gades once again dodge but this time he jumped back instead and as the fist came at him he slashed at the beasts fist with his blades with one going up vertical and the other slashed horizontal. The result with the heat of the blades along with the sharpness caused the yetis fist to split into four sections before the dark mage then slashed again and took the four parts off.”I would think you would have learned from the first time you were cut by my blades they they don’t just cut they burn as well but now you have lost a hand I hope it was worth it” he said his tone bland as he saw the yeti howling in pain before slamming the ground with its burnt stump and it growled lowly at him before trying to rush again but was still held in place.

    Gades could only sigh before he Slashed again this time taking the beasts arm off at the shoulder before he would then cut the beasts neck with his other blade and it then dropped to the ground unable to breath before finally giving up and the light left its eyes as it perished. Flicking his swords to the side he inspected them before he sheathed them once again and looked at the yeti for a moment with a dull look before he turned to walk back over to Yuiisai. “threat taken care of though my arms still giving me a bit of trouble” he mentioned as he stretched and moved his arm a bit trying to get better blood flow thru it and warm it up by working it a bit. That frostbite venom would take a decent chunk of time to get out of his system until then all he could do was keep it moving and make sure his arm didn’t get any colder. Glancing at his fellow mentee Gades shrugged a bit.”He seems skilled if not a bit..eccentric” he said pausing at the end trying to find the right words.

    615 wc

    total wc - 1255

    yeti defeated



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    Nuclear Winter Empty Re: Nuclear Winter

    Post by Yuiisai 10th January 2020, 10:30 pm

    Yuiisai was still in a bit of a panic given one of the people in her charge had been hit with a frostbite venom from a young scorpion. Had she calmed down enough to think it over she would have realised it wasn't to bad given their age and size, it would have likely been more of an annoying discomfort that would be dealt with heat over an anti-venom but she was still new to this whole thing so it was only natural for panic to set in. The air was so crisp it was easy for even her to pick up the foul smell that was up wind her nose instantly wrinkling as if she had just smelt the most disgusting scent in her entire life. "What in the Kami's name is that horrid smell?" she asked the two men in her company, she wish she could say it smelt like wet dog, that was bad enough but it would have been a vast improvement on whatever the hell she was smelling now. She was about to open her mouth again as she had the bad feeling that the one she currently wasn't tending to was going to do something stupid but she got distracted by Gades speaking to her about the frostbitten marks on his arm. She still felt so bad that he had gotten injured in such a way and hoped that he wasn't going to hold it against her, she had to wonder if she should have stayed in Midi where she knew her place because right now she was seriously out of her depth. She listened as the Incubus mentee she had taken under her wing said that he would be fine so longs he kept it covered and was moving, she guessed that it made sense but still it didn't make her feel any better on the matter.

    As Gades moved away from her she heard her other mentee starting to speak and his summon trying to talk sense into him, it was clear that the man wasn't going to let the summon finish, he knew what he wanted to do and would do it come hell or high water. She couldn't help but groan but so longs it worked she guessed she couldn't hold it against him, however she would have to teach him that sometimes being subtle would work far better, right now though that lesson wouldn't have done much as they were dealing with an enraged beast. She watched as the summons seemed to be able to hault the Yeti in its tracks and even do some damage, it was still thrashing trying to to get free dealing some damage to the summons who had made it idle. She noticed the two swords that Gades unsheathed and watched silently for a good long moment, she was still worried about the male but if he felt like he could do it who was she to try and stop him; if nothing else she could scold him for doing something stupid but then again that was an issue for later. She realised that the two she had taken as students where going to be problematic in their own unique ways, at that moment she was starting to wonder if she had made the right choice taking even one of them on let alone both of them but that was likely just due to the situation they found themselves in. At current the white haired exotic beauty was currently wondering if these beings where found elsewhere on Fiore or if it had something to do with what happened to this once vibrant and busy town; only time would tell she supposed. When Gades spoke once more she came out of what seemed like a daydream and watched as he dealt with the Yeti with a quick and precise onslaught with his blades.

