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    Dousing a Flame


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    Lineage : Eagle Vision
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    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 22,004

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    First Skill: Chromatic Graffiti
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    Dousing a Flame Empty Dousing a Flame

    Post by Clementine 18th June 2019, 10:02 pm

    Rising from the bottom.
    HP: 200/200
    MP: 200/200
    Job: A Fang in Your Side
    Tagged: @Saraphina
    Mood: Yay!
    Muse Music: Magnets
    Word Count: 358/3,500
    Clementine leaned against a crumbling brick wall just inside of a murky alleyway, thumbs threaded through her belt loops. She kept her head down and her blue eyes peered from beneath the brim of her cap and above the mask covering her mouth. Shadows concealed most of her form, though any passing mages would definitely sense the magic power swirling in her veins. The young woman’s goal was to go unnoticed by any pedestrians that may be out on a night such as this. The streets were nearly empty under the starry night sky. Only the rustling of cherry blossom leaves in the wind and the occasional drifting conversation of bar goers could be heard.

    Clem’s hand, dressed in a black fingerless glove, reached over and grabbed one of the spray paint cans attached to her belt. Nonchalantly she flipped the object and caught it, over and over. She wasn’t typically a patient person, but tonight she forced herself to wait as long as she had to. In an alleyway deep in the heart of Yokohama, a Midian port city, was where she lounged. The mage was there on an assassination job. Clem was waiting on her jobmate and guildmaster, Saraphina. The young woman hadn’t met the other mage officially yet. Beyond her stoic expression was a curiosity that bubbled like boiling water. Clem was excited to see what Saraphina was like. The formerly homeless girl hadn’t met many mages since her time in Hargeon. Joining a guild was certain to afford her new relationships with other magic users. That was certainly an enticing prospect and a driving force for her decision to join Errings Rising.

    Flip. Flip. The can made circles in the air. Clem scuffed her skate shoe on the ground of the alleyway. The desire to find a bar and purchase a beer passed her mind, but she pushed it away. Who knew if a country like this even made or sold beer? Besides, it wouldn’t make much of a good impression on her guildmaster if the painter was late. So she stayed put, observing the occasional night activity that passed by her claimed alleyway.
    Space for Notes!


    Dousing a Flame 60657_s

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 555
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    Experience : 1,361,997

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    Dousing a Flame Empty Re: Dousing a Flame

    Post by Saraphina 20th June 2019, 9:09 pm

    The queen had never been anywhere outside of Iceberg and Fiore before… She had decided to accept a job with a guild member she had yet to meet. She wondered how the person even gotten into her guild, but she would give them the benefit of the doubt. She didn’t recall sending someone a guild stamp. Did her male servant, Bertrand, recruit her and she failed to remember him telling her? She’ll find out soon enough. In the port city, Saraphina took the liberty of dressing in the attire of the land. She couldn’t deny that she actually was rather fond of the clothing from this country, but it wasn’t as flowing as her typical dresses. She had the twins accompanying her as she was roaming the streets at her leisure, with the male holding a lantern to light the way for his mistress and sister. Maybe the young queen should go find the one member finally? They were going to do something here anyways. The white queen taps her chin as she was trying to remember the reasoning for being here, besides seeing all the shiny things in store here for her.

    That was right… there was people rubbing elbows, powerful people. The queen’s purplish pink eyes seemed to brightened at the thought. This was going to be fun now. “Bertrand, Nadaline.” The queen questions as she looks over her shoulder and waved a little hand fan over her face. “Yes your highness?” They said in unison. “Do either of you have word on our companion? Where we’re meeting them? Maybe how they look?” She had turned around to look back at where she was going, taking in the beautiful night lights around the city. For a port city, it was quite beautiful to her. “You should be able to find them, even if we did know, your majesty.” Bertrand had said, making Saraphina turn back once more to look at him. So they had no clue? She takes a deep breath and stormed off ahead of her servants while continuing to enjoy what was around her. “Princes of Silver! Princes of Gold!” She sung aloud while she walked.

