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    A Welcoming Party for The Titan [Open to ER Members]


    Lineage : Strength of Hercules
    Position : None
    Posts : 11
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    A Welcoming Party for The Titan [Open to ER Members] Empty A Welcoming Party for The Titan [Open to ER Members]

    Post by Miyu 18th October 2019, 10:06 pm


    Errings Rising's
    Monolithic titan
    433 / 433 words || No Tags || ---- || ----
    The steps up the up the mountain were torturous. It was cold, and steep. Miyu supposed that this functioned as it's own form of defense for the guild beyond whatever defenses they had in place. If someone wanted to attack this place they'd have to be damn sure that they wanted to do so. Fortunately, Miyu wasn't looking to attack this place. At least not yet. Who knew what the future held? For now though, she was seeking a home. A place to rest her head during that night that was relatively safe and would let her do what she wanted. Errings Rising seemed like just the place to make that happen. The guild wanted to see the world free from laws and to let true chaos thrive. While they might not be Miyu's goals exactly, it aligned well enough that she could use it for her own gain.

    Miyu finally ascended the last few steps before the mountain leveled out and revealed a large multi-layered castle that stood before Miyu. A smirk appeared on her face as she strolled forward, in her usual outfit. She couldn't say that wearing short shorts was the brightest idea in this weather, or that the cold didn't effect her, but she was honestly too proud and too close at this point to go back and get a change of pants. Besides, the trench coat helped a little. Regardless, she was here now and that's what mattered. Miyu strolled up to the large castle entrance. The entrance was guarded but thankfully the main gate was open, and while the guards watched her stroll down the courtyard they didn't make any move to stop her. Miyu kept moving towards the large grand doors that stood at the end of the courtyard making sure to keep tabs on the guards. She honestly wasn't sure if she could take both of them given the guild's reputation, but she was here now and certainly wouldn't miss an opportunity to show off her strength.

    After what seemed like an silent eternity as Miyu walked through the courtyard, but what was in reality maybe only 30 seconds, she finally reached the grand doors. The wolf eared girl took a deep breath to center herself. She was about either about to enter for her new home for the first time, or face her death. Either way, she'd be coming face to face with members of a dark guild, and that meant she at the very least needed to be on guard. Slowly Miyu pushed the grand doors open, a loud creak announcing her arrival.

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 200/200
    Speed: 20 Mps
    Melee Damage: 40HP
    Spells Used: ---
    Abilities Active: ---
    Weapons Equipped: ---
    Monsters Killed: ---

    Other Notes: ---



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    A Welcoming Party for The Titan [Open to ER Members] Empty Re: A Welcoming Party for The Titan [Open to ER Members]

    Post by Sanguine 18th October 2019, 10:41 pm

    Erring Rising {} A-rank

    Word Count: 592 words
    Tagged: @
    Muse: sleepy
    Music: song name by composer

    Appearance: https://imgur.com/a/U8FHhbc
    It was nice to spend a little time in the castle after a while. As much as she had enjoyed being out either on her own or with others, spending the time relaxing within the halls of the castle is where she felt the most relaxed. One couldn’t say for sure why it was the outside had confused her so much. Whether it was her being so accustomed to her duties as of late, she just never bothered to really get into the specifics of her past. Be it the lack of trying or just the lack of actual recollection, she had enough in her mind to function and for her it was enough to be useful somewhere in life. If that was all she needed, that was alright with her.

    Something that was easy to tend to within the guild were the higher up areas. Where some could not reach, Sanguine was able to without the need for extensively lengthened equipment. Something like attaching a duster to a 12 foot long pole was just crude and unnecessary. Not when you were a maid with a pair of dragon wings that could be expanded and retracted into their own body at their whim. Of course, this was a painful process, but between the method of her slayer abilities and her wings, the pain was quick to numb and eventually was nothing but a reflex. Having to use something of that sort on simple house chores felt rather... off. Yet, here she had been, dusting off the upper area of the main area with a cheerful hum to her voice. That of course, didn’t really leave much to notice or bother caring of the view it gave to others. Not that most looked anymore... she made that abundantly clear by the scars she left on one member.

    Slowly gliding her way over, the maid paused at the sound of the snow crunching. She cocked her head to the side, wondering who could be outside when she realized maybe the guards had been making their pass. But it became apparent that was not the case when the doors opened below her and a person had entered. This put a smile on the maids face. A fresh new face was always inviting and often something she missed out on. Clad in her normal maid uniform, she made her way down and her low cut heels clicking onto the ground one then the other. ”Welcome to the castle, madam!~” She greeted cheerfully, Giving a full curtsy and a bow of her head in the process before she picked herself up to stand straight. Her arms locked into a V-shape look with her hands laid on top of one another and the inner hand grasping onto a duster.

    ”My name is Priscilla, the head maid of Errings Rising. May I be of any assistance to you?” She continued to carry a pleasantly cheerful smile, eyes closed and all at first. But eventually she would open them to see just whom she was greeting. Though she knew she was female when she was hovering above, anything else was completely unknown to her. That was, until she settled onto the ears that sat on her head. They were just too precious, but she needed to contain herself until she had been out of a professional mode to be able to ask for something as personal wanting to pet those precious ears. Hopefully, she wasn’t the type to attack the help or.. well things wouldn’t end to nicely for her.


