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    An unfolding future


    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    An unfolding future Empty An unfolding future

    Post by Ruvel 12th February 2019, 4:05 am

    Ruvel || H-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count: 1,047

    Notes :

    An Unfolding Future

    So much time had passed since the festival within Tolgalen and he still couldn't get the vision of the blond headed, green eyed girl that originally wanted to jump off the roof of his companies building out of his head. She had seemed so upset when he said it would be unprofessional so it couldn't be done. It was easy to explain that his training had ended up with him on the roof, though a bit harder to explain that one of his former summons had intimidated him so much that he slipped off the roof almost becoming flatter than a pancake from the fall. Irregardless that time had passed he had headed back to his original home with someone he held close in the form of one of his vice presidents and co God of Ishgar Johann von Weiss, he was the only person after all that knew how it all began other than his summons. It wasn't exactly something he was wanting everyone to know but at the same time he knew this was something that he couldn't have faced alone, so asked for the support of someone who had suffered the similar loss to accompany him on such a task.

    Being their had brought back a lot of old and painful memories back to the youth, they had been fuzzy as he had been so young at the time but they were still there like burning embers. During the time there his magic seemed to have changed, there was less of a forced pressure on him almost as if an unseen force that had been smothering him had been removed, the bonds between himself and his summons broke and his mind that was usually filled with noise had went silent. Through all that however he still felt a connection to a few of them, it was almost as if they had refused to let go or was it that he refused to fully let go of them; whatever the reason he still held connection to six of his former summons when his magic had changed though two of them had merged into one contract. This visit had also made him become older, not to his old apparent age of eighteen but closer to the age he really was. The ten year old guild master, CEO and God of Ishgar now looked a fourteen year old teenager, he had gained his ability to hide his glow but pretty much how he normally looked was a cat that could never be put back into the bag. Still because of how he dressed his scars were still hidden from the eyes of the world, he didn't think he could bare such a thing.

    The winter ball had been a great success also since that time and he had even invited the emerald eyed fairy to the exclusive social gathering, normally only those within the company got invited but they had agreed that two members from the sister alliance guilds could also attend and each member of the management could invite one person also. That was until the party was crashed by plague infested men and so everyone that had been in contact with them and the men had to be put in quarantine to see if they had been infected, the men on the other hand had been taken away so that observation and some tests could be done. This was nothing like the experimentation that he went through but to gain samples, the men themselves were treated well and given everything they needed. The youth felt bad that they would never be allowed their freedom until a cure was found but he couldn't have an epidemic on his hands. It was an uncomfortable scenario regardless of which way he went but chose to protect as many as he could and that meant they needed to remain where they had been put, a secret only a few knew of.

    Over the next few months talks between the three allied guild masters and their aces would begin as they needed more information on the place these two men came from, he had been there once before and so had offered the information he had and soon they and those who had offered to go on this dangerous meeting would head into the unknown. For now however that was a worry for tomorrow, he had decided to go to Rose Garden at the suggestion of his once companion Demi. She said that it would be something educational given he had never experienced it before in his life, that was an understatement and a half as he was surrounded with pinks, whites, reds; even the baked goods had changed for this season into hearts and flowers and the florists were booming. He walked around taking in the scenery, the smells and even the music that was being played, he wanted to ask why everyone was being so lovey dovey but at the same time he didn't want to be 'that guy' who was asked if he had been living under a rock all his life. In his opinion it might have not been a rock but it was the closest thing to it when you lived in isolation for as long as you can remember.

    Given everything was very flowery and seemingly super feminine at the moment he walked over to a jewellery shop and started to peek at things at the window, he wanted to get a present for Arcadia for the next time they met but he had no idea as to what she would like. He noted that she liked the glowing crystal rose blossom that he had given to her back on Tolgalen but he didn't see anything in this shop that resembled it, this frustrated him but there was many more stores and stalls that he could look at to see if there was something that she might like. He guessed he could get some advice but the only person he knew she was close to was her sister but had no idea who that was, perhaps another Fairy Tail mage? Yet another thing to enquire about but it wouldn't help him right at that moment.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>

    Word count will be seen by hovering over the image at the top of the template as will future pings and ooc notes, spells being used will be noted here.