    While she sang her song aloud, Saraphina felt something tugging her a specific direction. She glanced over to the side and lets herself be carried away by this feeling. A few people leaving a bar came out cheering with one another as they were celebrating something, and they tried to call out to Saraphina, but she seemed to just ignore them as she walked along the street. She started to go from singing random attributes of her prince, to humming the random tune of various pitches. She ignored every other noise to follow this feeling that seemed to get stronger the more she walked on. Eventually, she found herself near another bar, and she stopped. She glanced down the alleyway, and smirks to herself. “I see you~.” She giggles without turning her head. Nadaline blinks to her and steps close. “Your majesty, there’s no one here?” She questions as Saraphina giggles and looks to her servant. “Nadaline. I said 'I see you’ not ‘WE see you.’” She tells her as she snickers. She lifts her head up as she covers her face with the fan. “Isn’t that right?” She was giddy to see who it was that appeared to be here with her. Of course she felt other magics out there, but they didn’t feel as nice as this one not too far from her.

    HP: 675
    MP: 550
    Saraphina R. Zima
    585/3500 (943/7000 total) WORDS



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    Lineage : Eagle Vision
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    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 22,004

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    Dousing a Flame Empty Re: Dousing a Flame

    Post by Clementine 29th June 2019, 9:59 pm

    Rising from the bottom.
    HP: 200/200
    MP: 200/200
    Job: A Fang in Your Side
    Tagged: @Saraphina
    Mood: Yay!
    Muse Music: Magnets
    Word Count: 824/3,500
    Clementine heard a voice singing in the distance, their approach signaled by the increasing volume. It was hard to tell at first if it was just a drunkard or not, but the clear tones rang out in the night air without fail or falter. She could only wonder what song the voice was singing and what it was about. A perplexed expression crossed her face momentarily. Clem wasn’t one for music typically but this voice wasn’t awful at all. In fact, she may have enjoyed it a little. Unfortunately the singing died down as she listened.

    Moments later a figure in an elegant floral kimono paused at the end of her alleyway. Long white hair flowed from her head, down past the pink bow around her waist. She was elegant and held herself royally. Accompanying her were two sharply dressed people, a male and a female. They didn’t appear to be mages to Clem, but she could never be too sure. The lady’s eerie comment floated down the alleyway to Clem’s ears, followed by an unnerving giggle. The hair on the back of her neck rose and her blue eyes narrowed warily. It reminded her of a story she had heard from other homeless kids when she was young. The story told of a ghostly little girl that kept showing up in a family’s house at night. Giggling and asking to play could be heard on multiple nights every week. Clem had dismissed the story as a fable, not believing in strange things such as ghosts. Now, from her time outside of Neutral Grounds, she was inclined to believe that anything was possible. Ghost girls, creepy ladies in kimonos - who was she to say they were weird? There was no normal in her world anymore.

    Clem pushed herself off the wall and approached the trio, emerging from the darkness and stopping a safe distance away. Moonlight gleamed off of her jacket and gave an edge of silver to her reddish-brown hair. Her spray paint can was still gripped in her hand, at the ready to use magic should things go south. The painter could tell that this lady was a more powerful mage than herself. That fact didn’t scare her much, though. Clem’s self confidence was too high to succumb to worrying about her own weaknesses.

    “Hey. I’m Clementine,” the young woman greeted shortly without removing the cloth mask over her mouth. Blue eyes peered from beneath the brim of her hat, watching the others like a hawk. Growing up on the streets, formalities weren’t needed. She was taught to only speak to the other street folk when necessary. She believed that letting the other person set the precedent for the conversation’s tone was the best way to analyze them and be prepared.
    Space for Notes!


    Dousing a Flame 60657_s

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 555
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    Experience : 1,361,997

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    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
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    Dousing a Flame Empty Re: Dousing a Flame

    Post by Saraphina 21st August 2019, 10:35 am

    Saraphina smirks softly to herself as she felt the magic of someone coming closer to her. There weren’t a lot of people in Midi who had magic, so she was only assuming. A giggle escaped her lips again as she turned to the alley, hiding her smile behind her fan as she eagerly awaited the oncomer. Nadaline and Bertrand finally spotted the new person that their queen had sensed down there, and they gave her a small smile. What fun this woman looked like she was. And an artist too it seemed! “Oh? You paint?” She points to the can in her hand. She introduced herself rather quickly and blinks. A grin was on her face as she finally lowered the fan enough to show her chest. She didn’t have the kimono closed all the way at the top, and it exposed the purple guild symbol she bore right on her sternum for her to see. It stuck out rather well against her pale white skin, making it seem all the more beautiful to her.

