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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Seal of Balance
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 1460
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,311

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Forgotten Legend
    Second Skill: Fantasy Requip
    Third Skill: Treasure Dragon Slayer

    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Ray Jyx 8th August 2019, 4:22 am

    General IC Info:

    General OOC info:


    One of Dies Irae's steel battleships sliced cleanly through the waves of the Fishy Fish Sea toward Kenrojima, a lonely tropical island at its center. It was a good thing they were in a giant metal boat, too, since the sea was certainly living up to its goofy name. Aquatic life of all shapes and sizes slammed against the thick sides of the boat, causing hollow thuds that did little more than cause the smallest of vibrations but otherwise failed to damage the hulking war craft. The Brigandine looked like the lovechild of a steel mill and a tank with its funnel triplets reaching high into the air overhead and heavily armored body. It was highly armed with enough guns to take on an enemy fleet, but thus far they'd had no use of the ship other than to transport them all to the embattled island. Black flags with the Dies Irae guild emblem in crimson flapped from multiple high vantage points, making their identity no secret. Should the rumors be true about the poor island folk being oppressed by dark mages and their sea monster, intimidation and promise of powerful opposition should proceed their actual arrival.

    Standing at the bow of the battleship was Ambassador Sivvy, hands clasping the railing as she appeared to be simply staring out of over the waves teeming with sea life to keep an eye out for threats. The undulating of the fish in the waters filling her vision paired with the scent of coal steam from the funnels and the bobbing sway of the vessel, in general, was a slayer's worst nightmare, and more often than not her eyes slid shut to fend off a wave of nausea. The rose-haired woman was doing her best to appear as put together and strong as possible for her guildmates, but the knuckles of both of her hands were drained of blood and gleaming white under the harsh ocean sun. In fact, all her skin seemed to be trying to match her knuckles. The clone wasn't one to show weakness, though, so soon she turned to her comrades with intentions to speak.

    "Attention everyone," her voice rang out clearly, carmine eyes gazing over those who had joined them on today's mission. Even though she felt atrocious, that couldn't keep a small smile from appearing on her lips. The guild was still new compared to the other guilds of Earthland, but she was pleased with how strong Dies Irae was. They were all working and training hard, getting stronger with every day of training and with every Blacklister brought in. In such a short time, they'd already done a lot of good for Ishgar and its countries. Some called their methods extreme, but could anyone really deny that they were making people safer? "We're nearing Kenrojima and should arrive within the hour. I'm not sure what we'll find there, but I'm certain if we stay focused and organized, justice will prevail. We are strong as individuals but even stronger together. I encourage any last-minute preparations be made now, as well as forming groups amongst y-yourselves..." her voice faltered as they surged over a wave caused by a strong gust of wind. Glossy pink lips clamped shut and offered no more words, though clearly there was more to be said about today's rescue mission. Jaw tense, she hoped that Johann would take up from there with anything he wanted to say since the slayer knew only horrible things would happen if she opened her mouth. Breaking into a cold sweat and feeling weak in the knees, she played it off with a brief smile before turning and swiftly moving back to where she was before, clasping the railing at the bow of the ship, mentally chanting to herself to not puke.

    WC: 634


    Last edited by Sivvy on 6th September 2019, 2:36 am; edited 1 time in total


    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Jkp0PmI

    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 8th August 2019, 9:44 am

    By now the silver-haired male had gotten used to the briny scent of the ocean. It was only natural when your headquarters were located on an island and the preferred mode of travel was, and would probably remain, the ship. Before, as a Vice President of a Trading Company, it had been no different. The sea was a common sight these days, one that was not unwelcome. The fresh breeze and the wind were soothing, and the Ambassador of Dies Irae couldn't help but stop for a few moments, taking a deep breath before centering his thoughts on the task at hand once more. Today would be an important day for the guild, it seemed, after all. Dies Irae's first major combat operation, if the rumors about Kenrojima, the "Island of Steep Paths", as it was known, were in fact true. Dark forces seemed to have gathered on this island, had subjugated the islanders and made the land their own, now oppressing the innocents and using Kenrojima as a base of operations, a fact that would be simply unacceptable, not just for Dies Irae, but any guild that claimed to defend the rights of the citizens of Fiore and Earthland alike. It was a disturbance of the natural order that had settled in here, and as such, it could not be tolerated. If the rumors had indeed been true ... then today would be the last day of this unlawful occupation.

    In theory, the men and women, sailors and soldiers of DI gathered on the steel behemoth that, at comparatively unhurried, but steady pace was making its way towards their destination, were but a scouting force, while in actuality, this would be quite the understatement. Both Ambassadors of Dies Irae, as well as some of the best and most capable soldiers of the guild, were present on this day, and even Johann, as realistic as he liked to be, couldn't deny that in open conflict, the guild would be more than prepared.

    Of course, the Ambassador of Dies Irae would also be found abow the ship called Brigandine beside his fellow Ambassador, listening closely when the rose-haired Slayer spoke up and addressed their soldiers, the look on his face appropriately stern, though unable to suppress a subtle smirk of satisfaction. With the way Sivvy handled her authority before the members, the silver-haired Rune Mage couldn't help but notice that she had gotten quite good at what it was she was doing. She had grown into her role, it seemed, though when her voice gave out, Johann took a step forward, placing his hand on her shoulder, giving her an approving nod. He would take over from here. "One more thing, Soldiers", the man looked over the small gathering before shooting a pointed look towards the superstructure of the warship, and, of course, the massive forward turret that was located just behind the guildmembers, imposing twin barrels stretching skyward from what appeared like a heavily armored bunker. "If you run into trouble that is more than you can handle don't hesitate to request artillery support from the Brigandine through the lacrima wristbands that were distributed earlier". Johann raised his wrist, having already put on the small, ingenious device that combined magic and technology. "This will also display your grid coordinates and will let you communicate with your fellow Soldiers. Simply give your coordinates through to the firing officer aboard the ship and make sure to get out of there when you do call for aid". The man lowered his hand, crossing his arms behind his back. "You don't want to be on the other side of that bombardment. Also, this is a last resort and may not, under any circumstances, be used if civilians are in the line of fire. I hope that is clear ...". The fact that they were bringing a first-class warship of the line that had been built for intense combat operations meant that, of course, they might as well make use of it if they had to. Within reason, of course, but the Ambassador had faith in his guildmates. Perhaps artillery support wouldn't even be needed in the end. Still, better safe than sorry.

    "That said, you heard the Ambassador. We have to save this island and its people ... by any means necessary", Joh referred to Sivvy's statement, continuing where she had left off, raising his voice, giving a stern, but determined command, his eyes flashing with anticipation for the coming battle, "Soldiers of Dies Irae, in one hour we will face our fate. Prepare for combat!", thus dismissing the group to get ready. Waiting for just a few seconds until they had dispersed, the Ambassador turned around to his fellow Ambassador, placing his hand on her shoulder once again, though this time allowing his magic to flow through his extremities and into his colleague, hoping that the healing spell would offer her at least some relief from her inherent disadvantage in regards to transportation and numb the nausea, if only temporarily. "Forgive me, but we need you at your best, Sivvy. Hang in there, we'll be on dry land shortly". Regardless, now that the guild members had gone off to prepare, he, too, had to go back to his quarters to do the same. "I'll go and get my gear. Let's hope that we'll be ready for whatever comes next".

    Word Count: 896



    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : God's Beloved Daughter
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    Mentor : Johann Von Daddy
    Experience : 2,849

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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Amalie 8th August 2019, 12:56 pm

    Amalie stood slightly over to the side, watching the Ambassadors as they gave their orders to the guildmates. For the most part, she was calm and collected, at least anyone looking at her expression and mannerism would believe so. She had always been very good at staying composed, and not revealing how she general felt. However internally, things were a little more complicated than those around her would believe. She was somewhat perturbed, it felt as though there was a knot in the pit of her stomach. Recently, the woman had transitioned from having only killed a select few as a means of self-defense, to the merciless execution of hundreds. At the time, it had felt right, Anima had made it so. Showing her the sinful the nature of those she was putting to rest, it was akin to a mass purification, wiping out the vast stain of corruption that was the Bandit Army. But murder was still murder, none the less and the Articulation mage was still trying to adapt to it.

    The mission that they were being led on seemed simple enough, intercept the dark mages that were attempting to take over the island of Kenrojima and free the inhabitants of the island from the terror being bestowed onto them by this guild. The motive was heroic of course, the eradication of the evil that thread to claim this place that did not belong to them. But still, the thought of killing again, it still unsettled her. Her eyes narrowed a fraction as she watched Sivvy falter slightly, a trace of concern in her eyes and she wondered what it was affecting the rose-haired girl. Sivvy never faltered, ever, Amalie knew her well enough to know that this didn't occur often. She noted to check on her shortly as her eyes moved to Johann who seemed to be taking over the talk. Her eyes glanced momentarily to the wristband she was wearing, momentarily contemplating what sort of predicament would even warrant such extreme measures. She brought her eyes back up to the male Ambassador, shortly after he would wrap up his speech and dismiss the gathering. Amalie moved somewhat off towards the side of the boat, her eyes falling on the waters, she watched quietly. Musing over her thoughts quietly, she didn't need to go prepare. She had Celeste sheathed at her left hip, and her new gun holstered on her right, these were the only weapons she ever carried unless you counted the fifth seal of the apocalypse as a weapon.

    She would feel the Nephilim stir inside her, moving to the forefront of her consciousness. You can consider me a weapon if that makes it easier for you. He spoke in her mind, his voice silky and smooth as usual. She sighed, It doesn't. She would answer in return, there was a pause. Amalie, you don't have to worry, if it becomes too much, I can step in. She didn't respond, because whilst it was a tempting prospect, it wasn't what she wanted. She continued to stare across the water, her face a picture of stoicism and quiet. Whatever today intended to throw at her, she would endeavor to handle it as best as she could, herself.

    WC: 534

    Last edited by Amalie on 25th August 2019, 6:35 am; edited 1 time in total



    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Progeny of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by MarkusEldridge 8th August 2019, 4:45 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 634
    Total Word Count: 634

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus signed, his arms under his chin as he looked out towards the seemingly endless expanse of water. He could feel the massive ship as it moved, slowly, and steadily, but with purpose. He could hear the thud of fish as they ran into the side of the craft, and smell the salt in the air. Markus leaned farther forward, enjoying the wind blowing his hair. The chaos mage was uncertain how long he had been held by the Rune Knights, but was surprised with how much he had missed small things like smells and sounds.

    Taking a deep breath, he would turn a curious eye as one of his new leaders spoke up. 7, was interesting. Out of everyone on the boat, she was strangely who Markus knew the longest. In fact, Markus knew her longer than even many of the friends he had met in Fairy Tail. Yet, so much had happened and somehow, they are now within the same guild, and far stronger than the measly wizards they had once been. When she addressed the guild her voice would ring in the sea air. Markus would meet her gaze as it passed through the other members on the vessel.

    The chaos mage knew of their mission, having been briefed before, and was oddly excited to see it through to fruition. Markus had learned that the new guild held Order, and Honor above all things, and strived to maintain balance. Though, unlike many of the other self-righteous guilds or groups he had heard about, the guild does not always take the most… legal approach to things. In fact, from what Markus understood, so long as innocents were not harmed even killing was allowed. For the chaos mage, this was a relief, as holding back his magic was exhausting, and without having to limit himself be believed he could reach new heights.

    Perhaps even be able to once more attempt to end his Father.

    Listening to 7 speak, Markus would find himself nodding. He had learned while at Fairy Tail just how powerful teamwork could be, despite the massive powerhouses aboard the boat. Markus would think, glancing at Johann. Who… as it turned out, was next to speak.

    For the chaos mage, it was still strange to think of himself as a ‘soldier’, though he assumed like most things the word would fade. As Johann spoke, Markus would glance down at his own wrist. Having put on the bracelet in order to not start a fuss. He didn’t even have a lacrima phone, and suddenly he had a high-tech tracking device. He only hoped it was only needed on missions such as this. Though, the ability to call down an artillery strike was more than intriguing enough for him to not cause a fuss.

    As they finished talking Markus would again turn away. Other than three people, his leaders as it turned out, he knew no one on the boat, and as always, his unsocial tendencies shined through in moments like this. For a brief moment the chaos mage debated saying something to Aporia, before remembering they were not speaking to one another, and he doubted she would respond. It was strange, the silence that came from not sharing another mind. As the massive boat continued on its path, the chaos mage would prepare himself. Suddenly, his body would flash as a small change overcame his bearing. He would seem slightly bulkier, and his eyes would flash with chaotic magic. In his hand a spear would appear, its tip pronged with two blades. Then, finally at his side his shadow would warp and change as Hela stepped forth, a massive wolf seemingly dripping shadows itself.

    Placing his hand upon her head, Markus would continue to stare forward towards wherever their destination would appear.



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
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    Posts : 364
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 5
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 269,157

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Sound Slayer
    Second Skill: Foedus Pares
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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Masha 10th August 2019, 12:31 pm

    The sea breeze gently lifted crimson hair. The succubus took a deep breath of brine. The ocean was beautiful. Masha had spent this entire journey staring out onto the blue waves. She wanted to commit it to memory. Assuming her memory didn't disappear again. Her brow furrowed as she tried yet again, to remember anything of her previous life. Only a black void greeted her attempts. Everything she had done, everyone she had met, all but the most basic things she needed had been wiped away. Relearning her magic would take some time. Caius, Aodhfin and her other friends were trying to help as best they could. After the stunts Caius had pulled however, it was hard to trust much of what they said.

