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    One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]


    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 78
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Lunar Arts
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    Completed One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Lothric 4th August 2018, 6:28 pm

    It was raining.

    Lothric slashed her sword through the air, drops of blood flying off of the metal like the water from above. An annoyed groan. She couldn't seem to get the sticky substance off of her sword no matter how much she tried, and it was only sprinkling so that wasn't doing much for her. It was, however, the dead of night, and she had just finished an assassination job. Nothing too serious, and if she was honest it left her wanting... Something more. The swordsman let out a sigh as she once again swung at nothing, before growling lowly and simply sheathing her katana. She had recently decided to get a few more of the swords, three now held on each hip. It was just in case... Just in case she lost one. No time to be wasted scrambling for her weapon, after all.

    Either way Lothric was walking back to... Nowhere in particular. She didn't exactly have a house or anything, so she was kind of just... Wandering... But wandering at this time of night was kind of tiring. Maybe she'd just sit down by that small tree, close her eyes for a bit, yeah? Yeah. The young Slayer pushed her back up against the trunk, bending one knee and clasping her hands together on her waist.

    Last edited by Lothric on 6th August 2018, 12:59 am; edited 1 time in total

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 96
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1587.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Ancient Beast Soul
    Second Skill:
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    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Rosabell 4th August 2018, 8:43 pm

    It is a little known fact that Rosabell hates rain. It was just so gloomy and depressing most of the time, even in very light rain like it was currently, there was just a unnecessary air of melancholy associated with it. Add to the fact that it was dark outside, and you have a recipe for a somber night with Rosabell in a bad mood.

    She had been on her way to the nearest inn after a not so successful expedition for treasure. She had gotten a lead from a passerby that there was some ancient altar under Magnolia, where they worshipped a beast of some sort. Supposedly filled to the brim with riches. Of course if one couldn't tell, there was most certainly no treasure to be had, which only added more kindling to the fire of annoyance that was Rosabell's current mood.

    While she could just use her guilds mumbo jumbo magic to teleport her home in literally an instant, she chose not to. Her reasoning? She wanted to reconnect with her old self, if only for a little bit. The solitary archeological wanderer, who travelled off of nothing but the lay of the land and the jewel in her pocket. While she was still the same person per se, she felt that she had been getting complacent by simply poofing into existence by her place of rest whenever she needed.

    As she was walking though, she spotted something out of the corner of her eye or rather, someone. A white haired maiden leaning against a tree all by herself, she could hear her breath all the way from where she was. Her breathing was shallow, but not ragged indicting that she was simply resting and not in pain, thankfully she realized this before she could make a big deal out of the situation. Her cause for concern? The massive gaping hole where her right eye was supposed to be.

    She hesitantly walked over, the caution obvious in her movements. For all she knew, the girl could be a dark mage or a criminal, but at the same time she could be just what she appeared to be. A lonely traveler with nowhere to call home, just like she had been once upon a time. Letting out a baited sigh, she decided to just go with it, the woman seemed tired anyways. So if she tried to attack, she would be able to handle it just fine.
    "Hey there..are you alright? I know the way to the nearest Inn if you need?" She would say this with sincerity in her voice, her frustration form before not present at all.

    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 78
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Lunar Arts
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Lothric 4th August 2018, 9:21 pm

    Step... Step... Step... She hadn't fallen asleep yet, and just as this woman could hear her shallow breaths she too could hear her cautious ones. She was scared, at least slightly. A lone girl in the woods, and she hadn't even covered her eye hole. How foolish, she was quite the cause for concern.

    Words filled the air and she decided to play, sleepily lifting her eyelid and handing her a soft gaze. A lie, a ruse, she giggled inside. She might believe her to be weak, she could see it in her eyes, she could see it. This woman must think she's weak, and lonely, to be sleeping out here in a forest all alone. She'd pay, she'd pay for thinking like that! Lothric's eye twitched and widened, her playtime short as a hand tore a katana from it's sheath, her legs working to twirl her upwards. Her cape-like dress bottom fluttered in the twist, concealing her sword until it was pointing at the girl's throat. Her eye was growing wide, the expanse of white surrounding it threatening to completely drown out the pupil island in the center.

    "Don't look at me like that!" She hissed, standing sideways with her sword out first. The look, the look in her eyes burned her own, burned her mind, burned her nerves! She couldn't stand by and let someone look down at her, speak down at her, with such a calm, nicey wicey bullshit tone such as that!
    "Who are you. Now." She barked it almost like an order - no, exactly like an order, and even if the tip of her steel was over a foot away from the woman's throat she would not hesitate, nor have a problem, with plunging it deep into her neck if she so much as looked at her like that again! It was infuriating, it was such a horrid condescending look, she wanted to tear her apart here and now!

    But she had to resist. Senseless killing would get her nowhere just because somebody looked at her the wrong way...