    An unfolding future 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Wings of Winter
    Position : None
    Posts : 503
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Experience : 1,572,642

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    An unfolding future Empty Re: An unfolding future

    Post by SeaGlass 16th February 2019, 12:15 am

    Rose Garden was not on Arcadia's list of places to be when she woke up this morning. When her faerie green eyes first opened, she did not even plan on going any farther than the Fairy Hills spa downstairs from her room. As soon as she stuck the crystal moon rose behind her left ear for the day, things began to unfold in just such a way to make Rose Garden her inevitable destination.

    The crystal moon rose still held its scent and glow after all this time. She often would smell it to remind her of that day at the festival in Tolgalen with Ruvel. Another day the hand of Fate had guided her to unplanned happiness. Wearing the rose gave Arcadia the sense of having Rui and in spirit. Not the same happiness just being with him had brought her, but it made her smile and think of him through even her worst day.

    This morning was no different, except soon as she thought of Rui she felt an urge to go check the job board. A strange urge since there was no listing on there she was not aware off already. She headed on over to the Fairy Tail guild hall as soon as she was dressed and ready. Looking offer the postings, she saw exactly what she thought she would. There were not any unexpectedly new job. She had helped put up all ones currently on the board last night.

    Her eye did catch a posting she had barely read in her rush to get to bed though. Arcadia took a closer look, reading more than just the heading.  It seemed a big chocolate company headquartered in Rose Garden was in need of help on their deliveries for Valentine's.  That was all straight forward enough. The part about Valentine's stick putt though. She had managed to gloss over that little nugget the night before. Glancing at as l her iLac, she saw said holiday was already upon her.

    The young slayer's mind immediately wondered if Rui would want to take on a job like that with her for Valentine's, but if being CEO kept him even half as busy as she saw Fairy Tail kept Master Sorano, there would be no way he would be available on such short notice. That whole arrival of plague ridden men at the WFTC's masquerade ball reduced any hope she had to near zero. She imagined managing all the work from that just about guaranteed Rui would not have time for a simple delivery job.

    Arcadia read on, the posting did promise some unique payment. It might be worth going on the job anyway, and surprising Rui with some of the chocolates. She could when leave them with the receptionist, if Rui was not available when she got to Tolgalen. The posting did have something about a requirement of the delivery being made by couples and something about marriage. She was too excited to read the posting more carefully once she got the idea of sharing some of her payment with Rui for Valentine's. She did figure the company would make an exception for their need for a delivery couple once she demonstrated the portals she could open with her dimensional scissors. A portal straight to the store would surely save the company time and jewel.

    It was settled. Arcadia slipped her scissors from her pocket, and cut open a portal to Rose Garden. She arrived just outside the Silver Moon Inn. First thing she needed to do was find the store mentioned in the job posting. It was necessary if she planned on having dependable accuracy with her portals for delivery.

    Arcadia was easily caught up in the atmosphere of all the decor and other trappings of the Valentine's holiday on display around Rose Garden. It was good to see some familiar things had survived the unknown centuries or millennia since she had been in magical hibernation. More than a few things about Valentine's had changed since Dragnof's time, but the spirit of the holiday felt much the same to Arcadia.

    By the time she had wound her way through the streets of Rose Garden to the chocolate store, she was really wishing Rui were here to share all this with her. With a deep breath, Arcadia focused more on selling the chocolate company on the idea of delivery by portal. She gave the store windows a quick once over, and slipped in the door to scout around.

    Inside, she browsed a little, and kept an eye out for an ideal place to bring deliveries through by portal. There was no good out of the way place out front, so she went up to the counter to ask one of the workers.  "Hey, I'm gonna be helping with deliveries later today. Where is the best place to bring them in? In the back somewhere, maybe?"

    The dark haired girl behind the counter, who stepped forward to help her, was a little bit older than Arcadia. The young slayer thought maybe she was around Nessa's age. The dark haired girl smiled politely, "Yeah, would be best if you and your partner brought your delivery around back. Here let me show you."

    Arcadia smiled and bowed, "Thanks!" She followed the dark haired girl to the back of the store where the back entrance was set up too receive shipments from wagons and magic vehicles. Arcadia bowed and thanked the girl one more time for her help, and departed for the chocolate warehouse.