    That sparked the journey to connect to her past. The symbol on her chest had been her most reliable clue. The Rune Knights had been most helpful. They'd pointed her toward something called Dies Irae. A guild of some sort, with mages for justice. Which meant she'd been a combat mage. Someone that fought for justice and the safety of all. Hopefully. She could have easily been just a pencil pusher. Looking at the folder she'd found, Masha realized she could have been a harlot and peeping tom as well. Her cheeks colored remembering the stories she'd read. Nothing in the stories said if they were fiction or not. Masha could only hope that she never met anyone from those stories.

    A finger tapped her shoulder. Her reverie broken, Masha turned around. A burly ginger male stood behind her. Tom. This was why she was on the boat in the first place. Tom had grabbed her while they were loading the boat. It had been difficult to keep her amnesia under wraps. Tom seemed to only know her via reputation. Though that begged the question: What reputation? "The Ambassadors are about to talk to the soldiers. You seemed a little lost in the ocean so I thought I'd come to get you." The smile Tom gave her nearly had Masha hallucinating Caius. The vampire had an adamant opinion on men. If he smiles in your direction, he wants in your pants. If he laughs at something stupid, he wants in your pants. Beware the males!

    The succubus returned the smile before moving to hear the Ambassadors' speech. Were they the heads of the guild? Stand-ins of some sort? These two might hold a few answers for her. She listened politely, ignoring Tom's attempts to talk to her. Wristbands? The succubus inspected the band Tom had slapped around her wrist. That in conjunction with the strange uniform she was wearing seemed to be reminiscent of something. It tickled her mind. Then the rest of the speech clicked into place. Artillery? Soldiers? One hour? Save the island?! The succubus tried to keep her distress hidden. She hadn't fought anything serious since losing her memory. How... what? Her fingers absentmindedly rubbed her forehead. A light scar marred the center, the source of her amnesia according to others.

    What to do, what to do? She needed to talk to one of the ambassadors. She couldn't fight! She was only a lost woman trying to connect to a lost past! Whatever she might have been wasn't what she was now. Maybe they'd allow her to stay on the boat. "You look a little nervous Red. How about we blow off some steam?" A few of the soldiers around them catcalled. They seemed to think something significant about the phrase. Masha furrowed her brow. That phrase was familiar somehow. Caius had used it once. Right before... She smiled brightly. "I'd love to spar with you!" There was a collective 'oooo' from the soldiers around them. They backed away to give them space.

    Tom had a pained expression as he pulled off his uniform jacket. Masha did the same. Her undershirt drew a few whistles. The redhead blushed, trying to adjust the shirt. It was too tight. She needed something baggy to be comfortable. Not important. This fight would prove she didn't belong here. As they squared off, Masha's body took over. It knew what to do instinctively. Her arms came up. She bounced around on the balls of her feet. As Tom came towards her, her mind supplied her with the needed information.

    A querying punch was slapped aside. Masha didn't think she'd hit hard but Tom shook his hand out. "This is a sparring match, Red. Calm d... oof!!" Stepping inside his guard, Masha had jabbed Tom's stomach. She kicked his left leg out from under him and finished the fight by slamming the man into the deck. All without breaking a sweat. Masha blinked down at Tom. Where the hell had that come from? The other soldier tapped her arm, his face going red. She had been slowly pushing down on his chest. Masha leaped away from him. "Ah! I'm sorry! I don't know where that came from!" A few DI mages stepped forward to help Tom. Masha tried to make herself small and unnoticeable. One thought rang clear through her mind.

    Who was I?

    WC: 855


    Masha - Bank - Sound Satan Slayer (Primary) -Foedus Pares (Secondary)

    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Keymasha
    Cordelia Beaumont
    Cordelia Beaumont

    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
    Position : None
    Posts : 158
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : ‭22,335

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Curse of Lust
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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Cordelia Beaumont 13th August 2019, 4:31 pm


    C Rank

    Dies Irae

    Church of Free Will Priestess

    Purging the Dark Ones

    An actual operation. Now this would certainly be more interesting.

    Kessicia had found herself recruited into the ranks of the Dies Irae mission team, asked to accompany the other healers that would surely be needed. She hadn’t actively taken part in many of the missions run by the guild as… it wasn’t truly in her nature. She was far better suited in the medical wards and in quite study within her own monastery. Her room had become something of a holy ground for her spiritual practice, adorned with several pieces of writing she had forged herself. There had been a few that had been bold enough to ask about what religion she subscribed to; as it seemed far different from some of the more practical ones. Truly, she believed she worshipped the same Lord as everyone else – she just perceived him in a different light. He wanted humanity to be all they could be; to come together in spirit and matter and create a bond that could never be broken. A place where darkness and evil could never breach, despite their best efforts. But to reach that place, it meant they had to purge evil’s numbers and there were a far many foot soldiers for the Dark Ones.

    Many people believed she spoke of demons. She quietly corrected them, always keeping a thinly veiled smile on her face. In truth, it had been a Demon Lord that had helped her when she was lost. She had discovered that, not unlike humans, demons came in all kinds as well. They weren’t all evil in practice or in nature. Ruzatz certainly wanted humanity to remain on the planet and he wanted the evil forces at work to cease existing. Her Messiah was an understanding and wonderful man and without him, she would still be lost on her path. But people didn’t understand that and she knew this well. She never wanted to give the wrong impression so she simply found more general ways to explain it.

    And for her hunger, the one bestowed upon her when fate fused her soul with a succubus? Prayer helped ease it down to a dull roar but there were still times she was able to reinvigorate herself. Her beauty was still intoxicating to men and women not proficient in magic or ones that weren’t as practiced as herself. She had moved to a place where, if someone asked for her to indulge them in more carnal activities, she would oblige. With Ruzatz’ training, she was capable of lying with lovers without killing them – if she so chose. There was still the possibility that if she needed to get close to a Dark One, she could manipulate them and cut his thread in a different manner. She’d also learned that the souls of the departed sustained her for longer periods than sex, so when an evildoer passed from this world, she took their essence in. She was the cauldron that would burn away their sin and send them to Paradise once they had atoned.

    But the moments before a grand operation wasn’t the time to think upon such things. Quietly she turned away from the side of the boat and looked up towards the sound of her superior, 7. Despite her time in the ranks of Dies Irae, she hadn’t been properly introduced to several of the key members of the organization but she knew them by their faces and voices. She watched and listened as 7 delivered an emphatic and moving speech, unfortunately cut off before she could finish it. The succubus’ brow furrowed in concern but Ambassador Johann quickly stepped in and rounded out the message, focusing more on the tactics of mission rather than attempting to rally the troops. He seemed like a man that saw the details easier than the emotions, whereas 7 seemed more comfortable rousing the troops for combat. Together, they were a formidable team.

    She glanced down at the wrist device that Johann had mentioned, turning her arm over so she could inspect it. Through the grace of her Lord, she wouldn’t have to worry about activating such a thing. But she was still thankful to have such a safeguard in case she needed it. She spoke a silent prayer to herself before some commotion caught her attention. Some of the soldiers were making noises that she, herself, had heard several times. Her head turned to look at one of the other members of the guild, Masha. Apparently one of the men behind her – a rambunctious soldier named Tom – had asked for a spar. And by the sounds of it, it looked like she agreed.

    But it certainly didn’t end up being more than a beatdown. Masha easily planted Tom into the hard floor of the deck, pinning him there for a long moment. It seemed she had gotten lost in her own battle instincts as, when she came out of it, she was quick to apologize and feign ignorance to her own strength. How interesting. Swiftly the succubus parted the lines of soldiers and kneeled down over Tom, resting her hand gently on his chest. Her magic flowed out of the palm of her hand and cleared away the bruising and ache he would already be feeling. The side effect was, of course, the love-struck gaze he gave her. She smiled evenly. “Careful not to get too rowdy, gentlemen. There are plenty of Dark Ones awaiting that would be better suited for your energies,” she spoke to the man on the ground and the group surrounding him.

    As she stood up, she walked over to Masha and smiled once more. “Same goes for you, dear. Strength like that will be well needed in the crusade that awaits us. Blessed be,” she spoke to the other succubus gently, seeing no reason to admonish her for not knowing her own strength. With that she returned to her previous position, standing close to the edge of the boat and looking out over the sea.

    Curse • Sakuramori • 1002


    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken 58995_s
    Character | Magic | Armory
    Let's go on an adventure!
    Hero Yamamoto
    Hero Yamamoto

    One Punch Man

    One Punch Man

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hero of the Almighty
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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Hero Yamamoto 15th August 2019, 11:48 am

    Hover over the image below!


    Current HP: 960 / 960
    Current MP: 600 / 600
    Word Count: 785
    Total Word Count: 785
    WC Requirement: N/A
    Comments, Concerns, Etc.: This is sample text. There is a sidebar that will allow you to scroll through any/all information placed in this section.

    There was a first time for everything. It's definitely an excuse that the reason Hero was late today is in fact because he was out of practice with having schedules to follow. Recently, the giant joined a relatively fresh organization by the name of Dies Irae, which was founded by Johann von Weiss who was also a powerful Wizard Saint. He also met a woman named Mia Qinwynn; she seemed to hold more than a few secrets but never confronted her on them on account of being rude. Some time after that, he was shown around the grounds and another guild member named Seven made for him a uniform to wear when on business, much to his chagrin.

    Anyway, the actual reason Hero was late is due mostly to the fact that he got stopped by lots of people in the port. Considering how long he was gone for, civilians and mages alike had many questions as well as prayers and well wishes. Because of that, the giant ended up behind by nearly an hour and the guild's vessel had long disappeared into the distance. At this point, most of the adults returned to their business but kids were still playing around him despite him being in quite a hurry. No matter the personal circumstances, it seemed Hero would always have a sweet spot for children. At least for the children, he felt that a smile was mandatory... but that was all he could muster.

    "Everyone, I really have to go now. I'm very late to a gathering for Dies Irae that I can't miss. I will be back soon though. Promise!"

    For a moment, all the kids stopped to complain but then agreed to hold the giant to that promise; Yamamoto then gave them a thumbs up before darting off through the port and reaching open water. It had been some time since he felt the need to travel on foot, but there was no doubt this would be the quickest way to catch up. Hopefully the guild would not think too poorly on him this one time for being late. The man gathered ethernano from his surroundings and poured it evenly throughout his body, therefore creating a bright golden aura around his body.

    "Oi, everyone! Hero is about to run! Take a break and see him off! Don't forget to brace yourselves!"

    In the distance, Hero could hear the citizens talking amongst themselves as though it was some sort of magic show. With knees and ankles bent, left leg behind him, Titan flashed a quick smile before shooting out across the open ocean much like a rocket. The force of his movements shot up showers of water all over that side of town; it did not take long for the giant to already be minutes from catching up to the guild vessel. His aura prevented water from getting on the uniform even at this speed. More impressive was that the uniform remained perfectly intact despite the intense friction between legs and arms. Then again... the fabric itself was spun directly from magic by a high-level mage. It was bound to be extremely sturdy. Ahead of him was a behemoth of a ship donning the Dies Irae colors. Hero grinned satisfactorily at the thought of being able to catch up so quickly. Clearly he was not as rusty as he assumed. The Giant lengthened his stride in order to gain even more speed so that he could make that jump to the top deck. To the untrained eye, Hero likely looked like an actual rocket with the amount of water picked up on top of the traveling speed he was going. Hopefully the trained individuals there would recognize he was a person and not a target by the time he got close enough.

    However, Hero was moving so fast that he was already nearly upon the aft end of the ship. He chuckled once and, using the momentum built up by his sprint, Titan pushed off the water's surface hard enough to make the hull shudder a little. Power was just enough to get him to the top deck where everyone was standing around or sitting to talk among themselves. No actually he overshot a little bit and was going to end up landing right in the middle of the platform. Luckily, there was enough space for him to land on his two feet, thanks to being noticed early on. Upon landing, the metal underneath him creaked a bit; the shock wave made half the vessel vibrate. Hero stood up tall and grinned.

    "Seems I was right on time! That was a pretty good warm-up for my legs. Thank you for waiting on me."

    © Coding done by Hero Yamamoto


    " 戦争が来ています。そしてそれが起こると...人生は死を切望するでしょう。"
    "War is coming. And when that happens... life will yearn for death."
    Job Slots: 3 of 6
    D - 8C - 1B - 1A - 4S - 210Y - 0100Y - 0
    The Great VaultTemplate † Main Theme †  Hero's Voice †
    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken RkPDiNE
    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Ray Jyx 23rd August 2019, 11:31 pm

    Her mentor's healing spell couldn't have come at a more perfect time, since she'd really been mere seconds away from a rather un-Ambassador-like cookie toss over the edge of the ship. At least on trains, she could usually lay down and survive in moderate discomfort. Being on a ship was a whole different level of misery for the slayer. But thankfully as her nausea subsided to a tolerable level, her death grip on the bow's railing eased and she turned to smile a sincere thank you to Johann.

    Turning to take a better look at the guild members roaming about the ship now that her crisis was averted, the clone noted two of her friends staring off over the ocean from two different positions. One was Amalie, the picture of serenity as usual. Reuniting with Markus after so much time had passed was a bit strange at first, but ultimately she was pleased his path had brought him her and Johann's guild. Life worked oddly at times, though Sivvy wouldn't dare call it fate since such abstract notions were nothing but a headache for the pragmatic woman. Still, she found it ironic that they met when both were so weak compared to now. She was a guild master and his power was staggering even to someone as strong as she was. If anything, her magic power sensory put him more in line with Johann than herself, which did bother her a little. That was neither here nor there, though.

    Masha was the first to make use of the prep time with what looked like a warm-up spar to Sivvy. The rose-haired Ambassador approved, though she did wish both involved had kept their uniforms intact. There was no reason to break protocol in hopes of keeping it wrinkle-free or clean. These weren't dress uniforms. They'd been designed to be intimidating, elegant, and flexible enough for any activity. However, the matter was small enough that as long as they pulled the outfit back together before they reached land, it should be fine.

