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    Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Grim Reaper 20th February 2019, 4:23 pm

    Words written: #532
    Total written: #532
    Job total words: 532/7000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    _____The woman should not have asked Alexandra to help her when it came to attire, much less when the woman was in a truly playful mood when she was given a job to cull a village after they refused to willing be servants to the dark guild. So that lead to the current situation as the woman playfully tugged the chains in her right hand that lead to the collar around Sanguine's neck. The girl had not only been ordered to accompany Alexandra for her outing, but wear the rather... odd outfit choice she found herself in.

    _____Shadow tried her best not to look to be showing pity or possibly jealousy as the white haired woman would be left in a cat outfit with ears and tails to boot. Thankfully Alexandra was in a good mood and once she got a decent look over the young slave the guild turned into a weapon she would nod to Shadow who moved her hands to toss the girl a cloak that matched their own so they looked to have a uniform in mind. Moving forward and keeping a grip on the chain Alexandra hummed happily.

    "What do you think Shadow? Should we have her in the outfit without or with the cloak during the job?~" - "I wish you would have let me wear the outfit... Master..." - "But you look so cute in your attire already, if you dressed as a cat I'd never be able to get the job done let alone out of the carriage once we arrive there as I'd be trying to make you purr.~"

    _____Shadow's face going red as Alexandra ran her hand across her plaything's cheek before resuming her walk to the carriage and tugging the chain to make sure to hint she wanted Sanguine a few feet behind her and not any more or less. Shadow matching the pace that seemed to be where Alexandra would stop tugging and as they got outside the guild a black carriage would roll up drawn by two horses. A servant holding the reins moving to open the door as they approached and bowing before Alexandra as she tugged the chain again mostly for fun.

    "In you go little kitten.~ Be a darling and snuggle into the seat and purr would you please?~" A small chuckling breaking Alexandra's smile as she would follow behind the weapon of the guild and Shadow staying close behind. The seating was odd, Shadow taking the side with Sanguine and Alexandra getting the other to herself as the door closed and after a moment the carriage began to move. The reaper's leg moving to Shadow who began the usual massage as Grim faced Sanguine.

    "So it seems any 'order' given you have to follow then darling kitty? That could be amusing to so many levels.~ For the moment I think the outfit is enough... plus one thing... I order you to end anything you say with 'Nyaa' or start with it." Shadow's composure breaking into a small chuckle until she stopped herself. Alexandra going the extra to try and make the 'Nyaa' sound herself during the order to make it clear what she was expecting.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Sanguine 21st February 2019, 12:51 am

    She had to be kidding... but, she also kind of asked for it. With no attempt to stop her, she was willing to do anything in order to escape the crummy slave rags that she took to coming “back to life” with, in a sense. What was she willing to limit herself to? Well, that was to be seen based on the choice of attire she had come to be forced into today. Still, it was kind of nice to be treated better than the seat or a leg rest. What she did dislike is that she had to be led along like a pet with a chain and a collar, making her look down toward the ground with a rather depressed look on her face. She understood the purpose to it. Honestly, she couldn’t see herself running away and as hard as it was to admit to herself that she would willingly stay, she had still felt a bit of hesitation when it came to things they wanted her to do.

    With little to be said, she simply put on the cloak that was given to her, putting up the hood over her head and the cat ear hairband she had to wear with her outfit choice. Well... not so much a choice as it was a forced option. They had walked toward the end of the guild, feeling her chain yanked on for any slight slacking she made in moving along. She hugged the cloak over her body, ashamed to know she would be seen in public, but knowing what the job was.. it’s not like anyone would be left alive to tell the story. Her eyes glanced back and forth as the two of them conversed back and forth about the blood slayer, acting more like some odd mother and daughter than she had a servant and a master. She felt a little envious, but also now disgusted in herself for admitting her envious nature about them.

    As they stepped outside and up to the carriage, the woman’s voice speaking solely to her as though she were just her pet had went unreplied. She obeyed and stepped inside, awaiting the woman to enter as not to stretch their chain slack from tightening too much. ”Y-Yes, Ms. Grim.” Once inside with her, she pulled down the hood to the cloak and climbed onto the carriage seat on her hands and knees, then nuzzling her head against the woman’s body, purring lightly. It was strange she could, but in being able to speak several languages, she had to perfect it for some specific dialects. It was demeaning for sure, but she was willing to put up with it for now. There were a number of various scenarios that would be much worse than this, so to be able to do so was a privilege in it of itself.

    Raising a brow as she heard her being asked about following any order being given, she nodded her head slowly. ”That’s right. Though it’s mainly for tasks pertaining to well.. being a weapon.” She made a slight interruption to her asking, just wanting her to be informed of the type of situation that Sanguine was in. As her first “order” was given, the teenage girl looked up and blinked. Was... was she serious? And yet, she felt as though something dinged in her mind. ”Th-This is so embarrassing, n-nyaa...” Her face was turning bright red, and her head sunk low out of sight when she heard her just instinctively uttering the “-nyaa”.