    The barefoot slayer made it across town to the warehouse, the only time she planned to physically traverse Rose Garden for the day. Arcadia found her way inside, navigating the maze of imported chocolate in crates to the office upstairs. She bowed and smiled in greeting to the warehouse supervisor, a red haired woman in her mid thirties. "Hello. I'm Arcadia Fairchilde! Of Fairy Tail. I'm here to help with your chocolate deliveries for today. I can open a portal directly to the store, and save you all that time by making a delivery just a stroll across the room instead of cross town. "

    The supervisor looked up from her desk, frowning slightly to see Arcadia all by herself. "I'm sorry, Miss. I'm afraid that unless your partner is waiting outside, we will not be able to use your help. You see, there's a reason we specifically asked for couples to perform the deliveries. We use a matrimonial spell on our dory pairs that acts like a temporary bond of marriage. This magical bond adds the last ingredient to our very special seasonal chocolate. It gives the chocolate an intangible kind of sweetness. The marriage only lasts the duration of the delivery job. But what's that about portals?"

    Arcadia sighed, it seemed she came all this way for nothing. The supervisor's interest in portals at the end was her one slim hope. She withdrew her scissors from her pocket again and snipped, for demonstration, open a portal back to the store's loading bay clear across town. The red haired woman looked quite impressed when she recognized the back of the store through the open portal. "I can open a portal just like this one anywhere downstairs to make the delivery only a few steps long. And..."

    The barefoot slayer reflexively touched the crystal moon rose in her hair. "And I kinda felt drawn to this job ever since I read the posting for it this morning. I was really going to earn the special payments the posting offered to take to my boyfriend..." She paused a moment, realizing that was maybe first time she had said it out loud. Arcadia smiled softly, taking on an even softer blush before continuing. "He really busy these days, but I wanted to leave a little present for him even if he was off saving the world somewhere."

    The supervisor smiled knowingly with glance of recognition to the glowing crystal rose.  "Drawn, you say? Part of the reason the company hired me, is because I'm a shrine maiden. I make sure these chocolates get an extra touch especially for Valentine's. I also know divinely blessed love when I see it. I don't know if my spell will flavor the chocolates without your special someone physically here for the matrimony ritual spell. Hmm but if I'm right, it's worth a try. Follow me.”

    Arcadia followed the supervisor out of her office, and into another room on the warehouse second floor that had been set up as a shrine.  Upon entering the shrine, the supervisor demonstrated her knowledge of re-quip magic by re-quipping into her shrine maiden clothing. In the shrine room, Arcadia got a bridal make-over, hair, flowers and even a wedding dress to borrow until the deliveries were complete.

    An unfolding future 2UhGaF6

    Seeing herself in the mirror when all was done, Arcadia felt a few tars of joy well up in her faerie green eyes. The supervisor-turned-shrine-madien was not down yet either, she would partially perform the matrimonial ritual spell on Arcadia, and instruct the young slayer on how to complete it. Arcadia listened carefully to the instruction, carefully holding the flask of ceremonial sake. The flask's own cap would act as the cup she needed to pour the sake into, and three sips each  would complete the ceremony. When she asked why she was being taught to complete the ritual,the shrine maiden only smiled and sent Arcadia on her way.

    Arcadia found warehouse worker, she was asked where her partner was, the barefoot slayer handed over a note from the shrine maiden supervisor. The worker did not question her further, and simply lead  Arcadia the pallet of chocolate she would be responsible for delivering.  It sure was a lot of chocolate. Even with her portals it might take more than one trip, because she could not move the whole pallet on her own without transforming into  her full ice dragon form. A fifteen meter ice dragon would not fit in the back of the store, and might knock over a few other pallets in the warehouse. She was going to have to remain human for this.

    Taking out her scissors again, Arcadia snipped open a new portal to the store's loading bay, only to watch the image  n ht portal shift location to just outside the store's front door. Closing the portal, Arcadia snipped open another portal to the loading bay, and watched the image in the portal shift straight back to the store's front door.  After repeating the process one more time, Arcadia went ahead and loaded up on as much chocolate as she could carry, and headed through the portal. Upon arriving outside the store's front door, the portal closed behind her. A small group children almost immediately swamped the barefoot slayer, each demanding some of the chocolate she was trying to deliver.

    Unable to get past them to the door, Arcadia was forced to retreat and flee from the children around the corner. She ducked inside the first store she came to lose the small horde of children chasing her for the chocolate. It just so happened this was the store Rui was shopping for a present in. She felt her heart flutter when her faerie green eyes landed on him.

