Fairy Tail RP

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    Monster Challenge Part 1


    Monster Challenge Part 1 Empty Monster Challenge Part 1

    Post by Guest 21st August 2018, 12:15 pm


    It was not often that she found herself being directly challenged to a fight but that only made today's job more intriguing. It seemed that her reputation as a brawler was starting to grow and although that could have been taken as as insult, she did not think of it in that way. She had quickly grown sick of the stereotype regarding water mages and had done everything possible to try and dispel that train of thought. There was little in the way of subtlety when it came to her magic although she was sure that Valara was definitely hiding much of it from her. She understood why of course, her magic power was not yet high enough yet to control and wield it properly. She believed that there was more to it as well. The bond between them was far too strong to truly hide anything from each other and Sarisha knew that Valara secretly wished to protect her. Neither of them had ever verbally admitted their love for the other but when they had consummated their bonding, they had both certainly felt it.

    She been waiting at the appointed clearing for a good half an hour without any sign of her opponent and the mage was becoming just a little frustrated. Sarisha was more than up for a fight today and her blood was already pumping with adrenaline and a lust for battle. She had no idea who her opponent would be and that only intensified her more carnal feelings. Her last proper fight had been against the boar's which had certainly been a decent one. She had been forced to unleash her entire arsenal on them, before being victorious. However, there was always that sense that she was just a little too good for her opponents which dimmed the experience a little. What she truly wished for was to be pushed to the limit but how long would it be before she experienced that?

    Her thought train was swiftly derailed as a voice from above took her by surprise. She glanced up to see a flame goblin coming down towards her, wielding a knife. She swiftly jumped back, dodging the attack and lashing out with a fierce kick, which knocked the goblin back. It landed, grinned and suddenly burst in to flame, before charging directly towards her. Sarisha simply smirked back and surrounded her fists with water, her usual opening move. Charging in to face him, she launched a punch towards him and he met it with his knife, causing a brief stalemate as fire and water clashed. However, the advantage was clearly hers and she soon managed to break it and catch him head on with a right handed punch, followed by a left. He had picked the wrong element to try and fight with and she intended to make him regret his decision. She pressed her advantage and battered the goblin with jabs and hooks, using both hands to keep him off balance. He managed to deflect a few but the majority hit their mark, as he struggled to defend against a magic that he was weak against.

    Jumping away, he back flipped away and threw his knife towards her. It was not a bad throw but his accuracy was off, missing Sarisha completely and allowing her to cast one of her ranged attacks, sending a wave of water towards him. The attack struck him hard and pushed him up against the rock face, before she unleashed her "Screech Of The Water Goddess" in order to pin him against it, stunned momentarily. Continuing her combo, she then clapped her hands and summoned a geyser of water to rise up beneath him, drenching him in scalding water. He was completely dazed by her assault and she dived in close to unleash further left and right handed punches, bombarding him with a vicious torrent of strikes. The drawing of blood soon followed, which was the key for her to unlock her full potential. The more blood that was spilt, the greater her power grew and the more damage that unleashed. His defences were gone and she built him senselessly, driving him harder and harder against the rock face until she finally let up, letting him sink to the floor in a heap.

    She backed up then, a devilish smile on her face, breathing hard from the rush of the fight. Sarisha could almost feel the arms of her Godly lover wrapping around her shoulders, enjoying the thrill also. For a moment, the mage wished that she could separate from her soul mate, just to that she could grab hold of her and press her lips against hers. Sadly, that could not be and instead she simply thrived in the desolation that she had caused. She stalked the goblin like a wolf, as he slowly started to rise. The fire that had surrounded him had gone out and he was clearly on death's door. It would take much to finish him off. Sarisha was well past the point of mercy and with a snap of her fingers, a whip of water appeared in her hand and she started cracking it towards him, although rather than let it bind him as she usually did with her opponents, she simply struck again and again. His cries soon rang out, which sounded like the most soothing music in the world to her.

    It was only when the cries stopped that she allowed the whip to disappear. Sarisha approached him and used her foot to roll him over on to his back. He looked up at her briefly, before his eyes closed for the last time. Another fool down and another victory for the fluidic Deity. Oh, how she loved this life, free of authority, free of rules and free to do whatever she wished. What better life could their possibly be then that? True freedom. All she needed now was a cold drink to put the finishing touch to things and that was definitely her next port of call.

    (1009 Words)

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:55 pm