    591 words


    Mercy or suffering (B rank job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Grim Reaper 21st February 2019, 2:41 am

    Words written: #489
    Total written: #1021
    Job total words: 1612/7000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    _____Alexandra was not expecting the extent of the girl's actions to the orders given. A slight expression of shock for a moment as she felt the girl against her and even heard the purr, the shock turning to excitement as she quickly reached to snag the girl into a hug and slam her face into her chest as she snuggled the cat dressed weapon girl and seemed to be enjoying the whole situation on so many levels. What the girl would notice being so close is Alexandra had no pulse from her heart, and the very looming air of displeasure from Shadow as she massaged her master's leg with a glare to the girl getting more attention.

    _____The bulk of the trip would be spent with Sanguine kept either stuck in a hug and cuddle of Alexandra's cold embrace, or being ordered to do a number of cat related task having spurred the woman's playful nature to much with her willingness. What would stand out is that even though Alexandra was bossy with her words, she seemed to quickly learn what the girl was not happy about doing and avoid those sort of things when she could. Shadow at times asking Alexandra to stop before getting smothered as well by the woman until she dropped the complaints.

    _____When the carriage began to slow down after a few knocks against the outside from where the other servant sat Alexandra's mood rapidly shifted. One moment she was playfully trying to get Sanguine to rest her head on her lap and purr, the next the smile turned twisted and she moved the girl away and moved her foot up as a sign to Shadow to get her ready to get moving. Looking over to Sanguine with the same sort of vile eyed glare as when they formaly first met as her smile did not break much outside her words.

    "It seems the teasing is over for now... and the torture begins.~ Shadow when we stop please unchain my scythe, Black rose you are to sty at my side or five feet back unless ordered otherwise is that clear?"

    _____Any arguing or show of being against the words would result and a very quick motion as Grim would show no mercy slapping the woman's face she had up until now been rather kind to in her own demented way. As the cart stopped and Shadow opened the door and climbed to the roof to start working on her task Alexandra walked out without touching the chain, for the likely first time showing that she had undid it at some point when teasing the weapon. Robe drifting in the wind as she held her arm out and the weapon narrowly missed cutting Shadow as it flew to it's wielder's hand. The reaper had work to do after-all as she spun it to her back with one hand and it floated there as she walked.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Sanguine 21st February 2019, 9:34 am

    Frankly, doing what she thought was doing the right thing has begun to turn into an embarrassing and sick feeling. She hasn’t liked doing it, but there had been a side that was willing to do it knowing the woman could make her do so many worse things. The fact she had been left to be allowed to speak rather than wearing some form of a muzzle was a good start. Still, when Grim pulled her into a hug to cuddle her and acting as affectionate as she had, Sanguine felt her face turning bright red from the actions. She never expected her to get carried away in a fit of a cute loving person, but in a way she was thankful that she had this side rather than a 100% cold, sadistic dominatrix type of woman.

    On their ride, it easily turned into a big session of “My pet cat Sanguine”. She started having to do menial feline things such as playing with a random ball of yarn. Where in the sam hell did she get a ball of yarn in here!? No matter, she simply batted it around in the seat for a few minutes before the next task came in. A.. A bowl of milk? No, she couldn’t be serious... Lightly shaking her head, she was tempted to ignore it, but she was thirsty and.. quite frankly it had been forever when she had any milk. It couldn’t hurt to want some abs and began to lap it up— literally. Lastly, until the end of their ride, she had scratched the bottom of her chin while she made meow after meow, purring in between.

    The longer this went on, the more she felt a little bit of enjoyment out of it. It wasn’t so bad, but it wasn’t until Grim had gotten up from her seat that it became noticed to the slayer that her chain was unhooked. Her hand reached up and she patted onto the collar still on her neck, feeling some strange tag on it. ”Pleeeaaase for the love of the lord this doesn’t say I’m her property... Though better her than some genocidal pervert... nyaa.” She would mutter, not realizing that she was practically talking about the kind of woman Grim was, but all that Sanguine knew of her was that she was an affectionate person with a rather cold and aggressive push for dominance. Though in her case, she had to be talked down to as a weapon to these peoples whim.

    Adjusting her hood, she tried to avoid the angry glares of the blonde girl whom was enslaved to Grim. She didn’t want this any more than Shadow did, but she didn’t have any other choice. Her orders were literal orders. Her fear of not following them flashed back to few times she had been put in positions that not obeying a stronger person would result in a very harsh punishment. Just the mere flashbacks of Beanstalk village haunted her brain in the very moment, shuddering before she stepped out from the carriage and her mind was distracted. When she heard Grim’s orders, it registered, but she had been delayed in replying for a moment before she scurried over to her side. ”Y-Yes Master Grim, nyaa.” She said before realizing what she’d just said. It was too late. If she were lucky, it wasn’t heard. If she wasn’t lucky, she’d probably have sped up the process of her being referred to as her master. Hell, it probably wouldn’t be too long before Zel would get the same way... and of course, she’d have to obey him. ”M-May I ask.. why we came here today, Ms. Grim? You.. never told me, but I had grabbed my sword and went right to your room after you called. I.. am just curious about the job, nyaa.” Of course, her hated stipulation of this job.. talking. Well, at least she didn’t have to talk excessively. It may prove more embarrassing being asked twenty questions...