    “I am Queen Saraphina, of Errings Rising.” She held her fan out for Nadaline to grab and hold for her. The servant did just so and gave a small bow as she glanced towards Clementine. Sara puts a finger to her cheek as she pursed her lips out and tilted her head to the side. “I appear to have a member here in Midi whom I’m to meet up with. Would you happen to know who they are, or where they could be? I’ve never met them, and I don’t even know how they managed to get in my guild… But I was hoping to get them a stamp, and work on a job while here… Neither of my servants seem to have a clue as to how they got in without any of us knowing too. Which is a bit of an issue, but I hope it won’t in the long run.” She shrugs her shoulders as she held her head up again while giggling once more.

    The female servant glanced over to her queen as she wondered why she was being so loud… then again, Saraphina wasn’t quiet to begin with, especially when she was excited. This woman was probably trying to lure out the guild member by being so loud. She may act like a ditz often, or absorbed in her own world of ‘Prince Charming’, but she did have a small tack to her madness that Nadaline was slowly working on picking up the longer she stayed by her queens side. Honestly, the girl was surprised that despite Saraphina’s view on the world and her lack of wanting to be told ‘no’, she was a good mistress to her and her brother, even if they were slightly being held to her against their will.

    “Your majesty,” Bertrand says to the white queen, interrupting his sisters thoughts and fawning over their queen. “But should you really be talking to th-” Saraphina struck her hand out in front of the male servant, her purple eyes glaring daggers at him. “You still need to learn how to hold your tongue… or relearn it…” She frowns to him before looking to the girl again, a smile was on her lips once again. Bertrand had lowered his head and kept his eyes down. That’s what his twin sister taught him for keeping out of trouble… just like a servant. “While I have you here… would you happen to know how to get to a castle… what was the castle again…?” “The Ember Clans castle.” Nadaline speaks up quietly, musing softly to her queen. “Ah yes! There! That Ember Clan castle. That’s what I’m trying to find~!” She giggles as she holds her hand out for her fan again.
    HP: 500/500 MP: 500/500
    (632) 1217/3500 WORDS



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    Age : 27
    Experience : 22,004

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    Dousing a Flame Empty Re: Dousing a Flame

    Post by Clementine 18th September 2019, 10:56 am

    Rising from the bottom.
    HP: 200/200
    MP: 200/200
    Job: A Fang in Your Side
    Tagged: @Saraphina
    Mood: Yay!
    Muse Music: Magnets
    Word Count: 1,262/3,500
    "Yeah," Clem replied, flipping the paint can in her gloved hand once more. "Been doin' it a while now." She didn't mention her magical use of the art medium, but if this was the Saraphina she had been waiting for, it was bound to be revealed soon. Since their task involved fighting, Clem would have to use her colorful attacks and defenses.

    The woman gracefully lowered the fan that masked her face. Clem's eyes locked onto the mark on her chest, a rich purple against the pale tone of her skin. She introduced herself as Queen Saraphina, to which Clem raised an eyebrow. A queen? The painter hadn't expected a queen. The woman accompanying the royal lady gave a bow to Clem, who gave an awkward nod in return. She had grown up in the slums of Neutral Grounds, so formalities were totally lost on her. Hopefully she hadn't done anything to offend the queen.

    "That'd be me," Clem replied with a brief three-fingered wave. Confusion filled her as Saraphina mentioned a guild mark. Was that the shape printed on her chest? The lack of magic and guild knowledge the young woman had seemed to be a detriment. She was honestly clueless on how guilds worked and the initiation process into one. "Er… I kinda figured I jus' show up and I'm part of the guild," Clem continued, raising her hand to rub the back of her neck sheepishly. An uncomfortable chuckle escaped her mouth. "I don't really know much 'bout guilds, if you couldn't tell. So I guess I need a guild mark?"

    "Uh, please," she added hurriedly. 'Please' and 'thank you' were something she'd had to learn once she left Neutral Grounds, and mostly used them sarcastically. However, she was attempting to be cordial to the guildmaster. Whether she was successful or not was a mystery to her.

    The man attempted to intervene on the interaction but was swiftly silenced by the queen. Her harsh words to him were quickly dismissed by a smile as if nothing had happened. Clem narrowed her eyes warily. She had encountered many people who changed face in the blink of an eye. It was something she was extremely cautious about as she had been hurt by people like that more than once. Seeing the queen act as such put her on edge, despite being oblivious to the master/servant relationship between the two.

    "I dunno how to get there, unfortunately," Clem said with a shrug. "Shouldn't be too hard to find though." Her blue eyes scanned the area around, looking for castle towers that may be peeking above the other buildings.