    Arcadia was so happy, she set her delivery of chocolate on a counter, and rushed over to greet Rui with a giant hug. ”Rui! Oh my gods, I missed you! And I'm so glad to to see you!This sis SO amazing! I need your help. I'm supposed to be delivering this chocolate to store just around the corner, but my portals stated acting up, and small group of children chased me in here. And there's so much more chocolate left back at the warehouse, that I sure would appreciate the extra hand.”

    Arcadia still wore the glowing crystal moon rose behind her left ear, even with all wreath of flowers she had been given to wear like a crown to go with her borrowed bridal dress. She blushed lightly as she got to the part about the temporary marriage. ”Maybe this is all going weird because... part of the requirement for delivery the chocolate company has, is to have a partner you are given a temporary magical bond of marriage to. It adds love or friendship as a last intangible magic ingredient to the chocolate or something. Anyway, it's like the company's shrine maiden knew I'd run into you.”

    Arcadia smiled again, and pulled the flask from her pack. She poured the ceremonial sake  into the cap, and knelt down on one knee before Rui. Holding the cap toward him, ”Rui, would you marry me? Temporarily.  I'm told the matrimonial spell wears off once the delivery is complete.  And if you help me, we can share the payment. It's pretty sweet reward. More than the usual jewel, and I was gonna share it without anyway.”

    WC: 2155

    Last edited by SeaGlass on 17th February 2019, 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


    An unfolding future 3FQiytD

    **☆Arcadia's Theme (as discovered by Mura)☆**:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    An unfolding future Empty Re: An unfolding future

    Post by Ruvel 17th February 2019, 2:09 pm

    Ruvel || H-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count: 1,324
    Total Word Count: 2,371

    Notes : @SeaGlass

    An Unfolding Future

    Ruvel had went into another candy store and was looking around at each thing the counter had, he had never eaten anything sweet in his life other than fruit but he was unsure if that could really be counted as a sweet. His eyes over looking each and every candy as he tried to figure out if the blonde haired emerald eyed fairy his heart seemed to flutter for would enjoy it and even if she did enjoy candy which would be the one that she would enjoy the most. He looked up to the owner of the high end chocolate establishment when he heard him cough "This stuff might be a little out of your price range son." he said his voice polite enough but it showed that he doubted a teenager would have enough to purchase anything within the shop "Price isn't the issue for me sir, it is trying to get the right candy for my..." he paused for a moment unsure how exactly to categorise Arcadia, they had met at a festival and a few times through meetings due to the impending task that was to come so they were more than colleagues and friends but it wasn't exactly like one had asked the other for a special relationship. "I guess... I guess she's my girlfriend..." he said uncertain if that was the case but his heart felt aflutter as he said it "You guess?" the man said making Ruvel nod in reply "It's complicated." he replied a light blush seen in his cheeks.

    The owner of the store chuckled lightly "Love is always complicated son, that ain't gonna change but if she has this kind of affect on you, she's your girlfriend mark my words." he said watching as the blonde haired youth looked to him "Then I am looking for the perfect sweet for my girlfriend but I'm unsure what she likes with things like this." he said looking down to the different types of candies, chocolates, desserts and cakes again. "Like I said son, the stuff in here will likely be out of your price range." repeated himself Ruvel himself knew he couldn't read the price tags and it was the clerical department that dealt with the finances so he didn't really deal with money "I can afford it sir, I assure you." he said with a calm and respectful tone, he knew that this decision was made all that much harder as he himself didn't know which tasted good, but then he realised he could likely just make something like this back home and it would mean more due to it being hand made. "Thank you for allowing me to browse sir and for your advice, it was insightful." he said starting to turn around to walk out of the store to look for an actual present that wasn't going to make his head hurt.

    He was almost out the door when he was suddenly tackled by a girl he didn't recognise at first but it seemed she knew him well enough to know what his nickname was, due to the tackle hug surprise attack it took him a few moments to register the voice that was speaking to him "Miss Fairchilde, you look beautiful in that dress." he said a soft blush in his cheeks, his voice warm as he spoke to the other holding her close to him on the floor for a moment, his eyes looking to the owner "This is my girlfriend." he explained the blush getting deeper. Helping her to get up once more before standing himself he listened to everything she had to say and blinked in surprise "We need to get married for a short time?" he finally said as all the information clicked into place, well kind of as it hadn't really sunk in to the youth. His hand going to the armlet underneath his white suit he wore, showing the marriage he was bound to while in the facility. He had never been given a say it had just always been though he and Demi grew to view each other more like siblings than anything else in honesty he didn't even know if the marriage he had with Demi inside the facility held true outside of it and it was yet another thing he never discussed with people because it would bring up to many other questions he wouldn't be willing to answer.

