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    [Event] In the name of Love


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    Lineage : Armoured Beast
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 27
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    [Event] In the name of Love Empty [Event] In the name of Love

    Post by Noheme 25th February 2019, 4:07 am

    Valentine’s day. Noheme vaguely remembered visiting some sort of ball event which was happening on this day in the past. Though as she didn’t find anyone she would fancy there, she had quickly forgotten about the whole thing. And yet, the mention of it sprang to mind as she looked around, leaned against some boxes full of chocolates. Apparently one of the bigger companies producing sweets took it upon themselves to monetize this event, as one does. Asking for pairs of mages to arrive and carry the chocolate across the town for them was the plan. A genius way of getting out of paying transport.

    Not only that, it would expose their chocolate to the entire city as a number of strong mages seemed to be employed here today. Well, Noheme heard about the whole thing herself, and so here she was. Though she couldn’t really care less about the chocolate itself, she figured that she would see about potentially finding a partner to have some fun with. It was her way of killing time these days, after all. Though so far she was rather unsuccessful. While there were plenty of eyes glued to her barely dressed physical form, no one dared to approach her yet.

    This was perhaps due to the vixen not being interested in hiding or suppressing her magical energy whatsoever. And the overwhelming presence of her power was rather good at actually scaring her opponents away. Though in this case, it was also scaring away potential partners for this tiny little errand. Even when trying to approach other girls that appeared to not have anyone with them yet, she was often met with a terrified expression and the other female running away as far as her legs could carry her. This was starting to get rather troublesome.

    Are the people in this city starting to grow far more skittish after the protection of Black Rose disappeared?” Questioning the whole situation and ready to put blame on anything but herself, the goddess was in quite the deep thought. After giving up on chasing others herself, she found herself in her current situation - leaned against the boxes of chocolate and waiting for someone to approach her instead while the owner of the warehouse paced in the distance nervously, unsure if he would ever be able to recover the chocolate in those boxes held hostage by the goddess.

    Word Count: 400 / 1,000



    Haiku Contest Participant- Player 
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    [Event] In the name of Love Empty Re: [Event] In the name of Love

    Post by Morrigan 25th February 2019, 5:11 am

    It was weird returning back to Rose Garden. Since the fall of Black Rose there was no real reason to return to here. Her bird Twitter found her in the Silver Wolf guild so her only reason to return had well left on its own. However she hears news that a Valentine's event was around, and chocolates were given to everyone. However there was a weird catch that was appropriate for the year, to bring the chocolates in hand with another to the event venue while potentially getting their chocolates taken.

    Haley would do it with herself. Being able to make a doppelganger allowed her to seem like a couple. After grabbing two boxes worth of chocolate, she makes her way through, and she feels a presence. It was strong, powerful and very intimidating. Haley stood there silent for a moment, before continuing on with her transformed double. Her eyes then react to a powerful force, perhaps one that transcended fear, fate. There were guidelines, leading her to a place.

    Perhaps it was a way to help her reach the venue without trouble, or someone who actually needs a partner. The girl did not know, but each step following the trail lead her to a barely dressed girl sitting on a bench with her own box of chocolate, and a somewhat distressed looking warehouse owner. The only logical thing to do was of course, question the owner himself.

    And Haley got the gist of it. Telling the warehouse owner politely to leave and let her deal with it. With the doppelganger now gone and two boxes of chocolates in hand, she approaches the goddess, an awkward smile on her face. Previously she had used her doppelganger as a way to hide her fear of the open with shyness, but now the chocolates was the only thing to protect her so someone as strong as Noheme would definitely be helpful.

    "H-hey..." Haley said through the gap between the boxes. "I-is it okay i-if... Well I-I pair up with you? I'm kinda... Well I-I need some protection... Company... I-I'm afraid of open spaces... S-so I'll stick really close to you promise..."

