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    Like old times


    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Champion of Tudigong
    Position : None
    Posts : 310
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 603,136

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Third Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Like old times Empty Like old times

    Post by Aurora 28th April 2019, 8:58 am

    Job signup

     0927 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC

    Health: 300|450/400
    Mana: 300/255
    Melee: 30|112
    MagicDef buff:
    MeleeDef buff:
    Healthbuff: 50%
    Mana buff:
    Magic buff: 225-275%
    Melee buff: 275%

    Used: Earth Demon
    Spiked Fists C+,
    Damage: 255HP

    The sound of trampling hooves echoed through the eerie woods. In the shadow of sentinel sprues and birch trees rode a large black horse, whose legs and hooves were covered in sludge. Veins of brown littered the neck and body of the animal were trickling sweat had left behind dirt. Within the saddle sat a giant of a man. His filthy red hairs framed his copper-coloured face. His vermillion eyes stared stark to the road ahead, underneath heavy brows. The man wore thick bronze armour, decorated with golden ornaments. A tattered crimson cloak, trimmed with fur, hung from his shoulders and fluttered behind him as he galloped over the dirt road. He carried a long, broad sword that hung from his belt. His left arm was bounded in many coloured stripes of cloth, a large smear of orange-brown span across it. Other bandings were found on his chest, below his armour and his right leg. The bindings on his leg were soaked with water and dripped water pasted the flank of the horse on the ground.

    Ganting rode upon his mighty steed Xuan through the northern most woods of Fiore on the border with Seven. He had through the lands of Seven, Iceberg, the kingdom of Pergrande and others to reach Fiore. It had been weeks since he left the crumbling walls of the once proud city of Duoshang, the former capital of his now diminished kingdom, behind him. Gangting had ridden out more than a year ago to retake the city and restore his grand kingdom to its former glory. He had believed at that time he had grown strong enough too withstand the demonic spawn, that had destroyed and occupied his realm, and push them back. Once again, his vanity proved to be his demise. He had managed to fight his way through the demon invested lands but the deeper he entered that dark realm, the more resistance he got. He managed to reach Doushang and found the city engulfed with the unholy beings, the city itself was shrouded in black mist. He had managed to breakthrough the outer wall, that ran along the mountain tops. He fought there for a week, day and night, but never managed to enter the second wall. He was tired and severely wounded. He marshalled the last strength he had, praised for the blessing of Tudigong, and unleashed an earthquake down on the city while the shape of Tudigong appeared around him in form of dust. Deep within the earth roared, buildings collapsed, and walls cracked. The demons were occupied with what was going on and Gangting summoned his giant chariot and rode off. The aurochs rode on while Gangting well fast asleep only to wake up days later. Only then he took the time to take a look at his wounds. His right leg had been severely burned by a hellish serpent’s bite, his left arm had a long and deep cut by a venomous claw. His body was littered with other stabs, cuts and burns. Most of it had healed but his leg and arm were still not healed. On his way to Fiore, he sought many healers, but none could help him with his severe wounds. A few even dared to tell him that they could provide painkillers to ease his passing, they were convinced that no man could survive such wounds. Gangting thought differently, he was no mere man. He was a demon slayer, a king and the champion of Tudigong. He would survive, he knew, he had too. He had failed to retake his city and kingdom, he had to try again. His part in this world was not done yet.

    Gangting concentrated on the road ahead and keep his mind filled with thought to distract him from the pain. Suddenly the air around him was filled with shouts and bulky men appeared from sides of the road. They were clad in fur with armour of bone, bronze and rusty iron. Armed with spears, axes and swords. They formed half a circle around him with their weapons ready to strike. Xuan halted and pranced. Gangting roared and steered his horse around and jumped off. The ground shook, tree’s shuddered and birds within a mile took the sky with loud screaks. Gangting slammed an open hand upon his horse rear and Xuan speeded off. ”Grave mistake,” shouted Gangting his voice was thick with anger, ”Prepare to meet your gods!” The nearest spearman charged forward with his spear pointing at Gangting’s throat. Gangting evaded the strike and grabbed the spear with both hands, snapping it as if it was a twig. He quickly japed the shortened spear straight through the bone plates of the lamellar armour. ”Earth Demon’s spiked fists!” uttered Gangting loud, the soil around him spiralled past his legs up to his hands were the soil formed spiked glows of stone surrounded by a golden aura. He struck the spearmen on his forehead; his skull broke with a sickening sound. Gangting looks at the others, their eyes were white with fear. They had thought they ambush an easy prey; they had seen he was a warrior, but they also had seen his bandages. A dozen warriors against one wounded warrior was meant to be an easy victory. Gangting took a step, the earth shook. The first started to run, followed by the others. Gangting walked after them slowly with an irregular step, the depths of the earth reverberated every step he took. They could run as far as they wanted, he would find them.



    Like old times N9AxYLD
    Like old times Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 29th April 2019, 9:08 pm

    A day like any other, a mission like any other. At least that was what the God of Strength and Ambassador of Dies Irae had thought initially. He had left the safety of Amber Island, for the first time in a little while, to pursue a mission that had been brought to the guild. It appeared that there was a group of people acting out of a position near the Haunted Village had attacked several travelers and merchants within the mountain passes of the East near the border of Fiore, but not just that, they seemed to be responsible for the disappearance of several people, abducting them only for these people to vanish forever. Johann, longing for something to occupy him, had accepted the contract to explore the details of these circumstances and determine once and for all what role the group of lawbreakers played in this scenario. Of course, the guild master of Dies Irae would enact his own judgment, depending on the type of people he would face. It had become his goal to rid the world of evil, after all.

    The man was dressed for the occasion, clad in the uniform of an Ambassador, the red and black coat floating in the wind softly as the man sat on the tree branch, staring into the distance, his eyes closed. It was a relatively dull day, the sunshine holding back and grey clouds covering the sky. Still, Johann von Weiss, had to get to the source of these events, quietly taking in the sounds of the wooded area around him. They had to be around here somewhere, and if they were, they had to make some noise eventually. And it seemed the God of Ishgar did not have to wait for long. From one moment to the next the terrifying rumble of the earth filled the air all around with unmistakable vibration, Johann's head swerving into the direction instinctively, his eyes opening to reveal the normal right eye and the already transformed left, the white of his sclera replaced with a deep ink-black, the pupil shining in a menacing sanguine hue. "Found you ...", the silver-haired man whispered to himself before dropping off the branch, landing on the ground below with heavy impact, a cloud of dust and dirt swirling around him before he dashed forward. The forest around him would fly past, shrubbery and trees rustling and cracking as the man would sprint by with breathtaking speed and determination. Within no time, he would come to a stop once more, only a short distance away from a group of individuals who, despite him not exactly being stealthy or making any notable attempt at going unnoticed, seemed to be oblivious to his presence, pushing through the forest in what appeared like panic. Were they fleeing from something?

    Johann cleared his throat. "And where do you think you are going?". One of the men stopped only meters away from him, the lawbreaker clad entirely in fur, bone and rusty metals turning his head quickly, as if in shock. Johann looked into the face of a dirty, but well-nourished and built man, his determined gaze with dual-colored eyes met only with confusion. Another man almost ran into the one who had stopped, though managed to stop himself, several others following suit, all of them now focused on the new target that had appeared out of the forest, and all of them bearing some kind of melee weapon. A grin would curl up the lips of the man, who appeared like their leader, into a smile. "If we can't get the other one ...", he would say, lifting his sword and pointing it at Johann, "... we'll at least get this one before we get out of here. Attack him!". Johann sighed. He hadn't even gotten the chance to offer them mercy if they cooperated. It looked like they had no care for that option, so neither would the Ambassador. The first one of them charged forward, swinging his sword wildly without the slightest semblance of refined technique. It was ridiculous. Johann simply stepped to the side, evading the strike with ease. "You want to try that again?". The man did not take kindly to the taunt, his expression warped by anger. He let out a cry of hate, storming forward with this sword at his side. Johann took a breath, moving forward himself. His own speed was, of course, much greater than the bandit's, outmaneuvering him before, with one sweep, the God of Strength's fist crashed into the man's jaws, throwing him into the ground below, the dirt cracking with a loud crash, leaving the unmoving body of the former adversary in a bloody crater. The burning red eye, along with the cold silver of the other one, would turn to the rest of them. "Who's next? I thought you wanted to come and get me?". A soft smirk would find its way onto Joh's face, revealing the slightly enlarged canines beneath, his hand stretched out in a challenging pose.

    Word Count: 840
    Total Word Count: 840 / 3,500
    Total Thread Word Count: 1,767 / 7,000



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Champion of Tudigong
    Position : None
    Posts : 310
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 603,136

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Third Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Aurora 30th April 2019, 10:23 am

    Job signup

    1504 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC

    Health: 300|450/400
    Mana: 300/210
    Melee: 30|112
    MagicDef buff:
    MeleeDef buff:
    Healthbuff: 50%
    Mana buff:
    Magic buff: 225-275%
    Melee buff: 275%

    Used: Earth Demon
    Spiked Wave C+,
    Damage: 255HP
    Earth Demon Smite C+,
    Damage: 337HP

    Gangting's steps reverberated through the earth with each step that he took. The pines softly swayed with each step. Gangting was mad, the pain of his wounds, the pain of his defeat and this nuisance were like oil on a fire, it blazed hot within. He stamped his way through the forest in the direction his attackers had fled to. His bare feet felt the vibrations of their steps as they ran away from him. But then, suddenly, vibrations stopped, the first one stopped and then the others. A new set of vibrations reverberated through the ground, at first the vibrations were strong as if it placed its feet heavily onto the ground but after that vibrations became like normal steps. The new person was a male, a bit shorter then Gangting and lighter as well. This person was unknown to him but there was something about him, a wisp of familiarity. Like tasting the of slight traces of cinnamon in a never before had dish. It calmed his mind for a moment, but the torrent of range raged again once he barged passed the corner. The wind blew in his face and brought a familiar stench to his nose. "Demon's" was the thought that filled his mind.