    WC: 669
    Total: 1260 words
    Group: 2281 words


    Mercy or suffering (B rank job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Grim Reaper 23rd February 2019, 2:15 am

    Words written: #426
    Total written: #1447
    Job total words: 2707/7000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    _____The words spoken by Sanguine caused Grim to stop for a moment. 'master grim' It most certainly had a better ring to it then ms. Grim, but as she resumed walking after she made no mention about the comment outwardly. Watching as some kids ran past them from a nearby intersection of the village streets the reaper would turn to face the other woman. A smile across her face barely seen under the hood as she spoke in a dark tone.

    "To slaughter everyone here.~ The elders and adults refused to be under the banner of the guild a while back, even went so far as to attack a member of the guild until they fled. SO, I'm here to make sure they are either massacre or forced into slavery in some dark sunless corner of the guild's control for such actions. You are here to watch them die, and or kill anyone who actually manages to escape my reach.~"

    _____Alexandra would stay facing the girl to see her reaction. The cold glow in her own glowing green eyes screaming that this was simply a fun game she chose to accept from the guild and bringing her along was simply the bonus to the whole ordeal. She would give the woman time to argue or try and say something to change Alexandra's mind on the course of actions she was going to make the girl undertake. Sadly though, Nothing said or done would seem to effect the woman as she just smiled at anything said or done until she spoke again.

    "The task remains the same Kitty, Now I order you to gather people at town square some way or another be it force or with words. It will be easier to keep them from running if they are all within the effective range of my magic. Now hurry along dear, we have a slaughter to prepare for.~"

    _____With the order given Alexandra would turn away and wave her hand to shoo the girl into action as she herself set out to do the same herself. There was a very slim chance to kill them all or stop word from spreading if they did not cull them all at once, She also was working on a rather tight schedule as the carts that would haul those that did not get killed in the mass attack she had planned. What mattered for the moment though, was how to get everyone in one place without a spell reach strong enough to coat the entire village at once.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Sanguine 25th February 2019, 10:30 am

    When her question had first been answered, there was little to no reaction. It felt as though this were some demented nightmare and Deja vu mixed into one situation. The last time she'd had to come to village, she was forced to do the same from which she would most likely be in the same imposition to do, however this time being on the other side of the fence in that she would have a less forceful approach to having to watch the situation at hand. Her head lowered towards the ground, refusing to refute the mission at hand. What was the point if all she had to do was be told an order and then be forced to follow it anyway? What kind of person was that to be thrown about like she were Just some lap dog? Well.. judging by the fact she was put in this outfit and forced to act much like one, she was probably closer to that of a lap cat.

    Her eyes flickered toward the woman every so often as they had made their way into the small town. She wanted to speak up, but it was pointless as everything she would say could be laughed at and tossed aside like it were nothing. Mere amusement for the scythe wielding woman. "If.. I'm merely here to watch and help... what's the point of this ridiculous outfit? I'd probably prefer a maid or nurse outfit before this... at least those are much more dignifying than this slutty little piece of.. I can't even call it clothing. It's appalling no matter how one looks at it, in my opinion, nyaa." The second those words ushered from her mouth, she expected her to reply with something like, "well your opinion doesn't matter" or something along those lines. But who was she to deny anything she was told? She could be told in an instant that she were to serve this woman for the rest of her life as a slave, to possibly even forget memories of her life and there's always the chance that such a thing could happen.

    When fears such as that had creeped into her mind, it only served her more to that idea that she shouldn't try to verbally lash back. Sure, in a physical capacity she could do the same, but it was pointless to do so. The second she started her action, she could be put on her rear end and then punished severely for it. If any of that were like the suffering she endured to be put in this position to begin with, she couldn't see any purpose to try and run. Sanguine gave no reply to the woman as she told her to go off and gather the people. With no limits really, she feared what her body might do, but she had begun to walk off and over the course of nearly 15 minutes, Grim could hear door after door being kicked open, ripped open, and other various ways to enter. Little by little, she funneled people into the circle.