    A member had been staring out at the sea, one she'd met but had even less interaction with than Masha. Kessicia inserted herself to make sure Tom was alright and spoke some wisdom to the lot of them. The clone nodded to herself, appreciating that action. It kept her from having to walk over there herself, which was a blessing. While Johann's magic was working to soothe her stomach, it hadn't yet alleviated enough that she felt comfortable walking around the swaying warship being bumped by countless fish of various sizes.

    As Kessicia also returned her eyes to the sea, Sivvy thought to join in with the majority of the guild member base and actually enjoy the view herself now that she felt better when the whole ship violently shook, then vibrated and essentially shook again. All her focus had been on remaining strong and pushing past her motion sickness, so she didn't even sense their largest guild mate's approach until he'd sent her stomach reeling again in protest. Her hand reached out to clench the arm of Johann's uniform jacket, though her expression remained neutral albeit paler. It was Hero, the missing member from today's launch. Though she knew little about him other than his physical measurements, she'd been a little disappointed that he hadn't come even though he'd been recruited for this crusade. Being late wasn't ideal, but he was here now, and with a dramatic entrance at that. Maybe she'd have been more peeved about his tardiness if not for being impressed that he'd apparently run that entire distance across the water to catch up. At least everyone was here that should be.

    In less than an hour's time the ship made it to the island, weighing anchor as close as possible without beeching. The view was...wrong. Sivvy had her traveler's manual out, mostly to get a comprehensive layout of the area, but comparing what they were seeing to the information and images of the destination before it came under dark mage influence took her attention. From what had been known previously about Kenrojima, it had been a lively and tropical place. Thick jungles formed a halo around the perimeter of the island while the towns and capital were kept to clearings inside. The fruit trees provided them with a buffer against storms and high waves, and also one of two strong sources of income. Exporting the indigenous fruits and their by-products such as alcohols and syrups accounted for half of their trade, while the other half was catching the abundant sea life from the waters to sell. It was the perfect combination to make sure no mouth went hungry. In fact, Kenrojima was so wealthy from sustainable resources that it was both a blessing and a curse that the hazardous waters made it so difficult to reach; blessing because it was safe from overcrowding from immigration, but cursed because it couldn't share its comfortable life and rich culture with the world. Images in her book showed grinning faces among the lush green, with many tanned locals happily harvesting before spending their evenings at bright community festivals. If any word came close to what it was, it'd be paradise. White sands, fruity drinks, gorgeous weather... it was a happy place with happy people.

    What they saw now made a liar of her book, which was slowly magically correcting itself per this new information. This particular spot they had reached had once been a thriving fishing port, but all of the piers had been demolished or burned. Wrecked wooden ships made the sands a nautical graveyard, abandoned and foreboding. A warning to outsiders. Possibly more horrifying than the ruined piers was the expanse right behind it. There was no mistake that it had once been filled with a thick jungle of fruit trees. Little stubs of trunks still peppered the sands, their splintered bones poking up into the air as if searching for their bodies. None of the actual trees remained, as if they'd been snapped off and consumed whole. Still more disturbing was the length of this already impossibly wide expanse. It dragged on like a gaping maw toward the center of the island for a mile or two, leaving nothing tree stumps and building foundations in its wake. Even though it was far in the distance, some buildings were still standing, though they were damaged and smoke billowed from a couple.

    The dinghies were lowered and filled with Dies Irae guild members to take them inland. As each of the small boats ran ashore and the mages stepped foot into the sands, Sivvy stepped ahead and held up a hand for them to pause. Now that she was on land all hints of her former affliction evaporated, leaving a fierce warrior ready for the challenge ahead. “Stay on alert at all times! Whoever razed the land through here has left this as a warning to outsiders like us, but as members of Dies Irae, we are more than prepared to deal with any level of threat. As long as we stay focused and work together, stopping the dark mages that devastated such a beautiful island is achievable. No one should work alone here, though you may splinter off to try to come at our enemies from varying angles. We are at a disadvantage here. We don’t know how many foes there are or what they are capable of. My map of this island is useless in light of this destruction, so we are going in blind. Just remember our purpose, which is to liberate the innocents and put the people who did this in the ground.”

    Once she was finished, she again looked toward Johann. “Anything you want to add before we begin?” Sivvy asked at last, seemingly itching to get to work. Many things in life were still confusing to the young woman, but things like this were simple. Expectations were clear, and situations were black and white. This was her element, so this is where she would shine.

    WC: 1345 || Sivvy's WC: 1979


    Last edited by Sivvy on 6th September 2019, 2:39 am; edited 1 time in total


    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Jkp0PmI

    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 24th August 2019, 3:57 pm

    For just a few seconds, when the Ambassador of Dies Irae had finished giving his part of the speech, he let his gaze wander over the Soldiers present for this mission, acknowledging everyone of them as people he had either seen or spoken with before. All of them, he hoped, would be reliable fighters, he wasn't so sure about a few since he had never seen them in action, but he would be sure that today, at the least, there would be ample chance for that. When on the island, they would-


    At once, the warship, DI's steel behemoth, despite its thousands upon thousands of tons in raw displacement, would violently rock from side to side, a heavy impact causing the metal hull to vibrate, the tone deafening for but a second, especially for the silver-haired man with arguably sensitive hearing. Momentarily, the man's attention shifted to the highest alert as Sivvy grasped his arm, ready to react to possible hostile action. Had the dark mages detected them despite them being many miles off the coast of Kenrojima? Had an enemy shell struck the Brigandine? If so, it was time to alert the soldiers and sailors. If need be, they had to get ready and charge into battle right now as opposed to in an hour.

    Johann looked over at the point of impact, his brows narrowing as he spotted what he had originally mistaken for an enemy projectile, the stoic expression on his face turning sour ever-so-slightly. "Mr. Yamamoto!", he called out, taking a few steps forward, facing the late arrival. "I'm glad you have found your way to us, after all, and in such merry mood as well. Please, next time, however, try not to risk sinking our vessel. Some of us lack the ability to launch ourselves across the ocean like a cannonball. Thank you". When he had finished his admonition, with a still stern look, but relieved sigh, he would turn back to his fellow Ambassador, giving the rose-haired girl a nod. "I'll be right back, Sivvy. Hold on tight and keep an eye out"

    With that, the man would turn to another side of the warship towards another more than familiar figure. With everything the guild had made its goal on this day, the Rune Mage still couldn't rid himself of a subtle, yet omnipresent nervous feeling in his stomach, something that only got stronger whenever his eyes fell on the blue-haired Articulation Mage and vessel for Anima. "Amalie", he would address her, moving closer so he could speak without half the ship hearing what he was saying. "Hey, sorry I haven't gotten the chance to talk to you yet. The preparations for today kept me busy ...", he would explain, a subtle tone of regret coating his words as he spoke, though he made a point to keep his expression neutral in case anyone was watching. "How are you feeling? This upcoming mission is gonna be ... difficult. We're gonna be busy". Of course, that was quite an understatement. The best-case scenario was that they would do exactly what they had signed up for and purge the entire island of the unlawful occupiers. Bloodshed was as good as guaranteed. "I just- I figured that ... well ... I'd tell you that ...". It was hard to find words for the emotions that he felt, the moments of clarity that broke through the confusions that his affections brought over him. "You know, I just want you to be safe. Please look out for yourself out there. I just ... I don't want you to get hurt, so, if there's anything you need ...". He didn't quite know if that would do it justice, but the man allowed his expression to reflect the thoughts that went through his mind, his eyes looking down upon the woman with hints of concern, consideration, worry, though at the same time, he reminded himself that it was Amalie who he was talking to. The woman was more than capable to hold her own in combat, that much was sure, but the nature of the mission that was before them was and would be shrouded in mystery for the time being. Johann, just as much as anyone else on this ship, did not know what Kenrojima would have in store for them, what dangers they would face today, but the bit of confidence from earlier remained.

    Dies Irae would accomplish their goal, no matter the cost. It was the guild's self-ascribed goal, after all.

    "Anyway, I still have some preparations to make in my cabin, and I imagine so do you. I'll see you when we get there in an hour. Please, be safe". It was a cold exchange, certainly, lacking the usual warmth, but the task at hand didn't exactly allow for much more cordiality. The Ambassador gave the woman a nod before turning away towards the ship's superstructure, walking towards a steel door that he swung open and closed, heading into the interior of the ship and ultimately, his quarters.

    The man lost no time, picking out the pieces of the various pieces of equipment he had brought with him for this, sheathing the red straightsword he had kept in a chest at the foot of his bed and tying it to his belt. "So, you reckon I'll get to have lots of fun today?". The deep ring of Mars' voice, as usual, echoed through the back of his head, Johann replying without delay. "I told you, we'll see how it goes. If we run into problems, we'll need your power" "We? Or you? You need to learn to fight on your own, old man, tssehehe ..." "Perhaps, but wouldn't that mean less playtime for you?". The exchange between the Second Seal was one of familiarity. By now, the two knew how the other operated, and Johann could almost feel the broad grin that steeped Mars' response in a tone of glee and excitement. "You raise a fair point, old man. Just make sure to leave some of them for me ...". The man put on the pair of white lacrima gloves he called his own, completing the preparations. "Let's go, we don't want to be late".

    It was a little under an hour later than Joh would set foot on the beach of Kenrojima, his eyes locked on the treeline ahead, the thick jungle canopy covering the island before the scouting party in a blanket of green ... apart from a very obvious path of destruction that had been carved into it, scorched ground and ash marking a path that reached further inland. His brows furrowed at the display of volatile and senseless devastation. They would put an end to this soon. Sivvy would take the opportunity to speak up once more, addressing the Soldiers that had accompanied them onto the island, Johann walking up to stand next to her, turning from the jungle to overlook the group of guild mages. The girl really had grown into it. The way she seemingly instinctively wielded the authority she held, firm, but not without grace. It seemed like now, after a while, the girl had become a leader instead of a follower. Was all of this a facade? It couldn't possibly be. For a brief second, the man caught himself admiring how natural it seemed to come to her before she gave the word over to him, the silver-haired Rune Mage clearing his throat. "As the Ambassador said, remember that our very first priority is to save the people of this island. Everything else is inessential. Oh, and one last thing, just to make myself clear ...", Johann would look at every one of the soldiers before raising his voice once more, "... we come here as liberators. Not conquerors, not crusaders, not executioners. Try to keep the island and its infrastructure intact if you can at all help it. That said, ladies and gentlemen, soldiers of Dies Irae ...", a glare of determination flashed in his gaze briefly, manifesting as a noticeable increase in magical pressure emanating from the man, "... I believe we have ourselves a dark guild to hunt".

    A subtle, but unambiguous smirk would curl a corner of his mouth upwards as he turned back to the jungle and the path of destruction before them.

    "Show them no mercy".

    Word Count: 1,394
    Word Count Total: 2,290



    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Amalie 25th August 2019, 8:20 am

    The Articulation Mage hadn't been paying much attention to the goings-on around her, lost in her own thoughts as she mentally prepared herself for what was about to happen. She reached down, her fingers gently tracing the hilt of her gun. She was generally quite reliant on her magic, so the idea of owning a gun hadn't actually occurred to her. Until the opportunity came to her recently, she'd visited an inn with the intention of gathering information. She'd recently picked up a job to look for a missing girl in Desierto, last sighted at the Golden Horseshoe Inn. She'd turned up with a photo and a name, she'd wanted to get information out of the locals, she had approached a particularly rowdy bunch gambling amongst themselves. But something about an assertive woman addressing them irked them, and so the only way she'd been able to get information was by besting them all in a hand of poker. She'd gotten the information she'd wanted and for the sake of her own amusement, she'd won the leader's gun too.

    The gun, however, turned out to be the only real reward of the exchange, because where the information had led her to was finding the corpse of the missing girl horrifically mutilated in a hostel bathroom. When she'd reported her findings to the Magic Council, however, she'd been informed not to investigate any further.  A frustrating result, she understood that the job had been only to locate the missing girl, but knowing that she'd been murdered, leaving it at that didn't feel right to Amalie. It sat on her mind, she wanted to talk to either Sivvy or Johann about it. To get their thoughts on the matter, especially as it was technically out of her jurisdiction to act when having been instructed not to look further into it by an authority such as the Magic Council. But that didn't mean she wanted at least try, maybe if one of the Ambassadors could talk to them directly she might be able to get permission to investigate it. Despite her wishes, she acknowledged that the mission they were currently on had taken priority and that her concerns would simply have to wait.

    A sudden force rocked the woman thoroughly, causing her to reach out and snatch the edge of the boat to stop herself from being flung over the edge into the sea. She whipped around sharply, reaching for her gun once more, she was ready to use it in case the ship was under attack from the enemy. However as her eyes settled on the giant dressed in Dies Irae uniform, her arm relaxed. Her eyes narrowing irritably, she had been about to reprimand the man herself had Johann not rushed forward and done the same. She listened in, a small smirk on her lips. She couldn't help but enjoy the sight of Johann in 'Ambassador' mode, it was just another one of the reasons she found him so attractive. The level of authority that he carried so easily, an appealing contrast to the way he was when it was just the two of them. Her ice-blue eyes would meet his as he approached, calling her name in greeting. As he spoke, it seemed he had come over to check in on her, her eyes softened slightly as she addressed him. "It's fine, I understand the importance of preparing thoroughly for the mission we're about to undertake. Chances favor the prepared after all." She responded, before taking a moment to consider how to answer his question. She didn't want to lie to him, but she also didn't want to worry him either, "I'm ready for what's to come." She told him honestly, she was anxious but no less prepared to rush into battle in the name of her guild.