    Dousing a Flame 60657_s

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Cosmic Coins : 555
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    Dousing a Flame Empty Re: Dousing a Flame

    Post by Saraphina 13th December 2019, 11:30 pm

    The White Queen
    Nadaline watched the masked girl did not seem like she knew how to be formal. Oh! How she longed to teach the girl to be a bit more proper. She could not do such a thing though if she wasn’t whom they were looking for. Saraphina, though, seemed to be pleased by how the other female reacted to her question, or the fact that she answered about the painting bit. After hearing that the girl had said she was the girl that Saraphina was looking for, she gasped rather loudly. She quickly turned her head to look over at Nadaline now. She already held out the stamp to her queen while she was there. She was holding it the minute Clementine said she figured she could just say she was apart of the guild.

    “While yes, you can just show up, we do have a guild mark to be able to show the world that it is Errings Rising that is whom they’re dealing with.” Saraphina says as she delicately held the stamp in her hands now. Nadaline was holding onto the fan, and had stepped back away again. “Where would you like your stamp?” She muses happily to the other girl, excited to see where she wanted the mark. She did not mind the lack of manners, but the fact that Clementine used them made her smile all the more! She paused though when she was told the other did not know how to get to the castle of the Ember Clan. She began to pout some. Regardless, she quickly stopped pouting and stamped the masked girl when she presented where she wanted to be stamped.

    Bertrand cleared his throat and Saraphina looked back at him. She had not noticed when the other female had glared at her before, but now she was listening to her servant. “If I may? I heard a few people talking about the castle, intoxicantly.” He says. He glanced over to a couple bumbling buffoons that were laughing about something as they stumbled over their feet. Saraphina’s purplish pink eyes followed and then she raised an eyebrow back to her servant. “Well?” She asks as she waved her hand out to him to get him to continue. Bertrand nodded his head. “They were joking about how it was in the center of the city and about how the city is nearly like… a waffle?” He was not too sure about the joke. But Saraphina got it instantly.

    With a clap of her hands, the white queen looked to the other female. “You care to go have fun and taking down these Ember Clan people? I would love to get rid of their influence since they’re oppressing the masses.” She giggles as she tilts her head to the side. She honestly did not see the irony in the fact that she declared herself a ‘queen’ with some servants she ordered around while she was opposed to the very notion of this at the same time.
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 660/660
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    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- I Have Friends...- Achiever- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 22,004

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    First Skill: Chromatic Graffiti
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    Dousing a Flame Empty Re: Dousing a Flame

    Post by Clementine 15th December 2019, 10:01 pm

    Rising from the bottom.
    HP: 200/200
    MP: 200/200
    Job: A Fang in Your Side
    Tagged: @Saraphina
    Mood: Yay!
    Muse Music: Magnets
    Word Count: 1,754/3,500
    ”Makes sense,” Clem replied with a shrug. She had no problem getting the stamp, though she wasn’t sure exactly how it worked. Was it permanent? Done in ink? It ought to be similar to the gang tattoos she had seen in the streets. Upon flashing the tattoo, one could know the affiliation and values of that individual reflected those of the group they belonged to.

    Clem thought for a moment as Saraphina held up the stamp. The queen herself displayed hers proudly on the space above her chest - which the painter suddenly realized was… well endowed. She swiftly averted her eyes, pondering where she wanted her own mark. It should be somewhere she could show it easily if need be. Clem also wanted it to be somewhere meaningful, as one would with any normal tattoo. With each tattoo that she had gotten in the past, she had known deep in her heart where it belonged on her skin. That’s it! Clem realized the perfect place.

    She stepped a little closer and pulled down the edge of her top. Clem had decided that the tattoo should go right over her heart. However, it would be slightly displaced due to her own endowments. The painter used one hand to pull the skin on her chest taut so the stamp would place evenly. She had no issue exposing the skin of her upper breast, but hoped that the queen and her servants wouldn’t take offense. It wasn’t like she was just pulling a boob out!

    After the stamp was placed, Clem took a moment to admire the color and shape. The circular shape had curved spikes rising from its edges, giving the mark a sharp, rugged look. “It’s lovely,” she commented, giving a nod to Saraphina.

    The male servant spoke up, repeating the information and joke which had been overheard from the nearby drunkards. Clem let out a snort at the notion that this city was a waffle. “Sounds like a fun time to me,” the young woman replied to the queen, giving a tip of her cap. Though Clem had arrived long before Saraphina, she hadn’t had the time to peruse the city and get a good visual of the street structure. Assuming it was a round waffle, if they knew where the edge was then it would be easy to find a major pathway. That meant that the streets leading into the castle from any of the four compass points should be a straight shot to the center.