    But she wasn't just going to lower her sword, she was devoted to the hostile approach now and she wasn't going to let up on it.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 96
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1587.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Ancient Beast Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Rosabell 4th August 2018, 9:56 pm

    It had all happened in a flash, one second the woman looked slightly appreciative of her gesture, innocent, not yet hardened by the world. Simply a sleepy girl alone in the woods.

    Of course the sword that was now pointing at her throat proved that otherwise, the woman now had a look in her eyes akin to a wild animal, trapped, maybe even slightly afraid. She had dealt with types like these before, always wanting to prove themselves as if strength was the only important thing in life. Those unused to even the smallest act of kindness, taking it as the person looking down at them. Rosabell herself had never progressed down that path, as she simply wanted to live. Mindless preaching about being the strongest only made you more weak, so consumed by your own desires that you lose sight of what is truly important.

    There was no fear in Rosabell's eyes, a glaze of neutrality covering them. No kindness, no fear, no anger, not even pity was in her sights. Just neutrality. But before she could even begin to speak, she felt it. The rush of all of the days events coming back to her at blinding speed, filling her head with something that she rarely felt. Anger. Not a sarcastic and lighthearted façade of mock anger that she generally put on when she was having fun in a battle, but actual unabated anger. Her bright and happy golden eyes that always seemed to be sparkling with a sense of wonder and amusement seemed to dim. Her pupils narrowed even further than usual, shrinking slightly in the process.

    Who did this ungrateful wench think she was? Holding her at sword point, and then demanding things out of her like her name. Her primal instincts began to rise up from the pit of her stomach, her urge to start attacking overwhelming her. The arrogance that this woman expulsed was disgusting, acting high and mighty like she had every right to think that she was better than her. Yet the cyclops had the gall to make her feel guilty about being kind?
    Such hypocritical hypocrisy would not be something she allowed.  "Who the hell do you think you are!? Holding me at sword point, and acting all high, mighty, and condescending? You think I'm a weak woman who will cower at the sight of a mindless dog with a stick?" She would shout with a snarl, her anger consuming her more and more by the second.
    "Put the weapon down, before things get ugly. Now."

    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 78
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Lunar Arts
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Lothric 4th August 2018, 10:29 pm

    Badump, badump, badump, she could feel her heart pounding, threatening to tear itself out of her chest. This... This bitch, talking to her like that! She wasn't even worthy of speaking to her anymore!

    Lothric's head twitched, the cracks of her neck echoing throughout the silent night. Slow, methodical, cracks. To the left with few hitches, to the right with more. Her eye filled out, the look of insanity gone, her insane, desperate grin evaporated entirely.
    "Tch... Fine, Lady." She said, dropping her katana and kicking it to the side.
    "We'll play it y-"
    In the blink of an eye Lothric had flipped to the other side and kicked her leg out. A swift thrust at breakneck speed, aimed directly at the woman's chest. Cutting herself off to hide under the shroud of surprise, hopefully enough to land a hit. Her speed wasn't a secret anymore.
    "Nobody gives orders in a fight!" She yelled, pulling her leg back before any counter-attack could be had.

    She couldn't deny the excitement, she couldn't deny the adrenaline, she couldn't deny any of it but her facade could. No emotion crept onto her face as she stared down her opponent, body tensed. Should she go in for another? No, no, she should wait. Lothric drew a replacement, held carefully with two hands. No cocky pose now, her legs were bent and stretched, steel dividing the image of her face in two, even if it wasn't symmetrical.
    "Rule one of combat: Never let your guard down." She said calmly, very little emotion detectable in her voice.
    "And by the way, lady... An idle body should be left well alone."

    HP: 250/250
    MP: 200/200


    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 96
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 25
    Experience : 1587.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Ancient Beast Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Rosabell 4th August 2018, 11:08 pm

    The kick landed perfectly in the center of her chest, just like the woman had expected it even sent Rosa back, a few inches anyways. This didn't really scare her of course, if anything it added fuel to her burning anger, her yes only growing more cold with the action. Perhaps this woman wasn't as mindless as she thought, although it wouldn't really make much difference. She would beat some humility into this woman if it was the last thing she did, repaying kindness with hostility had no excuse-even if they didn't know any better.

    Although she had to admit that she was impressed with the sneaky tactic the woman employed, purposely disarming herself to lower her opponents guard. Stupid things like using honor only leads to you having an early death, and she was glad her opponent understood that.

    She ignored the snipe about an idle body as that simply wasn't the way Rosabell operated, if someone looked like they needed help she was going to help them, regardless of how ungrateful they were. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about that though, right now she had a battle to participate in. This wasn't going to be like the spar with Nyx, she wouldn't be holding back one bit. This woman was strong and crafty, and if she stood any chance she had to put forth her maximum effort.
    "Want to play it like that huh? Well then, I won't be holding back, and neither should you! Takeover: Crown of Typhon! Tail of Quetzalcoatl!"

    Immediately the changes took place, her crown of fire and hair illuminating the area in a bright demonic light, and her large bladed tail swishing about wildly in front of her, as to prevent any frontal assaults. The woman was fast, faster than her when she wasn't using her lineage, so she would need to limit her movements, and she had just the job to do it."Domain of the Dragon!"

