Fairy Tail RP

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    Play by The Moon


    Play by The Moon Empty Play by The Moon

    Post by Guest 27th September 2019, 10:06 am

    This was a first time for Laurence. Was this a stupid idea? This wouldn't be his first festival, but it would be the first one where the kelpie invited someone to come with him. Invitations typically involve asking verbally, but it wasn't this time. He had left a flier to a fall festival happening in the haunted village. If you win a prize if you earn three trophies from three events. Along with the flier left was also a note that said 'I thought this would be fun to try with you as a date. Calmness is terrifying to me, but it feels like you would know how to keep things from getting quiet.' Maybe he should have dressed in a way that said he had multiple outfits but, honestly? The only one he currently owned was the one Kien got him before, so that's what the fae had on. It had browns, creams, and black. "Should I try to have more clothes?" This was more of a question to himself, not anyone else. It was never something even considered in the man's previous human life. Back then he had more outfits, but they were all old and covered in patchworks. Nothing back then ever felt like it was even remotely made for him back then, which is how he learned to modify clothes to make them fit. As a water horse? The discovery of how new clothes felt was something he couldn't forget. The fabrics didn't need modification, everything already hugged and held the body as if it was designed for it. It had even inspired him to try to style their own hair. Their mane was something that refused to tame for water, brush, or gel.

    If he ever gets new clothes, it would have to be something that gets along with the mans untamed locks of hair. It was doomed to forever look like wild locks that resemble kelp. This wasn't a bad thing, the deep green and black complimented the bright lime irises on his face. He wasn't even going to pretend there was any help for his skin. The death like pale tone was different than just looking like a white guy, it was the sort of shade one might expect from the corpse of someone who had tan skin. Add the green that pops up whenever shadows or darkness arises? the corpse look would never vanish. Why did he care about appearance now? Lott never had before, at least not during life as a human. If any more clothes were gained, they would have to compliment his current features, even ones he wasn't thrilled with all the time. "How did he even pick these out...?" Of course someone who had only ever been in a clothes store once wouldn't figure that out. I t probably didn't help that the majority of his time there had been spent naked in a hanging room.

    Words: 488
    Kien Hikiba
    Kien Hikiba

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 44
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Dahau
    Experience : 250

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    Play by The Moon Empty Re: Play by The Moon

    Post by Kien Hikiba 28th September 2019, 2:14 am

    Silvery fur tufts wrapped around the horse's chest and pulled him to the side of the road. "You really need to work on your bazaaz with people." Kien's barks could be heard as he stepped into view with a grin on his face and the flier in his wolf-ified arm. "So you want a date with me hm?" He threw out there as per usual with his direct attitude.

    Today the wolf was wearing quite the revealing outfit it seemed. His feet were clad in long black leather tabi style boots, also seen covering Kien's legs up to his lower thighs. Then, some tight undersuit in grey, while also sporting extremely long black gloves covering all the way up to Kien's deltoids. His chest was clad in tight clothing as well. It was a hybrid Jacket/ tank top. It did not have any sleeves, leaving Kien's arms bare for anyone to notice his muscles. The thing would get extended around the waist area only to taper of on two tails akin to what a smoking would have. The magenta scarf was still there around his neck, the kelpie probably capable of deducting its function.

    "You would not survive alone in a place like this. I guess I'll have to show you how to relax and unwind as well. Fearing quiet places is definitely sooooooo NOT cool. So buckle up, seahorse."

    And off they went again. Before anything else, Kien wanted to make sure of one thing. The kelpie had asked him out on a date. He had to admit that during those weeks of doing stuff together they had bonded quite deeply. Still...knowing that the young wolf couldn't help but wonder if Laurence knew the risks of dating a werewolf. Maybe Kelpie people are immune to the effects of lycantropy. Well...they were magical creatures too though. He seemed immune to disease. He did kinda...like him though. Hand in hand, he moved laurence to the nearest inn around town and shoved themselves into the first available room.

    "Alright let's get in a little more comfy clothing." He said, snapping his fingers and making appear two sets of what he used for a pajama. It was a set comprised of a black elastic undersuit, gloves and open toed boots. The material seemed very similar to spandex, or something of that kind of fabric. He shoved one copy in Laurence's chest and took he other. "Go put this on~" He teased. "I have something else to set up."