    Clem didn’t feel like explaining her calculations to her companions, so she instead elected to pick a direction. Thinking for a moment, she raised her hand and pointed a finger towards the direction the drunkards had been heading. The painter was trusting her gut and her heart, and the pair rarely led her astray. “Let’s go thataway!” she chimed. “Once we find a main street, it should be a quick jaunt to the castle.”
    Space for Notes!


    Dousing a Flame 60657_s

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 555
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    Experience : 1,361,997

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    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
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    Dousing a Flame Empty Re: Dousing a Flame

    Post by Saraphina 2nd February 2020, 1:28 pm

    The White Queen
    As soon as Clementine had showed where she wanted her stamp, Sara grinned and stamped it without issue. Her complimenting the guild mark even made the queen feel more giddy about giving her the stamp! “This’ll protect you from the cold, whatever it may be... But I’ve been told the stamp is nice for that~!“ She never got cold coming from Iceberg. She actually couldn’t help but admire the tattoo on the girls skin for a moment before Bertrand spoke. After she questioned if Clementine was ready for some fun and to deal with the masses, she listened for the girls response. She wasn’t disappointed at all.

    The moment, Sara saw Clem’s hand raise towards the direction the drunks went, a smile was resting on her lips. “Oh? Sounds like a plan.” She simply says as she had her fan back in her grip and covering the bottom half of her face. She was enjoying the outfit once again, and it made it all the better that she wasn’t working too hard. “Please lead the way! I’ll keep my eye out for any trouble.” She muses happily. Her eyes glance up to the dark sky, and she smiles to herself. “Such a beautiful night for a fire…” She hums aloud.

    With Clem’s guidance, and the twins should they require it, the four made it to the castle, though it didn’t look like a castle much, if the white queen was honest. It looked more like a Midi style mansion than a castle. Midi was a weird place when it came to things like this ‘castle’. But the sights were a delight! Same with the food and the dialect. She was still getting used to the oriental styled buildings that were here. Getting herself back on track, Saraphina takes a deep breath and looks around the place. Of course there were light traffic of people outside at this time of night. The queen glanced back to her servants, and motioned for them to stay. She then held up a pink iLac and smiled sweetly. “Call me if someone makes a fuss.” She simply says as she looked to Clementine. “Shall we make our way in? I spy a cute little window over close to the back behind a little fountain thing on the side over here.” She muses as she starts walking down the alley. Her phone had suddenly disappeared between her breasts and she continued to walk on ahead of the supposide artistic mage.

    She approached the window, and noticed a door right next to the window under a porch that was pushed back a little from the wall. Without thinking, the queen had gone over to the door and slowly pushed it open. The area was partially lit as the queen was quietly walking through the halls. She was actually rather surprised by her own quiet walking, she hadn’t had to do it in ages if she were to be honest. This was even her first time in geta footwear too! Her purplish pink eyes glance around the hallway before she starts traveling down one of the halls. She was keeping her ears out for anyone coming their way.

    Honestly, it didn’t take too long for the white queen to hear voices coming from down a hall. A group of people chattering away and laughing with one another. Saraphina stopped where she was and just watched ahead, where she heard the voices coming from. With a deep breath, she watched as a couple small groups of older teens and young adults wearing matching robes of red, orange, and black. Colors of fire. Licking her lips, Saraphina giggled a bit. “I don’t feel like dealing with you all right now... Bergelmir.” She flicked out her first three fingers and smirked to herself about her doings. Suddenly a gush of frosted red water washed over the group of eight and smashed them into the ground. It was actually quite loud, and Saraphina frowned. That wasn’t what she was going for. Oh well. They would bring more fun for her. “Dear me! Any survivors to tell your matriarch to either side with me or die for trying to order people around and make them not free?” She giggles as she finally walks forward to the group. She did use quite a hefty spell on them. She kept her three fingers pointed out, and the frosted red water moved away from the bodies. No one moved. A pout formed on her lips, but she shrugged her shoulders before she continued to walk on. No doubt her noise would attract others.
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 617/660
    Notes and Enemies:
    (767) 2484 (4238/7000 total) words
    Job Link/Job Approval



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    Dousing a Flame Empty Re: Dousing a Flame

    Post by Clementine 2nd April 2020, 3:25 pm

    Rising from the bottom.
    HP: 200/200
    MP: 200/200
    Job: A Fang in Your Side
    Tagged: @Saraphina
    Mood: Yay!
    Muse Music: Magnets
    Word Count: 2,309/3,500
    Clem was equally perplexed about the style of the castle. She had seen depictions of fantasy castles before and admittedly she expected something more like a giant stone fortress. This building was quite strange in design. The Midians had a very different style than Fioreans, which was something the painter still had to get used to. Anything outside of Neutral Grounds, let alone Fiore, was a culture shock to her.