    He saw his ragtag group of attackers, held up by the unknown man. He was easy to distinguish him from the others. Whereas the marauders wore filthy furs and bone this man wore a clean suit of black and red fabrics. His clothing was decorated with golden thread and trimmed fur. The tribesmen were unwashed and their hairs were long and messy while the man's silver hair was neatly groomed. However, the most notable feature of this man's appearance was one intense red-eye. Gangting focused his attention back to his attackers, as he was uncertain where the demonic smell came from and charged. Each step sounded like dull thunder strikes; the forest swayed as the ground shook. "Earth Demons Spiked Wave!" roared Gangting. His shout, trained to convey commands during the thick of battle, echoed far into the forest. Tall spikes of earth and stone rose from the ground before him and flowed in front of the redhaired giant like a wave. Spikes rose and fell as the wave stormed at the warriors. Those unfortunate to stand in its way were pierced by the many spikes, covert with its holy aura. Gangting bashed one axe-wielding warrior, clad in bronze lamellar a moment later. His earth covered right fist pierced its bronze plates with easy. The bronze-clad warrior dropped its axe in shock and horror as the force of Gangting's punch threw him to the ground.

    Gangting looked around him, a couple warriors were laying with shrieks of pain in puddles of blood. Others stood around them with faces white of fear. An aura of demonic origin danced in the corner of his eyes, Gangting turned his gaze to meet the origin. The aura surrounded the mysterious person. Anger bursts within Gangting, he forgot the marauders. "Earth Demons Smite!" bellowed Gangting loud as earth around him crawled across his right leg to his right fist. A thick layer of condensed stone covered by a white aura formed over his spiked glove. "In name of Tudigong, vanish!" bellowed Gangting as he charged at the demonic being, determined to ride the world of its existence.



    Like old times N9AxYLD
    Like old times Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 7th May 2019, 9:39 am

    Johann was ready to punish the group for their aggression. He certainly had the capabilities to exterminate all of these rats in less than second, break their necks, split their skulls, bathe their surroundings in their blood, but ending it too quickly would be little fun, would it? The newfound sense for an unnecessary semblance of cruelty could be traced back to the influence of Mars, who, of course, had unlocked demonic powers and fuzed with Johann, the guild master of Dies Irae subsequently taking on some of the Lord of War's less... favorable traits in combat. Patiently, he expected the next attacker to step forward and be cut down like the last one, though it seemed like it wouldn't come to that. Suddenly and in a rhythmic fashion, the ground began to tremble before, with a massive, echoing shout, Johann would turn his head towards its source and some of the bandits were impaled by solid spikes of earth bursting from the ground. His eyes widened in shock, his mouth spelling out the name of the other in a confused, questioning manner. "G-gangting ...?", it was not much more than a whisper. Of course, the red-haired colossus of a man was familiar to Johann von Weiss, the two had been friends a long time ago, years even, though he hadn't heard from the other ever since that Halloween Ball at the West Fiore Trading Company. The two had shared drinks and talked, it was a fun evening, but after that ... it was like the Earth Slayer had suddenly vanished from existence. And yet, here he was, broken, bruised and bandaged, but fighting still, and while a lot about the silver-haired Rune Mage had changed, he couldn't help but notice that the other was still exactly the same, the same man he had met on that day back in Hargeon to free slaves.

    Of course, the other's strength was still impressive as well, the man simply striking down the adversaries they were facing, the others paling in fear for their lives. Johann smirked as he watched the display unfold, expecting some kind of recognition or a semblance of such, though his expression would quickly change when the giant Slayer turned towards him and drew back his fist. He loudly explained the name of his attack, before unleashing a tremendous earthen swing towards him, the ground below trembling as he did. Johann's smile returned to his face. While it was true that he had temporarily been transported back to old times, it was also an undeniable fact that he had grown into a vastly different and, perhaps more importantly, vastly more powerful person than before. Johann simply raised his arm, his hand covered in the slight tint of a black aura, stopping the others charge meant to hit him mid-swing. "In the name of myself, calm down, Gangting". He almost had to stop himself from laughing out loud. "Or are you too drunk once again to recognize an old friend?". While his appearance and his aura, even his magic had certainly changed a lot, Johann's voice and scent had undoubtedly remained the same. He let go of the Earth Demon Slayer's hand and turn towards the bandits. "I'll just clean up here and we will have some time to talk". Unceremoniously, Johann would vanish into nothing, appearing mid-air behind one of the bandits, grasping the man's head before dragging it to the ground, smashing it down forcefully in an explosion of dirt, dust, and blood. Once more, he would give the other lawbreakers no time to react, regroup, or run away.

    In a burst of sudden acceleration that would be familiar to the slayer, the man dashed through the air, digging his fist into another bandits stomach, the momentum of the attack picking him up off his feet and launching the opponent backward and through multiple trees that now came crashing down before finally grinding to a halt. There was one more left, the unwashed, good-for-nothing bandit frozen, paralyzed in utter fear, dropping his weapon. "I- I- ... please, let me live! I will do anything!". Johann straightened his back, turning to the last one standing. "Anything?". The God of Ishgar's expression would change into a subtle smirk. "A-anything! Please, I don't want to die!". Johann nodded, making his way over to the man. "Let's start small then, I am not asking for much. What is your name?" "P-pardon?" "Your name, friend". The Rune Mage's voice was calm, almost friendly in a way, as he addressed the other who would back up slightly with every step the silver-haired male took towards him. "T-Trokus" "Very well, Trokus ...", Joh repeated the name. "... I take it you are part of the group that has been attacking travelers recently across these mountains and forests?". The man seemed hesitant to answer, though nodded in response after contemplating for a few moments. "Good. Then I need to ask you one more thing, a tiny favor". The other seemed to anticipate the Ambassador's request. "I need you to tell me where your base of operation is". The bandit's eyes widened slightly, though the expression of fear was still written across his face. The sweat began to pearl up on his forehead, and once again he took a few moments to think. "I-if I tell you, you will let me live, r-right?". Johann smiled. "I promise that I will let you live". The man nodded, it was enough reassurance to give him the needed push in the right direction. "Our base is in a cave system not far from here, at the base of the Pine Mountain", he pointed at a snow-covered summit that stretched over the landscape, barely visible through the canopy of trees. Johann nodded. "Thank you for sharing with me that information, friend. You may go ...", the man turned back to Gangting, but throwing a look back over his shoulder, "... oh, and before I forget, if you tell people about today, tell them that Johann von Weiss, Ambassador of Dies Irae did this".

    Word Count: 1,012
    Total Word Count: 1,852 / 3,500
    Total Thread Word Count: 3,356 / 7,000



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Champion of Tudigong
    Position : None
    Posts : 310
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 603,136

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Third Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Aurora 12th May 2019, 4:01 am

    Job signup

    1996 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC

    Health: 300|450/400
    Mana: 300/210
    Melee: 30|112
    MagicDef buff:
    MeleeDef buff:
    Healthbuff: 50%
    Mana buff:
    Magic buff: 225-275%
    Melee buff: 275%

    Used: Earth Demon
    Spiked Wave C+,
    Damage: 255HP
    Earth Demon Smite C+,
    Damage: 337HP

    The person did not falter and stood his ground while Gangting was about to smash him to smithereens. The grey-haired man simple rose his hand with such confidence that Gangting had doubts. His doubts were confirmed as his arm just stopped when he hit the hand, the layers of earth on his right arm fractured in an explosion of slates and dust swept up. The cloud of dust soon dissipated and the holy aura that had enveloped his arm faded. Gangting looked with confusion at the crushed rocks on the ground, his rage had seized to exist as his strike had. A familiar voice called him by his name and told him to calm down. ”What? muttered Gangting baffled as he looked up and at the strange face. The scent of recognition he had earlier fell to its place. ”You? Johann?” blurted gangting out astonished. ”I’m not drunk! Thoughts, you look odd… You look strange… I don’t recall drinking booze?” Johann interrupted, they would talk later.

    Gangting’s eyes widened as he saw his old friend disappear and reappear as only one mage could that he knew. It was Johann indeed, no doubt. Gangting’s head tried to follow the movements of Johann but it was impossible. His eyes went to look at the few barbarians that were left upon the tilled path. One by one fell as blood gust out of their bodies, seemingly without cause. It all happened in a matter of seconds rather than minutes until one was left standing. The terrified man threw down his weapon with broadened eyes. Johann and the last bandit spoke for a moment, Johann spared his life.

    ”Ambassador of Dies Irae? I don’t know that country? Didn’t you work for the… the trading company?” Gangting scratched his head. ”Did you really have to let him go? Gangting stamped on the ground with his right feet and a solid table with two chairs rose from the ground. He seated himself and gestured at Johann to do the same. He pulled up the bandages on his left arm and tied it up tighter, his face betrayed the faint hint of agony. ”I would offer mead or wine but I am afraid I didn’t expect your visit, got nothing in store.” The laugh of the redhaired giant echoed through the forest. ”What has happened to you? Time has passed yet you have grown younger?” Gangting leaned forward to studies Johann’s face closer. ”And you have grown more powerful too as well. I wish I could do that.” the slayer rambled. ”You do stink of demon thoughts. How is that? I don’t like that change.” Said Gangting bluntly as he pulled up his nose and looked with dismay at his friend.