    A Welcoming Party for The Titan [Open to ER Members] JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

    Lineage : Strength of Hercules
    Position : None
    Posts : 11
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    A Welcoming Party for The Titan [Open to ER Members] Empty Re: A Welcoming Party for The Titan [Open to ER Members]

    Post by Miyu 23rd October 2019, 7:46 pm


    Errings Rising's
    Monolithic titan
    645 / 1078 words || @Sanguine || ---- || ----
    The doors before Miyu slowly opened as the creaking echoed through-out the grand hall before her.  She pushed her way inside and heard.... the flap of wings? Miyu looked up just as a maid with large scaly wings glided down in front of her. The sound of the maid's heels hitting the floor filled the air between them, shortly followed by her chirping ”Welcome to the castle, madam!~”. Miyu narrowed her eyes towards the maid. She wasn't growling, and she wasn't making any other form of signals of aggression This was just Miyu's first time interacting with a Dark guild. She had to assume that nearly everyone in the guild might pose a threat, even the maids. She'd already even shown some magical ability with the wings, and Miyu assumed that was just the tip of iceberg.  As the maid gave Miyu a curtsy, Miyu scanned the person before her with a careful eye. She didn't appear threatened or intimidated by Miyu in the slightest, but Miyu couldn't be sure whether that was because the girl was confident enough in her own abilities or confident in the assistance of the rest of the guild that would undoubtedly arrive shortly if there was trouble. A part of Miyu wanted to test which one it was, but she wasn't really sure if she could reign the situation back under her control if things got out of hand.

    ”My name is Priscilla, the head maid of Errings Rising. May I be of any assistance to you?” The maid said, finally looking up from her courtesy. She watched her fold her hands in front of her self showing what Miyu assumed to be respect, even in only a little. That was until she noticed the girl flicking her eyes to Miyu's ears. "I'm here to join." Miyu said flatly, hoping that pulled the attention away from her ears. It wasn't her most vulnerable place, but she still felt defensive about them. Regardless, Miyu was hoping there wouldn't be any further explanation needed. She wasn't a wolf of many words, and honestly hated over explaining herself. She had heard about the guild through mostly rumors and whispers. Not really anything concrete expect for the fact that they are against laws and rules. While that didn't exactly align with Miyu's belief that strength ruled, she couldn't exactly say it was opposed to it either. See laws really only protect the weak from strong, without laws and left to 'Chaos' as she's heard Errings Rising wants to do, the strong will naturally rise to the top, as the weak wont be able to stop them. They'll impose they're own rules and do exactly what they want. Which is exactly how Miyu thinks things should be anyways. So the guild's purpose would ultimately serve her in the end. Though she needed to be much stronger before she was ready for all that. That's where the guild's secondary function came in. Being around people such as those from Dark Guilds would hopefully strengthen her in ways that simply living off the land couldn't. Here survival was something different. Survival meant fending off the whims of those stronger than you, and that soundly like the environment Miyu needed to sharpen herself in.

    For now however, Miyu was simply hoping that the woman in front of her would take her to someone who could assist her in joining the guild to start with, and maybe show her where she could sleep. The journey up the mountain was cold and exhausting. It was certainly a testament to the guild that they managed to create such a grandiose structure all the way up here, and that members consistently made that trek to take jobs and such. Miyu however, just wanted to relax for a bit, or at the very least fine someone to take out her exhaustion on.

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 200/200
    Speed: 20 Mps
    Melee Damage: 40HP
    Spells Used: ---
    Abilities Active: ---
    Weapons Equipped: ---
    Monsters Killed: ---

    Other Notes: ---



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    A Welcoming Party for The Titan [Open to ER Members] Empty Re: A Welcoming Party for The Titan [Open to ER Members]

    Post by Sanguine 27th October 2019, 1:07 pm

    Erring Rising {} A-rank

    Word Count: 592 words
    Tagged: @
    Muse: sleepy
    Music: song name by composer

    Appearance: https://imgur.com/a/U8FHhbc
    Her eyes managed to work their way on their own from the girls cute ears and down to the rest of her body. Sure, she was highly curious about them and more than interested to learn more about her, but there was a time and place for that and she wasn’t going to be stupid about it and act out of her place. Instead, she refocused herself to trying to remain intact as a hospitable host of a strange visitor. Yet, when she uttered the simple phrase, a smile elongated on the maids face and she instantly turned herself to the side, cleaning herself from the rest of the room behind her. ”Please, come in then, ma’am. Feel free to take a seat wherever you please.” her hand motioned to a small arrangement of furniture that was there. A few single chairs, a longer couch and several end tables around then with very elegantly arranged flowers inside each vase.

    Once the animal rated guest would seat herself, Sanguine would first shut the doors as to keep the cold air out of the hall. She would then take her own seat down on the couch, her hands now resting on her lap. ”May I get you something at all? Some tea, coffee, ho cocoa to help you warm up?” She offered, sure that the trek to the castle for those not in the guild would be very cold and bitter. Those that made it up here were either very fortuitous or just used to the cold. Ice and snow mages especially. How this girl got here in what she wore was impressive for sure, but at the same time, the maid was never surprised by whom came up and down from this mountain. But, that was a guild perk none the less. One that she would love to give someone in need of the warmth. But that would come in time.

    ”May I have your name, Ma’am? Among being able to add you into the small book of members we keep, I would much prefer to properly address you, if you’re ok with that.” She smiled innocently, but as she leaned back, Miyu would watch the wings simply retreating themselves into her back. ”You aren’t the only unique one here, madam. Your cute ears, the dragon wings and talons I can make on my own. It sets us apart, no?” Still, she held a smile and giving her any time to react and question the maid as she pleased, she would move onto the next question. ”So, now the question remains. Why Errings Rising? More importantly on we could help you achieve as well. A fair trade is nothing out of the ordinary to do. Should you need assistance with something, the law bares nothing but a joke to the members and her highness herself.” Clearing her throat, the maids smile lessened up some, as not to seem as though she were really sickeningly sweet. Despite the nature of the guild, Sanguine was generally a sweet and caring person. Hopefully the potential member could see that and be able to relax some.


    A Welcoming Party for The Titan [Open to ER Members] JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 7:02 pm