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    [Event] Time to kick butt


    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
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    Posts : 14
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    Age : 28
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    Third Skill: Goddess's Tune (Locked)

    [Event] Time to kick butt Empty [Event] Time to kick butt

    Post by Meringue 23rd December 2018, 2:47 am

    “Attention all residents in Fiore. Attention all residents in Fiore. This is not a drill. The magic council have declared an emergency and advises all residents that do not feel safe to stay in their homes! They are enlisting help from the Rune Knights, and they are asking for any mage of Fiore to help!”

    Elyssia bit her lower lip as she hears the cries of someone who seemed to be in a little panic themselves as they shout that out. Elyssia was one of the mages that has decided to take up arms and help as much as she can. She may not agree with the ways of the magic council, nor does she agree with the way guilds are really run, but this whole issue was not going to go down well for the other mages, and for anyone who doesn’t even use the power of magic.

    She was only walking around in Capital Crocus when it happened. Everyone heard the voice come out of nowhere, she saw everyone panic, she saw them all scrambling to safety, soon leaving her… all alone… Luckily, a few Rune Knights were then spotted walking into the vicinity, so it seemed like if nobody else was arriving, it would be her and the Rune Knights to defend.

    “I am guessing you’re a mage.” One of them asked her, to which she nodded and then looked to the side, crossing her arms.

    “I am indeed. It looks like it’s just me though.” She sighed softly and then looked down before glancing over to her hands. “It is probably better that way though… I don’t work well with others.” She admitted.

    The conversation stopped when the girl’s stomach started to rumble loudly, and she couldn’t help but cover it after that. One of the reasons she was out here in the first place was to get food, but she can’t now. She has to suffer from having no food, and impending doom! Fantastic!

    “There may be more people coming, don’t let yourself down missy. I am sure they can accommodate you since… well… there's something more important at stake here.

    What the guy said was true, and so Elyssia nodded before playing with one of her pigtails nervously. She did not want to be stuck with these Rune Knights on her own… bring on the people!

    Words: 392


    [Event] Time to kick butt VDeFRm1

    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 141
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 750

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    First Skill: Gravity Gear
    Second Skill: ??? [Locked]
    Third Skill: ??? [Locked]

    [Event] Time to kick butt Empty Re: [Event] Time to kick butt

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA 23rd December 2018, 9:31 pm

    Doesn't work well with others? Funny how when people open up their mouth to say things like that, life just finds a way to cram them back down your gullet and make you savor the words you took the time to prepare. Yeah, no dice working alone on whatever the hell this was going down in Crocus of all places. There would be at least one other mage roped in to this like some blue skinned and orange haired slave labor force that lived only to serve, and rope others of its kind in to this.

    Fibi Hoenheim, one of the newest mages of Fairy Tail by that point, had come back from an extraterrestrial excursion, and received her brand, something she could easily flash by hoisting up her light beige shirt, and exposing the skin right where her stomach and hip met on the left half of her body. A nice burgundy Fairy Tail guild logo for the wanderer from another country. SPeaking of wandering, how'd Fibi wind up here from Magnolia?

    Well, after joining the new guild of Fairy Tail, she wanted to see what else Fiore had to offer, her traveling companion, a book, yes, a book, don't ask, the answers will be given at the end of the test reader. Just know, Fibi talks with a book, that's alive, kind of. So, Fibi and her traveling companion, that just so happened to be her deceased great great grandfather's spirit possessing the book, see reader, we gave you the answer there, now focus on the story at hand!

    Fibi wanted to see more of Fiore beyond Magnolia, and so, Ferris, her companion and magic partner, gave her the idea that she should head on over to Crocus, get a feel for the central heart of Fiore. He even flipped his pages back and forth to show her an illustrated map complete with ink animating its way to show her where to head. It was a nice train ride, shorter than her ride over from Pergrande Kingdom, but, that's not the point here.

    Just as soon as she stepped off the train, the alarms were sounding, and Fibi was sighing.  She wore a more heavy version of her favorite jacket, this one was like a dark slate gray, a granite of onyx with specks of grey thrown in to the mix, three white moons adorned the top of the hood, and three more went up from the left up to the right breast, giving the front of the jacket one and a half moons on either side of the zipper.  With the fur lining of her jacket, she was able to stay warm in the winter weather as the alarms went off and people were making a break for their homes or the train station.

    Instead of running with them, her book left its messenger bag and opened up, letting a voice come out of it while Fibi pinched the top of her hood and pulled it down over her gaze which she cast to the ground, "Wooooow, it's almost like this was just planned out. Your life takes more cliche turns than a book, and, you know, I would know about that." The book said in an echoing filtered voice while Fibi just grabbed the covered and pinched them shut.

    "Hush you, we're gonna help out now come on." SHe said while weaving her way through the crowd, waist turning left and right so people could run past her and she could continue down the stairs to see what the cause of the alarm was.

    WC: 598


    Character | Bank | Journal
    First Magic | Second Magic | Third Magic
    Rank: C | HP: 300 | Mp: 300 | Mana regen: 15 every turn
    Move Speed: 30 m/s | Melee: 30 hp/hit | Sensory: 150 m
    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

    Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragonfly Healer
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    [Event] Time to kick butt Empty Re: [Event] Time to kick butt

    Post by Haraka Omaras 23rd December 2018, 10:36 pm

    Today had been an interesting day to be in Tolgalen. An emergency announcement had been placed on the job board while a certain spider friend was visiting. Of course they both signed up, though Haraka hadn't taken the time to ask. He would eventually, but perhaps after things had calmed down? At the least, he memorized the response letters message before starting on his way to the city of Crocus, which was in the country Fiore. In order for both of them to get there in a timely manner, the doctor had traveled there in his sea dragon form. He remained in that form until they both arrived at the location of the job, a spot in the city. It wasn't the easiest to pull off, but his slender frame and small size made it possible. This was a city with a lot of buildings and people, so of course it wouldn't have the widest of streets, nor would it be built to make it easy for creatures  with large wings to get down. After that? The mixed blood would wait, but the young looking man would change back as soon as his back was vacant of people. It wasn't until after that entire trip occurred had the half demon realized that his large white bag full of cooked treats and made drinks for a day with a friend was still slung over one of their shoulders. He let out a sigh, putting one hand on his forehead. "Sorry about that Inkormine. Every time an emergency happens, I just rush to learn about it, then address it. I didn't even ask you if you wanted to help, or why, or even if you were alright with riding me here." There was an irony in this.