    Like old times N9AxYLD
    Like old times Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 28th May 2019, 10:35 am

    With a satisfied smile, but admittedly surprised nervousness he turned back to the mountain of a man called Gangting. It was no surprise. If Gangting had fought these bandits and lawbreakers that would explain the quaking of the ground earlier. The redhead certainly hadn't forfeited any of his strength or prowess with Earth Magic, the element still following his every command. It had been a long time, still. Too long to just catch up like this, too much had happened. The silver-haired Rune Mage would give him the short explanations. "Dies Irae is not a country, friend, though you could easily mistake it for one ...", the man feeling a slither of pride at the mention of his very own creation, the organization that he was now leading together with his other fellow Guild Master and Ambassador, "... Anyway, Dies Irae is a legal guild working for a section of the Magic Council. I am its Ambassador, or Guild Master, if you will. I gave up my position at the West Fiore Trading Company just a little while ago ...". The God of Ishgar couldn't stop the hint of sadness, of regret to seep into his tone. It couldn't be helped. What he had to do now was look towards the future and make the best out of what he had, which, admittedly, was a lot to work with, given the support he received from not just the people that had joined this newly formed guild, but also those that had followed him to Dies Irae.

    The next question brought the smirk back to the man's face, however. "Well, I told him that I would let him go. I said nothing about you, old friend. But it's alright, let him go. He'll spread my message throughout the circles he operates in. Fear is an effective deterrent, and even though I am confident I could eradicate these lawbreakers, I would rather have them live lawful lives in the first place ...", Johann's smirk vanishing from his face for a second, "... despite the fact that it is good business hunting dark mages and lawbreakers". The Ambassador of Dies Irae couldn't help but release a small sigh as he sat down at the table the Earth Mage had created. Of course, it was also a harsh business that took a lot of time and work.

    Still, the man's voice brought him back to the present, a warm smile curling up the edges of his mouth. "No worries, I can certainly provide that". Unceremoniously, the man reached into a small violet portal that opened on his command, the Rune Mage simply snapping his fingers before pulling out two glasses and a bottle of unlabelled amber liquid, wordlessly beginning to pour some of the contents of the bottle into the glasses, topping them off and tossing the bottle back into the portal. Having a personal pocket dimension at his disposal certainly did have benefits. Not just that, the drink, a select brand of mint mead, was also ice cold. Johann took a sip. The taste, of course, was simply delightful. The man couldn't get drunk, so this fact remained saving grace for him. It would be suitable to accompany what would have to be a lengthy explanation though.

    "Well ...", Johann began speaking in an attempt to answer the Earth Demon Slayers questions, forming what he thought would be a sufficient and adequate response "... it is not a circumstance I had any influence over, unfortunately. You see, eventually, I discovered that I shared my body with a being called 'Mars', who conveniently for himself restructured my body to suit his needs". The last part was spoken in a bit of a hissed tone. Johann still hadn't quite forgiven the other soul that inhabited this vessel for that fact. "Anyway, seems like he made me a bit younger, and a lot stronger as well". Of course, the two now shared their power with each other, and having the strength of a Seal of the Apocalypse at one's disposal as nothing to scoff at. "You see, Mars is what is called a 'Seal'. A hybrid of Demon and Angel, he might smell unpleasant to you, but I assure you, he holds the same aversion to Demon's as you do ..."

    "Though, I gotta ask, old friend ... while you look the same as ever, what happened to you? You seem like you just got out of a battle. Here, let me take care of that for you", the man spoke before reaching out, tapping the other on the shoulder for but a moment, his restorative energy flowing into the man, hopefully restoring some of the wounds he had sustained. "But how have you been, Gangting? It's been quite a while since I last saw you. What brings you here?".

    Word Count: 804
    Total Word Count: 2,656 / 3,500
    Total Thread Word Count: 4,652 / 7,000



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Aurora 9th July 2019, 8:24 am

    Job signup

    2600 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC

    Health: 300|450/400
    Mana: 300/210
    Melee: 30|112
    MagicDef buff:
    MeleeDef buff:
    Healthbuff: 50%
    Mana buff:
    Magic buff: 225-275%
    Melee buff: 275%

    Used: Earth Demon
    Spiked Wave C+,
    Damage: 255HP
    Earth Demon Smite C+,
    Damage: 337HP

    Gangting looked confused at his old friend, or rather at his friend of old as he was not quite a lot younger looking. It was strange to see Johann so young. ”Interesting, so now you are the one holding the strings.” Gangting brushed with his left hand through his beard. ”What does a guild do if may ask? I never got a grasp of it, I was only ever involved the trading company.” Gangting had dealings with other people thoughts, but never members of a guild as far as he knew. He had heard from mage guilds before but never bothered to learn about them.

    ”That is true indeed, but I am not fond of that kind of trickery. You had promised to let him go, so he goes.” said Gangting sternly, a promise had to be kept or else one loses honour and the trust of others. He noded, fear was indeed effective. It was a trick he knew all to well from experience, always at the giving end thoughts and never at the receiving end. He usually made his army look bigger, much bigger than it really was. He covered the rear in dust clouds and enhance the vibration of the marching feet to make it sound there were a tenfold more man in his army. Opposing generals would cower and flee, with them the army followed. Soon their man would lose heart as well, if they hadn’t already. ”You hunt them? asked Gangting curious.

    ”That’s a pleasant surprise.” He wondered since when Johann open up portals. Gangting sniffed at the amber liquid, he recognized the fragrant. Mint in mead? he asked himself. He took a sip; he could trace the cold liquid through his throat to his stomach. It was icy cold, the right temperature for after battle. ”I see, how did it get into your body then?” Ganting sniffed and breezed out almost like a horse. ”Then I shall learn to tolerate him.” Gangting’s voice didn’t sound confident as he spoke. The future would tell if Mars was to be trusted, how can one hate his own kind?

    ”The same?” said Gangting with a fake surprise, ”I do got new scars!” His hand hovered over his body to nothing in particular as he grinned. Johann seemed to have acquired healing magic, it softens a lot the pain and he saw some of his wounds repaired. But a couple of his larger wounds, like the burnings on his leg and a venomous sting to his chest did not heal. The pulsing pain of those wounds did stop, for now. The smile of Gangting’s face faded. ”I thought I was strong enough to cleanse Duoshang of the demon spawn that took residence there in my absence,” said the redhaired giant and paused briefly, ”I was very wrong about it. I did manage to reach the city and breach through it’s outer wall. I don’t know how long I have fought in there, but the sun and moon passed by at least a couple of times. I have Tudigong to thank that I managed to get out of there alive.” He bended his head to the ground as he spoke about his god. He looked back at his friend. ”I have no other place to except to go back to Fiore, were I have at least a foot on the ground.” with that he meant that he had gotten familiar with Fiore and knew how to make a living here. ”I will heal and I will train harder, and next time I will go with an army!” Gangting voice was infused with anger.



    Like old times N9AxYLD
    Like old times Sy03Rxz


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    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 8th August 2019, 10:42 am

    "That's one way to put it ...", Joh answered the other in regards to his comment, a fleeting smirk lifting up a corner of his mouth. "A guild? Well, in essence ...", Johann began with an attempt to explain the basics, since it seemed Gangting was lacking knowledge on what exactly the term "guild" entailed, "... a guild is a gathering of people who specialize in a certain field that unite to accomplish a common goal, I suppose. In the case of Dies Irae, a mage's guild ...", Johann addressed the organization he was, through a series of unforeseen events, heading as of lately, "... I guess you could call it something akin to an army, its sole purpose to eradicate darkness from this world ... by whatever means that is". For just a second, Johann's demeanour changed slightly, "hunting" being just the right terminology for his profession and role.

    "Indeed, I hunt them ... and bring them to justice". It was, at times, gruesome, a bloody job, and something that wasn't necessarily appreciated by all, certainly. Voices questioned the existence of Dies Irae, questioned their methods, asked if it shouldn't be the Rune Knight's and the Magic Council's sole responsibility to deal with the forces of darkness in Earthland, but it was what is was. People could doubt all they want, the methods of Dies Irae were both efficient and effective, and the guild was specialized in a way that no other guild could.

    Anyway, it seemed that Gangting's question time wasn't over yet. It was understandable, really, they hadn't seen each other in years, and the silver-haired male was equally curious as to what had happened to the mountain of a man that commanded the earth itself like it was an extension of himself. "That is a good question, old friend, one I cannot answer fully, for I do not know the answer. Though, from my understanding, Mars has always been there, and will always be there ...". It was a somewhat strange fact, of course, even for the man that shared this vessel with the Lord of War, this body that wasn't his own body at the same time, and the God of Ishgar, even after all this time, had yet to get fully used to what exactly this body was capable of and what this ambivalent existence meant. In any case, it seemed like the other was satisfied with his explanation, Johann offering a quick, though appreciative "Thank you, old friend". Of course, the Ambassador would rather avoid conflict with someone he considered a brother in arms, so the sentiment was accepted readily.

    His next comment was surprising, however, the man priding himself on his scars again, and Johann couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic. "Scars are the trophies of battles and you should be proud of that", Johann repeated, "Those were the words you said to me all this time ago in Hargeon Town. You really haven't changed, old friend", Johann would tease the other jokingly and with a laugh, emptying the contents of his own cup. The taste was indeed superb. It seemed that this had made the man somewhat sentimental, however.

    Gangting explained what he had been doing in the meantime, a stern, sympathetic expression finding its way onto Johann's face as the other told his story and elaborated. "I see ...", the Ambassador gave an understanding nod, the last determined word of the other beginning to form an idea in Johann's mind that quickly developed, starting to take shape. "Well, if it is an army you need ...", the smirk returned to the man's expression, "... I know a guild full of people who would be happy to fight evil in whatever form it might take. How about a little deal, my friend. You help me with this little 'mission' of mine, and, well, if you so desire, might look into joining the ranks of Dies Irae yourself ...", Johann stood up, a determined smile adorning his face, "... and I will help you with your 'problem'. An equivalent exchange between friends, a favor for a favor".

    Now that he was talking about it, however, it brought Joh's mind back to the task at hand. "You don't have to, of course, but at least do me the favor of considering my offer, old friend. If that is all ...", the man turned towards the nearby mountain, his gaze locked on the location the raider had talked about "... I have a mission to fulfill".