    As she continued her task, every few trips back that she had made, there would show more blood on her sword and some including on her skin as well. Those trips included crying and panicked civilian people, but she refused to speak. As the teenage girl walked back in with the last of the townspeople, she shoved them to the ground before she came back and then in a fit of hunger, she had ran her hand down the blade of her weapon, pulling the blood from it into the palm of her hand before biting into it like an apple, in turn leaving her sword clean of the blood. In about two more 'bites', she finished and licked her lips of some satisfaction. "A few of the people had tried to fight me off... I.. I..." She began to feel choked up having to admit this, but she had to explain the blood on her and the weapon she held. "I had no other choice but.. t-to kill them, nyaa. I.. hope that's suffices. B-But look on the bright side! The swift death was an easy show that following was in their better interest, nyaa!" What.. What was she doing trying to act appeasing? Was her mind slowly slipping to seek approval to avoid something else? Or was her mind simply so hungry that it seeked to suck up in return to feast on the blood of the corpses?

    WC: 757
    Total: 2017
    Group total: 3464


    Mercy or suffering (B rank job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Grim Reaper 25th February 2019, 12:04 pm

    Words written: #475
    Total written: #1922
    Job total words: 3939/7000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    _____Hearing other outfits get mentioned made Alexandra lift an eyebrow, how many of these adorable outfits existed now since she had awoke? Shadow had mentioned that there had come to light some relationships of servant and master made the cat outfit but maid and nurse? The concept had the woman losing track of the mission for a moment before she snapped back to reality. The fun things could wait until she was more in the mood for them again, for now she wanted to murder some people and she planned to do just that then.

    _____As Sanguine led people to the circle each would have strings reach down from it and begun moving even if they did not wish to anymore, some crying out they lost control of their own bodies. Once the girl moved to the center of the circle she would find Grim toying with some of the people as the rest all sat in a very close circle around her. Heel sitting on the elder's head as she drove it down some and yawned until the girl said she had gathered everyone. Alexandra closing her eyes as her magic leaked out searching for anyone of value as her hand waved to move them to line up away from the rest.

    "Keep those ones over there in line, Shadow... If anyone here tries to escape please show them what happens to those who run from death."

    _____A slow hand first pointing to the group so Sanguine knew her task before tossing her scythe to Shadow who moved to evade it and having her shadow peel from the ground to wield it near the other side of the area. Alexandra smiling faintly as she rose to stand fully and reached her hands outward. It was time to read them last rights it seemed and without further delay it was time they began the trip to meet her majesty and begin their new lives.

    "Come, seek the reaper and she greets you with open arms. May your souls be guided swiftly to her majesty's side where you may suffer eternal torment at the pleasure of her will. Seek the passage to the beyond and it will open it's maw before you to consume the light! Might your souls have agonizing travel to the next plane of existence.~"

    _____A ritualistic tone in her voice as black smoke slowly leaked from Grim's sleeves and the bottom of her robes. The elderly man the first to begin showing exactly what it did as he started to cough violently before gasping and spitting blood as he clawed his throat with his hands. As the smoke reached more some suffered less as they simply fell over, others taking longer to show any effects as the slow moving smoke spread. Alexandra making sure they suffered and enjoying it all the while.
    Chaos' Vessel

    Name: Death's curse
    Rank: B
    Type: Burst DoT
    Damage: 40 per post (200 max) | 118 per post (590 max) {+195% -150% Magic | 45% robe passive- spell damage increase}
    Range: 50 Meter AoE
    Speed: 50Mps
    Duration: five post
    Description: This magic comes with a heavy price, though mostly welcome by Alexandra as it helps cull the weaklings from her surroundings. Anything within a small field around her suffers from the curse magic emitted from her body. Often times starting as simply a nosebleed or something of the sort, or some simply dropping dead. While she COULD spare some this fate, it is often uncommon she does such... (Characters / character-based NPCS cannot be killed without OOC permission.)


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Sanguine 25th February 2019, 1:12 pm

    Each time that Sanguine had returned to her handlers side, she had seen the groups being converged into most likely to appear as separate groups. Her body moving on its own made it hard for her to pause for even a moment to inspect the work being done on Grim’s side of this whole ordeal, but she feared for the people. Deep down, she wanted them to all be spared, but in the same moment that surely was a worse option than what she was going through right now. Having been put in this imposition was a harsh reality and the blood slayer had hated to be doing what she did. Yet, even as her body moved, her mouth still tried to reason with those who wanted to come peacefully and for whose with weak enough constitutions that could be persuaded to come without any harm coming to them.

    As her attempts to corral all the villagers into one spot for further and further in, she ‘twas thankful that the fact her sword and clothes had blood on them intimidated them into wanting to cooperate, but her fear was that they were being delayed the inevitable once they got to the center where Grim was placed. Once everyone had been in that she could gather, she returned to the reapers side as her orders had initially dictated her to do so long as they were together. She peered down as the head of the elder was smushed into the ground, pressed into the dirt by her foot. She didn’t react, beg for his mercy. Nothing. Instead, she let it continue on.