    When they got close to the castle, Saraphina stopped. The servants were told to stay put. It made sense, the less people went in, the more they could focus on the task at hand. The twins might not even be magically inclined, Clem had no idea. She still gave them an apologetic glance as she passed in pursuit of the queen.

    The two reached a little side window that was accompanied by a door nearby. Saraphina led the way, opening the door gently. Clem peered around as she followed her guildmaster. It was silent in the hallway. Their footsteps were mostly muffled by a long rug, but she was impressed by how the queen moved so quietly. In the dimly lit space, she almost looked ghostly. A little shiver went down Clem’s spine.

    Some youths robed in warm colors rounded the corner, only to be attacked in an instant by the queen. Bodies crashed to the floor. The racket made Clem look around cautiously. No doubt such noise would bring more Ember members to their location. Her grip on the paint cans tensed. The queen continued forward, stepping over the youth bodies. Clem tried not to look at their faces as they passed.

    They followed the hallways towards the center of the building. As the two emerged into a larger chamber with stairs, they nearly ran into a group of three adult Embers. The leader of the trio had a concerned expression on his face. “I swear if Bridget and Aster got into a scuffle-” he was saying, but his words died down as he saw the painter and the queen. All three adults tensed and stood battle-ready. One had a sword whose surface began to lick with flames, while the only female rolled up her sleeves. “Who are you?” he demanded. “State your names and purpose, or we will be forced to subdue you!”

    Clem darted forward without a word as she saw the female begin to mutter something under her breath. From one spray paint can came a slew of orange paint that coated the ground. In a heartbeat it rose up to form a vibrant sludge that tugged at the feet of her enemies and slowed their movements. In the same movement, Clem reached the female Ember. Her swung out, kicking the woman’s feet from beneath her. As she began to fall, the painter punched her square in the mouth. The attack was aimed down, so the female smashed into the ground at a faster pace. Her mouth was bloody from the punch and Clem could see a few chipped teeth as the woman gasped for air among the orange sludge.

    The painter backed off, glancing over to see how Saraphina was faring. She had dealt with the youths so easily that Clem didn’t doubt her ability to take on the adults. The queen was definitely a more powerful mage than she.
    Space for Notes!


    Dousing a Flame 60657_s

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    Dousing a Flame Empty Re: Dousing a Flame

    Post by Saraphina 26th August 2020, 4:46 pm

    The White Queen
    As the two had gotten closer to the more adult Ember clan members, Saraphina stopped where she was. She listened slightly to their conversation, seeing if it was of any use to her, but alas, it wasn’t. What was more interesting, was how quickly they seemed to tensed the moment they saw the pair of women. Saraphina held up her fan and giggled behind it. “Hello~!” She said ever so sweetly. She didn’t feel threatened by these peasants. If they were going to fight her so immediately, she didn’t have to worry about them joining her guild or her gods. “I’m Queen Saraphina of Errings Rising. Why don’t you join? It’ll be much better than this pigsty.” She sway from side to side slightly, but they didn’t get much of a chance as the young woman next to her went after them.

    Her eyes watched as Clem started using her magic, a grin starting to form on her face the more she watched. The man with the sword started coming after Saraphina, and she sighs deeply. “This is troublesome. Aegir.” She holds out her hand and water shoots out from above her hand. She starts to wave her hand about and it zipped around the man for a moment* before it suddenly doused him in water, extinguishing his flaming sword. “Look. You’re wet.” She giggles before her hand movements got more aggressive while still being smooth. The water matched her hand movements almost and started smacking the ever living crap out of him before it threw him into the wall, tearing through the paper and showing the other rooms. Saraphina’s eyes lit up some as she used Aegir on the second man and sent him through the wall with his brethren, making the hole bigger and going through another wall. “Huh… Let’s take a shortcut.” She giggles to Clem as she hikes up her dress and steps through the hole.