    Word Count: 753
    Total Word Count: 3,409 / 3,500
    Total Thread Word Count: 6,011 / 7,000



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Aurora 25th August 2019, 1:49 am

    Job signup A rank freeform

    3229 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC

    Health: 300|450/400
    Mana: 300/210
    Melee: 30|112
    MagicDef buff:
    MeleeDef buff:
    Healthbuff: 50%
    Mana buff:
    Magic buff: 225-275%
    Melee buff: 275%

    Used: Earth Demon
    Spiked Wave C+,
    Damage: 255HP
    Earth Demon Smite C+,
    Damage: 337HP

    Gangting listened closely to Johann’s explanation of guilds, as he had heard of such organisations before but never bothered to asked what they stood for. He didn’t care what they were back then as the priority lied with the job at hand. But now he was genuinely curious what it was, as his friend was head of one of them. ”I see, curious.” The redhaired giant scratched his manes and took another sip of the refreshing cold beverage. Gangting’s browns rose, ”An army?” The silver haired mage had his curiosity, but now had his full attention. He leaned in towards Johann, accidentally shifting the solid stone slab of a table by an inch or two. Gangting clasped his hands together and rested his chin upon them. ”That is a very noble pursued.” The giant nodded in silence before breaking it, ”I approve.” Gangting had a similar goal, thoughts specific to eradicate demons; a task given to him by Tudigong when he also received the mandate of Terra, his justification to rule and conquer. The giant noted that’s Johann’s air changed slightly. ”I see. And who is the voice of justice? An earthly head of state? A judge? Or is it the gods themselves?” his voice was neutral, as king he had always been the judge thoughts all souls were weighted and judged again in the afterlife. With what he had seen Johann do just moments ago, he expected the latter or perhaps Johann himself was judge in this matter as well.

    Gangting tilted his head, narrowed his eyes. ”Then I am very curious how he eluded my senses.” The slayer of demons did not like the idea of a demon masking his presence from him, how many more demons might have evaded his wraith like this? How many more demons live within human beings? He noticed that he was scowling at his friend and rose his hands in pardon.

    Gangting lifted his head at hearing the word army. The giant looked inquisitive at Johann, whose face was dominated by a wide smile. The giant rose to his feet, moving the table once more unintentionally. ”I’ll help you with your mission my friend.” Bellowed the redhead, ”It has been months since last I had a fight.” The giant rubbed the manes on his chin, ”Perhaps, Dies Irae seems to have similar views as the task I have been given.” He pondered for a moment. Was he going to omit his wandering freedom? Or should he looked at it differently, the guild of Dies Irae could be a sanctuary for him; a place for him to regain his former strength and become even stronger as he was far from strong enough to achieve his holy cause. The guild could give him a roof above his head, rather than his stone pavilions he rose every night to sleep. ”Very well, consider me part of Dies Irae” It was easily said by the giant, who would learn that his expectations would be far from reality. Johann would not hand him a notable position within the guild as it was against its rules. Nor was he prepared for a uniform or to cross the sea to reach the Amber Isle. ”That sounds good to me.” The scales would move much closer to the equilibrium with Johann at his side, as demonstrated by his prowess just now, on his second crusade to reconquer his fallen capital and the lands of his former empire.

    The demon slayer followed the gaze of the silver haired mage, it was the mountain of whom their captive had spoken. Gangting took two fingers in his mouth and whistled. A few minutes later a galloping black horse appeared from the woods. The giant petted Xuan. ”Well, what are we waiting for?”



    Like old times N9AxYLD
    Like old times Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:
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    Shen Kadokawa

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    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 2nd September 2019, 10:21 am

    Johann eyed the giant of a man for a second when the other asked his questions, raising an eyebrow at the inquisitiveness, though, the man had a point. Who was the judge of what was just and what was not? Thus far Johann had done that himself, along with Sivvy, of course. His fellow guildmates of Dies Irae would follow the orders of the two Ambassadors. "Well, I suppose that would be the Ambassadors of the guild, me and my mentee, Sivvy", he answered dutifully. In truth, being judge, jury, and executioner at the same time was tedious, and a position frowned upon by most, but it cut out the middleman, the nonsense and the margin of error that so often plagued the justice system. If you were a criminal, Dies Irae would punish you according to your crimes, of course, in this regard working together closely with the Rune Knights of Fiore, and, in some cases, law enforcement in other nations, such as the Musketeers of Minstrel. Not every criminal needed lethal force to subdue, after all, and not all crimes were attached to a punishment of such severity. If the criminal the guild of bounty hunters was after resisted, though, that was a different matter entirely.

    Anyway, Joh's thoughts trailed off, and he took a second to focus on the man before him and the task at hand, and, naturally, Gangting's row of questions. "Mars was ... well, how do I put it ... asleep?". That didn't quite do the truth much justice, though it was hard to explain. Johann wasn't sure if he understood it correctly himself, but made an attempt at clarifying it. "He was locked inside a cage, sealed away within me until ... well, something happened that set him free. What exact event that was ...", he recalled the breaking of Mars chains on shadow island, thinking back to the day the Lord of War had been set free, "... I'd rather not go into too much detail about that, at least, for the time being". It was a long story and, after all, and the Ambassador had a task that required his attention at the moment.

    Gangting, the man across the table, though, seemed oddly interested in what it was he was doing, and, when Joh explained that the guild could help him, would even go as far as proclaiming himself to be part of Dies Irae, a satisfied smile spreading across the God of Ishgar's face. "I'm glad you made this decision", the silver-haired Rune Mage would nod, hearing the man whistle, his mount appearing from the thick brush of the forest swiftly after he had issued the command. "Very well, my friend. I believe we have a job to do, in that case. Do you think you can keep up with me?". He looked over to the horse that the other would undoubtedly ride on. "Let's find out. First one to the base of the mountain owes the other a drink", the Ambassador grinned before turning, amassing magical energy within his body, the air around swirling with the hum of force before, in a flash of speed, the ground where he had stood erupted, Johann blasting into a full spring, the foliage of the forest around him pushed aside. Without doubt, both the Ambassador and the Warrior King would track down the scents with their heightened senses easily enough. His goal would be the settlement of the raiders at the foot of the mountain.

    Word Count: 583
    Total Word Count: 3,992
    Total Thread Word Count: 7,221 / 14,000



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Aurora 4th September 2019, 1:03 pm

    Job signup S rank freeform P.83

    5039 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC

    Health: 320|600
    Mana: 400/350
    Melee: 30|112
    MagicDef buff:
    MeleeDef buff:
    Healthbuff: 50%
    Mana buff:
    Magic buff: 225-275%
    Melee buff: 275%

    Used: Earth Demon
    Spiked Wave C+,
    Damage: 255HP
    Earth Demon Smite C+,
    Damage: 337HP

    The red slayer nodded, ”It lies before the hand; it the most sensible thing to do.” Gangting looked up from petting his horse and chuckled; ”Me keeping up with you? Of course, I can!” Of course he couldn’t, Johann was the fastest being he had ever known. The Wise used to say that the Empress Hawk, a red golden hawk with a silver-blue belly that hunted in the Red Waste, is the fasted creature on the plain that is earth; but the Wise have never seen Johann in action. The speed of the Empress Hawk is surely stunning, but Johann redefined the meaning of quick and haste; The giant recalled how entire hordes of enemies were slain in the blink of the eye, while he himself had yet to strike his first opponent. That was years ago now and Johann had even grown stronger, certainly stronger than he was himself. Gangting’s wounds were no excuse either; even if he wasn’t in this sorry state, Johann was without a doubt many a time more powerful than he had become. Gangting had know himself to be the most powerful man on earth, or so he assumed, during his reign as king of Duoshang but it was the humbling at the feet of Tudigong that brought Gangting to heals. Aeons ago, Gangting would have likely been jealous and filled with even anger in the presence of a stronger being; but now he could only feel admiration and surge of motivation to strive harder and grow stronger, it might take years to regain and wield the strength of his heydays but he will go on. ”A drink? What about cask or keg instead?” Gangting knew he would lose and is well aware of the barrel with some exquisite strong wine a nation beyond the borders of Pergrande, the name of the nation had escaped him. Johann was gone in a blink, leaving a ruined patch of earth behind him. The Earth Demon Slayer chuckled and repaired the place and dismantled his chairs and table.

    The giant pulled himself into the saddle of his large warhorse and rode off, following the rail of shrubs that were ripped apart and tree’s whose branches were naked. The giant and his black steed galloped through the green tunnel that Johann had made with his speed, they passed streams whose vicinity was covered with a thick layer of dew; no doubt splashed up by a passing silver-haired mage. The forest was unusually silent, except for the dull rhythmic beat of horse hooves on a needle carpet; all animals had fled.

    The giant got close the mountains roots and slowed down, he jumped out of his saddle and placed his feet firmly into the dirt. He closed his eyes for a moment and climbed back into the saddle. He felt were Johann was, thoughts that was not as important as he could simply follow the path of a hurricane that was Johann himself; what he had been trying to sense, and successfully senses, was the settlement the barbarian had talked about. He continued in an outstretched gallop and arrived at an elevated clearing at the base of the mountain, at a striking distance from the settlement, where Johann was.

    ”My goodness? What are you doing here? I had not expected to find you here now, I thought you were still miles away!” laughed Gangting, ”You shall get an exotic keg filled with dark red from me, once this task is completed. Wouldn’t want to descend my chariot with all it’s thunder and lightning from its heavenly portal now and alert the rouble of our presence.” said Gangting joyfully, ”thoughts, it would give them a better chance… I don’t really think it makes any difference at all.” The giant laughed again. ”So what’s the plan? Or will it be just a mindless raid.”