    Sanguine watched quietly as she began to fill the area with some form of a demonic like spell.. maybe. It smelled horrid regardless. But one by one, little by little the villagers died off. The smell of blood began to make her stomach audibly growl. That one small snack was not enough for the slayer but she couldn’t leave the woman’s side to feast— it was against her orders. She felt her humanity slowly slipping with each body piling up. The few on her hands and the many by her own eyes sickened her, but not nearly as much as it used to. What was once gut wrenching to watch was slowly becoming a normality that she could deal with as she feared the thought of her possibly ending up wanting to come up with the ideas on her own to kill others, bend them to her whim... but she didn’t want the latter. A weapon could suffice at just murder. ”Ms. Grim... May.. I eat? Once they’re done, nyaa?” She asked, her mouth almost watering now as her hunger continued on. ”I.. I’m so hungry, nyaa...”

    WC: 458
    Total: 2475
    Group: 4397/7000


    Mercy or suffering (B rank job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Grim Reaper 25th February 2019, 4:37 pm

    Words written: #381
    Total written: #2303
    Job total words: 4778/7000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    _____Each reaction, each word spoken by the girl was information Grim was simply adding to her file within her mind. Ways to break the girl's mind the slow and enjoyable way so that she knew it was happening yet the girl would not. Hearing how she wanted to eat the people caused Grim's focus to shift slowly to the woman as she smiled and spoke softly.

    "Once her majesty has the souls you are free to do as you like with the husk that is left darling.~ But it seems you get a snack early...~"

    _____Grim's gaze shifting to one of the figures in the line as her strings broke from them and they charged towards Alexandra who knew she would be safe even if Sanguine did not move to stop them as Shadow already had the scythe raised and ready to throw it over if the got to close to the woman killing the person's friends and family. Focus moving down to the suffering around he as she made a faint 'shhh' sound to them.

    "You will only hurt more if you struggle, yes I enjoy it but her majesty does not like sounds of agony. She will destroy your mind first... and rebuild you... it is pain, yes very... but once she is done you will be perfect souls for her... until... she betrays you... or did I betray her..."

    _____Alexandra's hand rose to her face, her form flickering between a red haired woman with grey skin to a blonde with pale skin as she struggled to think clearly over the past. It all seemed jumbled together and the stronger she got the more things did not add up to the woman no matter how much she tried to make sense of it. Hand moving down as she focused on killing the people around her for now. A small glance to Sanguine as she smiled.

    "You are free to eat anyone who makes an esacpe attempt or tries to attack me darling. I should not need to phrase that in an order now do I darling?~" A gentle smile as some of the strings loosened and people began to rise up against the reaper or try to run. Shadow doing what she could to stop some also if needed.
    Chaos' Vessel

    Name: Death's curse
    Rank: B
    Type: Burst DoT
    Damage: 40 per post (200 max) | 118 per post (590 max) {+195% -150% Magic | 45% robe passive- spell damage increase}
    Range: 50 Meter AoE
    Speed: 50Mps
    Duration: five post (2 of 5)
    Description: This magic comes with a heavy price, though mostly welcome by Alexandra as it helps cull the weaklings from her surroundings. Anything within a small field around her suffers from the curse magic emitted from her body. Often times starting as simply a nosebleed or something of the sort, or some simply dropping dead. While she COULD spare some this fate, it is often uncommon she does such... (Characters / character-based NPCS cannot be killed without OOC permission.)


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Sanguine 25th February 2019, 5:08 pm

    It was starting to agitate the white haired girl as she stood in wait, hoping for the permission to eat. The bodies lying on the floor, their blood tantalizing the teenager into wanting to ignore waiting orders and leaping into the pile to consume what she could so she could date her hunger. Her attention flickered between that of the red haired handler of hers and the little pet type person whom accompanied her like a slave... more or less being one whether she was proud to admit it or not. Her mention of being able to have a pre meal snack had caught her attention and the need to eat had overtaken her sense of right and wrong. As someone had charged towards the two females standing together, the pink sword lunged straight into his gut.

    Her goal was to keep as much “food” inside as possible for herself. She could eat plenty and still be hungry, so it was important to eat as much as possible when the chance was presented. Body body leaned in to the pretend cat girl and she licked her lips. Her eyes mulled over the trickle of the blood down the sharp edge before finally she opened her mouth and sunk her teeth into his neck. Within mere seconds, the color in the male had started to fade while her throat showed clear signs of swallowing something. Within another moment, Sanguine removed her lips from the corpse’s neck and yanked her sword out, throwing the body aside and then wiping her chin of the blood. Her attention turned toward the sword, repeating her prior action and pulling the blood from it and this time slurping down a string of the blood that she had manipulated to sit in the air.