    Immediately a tall ring of fire surrounded the two of them, a blistering heat immediately erupting within the area, of course not fazing Rosabell as she was used to it by now. This way, Cyclops would be locked in for a bit, not only limiting her movement but giving Rosa much more versatility. Deciding to start being offensive, she would immediately create a light chakram and toss it with practiced ease towards her opponent, fully expecting for her to dodge it.
    "Alright Cyclops, lets get wild!"

    HP: 356/375
    MP: 240/300

    Spells n' damage:

    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 78
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Lunar Arts
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Lothric 4th August 2018, 11:46 pm

    Lothric smirked at her realizations, her grin growing uncontrollable with a successful hit. It shouldn't have hurt too much, but it was still a warning.
    A warning the woman did not take.

    Takeover? She had to wonder if there were any lizards in there...

    But that did not matter to the swordsman, no fancy magic was going to catch her off guard. She wasn't an untrained imbecile, she was a coordinated assassin and this girl was putting her nose on the blade, just begging to have her throat slit. Lothric had no problem granting her death wish if it meant she actually got to sleep tonight.
    A chakram of light..? She watched it move at her, disturbingly fast, but easy to dodge. She sidestepped it, enough distance to be safe from being grazed.
    She opened her mouth to speak before words flooded her ears.

    Lothric's mouth hung open for a little, almost staring in awe at the woman.
    What. Nerve.

    She twitched uncontrollably, a thin, harmless giggle slipping through her lips. Her hair had fallen over her "eyes", casting a shadow over most of her face as her partially parted mouth turned into a grimace, a look of absolute disgust.
    "Cyclops, eh..?"
    The words hung in the air as she stabbed a sword into the ground, putting a hand on her face and gripping tightly like she was trying to tear her skin off.
    "And you think... I'm the one being rude? I've never met more of a worthless, inconsiderate bitch in my life. You have no god damned idea what I've been through, so what makes you think you get to comment on it! I bet you think I'm just a power hungry dog, don't you!? You think I'm just some pathetic, pitiful soul that has no goal in life other than power, I know you do! You're just like the REST OF THEM!" She screamed, ripping her hand from her face and kicking her katana across the ground to join her other.
    "I've never met anybody so repulsive in my life!"

    Lothric raised her foot into the air, her grin wide, her eye wide, her arc wide before she slammed her heel into the ground. "Earth Dragon Spike!" She yelled with renewed vigor, a fissure racing through the ground at her opponent. As soon as it reached her a large cone of rock would come forth from the ground with force, enough to send her flying.
    "But I'm not going to let you PUSH ME AROUND, I'm going to wipe the floor with your ugly face and stain this forest with your blood! So are you ready to die, you filthy, mangy dog!? ARE YOU!?"

    HP: 250/250
    MP: 186/200

    Spells and Damage:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 96
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1587.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Ancient Beast Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Rosabell 5th August 2018, 12:47 am

    Rosabell growled slightly as the woman went on her tirade, throwing about all manners of insults and curses. The words cut deep, the guilt ripping through her chest like a hot knife through butter, her words had been extremely inconsiderate, and she realized that she had been wrong in saying such a thing. Judging by the way the woman reacted, it was the first time anyone had been so..inconsiderate in their wording with her. It kinda made her glad that she was to the first to say that to her, and not some dark mage or professional manipulator. Imagine someone with the intent to actually murder her saying something like that, she'd be easy pickings in her rage.

    She didn't have much time to think though as the woman called out her rather obviously named attack, making a fissure began moving toawrds her. To be honest, she never really got that, if you're going to make a catchy attack that you have to call out, name it something misleading! Earth Dragon Spike oh boy I wonder what's going to come out of that fissure? A spike? From an attack named Earth Dragon Spike? Didn't see that coming! Seriously imagine this chick as an assassin!

    Of course her human emotions suddenly decided to kick in, and her heart decided to give a big screw you to her conscience suddenly filling her with guilt once again. Sighing in a dejected manner, she decided to let herself get hit by the obvious attack, temporarily putting down any defensive instincts so that the attack directly hit her in the chest at the same spot where the kick had struck, sending her flying. Of course as she was sent flying she made a subtle movement with her fingers. Thankfully she wasn't sent into her own wall of flames, but she was damn close to it, now looking up at the sky with a vacant expression the impact spot now bleeding rather profusely.

    She had done her good deed for the day, and she didn't plan on pulling any punches anymore, although she did have one more point to prove. Sitting up slightly she looked towards the raging woman with a wince and an apologetic smile, holding her hand up in a catching manner. As if on que the chakram of light came whizzing back, right over the shoulder of her opponent even managing to cut a few stray hairs.