    The Redhaired Giant stomped off the hill, back into the woods; at first, the woods were dense but soon grew more sparsely. The woodlands made way for open ground, thoughts the large clearing would have been woodland decades ago as visible by the countless rotting tree trumps where once mighty sentinel pines had stood proud. A new hill was before Gangting and upon it stood an earthwork wall; made of a wooden frame filled with earth and stone, on top of it stood a palisade of logs. A simplistic wall, suitable to keep out most foes without the means of laying siege. But their foes today would not be stopped, by what Gangting would view as an, a sorry excuse of a wall. Gangting noted that the marauder they had freed had reached the settlement; the few wooden towers with open tops were filled with archers, behind the palisade glint the armours and weapons of the warriors in the sun as they patrolled the walls. There were also roofs visible from behind the walls, they were made of sods; making the roofs almost look like grassy hills with patchworks of flowers and heath. Gangting wondered if it was a fort or a village, they would find out once they breached the walls. The giant started his climb, he was as an avalanche that defied gravity; he busted through the thick wooden gate, headfirst; splinters and chunks of wood were strewn around. Gangting had not noticed that he had been taken under fire, his trail of turned over earth were littered by a dozen arrow; a couple of arrows had deflected from Gangting’s thick bronze cuirass and laid useless on the ground.

    A group of men, probably two dozen, in shaggy furs and armour ran towards the Giant; they carried large oval shields and spears. They formed a crescent shape around the Redhead, try to surround him. ”Earth Demon’s Smite!” bellowed Gangting loud; earth around him shone with a silver aura as it defied gravity and surrounding Gangting’s right fist with a thick layer of holy rock. Gangting smashed his right fist deep into the ground in front of him, with a relentless furry; The shock and force of Gangting’s fist made the dirt turn into solid stone, only to crack and shatter an instant later with a loud noise. Chunks of silvery rock blasted into all directions, shattering the shield and piercing armour; half the men fell to the ground, never drawing another breath; none of the survivors was unscathed, the lucky ones had their shields in ruin but others had likely sustained broken bones and open wounds from which blood gushed. Those that survived dropped their weapons and ran, if they could and otherwise straggled behind on one leg; they routed towards the buildings in the centre. Meanwhile one of the towers began hailing the Demon Slayer with arrows again. The Giant ran forward, taking an arrow to his shoulder, and threw himself against one of the legs of the tower; log busted with a loud crack and he tower shook heavily. Gangting charged on and pushes against the second tower, which made the tower fall; As the tower came crashing to a stop on the ground, so met its archer their afterlife. That display would be a good enough incentive for the other archers in their towers to leave theirs as well; if they were quick enough at least. Gangting snapped the arrow in his shoulder, leaving the arrowhead inside his flesh.

    The men on the walls made their way to the buildings; then a booming voice was heard. “You are here to die! Die for the Horned One!” Gangting turned his head towards the direction of the voice and took a deep breath through his nose; he smelled a stench, besides the blood of the fallen, the unwashed bodies of the marauders and the heap of dung in the stables; a smell that hinted at the presence of demonic activity. Angered Gangting stomped his way to the source, somewhere in the middle of the settlement; his steps made the ground shake heavily as a wave of anger with burned within him. A mob of fighting men appeared before him as the Giant came from behind a farmhouse, behind the men he saw a shrine made of bones; bones from humans and beast alike, adorned by mammoth tusks and elk antlers. The heap of bones was covered in an orange-brown hue, spattered by deep crimson dots; an altar for blood sacrifice. Gangting was focus was fully captured shrine; he marched forwards and the fighting men charged at him. The Redhaired Slayer barely gave them any heed, they bounced off him like the waves on a ship; Some he did push or push away but his path was barely challenged. Gangting was near the bone heap when a mammoth skull launched itself at him, Gangting smashed it to pieces and the shards passed him harmlessly; yet they reformed behind him in the shape of a spear, which then shot itself into the back of Gangting. His armour took most of the impact, yet the Giant nearly lost his balance. His eyes looked around him, where did this come from; the source appeared in the corner of his eye. A large entity, just a foot shorter than Gangting, stood beneath the shadow of the largest house in the settlement. This had to be that man that had commanded his own men to die, Gangting felt a demonic presence in both the shrine and the man; he was man, not a demon. This leader was dressed not dissimilar to a demon thought, most prominent was his elk skull mask, adorned by predatory teeth and other antlers to make the mask even bigger. His armour was lamellar but the strips that ought to be metal was instead made of bone; the armour was tight and thick, decorated with teeth and antlers. In his hand was a giant axe with two blades, each of those blades was bound to the shaft by a human skull; that had merged with both blade and shaft to make a solid weapon. “You shall perish today,” boomed a hollow voice from behind the skull mask. ”I do not think so,” bellowed Gangting back and turned towards the mob around him; they had surrounded him in meantime, but their ranks were now not only filled with armed men but also with woman and children. ”I am Gangting! The Liberator of the Wicked, I have cleansed many settlements and cities from their demons. Surrender yourselves now and you will be spared, the demon shall be vanquished, and you can al live-in peace under the laws of Fiore. Defy this over and you shall all meet in the hells, your demon will be annihilated anyway and this settlement will be whipped off this earth; leaving no trace it had ever existed,” Gangting’s boomed and was saturated with confidence. The leader of the settlement started to laugh, drawing the angry eyes of Gangting.



    Like old times N9AxYLD
    Like old times Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
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    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 3rd October 2019, 8:06 pm

    Of course, it wouldn't take too long for the Ambassador to reach the spot first, which was to be expected, though Gangting didn't let the other wait too long either. "You tease, but I am honored by your offer. I'll accept it when we get back, but it wouldn't be fair if only you were offering me wine. You shall have some of mine as well", the silver-haired mage grinned, giving Gangting a quick nod before turning his head, looking at the small trail of smoke that stretched skyward not too far away. "As you said, it doesn't matter. Let's just follow our intuition and see where it leads us, hm?". Of course, the giant of a man would promptly follow this suggestion, storming forth towards whatever establishment of dark mages, raiders and lawbreakers this would turn out to be. Johann would make sure to follow Gangting in a somewhat less obvious manner, which wasn't all that hard to accomplish considering his own tactics disregarded charging head-first through the enemy gates, Johann managing to just catch sight of the settlement behind the clearing when the redheaded giant was already in the process of storming up the hill, essentially nullifying their defenses in one attack. Johann grinned, his narrowed eyes watching the display for a few seconds, noting that it wasn't just himself who had grown in power, the former king had as well.

    Of course, it was now time to discern just how much exactly the two had improved exactly. "Is it time?", the voice echoed through Joh's mind, the Ambassador giving a simple nod in response. "Let's end this threat once and for all". As soon as the Rune Mage had finished his sentence, he took a deep breath, closing his eyes before opening them once more, revealing the deeply black left eye, shining pupil of sanguine color suspended in its middle. The runes on the God of Ishgar's arms and hands lit up, crimson scripture burning itself into his skin before in a brief flicker of magical power he would vanish, reappearing inside the gate, his eyes darting from side to side with incredible speed, taking in the scenery. Gangting was already busy actively dismantling the settlement, stirring up chaos, men and women alike flooding from the houses and abodes to take up arms against the intruders, the first already falling against the Demon Slayer as he began spreading his bloodbath amongst them. It was a good start, but he had left the gate wide open and wandered into the settlement to wreak his havoc, leaving the potential for the enemy to escape through the bust gate. Now, that's where Johann would come into play, making sure that not a single one would make it out alive ...

    ... and naturally, the first ones wouldn't let Joh wait for long. A small group of armored swordsmen found their way to the exit, all of them wearing masks that resembled skulls, stopping promptly upon spotting the man who simply and calmly stood in the doorway, a sinister grin eyeing the seemingly surprised men. Immediately, the two men split off, one flanking the Ambassador on either side, with one remaining to his front before they all charged him simultaneously. The first one to attempt a strike was the one on from the left, thinking the unarmed mage easy prey, drawing his blade back for a wide swing. Johann simply took a quick step back, narrowly avoiding the tip of the weapon that otherwise would've dug a gash across his chest, before stretching out his hand, his palm facing the attacker. "Force", the word was little more than a whisper, but his voice caused the rune within his hand to flare up, a wave of overwhelming kinetic energy shooting at the attacker, crushing pressure reaching the man instantly, mangling his body and rocketing him back, his body impacting the palisade behind him and shattering it. The next one was already in the middle of a stabbing attack, realizing only now that the man before him was, in fact, not just an ornately dressed man without a weapon, but a dangerous magus. Still, he had committed to his assault, a fact Johann would exploit immediately. The speed of the man's attack was almost laughable, Johann spinning around, maneuvering around the blade and now, in turn, flanking the bandit himself, rushing forward on his left side before reaching out and grabbing the man's arm that held the sword, twisting it around in one fluid motion. A sickening crack could be heard followed by a wail of pain and the metallic clang of the weapon that had been dropped immediately, Johann letting go before driving his knee upward into the man's chest and spinning around, a swift but immensely powerful kick sending the combatant flying.

    There was only one remaining, Johann turning towards the last bandit slowly, his normal and transformed eye finding the trembling ones of the other. "Y-you bastard!", he yelled out before charging as well, the massive, two-handed blade the man held swung widely and with considerable force. The Ambassador held out his hand, stopping the blade mid-swing. "W-wha-", the confused opponent managed to produce what would become his last word before the Ambassador grabbed him by the jaw, lifting the bandit up without much effort before finally slamming him into the ground, the earth below them cracking at the forceful impact, dust thrown up around them, clearing to reveal Johann standing at the gate once more.