    As he continued, trying to find a way to tell her to be safe. She smiled at him, she reached out to gently touch his arm. It wasn't a lot, in truth she wanted to reassure him more affectionately but they were in public, and she knew she had to respect his position. "I know... the same goes for you. I will be fine, whatever happens, as long as you come back to me when it's all over." She told him quietly, hoping this would put him at ease a little, before removing her touch. After a moment, he would shift back to a professional manner. She would reflect his nod but watch for a moment as he left her. After a moment, she turned away, deciding to go seek Sivvy and check up on her. Not wanting to be lost in her thoughts any longer.

    As the time came that they would arrive at the island, Amalie had returned to the main deck of the ship. She moved close to the edge of the Brigandine once more, leaning over the edge to get a look at Kenrojima. The devastation on the island was apparent, even Anima reeled with disgust at the sight of it. She could feel the Nephillims disdain rising, which really didn't surprise her because displayed before them was a clear example of why humanity could be so disappointing. On the order, she moved towards the dinghies, climbing in, she could have flown over to the shore. But decided to hold back in case the enemy had something set up for the sake of magical detection, at the very least it made sense to wait for the Ambassadors command. When the small boat pulled up the shore, she would climb out, brushing down her uniform out of habit. As the guild members collected on the shore, Sivvy would address them once again. Encouraging them to proceed with caution and stick together, ideally, Amalie worked better alone but she understood the order. The pink-haired guild master would wrap up her direction clearly and concisely, reaffirmation the goal they aspired for. She would hand over to Johann who would reiterate their point, his words were reassuring. Liberators... She repeated in her mind, that was how it had been at River Village, and that was how she needed to see it now. It was the best way to settle her mind on the prospect of the potential murder she would engage in.

    At his final remark, it was clear that this was their confirmation that the mission was to start. Amalie would summon her magic forth from within, allowing it to creep up through her. As she proceeded to cast her enchantments, her voice would reverberate with magic. "Empowerment, Resistance, Fortify" Several pulses of energy would release around her as her enhancement spells activated, a means to prepare her body for the fight ahead.

    WC: 1122 | Amalie's Total: 1656



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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by MarkusEldridge 26th August 2019, 12:22 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 1203
    Total Word Count: 1837

    Markus Eldridge

    The Progeny of Chaos found his mind coming in and out, at times thinking inwards towards his own life, predicaments, and situation. So much had changed so suddenly for the man, in ways he would have never expected. Of course, most recently there was his new guild… Allies as far as he could tell, with similar thoughts and ideals to his own. At least… people who were not as squeamish about doing whatever was needed.

    The Chaos Mage would take a moment to pace the ship, allowing his legs to stretch. He would briefly eye fellow members, a female with red hair, and a male. Neither of which he knew. As they would battle, sparing in preparation of the upcoming affairs. It was interesting, to watch how they interacted, and see the ferocity the woman showed, despite being called allies. Either way, the chaos mage did not really care, and was more finding something to occupy his time. As a second woman joined the group, providing some kind of healing support to the man, Markus would walk away. Hela always present at his side. Though Markus usually kept the wolf companion of his within his shadow, where she preferred, and was able to attack with surprise. After resent events, the two had started relying on one another more than before, much like they had before Markus was lost in the void for years. Returning to the same spot he had once been at, his eyes would again find the horizon. Taking a deep breath, he would concentrate on what was to come. On the battle ahead. Trying to keep thoughts of his family, and his father from his mind.

    Then there was the other thing… He still had not spoken to her… She would have no idea of his current situation, or that Serilda and Mythal had arrested him. He had requested that the information be kept between them, until he had the time to speak with her himself. Although both seemed hesitant, and make sure he understood, they would not lie if asked. Finally, they came to an agreement. Markus was to tell her what was going on, and what had happened at the earliest conveyance. Obviously doing such sooner meant less of a chance that she would ask them. Although, he did not expect Johann to show up and offered his current opportunity, it worked as a great buffer for him to get his thoughts together. Truth was, Markus did not regret his actions, not even in the slightest. Despite the deaths that had occurred, and the destruction left. The men that had died were the worst of the worst, and each execution had lead Markus closer to what he needed to do. Closer to his goal. Closer to his Father. He was sure she would understand that… or at least accept it. Either way, Markus was not fully at fault. Aporia had a certain… sway, now that they had made their resent pact. She could control him, and his emotions in ways he would have never allowed before. Allowing him to be the same ruthless, careless man he once was. Allowing him to do, what needed to be done, when it needed to happen.

    Shaking his head, he would force the thoughts to fade from his mind and clear his head. Taking a deep breath, his hands would once more glide through Hela’s fur, feeling the thick and strange locks as they passed through his fingers. He would see he shuffle her head, as if hearing something strange. Looking around Markus would try and find the source, his ears while great were no where near as good as her own. Suddenly however, everything was brought to light with an ear shattering bang.

    Markus would grab toward the railing, as Hela crouched down both of them bracing themselves as the massive impact rocked the entire ship. Markus’ eyes would flash with magic as he called the void-like magics he controlled to him in an instant. Hela would let out a deep grown, here entire body shaking as both of them would look for the threat. His eyes would fall towards a giant of a man, standing well over everyone else upon the boat. His own body causing the flooring to creek and grown in an angry manor. For a brief moment Markus would prepare his attack, before realizing that he recognized the uniform even if he did not know the man. As Johann walked forward, acting far more calm than Markus himself felt, and admonished the man, and his entrance. Markus would calm down, and sent a mental command to Hela, who would stand once more still glancing about anxiously.

    Markus knew, like him, she would have very little experience with boats. Preferring instead to use Shadows and Void to travel, however as a whole it makes a lot more sense to join the rest of the guild in their efforts. Markus had no idea what kind of enemies they would be facing, or what kind of defenses they would have. Truth be told, he could entirely walk into a trap using his normal method of travel, which would lead to a very unfortunate series of events, and probably way too many questions… No, this was the safest method, and the best decision. After all, he was only released under the orders of following DI, Johann, and their mission.

    As Markus finished pulling his vestments together, he would watch as the island came into view, and the ship pulled closer inland, preparing for their attack. The entire island was… disheartening. Markus could see what once had been, and what was no more. The islands old docks, and its previous port was ruined. The jungles that were on the information document were all but non-existent. Ships were destroyed, and all about was the remains… and warning… left by the dark guild that had infested the land. Markus would shake his head, making a sound of disgust as his eyes took in more and more of the scene.

    Holding out his hand he would summon his spear, or more… Aporias spear. Watching as the strange metal bent in the sunlight, feeling as it radiant energy, dark and foreboding, cascaded from its depths. With a flash of Darkness, Markus would change. Standing taller, and looking heavier his body would adjust to the angelic takeover. His hair would suddenly be streaked with black, and now two black wings would extend from his back. Markus held back the full takeover, not wanting to completely loose control. However, already he knew. He was prepared.

    The chaos mage would watch as the smaller boats were lowered and loaded. Markus was certain to get on one of the first vessels to take off. His rage already threatening to take over, his eyes starting to flash with chaotic magic. As the boats were taken ashore he would step off, feeling his boots crunch on the beach. He would turn as 7 was to speak. His eyes all but flooded with magic. Then his eyes would flick to Johann as he finished giving them their briefing. At the final command Markus would give a slight smile. That… he could do.



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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Masha 28th August 2019, 8:23 am

    Masha blinked at the beauty that addressed her. It was strange that the other female was addressing her as an equal. She was just a recruit, right? She'd only just entered the guild. Masha touched two fingers to her head. Maybe that wasn't entirely correct. There had been certain assumptions made when her name had popped up on a list for this boat. Her brow furrowed. Could she have been wrong? Had she been with the guild since its founding? If so, why was her rank still so low? Hadn't she had any sort of work ethic whatsoever?

    Realizing that she was ignoring the dark woman before her, Masha coughed. Her cheeks flooded with heat. The redhead had noticed a tendency to focus on herself. It was selfish. She scrambled for something to say. A great rumbling filled the air. Masha's face turned nearly as red as her hair. Stupid stomach. Ever since she'd awakened with amnesia, her stomach hadn't been satisfied. There was always a gnawing hunger. Nothing she ate satisfied it. At one point, the succubus had eaten an entire feast trying to alleviate the hunger. It hadn't done a thing. Wait! She was doing it again. Damn it. Why was talking to people hard?

    Masha opened her mouth to speak. Without warning, the entire ship shook. A reverberating boom struck the air. The redhead was thrown forward into the other woman. "Ah...um... sorry." She stammered. The redhead scrambled to get upright. Flowery scents tickled her nose. Something about this woman smelled good. Why she was noticing what the healer smelled like? The skin of her face was enflamed past redemption. Surely it had been cooked to at least medium-rare if not well done. The succubus turned away from the healer. The embarrassment of facing her at the moment was too much. Perhaps there was a question that could occupy her attention: What had caused the large boom?

    A giant stood in the center of the boat. It was all she could do not to drop her jaw. Heck, might as well kick it off the side. There was a giant on the boat. Not only that but he was wearing the DI uniform. He was a soldier for this guild. Masha hadn't seen that coming. Given the rank and file soldiers all around her, the redhead had thought the entire guild was relatively similar. A group of soldiers with wildly variable leaders. Something like that. There must be more under the hood than she had realized. She would have to get to know her new --well, rather old-- guildmates.

    Masha decided it was best to make an exit. While she wanted to meet her guildmates -- probably remeet in some cases-- she needed to collect her thoughts first. They were also about to embark on a dangerous journey. It would be a shame to go into battle without truly understanding her magic. A little practice might go a long way. The succubus turned back to the healer. There was no call to be rude to this woman. ”I’m sorry for causing you trouble. Please excuse me.” She bowed swiftly. Grabbing her coat, the redhead made her way belowdecks.

    ”Well done, mistress, getting rid of that hussy. There is no telling what she would have done to you.” A cool voice said from the shadows. ”I also applaud your defeat of that musclebound idiot. He is too lowly to lay hands upon the likes of you. I shall tear him apart at the soonest opportunity.” Masha held in a sigh. Why had she ever made a contract with this guy? Caius was the image of refinement. The vampire knew how to dress. However, ever since she’d awoken, the count had lied to her or made lewd suggestions about their previous arrangement -- though he called it a relationship. The vampire also seemed to enjoy popping up where most of her other summons couldn’t appear.

    ”If you touch him, Caius, I’ll void our contract.” Masha said, her voice cold. She continued her search for a good place to train. The vampire slipped from the shadows to follow her. He’d chosen a suit that looked remarkably like the DI uniform. Masha scowled. Caius was asking for a beating. She couldn’t remember if wearing the uniform while not in the guild as a crime though. Pity. Marching the vampire up to the guild masters or one of the stronger looking guildmates could have been fun.

    ”My lady, it shall be as you wish. I do not know how you stand such vermin but you are all the more magnanimous for doing so.” Caius conceded with a small bow. Masha had to hand it to the vampire: he had a silver tongue. The redhead opened a door at random. A spacious area met her eyes. By luck, it seemed she had found a magic practice room. That was what she was going to call it anyway.

    Masha looked slyly at Caius. ”I suppose you wouldn’t mind helping little old me with a problem, would you Caius?” The vampire smiled widely. You would have thought she’d offered him a treat. She gestured to the room. Caius stepped boldly inside, his arms slipping from his jacket. Masha covered her smile with a hand. He wasn’t going to need his jacket, true. However, it wasn’t for the reason the vampire thought it was.


    After an hour of using Caius as a punching bag, Masha returned to the main deck. She was thoroughly satisfied with her progress. Several spells had returned to her. Others seemed to be just out of her grasp. If only she could figure out the little niggling in the back of her mind, she’d be set. The feeling had to do with magic. That much the succubus was sure of.

    The sight that greeted her was horrifying. Senseless destruction as far as the eye could see. Given what they’d been told about the island, Masha had been looking forward to the scenery. To see only ash and ruin in its place broke her heart. If she had one. The succubus still wasn’t sure about that. Trees torched, the port broken, ships spread out upon the beach like bodies. Masha’s fists clenched. Whoever had done this would pay.

    With her emotions going haywire, Masha’s magic followed suit. The succubus struggled to control the pink sparks flying from her hands as she listened to the Ambassadors. The woman struck an imposing figure. The man did as well if she was being honest. The succubus wasn’t sure if she was worthy of following them. Her past was gone. There was nothing of substance for her to stand upon. She didn’t even know if she’d struggled or fought with the people around her. Her expression hardened. After this, Masha needed to talk with the Ambassadors. She wanted to know who she’d been. She needed to know if she still belonged here.

    The male Ambassador’s final words caused a smile. Not one of mirth, or happiness. This was a smile of cold humor. Magic swirled about Masha’s feet. With that ‘go forth’, so to speak, she launched herself into the air. Small flashes of pink accompanied every step as she ran over everyone’s head toward the ruins of the forest.

    WC: 1215
    Total: 2070


    Masha - Bank - Sound Satan Slayer (Primary) -Foedus Pares (Secondary)

    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Keymasha
    Cordelia Beaumont
    Cordelia Beaumont

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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Cordelia Beaumont 30th August 2019, 3:32 pm


    C Rank

    Dies Irae

    Church of Free Will Priestess

    Purging the Dark Ones

    Kessicia may have parted with some more words with Masha, had it not been for the sudden eruption of sound and movement that shook the boat to its core. The succubus priestess turned sharply, keeping her wits and weapons prepared in case this was a preliminary attack. But instead her eyes were treated to a literal giant standing in the heart of the deck. To say he was of impressive size would be putting it mildly, as he probably could have used the warship as his personal paddleboat should he desire. She glanced out to the ocean, curious to how he had gotten here in the first place. Had he leapt from the land? Flew? Maybe even ran on the water. Someone of his size flying through the skies probably made for quite the unique sight, though a giant was one to marvel at on a normal day anyways. A handsome one at that.