    In honesty people would likely tell him just to remove the armlet that he wore but he had been wearing it for as long as he was inside the facility, even though it still bound him to that awful place he hadn't even attempted to try and remove it because in all honesty he knew he would feel naked without it. Seeing her bring out a sake bottle and move onto one knee he helped her back onto her feet "Please Miss Fairchilde, please promise me you will never make such an action with me again." his voice sounded almost scared as he spoke his eyes mirroring it "I will happily marry you here and now and promise to do so when we are old enough just never do that again... promise me." he took the cap and flask placing them on the counter before holding her tight almost as if he was afraid he was going to lose her, she would be able to feel his fragile frame shaking and the warmth of his tears on her neck "I would never be able to forgive myself is something happened to you." he whispered into her ear for now just forgetting the world around them as he tried to regain his composure once more. When he did he stepped back taking the cap and drinking it without a second thought "After we have done this task, I want to take you to get a promise ring... my purest promise will be there and that when we are older I will propose to you properly Arcadia." he said a soft warm voice escaping his lips as he spoke.

    His eyes went to the owner of the shop who had watched everything in fascination but had remained quiet "Sir, please give me one dozen of your large chocolate fudge hearts and chocolate fudge marshmallow hearts" he said the man blinking as the order was given "Son..." Ruvel placing a bag on the counter "Take however much is needed from that to cover the order." he said calmly watching the man's look of surprise as he went around getting the order that was requested of him. Ruvel then turned to look at his now new bride "If they want chocolate, we will give them some." he said with a small wink the owner placing two bags on the counter before taking the required jewel for what Ruvel had just asked for before handing everything else over. "Arcadia if you wouldn't mind picking up the chocolate for the children then we can get this first delivery done." he said picking up the boxes, luckily they weren't to heavy or their might have been a problem. Once Arcadia had he would head for the door and open it allowing her to leave first and exited afterwards, the moment that happened they were swamped by the children once more "If you want some chocolate, my beautiful bride has just acquired some for you but you need to form a line and ask politely. Please remember your manners too." he said watching as they done as instructed, once done it would allow them to head to the store in question where they could deliver the first batch of chocolate. "Where to next?" he asked not knowing the ins and outs of the job seemingly being brought in after it had been accepted.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>

    Children taken out with the power of chocolatey goodness.
    The changing of Miss Fairchilde to Arcadia was done on purpose


    An unfolding future 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Wings of Winter
    Position : None
    Posts : 503
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Experience : 1,572,642

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    An unfolding future Empty Re: An unfolding future

    Post by SeaGlass 21st February 2019, 1:18 am

    The promise Rui wanted her to make, mildly perplexed the barefoot slayer. She smiled and nodded her acceptance off his request. Arcadia did not make a habit of taking a knee or kneeling before anyone, so it felt like an easy enough promise to keep. "I don't really understand why or how taking a knee would hurt me. You'll havta explain some of these things more to me later. Worry not though, I promise not to do that again with you. I was only taking a knee because I don't wanna mess up the completion of the marriage spell."

    Arcadia was still blushing lightly from his earlier complement on the look of her borrowed bridal gown. Her cheeks held a deeper rouge briefly, pleasantly surprised by Rui vowing to take her looking for a promise ring. She smiled warmly, "I can't wait, Rui. Hadn't really thought that far ahead before, but now... I'm sure we'll find the most beautiful ring."

    The young blonde slayer took up the sake flask and refilled the cap. Gently squeezing Rui in turn, she drank her share of the ritual shake to complete the marriage spell. As the ritual's magic fully activated, Arcadia was suddenly aware of more than the strength of Rui's magical might. She felt a taste of it, almost like she could discern one of his spells and cast it herself if she concentrated hard enough.

    Arcadia smiled to the man behind the counter, the barefoot slayer moving to put the cap back on the flask, and tuck it away. She bowed and her voice almost too soft to be audible as she addressed the store owner, "Thankyou, Sir." Taking the two bags from the counter, and followed Ruvel to the door, heading out first. When the children surrounded her again, she held the two bags as high as she could. Arcadia was relieved when they listened to Rui, and lined up single file. Keeping the bags away from them was not a sure thing, her height would have not worked by itself.