    WC: 371/1000



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Armoured Beast
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    Age : 27
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    [Event] In the name of Love Empty Re: [Event] In the name of Love

    Post by Noheme 25th February 2019, 10:32 am

    It took a good while in the end, but the wait ended up being quite worth it! She was finally approached and even by a fine looking woman. Though it was a bit hard to tell how she looked like at first due to all the boxes in the way. Even as she spoke, Noheme got up and promptly walked toward this mysterious girl, skilfully taking all of the boxes and stacking them in one of her hands while the other trailed up to take a hold of Haley’s chin and force her to look up a bit on the Huntress’ amused face.

    Oho, afraid of open spaces? I suppose I can provide safety with my presence. And I see you already have the ring, too.” It seemed that the moment they got this close, the enchanted rings got attuned to one another and the magic took effect. As far as they were concerned, they were engaged to one another for the following 24 hours. “Hm… doesn’t feel that special. Just a strengthened mental bond.” She already had something similar to the other souls inside of her that she could use in the form of a take over magic.

    In any case, the green-haired vixen made some distance between the two girls again and picked up her own boxes of chocolates. They just had to deliver these to a shop on the other end of the town, simple enough. The main part was the fact that the two of them had to be close to one another. Going back, Noheme grinned and leaned forward toward Haley. It was actually rare to see another girl that was nearly as tall as the huntress herself. “You may call me Eris Sytry. Now, how close do you want me to stay, my dear~?

    Word Count: 700 / 1,000



    Haiku Contest Participant- Player 
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,831

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    [Event] In the name of Love Empty Re: [Event] In the name of Love

    Post by Morrigan 25th February 2019, 6:49 pm

    Haley wondered where all the boxes went, but the moment her chin was tilted up, she was staring face to face with Eris, whose eyes bore holes into her soul. There was a deep sense of wonder and amusement, especially with how she seemed to find a tease in her fear. It was something Haley could not help at all but smile sheepishly back.

    Mere moments later, the ring on her finger shone. Haley did not realize it did that, but somehow it felt like she was a bit closer to the goddess, like the feeling with her crow friends, yet different somehow. Her partner describes it as some form of mental bond, so Haley just took it that way.

    Haley watches as Eris lifts the boxes with graceful strength, despite having already so many. Haley was fascinated. She had seen people at god level powers before, she expected them to carry an aura of strength and well trained power. But the two of such a category she had met, they barely show how much power they have yet Haley could feel it right down to her core.

    And now that Eris mentioned it, Haley rarely actually saw females at a similar height. The shapeshifter wondered if she should just transform to slightly suit Eris's needs but she chose not to. It somehow did not feel right to turn into something else when with Eris. It was no matter, this is how she looks like anyway.

    "A pleasure to meet you miss Sytry..." Haley greeted back, her eyes kept locked onto Eris's. When scared of the open, keep staring at the closest spot relative to your eyes, that closest spot happened to be Eris's,. To an outsider, it just looks like a green haired bikini cladded chocolate holding vixen was staring deep into the eyes of a similar height shy girl with crow feathers. For a moment Haley's eyes turned purple, then white, then back to a normal brown like before. Haley was not conscious of the change, but for a moment it was perhaps a minor deity's power showing in the presence of a full blown god.

    "My name is... Well my name is Haley Halcyon Musea... Just stick with Haley," Haley adjusted her glasses with a small smile, strangers were always hard to talk to without faking it. Haley then hugs Eris's left arm, her head placed over the arm, in the space between box and Eris's chest, in an attempt to trick her brain into thinking she is in a smaller space.

    WC: 803/1000



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Armoured Beast
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 872,660

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    [Event] In the name of Love Empty Re: [Event] In the name of Love

    Post by Noheme 26th February 2019, 8:25 am

    To tease others and even make them submit to her was pretty much Noheme’s hobby. Which meant that she was greatly enjoying this situation she had found herself in. “Haley… lovely~” licking her lips, the seducing nature was almost oozing out of the Joyan girl. But so much would be unsurprising to anyone who ever visited the nation. The tribes mostly populated by cat girls and boys were much more… forward in their carnal desires and pleasures than any other population on Earthland.