    "I'll admit..what I said was extremely terrible and inconsiderate which is why I let your little rock toothpick get me, but I need you to understand..what if I had been someone actually trying to kill you? That chakram would've cleaved your brain in two, all because you gave into your anger and wasn't paying attention" Letting out a sigh, she got back up to her feet dusting herself off in an comical manner. Most of her anger from before now completely gone. "Trust me..there are people out there who will say things, way worse than Cyclops..people over a hundred times more powerful than both of us combined, and they will use that to their advantage. When you're in that situation do you think yelling about how you'll murder them, and attacking haphazardly is going to help? Look, I'm not asking you to forgive me or anything, but to simply learn from this. Now..how about we start over..and properly fight each other?" She would give a small smile, not completely sure how the woman would react to her attempt at mending the situation. "My name's Rosabell, would you mind telling me yours?"

    HP: 296/375
    MP: 240/300

    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 78
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Lunar Arts
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Lothric 5th August 2018, 8:51 am

    Lothric wanted to tear her heart out, and her opponent's as well. She'd make sure she did the latter first.

    She didn't even seem phased by the chakram, too focused on screaming to even notice. She didn't care anyway, she couldn't even die so why worry, why worry at all? She shouldn't because this girl was weak, weaker than her!
    "My name is Lothric..." She said, scuffing her foot against the ground.
    What in the unholy name of hell was this shit she was pulling right now!? She couldn't be doing this again! The girl looked like a child that had just been scolded; she knew her mistake, she knew it well. Her emotions had gotten the best of her and now they were doing it again.
    Until she realized something.

    "That was the weakest attack I could possibly have done to you... And you took it anyway?" She growled, clapping her hands together before thrusting them both skyward.
    "Earth Dragon Maze!" She yelled, and a cluster of about twenty five spikes arose from the ground, with her opponent in the center of them. Lothric sprinted in, fueled once again by hatred. She had taken a hit out of pity! PITY! She couldn't bear it, she couldn't stand that absolute shit! Lothric drew two of her katanas, kicking off of one of her maze rocks and flipping over another to where she knew her opponent was; she could hear her breaths, her steps, and so she came down from above with both swords at the ready. She was going to tear her apart if it was the last thing she did.
    Even if it was suddenly extremely hot Lothric wasn't going to stop fighting, she was going to kill this woman, she really was!

    Her swords would be coming down on both of her opponent's arms, and she'd rip them back right after they fell deep enough. If both hits landed then her opponent she find herself having a bit of trouble moving her arms, because she'd gone directly for the arteries that connected the blood flow to her heart in both. She jumped into the rock next to her, flipping up into the air  and holding her elbow, palm outstretched. "Earth Dragon Skewer!" She yelled swiftly, a large needle of rock firing from her hand like a blow dart, aimed right at the girl's chest for the third time.
    Lothric landed on the ground, holding one katana at her chest and one above her head, like a scorpion's tail and claws.
    "Your niceties don't change what you've said, so you're still going to die."

    HP: 250/250
    MP: 151/200

    Spells and Damage:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 96
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1587.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Ancient Beast Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Rosabell 5th August 2018, 10:13 am

    Rosabell sighed in defeat as the woman seemed to once again forgo rationality and start screaming things left and right, activating a maze similar to her own fire wall ability that she had used earlier, except it didn't have as much range and was made of what appeared to be rocks. More versatile in it's ability to provide leaps and jumps, but didn't have any extra features as far as she could tell.  

    She could hear the attack coming from a mile away, the sound of her stepping against the stone wall to leap, strangely there was no heavy breathing like she was used to when fighting opponents. She senses were just as good as any slayer, maybe even better, so picking up on details like that was easy peasy for her. She didn't even have to look up at her opponent, her bladed tail instinctively rising up to deflect the downfall of twin swords, easily throwing the back into the air into yet another attack.

    Thankfully this attack wasn't as simply named as her pervious attempt at offense, this one being a bit more misleading as to what it could do. Of course instinct  alone automatically told her that dodging was the best option as a swift spike of rock came flying from her hand. That proved to be a good idea as there was a large hole where her body had just been, and she was not sure that she could have survived having that pierce her chest.

    She would meet the eyes of the newly deemed Lothric, her eyes once again having that sparkle of lightheartedness and general happiness. "Geez, you really want to kill me that bad? I said sorry..you think if I let you cut out one of my eyes that we'd be even?"
    Standing up straighter she would give the woman a bright fanged smile, her demonic appearnce not really making it seem all to assuring. She would mutter a quick "Wings of Quetzalcoatl" under her breath, letting what was coming to be one of her most signature abilities to activate, the brightly colored rainbowish light illuminating the area. "I don't plan on coming at you with the intent to kill because well, you haven't really wronged me, but I'm not gonna take senseless abuse lying down either so..be prepared".

    As she said this she would gently run a sharp finger nail over her chest wound drawing even more blood before licking her finger sensually. Feeling her body's bloodlust increase and as a result making her stronger. She would then take off into the air, letting her tail hang limply before descending doing numerous front flips as she neared her opponent her tail blade now spinning around her body dangerously akin to a speeding sawblade of sorts. She knew Lothric would either dodge or attempt to block, as taking an attack like that wasn't ideal for anybody. So once she was less than a few feet away from the woman, she would suddenly flap her wings mid spin causing her to seemingly disappear into mid air.