    She gave one chocolate heart to each child, smiling to each one and wishing them a 'Happy Valentine's' as she handed the chocolates out. Few of them had had such extravagant chocolate before. It's rich taste keeping most of them for asking for more. Arcadia smiled and waved after the children as they slowly dispersed.

    Folding up the bags, Arcadia tucked those away with the sake flask. She smiled to Ruvel, "Thankfully, the store we're delivering to is just around the corner." Arcadia lead the way around the corner back to the shrine maiden's store. She opened the door for Ruvel, and followed him in.

    The shrine maiden greeted them upon entry, "Welcome back, welcome back! I hope your delivery was not too difficult. Glad to see you found your partner."

    Arcadia bowed to the shrine maiden, "Yes, thank you. This is my groom and groom-to-be, Rui. I had a little trouble with my portal But I wouldn't have found Rui if I hadn't. Something tells me you knew that would happen."

    The shrine maiden supervisor only smiled mysteriously at that, and gestured to a male employee. He looked bored, standing back behind the counter. He finished up some call on an iLac, before he answered the shrine maiden's call. The shrine maiden bowed, "Jaiden will be helping you, just follow him back to the loading bay. I'll be upstairs if you need me." With that, she headed up her office.

    Jaiden lead the way the loading bay in back, showing Ruvel where he could stack the boxes. That would complete the first load of chocolate. He also showed the temporary newly weds where their next shipment should go. Arcadia drew her dimensional scissors out once she knew where the next and hopefully last load should go. With Rui's help,it should be possible fort the two carry the remaining boxes in one trip. She snipped open a portal back to the warehouse.

    The male employee waited until the portal back to the warehouse closed behind the new married couple. He took iLac back out, and made a little call, "Be ready in five minutes. I'll leave the back door open for you." Jaiden hung up and snickered, muttering his thoughts to himself, "What a rube. I don't know how anyone could hate a day for love. He shouldn't be a match for two wizards as strong as those two, but he should give me more than enough of a distraction to nick some of that premium stuff for my pookie. She deserves the best, but geeez it's expensive even with the employee discount."

    Arcadia opened a portal back to the store's loading bay once she and Rui were ready with the remaining boxes of chocolate. Waiting for them on the other side of the portal was Darryl, Jaiden's accomplice and unwitting pawn. Darryl's love life had never been all that great, and a holiday like Valentine's only served to rub it in his face. He was armed with a set of throwing knives shaped like two halves of a broken heart.

    The young slayer didn't know what Darryl had in mind, but it didn't look good. Her nose and ears picked up sneak though. Following her senses she spotted Jaiden loading an earlier delivery onto a waiting wagon. He was looking more than suspicious in the way he kept looking around while doing it too. Arcadia even remembered the shrine maiden specifically pointing out some of those boxes as being designated to be brought out to the store front next.

    Arcadia glanced back to her groom, ”You can figure out what this broken heart knife guy wants.. I'll go see why Jaiden seems to be packing chocolate deliveries onto a wagon, when their shine maiden said they're all supposed to go out front.”

    She called out to Jaiden as she set her boxes down, and jogged toward the cheapskate employee. ”Hey, Jaiden. You know what's up with that guy with the heart knives? And what exactly are you doing. Your boss told me those were for the store front.”

    Jaiden answered Arcadia by throwing razor-sharp playing cards. It was a deck with only one suit, Hearts and a heart-print theme on the back. Arcadia barely dodged the first volley, cards whizzing past to stick in the wall behind her. Unfortunately for Jaiden, that was the last clear shot at Arcadia that the barefoot slayer would allow. It looked like Arcadia was going to have to stop this would-be chocolate thief the hard way. She willed herself into Dragon Force, blonde hair turning pure white and faerie green eyes turning pinkish-crimson.

    Arcadia in Dragon Force:

    A second volley of Hearts cards were quickly flung from Jaiden's fingertips. The cards struck true, only it was only a displaced image of Arcadia that he hit. The displaced image of Arcadia split into five different images of Arcadia when struck. The real Arcadia, meanwhile, was already frozen to the wall and climbing toward the ceiling. It was on the ceiling that she Rui's magic come into crisp focus, as if it actually her own. It was one spell in particular that came into sudden clarity, Corrupting Light. Sprawled and frozen to the ceiling in a gecko-like manner, she channeled the temporarily familiar light magic into her left hand. She tapped the ceiling leaving behind an invisible seal.