    His tendency on reacting to emergencies had improved, but it was still something that at times involved quick reacting and very little on questioning things. It was that trait of his though that had lead the two to meet in the first place. If Omaras hadn't reacted quickly all those years ago, then a certain woman would have been successful in a terrible thought made while her mind was lost. A look he had seen too many times on too many people. It was never a good sign when anyone gave their loved ones that look. They were the eyes that said that the world had abandoned that person and they could only be saved by the embrace of death. Did she take herself after failing? That was something the man had never thought on, nor did he plan to anytime soon. Right now he straightened up his clothes a bit until everything looked at least like he hadn't flown top speed all the way there. He was very successful at a gentle touch, despite their sizeable razor sharp talons. It seemed there weren't many people in the town square, only some rune knights and a girl. Was this the right location? It was where the job specified to arrive. Was the girl one of the three people the mixed blood didn't know? Would it be good to ask? Maybe it would be better to wait and see if more people would arrive, or if anyone would talk. "Well, after this job I'm still more than willing to share the treats I made for our time together today."

    That didn't really feel like much of a good thing? It was like a promised consolation prize that they would have ended up with anyway. It was just the doctor trying to say that things would be okay, they would help with this issue, and everything would be okay. "The job said that talking and non violence would be the preferred method, so if it comes down to violence then lets try to use spells to stall, trip, or stun. This way we can avoid hurting them too much and get more chances to think of new methods. Every mind works differently, but it doesn't make rationality and reasoning impossible. Keeping a calm and level head will help make calm and level decisions. Take long slow deep breaths if you start to panic." It was the first time he would be near the arachnid around a job, let alone one that might lead to trouble. Of course the young looking man wasn't a spring chicken, his personality and mannerisms being the only thing reflecting that. At least it wasn't a health emergency issue, then again Sol had made sure that the mixed blood was capable of handling those type of emergency situations too. So, what should he do besides fuss? "Do you have any ideas for finding a portal entrance to the magical domain we will need to enter?" Yes, even if he wanted to fuss and regret, everything was still done and it was better to try to accept the spider as an adult and figure out how to solve things.

    Words: 825


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    [Event] Time to kick butt SnakeWeaver
    Inkormine Talea
    Inkormine Talea

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 75
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 5,400

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    First Skill: Arachnea Dance of the Sun and Moon
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    [Event] Time to kick butt Empty Re: [Event] Time to kick butt

    Post by Inkormine Talea 23rd December 2018, 11:44 pm

    The sudden announcement throughout the city in the middle of the nice calm outting had certainly surprised the spider, Inkormine hastily clambering upright as the announcement called the city to a state of emergency, and he was looking around and about to ask if Haraka knew anything about it... when he saw everything cleared away and the shrimp demon already dashing out of the park, leaving Inky to chase after them. The person was remarkably fast when they wanted to be, leaving Inky to just catch up after they paused at a board. Before he could even speak though, Haraka suddenly changed, and the dragon had plucked the shocked spider up and taken off, leaving Inky to hastily tie himself on before the crazy winter winds yanked him off the speeding dragon and into the freezing ocean below. As they were flying over the country of Fiore, Inky tried to talk to Haraka but his voice wouldnt carry over the whipping winds, so he spent some time looking over the lands below. He hadn't seen the message that Hara had, but what he saw below gave enough context to go on for now, so by the time they reached Crocus, Inky knew at least somewhat, what was up.

    After Hara landed, Inky untied himself, hopping off onto one of the buildings that were right against the dragon shrimp's form, waiting until Hara changed back before walking down the building to ground level, people who couldnt walk freely on walls always seemed bothered talking to him unless he was on the ground. "I'll get over it Haraka, it is an emergency. And based on what I saw coming here, its a messy one." He looked around the square they had ended up in, seeing some people in uniform and a woman who seemed a little out of place. He listened to Haraka's words, useful enough that he didnt feel patronized, since he hadnt actually seen the job himself. Well, mostly, it was dragging a little at the end, but at least Haraka switched gears to ask his opinion, as the spider turned to somewhat be facing the nervous looking military people and the woman near them so they were all included in his response. I didn't see the job, but if its wierd glowing portals we want, I saw a fairly bright one over that way a couple blocks when we were coming down." The spoider indicated a street heading to the north, where he'd caught the upper edges of another wierd green portal as Haraka was focusing on not crashing into the buildings. At least finding it would be simple enough, although getting there wouldnt be. "It looked like those portals tend to spit out some nasty looking warrior creatures almost immediatly after opening, so talk or fight, were going to find at least some resistance getting there."

    Then he nodded to the knights and the woman he didn't recognize. She must be some kind of mage or fighter, or she wouldn't still be out here on the street. "As for me, I'm Inkormine. I appreciate not being shot at immediatly after arriving. I'm with Silver Wolf, looking to help out." He pulled up his sleeve to show the guild seal, just to make it clear he wasn't fibbing, or if he was, he'd gotten a large, magic-imbued tattoo of the Silver Wolf guild to back the illusion up.

    Words: 569

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 8:50 pm