    In actuality she appeared right behind her opponent, attempting to continue her spinning assault right into the back of the lady. If it hit the woman she would be sent flying forward, and even if she somehow dodged she would have a plan waiting for her. Either way, once her opponent had distance, she would cause her ring of flames to spout out a searing jet towards the woman from above. Scorching the ground heavily, hit or miss.

    Once Rosabell touched ground again, she would look towards Lothric her tail waving tauntingly in the air. "If you really think killing me will make you feel all that better, then I implore you to try, but I have a lot of things I still want to do so I don't plan on dying easily."

    MP: 220/300


    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 78
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Lunar Arts
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Lothric 5th August 2018, 11:39 am

    Lothric watched the attacks fly like a hailstorm, twisting and turning between the multiple slices of that bladed tail, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for an opportunity. Her right arm twitched and she thrust the blade forward, only to have it met with thin air. Her eye widened, scanning the area in front of her before she heard a blade slicing air behind her, coming right for her. She swung both arms back, pivoting on her foot to slice at the tail in retaliation, knocking the blade away from it's course.
    A sound, fire, above her. She looked up and saw a pillar of flame coming straight at her, searing the sky and the ground where she used to be after performing a back spring to dodge it.

    The swordsman's breath was silent, any trace of it erased except for a deep inhale, and deep exhale, followed by complete silence. "You'll die, whether you plan on it or not." She spoke quietly, her tone changed from angry to blank. She looked confident, not cocky, her eye narrowed fiercely. "I won't be beaten to the likes of you, let alone die." A low hiss as she took another deep breath, pushing it out and fading into silence.
    She was pushing her speed now as she lunged forward, feeling the strain on her body when both swords sliced through the air, one behind the other, at her chest. She was determined to win this fight, she had to win this fight, she was going to win this fight.

    She switched her grip on her left sword, spinning it to a back grip and twirling around, concealing her thrust until it was just before the woman's chest, aimed right at the source of the blood. Her other katana came high, the blunt backside of the blade aimed at her head. it wouldn't cut, but it would hurt like hell.
    If her sword plunged into the woman's chest it would soon be ripped out and with another spin she would take a slice at her opponent's arm, switching her grip back to the standard and striking downward. Her right arm kept the katana facing the wrong way, and if her strike to her arm was successful she would bring her second katana down like a hammer to lodge the first in deeper. She was cutting that god damned artery this time, god knows what she could do with those hands and takeover magic.
    That was three strikes plus the two before, not even close to her limit considering only about four seconds had passed into this.

    Lothric was on top of this lady, and if she tried to get up and fly away there was an axe kick with her name on it to keep her grounded. She'd have to keep dodging these swings, because the swordsman wasn't going to let her escape so easy. Switching both blades to the backwards grip she sliced inward and then immediately back outward. Seven strikes, she was getting tired, she should back off now but a burning desire to see her bleed kept her going for two more. both swords raised up into the air and if they hit she was lodging them into the girl's shoulders, if they missed she was lodging them into the ground.
    And then pulling them back out for one last swing, right at her heart, both swords held together and thrust at her chest.

    HP: 250/250
    MP: 151/200

    That's a lot of damage:

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    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Rosabell 5th August 2018, 12:39 pm

    Rosabell's eyes narrowed into slits as the woman charged forward both swords at the ready, her body tensing in preparation for the blows that would surely be difficult to dodge. The first two were easy for her to predict easily back stepping to dodge out of the way of them. Taking a chance she made a subtle movement with her eyes causing yet another jet of flames to come flying at blinding speeds towards the woman's back mid-combo, she was already moving in to strike again so she figured that it should be impossible for the woman to dodge.

    Immediately after she saw eye she saw the fanciful twirl of the blade, figuring that it was just an ingrained reflex of the style she was taught, but what she didn't see coming was the sudden lightning fast strike aimed for the wound inflicted earlier, concealed by the twirl.

    It struck with a sickening squeclch going in much deeper than the spike from earlier, she even thought that it pierced a lung but she wasn't sure. She didn't have much time to scream in pain though as she suddenly felt a blunt strike hit her skull sending it downward, then another one immediately striking her arm, the next strike looked like it was going to try and hammer the blade even deeper into her arm.  She felt fear grip her heart, as it looked like the woman was attempting to cut off her arm. She had no other options, she was saving this for later but, she really didn't want to be without an arm. Channeling magic into her Chakram she would suddenly drop it snapping her fingers as she did so.

    Her vision was instantly flooded with white, sending her and Lothric flying back. Rosabell herself slamming into the stone wall of the arena, her wings softening the blow if only by a bit. She slid down the wall sickenegly her whole frontal side steamkng with slight burns from the explosion. Of course the more important matter would have to be the gaping hole in her chest that was now bleeding even more profusley than before. Although the wound was slowly knitting itself together thanks to her wings healing abilities. Despite the pain she was feeling she managed to pull herself up, her entire body now aching with unbridled pain.

