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    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki]

    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    Lineage : Truth
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    Posts : 962
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    Age : 23
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    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] Empty Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki]

    Post by Shipping Goddess 24th August 2018, 4:41 am

    Desmond was walking up to a clearing on the mountain. It was frigid, as always, and there was a heavy blizzard that surrounded the guild. He was going to complete a job, albeit an unconventional one. The hunter was going to get money for... Simply howling to the moon? Sounded strange at first, but easy money is not the kind of money that Desmond was willing to pass up. So, now he was in his hunting gear, which moderated his body temperature from the harsh blizzard, and was carrying a pile of wood with him towards this clearing. The clearing was within the boundaries of the barrier of the guild, but far away enough that he wouldn't be bothering - or be bothered by - other members.

    Speaking of other members, Desmond was originally planning on going on this job by himself. It did in fact say on the slip of paper that was the job request that, although it was recommended to go along with a team mate, it wasn't required. However, another member of the guild came forward and asked Desmond to accompany him. And it was the one guild member that Desmond especially didn't want to. The hunter had no hatred nor ill will towards Loki, but with how bitter he was upon their initial encounter with one another, and how he seemed so uptight, he rubbed Desmond in every wrong way. He seemed like such a buzzkill, and the hunter wasn't exactly the life of the party, so that was saying something. However, Desmond accepted his request, without any sourness in his voice, because he was a mannerly gentleman.

    So, now that Desmond was reaching the clearing, he set the pile of wood down. The guild's barrier was active, so Desmond's suit faded away. He didn't need to moderate his temperature with such a light snow. So, the man pulled over some rocks and created a makeshift fire pit. With the wood inside, he then took out a few matches and useless slips of paper from his pocket, and began lighting them one by one and setting them around the wood blocks. Sure, paper burns quickly, but wood most certainly doesn't. So once the fire was lit fully, Desmond just put on his fedora and sat in the snow, waiting for his supposed companion to come out.
    392/625 personal wc
    392/1250 total wc
    Loki Flygare
    Loki Flygare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
    Position : None
    Posts : 51
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 225

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    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] Empty Re: Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki]

    Post by Loki Flygare 24th August 2018, 5:23 am


    Word Count: 406
    Total Word Count: 406/625
    Total Job Count: 798/1250

    Truth to be told, Loki would also have preferred to do the job alone, if he already had to do it as per the customs apparently. However, he was also aware that he’d have to at least make some basic effort to get along with the other members of the guild, on top of the fact that more dangerous trips would likely require cooperation to happen. The prank guy naturally seemed like the last choice on the list given the rather chaotic introduction that happened back then, but perhaps it was also a good one. As much as he wasn’t very fond of pranksters, they would have to tolerate each other for as long as they were part of the same organization. In part, Loki was hoping that the first time had simply been a bad meet up of circumstances, and that the guy wasn’t going to be a pain in the ass constantly. Really, he was willing to tag along with people and all…he just had a liking for his peace, and silly games or jokes that were inappropriate for the situation struck him as somewhat annoying. At least pick somebody who’s into it if you really have to play tricks on people. It’d make everybody’s life less stressful.

    Regardless, it was as it was for the time being, and the redhead had set out into the cold weather himself, a white scarf wrapped around his neck and lower half of his face to help protect him from the stinging breeze of the mountains. While he didn’t mind cold weather in general, he would rather not catch some illness due to breathing too much icy air. It would take him a while to navigate through the blanket of snow, not being entirely familiar with the whole area just yet, but he managed to not get himself lost, only keeping his companion for this task waiting for a brief amount of time. With the snow making quiet scrunching noises under his boots as he approached the sitting fedora man, Loki would nod towards him once close enough. “Are you planning for a barbeque in the snow as well?” Not that it was something he would expect, or have much of a need for, but upon seeing the crackling fire the other had set up, it seemed appropriate enough to at least ask about its purpose. Besides providing a little bit of heat out here, of course.


    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] Lokichan

    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Demon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
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    Age : 23
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    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] Empty Re: Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki]

    Post by Shipping Goddess 24th August 2018, 5:54 am

    The crushing sound of compact snow was one that Desmond was all too familiar with, especially when it came to hunting in the mountains like this. So, he didn't even turn until Loki said something, mentioning his fire and wether or not he was going to barbeque. That was a rather odd question, Desmond obviously didn't have any food with him. Or perhaps it was sarcasm, he didn't know nor did the green haired man really care. He was sincere enough to answer the question however, as he shrugged his shoulders and responded.

    "No, Mr. Loki, I am not. I just like the smell of fire, and burning wood. Plus, it sets mood, is pleasant to look at, and provides a little heat for myself."

    The smell of burning wood was indeed a pleasant one to the hunter. Smokiness sucked, sure, but if you were the proper distance away - far enough to not get smoke in your face, but close enough to catch the scent, it was rather nice.

    Desmond observed as the spiritual wolves of the mountain began to gather round, keeping their distance from the two, but still being within eyesight. The blue, ghostly wolves remained silent, staring at the two.

    "So, why would you want to accompany a clown such as myself on a job you could do by yourself, hm? Or rather, if you wanted to do it with a partner, why not choose anyone else?"