    In the meantime of waiting for laurence to change the wolf pushed the bed to the side to make space for something else. He grabbed a weird disk and threw it on the ground. A mana infusion later the thing that enlarged into a big round mattress.

    "Tah daaa! Would you look at this? I stole it from a very wealthy nobe out north. It's called cocoon or something. Basically it's a portable water mattress bed tent thingy. You just need some mana to activate it and then you jump in." He told the kelpie as he came out of the bathroom with the light clothing.

    Kien walked closer to the seahorse, a light blush present on his face now. He grabbed Laurence's hand and gently moved him closer to his sleeping gadget. The kelpie was then gently pushed down onto the mattress itself while kien hopped towere on top of him. There was enough space for the two to be comfortable, but the werewolf wanted to have a more intimate heart to heart at the moment. He wanted to know if Laurence was legit or not. Once the two had occupied the mattress, the thing would begin to grow further up until the two were bubbled and sealed inside as if the were into a zorb ball.

    With his face inches from Laurence's own, Kien smirked. "This thing is cool eh? As long as we are in here, no one else outside can see nor hear what's on the inside. A nice touch of privacy... Now then...I'll be completely honest with you. Since we went out to kill your ex I kind of liked you and now you ask me out on a date."

    The young wolf's eyes stared at the kelpie's.

    "I think I may have a crush on you." He stated, serious but still slightly embarassed. "So I really wanna know. Are you sure you...want to...you know. Date a werewolf? I...uuuh...I don't think you'd get infected but still...uuh...well..."

    Now Kien's confident persona was beginning to come undone. The young boy did not really know how to articulate his thoughts.

    "All my life I...I've been pushed away. It doesn't matter I can control my transformation. To many, I'm just a vile beast. Are you...are you sure you want to stay with me?"

    WC 832


    Play by The Moon O23F2U7

    Play by The Moon Empty Re: Play by The Moon

    Post by Guest 29th September 2019, 12:02 pm

    Kien was quick with words and actions, as it seemed he always was. "Bazaaz?" What was bazaaz? His face flushed a bit at the ever active arms. Laurence didn't get the bold personality, but it wasn't something the person minded. His head beat a bit faster, a reminder that it was working and reality might just exist after all. Hands touched at the furred limbs as the kelpie responded to the questions, face a little flushed. "That's why I asked." It was a bit harder to be ass blunt as usual, but that's always what happened when the mind was here. This wasn't a bad that for the fae though, it meant the lethargic emotions usually clouding everything in a haze wasn't present. The werewolf was certainly a nice view, but that was typically normal. Actually why was there so many attractive people in the guild? It wasn't something that mattered much of anything to Lott, so it was a question that left the mind as quickly as he came.
    He was a man that prefered the heart and mind over the body, though it certainly didn't mean there was no looking. It was a bit confusing to be told he wouldn't survive at a festival. He did mostly okay the first time? But it had ended with him slightly contemplating the murder of everything there. 'Maybe that's actually a bad sign.' The man thought before he was pulled off to a different location. Laurence let himself get pulled along from the festival and towards the inn. There hadn't been a single bit of resistance so far as man wasn't really the type to do so without being given a reason. One could say the water horse was more of the type to go with the flow of things. Clothing? Was that why they had gone here? He had to admit that changing in the middle of festival grounds wouldn't have exactly been favorable. The clothing deemed more comfortable was made of a fabric the kelpie had never worn before.

    Newer fabric that stretched wouldn't have been in his passed down wardrobe when it was his. The only outfit worn that hadn't been ancient was the one on him right now, which did not have stretchy material of that type. Was it more comfortable? The water horse had no idea, but there was only one way to find out. His fingers curled around the outfit shoved at him a bit before retreating to the nearest bathroom to get changed. There was still a shyness in his heart, despite having laughed while soaked head to toe in blood before. The fabric felt oddly nice, yet embarrassing. With how it moved it barely felt like there was any fabric covering his person at all. He should have been more surprised to see a new bed when returning, but it was typically hard to shock the kelpie at this point. Getting pushed onto the bed caused some color to come rushing to his face. A cocoon? That's what Kien said the bed was called.
    "The name sounds more elegant than the objects execution. Though the bed uses expensive fabrics, there are less expensive threads that would be softer and more durable if treated right. If there were going for a soft squishy bed there are a number of materials more stable than water that are still squishy. Cocoons are also supposed to be stable, unlike the ever unstable nature of water." It seemed like for at least a brief time, his inner carpenter had come out. It was brief, only being used to analyze the materials and how well it meshed with the name. For a moment it seemed the man he used to be showed a bit, a brilliant youth that had a bright future in carpentry, skill wise. It wouldn't have made him enough money to be middle class, but it still would have made very fine work. This meant when it came to the construction of furniture? He knew how to pick up the flaws, what details were practical, and which was added just to make it more expensive.