    From the ceiling, Arcadia used her false images to draw Jaiden into range of the trapped seal. Light spores sailed out, and struck both Darryl and Jaiden, slowing them down and lessening the damage they were capable of delivering. The barefoot slayer pressed her advantage in speed and strength dropping down from the ceiling to tackle Jaiden. Jaiden then took an arctic blast of icy breath at point blank range, and flurry of punches until he was out cold.

    Arcadia made sure to tie Jaiden up to make sure he wasn't going anywhere when he woke up, and worked to bring the few boxes he had gotten loaded into the wagon back inside, as well as putting her own boxes in place.

    WC: 1352
    Arcadia WC: 3507


    An unfolding future 3FQiytD

    **☆Arcadia's Theme (as discovered by Mura)☆**:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

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    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
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    An unfolding future Empty Re: An unfolding future

    Post by Ruvel 25th February 2019, 4:11 pm

    Ruvel || H-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count: 1,881
    Total Word Count: 3,552

    Notes : @SeaGlass

    An Unfolding Future

    Ruvel took the hands of the other his dual colour eye showing true fear and worry in them, is something had shook him to the core in that one action. "I will explain one day why this scared me Arcadia, I promise for now all I feel comfortable saying is that where I was raised every action had a meaning and that one never came with a good outcome." he said to her his eyes never once leaving hers, he knew he couldn't lie but try say that to a normal person and they would believe that you were full of it or they would try and manipulate it into benefiting them, he was just glad that he still had the twins there to protect his mind or there may have been issues when people questioned him about certain things. Hearing the emerald eye fairies promise he smiled and kissed each of her hands lovingly "Thank you for such a promise, I swear I will cherish it as much as I will cherish you." he said with a small smile, he had always found emotions to be something difficult to comprehend yet with her it seemed so easy; there was even a very light blush on his cheeks as he spoke of cherishing her.

    He had noticed the deepening blush in the others cheeks and smiled a little more, to him this was the most beautiful site in the whole of Earthland and nothing would change it no matter what happened now or in the future. He promised himself that he would always protect her from the darkness of the world and defend her from the threats that may come after either of them. He realised in the long run that might have been a bad idea due to likely having to face his past sooner than he was actually ready to, that and he knew that his future bride could more than handle herself as he felt her magic wash over him as they finished the marriage spell. He hated the cold there were so many terrible memories of it in his past but for some reason to him her magic though that of ice felt warm to him, it was a wonderful feeling that he wished could remain but this just gave him something to look forward to in the future. Eventually he nodded his head to her words in agreement "We are in Rose Garden at the most romantic time of the year, I'm sure there will be something here that wil-" he cut himself off and leaned forward "I have a better idea... I know of a smith here that does work for the company on occasion..." he began his eyes bright with happiness "He's found a way to take a slither of magical essence from people and crystalise it, he could take a little of ours and make two promise rings that would have our magics weaved together so no matter what we'd always be close to each other." he said wondering what she would think of such a thing, these would be custom rings and he knew given the procedure needed very expensive but he didn't mind that to much, it was all about their young happiness.

    Once they had left the shop he watched as his now bride gave the chocolate they bought to the children who had driven her to hide within the shop that he had been in, it seemed they had remembered their manners as they all asked nicely with a please and gave a thank you when they had been passed the chocolate before running off in a group to enjoy it. "Seems we made them happy." he said warmly watching as the kids ranging between four and nine years old sat down for their snacks. Hearing her words he smiled nodding as he took her hand keeping the boxes in the other "At least we found a way to keep some children happy." he said as he entered the shop with her to deliver the chocolates as what the job requested of those who took it on. He couldn't help but blush as the woman said how they made such a cute couple not sure what to say or think on the matter, he smiled and thanked her eventually before heading back out opening the door for Arcadia to leave first before following once more taking her hand.