    Feeling like her two mentees seemed to have things out of control she wandered off deeper into the illusion of the town the dead have created from their memories. Even with what was going on with the attacks, the people moved unphased making it clear that what ended them and the attack weren't linked. That was a relief at least. She eventually got to a hot chocolate booth with a young boy calling out "Hot cocoa tasting, choose your favourite!" he seemed really excited, she smiled seeing the blonde haired, blue eyed five or six year old dressed like a christmas elf standing next to a grown man dressed in a red suit and hat both with white trim and a long white snowy beard; if she had to wager a guess she would believe the little elf boy was santa's son "Miss! Miss! Taste the amazing hot chocolate!" he called out at Yuiisai making her blink, it was strange that the memories were interacting with her, that shouldn't happen, they were memories of the dead. So how was this possible? It was something she would have to explore she guessed. "Do you earn extra pocket money from santa for people tasting?" she asked the child who grinned nodding "I get two jewel per person who taste, I've made forty eight jewel so far and I've only been doing this for a little while." he exclaimed happily. She knew this was a memory and so wouldn't be able to taste the flavours, still, she knew how a lot of hot chocolate tasted so could go off her own memories and she had been taught how to drink from empty cups so she could easily make this look authentic. "Okay, I'll taste too." she said with a smile and made her way to the table and made a little mark where he pointed "This is my line." he said with a smile, it seemed like there where a dozen or so children taking part as elves and all earning some extra money for playing their parts and getting people to join festivities. "My, my it looks like you are in front" he nodded pride shining in his eyes.

    Soon she looked at the three testing cups that had been poured for her sitting on the table. Picking up the first cup the young woman seem surprised, she could feel the warmth and knew it shouldn't be possible. Lifting the cup to her mouth she smelt the chocolate as if it was really there, this was so very odd to her but still she tasted it. Her eyes going wide as she felt the warm chocolatey liquid with a hint of mint do down her throat, this was something she seriously wasn't expecting however she finished the sample cup. She done the same with the second which had a subtle taste of turkish delight and the same with the final cup that tasted of warm winter spices. When she tasted each she looked a the little elf boy "I like number two the most" she said watching as he marked it on his chart "Thank you for helping miss, I like number two too." he admitted with his innocent smile before starting to get another person to come to the booth, Yuiisai made her way back into the street looking around for her mentees hoping that they would have finished with the beast and made their way into the town at current in one piece due to the memories that were being shared.

    Word Count: 1,239
    Total Word Count: 2,217
    @Odhran Aegisbane @Gades Saito

    Ice Elementals
    Snow Brute

    Hot Chocolate Tasting


    Nuclear Winter 59882_s
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

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    Nuclear Winter Empty Re: Nuclear Winter

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 13th January 2020, 6:21 am

    Odhran had the subtle feeling that his comrades had a slight unpleasant attitude towards him, though he could not figure out a reason why. He and his Spirits followed shortly after Gades and Yuiisai, entering the town to a series of strange looks glaring and staring his way, though once again he could not figure why.

    "Do you think they were able to see the fight? Perhaps they are in awe of my awesome power, and they are speechless at the very sight of my presence!"

    Arnaluuk sighed. "Or, perhaps, it's because of that."

    Arnaluuk pointed a quick thumb over her shoulder towards Noel, who towered over all, ten feet tall. His burlap sack dragged across the ground, clearing a path in the snow and replacing it with a trail of soot. He gave an airy chuckle, the sound whistling like wind through his skull. "I could never hazard to guess what they could possibly be terrified of. I am but a humble bringer of this very holiday they celebrate so intently." Noel laughed again. His voice soared into the air as if carried by the wind, his entire being unmoved as he spoke.

    As Yuiisai and Gades went their separate ways, Odhran found himself face-to-face with an ice rink. The attendant offered a pair of skates to all five of Odhran and his personal entourage, who denied them. "You mock our magical prowess! Come now! Let us show these fools what we are capable of, not only in battle, but in dance!"