    "Sorry, used to be a carpenter. This is the nicest bed I've been in." But from how he spoke, Laurence had likely made nicer beds than than this one but simply never got to use them. He didn't own any of his old tools anymore anyway. Finally though something surprised him. Kiens confession hadn't been expected. They seemed like someone who liked being in charge and knew what to do with themselves. He was briefly quiet, mostly due to surprise. His arms moved to wrap around the werewolf before any words had managed to come out. "I confessed myself during that job, probably not in the most noticeable way. I think the best kind of romantic relationship involves someone who brings out the best in you. I can't control your feelings, don't know if I've brought our your best any or not, but you bring my mind back. It's hard to be fogged with the hazed lethargic feel around you that steals my mind away. You make it easier to find and be myself."
    Lott shook his head gently at the thought that someone was worried he could get infected with anything new. "I would worry about your infection getting affected by mind. Being made a kelpie was most definitely a turning of sorts. It filled me through coating the wounds my old best friend gave me, including a stab to the heart. The tears I had as a dying human became a sort of blindly blood lust of a rage as a water horse. There's no more cracks left for new infections to get through, even if I bleed." How else should it be described? Maybe if he had better learning it would be more clear. This was not going to randomly pop into existence though. The age for the basics in school and classes had already passed the man by, not having enough for any fancy higher learning sort of schooling.

    Words: 1,012
    My Total: 1500
    Group Total: 2332
    Kien Hikiba
    Kien Hikiba

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 44
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Dahau
    Experience : 250

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    Play by The Moon Empty Re: Play by The Moon

    Post by Kien Hikiba 23rd October 2019, 2:24 am

    Kien did not move as Laurence wrapped his arms around him in a hug. "Uh...you really are weird, seahorse. I don't mind it though." He stated with a grin.

    So the guy was...rather, had been a carpenter. That was...curious to know. Now that he thought about it, he never really had asked Laurence about his past. He didn't mind getting that out of the way right there. It's not they would have any time once the festival would have started. The young wolf gently wiggled out of Laurence's embace to flop over to his right, staring at the enclosed roof of their resting place.

    "So...you were a carpenter eh? Well, I guess I know the whole love interest fiasco already. " He stated after a moment of silent contemplation.

    "...how is it to be a seahorse? I read somewhere you're supposed to lure people in and drown them or something like that."

    It was a question fuelled by curiosity. In the end, Kien realized that aside from the whole ex the ex dealie, he knew next to little about Laurence. Only the stuff he had told him and the few sparse information he had gotten from their guild's library's books about Kelpies in general.

    "Can you...turn into an actual horse?" Another question he had meaning to ask for a good while now.



    Play by The Moon O23F2U7

    Play by The Moon Empty Re: Play by The Moon

    Post by Guest 4th November 2019, 7:02 pm

    How was it to be a seahorse? That took a bit of thought. It was confusing to think about, expression being covered in a haze while deeply searching thought. Eventually an honest conclusion was made, be it good or bad. "The black heart has helped me see things more full, but it's also given me a worse temper. Didn't much used to have one, but now? I'll go totally mad if I feel betrayed and and hunt the person down without a second thought. Topics I used to avoid aren't really so much anymore. It's just... like I'm free and new, but still me." But that brought a thought from the fae himself. How much had he asked Kien? Not that much, though probably because the man was so honest and bold. Still, why should only one of them be asking questions? It was only fair and just that they both do. There were a few things he was curious about. But those thoughts were temporarily halted by another question. This one was easier to answer. "I will be able to, but right now I'm a bit too young, like a cat that's never shed. Does that make sense?" To many fae, Laurence was more than likely much like a baby trying to learn how to step. He wouldn't argue against it, the man hadn't been one for even a year yet. Maybe one day it would be different, but not right now, not at this point. It would be interesting to change, right? Good interesting, or bad?