    As they headed back he blinked seeing the shrine maiden a smile constantly on his lips "She was chased into the shop I was in by some children, it was like we were meant to see each other today." he said, he didn't believe in fate or the divine even now but he had to admit it was mysterious how they had bumped into each other. "We made some children happy along the way to our delivery by buying them some chocolate from the shop I was in making the first delivery a bit easier and doing a good deed in the process." to be honest he wasn't sure if the parents would think so but he had to improvise or the children would have become to much to handle and likely try and steal the chocolate to get some. It was a nice thing to do regardless given the time of year, he was just glad to see them happy and smiling when they received the treats and had done as instructed to gain them. He had met plenty of children and adults that forgot their manners and seemed self entitled because they had wealth, he really hated those people with a vengeance but always managed to keep himself in check. "Oh that was nice of you both, I'm sure they enjoyed it. The children are often excitable around this time of year, I'm sorry I should have warned you just in case." she said feeling slightly embarrassed but glad everything worked out in the end.

    He allowed Arca to introduce him and say about the issue with her scissors remaining quiet "Rui?" the priestess muttered "Yes?" he said confused as to why she would be using his name "It's nothing that's a word from the those of death." she said Ruvel nodding showing she was correct in what she was saying "I remember called being Ruvel all my life as far as I can remember but given the meaning isn't a very nice one, someone I am close to called me Rui." his hand once again going to were the armlet again sat "She said in her language it means peace bringer or peaceful healer." he wasn't to sure if that was exactly what he was but it was better than the alternative "I see, not often they show themselves to the living." she said curiosity heard in her voice "I do not wish to be rude but I would rather not discuss this further." he explained the priestess nodding allowing the subject to drop.

    Hearing the next part he nodded and moved with Arcadia back to the loading area, and started loading the boxes as he had been shown. Awaiting his bride to open the portal he remained quiet carefully examining the area, he had no idea but he really didn't like being in this place but then that could have just been his paranoia taking over but the guy just gave him a slimy feeling. Still he walked through with her and started to deliver the chocolates with Arcadia without a second thought, like his bride he had heightened senses and heard the moving of boxes and even seen the man with the broken heart knives. This was just strange in his opinion as stealing chocolate seemed a little idiotic as it wasn't the price of the gift that mattered but the thought behind it that did, also stealing just made the gift become dirty. Hearing her request he nodded "Of course, be careful." he said moving into the store placing the chocolate down before turning around to the unwitting pawn.

    Ruvel looked to the knife guy and tilted his head "Is there something wrong?" he asked calmly just as the guy lunges at him "This whole damn season is stupid! I'm a prim catch yet no one ever wants to be with me!" he said slashing at Ruvel who easily dodges thanks to his constant training "You're making a stupid mistake attacking me, I don't want to hurt you." he said trying to reason with him only to be cut across his chest making him wince as he held his chest trying to hide his blood 'Shindara' he thought calmly his shadow instantly becoming darker almost misshapen 'Yes our summoner?' he sent back watching as his summoner tried to dodge once more only to get caught in the arm his armlet now showing making Ruvel glare for a brief second 'No mercy Shindara, make him pay.' the elder of the void princes could tell that his young summoner was an angry even if it had already passed, he done exactly what he was told without a second thought. Within minutes the man was on the floor crying cutting at himself quickly almost as if he was trying to get something out, when he was about to do some serious harm Ru kicked the blade out of the man's hand taring off what remained of his sleeve and tied it tightly around the weeping mans arms.

    With this done he sighed taking off his blazer and shirt allowing Shindara to give him a new one of both keeping fully aware as he changed. "I swear, this is embarrassing." he protested as he dressed and straightened himself out, before heading back to help get the last of the chocolate to were it should be. Before heading out he moved to a lacrima on the wall and contacted the authorities letting them know what had happened and where to find the criminals. He knew high end shops would have cameras to record in case of incidents. With that done he moved back to Arcadia "Sorry about that, seems he doesn't like this time of year because he can't get a date, I'm guessing the other is a thief." he said with a sigh taking her hand to walk back to the original warehouse but just as they left the shop they both ended up with a box of chocolates in front of them with a note from the priestess, saying that it was a job well done and that Arcadia could keep the dress as an added little bonus given the additional aggravation they had to go through. It turned out the owner of the shop had notified the warehouse of the goings on and was just glad it had been taken care of without any damage to the store or death of the people who had caused the issues. Taking both chocolate boxes he smiled carrying them in one hand while taking Arcadia's hand in his other "Lets go get those promise rings." he said warmly heading off in the direction of the smiths.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>



    An unfolding future 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 9:02 am