    Her hair was matted with blood, the impact of the wall casuing blood to begin seeping out from her head and over her face, her glowing amber eyes filled with an angry rage. She didn't wan't to lose control, but this damn woman was puching her to her limits. Her fire wall was now gone the area now only being immuinated by her shimmering winngs and tail. No words were spoken form her lips, her eyes beiing the only sign of any emotion. That emotion being rage, pure unbridled rage. She was on the verge of snapping, all she needed was one more push, and she knew her beastial side would take the reigns. Something that hadn't happened in years.

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    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Lothric 5th August 2018, 7:39 pm

    She twisted over that flaming pillar, determined on keeping her fluency strong until she had to back off. She was going to kill this girl, she was going to do it and she wasn't going to die herself. Her onslaught was relentless, and she was about to take her arm out of equation. She could have easily lopped it off but instead she felt herself... Holding back. She was only going to sever the artery, something easy to fix with some kind of healing magic.
    Why should she care, this woman was going to die in the end anyway, nothing was going to stop Lothric from ensuring it. Her sword came down to hammer the steel in, until her eye caught something.
    A light.
    She stopped to stare at it: it was the chakram again, but something was different about the shining ring. She squinted, examining it closely... and her eye widened. That thing was overflowing with magic energy, so much of it that it could simply explode at the drop of a hat! Lothric looked back up at the woman with a confused, horrified stare.
    "YOU'RE CRA-"
    But she was cut off as everything went white.

    Crimson flew from Lothric's mouth as she was sent spiraling backwards, her left arm particularly strange looking as her body bounced across the ground before slamming into one of her rock pillars. The spell broke almost instantly, the stone walls crumbling into nothing as Lothric's body lay motionless, still.
    And then she screamed.
    She screamed loud enough for her opponent, for anybody to hear her. A scream of pure, agonizing pain. Lothric was gripping her left shoulder, tears pouring out of her one functional eye, a pool of blood surrounding her. The problem? Her arm was bent backwards and there was some bone protruding out from her elbow. Since she did not have sleeves on her dress it was wholly visible to whoever could see her.
    Namely, once again, her opponent.
    She'd experienced excruciating pain before, but it was always just before she died, it was always cut off and healed, but this... She wasn't dead, she wasn't dead yet, and her arm was broken beyond magical repair. She twitched spasmodically, vomiting blood into the air but only having it come raining down on her face again. She couldn't believe this pain, she thought this was only exclusive to death, she'd never experienced it like this before. Her blood dripping into a puddle, a pool, and if she wasn't careful it was going to be an ocean.

    Lothric pushed herself onto her stomach, sticky red fluid pouring out of the extrusion that was her bone. She bit her lip, she bit it to the point that crimson began to leak out of them as well, joining the mess on her face. If she had been a little bit farther away, if she had just been a little bit farther away, then that would have only knocked her back... But that idiot activated it right inside of them both! She wouldn't be surprised if they both had irreparable internal bleeding!
    "W-what... w-w-were you thinn-nn-nnhhking....!?" She coughed out, also coughing out a fair amount of blood between words. This woman was stupid, suicidal, or both!

    If this kept up, Lothric would have to be as well.

    HP: 190/250
    MP: 151/200

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    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Rosabell 5th August 2018, 8:55 pm

    Rosabell's vision began to become fuzzier and fuzzier with each passing second, the back of her head hurting way worse than it should. Her legs were still shaky and she didn't know if she could walk yet, she had activated the equivalent of a magical bomb right beneath her feet after all. She tried to respond to Lothric's statement but soon found herself spitting blood as she did so, the liquid only further soaking her chin and shirt, that attack from earlier really must've pierced her lung.

    After a few more attempts she managed to finally speak words, the tone coming out extremely raspy and painful. "Y-you..were gonna lob....m-my arm off, w-what the hell w-was I supposed t-to d-urp!" Almost immediately she would bend over, vomiting a mix of blood and her lunch from earlier onto the ground, nearly falling to her knees in the process. Somehow though she managed to stay standing up, her legs shaking wildly. Surprisingly vomiting actually made her feel a bit better as her spotty vision slowly began to solidify.

    To be honest she wished that it remained blurry after what she saw.

    Lothric's arm was..mangled to put it lightly, most likely irreparable from the way it was twisted. It was no understatement that the woman looked worse off than she did, although her skull didn't seem to be split open in the back like hers..thankfully. A rational person would see that her opponent was down, and would simply walk away proclaiming their victory. Of course Rosabell was far from rational, if her little suicidal explosion didn't already indicate that.
    "O-oh l-lord! A-are...you alright!? S-shit of course you aren't..h-hang on I-I'll come over and try to...try to h-help..I-I-i"m so sorr-"

    At that point she felt her body shut down, her legs giving way and her face hitting the ground with a solid thump, the giant wound on the back of her head now extremely apparent and soaking the ground in blood at a fast rate, already making a puddle under her face. She could even feel her magic beginning to dwindle, sparkles starting to come off of her tail and wings at a fast rate.