    But even she didn’t expect Haley to hold onto the huntress’ hand so tightly and closely. In fact, it was this sort of embrace that many would consider reserved only for actual lovers. “Hoo, you look like you want more than just protection after the job is over~” Teasing some more, the Vixen started walking forward with the other girl clinging to her, carrying all the boxes stacked on top of one another atop her other hand without any effort. It was… a somewhat amusing sight from the outside, probably.

    This would likely be the whole job in any other universe. But alas, that was not how it went down here. Somewhere along the way, one of Noheme’s ears twitched lightly. She had caught some suspicious sound nearby. And sure enough, in only mere seconds, a number of knives suddenly few at the duo out of some bushes nearby. Quite surprising, really. Could they not sense the huntress’ power? What a poor target she was. Yes, she was the hunter, not the pray. With a grin on her face, it seemed as if her free hand became armor with magical energy armor.

    Tossing the chocolate boxes into the air and embracing Haley fully as the armor spread to a good half of the goddess’ body, the knives simply bounced off. And once they did, the sudden hug was separated so that Noheme could catch the falling boxes again. “What a bold approach! A man who wishes to steal the chocolate and attacks with actual weapons when the target is in a position where they seemingly cannot defend themselves. That warehouse owner warned me about you~

    The attacker just stared at the duo in shock in the meantime. The vixen instead just looked at Haley again and leaned in so she could whisper into her ear. “Now, what should we do to someone bold enough to interrupt our little date, hm?” She was ready to tear him apart but didn’t want to scare off her potential lady target by doing so too hastily.

    Word Count: 1,125 / 1,000 (completed)



    Haiku Contest Participant- Player 
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    [Event] In the name of Love Empty Re: [Event] In the name of Love

    Post by Morrigan 26th February 2019, 8:54 am

    Haley never took notice of Eris's more physical signs of being forward. However with a voice that seemingly leak in pure seducing honey, especially with the way Eris elongated her words in a way that just dripped with sweet sweet attraction, like bees and flowers. The forward attitude did not help much, but it made her unconsciously grip tighter.

    "P-please! I-I'm only doing this b-because I'm afraid of the o-open!" Haley answered, while truthfully, probably did not sound convincing one bit. The mage was rather nervous, and know certain things fit together. Eris was Joyan, the land of tribal animal people. While she was partially animal like, having crow feathers, she was nothing like the Joyans, people who were almost primal if not for being incredibly intelligent.

    Haley's eyes open wide, feeling a sense of fate happen. However the girl could not react as a full hug wrapped around her body. It was warm, rare, and extremely welcomed. Haley's eyes also saw Eris's guild tattoo, right on her left thigh. It seemed, imprinted, as if it was branded there instead of marked. However it was a glimpse, Haley could only recognize it as Fairy Tail, and how there was now a man attacking them, as Eris explained.

    "Already... on it..." Haley barely manages to say as she feels Eris's warm breath brush against her ear. There was a figure standing directly behind their attacked, a blade with a ruby stuck right into the hilt raised. Haley grabs Eris's cheek to make sure she does not watch the scene unfold. Just like how Eris did not want to scare Haley away, Haley did not want to disgust Eris with that she did. A moment later a roar of a dragon splits the air and the attacker no where to be scene. Flames land around the two, forming a heart of flames around the two.

    "We... should get going... Chocolates t-to... well..." Haley smiled. "Deliver well..." Haley probably got her point across and they made it rather unscathed. Haley left Eris, but not without leaving her a crow feather that had magic sigils on it. Simply tapping it told Eris where to find her, after all they are part of an alliance together, should Eris be interested in hooking up again.

    WC: 1,195/1,000 (WC done)


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