    Finally, the Demi-Dragoness collapsed to her knees, smiling and rubbing her stomach happily. She hated this method of destroying her will to remain pacifistic to their methods of killing. Starving her for days before a job then sending her out knowing her need to eat would overcome the need to abstain from violence. ”Th-Thank you, n-nyaa.~” She replied, a small smile still on her face as her happy sounding voice made her feel much better now that she had food in her gut. Sadly for her, she didn’t have the chance to do it again, as the surviving people watched the guild weapon doing what she did to a villager of theirs. They seemed shocked, fearful to suffer the same fate. ”What are you going to do with the surviving few, Ms. Grim-nyaa?” The sound was much more fluid when she added the nya, as if eating had made her act more bouncy and lively. Sadly, it wasn’t a normal thing and possibly could be seen as such without much investigating into the matter.

    WC: 471
    Total: 2946
    Group: 5249/7000


    Mercy or suffering (B rank job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Grim Reaper 25th February 2019, 5:37 pm

    Words written: #388
    Total written: #2691
    Job total words: 5166/7000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    _____Watching the guild's weapon at work rose a few questions but mostly just a smile over Alexandra's face as her hands pulled to her chest and the black smoke that had been spreading slowly rapidly made it's return to her body as she walked to the few remaining strings that held the living as she reached a hand down and it ignited with black flames as the person released a strained scream of agony before going silent. Frame rising without the string to kneel before the reaper who moved to the next as she spoke.

    "Those I take a liking to will be added to my collection, the others will be sent to the guild to do as they wish with them. As for he bodies still on the ground you may eat... rather drink their blood as you wish darling.~ After if you would not mind coming back to my side I'd like to reward you for helping so much.~"

    _____Alexandra smiled faintly to the female weapon as she reached down to another figure and repeated the process of removing their memories and instilling the order to listen to those present and anyone with the guild marking she left burned into their minds. It was opened ended but simply how she dealt with those she was not going to take for herself from this task. The two she did pick out however got ordered to listen only to Alexandra, Shadow, or those Alexandra told them to. Their memories warped to be loyal servants to death herself and to question such was unthinkable.

    _____Once Sanguine returned to Alexandra's side she would reach to calmly rub the girl's chin like one would scratch a cat's chin as she smiled and knelt down as her smile remained calm. She truly took a liking this weapon of the guild, it was something she had been made clear of since they first took her from her old life. Part of her would be damned if someone used her as cannon fodder when she saw so much potential within the girl. Hands raising to either side of her head before the black flames coated the reaper's hands and Sanguine would feel raw pain as the woman started digging around her mind to do what Grim enjoyed the most, taking control of her toys.
    Chaos' Vessel

    Name: Death's curse
    Rank: B
    Type: Burst DoT
    Damage: 40 per post (200 max) | 118 per post (590 max) {+195% -150% Magic | 45% robe passive- spell damage increase}
    Range: 50 Meter AoE
    Speed: 50Mps
    Duration: five post (3 of 5)
    Description: This magic comes with a heavy price, though mostly welcome by Alexandra as it helps cull the weaklings from her surroundings. Anything within a small field around her suffers from the curse magic emitted from her body. Often times starting as simply a nosebleed or something of the sort, or some simply dropping dead. While she COULD spare some this fate, it is often uncommon she does such... (Characters / character-based NPCS cannot be killed without OOC permission.)

    Name: Chaos script
    Rank: B
    Type: Single target
    Damage: N/A
    Range: Melee
    Speed: N/A
    Duration: 9 post.
    Downside: Requires OOC permission to be used. Once changes are made, unless Alexandra is killed, or both OOC parties (Caster and effected) decides it can be removed. This means even in places where magic would stop this would continue as it is more so tied to person or such.
    Description: Alexandra's favorite spell, making it only natural she would know how to cast it with such ease. Granting the woman the ability to remove, block, replace, and or destroy the memories and personality of those she touches. This could simply be making them emotionless, or turning even the most noble into purely twisted souls. The dangerous fact of the magic comes from the fact it could be set on a timer, triggered by words or situations, or simply unpredictable. May mercy be on those who deal with this magic.


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Sanguine 25th February 2019, 6:14 pm

    Sanguine kept her attention focused on her snack until she was finished. Once she had, she had turned it toward the woman who dragged her along for the ride. Of course, there was animosity between them whether Grim knew it or not. As far as Sango was concerned, she didn't want any of this; to be a murderer, forced to feast off of the blood of corpses like a savage animal, to even be exposed in her demonic looking form, but here it was... All of it. All she could do was to sit back and hope that something could be done to change what would and could be reversed and she could go back to her life, no matter where it put her... she'd take prison over this. One thing she kept clear was that she would make her time spent being a weapon as painless toward herself as possible... physically at least. She could withstand the mental fortitude, it was her specialty.

    She jumped as a villager was suddenly set into black flames. His agonizing screams horrified her, but her eyes remained locked to it until she watched his body collapse to the ground. "M-M-Ms. Grim, what did you-" She stopped as the woman began to explain just what it was that she had done. The body of the male began to rise suddenly, which only stood to horrify the teenage girl even more. Would that be her fate if she tried to flee and run? Be turned into a mentally destroyed sack of flesh, obeying commands and having no say in any manner? This only served to her as a rather crude lesson and one that was not in the lesson plan at all. It didn't take her even a remote chance of a second before she ran from her side to head out to the pile of bodies. One was not sufficient when she was as starved as she'd been. One by one, she repeated the actions of sucking the blood dry of each one until she was finished. There were still a substantial number left, but she could only eat so much, even for a slayer...