    Still, her mind was still on the uneasiness of the other member of their squad, Masha. Kessicia turned to look at her again, catching sight of the sudden change of facial color. Blushing out of embarrassment or something else entirely? Before she could ask, Masha mumbled a quick apology and mustered a quick bow before she ran below the deck of the ship. The succubus watched her go, trying to decide if she should follow and inquire on how she was feeling. On any other day, she might have – but this was a very important day. Distractions couldn’t be thought of at the moment and so she turned her attention away, making a mental note to check on the other woman at a later point.

    Kessicia paid a little attention to Johann chastising the giant, apparently named Hero, for being late. After that, there was an eerie and tense silence that fell the soldiers. Many of them stood there, eyes forward, their minds racing at lightspeed for the battle ahead. Others found solace in talking to one another or practicing with their weapons and magic. She spotted a gloomy looking man, standing relatively close to an impressive hound, apparently just as deep in thought with the best of them. For the succubus’ part, she simply stood by the edge of the boat and stared out at the sea. Despite her outward stoic appearance, there were a lot of thoughts going through her mind.

    Kessicia’s entire life had been violence. Born poor, sold as a slave and passed around over the years had shown her no lack of punishment and agony at the hands of others. She had no formal combat training and she couldn’t recall a single time she had stepped up and pushed back against her masters. No, she had been too beaten down to care, even when the succubus had come to swallow down her soul. And even now, with the power of that same demon, she hadn’t been involved with full fledged battle. Her beauty and strength came from magical sources and she had to work to train them for her benefit. Jobs for Dies Irae involved hunting down dark wizards, a task she was more than happy to take on. But those had been limited numbers; they simply had no idea what capacity of armaments and reserves lay within the island’s being. Time would only tell…

    The island was… quiet, though the damage done to it was quite obvious. The description of an island paradise had been soured by the intervention of the Dark Ones, who had come and spoiled such a precious gem for their own benefit. Kessicia looked out among the carnage, the dilapidated structures and the earth-bound scars that would remain in the soil long after they were all gone. Even from here, Kessicia could sense the souls of those that had been struck down without mercy. Lingering remnants of spirits that both welled up her hunger and quelled her appetite all at the same time.

    This was a war. She lifted a single hand to look at it, noticing the small quivers that echoed out from her bones to her flesh. She closed it into a fist and let a small breath out through her mouth. Her gaze lifted to her leaders, the ambassadors that broke down the operation to its minimalist detail. The objective was to save any innocents that remained on the island and dispatch with the aggressors, once and for all. Their judgement had come in the form of Dies Irae and surely the Dark Ones would regret their actions, though given very little time to wonder on it.

    They had all but been given their orders. And though she didn’t raise her voice loud enough to warrant the attention of a speech, she did speak up then. Gently she brought her hands outwards, laying them flat on the air with the palms upwards. “To the Lord of Light and Creation, we ask that You bless our crusaders here today in their journey to smite evil from this place. Let Your hand guide their weapons to hit true and let Your voice make the Dark Ones tremble and fall before Your glory. For we our Your soldiers and will spread your Light against the Darkness until it is no more. Blessed be,” she prayed for their forces, undeterred by the sound of clattering steel and movement around her. Several soldiers paused before advancing, dropping their heads in silent adornment of her words to their spirits. Indeed, it was as if her words were a powerful rush of energy, surging through veins and spirits, lighting the fire of combat with fresh tinder. As she finished, she took a small step back with her left foot as one arm circled up over her head and the other under in front of her legs. They met near the center of her torso, spread apart and forming a circle and from there she bowed forward, completing the prayer.

    With that out of the way, Kessicia joined the rest of the healers and began to discuss with who they were assigned. As a principle supporter, she was far better suited for sticking with the main body of the army but at the same time, her ability to utilize offensive abilities gave her an edge in the scouting party. In the end, she opted to remain as an auxiliary tool to the whole, wanting her magic to benefit the larger cluster than the smaller.

    Curse • Sakuramori • 1074/2076


    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken 58995_s
    Character | Magic | Armory
    Let's go on an adventure!
    Hero Yamamoto
    Hero Yamamoto

    One Punch Man

    One Punch Man

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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Hero Yamamoto 3rd September 2019, 10:08 pm

    Hover over the image below!


    Current HP: 960 / 960
    Current MP: 600 / 600
    Word Count: 1,283
    Total Word Count: 2,068
    WC Requirement: N/A
    Comments, Concerns, Etc.: This is sample text. There is a sidebar that will allow you to scroll through any/all information placed in this section.

    As stated before, Hero hated being late to anything and this was definitely no exception. He could tell every single person on the ship was freaked out when the ship creaked, groaned and shook. The more skilled mages aboard spiked their signatures high enough for the giant to get a quick idea of whom he was mainly going to be working with. Four women and two men, excluding himself. Looking around, he pinpointed each of them and recognized them via his day-long studies of the guild's roster. Two of the girls were near each other when he turned to look: one of them was Kessicia, a C-rank mage, and the other was Masha, who was an A-rank mage. They were both quite strong individuals, though Yamamoto needed to pay special attention to Kessicia since at least officially on paper she was on the weaker end, to be blunt. He wouldn't know for certain until he actually worked with her after all. The next one Hero noticed was clutching Johann's arm; ah yes, she was Seven. That woman was the one who made him his uniform originally and she was also Johann's equal in terms of guild rank. Then of course there was Ser Weiss who looked less than happy about the commotion, and then closer to the railing of the ship there were two people. One was Markus Eldridge, who was a very powerful mage from what he'd heard in passing, and the other was named Amalie whom was also very skilled. Beyond that were the rank and file members who had their weapons ready before the Wizard Saint walked forward to diffuse the tension.

    Wearing a guild uniform certainly helped to alleviate any concerns about being an enemy for the six members he previously sensed, but what helped the rest of the ship was Johann who recognized and walked up to Titan with an annoyed expression. He did deserve to get admonished for the disturbance, though he thought he'd actually be punished more harshly for being late. Luckily the bigger issue was potentially breaking the vessel everyone was on. "My apologies. I'm still quite wild from my time away." After saying that, the giant increased his voice volume so that everyone could hear. "I hope you all will bear with me. There will be nothing to worry about on the island though. No civilians will come to harm from me." Titan's apology was sincere, though he did not bow. Despite Johann being of higher rank and ability, Hero was not inclined to show fealty to anyone he did not completely trust. Something like that came with time which was not applicable for now. Now, before he would forget, the man took a deep breath in and then exhaled to reduce his size to that of something significantly more reasonable: 6 feet 7 inches would do nicely. The last thing he needed to do was cause even more damage by remaining within his normal size.

    After doing that, the giant headed up to the very front of the ship and looked out toward where the island was. Judging by eyesight, they were roughly an hour away from arriving. That meant there was some down time for Hero to do some thinking on his own. Several years passed since everything happened. So much had changed that he hardly recognized Fiore. New guilds sprang up from where others fell. The disappearance of mages such as Ardere Kasai were a big hit as well. There was also the matter of his close friend, Leila Vergious, whom he had met up with briefly before disappearing again. He hoped with all his being that she was doing well and keeping herself safe.And yet... despite all of that, Hero hardly changed at all. Certainly he gained more control over himself and his inner demon but he did not get any stronger than S-rank. Too long he was away from everything. The big players were people he barely knew now, and the people he loved were... well at the very least they were nowhere to be found. Not by him anyway. Perhaps that was for the best, considering his mental state though. Most likely Titan would not have been able to handle anymore grief back then. What spurred him on now, though, was the promise he made to his cousin, Elyx. Do what he couldn't: make Fiore safe. There was a lot to do on that front. One might even say that was a near-impossible task. This country was somewhat of a beacon for evil to spawn and multiply; there was never a shortage of jobs to take on. What led him to join Dies Irae was the opportunity to fulfill those wishes by any means necessary.

    Put simply, the giant needed to become stronger. Much stronger, stronger than everyone in fact. And in order to achieve something of that caliber, Hero needed to help people. Good people. Yamamoto knew deep down that he could never accomplish that by himself, and even though he did not know if he could get close to others the same way that he used to, above all else he had to smile and push forward. That was his duty. Everything else beyond that would be considered purely as a bonus he could not expect.

    Next thing he knew, the ship had made a complete halt as they had finally made it to the dark mage infested island. The guild had already begun to disembark via the smaller boats along the sides and had sailed toward shore. Considering his size and well, demeanor, Hero jumped off of the Brigandine and landed onshore within twenty bounds. Leaning down to touch the sand, it was laced with soot and the smell was akin to burnt wood; it was clear there were signs of fighting here before it all moved further inland. Destruction was obvious, especially up ahead where there was a jungle. Before he could analyze more though, Seven began to speak. Everyone had reached shore at this point. She warned all members to be alert at all times and that maps she had provided were useless due to all the damage across the island. That woman had a fine presence now that she was on land. Motion sickness made it abundantly clear she was a slayer of some kind so this change did not surprise him. The goal was simple and to the point, though he already pretty much knew what the plan here was. Hero was willing to bet jewel everyone here knew the general task. Shortly after, Johann von Weiss took an opportunity to speak a bit more. More so directed at the higher-ranked members, he clarified that optimally the island's towns, plantlife and wildlife should remain intact.

    With the final statement spoken, Hero gathered ethernano into his body which caused it to shine brightly around him even in the day. He also called his hammer out and into his right hand. Its size was reduced to be a bit more in line with his own current height; he twirled it in the air a few times to warm up his arms and then let it rest upon his right shoulder. While he did know to control himself on this island, he did not know by how much. With some common sense however, he assumed that as long as everything mentioned already was not disturbed or harmed, we were free to go wild on our targets. Set to go now, he started walking alone toward the jungle, unsure of whether or not someone was going to attempt to join him. Titan had a gut feeling this was going to be a very fun day.

    © Coding done by Hero Yamamoto


    " 戦争が来ています。そしてそれが起こると...人生は死を切望するでしょう。"
    "War is coming. And when that happens... life will yearn for death."
    Job Slots: 3 of 6
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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Mitsu 5th September 2019, 8:40 am

    Star of the Morning
    Isaak was spending his time below decks, in a dark and cool room, ever since he had boarded the ship. He was prone to sea sickness, his enhanced senses not agreeing with sea-faring conditions in the slightest. It was made even worse with larger vessels, even though they were less effected by the rocking of the waves. He found it was best to seclude himself in an area with as little sensory stimulation as possible, to keep his symptoms at bay. Distracting his mind with something repetitive, something monotonous, was also a good way to suppress the nausea too, so he was praying to himself quietly.

    "Blessed are those who stand before the corrupt and the wicked and do not falter" The prayers were ones he had learned from the moment he could read, as was tradition in his family. They invoked the power of the most holy gods and their servants, they were spoken to bring protection and deliverance, to ward away evils and bind darkness. He knew them all by heart, and was able to recite the ones attributed to battle and victory without so much as a stutter. He had his swords crossed over his lap, a hand wresting on each hilt, as he said the prayer, wanting to bless his weapons as well "Blessed are the peace keepers, champions of the just."

    "Blessed are the righteous, the lights in the shadow. In our blood the holy's will is written." That verse always gave him pause, unsettled him in a way that he didn't know how to process. It spoke of how warriors of good must put their lives on the line to defend against the darkness, but also of how all death of light has a purpose. That mortals cannot question the will of the divine when it comes to eradicating the infernal. The idea of innocent lives being taken from the world having some grand meaning put a bad taste in Isaak's mouth as he said the verse, but still he said it. For the grace and protection of the heavens, so that they may win the battle ahead.

    Suddenly his motion sickness abated, fading to nothingness and a soft rap came at the door. It cracked open, letting light stream across the ginger's back "We're making landfall, Isaak. You should come up on deck." He nodded softly and rose, sliding each blade into their sheaths on his back. He headed out of the door of the cabin out into the hall, following his guildmate up onto the deck. When he arrived, everyone was piling into dinghies or launching themselves from the ship and heading towards the shore. Isaak thought about flying himself, but decided against it. He instead climbed into a dinghy with a few other members of the guild he had not yet met. They chatted as they rowed to shore, though once they touched land they split off into other groups.

    Isaak's eyes found Amalie quickly enough. He'd become adept at finding the woman in a crowd since she had taken him under her wing. He had examined her frequently enough, after all, trying to pick up on whatever had driven her to such levels of strength. She was his standard of strength, an idol one might go so far to say. He came up to her side as the Ambassadors addressed the guild at large, Isaak paying rapt attention to the God of Ishgar as he spoke. Once they were done, he spoke to Amalie "I've hunted demons before, in Midi. It was a training exercise my family did. But this will be the first time I'll ever face dark mages head on. I'm kinda nervous, kinda excited. You can probably tell by my rambling." He chuckled softly to himself "Joyeuse and Durandal are too. But it's harder to tell, on account of them being swords. Okay, I vote we get started before I say anything weirder than that."
    WC: 658 | TWC: 658
    Job Link/Job Approval


    Bank Isaak Alvah Exaltation of the Ligthbringer Ruination of the Lightbringer Ascension of the Lightbringer
    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken X1ZzeIP
    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 5th September 2019, 1:30 pm

    Nat had been in his room in the ship as the guilds journey to Kenrojima island went on for now wasn't the time for sight seeing. Now it was the time to prepare one's self for battle. And as such, he had been sharpening his stolen sword Ashbringer with whetstone he had taken from his pack. As he sharpened his weapon, he had thought deeply of what was to come. The thought of them saving an island from evil excited him the moment he first heard of it. In fact, he was among the first to prepare for such an event, rushing to his room back at the hall and packing his necessities, which included numerous slices of different flavors in cheesecakes in to go containers.