    The man took a deep breath. "That wasn't much of a challenge at all", Mars made his brilliant observation known. "You sound disappointed, Lord of War", Johann responded quickly, the Nephilim almost hissing. "If you let me out to play then I want to at least have fun". Before Johann could offer the Lord of War his own reply an exceedingly deep sound echoed over the land, the sound of a horn. Johann raised an eyebrow, turning around towards the source that came from outside the settlement. His eyes would widen in surprise, falling on rows and rows of heavily armed and armored warriors, archers, mages, even cavalry, men riding on massive elk-like creatures, all of them wearing some kind of skull-like mask. The man didn't have the luxury to take his time and count, but he guessed that from the size this was a force at least in the high hundreds, if not thousands. "So he managed to call for help, huh?", Joh referenced the one he had let go. "Does this look like adequate fun to you?", Johann would sarcastically answer Mars, another horn ringing out once more. Mars didn't answer, instead, the Rune Mage could feel the excited stirring of the creature within his own mind, Mars excited for the chance to get some action. "Looks like it's now us who is under siege. I'm alerting Gangting", the man raised one hand, firing a bolt of arcane force upwards into the sky that would fly up before finally exploding in a bright ball of flare, hoping that that would at least help to signal to the other that something was wrong, Johann unaware that he was looking at an army assembled by the demon they worshipped, comprised of all combined clans of the forest. This would prove to be an interesting battle for sure ....

    Word Count: 1,224
    Total Word Count: 5,216
    Total Thread Word Count: 10,255 / 16,000



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Aurora 5th October 2019, 11:30 am

    The Giant Slayer spread out his arms, the earth below him defied gravity as it rose up to his arms; forming a thick crust stone around his arms, with three large spikes on each of his fists. The cracks in the gauntlet of earth shone with divine white light, an aura of white glow followed every movement of the gauntlets. Gangting took a step towards the chieftain, whom responded with his actions; his giant bone axe came crashing down upon the Giant. Gangting caught it with his earthen hand as if it was nothing, he squeezed hard and the blade shattered into dozens of bone splinters. The ruby eyes of Gangting glared the black eyeholes of the chieftain’s mask, and he rose his right fist. It came down with a tremendous force, he aimed his fist at his chest but suddenly a thick screen of ivory appeared in front of him; his earthen fist clashed against the bone, shattering shield as if it was made of glass. The chieftain had disappeared from the very spot it had stood moments ago. He had darted back, away from the Mountain. Gangting walked forward but felt a presence arose next to him, he glanced over his shoulder; the pile of blood-stained bones formed itself into the shape of an ogre. The demon slayer faced the bone monster, ignoring the chieftain as if he were no threat to him. “All! Attack! Now!” shouted the chieftain, in the hope they could all overwhelm the Crimson Warrior.

    Gangting could feel them run at him but he moved towards the bone monstrosity, earth crawled over his body and covered him in a thick layer of stone. Their crude weapons would mean him no harm within his suit of earth. An arrow hit him and snapped in two and fell to the ground. The bone monster came at him, it was strangely silent except for the sound of bone on bone as it moved. One of its fists came crashing down upon Gangting but to no avail; it damaged the creature more than that it would do rock that had formed around the Slayer. Its arm had shattered upon the moving statue that was Gangting, making it rain bone and powder. ”Sticks and stones may break my bones, that’s what people say,” the Giant turned his head towards chieftain, ”but I am a rock and will pulverize every bone in your body and I start with this one.” The Giant suddenly moved at speed, one fist after the other slammed into the bone monstrosity; the sound of breaking bones was all about, his fists slowly became whiter and whiter as the bone meal stuck to the rough texture of his earthen armour.

    Gangting turned around, now a group of men armed to the teeth stood in a half-circle around him; they stopped poking. They had been attacking him all that time when he was fighting the bone summon. They had awoken the bear, Gangting swung his arms left and right; sending people flying, the first rank of men had vanished. Not long after the others as well. The Giant looked at the body strewn around him and shook his head, he turned towards the chieftain whom was praying or working on an incantation. The Slayer walked up to him, the chieftain certainly noticed and started to mumble faster but did not rose up. Gangting grabbed him by the throat, shattering the gorget of bone around his neck; sharp pieces of bone were pressed into its flesh as Gangting squeezed. The chieftain tried to speak but only incomprehensible sounds could be heard. Something flashed in the sky and Gangting gazed at it, wondering what it was; he then looked for Johann as he realized that he had not seen his friend in the village, something was wrong. ”I charge you with death for devoting yourself and others to demons, and for all other crimes you may have committed,” boomed Gangting’s voice from behind his mask of stone, a sicking snap was heard as Gangting broke the chieftain's neck; he slammed the lifeless body against the ground, surely shattering some of his bones. There was not time to make true of his word, to pulverize him. Gangting’s armour of stone fell off him, he didn’t need that for now. The Giant moved towards the gate and then he felt what the light was for; a warning. Thousands of feet trampled the ground, an army had come.

    The Slayer walked out of the broken gate and turned towards the army; it was surprisingly sizable at around between five and ten thousand thought Gangting, it had been a long time since he sized up an army. The sight of the army brought a smile upon his face, ”This will be fun.” But then a realisation hit him, he wasn’t in the shape he was back in the days of his conquests; he was wounded and had no army at his back. Thoughts there was Johann, whom was likely as powerful as a sizable army on his own. He stood there for a moment, wondering what he ought to do but then a memory flashed in his mind; he stood again within a horde of demons within the ruins of Duoshang, close to death when it happened. The earth seemed to give birth to a certain jewel, a gift from Tudigong. Gangting remembered that he ate it, after that something had happened; vaguely he recalled a sort feeling, a feeling of strength that he had been given at the time. He closed his eyes and thought for a moment; he tried to drown out the sound of the ongoing battle between Johann and the hordes. He had to know what happened in those final moments before the tempest of Tudigong came; that had not been the only thing saved him. He realized what had happened. He removed his cuirass, both sides fell upon the ground with a loud thud. The bandages he wore were clearly visible and they were dark as coal around his wound. He closed his eyes to meditate, the sound of battle faded; just as the tremble in the ground of thousand feet and hooves. The Giant breathed deep in and out, he felt the energy around him in the ground; with every breath, it became stronger and moved closer to him. He felt the energy going through the ground into him through his feet. Slowly the sounds around him returned to him, they were stronger and more vivid than before; just like the trembles in the ground. The Slayer opened his eyes, his ruby eyes were gone and had turned bright white. He was surrounded by an aura of holy light and earth around him defied gravity as it floated around him. His skin seemed to be hewn out of granite; he was in Force.

    He took a step and the earth trembled as he placed down his feet; Every step he took, the ground shook and the closer Gangting came to the enemy lines, the faster he walked. He stopped a few yards away from the front lines; still earth reverberated still. The Giant rose his arms and with him rose the earth front of him, forming a giant mountain of earth and rock that was surrounded by a holy aura; he brought his arms down and solid mountain collapsed, turning into an avalanche or wave that swept away the first rank. The fortunate died, the less fortunate got buried alive; least fortunate would find death a different manner. Ganting’s fists surrounded themselves again in stone, with its thick spikes. A unit of infantry charged at the Exiled-King and he returned the favour with a loud roar. The earth around his right hand grew in size as he charged and he stomped his fist into the ground just before they clashed; it exploded with a loud bang, shattered stone flew everywhere; ignoring armour and shield alike, boring into the flesh. The charge had been disrupted and Gangting mowed with his fists around him. None would stop him; he was one with earth now, a true avalanche in shape of a human and all within his path would be destroyed, there no fleeing from him now.

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    320 HP - 250 MP
    Spells used:
    Spiked fist 8 posts remaining
    Gravel Wave 2 posts remaining
    Rock Form 6 posts remaining
    Bursting Fist Instant


    Like old times N9AxYLD
    Like old times Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 14th October 2019, 9:48 am

    The sight of the literal army before them was as much unexpected as it was awe-inspiring, rows following rows of warriors proving to be an impressive sight when expanding on the clearing down the hill, the war horn sounding once more, the grand army halting on its command and the sound of thousands of marching feet at once falling silent. Mars, confronted with the prospect of fighting an actual army of demonic worshippers, and potentially demons themselves, could barely contain himself, longing to claim dominion over this vessel the two shared and rushing headfirst into combat, his emotions, as always, passively influencing the Ambassador of Dies Irae as well, who felt the desire to throw himself into the fray rise exponentially with each passing second. It wasn't the first time Johann faced an army like this, including the demonic influences. Last time had been in the Cursed Lands not too long ago, the memory of the day he lost his heart and life still everpresent and fresh in the man's mind, and yet, he found himself strangely confident, ready for the challenge before him. Perhaps the Second Seal was right and it was indeed fate that guided him in his actions, or perhaps Mars just had a knack for seeking out demons to destroy following his own agenda. Who knew? The Rune Mage had a hard time reading the Lord of War, though one thing was certain. He shared the Nephilim's emotions and felt the trembling anticipation stir in his gut.

    "Well, Gangting ...", the man reached for his belt, pulling the two identical, red blades from their scabbards as a wide, bold smile spread across his face, the man closing his eyes for just a few moments as he stepped forward and took a deep breath, opening them once more to reveal that the sclera within them had turned entirely ink-black, pupils of burning sanguine sitting steadily in their midst, eyeing the overwhelming odds they faced before them. "... looks just like old times, huh?". With those words, Mars finally got what he desired, Johann sharing control over the vessel they inhabited, the Lord of War's characteristic, toothy grin dominating the Ambassador's expression, his deep, almost distorted voice echoing from the Rune Mage's mouth in a satisfied growl. "Oh, this will be so much fun, indeed".

    Just as the Nephilim had finished the words his form exploded with arcane power as he released the might at the vessel's disposal, the sheer magical pressure emanating from him enough to send ripples of pure force through the air, a massive magic circle comprised of different layers and written in runic script appearing beneath him that slowly crawled its way across the ground as it expanded before finally collapsing inwards onto the Second Seal. The runes on the vessel's body, formerly appearing as normal black writing, almost ink-like in appearance, now began to glow with an infernal crimson, the slender scripture burning its way across the vessel's form, spreading slowly, steam rising as it burned its way across his flesh, but eventually growing to cover every bit of visible skin. Slowly, the storm of arcane power subsided as the runes contained it within the vessel, after a few seconds leaving only a faint trace of magic behind, along with the now overcharged runes on the vessel's body, containing nigh unsurpassable force.