    She felt her heartrate quicken in fear, she needed to get over to the woman before her wings disappeared. Lifting her head out of her own puddle she looked over to the woman in fear, not because of her own wounds, but because of the thought of not making it over to Lothric in time. Immediately she began clawing at the ground desperately, her fingers making deep tracks in the dirt. Slowly but surely she began to feel herself move forward, sliding across the ground rather pathetically the large trail of blood following her as she did so.

    To her getting over to Lothric felt like it took years, but in actuality it only took about two minutes to do so. Regardless once she arrived at her destination she looked up towards Lothric, although there was so much blood on her face that she couldn't actaully see her.
    "H-here..t-t-this should...r-repl-lenish y-you e-enough t-to g-get s-ome t-treatment..."

    With that she would drop her head back down, mustering just enough energy to flap her wings mightlity sending am ethereal light in all directions around her, with none of it going to herself. With that last burst of magical energy, her wings, tail, and even her crown would dissipate. She was silent now, slowly turning her body over so that she could look at the sky, blinking out just enough of the blood to actually see the stars. It was at that point she noticed something that caused her to gain a small smile.

    It was no longer raining.

    * Ability 1: Blessing of the Serpent: Rosabell gives a mighty flap of her wings sending a pulse of light in a 15 meter range. This light restores fatigue, and heals allies for D-ranked damage. Lasts 1 post and has a 2 post cooldown.

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    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Lothric 5th August 2018, 9:49 pm

    Lothric forced herself to her feet, blood pouring out of her wounds as she did so. Her evasion was all for naught as an explosion inside of them both had done as much damage as it would have to have just tanked everything thrown at her EXCEPT that! Her legs, dress, face, they were all covered!
    And yet she was the one still standing....?

    Then she saw her, her opponent. Rosa was crawling over to her and Lothric gripped her sword tightly. Her last spare had been thrown out of it's sheath in the blast, so all she had was her last katana... The one most important to her. The more decorated hilt and guard differentiating it from the other five.
    Lothric's eye softened though. She was... Healing her..? Pity, pity, pity! It must be pity! She would tear her a part for that, she would rip her limb from bloody limb and send her straight to hell!
    But no, no she couldn't, she was far too weak for that. She couldn't manage any more strikes, one of her arms was broken and she was, even with the spell's effects, physically drained. Blood was pouring out of her everything, even if she had bean healed.
    This... This woman was prepared to die for her! Lothric was feeling a warm, fuzzy feeling, deep within her bosom. She held her hand there, gently chuckling. What an idiot this girl was, healing the enemy.... A blind, blind fool.

    Lothric grabbed the woman's hand as it stopped raining, pulling her up to her feet and holding her like that until she could stand on her own.
    "Think you'll live...?" Her eye widened a bit. Those wounds looked pretty serious, maybe they had gone too far... This was dark guild levels of violence and she was no dark guild member. She was just an assassin of low strength wizards and thugs, she wasn't used to bloody, violent, painful fights. Maybe she could try and remember her healing magic..?
    Lothric released the woman's hand when she could stand before dropping her arm back down, shifting it until her broken hand lay in the crease of her elbow. Keeping it there she gently laid her palm on the woman's chest, the original source of all of that worthless bloodshed. None of that fight even mattered now.
    She looked up with an emotionless eye, and a blank grin.

    "Earth Dragon Skewer."

    The words floated in the air for just enough time for her opponent to register the spell, before the needle-like rock would erupt from her hand, and straight through the woman's chest. If she dodged this attack, Lothric was dead. She was to exhausted to do anything else, so this spell was her last.

    But that grin just grew wider.

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    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Rosabell 6th August 2018, 12:14 am

    Rosabell felt happiness as the woman picked her up and held her in a gentle manner, even asking about her mortality. Her act of kindness had helped the woman change and become a better person, all because she went out of her way to ask if she needed help. If one would look they would see that her serene smile had grown even wider, she might live past this if this kept up, this amazing feeling of elation. For once she had actually accomplished something, all her life she had been told she was nothing. A lonely ditz who had no hope of ever doing something useful with her life, that's what her parents had told her on their parting. Yet now she had proved them wrong, she was worth something, and she had achieved that not through trying to be the strongest, but by putting faith into people. Faith that the world wasn't a scary and heartless place, that people truly could be kind.

    As she felt the woman put her hand on her chest, her happiness grew even more. Not only had she changed someone for the better, but at the same time she had also gained a new friend in the process, somone she could trust to have her back in the future, and extremley combat capable too.

    Looking back on that moment...she realized how much of a fool she had been.

    There was no sound, no begging, the only thing being shown..was the despair in her eyes.