    But as they neared their destination, his excitement vanished. His playful thoughts replaced with the harsh realities he had witnessed growing up that lead him to this path. Why wouldn't it be? Especially when this very scenario felt a bit similar to his time in Magnolia, witnessing Savage Skull's attack on his hometown. But when before he could nothing but offer a momentary bliss to the injured, now he has the strength, power and will to take a more active role, he might actually get to be one of the people that can save others. And it was this thought that burned Nat's determination to do all that he can in this mission as his eyes fiercely burned in anticipation of their landing.

    And so it came. With the shouting of the deck hands above, Nat assumed the ship was about to anchor at this spot and they had to proceed via dinghies. It was at this moment that Nat briefly closed his eyes and paused in silence after which he let out a sigh and sheathed his weapon on its scabbard that was dangling on his left hip and stood up to report to the main deck and get on a dinghy.

    Being a new member and as a person who no friends, the dinghy was silent all the way up until they reached the shore.The bottom half of their ride scrapping through the coarse sand signaled that this was their stop and had to get off. He lifted off his feet and hopped off, landing on the sand for he was fortunate enough to be seated at the dinghy's front end so as not to get his boots wet and make a splash. It was from here that Nat saw how grand of a guild Dies Irae was, having this many ships and members almost felt like he was part of an army, an actual crusade. However, he did not know where to go from here on, unlike the rest of the guild who seemed to have been given task long before they had arrived. Or perhaps they are to rally at a certain spot and await further assignments? He wasn't sure but he had to move or risk being left behind. So he scanned around to find where most of the people were going, most of them he placed as grunts similar to him who formed a large crowd just a few ways inland.

    Naturally, Nat followed these people as for now he held the same station as them, heading towards a large gathering of his comrades where they were met by a higher ranking member that simply pointed out where they needed to be. This procedure relieved Nat as it would mean he won't be an embarrassment for not knowing his assigned task. Mere moments have only gone by and the crowd had already been reduced to a mere handful, indicative of the guild's efficiency and discipline which were one of the few reasons why Nat came to this guild. But now he was the front of the line standing there firmly and in attention as he placed his feet together and looked ahead of him coldly and sure of himself, giving off a presence that the man before them had no doubts in his heart or mind, that he was ready for what awaited him in his first mission as part of such an incredibly impressive guild.

    Post WC: 699
    Nat's Total: 699


    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Nat_siggy
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    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Ray Jyx 7th September 2019, 3:24 am

    Once Johann had finished his part of the speech, Sivvy felt her own anticipation swelling inside her. Her porceline skin started to glimmer in the sun in a bit more metallic way, and even the air around her started to shimmer. As much as she wanted to run ahead of everyone else and bullet herself right into the smoking center of the nearest town, she had duties, right? It was encouraging to feel the boosts in power from everyone, perhaps none more surprising than Markus. When they'd originally met, their power levels had been about even. Now she could feel the cavern between them, much like it felt between Johann and herself, or even Amalie. It bothered her a little, but she'd been working as diligently as she could. Or at least she thought she had. Perhaps she'd grown complacent without realizing. Sivvy made the note to start training even harder once this mess was cleaned up in hopes of once again becoming useful to her comrades, then moved on. Now was not the time to be concerned with her own directives.

    A few, most notably Masha and a shrunken Hero, ran off on their own despite her expressed instructions not to, but Sivvy was no babysitter. Perhaps it was a bit cold, but their fates were in their own hands and she'd not worry about it. There was no way she'd wrangle them up, not with the high stakes at play here. It was always a goal to avoid as many Dies Irae casualties as possible, but their decisions were their own and all were expected to be strong enough to carry their own weight. Hopefully some other soldiers would follow them to watch their backs. The ones hanging back to advance as a larger group were organizing themselves, which she approved of. Kessicia was offering up a prayer, something very unfamiliar and interesting to the clone. Religion hadn't been a thing mentioned in the laboratory, and her only encounters with it were brief comments in passing. Did it have some sort of magical effect? Some of the troops seemed to benefit from it, so it warranted later study.

    The two newer members heeded their orders as well. Isaak was sticking close to Amalie, his mentor. Nathaniel was alone but looked ready enough to take on anything, so perhaps that's why she called out to the young man around her age. "Nathaniel, stick close to me," she spoke firmly, the tension and excitement about the coming violence present in her tone and demeanor, though it was also clear she wasn't ordering him to do so. If he wished to go elsewhere or follow someone else, that'd be fine. They were both going to be close enough to the larger advancing group that they'd have backup if they needed.

    With that, the Ambassador started advancing at a swift pace. At first, the ground covered ahead was uneventful and barren, though about a mile in it changed. Most structures were crumbling or leveled. There was a lot of decay, denoting just how long it had been since the initial attack at the shore that rapidly rushed toward the center of the island. A frown had settled on Sivvy's face as she inspected every rocky crevasse and broken house for life or enemy. At this point, she was on the outskirts of the group, over a small mound in the charred dirt. Enhanced hearing caught the snivvling of what sounded like a young woman and a small child. The slayer raced toward it, stepping into a three-walled shelter to find the two cowering in the corner. Sivvy wasn't the best at this part, interacting with distraught victims. "Hello," she started, holding up her hands in a disarming pose, "We're from Dies Irae. We're here to help. Do you need medi---" The rosette's words died in her throat as the thin woman cradling a starving child tilted her head up and took a good look. Instead of relief or joy, her blue eyes expanded in terror and she released a blood-curdling shriek. The clone stood there in silence, puzzled by the development. Her carmine eyes even checked behind her to make sure the woman wasn't actually screaming at a hidden threat or ambush in progress, but there was nothing. "Excuse me, I'm trying to hel--" Another shriek, and now a chunk of loose building was being chucked at her. It hit Sivvy broadly in the chest and bounced off. "AWAY FROM US YOU DEMON!" wailed the woman, screams breaking into sobs at random. "There's nothing left to destroy! Monster!" Sivvy blinked a few times. It was as if the mother was specifically horrified by the guild master, but she'd never laid eyes on this person before. As someone with an incredible memory, she knew she'd remember otherwise. This was the firs time she'd been to the island as well.

    A ghostly form appeared next to the pink-haired girl, perceptible only to her. Sivvy wasn't aware that no one else could see this Great Sage that walked up beside her, shrouded in a white robe and hood, so she spoke openly. "What do you think?" the young woman asked the cloaked figure over the loud screams. The Sage answered promptly. "Let Nathaniel or someone else have a try," the androgynous voice rang only in Sivvy's ears. The pinkette nodded, turning and leaving the woman to calm down.

    But what had made the mother so afraid of her? It seemed so specific.


    WC: 917 || Sivvy's WC: 2896


    Last edited by Sivvy on 25th October 2019, 1:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Jkp0PmI

    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 10th September 2019, 11:13 am

    Much like his mentee, Seven, Johann began to feel his own surge of excitement, of anticipation, the Ambassador somewhat dreading, though also looking forward to the events to come. His thoughts drifting to those present Johann knew that Dies Irae had assembled a more than just adequate party, no, they were a formidable force to be reckoned with. He knew it, and the dark mages, the lawbreakers and evildoers that had assaulted this formerly peaceful island would soon know it, too. Every last one of them would experience it, suffering the despair they had brought on the people of Kenrojima themselves ... the God of Ishgar would make sure of it, his brows narrowing, though Mars stirring within the back of his mind, barely able to hold back his excitement. Alas, the guild was going to war, and, the Second Seal, of course, lusted for such a thing. In a sense, this would be the first major conflict Mars would experience himself, in person, that was, and not just second-hand. He would be able to partake, he would be able to fight, he would be able to destroy. Johann felt the influence of the Nephilim seething into his mind, filling his thoughts with dark images of battle, of conflict, and the overwhelming desire to leave his guildmates on this very beach and sprint ahead, right into the fray, but he couldn't do that, clenching his hands into fists and biting the inside of his cheek. He'd just have to hold Mars at bay until the time had come. So much for relying on himself before the Seal.

    Of course, there wasn't just that. Two of Mars' siblings were present, one locked within the ever-enigmatic Markus, and the other within Amalie. It would be a first for Mars to fight alongside both of them at the same time in what would probably one of the most memorable days in the Nephilim's existence. It was an exhilarating prospect for the Lord of War, to say the least.

    Still, it seemed that finally, everyone had finished all their preparations. The command to act had been given, prayers had been said, words exchanged. The time for deeds would begin now. Along with the rest of the guild, the Ambassador and God of Ishgar would begin to pick up his pace, determined stride taking him through the path of destruction carved through the tropical jungle terrain towards the center of the island. Though there was, of course, one more thing that would make it impossible to be at peace with this situation. Falling back a little if he had to, Johann would seek out Commander West, Amalie, in what he hoped would be a quiet moment where the two could preferably speak amongst themselves, placing care on the fact that others wouldn't be able to listen in.

    "Amalie", he would approach the woman swiftly, at once wrapping his arms around her form and pulling her close to himself before pulling back just slightly, looking down into her familiar ice-blue eyes. "I'm sorry I haven't gotten the chance to really talk to you sooner", his words seemed regretful, his tone perhaps giving some indication of the worry he felt. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. I reckon that fighting will probably be heavy, so I wanted to get another chance to ... well, to say that ...". He would ponder over how to put his emotions into words, not necessarily missing the best words to say, though remaining unsure whether it was the right thing to say or the right time to say it. "I want you to promise me, Amalie ...", he moved on in what wasn't exactly the best transition, deciding to keep it to himself for now, "... promise me that we will both make it out alive. I just ... I can't lose you". It would hopefully serve to express what was worrying the man, and although he knew that such a promise wasn't a guarantee, wasn't an easy thing to fulfill, he just had to ask her, to feel at ease with the events of the upcoming battle. If he could at least feel assured that Amalie would be safe he could center his mind on the tasks at hand, embracing the woman once more before leaning down, seeking her lips before softly pressing his own against hers in what he hoped, prayed wouldn't be their last kiss. For a few seconds, it would seem like all troubles, all concerns were washed away. There would be only the two of them before once again, reality began to take hold as the Ambassador separated from her. "I'm sorry to place such a burden upon you, but I beg you ...", he would hold her hand for just a few seconds longer before parting from her, turning back to the group, "... please, survive so I'll see you soon".

    With that, he would shoot one last look back at Amalie, seeking her icy blue eyes one last time before hurrying back to the center of the expedition. Whether his worries would be eased or amplified, of course, would depend on what the Commander would respond.

    In any case, now was not the time for that. They owed it to the innocent citizens of Kenrojima to liberate them from the dark forces that held the island in an iron grip of ruthless terror, and when the groups began to split off, so would the Ambassador with whomever decided to follow him, heading towards the very center of the island much like his fellow guild members, though approaching from a different angle, and much like Sivvy's group, it wouldn't take long until the outskirts of a major settlement came into view, the air thick with the stench of smoke and burnt flesh. The Ambassador wondered just what exactly had happened here, though it wasn't long until spires of smoke that rose up into the sky would appear not too far off, and ... sure enough, Johann, even though he was utilizing a heightened sense of hearing, could make out voices in the distance. Most likely a group, and not just that. They seemed to be approaching at a rapid pace, the shuffling of feet and soft sound of clanking metal signaling impending arrival. Without a doubt, it would be any second now that contact with the bandits would be made, Johann gesturing for all others with him to halt, if there were any, stretching out his hand, a massive black scythe materializing in his grasp.

    "And this is where the fun begins ... tsehehe ... TSAHAHAHA!", the voice of Mars would echo through his mind once again and his senses were numbed, his thoughts focussing on a single thing and a single thing only: War.

    Word Count: 1,132
    Word Count Total: 3,422

    Last edited by Johann on 26th October 2019, 8:11 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Amalie 17th September 2019, 8:56 am

    After activating her magic, Amalie would glance around reviewing the scene before her. Some were quickly hurrying into the fray, keen to get started with the mission. Perhaps a little too recklessly. Her eyes fell on the dark-skinned woman with purple hair, watching for a moment as she seemed to be saying what appeared to be a prayer. Something Amalie found quite relatable, a lot of Anima's magic seemed to carry prayers or words of scripture and somehow Amalie found she knew them off by heart, despite not having read a bible in over a decade. She moved her eyes away, looking at the other familiar faces of her guildmates.

    She already had a rough idea of her plan of action, having discussed them with Johann and Sivvy beforehand. With her strong defensive abilities, her task was to pinpoint the villagers, the innocent civilians that had been taken hostage by the dark mages that had taken claim of the island. To free them, and get them safely to the boats for refuge, this way the guild could fight with less risk of killing civilians in the chaos of battle. Not to mention it would mean she would be less involved with the murder, although she knew full well that death would occur at her hands today. As much as she wanted to avoid it, it couldn't be helped.

    Amalie heard a voice pulling her out of her thoughts, glancing over to the carrot-toped mentee of hers. She listened to his rambling quietly, he seemed nervous, perhaps even excitedly babbling as a mean to ease his anxiousness. Amalie could have dismissed him, tell him she would rather work alone, and she was tempted. But Sivvy and Johann seemed insistent on having the guildmates work together, she could understand, it was just that Amalie didn't often work well with others. They were distractions. Still, as a Commander, she had to set an example and listen to the will of her Ambassadors. "Yes, we'll be off shortly..." She cleared her throat, speaking loudly so others could hear and should they choose to tag along could decide to. "Our primary task Isaak, will be locating the civilians and getting them to safely out of harm's way. This will give our guildmates room to move more freely with little risk of harming innocents in the process, however, be on guard. The chances of us running into interference is highly likely. We will definitely have to engage in some of the fights today, so stay on guard and steady your resolve, it might get rough." She wondered if she should offer him words of comfort, promise to protect him should it get to dangerous. Would she even be able to protect him? Is this what mentors did? Amalie hesitated for a moment, before deciding against further comment.