    Once she'd finished, Sanguine stood up and she walked over to Grim's side as she had asked. She wasn't sure what kind of reward to expect, but the sudden scratching under her chin. Doing so made her head rise up some and an audible bit of purring. She wanted her to act like a cat, but she couldn't remember if she ever told her to stop... so why risk it? Starting to enjoy it a little too much, she closed her eyes and smiled even before it stopped. But she left it there, giving the woman a moment in case she had to stop for any particular reason when she began to feel a stinging pain in her mind. She began to bite on her lip, keeping from making any loud yelling sounds. Everything was quiet... with it as such, making noise felt like it would only cause a little frustration in Grim, which would only serve to hurt Sanguine in the end.

    WC: 525
    Total: 3471
    Group: 5691


    Mercy or suffering (B rank job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Grim Reaper 25th February 2019, 6:56 pm

    Words written: #612
    Total written: #3303
    Job total words: 6774/7000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    _____Without much struggle it seemed Alexandra was able to start her taxing task to make changes to the woman she wanted to have as her own. Shadow walking to deal with the few that still lived guiding them to where the other carriages would be arriving to get that handled while her master added the main toy to her collection from this trip. The first focus was to make sure the girl would not so carelessly allow her life to be tossed aside, partly attempting to overwrite the girl to listen to Grim or look to Grim if such order would likely lead to such. The second was making her believe it was her own choice to do such, after all being loyal was better when they thought it was their own accord.

    _____The second change would be the girl's view of Alexandra, she would see the woman as a very large part of her life. So much to the point that making the woman sad or angry was painful to her, to make her happy or smile was a pleasure to achieve. Grim wanted to even go as far as to have the woman desire more of Alexandra's attention in any form she could think or desire. Sadly her magic often struggled to effect such fields but the attempt was still there.

    _____Among the third set of changes was Altering Sanguine to be loyal more to Alexandra then the guild, sure the order to obey them was left alone but it would come second to anything Grim said even if it could go against the guild. Not like Alexandra had plans to betray the guild as she was having a great amount of fun with what they wanted to achieve as it followed her own agenda but in the event it came down to such she wanted her toy beside her. After-all Alexandra's desire for the girl was a double edged sword and she did not like the idea others found out she would not raise a hand to one of her own.

    _____Then there was the last change she would make to the woman's mind. Alexandra was mostly just digging around her memories before she ran into a rather literal wall that stopped her from going past a point that she wanted to effect. Grumbling to herself as she opted to avoid it for the time until she found out just WHO else could do such things to someone's memories as her hands started to move away. The last changed ended up simply replacing the girl's memory of the pain during the changes with more of Alexandra rubbing her chin after a breif delay as she let go.

    "Did you enjoy our little outing... Kitten?~ Might need to think of a better nickname for you as 'Kitten' makes me think of my cat Mr.Mittens... How about you tell be about yourself as we return to the carriage darling. Any and all details you would like. I'm happy to learn more about someone i wish to spend more time with.~"

    _____Alexandra would smile, a hand out to the girl for her to take before she would pull her close to hug her and then proceed to walk while keeping the girl's hand held. It was not like Grim to show such affection to a single person, however the girl reminded the old soul about herself in same ways that she could not help but feel a sort of bound akin to that she had with her majesty. The thought causing a sharp pain in her head as Alexandra's face shifted to pain and she held her face with her right hand.
    Chaos' Vessel

    Name: Chaos script
    Rank: B
    Type: Single target
    Damage: N/A
    Range: Melee
    Speed: N/A
    Duration: 9 post.
    Downside: Requires OOC permission to be used. Once changes are made, unless Alexandra is killed, or both OOC parties (Caster and effected) decides it can be removed. This means even in places where magic would stop this would continue as it is more so tied to person or such.
    Description: Alexandra's favorite spell, making it only natural she would know how to cast it with such ease. Granting the woman the ability to remove, block, replace, and or destroy the memories and personality of those she touches. This could simply be making them emotionless, or turning even the most noble into purely twisted souls. The dangerous fact of the magic comes from the fact it could be set on a timer, triggered by words or situations, or simply unpredictable. May mercy be on those who deal with this magic.


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Sanguine 25th February 2019, 7:40 pm

    As Sanguine stood before the woman whom she'd considered an evil deviant above all else, she had felt the strange pain in her mind. Her eyes closed and though they winced every so often from the pain, on the outside she had looked as though she were in a peaceful state of sleeping. Her face remained a little more on the neutral side when it all had begun, but slowly she began to turn her facial emotions into more of a smile. Thoughts began to swirl around in her mind, overlapping the photographic memory she had and replacing them with blanks. It started off as her seeing Grim to be an influence to her. Someone that she more so idolized and wanted to be under. She wanted to do whatever the woman wanted because it made someone happy, and frankly the only person she seemed to care to make that happen for was Grim herself.