    Her eyes widened in fear, panic, and denial as the sudden attack from earlier was called out. This couldn't be happening to her, it was impossible! No person was heartless enough to outright murder someone on a whim, especially after that person had almost died to make sure they were healed enough to get to saftey. No person was that evil..right? Nobody could do such a cruel thing to her, kindess was always rewarded with kindness..not hate right? Tears suddenly began to fill her eyes, the waterfalls driping down her blood caked face leaving shallow trenches in her cheeks eventually dripping down into the hole that had been created. The world..couldn't really be this cold..could it..?

    The gaping hole in her chest proved otherwise.

    As she fell backwards a new sensation flooded her mind, anger. Anger at the world, anger towards Lothric, anger towards whatever higher being that goverened fate, and most importantly, anger towards herself. How could she have been such a fool? She should've known better, she should've known that kindness didn't award you anything. The world was a nasty place, and everyone in it could rot in hell for all she cared, she tried to be kind but where did that get her? Death by a monster in the middle of nowhere, no one to mourn for her, no one to know that she was missing, no one to enact vengence against her killer, and most importantly...no one to save her. It was official..she hated the world.

    Maybe..maybe this wasn't the end for her though, maybe someone would hear her plea and save her from this unjust fate.

    Who was she kidding..all of this was her fault anyways. It was her falut for being a naive, gullibe, and dense idiot. She had put her trust up, healing this woman out of hope, hope that she could rise above herself and show compassion. How foolish of her, just like everything else important in her life, she had gotten her hopes risen and had them crushed, all beacuse of her. She was so stupid for trusting her she was so foolish for trusting people in general. Everyone was right, she was nothing more than a fool, and beacuse she had been a fool..she was being punsihed simple as that. All of this was her fault, and she desrved it.

    She hit the ground with a a thud, her dull eyes looking up towards the sky in hopelessness and despair, the tears never have stopping once during her entire inner tirade. She felt..cold. Her etire body was heavy and she felt darkness begin to creep at the corners of her eyelids. There was so much that she had wanted to do..so many people to meet..so many places to go. She would never prove her parents wrong now..she would never be able to show that she wasn't useless..

    Maybe this is how things were meant to be..maybe this was simply her fate. She was no fool..she knew that no fancy mumbo jumbo magic would save her. She wasn't even angry at Lothric anymore. All she was doingwas defending herself after all..a useless loose end like herself didn't matter in the grand scheme of things anyways, this woman was destined for greatness..and she was not. She was going to die at this womans feet, eyes filled with despair and hopelessness...beacsue as of current...

    She had accepted that she really was in fact, hopeless and filled with despair.

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    Completed Re: One-Sided [Private, Rosabell]

    Post by Lothric 6th August 2018, 12:56 am

    Lothric's face didn't change with that look, it didn't change when that woman fell to the ground, twitching, bleeding profusely. She had weakened that spot, she had focused all of her attacks on it, and that blow was why.
    But she hadn't planned it like this.

    The girl's brain had already shut off in a sense. She couldn't really feel much, her eyes were blank and glazed over. She didn't have long to live either way, and with that thought a small, twisted, open mouthed smile messily carved itself into her face. She giggled. It was funny, this fate. So naive, so naive to believe all of her lies. What a perfect, perfect way to trick her opponent into death, handing herself over like she was surrendering! It made her tremble, quiver even, her breaths quick and heavy. What an utterly outstanding feeling to fight against someone that powerful and win!
    And then her mind really shut off.
    A hand raised up, palm pointed at the woman's chest. She uttered no words, only shooting a light beam at it. A healing magic, the one her mother had taught her. She couldn't remember how to do it and she certainly wasn't really conscious right now.

    The girl would survive, that chest wound would have closed by the time Lothric had woken up and left already. She would awake with no idea of how she was alive, or where Lothric was. She wouldn't know that Lothric had healed her, albeit she could probably piece it together.

    There was only one thing left to do now.

    Lothric looked forward, drawing her katana. She would die of her wounds, no doubt about it. Her healing magic was no match for the amount of wounds she had and this was just.... It was just quicker. That was all.
    With her one hand, Lothric grabbed the sword backwards, lifting it up into the air.
    She didn't hesitate.
    Bringing the sword down and inward she felt the steel tear through her flesh, splitting her nerves before impaling her heart all the way through. Her breaths grew shaky, very shaky, barely existing, blood pouring out of her mouth, nose, eye, and her eye hole. It was like something straight out of a horror scene, the sword even got wedged and so she jammed it in deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper until the guard of the sword was pushing against her stomach.

    With her breath sufficiently erased, Lothric fell to her knees and almost started gasping for air before realizing she couldn't breath. Instead, she looked down at her katana's hilt. God, this sword had been inside of her more than it had been inside of her enemies... A choked giggle that barely even escaped her blood-soaked lips. Everything was going black now, she was going to sleep now. She'd wake up tomorrow, though, so it was okay.
    She was just sleeping.
    Just sleeping.
    And Lothric's dead body slumped forward, however catching her vertebrae on the blade of her sword, getting lodged there, and keeping her in a kneeling position like she was frozen in time.
    She'd wake up in the morning... But for now,
    Lothric was dead.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:54 pm