    Desmond hadn't stopped looking at the fire. It was mesmorising, and in a sense calming to look at and feel the warmth of. He wasn't tense by any means, but it was still a refreshing feel coming from the flame. He hadn't been in a calming situation like this in months, he had been pelted with hunts and jobs and starting to get the feel of being in a guild. It was actually rather crazy, when he thought about it, how much of a workaholic he's become. He's usually such a "only do what I must" person.
    731/625 personal wc
    1137/1250 job wc


    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] M7mHyEw
    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] CKWpl03
    Loki Flygare
    Loki Flygare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
    Position : None
    Posts : 51
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 225

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    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] Empty Re: Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki]

    Post by Loki Flygare 24th August 2018, 6:12 am


    Word Count: 301
    Total Word Count: 707/625
    Total Job Count: 1438/1250

    “Very well then.” He didn’t particularly mind it in the end, regardless of what the answer was. He wasn’t going to try stepping into the fire or anything equally as dumb and dangerous, therefore its existence was just fine. While he didn’t have any special fondness for the appearance or smell of burning wood, the heat boost was a slight plus after all.

    After taking a brief contemplating glance towards those odd wolves that were now within their line of sight, he’d move to the other side of the fire from his companion, crouching down by it for the time being. This was honestly such an odd thing to be doing. Sure, Loki was all fine when it came to animals, even the wild ones, but he never really gave a thought to doing such activities with them before. It was usually simpler to leave the wildlife to its own, rather than be a disturbance in their territory, unless you were trying to hunt them and the like.

    Pale blue eyes would shift to look at the green haired man. “I admittedly am not the biggest fan of playing pranks on people, but that doesn’t mean one incident will make me avoid you at all costs. Teamwork can be a hassle, and it becomes even more so if the people in question can’t work together at all. You could say it’s for the purpose of trying to get along with other guild members. It’s only fair we should make an effort if we’ve chosen to not just wander the world on our own.” Of course, he wasn’t going to play buddy with literally everyone, for there were always a few people one couldn’t stand no matter what, but if nothing else, he was willing to not write people off too quickly.


    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] Lokichan

    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Demon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
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    Age : 23
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    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] Empty Re: Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki]

    Post by Shipping Goddess 24th August 2018, 6:40 am

    Desmond paused when listening to the words of Loki, thinking along with them. Sure, he was being reasonable, and he seemed very similar in motivation to Desmond. Someone who knows the pros and cons of both working alone, and with working with others. That was something the hunter could relate to, especially considering how different the two appeared up front.

    "I agree, Mr. Loki. I only joined a guild in the first place because I had to face the harsh reality that I can't do everything myself. I even went against my personal code, since someone in my... Er... Field of work, values pride and self worth above all else. It's all about personal abilities, and you're thought less of if you ask for help in doing what you have to do."

    Desmond stood up.

    "But that's life, really. Innit?"

    Desmond pressed a button on the watch that he was wearing, and a mimic of a howling noise from a wolf was played on audio. He recorded it on a hunt once to attract or deter more prey, but Desmond found it had a new use in this.

    "Howling like an animal is ridiculous. Ironic, coming from a clown, right?"

    The blue phantasmal wolves began howling to the moon as the recording started being played, and Desmond just returned to staring at the fire. Loki could stay if he wanted, but the well dressed man was done with this job.


    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] M7mHyEw
    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] CKWpl03
    Loki Flygare
    Loki Flygare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
    Position : None
    Posts : 51
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 225

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    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] Empty Re: Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki]

    Post by Loki Flygare 24th August 2018, 7:23 am


    Word Count: 291
    Total Word Count: 998/625
    Total Job Count: 1969/1250

    “I did it mostly out of interest in research, but it’s indeed true that there is only so much we can do on our own. No matter how strong you get, there’s always a chance someone out there is stronger. I suppose having contacts with people who’d be willing to assist is always a good thing. As long as they don’t force themselves down your throat constantly….” He had his own limits as well. While he could appreciate the power of teamwork in the right situations, Loki did find those people who just didn’t know how to stay out of others’ personal space to be quite a bother. Enough is enough after all.

    Chit-chat aside, he’d turn his attention to the wolves, watching the furred animals. Well, he had no easy way out of this, seeing as recording noises wasn’t something he spent his time doing normally, so the best bet was trying to…mimic? People couldn’t quite howl as far as he was aware, so he didn’t think it was necessary to be entirely exact. “Awoo…?”, he’d shake his head with a sigh, not all too pleased with that attempt. “I could think of worse activities…although, it is something people generally aren’t equipped to be doing.” He didn’t find it ‘that’ ridiculous, considering he himself wasn’t really human despite the current body he was in. Albeit even then, he did think it was an awkward activity, given the way it played out.

    Well, unlike the other, he wasn’t in a huge hurry to be going anywhere else at the moment, so he was going to stay around and watch the wolves for a while longer. Though he wouldn’t stop his companion from leaving, were that what the guy wanted to do.


    Howl With The Wolves [job~Loki] Lokichan

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:09 pm