    A little ways past Isaak she caught sight of Johann approaching her, his eyes on her in such a way that gave a clear idea of what he wanted. "Please excuse me for just a moment Isaak." She told him sharply, moving around him and striding quickly to meet Johann halfway so they could have a moment that was at least somewhat private. Whilst she expected a quiet word, she was thrown by his sudden embrace, surprised he was being so publically affectionate. Perhaps the risk of death was making him care less about keeping up appearances. Out of reflex, her hands found their way around him, her normally stoic gaze faltering as he brought her close. "Johann?" She whispered uncertainly, as he apologized to her once again. Her eyes softened at his words, she pulled her hands back from around him and brought them up to cup his face. "Johann, please, you worry too much." She told him in a quiet playful tone, as he kissed her, her eyes would draw close and for a moment she would lose herself. Sinking into him as she tenderly reciprocated the kiss. As it ended she pulled away, her ice-blue eyes opening to once again gaze upon him, "I promise, by the time this is over, I will be back in these arms, celebrating our victory with you. She told him earnestly, and she believed it. She trusted him, she trusted Sivvy and most of all, she trusted Dies Irae. They would succeed today, she was sure of it. Upon his final remark, she said nothing, simply offered the hand that held hers, before letting go and moving back towards where Isaak stood.

    Her expression returned to its natural stay of cool collectedness, although her eyes did glimmer with an ever so slight warmth. Something about Johann's affection had steadied her, she felt calmer now, ready for the mission. "Right, let's move out!" She said sharply to Isaak and anyone who might decide to follow her. Turning on her heel, her magic flowed through her once more, "Flight." Upon this command, she kicked off the ground, levitating in the air barely half a meter off the ground. Then shooting forward she would fly into the forest, moving swiftly, her magic amplifying her speed, but still keeping close enough to Isaak to ensure he wouldn't lose sight of her. She ducked and dived between the trees, saying nothing as they approached the outskirts of the nearest town on the island.

    As the first building came into sight, she touched down on the ground, taking a moment to glance around and take in the scene before her. It was clear to see the damage and devastation that the Dark mages wrecked upon the island, the atmosphere was thick with stale unsavory energy. Just standing there set Amalie's teeth on edge, That Amalie... is the cost of sin. It infects the air, spreads into every nook and cranny in order to stain everything it touches. There was venom to Anima's words, she could feel him shift inside her, his agitation clear, his bloodlust for sinners rising. She needed to keep moving, focus her mind so that she could stay in control, the last thing she wanted was Anima taking over and going on a rampage.

    "Let's explore some of the houses," She commented, before moving further into the desolate town. The first few houses they moved into were sparse, abandoned, or so damaged they were beyond useful. It seemed their first encounter would be when they arrived at what appeared to be a bungalow that was a little less torn up than some of the other buildings. Amalie froze just as they were about to enter the building, she stood in the doorway, hearing a gathering of voices. She listened for a moment, they seemed to be a group of individuals bickering amongst themselves over who should get to claim the house they were in. "There are at least four men in there, and one woman..." She whispered, attempting to read the magical signatures she could feel and assign them to what she could hear. "On the count of three, we go in, aim to incapacitate first, we need to use them to gather information..." She instructed, taking a deep breath as she mentally figured out her plan of attack, "Three... two...one. She said, before turning the corner and charging into the building.

    WC: 1211 | Amalie's Total:  2867



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    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by MarkusEldridge 20th September 2019, 12:05 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 742
    Total Word Count: 2,579

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus took a deep breath as his feet crunched into the sand below him. His eyes would glide back and forth, from the island itself, to the surrounding water, to the men and woman he would be fighting with. It was strange, how much things had changed for the chaos mage. Once a loner, and solo mage, to a guild mage, to a criminal, back to… whatever he was now. With a sign, he would feel the power within him flex and pulse. With a slight curve to the corner of his mouth he would release the breath he had taken and settle his mind. Battle was not the time to lose himself.

    Markus would watch in interest as a few of the other members prepared. A woman he did not know would speak up, not very loudly but loud enough for anyone who wanted to listen. The chaos’ mages slayer senses would listen his eyebrow raised. It seemed; she was speaking some sort of words over the men, a testament to some kind of faith. The chaos mage would listen till the end, and give some sort of nod of acknowledgement, even if he did not really know what faith it was, she spoke towards he could see the men be bolstered by the words.

    Holding out his hand Markus would take a deep breath and watch as a small point of darkness would appear, listening as air around it would suck into the void hole. With a smile, and a sudden ripping sound the small point of darkness would ‘flash’ with darkness, opening a portal that allowed a large book to appear though. The book was made of dark leather, and aged metal. It seemed to have splattered of some sort of blood stains, as it opened on its own Markus would glance at the pages, repeating a couple words in a language known only to the Nephilim. He felt as the magic within the book would release, providing a wave of energy bolstering the power, strength, and speed of anyone within range. The book would hover over his shoulder as Markus looked down to his companion. “Hela. Go off, make them regret the evil they have committed here. But… be careful and stay nearby.” He would say knowing she was on edge, ready to get off. He would watch as she disappeared into, she shadows, off to hunt. Though, he could feel her power, and knew. She would stay nearby.

    The Chaos mage would watch as some of the other members took off as soon as the speech was done, bounding off on their own, their excitement… or confidence… getting the better of them. Markus would just watch and shake his head. It was not his job to watch those members, if they believed they were strong enough. That was on them. He was to end the threat and protect the innocent. He would watch as various members of the guild handled their personal situations Markus himself could feel a power building within him, a chaotic and flexible force he knew well.

    With a final breath he would feel a a spear appeared within his hands, seemingly made out of moonlight, or some sort of silver bright metal he would spin it in his hand, placing it behind himself in a defensive stance. ‘Are you ready?’ The chaos mage would ask into his mind, knowing she excited. He could feel her power, her strength, her excitement. ‘I am always ready to battle with my siblings. I have never known so many of us to be awake at a time… Go. Find my brother. Offer him… and his Vessel… our aid. Markus would listen, and nod. Working with Johann would make sense. After all, both of them had worked together before, and Markus knew their abilities would work well together. Though… He could not help but question what she had meant. Siblings? Did this mean there were more… Markus would glance at the others around them. Whoever it was, Aporia had refused to tell him.

    As Markus walked up to Johann, he would watch as the man summoned his own weapon. A weapon, that like Markus’ own, reflected the seal he had within him. “Johann… Need an ally at your side?” Markus would ask, chaotic magic sparking within his eyes as Aporia flashed her own interest, though decided to remain silent. Markus wondered if Mars was as excited as Aporia. Either way, Markus prepared to follow at his commanders lead.



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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Masha 30th September 2019, 9:36 am

    After getting past her guildmates, the magic began to falter. The pink sparks failed to appear within a second. Masha's steps faltered. Her body pitched forward for a moment. It felt like she was going to fall. "Careful now, Lady Masha" Caius whispered. She felt his hands as the vampire lowered her to the ground. A few steps were stumbled before she came to a stop. Damn. Masha had been sure she had the hang of that. It was a small part of her magic. A very small part. What did it say about her? How weak was she that she couldn't use her magic?

    "Thank y-" A bolt of shadows cut off Masha's appreciation. It caught her in the stomach, driving the air from her lungs. Yet she barely felt it and it only made her stop talking. A few whoops echoed out from the trees. Dark shadowy figures darted forward. Black cloaks shrouded their bodies. Dark splotches splattered across their bodies. Masha somehow recognized the splotches as dried blood. The redhead didn't even want to contemplate how she knew that. "Time to bag another one, boys!" One of them called out, firing another bolt of shadows. Masha spun out of the way. Her teeth bared in a feral smile. Something starting coursing through her body. Not quite adrenaline. Something darker, something primal. "Defend yourself only, Caius" She ordered brusquely.

    As the dark mages approached, Masha vanished. There were shouts of surprise. The redhead reappeared behind the one who'd spoken. Pink magic charged in her palm. The male didn't have time to react. His head exploded into a shower of blood and gore. Disappointment welled in Masha's gut. "Weak." She spat, spraying blood. There would be no need for magic against these foes. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Masha was panicking. She didn't know what was going on. Her body was moving by itself. Her rational - from her perspective - mind had been stuffed into a corner. Oh, gods, there was blood everywhere.

    The other dark mages had focused on Caius. The vampire moved languidly, dodging everything they threw at him. As ordered, he didn't lift a finger to attack them. It would have been simple to wipe them out. Even as a group of six - five now, well-done mistress - these fools weren't strong enough to take him on. His redheaded beauty flowed like water. Her majesty and grace nearly cause him to stop breathing. With savage intensity, Masha plunged her hand into a dark mage's chest. The male screamed before his heart was ripped out. Caius came close to crowing. There was the savagery his mistress was capable of. It had been too long. The vampire wanted to sweep her into his arms. Cover her with kisses. Maybe finally convince the mistress to accompany him to bed.

    "You have no shame, Caius." A soft voice murmured from behind the vampire. His features twisted into a scowl. "Stay out of my head witch" He growled, watching Masha move to her next victim. The dark mages were finally realizing her as a danger. Not that it did them much good. Their spells were shrugged off or avoided by the blazing redhead. Caius licked his lips. "And let you creep on Masha? Hell no. Especially not after the stunt you tried to pull. Her fiance... really!" Caius grit his teeth. "Interfering witch!" Ami giggled, flashing a 'V'. "You know it!"

    Masha came back to her senses covered in blood. The bodies of the dark mages lay all around her. A deep set panic began welling inside her. A slow clap stopped a full-blown attack from hitting. A tall dark stranger stepped from the trees. A hood obscured his features. Like the other mages, a black cloak shrouded his body. "Masha Dymonrel. Sweetheart of Savage Skull. Who would have thought you'd become a legal?" A deep voice rumbled from within the hood. A chill went down Masha's spine. Why would a dark mage know her name?

    Caius and Ami leaped into action. The power radiating from this figure worried them. Masha's current magic power might be A rank but her magic manipulation was D rank possibly lower. This foe was beyond her. Not to mention, her strange attitude in the previous battle was concerning. They wanted to protect Masha. "Begone." Shadows enveloped the summons. Ami screamed before she disappeared in a puff of smoke. Caius howled, barely managing to stay conscious. A few moments later, the vampire disappeared in smoke as well. "Ami! Caius!" Masha shrieked. She was frozen in place. She wasn't ready for this battle and her past was at her fingertips. But did she really want to know? If she had been a dark mage, Masha wasn't sure how she'd handle it.

    The figure stepped forward. The hood twitched as if he was searching for something. Perhaps he was looking at the bodies. "You are not what you were. Disappointing. That you became a legal is an even greater disappointment. I wished to fight the great Masha Dymonrel. I trained for the day I could fight her. Now you are a vestige of yourself." He paused. His cloak rustled briefly. "I'll wipe you from existence along with my disappointment."

    The fear paralyzing Masha vanished. She was about to die. Pink magic surged over her body. The redhead twisted, shooting forward in the opposite direction. Her body blurred with her speed. Behind her, the cloaked figure let loose a chilling laugh. He called out. "I will find you, Masha Dymonrel of Savage Skull! I will find you and destroy you!" Masha tore through the distance. Everything blurred around her. She simply ran. It was like she was trying to outrun her past. A past that was still a massive blank slate. She lost sight of everything. Masha tripped, tumbling into the ground near dilapidated buildings. The redhead lay on her stomach, her face pressed into the earth. Had she been a dark mage?

    HP: 480/500
    Mana: 470/500

    WC: 998
    TWC: 3068


    Masha - Bank - Sound Satan Slayer (Primary) -Foedus Pares (Secondary)

    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Keymasha
    Cordelia Beaumont
    Cordelia Beaumont

    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Cordelia Beaumont 4th October 2019, 7:45 pm


    C Rank

    Dies Irae

    Church of Free Will Priestess

    Purging the Dark Ones

    Assignments for the healers were given quickly, so that they weren’t all collaborating in the same area. While the effect of multiple healing magics would greatly rejuvenate any injured, there was no guarantee that one of their soldiers wouldn’t take a nasty hit and bleed out before they got back to the encampment. The stronger healers, the ones that were stronger than Kessicia, were given placements within the beachhead base or with the main body that would be moving towards combat. The succubus was ordered to accompany the soldiers heading to the nearest town for extraction. They would be operating under the orders of Commander Amalie. As Kessicia nodded softly and turned to locate the woman, she was surprised to find her and another young man already heading out. In fact, it seemed they were the only two heading out in that direction, as the other soldiers were filing into combat groups.

    An assignment was an assignment though and while Amalie was a very strong wizard, having additional healing backup wouldn’t hurt. Kessicia took one last glance at the soldiers before she headed out as well, picking up her speed to try and catch up with the Commander and her companion. Her natural abilities were enhanced enough that, while they lacked the strength of stronger mages, she could still move swiftly among the terrain. It helped that she had been conditioning herself specifically to adapt to the new environment. Desierto lacked a lot of things and that included trees and other substantial hindrances to movement. She flipped to and fro among the branches like a graceful ballerina, moving with surprising grace despite the robed uniform she wore.

    She managed to catch up with them right on the edge of the town, carefully slowing to approach. Commander, I have been instructed to assist you as your primary healer, her thoughts became words that could be heard by those it was meant for. Another benefit to her magic and she gave her superior a curt nod before falling into step behind her and the young man. She didn’t speak much as she brought up the rear, keeping her gaze to their tracks to assure no one would sneak up on them. But she could smell the devastation; the rot that had set into the ground and seeped into the air all around them. It was a smell she was familiar with – brief flashes of the tightly cramped slave cages and cottages ran through her mind as the wafting odor brought her back to her past life. She set aside the troubling thoughts, saying silent prayers in her mind as she looked about the immediate area.