    In a blur of speed, the Second Seal's form vanished, bursting forward into the mass of enemies before him, a massive explosion of dust and earth erupting where he came to a halt, infantry scattering in a perplexing confusion. The smoke obstructed the Seal's movements, the two burning eyes darting from side to side rapidly as they observed the situation before bursting through the smoke once again, the two blades impaling the first unfortunate infantryman in his way, piercing through the fighter's chest with a spurt of blood before the Second Seal rapidly pulled back, spinning around with a cackling laughter, dragging the swords across another opponent's torso, a splatter of crimson erupting around him as strike after strike, slash after slash cut down more and more opponents before any form of sizeable resistance could form, the Lord of War's speed and strength far overwhelming the mass of soldiers around.

    It took a few moments before opposition had organized itself, a man with a skull mask on his face storming at him with a valiant battlecry, sword raised high as he charged, Mars grinning from ear to ear. "How pitiful", he cackled, dropping the blades that vanished into thin air as soon as he let go, ducking underneath the wide swing of the enemy's blade before stretching his arm up, grasping his opponent's head in his palm. "The slave of a demon, mindlessly doing evil's bidding ...", the other clawing at his hand, though the Lord of War's grip did not relent, "... begone". Crackling, ink-black electricity ran down his arm before reaching his hand, dark lightning zapping through the air all around, the violently cramping form of his opponent twitching for a few seconds before the shock finally subsided, leaving only the smoking, limp carcass of the soldier before him, Mars slowly lowering his hand as the opponent collapsed. Mars, wide grin spread across his face, turned, his eyes slowly wandering over the shocked, frightened soldiers all around him, laughing maniacally "Hehehehe ... HAHAHAHA ... so ... who's next?"

    An officer at the front drew his own blade, pointing it at the Secon Seal in their midst, shouting frantically at the other men surrounding him. "What are you waiting for, you lazy bastards? Go and kill him already!". Reluctantly, the men picked up their spears, swords and other weapons, surrounding the Lord of War in a circle, the most brave among them deciding to push forward and attempt an attack. Oh this was and would be so, so much fun ...

    Word Count: 981
    Total Word Count: 6,197
    Total Thread Word Count: 12,614 / 16,000



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Aurora 2nd November 2019, 11:59 am

    The Giant looked about him, piles of dead bodies laid strewn around him like fallen leaves underneath a mighty oak amidst a meadow. A cavalry troop of about thirty riders, dressed in bronze and bone armour and mounted upon six-legged reptilian-like demons. The demonic mounts captured some essence of lizards and crocodiles, their bodies were slime and studded with black horny plates upon an orange-crimson colour; making it seem like basalt rocks amidst a lake of magma. Their heads were adorned with horns and spikes and held a large beak like that of a crocodile, filled with dagger-sized teeth. The mounts were deadly weapons on their own, but the riders were armed as well, with large halberds with shining steel blades; surely not of their own making. They agilely manoeuvred the turned over field and the heaps of bodies towards Gangting. The Redhead gazed upon them with his illuminated eyes, the aura of silvery-white intensified around him; swirling like a bonfire in a tempest of wind. The aura flashed and pulsed over the ground, in a fifty-meter radius around him, turning the sediment below it into quicksand. The momentum of the cavalry was immediately broken as they demonic legs sank into the lush sands. The lifeless bodies also sank to the bottom of earth’s depths as well; in mere moments nothing remained except for a mighty oak in a sandy field.

    Gangting clenched his fists and the area around him turned to solid rock and moved towards the, largely, unharmed battle lines. He sensed through the earth that a unit of infantry, lead by a giant being, was charging at him from his left flank; The Demon Slayer did not look, all he did was bring up his left hand and just like that, countless thin spikes jotted out of the ground to protect his left flank. The mess of spikes looked like the spikey fur of a porcupine, no spike had the same length, orientation or angle. The warriors had not time to react for the danger rose from underneath them, turning the unfortunate into a shaslik kebab and the fortunate with only a hand full of jabs. The giant, whom was, in fact, a demonic cyclops covered in thick plates of mammoth bone, crashed through the spiked barrier as if it had been a paper wall. It did not seem bothered by the few spikes that found gaps in his armour and pierced into its flesh; whenever it was because of his rage or for something else was unclear but that he was angry was certain. It roared loudly as it raised its giant mace, fashioned from the heart of an ironoak, and it came crashing down upon Gangting. The Redhead raised his left arm, bracing his elbow with his right arm, to receive the strike. The strike was hard and powerful, but Gangting gave no inch but the ground below him did; even thoughts it was hardened stone, by Gangting’s making, it cracked and tore as Gangting sank an inch or two into the bedrock. The Fallen King turned his head towards the Giant. ”Your one ugly…” spoke Gangting, stopping midsentence because of the realisation his voice was different; a difference he could not describe, it was as if the holy aura enveloped his speech as well. He inhaled in the ethernano, rock and soil from his surrounding and unleashed a giant boulder, wrapped in divine light, at the cyclops. The giant was flung against the porcupine of earthen stakes, many broke under the weight of the cyclops but some pierced the wretched demon; ensnaring within their granite grasp. The Demon Slayer picked up the ironoak mace with ease and smashed it into the skull of the creature, ending its life.

    But there was not break for Gangting, his enemies did not falter to take the opportunity with Gangting distracted. They charged at him at mass. Unfortunate for them, the Slayer had ended the fight quicker then they had dared to hope. The Slayer turned around quickly and swung around with the mace, sending men into the air. The simpletons that filled the levies were no match to the divine power gifted by Tudigong and within a few sweeps were annihilated, they could not stop him. His attack was stopped however, as a salvo of fire balls fell upon him. A line of shamans, dressed in feathers, bone and horns, waving with staffs were taking Gangting on fire; other shamans were hitting the drums and sang a song with their throats, to boost their kin. The attack had stopped the Slayer but did little harm. He had faced hotter flames, that came straight from the pools of Hell, as evident by his burn leg. Which miraculously did not hurt nor weighted him down.  Another volley was fired, Gangting turned to dust before it hit the mark, the ironwood club fell upon the dust, and reappeared from the ground just in front of the shaman.  The Giant towered above them; his eyes blazed ferociously with holy aura. He rose both is arms up as if he was lifting a heavy burden, granite spikes rose from beneath the spirit masters; impaling them were they stood, soundless they spattered for only a few seconds before their appendages dropped like ropes.

    The warriors who had engaged the Giant looked around confusingly, some even stabbed their weapons in the pile of dust were that terrible Giant had stood. They were surprised to find him behind their lines, impaling their powerful shamans as if they were but lifeless dolls. They fear betook them, they could not defeat this Giant and there was still the other to contend with as well if they could fell the red one. Some of the men broke off and fled to the forest as they dropped their weapons. They suddenly ignited in fire as a fire demon appeared in a fury of flames. A large horned creature, 15-feet tall, armed with a flaming sword and fiery whip. The men cowered at its sight, this one was much scarier than the unknown warrior; they knew the tales about the fire demon’s might and his hellish flames and besides, they just saw how those inflight were incinerated to a pile of ash. The Giant, as powerful as he was, was surely no match for this demon and their own odds against him would be better as well. The warriors turned around and their chieftain let them in a charge against the Mountain before them, the demon watched menacingly as the mass of warriors clashed with the Gangting; they broke upon him like a wave upon a cliff. The earth roared and shook as the Slayer went about his business, explosions were heard, and rocks flew through the air. Within moments they had all been vanquished, they laid dead around him or broken. The Giant was mostly unscathed and turned his blazing gaze of holy glowing eyes upon Mallegar, a gaze that burned.

    Mallegar was a greater demon, thoughts a minor among the greater demons’ despites his great size thoughts he was still more powerful and demonic than the lesser and the ‘normal’ demons. There were also the higher, elder and ancient demons; the higher being more human like, the elder were similar to the greater demons but even more powerful, the ancient ones were more akin to spirits whose bodies have withered away but still possessed amazing strength and could be resurrected via a substitute vessel. Yes, the demons have a hierarchy as well; based on brutal strength and malevolent cunning. He stared for a while at the Giant, something was familiar; not as if he had ever seen him before but a familiarity of tales, legends and myths. There was once a kingdom, far away from this corner of the world, at its centre was a large mountain range that enclosed a giant city. The city of Dagan-debou, the City of the Slayer. The king of the city was a vanquisher of demons, not mere lesser demons or greater demons, no, even higher, elder and… the ancient ones as well. It was said that if he approached, thunder was to be heard in the deep of the earth and once he was close the earth would shake fiercely. He was a malevolent and strong equivalent demon for demon society, they named him the Titan, the Dog of the Gods, the Dread and many more. The Titan had no mercy for demons and did not shy away from genocide; thousands of demons had fallen to his fury and tens of thousands of their followers as well. But it was impossible for a human to life for thousands of years, it could not be him assured Mallegar himself; He would cut this person to shreds and burn whatever remains to ashes. He roared like a raging forest fire and charged.

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    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 27th November 2019, 3:13 pm

    Finding himself surrounded by all sides, a wide grin spread across the Ambassador's face, piercing red eyes on black scleras darting from side to side and assessing each individual threat within milliseconds with pinpoint accuracy. None of these people gave off any magical aura to speak off. Against the Lord of War himself, their charge would be nothing short of suicide. Though such was the rule of war, the lesser men charged into their deaths when given the order, and the stronger foe would win. Mars was very much a creature that supported a mindset akin to "might makes right", and he, so he thought, had always been right. Pushing closer, the circle tightened with each passing moment, the grin only widening. The poor souls had no idea.