    Each of the four Spirits responded in their own ways, Arnaluuk sighing and planting her face into her hands, Lupa barking and wagging her tail viciously, Noel giving his breathy laugh, and Scorpio ignoring Odhran, flirting instead with the attendant, who pushed him into the rink. Odhran snapped his finger, and his feet themselves switched to blades, as he stepped upon the ice. Unfortunately, the blades were not meant for ice skating, rather for stabbing, as most blades are, so Odhran immediately planted onto his face. He placed his hands onto the ice, trying to get up, as Scorpio slid on in, laying on his side with a hand propping up his head.

    "Don't worry, it's a bit difficult to get a hang of. Look around!"

    Scorpio presented his other arm in an attempt to prove that all of Odhran's Spirits were having difficulty. Arnaluuk glided across the ice like it were nothing, the other passersby watching in awe at the Frozen Sea Spirit, who sprinkled the occasional flare of ice to prettify her routine. Noel, meanwhile, stood eerily still, seeming to track others. As a kid foolishly threw a snowball at him, the lich moved, stepping on the ice like it were not there. The kid quickly fell on his behind and he fled the rink and town entirely, causing Noel to give a little laugh. Lupa, meanwhile, stood at the center of the rink, each paw enriched with the powers of flame, melting the ice beneath her feet. Her tail was wagging, trying to understand what the attendants were saying as they warned Lupa not to break the ice.

    Scorpio sighed, hoping that the usual antics would not be afoot. Odhran sighed, getting up to his feet as he removed his feet from their bladed form. "This is a foolish activity. I shall, in my wonderful charity, grant you all, my lovely Spirits, the chance to relax within this rink."

    Satisfied with his explanation, Odhran left the rink, watching as his Spirits continued on their enjoyment of the festivities.

    WC: 595
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    Nuclear Winter XBivwWT
    Gades Saito
    Gades Saito

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    Nuclear Winter Empty Re: Nuclear Winter

    Post by Gades Saito 14th January 2020, 3:31 am

    Rolling for Ice Sculpting



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    Nuclear Winter Empty Re: Nuclear Winter

    Post by NPC 14th January 2020, 3:31 am

    The member 'Gades Saito' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Nuclear Winter OdAaNwh
    Gades Saito
    Gades Saito

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 65
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    Experience : 1,150

    Nuclear Winter Empty Re: Nuclear Winter

    Post by Gades Saito 15th January 2020, 6:47 pm

    Gades noticed that his mentor and fellow mentee went of to do separate thing and it made the Incubus prince sigh and head head out to find something to do himself. Look around and moving his arm to try and make sure the blood kept flowing in it and warmed it to nullify the frostbite venom in his arm. As he was moving his arm he felt someone tap him on the shoulder and he blinked before he turned around, to his surprise the demon royal saw that a young man was behind him and offering him a chisle and a hammer.”Sir do you want to try ice sculpting we still need a few people” the boy offered as Gades thought before nodding. Gades followed the boy while taking the tools and approached a large block of ice while thinking what he would do with such a thing.the incubus glanced at the ice and saw many others making simple things the incubus then got a very interesting idea in his head and he moved towards the block of ice before he started to chisel away at the ice.

    Gades moved swiftly as he started chipping away at the ice before his desired goal started to take shape soon was was apparent that the first part of his sculpture was a fox and the desigh was smooth and beautiful since the royal was using one of his blades and the heat from it to smooth the rough edges of his chisel marks. As he started working on the tails he struck and suddenly one of the tails lost a fragment of itself and Gades grunted in annoyance.”Great now I have to figure out how to fix this” he grumbled before he got an idea and started to carve all nine tails down slightly from where the fragmentation had happened the tails by the end were a bit shorter but still rather impressive. Smiling at his hard work the incubus sheathed his one blade after putting the finishing touches on it and the judges smiled as they observed his work.”very nice detail in this heres your tokens” they said as they passed the royal three tokens and then Gades nodded to them before heading off to find his mentor and fellow mentee.

    total wc- 1,637 word count reached

    Ice sculpting done


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:56 pm