    Ether way it would happen sooner or later. When it does happen, it would be life changing. He wasn't sure why it felt that was, but it was like a certainty etched inside. Until then? He had his own questions to ask. "Were you different before you became a werewolf? Did you or your life change in ways after you became one? Sorry if I'm asking too many things at once." He wanted to ask more, but didn't want to rush things either. There was a lot of things to find out. Family, friends, and past relationships were only a few of the possible topics to ask about. Another one would be what the two were both wearing as it was the first time Lott had ever worn anything like it. He wanted to keep quiet a bit, at least long enough to hear answers. Still, another question felt important and bubbled to be heard. Laurence had a hard time holding back. "Are you happier?" It was a simpler or more complicated question than the other two were, depending on how one looked at it.

    Words: 443
    My Total: 1943
    Group Total: 3015
    Kien Hikiba
    Kien Hikiba

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Dahau
    Experience : 250

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    Play by The Moon Empty Re: Play by The Moon

    Post by Kien Hikiba 17th December 2019, 4:48 pm

    Kien hummed. Legit questions, though the delivery was kinda odd. The young wolf stared at the ceiling of the portable zorb bed thingy they were in. Then, he moved his eyes over to Laurence. He glanced at the Kelpie then chuckled. He started wriggling and moving a bit as silver fur popped out all over him, nose elongated in a snout and ears became pointy. He would use his sharper claws on his hand to rip a hole in the pants he was wearing so that a fluffy silver tail could poof out and start wagging slowly.

    The werewolf then would slowly roll to his side and climb over on Laurence's chest, belly to belly and face to face. From there, Kien would take his sweet ass time wiggling into a comfortable position as he cuddled up to his partner. Once he was satisfied, Laurence would feel the wolf in his arms simply relax and letting himself go in he Kelpie's embrace.

    Placing his head under Laurence's chin and on his chest, Kien started explaining. "It began when I was ten. I was one of those orphans kids in a orphanage kinda deal. I never really met my parents. One day, out in the woods to get some firewood for our place, I got attacked." He mumbled, squeezing Laurence slightly. "A wolf bit be right here..." he raised a hand and poked his partner's carotid, trailing down to the left side of his neck.

    "The moment a mage passing by pointed at me and said 'werewolf' my life became hell. I was instantly shunned by the other kids, feared by the adults and locked up at night. That is until they threw me out of he orphanage. Everywere I turned, I would only get aggression and hate. I grew up on the streets. Thievery and all that sometimes. Mostly lived by myself in the woods."

    Kien closed his eyes and paused for a moment. Man, he was so comfy there...

    "At one point, I was fed up with it. So when the full moon came...I stared right at it. I completely gave myself to the curse in my blood and boy that time...that was the first time I let myself go. After turning...I gained so much power...I loved it. That night I butchered everyone in that god forsaken place I lived before it all happened. I ripped them open and consumed their hearts. They tasted absolutely delicious. The best part is...with each one I could feel more and more power. So I kept on mauling. I gave into my bloodlust and rage and I loved every second of it.

    Eventually, I found out that I could transform on demand a few years later. It had something to do with my body adapting to the Curse and the hearts I devoured. Even then...people still shunned me. Not that I care anymore mind you. At first you always have that craving for meat and all that. You really are a rabid beast. Perhaps werewolves gain more control with age, or after eating human flesh. Not many survive this long after turning you see. There are alotta people out there that want me and my brethren dead for good..."

    Another pause.

    "So yeah. I've always been like this. I grew up in a place that hates me...so I had to do what I had to do. But hey...it's not all doom and gloom lately. Wouldn't you know it I found someone that actually likes me in this fucking planet. Someone that wouldn't you know it is crazy enough to show affection to a werewolf. Sure he's a bit...weird and not exactly human per se..." he playfully teased, scooting closer to Laurence.

    "But his pointy ears are cute and I don't really mind his antics. So yeah. There's that going on in my life. As long as I'm with him...I feel happy. So yeah I am happy. Very much so."

    Wc 656


    Play by The Moon O23F2U7

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:04 pm