    Raising their spears, one of them shouted a command, all of them pushing their weapons forward upon his command. In theory, the Lord of War would be impaled from every side, but the Mars dodged the attack with almost playful ease. Dropping down, the Lord of War lowered himself to the ground, sparks flying above his head as steel clashed with steel. Mars extended his hands in both directions before spinning around, the men around him sent flying in a wave of force, their bodies disappearing somewhere in the crowd around him. "These mortals. They never learn, tssehehe ...", the cackled words whipped across the space around him as he used the momentum of his spin to gracefully lift himself back onto his feet, his head once more darting from side to side in wait for the next wave of attackers. Their foes wouldn't leave him to wait for long.

    The next line of mean, spears, swords, and axes at the ready, had already assembled, an officer wildly shouting orders at them through a uniform echo of warcries. "I would really love to keep playing with you, but ...", Mars spoke once more, straightening his back and raising an arm, pointing his open palm at the charging horde, "... all of you are beneath me. Now, once more, out of my sight!".

    The runes on the vessel's hands would, at once, be filled with deeply azure glow, magical power swelling to tremendous proportions within and around the Lord of War's body before, with a flash of arcane sparks, an explosion of pure magical force was released from the extended limb.

    The wave of force ripped open the ground as it washed over the land before Mars, earth and stone being heaved upwards and catapulted back with unfathomable speed, the sheer amount of unstoppable kinetic force disintegrating every living being in its path, unceremoniously turning them into nothing more than sprays of bone, flesh, and blood. Within an instant, dozens upon dozens, if not hundreds of men were cut down as if they had been made of paper, the charge not only stopped in its tracks but the attack also leaving a massive path of destruction behind that carved through the land. A gigantic cloud of dust and smoke had been kicked up, and when it finally began to settle, shocked, horrified men stared upon the extensive gaps within their lines with unbelieving expressions.

    The two glowing orbs of sanguine color still lingered, though, observing the rest of the footsoldiers that now scrambled to their feet, realizing that they had picked a fight that had been too much for them in the first place.

    "HYAAAAAA", Mars clearly heard the billowing shout that rang out behind him, it was hard to miss. A man had picked up a spear and was charging him, a frenzied look in the furious eyes beneath the helmet of bone and metal plates he wore. The Second Seal drew his sword, letting the man come closer before practically disassembling him a series of lightning-fast strikes that were over in a nigh instant, too fast to follow with the naked eye. "They truly never learn", he scoffed to himself, the sliced up pieces that had been an enemy just seconds before slumping to the ground in a puddle of crimson liquid.

    Mars looked about. Soldiers were stumbling around, disoriented, terrified, in pain, paralyzed. Some had survived the attack in a stroke of sheer unbelievable luck, but had lost limbs or were horribly mangled. It was probably best to put some of them out of their misery. "Looks like I overdid it a little, tssehehe ...", the Second Seal almost shrugged. "They just break too easily. Well then, let's finish this up. I think I have toyed enough". Sheathing the blade once more, Mars turned, looking for Gangting briefly to find him engaged with some kind of demon creature in the distance, far enough away from him to be out of the way of Mars. A most preferable situation. The Secon Seal knew exactly what to do.

    Mars' form blurred with magical energy once again, runes flashing in multiple colors before finally settling on a glowing ice-blue, his grin widening with entertainment. "And now, for the grand finalé!", he spoke on a nigh whisper to himself before his loud, cackling laughter could be heard echoing across the battlefield once more, a massive magic circle appearing under his feet, glistening with the same icy blue. "Niflheim", the words were spoken unceremoniously, but the runes reacted to the magical command immediately. The magic circle spread in a sudden and explosive fashion, encompassing hundreds and hundreds of meters around himself before finally setting itself alight with magical glow. The temperature in the area dropped instantly as if the entire surroundings had been transported into the Silent Glaciers themselves, but that wasn't all. Dropping further and further, soon the air itself began to crystallize, ice and snow raging around the circle like a roaring storm before, just a few moments after it had appeared, vanishing again, along with the circle of runes and the magical glow. The only evidence that it had been there were the still present ice and snow, as well as petrified foes that seemed as if stopped in time. Every single soldier, creature, every living thing that had been unfortunate enough to remain within the circle frozen into an unmoving statue, horrified expressions of pain, shock, and agony on their faces.

    Mars had, in a single attack, wiped out half of the army on this side of the battlefield, the only sound that remained in the area the howling of the cold wind and a deep, almost distorted cackling laughter.

    Word Count: 1,079
    Total Word Count: 7,276
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    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Like old times Empty Re: Like old times

    Post by Aurora 28th December 2019, 11:06 am

    The fiery whip lashed out at Gangting, it gracefully swooped down from the sky; its tail following and with a loud flick it lashed down upon Gangting’s shoulder. Its flames licked the copper-skin, making Gangting roar in fury and pain. Mallegar lashed out again, but this time Gangting was faster and stepped aside; at the same time the earth enveloped the fiery whip that touched the ground, to vanquish it flames but the whip simply formed anew as Mallegar pulled it back. The Giant looked over his shoulders, looking for Johann. Whom seemed to have breached the surface of the earth. A second later it could be felled within the ground, which shook veraciously. The demon glared in the distance at the source, giving Gangting a new opportunity. He charged forwards, the earth around him spiralled around his legs and winded up on his arms, forming a thick crust of solid rock. Thick spikes adorned his fists. The fissures within the rock, that appeared as the rock morphed and shaped to the movement of the Giant’s appendages, radiance with holy silver light. Flashes, like lightning, of divine brilliance, surrounded Gangting; jolting sporadically around him. So far things had only been a mere warm-up, now he was upon the dawn of his full strength. The full strength of force, the ultimate state of being for a slayer; whenever it is demon slayer, dragon or god, or any other. The Giant felled refreshed, empowered and indestructible. It was as if there had been another crack of the whip, that had pushed him beyond his normal physical and magical capabilities.

    Gangting raised his right fist and pulled it back and punched the distracted demon in the guts. He could feel the steaming hot blood that stained his earthen shell, it radiance its heats upon his skin below the stone. The demon roared and cursed; fire flashed, the heat was near unbearable as it filled with hatred and pain but Gangting endured, it did nothing to him even thoughts the earth around him burned. The topsoil burned away, leaving the sands below bare and prone to forming glass; the earthen shell of Gangting scalded and glazed. A giant flaming sword crashed upon his shoulder, shattering the glassy coat and melting some of the rock. Gangting responded quickly and grabbed the demon’s sword hand tightly, his right kept bashing at every inch of demon he could hit. The demon’s wings shook, it was a like a hurricane of scorching hot winds; which forced the Giant to lose his grip upon the demon’s arm and take a few steps back. He fiery demon followed up with a series of slashes from all sides, his blazing sword was as a dozen vipers striking at a prey; an elephant as prey, as Gangting was not felled easily. The sword had left it’s marked, with molten and glazed slashes and strikes but none had penetrated the earthen armour. The demon had stopped its attack and retreated, glaring menacingly at him. He made a loud screech. While Johann had nearly finished off the entire army of the demonic spawn, there where still a large number remaining at his area of the battlefield and they were now all ordered to charge the Slayer. The earth rumbled as their numbers descended upon him. Gangting lifted his right feet and then firmly planted it into the earth, it tremored; drowned out the shaking of the demon hordes. Around Gangting the earth cracked and fissured appeared in shape of a giant circle; a giant magical circle of cracks, from the fissures, came dazzling white light and within the circle appeared a holy aura like fog and holy lighting flashed around. But it possessed no barrier against the demons, who entered the circle without hesitation or second thought; that until their doom spilt from the sky. The silvery magical circle was mirrored in the heavens, and within that circle formed small magical circles of the same heavenly hue. Gleaming triangle-shaped objects fell from the smaller circle, their colours were all dark but in different kinds of hues from purple, red and blues but all were at its very core jet black. They were obsidian. This was Gangting’s Earth Demon’s Secret Arts, the spells of Tudigong himself and this was his Basalt ballista, which fired obsidian projectiles. Hundreds or thousands small and large obsidian spikes bombarded around Gangting, obliterating everything within the circle.

    The slayer was surrounded by a pile of gore, lifeless bodies and blood when the bombardment stopped. Nearly all of the demons had perished, those that we're lucky had been outside of the magical circle’s reach. They began to run away from the Giant, but all spontaneously combusted into flames. The fiery demon was displeased and determined to fight Gangting till the bitter end but Gangting was determined to end the battle shortly.

    Gangting shoved away from the mess in front of him with a wave of his arm, followed by a wave of the earth that moved the gore to the size. The Giant took a couple of steps and went on one knee, placing his left hand upon the glazed ground. Around his hand, the glass cracked, and a small circle of fissures appeared, just a before it’s cracks were illuminated with holy light. The magical circle grew and with it the earth kept on cracking and breaking, the core of the circle turned to sand and dust as it grew and grew. Gangting moved his right-hand forwards, his palm facing at the demon and his fingers tipped up. A holy magical circle appeared in front of his hand and a small orb of holy energy formed. The demon charged. The magical circle grew exponentially and so did the magical orb. Then the demon got stuck, stone spikes pierced its lower body; pinning it down, vulnerable. The magical circle on the ground disappeared, leaving a large circle of sand and dust behind, the large orb of divine energy shrank quickly to the size of a marble. The Giant stood back upon his feet. ”Perish,” here his words. The orb lunged itself forwards with extreme speed, it almost looked like a beam. The orb slammed against the demon, exploding with a loud fury; Of the demon was nothing left, evaporated and obliterated. The only thing remaining was a giant hole where it had once stood.
    The earthen armour around Gangting turned to dust, showing his body; wet of sweat, blue of bruises and red of burns. He brought his hand through his hair, the sweat trickled from his forehead. He looked towards his friend in the frozen plain, the icy winds were welcome. He then busted out in laughter.

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