    The room the second man had crashed through had a few people in it. There were some more minors in there, and a couple samurai guards, and Saraphina’s target. The black haired woman was sitting on a chair in her own yukata. “Wow… I should have brought Týr along with me.” She giggles a bit, but held her hand out. She snapped her hand out and Aegir’s water shot after them. The two guards lit their swords on fire and instantly cut the water in half. Saraphina paused for a moment before a grin formed on her face. “Listen here. You will join Errings Rising, or you’ll die.” The middle aged woman with black hair started laughing at the white haired queen, not that she knew Saraphina was a queen, down below her. “Your hair is pretty. I used to have white hair like that when I was born, but my magic made it turn black…” She gingerly touched a strand of her hair as she stood up. “But are they serious? Sending a couple children to ‘sway’ me to their side? Hah! Got to try better honey…” Her smile she had while laughing dropped, while the white queens smile grew.

    Those were the words she needed. “Very well…” All the magic essence that Saraphina was holding back suddenly had dropped, giving both the guards and the stupid Matriarch a brief startle. The older woman instantly lit herself on fire, heating up the area around her too. Saraphina placed a hand on her chest and a gold necklace with a nice ruby red gem was dangling off of it before the white haired girl tapped it twice and stepped forward instantly, dropping her fan and ignoring it as it lit on fire. “You have rejected Errings Rising!” Her voice was loud as she grinned, showing her sharp teeth as she did so. “A crime I cannot permit to happen in my presence. I think your head will be pretty on a pike.” She giggles ever so sweetly as she gets close to them. She wasn’t affected by the heat as she had a watery like layer of red web over her, protecting her from the heat.

    Without a second thought, five wheels of fire instantly shot out of the necklace, one for each of the guards, and the remaining three at the woman. Of course the fire did nothing to them with their fire abilities, but it way this fire was made, made their strength go down. The guards swords were heavier for them to hold, and Saraphina started cackling at her handiwork. “That’s hard to hold now, isn’t it?” She was in a near uncontrollable fit of laughter as she holds up her hands as if she was holding a bow and arrow. She lets it go and ice arrows form suddenly before they split up and find their marks with help of Aegir’s water shoving them where they needed to. One might notice that if they spotted her fingers wiggling about as the arrows flew across the room. The womans shoulder got stabbed by the ice arrow, and the fire instantly went out as she cried in pain. “You are honestly no fun for me to play with. Jord, Thrud.” She says and instantly boulders shoot up from the ground and a blinding sword of light is in the queens hands.

    The boulders were rather large and went right for the guards. They trapped them in place and had their necks snapped and heads bashed in by a rock hitting them jsut right in their helmets. The queen walked up casually towards the matriarch before five glowing floating swords that matched her original sword were around her. “You’ll just die here now.” She giggles and the swords stabbed right into the woman before she did the final blow of stabbing her physical sword stabbed into her chest. “This is what you get for rejecting me.” She giggles as she grabs the sword and the ice arrow out of the woman before casually lopping her head off and letting the head roll. She lets her floating swords disappear, while still holding her sword, and gingerly transfers it over to the other hand while she picks up the head off the ground. Saraphina puts the sword in the matriarchs chair and stabs the head through the arrow before she found some hanging tassel and wrapped it around the head and the arrow to hold the arrow into the head. It was a hanging display for any who walk into the place.

    She turned to the seat again, picking up the sword and sitting herself down just as the twins had made their way in the room from the doorway. “Perfect timing.” She giggles as she held the sword tip on the ground in front of her crossed legs. “Clementine… I liked what I saw today from you.” Her eyes lit up happily. “I’m taking you under my wing. You can get stronger if you work with me more.” She giggles as she leans back and flips her sword back to rest on her shoulder. The other ice arrows around were melting as the boulders holding the guards settled down in a pile, exposing the dented armor and pooling blood around them. “How about you write on the wall behind me our guild and that Hydra will fall like Ember did?”**
    HP: 1365/1365
    MP: 660/660
    Notes and Enemies:
    (1220) 6011 words
    * 5000 words for job
    ** 1011 Excess
    A Fang in Your Side/Page 20, Post n°486



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    Dousing a Flame Empty Re: Dousing a Flame

    Post by Clementine 31st August 2020, 5:55 pm

    Rising from the bottom.
    HP: 200/200
    MP: 200/200
    Job: A Fang in Your Side
    Tagged: @
    Mood: Yay!
    Muse Music: Magnets
    Word Count: 998/3,307 - (2,009) 7,009
    Clem watched from the side of the room as Saraphina finished off the other two Embers. She couldn’t help but admire the ferocity with which the guildmaster wielded her water spell. The two men were sent crashing through the wall with a powerful strike each. It was quite the racket. The Queen led them through the open hole and into the next room. Clem had to hop to avoid her own puddle of orange paint.