    Amalie handed down the order to search the outlying houses and as they went, they discovered the hovels and homes in differing states of dilapidation. Not only had the islanders been pulled from their homes but the Dark Ones had gone ahead and ransacked the structures in a cruel show of power. Utterly appalling but nothing they could do about it now. Taking vengeance on the perpetrators would serve as swift and brutal justice in the end. But her thoughts were disrupted by the sounds of voices and paused right behind the Commander, keeping her weight precisely as it had been. God forbid she shifted even a little and something loose beneath her made noise to lose them the advantage. Amalie whispered to them, presenting their odds quietly. Five enemies marked for take down but not execution; not yet. Kessicia nodded and brought her hands up, gently allowing her magic to flow out from her palms and towards Amalie and Isaak. They would feel their magical strength bolstered in preparation for the attack. Then she quietly brought forth her thorned whip, letting it unravel and fall limply to the floor.

    The second Amalie hit the final number in the countdown, Kessicia followed her right into battle. The Commander and her protégé were far more suited for constant combat but the succubus was perfectly capable of evening the odds for them. As they burst in, Kessicia flung her arm back, her whip spinning behind her in an elegant display before she flung it forward, wrapping around the closest man. The thorns bit into his flesh and caused him to yelp, even as he was yanked from his feet and dragged across the floor and out of the fighting pit. Kessicia pulled him right to her, falling to press her knee against the man’s neck and pin him to the ground. She yanked on the whip a bit harder, guaranteeing that his arms were bound. By now her magic would have him swimming in a very confusing state of arousal and warmth. With him as a protected prisoner, it would let Isaak and Amalie have the openness to fight the other four easier.

    Curse • Sakuramori • 804/2880


    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken 58995_s
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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Mitsu 15th October 2019, 11:47 am

    Star of the Morning
    Isaak listened to Amalie and nodded curtly in understanding. He wanted to assure her that he wouldn't slow her down, his urge to do his mentor proud absurdly strong even though their relationship was just beginning, but he thought better of it. "That's something kind of heavy in an otherwise light situation, Isaak." He thought to himself "Well, as light as preparing to purge an island overrun by Dark Mages can be." He pushed the thoughts to the side and prepared to move out with the Commander. He caught sight of one of the Guild's Ambassadors, the one he hadn't had the pleasure of meeting yet, just as Amalie did. At her order, he stood in his spot and waited for her to finish her...moment with her superior.

    Isaak saw the hug, but turned away from the sight quickly. He felt like he was intruding on a very private moment, just staring at them like that "I have to admit though, they make a good couple." He mused quietly, looking to the ground, then the sky, then back towards their ship. Anywhere that didn't make him feel like a creepy voyeur, to be completely frank.

    When Amalie returned, he felt like going to introduce himself to Johann, and almost convinced himself to do so in fact. But his feet refused to carry him in that direction. He didn't know if it was intimidation or something else, but his body was telling him that now definitely was not the time to approach the man. Instead the ginger turned and followed his mentor as she moved inland. Though he was running, rather than flying "That's really not fair...I gotta come up with a spell or something for that. Shouldn't be that hard for a light mage to make something like that, right?"

    The rambling continued in Isaak's head, and he didn't even notice the added presence of the dark skinned woman until he turned his head slightly. Her sudden appearance startled him, causing his footing to falter. He nearly tripped and fell flat on his face, but he corrected himself and continued his stride without much of a fuss. He studied the silent woman, a fellow Dies Irae member that was for sure, but he had never met her before "To be fair, I haven't met many of the other members yet so this is par for the course." He was about to introduce himself to the woman, however they had arrived at the first town.

    The sight before him cut off any words he was prepared to speak. His enhanced senses allowed him to see, smell and hear so much. Too much. The acrid smell of burnt flesh and the coppery tinge of blood, dried and fresh, assaulted his nose. He could see the broken down husks of buildings and hear the groans of the half dead and dying. The charred corpses of houses stood like monuments to the destruction and a thought hit Isaak like a train: "They burnt the houses with people inside."

    He could feel indignation and anger rising in him, he wanted to avenge those who were slaughtered here today, but Amalie's words came to the forefront of his mind immediately. They were here to save as many as they could, lessen the casualties and treat those who can be saved. He had to focus on that, above all else, so he whispered a silent prayer under his breath and locked the negative emotions away behind a magnificent barrier of light in his mind. There would be a time to feel them fully, but now was not it.

    He followed Amalie to the first building and stood beside her. He nodded at her directive, and saw the silent woman summon a whip to her hand, which he took as a form of confirmation in and of itself. When Amalie reached the end of her countdown, Isaak quickly sprung into action. He slipped past the man who was yanked out of the fray by the whip and charged directly for two of the others. He had Joyeuse and Durandal drawn in an instant, and with the confusion was able to land two quick strikes, a hilt blow to the chest and another to the man's temple, which dropped one combatant out cold in seconds.

    The man who was standing next to him recovered much more quickly, summoning a bastard sword of pure darkness to his hands and charging directly for Isaak. They traded blows, Isaak with speed and precision and the other with staggering brute strength. The dark mage put space between them, pushing Isaak back with a shock of pure black energy, and the Devil Slayer made a split second decision "Ascendant Devil Slayer's Nth Longsword!" Joyeuse and Durandal were stabbed into the ground in favor of a blade made of pure light that Isaak brought to his hands. It was smaller than what he usually summoned, but the space they were in left no room for large-scale attacks.

    Isaak charged at the dark mage and the man did the same, each aiming to slash through one another as they passed. The skin on Isaak's cheek parted and cracked, like fractured porcelain, light and blood the color of freshly fallen snow spilling from the wound, while the dark mage collapsed into unconsciousness. He hadn't gone for a fatal blow, in order to interrogate the man as Amalie had ordered. And with two more down, the last were left to Amalie for handling.
    WC: 915 | TWC: 1,573
    Job Link/Job Approval


    Bank Isaak Alvah Exaltation of the Ligthbringer Ruination of the Lightbringer Ascension of the Lightbringer
    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken X1ZzeIP
    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 23rd October 2019, 2:49 am


    Nat hurriedly went with Sivvy after she had called on him to join her. He tried to match her pace as she seemingly dashed inland to investigate. He paced his breathing keeping them deep and on beat with every step he took. Their group finally came to the ruins of a village. The destruction Nat witnessed angered him greatly, catching glimpses of burned skeletons all throughout the area. However, he had to keep his cool and not do anything rash. The moment of retribution will soon be upon the monsters who did this. Taking a deep breath, Nat walked around to search for any survivors or clues to where they should go next. What he found only depressed him more as meters upon meters of dead were scattered throughout the village grounds. Yet he was able to strengthen his mental fortitude and spirit. Good things will come to those who wait, and it will indeed be good to wait for him to plunge Ashbringer into their enemies hearts and burn their corpses with holy light, much like what they did to the innocents of this island.

    After but a few minutes of searching, Nat heard a loud scream from the other side of the village, hurriedly, he dashed towards the location leaving a thin streak of yellow behind him. Seconds past and he found himself starring at a rather confusing scene. Sivvy was offering her help to a woman and child duo embracing one another in fear. They screamed at his friend and even so much as calling her a demon. It appears Sivvy couldn't help them if they are this convinced that she is indeed a demon, as it was evident in their eyes that they were.

    Stepping forward, he volunteered that perhaps he should give helping them a try, as he tapped on Sivvy's shoulder with this proposition. After which, Nat approached slowly and with his hands up in surrender. Still, he could hear the mother mumble "stay away" under her breath while she continued to shiver. Yet Nat continued, continuing to say that it's ok softly as he got nearer and nearer. His right hand reaching in for his pack. From it, he took out a slice of cheesecake in a transparent container that he placed a few inches away from the fearful pair. The child, seeing the beautiful white and blue -- due to the blueberry-- dessert placed in front of her couldn't resist and took it despite her mother telling the offspring not to.

    However, seeing her child indulging in the creamy treat placed the mother's mind at ease a little bit which Nat was happy to assist on. However, it would be wrong to interrogate them yet. He thought that it would be best if he fed them more as a sign of absolute good will since he doesn't know if they still see Sivvy or even Nat for that matter as demons.

    Continuing to place more slices of cheesecake in front of them, Nat also looked around with worry, asking Sivvy what they should do next.

    Post WC: 519
    Nat's Total: 1,218


    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Nat_siggy
    Exp to next rank:

    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Third Skill: Treasure Dragon Slayer

    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Empty Re: Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken

    Post by Ray Jyx 26th October 2019, 3:16 am

    As Nathaniel stepped into the role of public relations, Sivvy lingered outside and out of sight. Though she didn't look it, she was deeply bothered by the reaction. Would others feel the same? Her sensitive hearing heard her mentee calming them and her slayer's nose caught the scent of blueberry cheesecake. The heavenly smell was nearly enough to draw her back in hoping for a slice, but even a snack-obsessed, bottomless pit like the clone knew there was a time and place for things, and now wasn't the time to put all the heaviness of this situation aside for a dessert.

    She'd just ask him if he had any more later.

    He was doing good work, and that pleased her. He asked her what to do next, and from outside she answered. "Just make sure they're comfortable and tell them they're safe and we're here to help. It seems I'm unable to do that for them," she said quietly, carmine eyes scanning the area for more signs of life. Perhaps it'd be easier to draw them out instead of trying to find their terrified hiding places. "I'm going to make a shelter out here for the refugees to stay in until we're finished ridding the island of the threat. I may need your help convincing them that it's safe."

    Making her way to the flattest, most cleared out spot in the little decimated village, she started producing large plates of iron. It seemed odd at first, but before long, it was clear what she was doing. Reflective, fluid metal and metallic threads were produced from her hands, coming together and forming the reinforced sides of what would soon be a structure. She started raising the plates and welding them together, taking care to make sure it was very secure. Making the walls thick enough to withstand powerful blasts and large enough for many survivors to comfortably fit inside was taking a lot out of Sivvy, but the ambassador felt this needed to be done. If nothing else, she was efficient. Once finished, she stepped back and wiped the back of her hand against her forehead, panting lightly.

    The whole time she'd been working, the clone became more and more aware of people sneaking in close enough to watch but staying out of sight. By the scent of dirt, blood, and tears, she assumed they were refugees. The intense smell of fear all but confirmed it. Were they afraid of her as well? "It's safe to come out," she called to them, motioning to the shelter door. "This will keep you save until my guild, Dies Irae, rids this island of the dark mages so you can reclaim your home. Please take shelter inside," the rosette spoke with authority but kept her voice softened so not to frighten them more. However, it seemed no matter what she did, they would view her as the enemy...and the growing suspicion she had as to the reason made her stomach turn.

    "We won't fall for your trap!" a young man called from behind her, stepping up from his hiding place behind a half-destroyed wall. By his condition, it was clear he had tried to fight off the invaders. There had been an attempt at first aid, but without access to proper materials, it was rudimentary at best. One arm was in a stint made of strips of cloth and pieces of blown-up trees. Still, he'd armed himself with a knife used to cut the fruit from the beautiful fruit trees that had once stood here, intent on giving his life to run her off. "Now that you're alone, we'll finish you off," he threatened, signaling more survivors. They limped out from seemingly every possible hiding place; from inside crumbled buildings to behind stumps. Some had pitchforks, others had knives like his, and the rest had merely their fists but took comfort in the meager gathering of neighbors.

    "I won't fight you," she spoke calmly, sadness filling her formerly stoic eyes. "I'm not the one who hurt you. I'm here to help," she insisted. Knowing it would cause more panic but deciding it was best anyway, she requiped her a giant blade, but assumed no offensive stance. This was a special blade. With a wave of it, pieces of candy and tiny cakes decorated in dainty roses and stripes appeared around her, floating harmlessly. "Please, eat these. It will help heal your injuries."

    Of course, the skiddish townsfolk only saw a threat and rushed to attack her. They were easy enough to evade, and never once did she lift her sword. As the man with the broken arm leapt forward to make a jab, a piece of candy flew into his open and screaming mouth. Horrified, he tried to cough it up, but it was too late. He'd swallowed it. There was an uproar in the mob, so much so that Sivvy expected them to dogpile on her, but the knife wielder's sudden whoop of surprise gave them all pause. "Hey! My arm is better!" he exclaimed, turning his arm over and flexing it without pain. Her actions clearly confused him, but ultimately won him over.

    Seizing her chance, she placed many more of the healing sweets from her spell on a table inside. "Feel free to go inside and have a snack, it really will help," she smiled, but despite her obvious goodwill, they still were reluctant and gave her a wide berth upon investigation of the building. At least mothers with injured kids were more willing to take the risk.

    Just as everything was calming down and the people were starting to gain hope of salvation, a bolt of lightning crackled from the interior of the island and straight at Sivvy. She'd heard it just in time to narrowly dodge, whipping her head around to take in the threat. There was a group of mages approaching, clearly ready for a fight. The slayer frowned. She'd calculated there being a chance that building the bomb shelter might draw attention, but she hadn't anticipated it being so quick. "Nathaniel!" she called, letting her requipped sword disappear as she ran ahead. "Get everyone inside and calm, then join me! We're under attack!" commanded the ambassador, teleporting ahead and into the middle of the group, letting hundreds of metal needles burst from her body in all directions to injure any who couldn't dodge in time. She'd do all she could to draw their attention from the innocents in the shelter. The needles went through three of the attackers' throats, leaving them to thump directly to the ground and bleed out. The other five scattered with minimal injury. As she whirled and formed swords in her hands, she found herself being electrocuted quite effectively by the leader of the group, using her weapons as conductors.

    WC: 1138 || Sivvy's WC: 4034


    Prologue: Kenrojima and the Kraken Jkp0PmI

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:43 pm