    As she remained in her sleep like state, the thoughts of Grim began to grow. She already had the sensation to idolize her, but she felt now as though to her, anything she said was a grateful order that she'd carry out without a single fault or question. It didn't matter if that order was to slaughter a group of innocent people in broad daylight. Anything to put a happy smile on Grim's face was enough of a reason that she felt she had to continue. She felt the pain in her mind starting to recede, just before the scratching sensation under her chin made her giggle and purr loudly, assuring that Grim had been able to hear them, rather than prior more hesitant ones. "I'm happy to go by anything you want me to, Ms. Grim-nyaa!~" She smiled and giggled happily, acting nearly like her normal self with an added bit of a bubbly kick to it.

    Lastly, Sanguine took her idol's hand and clasped it tightly in her own, nestling herself against the woman as they had started to head toward the carriage. She was asked to talk about herself and with great extent. "Well, where to start... I was an orphan from birth and grew up in a church in Shirotsume. Until I was about 10 or so, I never knew why I was treated differently from the others, but some nuns who also used magic taught me how to use the magic that I had. A couple years later I found out I was half dragon.. apparently so that I am Acnologia's offspring no less." She shrugged, used to the idea of it, though quite frankly it troubled her.. or used to. "Then, I learned my mother was this incredibly powerful dark guild Mistress, but.. she disappeared. So, here I am, a hybrid of dragon and demon, being put to use as a weapon for something that I morally despise." With one last exhale, she smiled and gave a playful meow, just out of the sudden love in her heart to want to appease Grim.

    WC: 507
    Total: 3978
    Group: 7281/7000


    Mercy or suffering (B rank job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Grim Reaper 25th February 2019, 9:37 pm

    Words written: #394
    Total written: #3697
    Job total words: 7281/7000
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    _____Alexandra would listen to the story, a frown across her mouth for a brief moment hearing the woman's tale. It seemed the girl's past was only partly aligned to that of her own as she reached to pull the girl in and under her arm as they walked to the carriage where Shadow kicked the last person in noticing Alexandra was returning sooner then she thought. Seeing the girl so close to her master caused Shadow to frown however she dismissed it and moved to open the main carriage door as the rest set out to return to the guild.

    _____Taking a seat and guiding both Shadow and Sanguine to sit across from her as Alexandra seemed to be straining herself. The moment the door closed she looked ready to pass out as she leaned to lay down on the seat she hopefully had for herself as her form flickered and Shadow knelt down while her shadow moved to wrap Alexandra's form. "I'm not harmed this time Shadow darling... just drained from using to much magic to deal with the masses of maggots that had grown to big..." The servant frowning as she moved to sit down beside Sanguine and glaring at the other girl for a moment before Alexandra spoke again.

    "It is not her fault Shadow... I pushed myself more then I should have as I'm used to more power then what this body can handle... Black rose... do play with with Shadow while I sleep some... wake... me... when we are... almost... back... ..."

    _____Alexandra's words drifting fainter until it ended with a light yawn and her form no longer flickered between what Sanguine knew and what was the real appearance of the woman The reaper was. her expression was strained, but she still smiled as she curled up on the seat and seemed to enjoy the chance to sleep as Shadow exhaled and moved to lift the seat to get a blanket to cover Alexandra with before glaring more at the other girl. "Just because Master has taken a liking to you does not mean I will! You stay on that side and leave me alone and we won't have any issues!" The harsh tone quiet enough to be heard but clearly trying to show she was serious as the woman looked out the tinted window and grumbled to herself.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Mercy or suffering (B rank job)

    Post by Sanguine 25th February 2019, 9:51 pm

    As the two of them reached the carriage, Sanguine had let her idol of a handler enter first before she had. While the red haired girl sat on one side, both the light hair colored ones sat on the opposite side, watching her doze off. When Sango went to turn her head and smile towards her, the returning glare had put a sad look on her face. She didn't want to be rude, but perhaps she still saw her as nothing else but a weapon brought along to slaughter the cattle. Watching the blonde girl go to Grim's side as she had laid down on the seat, her excuse of being exhausted was true just as she nodded in agreement. She used quite a bit of strength back there, but for her it was a good cause. And what was good for Grim was also good for Sanguine.

    And yet, while sitting there, watching her doze off, her attention turned to watch outside as they headed back. Did she really want this? Something felt off, but she quickly scratched out the question. She did, and to think so put a smile on her face. Instead, the blood slayer just ignored the slave girl out of wanting to give her the space she wanted. Every word was heard, but she didn't move from her spot until they'd return with a job successful.

    -Exit & thread end-


    Mercy or suffering (B rank job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:04 pm