    There were several people here, some youths and guards, but immediately her eyes focused onto the woman at the head of the room. She had pitch black hair and held a regal air about her. This had to be the Ember leader. She was looking down her nose at the two Errings Rising mages when they entered. Clem eyed the other Embers warily and kept her paint cans at the ready. Some yellow paint might have to be her go-to. If they were blinded, she and the Queen could overcome them.

    Saraphina wasted no time in attacking, but the men with flaming swords cut through her water. She ordered that the Embers join her guild, but the leader only laughed and called them children. Clem wasn’t sure exactly how old Saraphina was, but she herself was well into adulthood. “Children, yeah right,” the painter muttered from her spot behind the Queen. She was 22 years old, damnit. Just cause this hag was older didn’t mean they were any less strong. This lady would get quite the surprise when the two unleashed their attacks.

    The Queen was a whirlwind of devastation. From swords to boulders and fire, she demolished the Embers in no time at all. Blood splattered the walls and the crunch of bones could be heard as the boulders crushed the swordsmen. Arrows of ice had the painter curious about just how far this woman could take her magic. Clem watched broodingly from the makeshift entrance to the room, the brim of her hat guarding her expression from anyone who looked. She was both impressed and slightly terrified. This woman was not one to mess with. She’d have to remember not to get on her bad side.

    The Ember leader’s head was strung up gruesomely near the throne-like structure, which Saraphina now occupied. The servants had appeared as well from the doorway and made their way over. They were all reunited in the destruction. When the Queen mentioned her name, Clem approached quickly. Was this a time one was to salute? Or bow? Unsure of what to do, the auburn-haired woman put her hands in her pockets awkwardly.

    “Okay,” Clem agreed, raising an eyebrow. She hadn’t expected this to be the outcome of the day. Apparently her fighting had impressed the guildmaster, so she was offered to be taken under the Queen’s wing. Well, offered wasn’t quite the right word. Clem dared not to deny the “offer”, as she had a strong feeling that it wouldn’t be taken well if she did. While she didn’t know exactly how to process this, she was curious to see what the future held under the guildmaster’s training. Would it be brutal, or would it be slow and intensive? Either way, she was up to the challenge. She wanted to prove herself, whether that be to herself or to Saraphina or to the world.

    She approached the back wall of the room as Saraphina requested, stepping over bodies and debris on the way. Pausing for a moment, she closed her blue eyes to formulate and idea. Colors, fonts, shapes flew in her mind’s eye. With the art pictured and ready in her head, Clem got to work. The hissing of spray paint cans echoed around the quiet room, accompanied only by the dripping of blood from the hanging head.

    When she stepped back, the wall was covered with dark red paint edged in black and white to make it pop. DOWN WITH HYDRA and YOU R NEXT was spelled out in a bold but rugged style. Clem wasn’t exactly the best speller or writer, which was apparent on the wall. She’d learned some over the years, but not enough to spell entirely correctly in her art. Words weren’t her art of choice anyway. Despite her grammatical shortcomings, she was an expert in color and design. To the side was a crisp rendition of the Errings Rising guild mark in green, mirroring the new tattoo on Clem’s chest, which was magenta. Proud and satisfied, Clem returned to her guildmaster.

    “Done. Should we get outta here? I’m kinda hungry. Never tried Midian food before.” There was a lot she hadn’t tried. Hopefully in joining Errings Rising she would learn much more than she ever could alone on the streets. Saraphina seemed a bit wild, but probably knew lots of things that Clem had no clue about. Not to mention that her servants seemed intelligent enough. There was benefit to be had from this, even though it was risky too. Dark mages were rumored to be unpredictable. Clem would just have to watch her back, as she always did. Trust was a fickle thing that she didn’t give to just anyone. Life in the streets had given the painter a cynical view of the world. She’d learned to expect the worst of everyone, which often came to be true, only reinforcing that attitude.

    Turning to look at the destruction, the painter felt a pang in her stomach. She hadn’t been involved in something like this since she was a teen in a gang in Neutral Grounds. The sight of so much blood made her grit her teeth. Clem decided that she would try her best to avoid killing. She’d seen enough of it in her life. Causing chaos was possible without death, and it was her mission to do just that. If Ammi ever found out she had killed, she would be disappointed. Even if she never saw her sister again, Clem couldn’t let herself fall that low again.
    Space for Notes!


    Dousing a Flame 60657_s

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