Fairy Tail RP

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    Not all Valkyries have wings. [ S o l o ]

    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Not all Valkyries have wings. [ S o l o ] Empty Not all Valkyries have wings. [ S o l o ]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 2nd August 2018, 4:09 pm

    Nessa was taking a stroll through the woods, wearing a violet dress and white plimsoles. Satchel over her shoulder, and Arielle resting happily ontop of her head. A lot had happened recently and she needed to think. Trying to wrap her head around all the jobs she had taken on, all the magic she had learned and the people she had met. Her life seemed almost like a crazy blur of one incident to the next. Never really slowing down, it was almost enough to give a girl whiplash. Not that it was a bad thing, she was finding that she was meeting new people on a regular these days, like Arcadia who was practically an angel in her eyes, or Lazarus, who albeit a unique being was clearly kind. Then there was the bonds she found growing, her and Aven had grown even closer as friends. So much so that she would even consider him her closest friend. She had lots of close friends at school, but they had faded away the more she invested in her magic. Plus there had been that incident with Rex that had left her in a socially awkward situation with her peers. Unable to really tell them why he up and moved, rumours had spread and trust had been lost. Nessa didn't hold grudges with her friends though, they had just moved their lives in different directions and that was okay. Plus Aven as fancy as he was, was an absolute delight. He made her laugh and was genuinely the sweetest guy she'd ever met.

    Quite the parallel to Markus, she felt a twinge when she thought of him. Those embarrassing moments she had endured with him following their mission had been eating away at her. She bit her lip as she looked down as the woods, funny enough she was headed to the same place they had discovered together. She didn't know why, but she had wanted to go. To sit by the waterfall and clear her thoughts, because something told her she needed to clear those thoughts badly. As she entered the clearing, she looked around. There it was, as beautiful as she remembered. The soft grassy bank, circling a clear pond. Ripples running through the water, stimulated by the waterfall. She smiled, taking a few steps, she kicked off her plimsoles. Pulling her bag off her shoulder and dropping it to the ground. Kneeling down, she lay down on the grass, resting her arms at the edge of the water. Arielle jumped down from her head and sat himself on the edge, sticking his feet in the water, kicking playfully. She reached forward, gently running her fingers through the surface, feeling it's cool moisture coat her hands as she gentle played with it.  She sighed, her eyes glazing over as she remembered that night. It was blurry, much of that to do with the overwhelming amount of alcohol she had consumed. But she knew what had happened, it was one fuzzy memory that play in her mind. Her cheeks grew pink as she though about it, completely unaware of the battle that was occurring in the skies above her.

    Thousands of miles above where Nessa lay, over the top of the clouds, there was the echoing clashing of magical energy as it reverberated off each other. Two bodies flying through the air at superhuman speed, they circled each other threateningly. The two powerful females throwing their magic back and forth, one petite and dainty with long fair hair and delicate features. Her opponent much more menacing in comparison, her skin riddled with small, black veins. There was a ripping sound, followed by a scream.

    The fair woman eyes rolled back and as her wings folded behind her, she began her descent. Flying towards the ground at unstoppable speed. Nessa had been humming along, making little splashes in the water, when the woman's body fell through the clouds above her. The whirring of the wind around her as she fell through the clearing and crashed directly into the pond in front of Nessa. Nessa jumped back onto her knees, the splashing water flying up and over her. She gasped in shock, staring at the water for a moment. Then without further hesitation, she stood up, running to the edge of the water, she jumped into it. Diving under the water, she winced as she tried to peer through the blurry pond water. She pushed her arms forward and behind her, swimming deeper and deeper into the pond. Surprised by how deep it seemed to go. She looked around, trying to see whatever had fallen into the water. As she moved further down, she spotted something in the depths. Eyes widening, she began to make her way towards it, as she got close to the figure. She wrapped her arms around it, before moving her body so that it was vertical and kicking upwards. Dragging the body up with her. After a few moments, their two heads bursting through, a frantic Arielle flying around waiting for them. Nessa gasped, taking in the air, she began to drag them both back to the edge of the bank. Lifting the young girls body onto the water, before climbing up herself. Arielle flew next to her,

    "Are you okay Miss Nessa?" He asked, she nodded at him, before looking over at the girl. Young and very beautiful, with long fair hair, and much to Nessa's surprise a set of white feathery wings folded up against her back. One of the wings had a deep gash in it and was bleeding. Arielle flew over to the girl, placing his hands on her, he began to send his healing magic through her. Nessa kneeled down next to the girl.

    "Is she an Angel?" She asked, Arielle shook his head, but didn't answer her question.

    "She carries water Miss." He told her, Nessa nodded leaning over, she began to administer chest compressions. It was a few moments later, the girl coughed, water spilling out of her mouth and her eyes rolling open groggily. Nessa stopped the compressions, placing a gentle hand on the girl. The girl looked over at her, her face blank as she lay there panting. Nessa stared at her, trying to figure out what to say, suddenly she began to spill out with babble.

    "Hey there, that was quite a fall. Looks like you cut up your wing pretty bad, Arielle will try and heal it a bit, but I have bandages I can wrap it up with for you. I mean I've never bandaged a wing before, but I'll give it a go." She said the girl, the girl looked at her, then leaning over with her arm she tried to sit up. Only to hiss in pain as she moved her wounded wing.

    "Patience, Valkyrie, else the wound will tear more." Arielle barked in a surprisingly firm tone, his brow furrowed as he continued to try and heal the creature, he then added. "Listen to my miss, she has good medicine."

    Nessa tried to offer the girl a sincere look, "So you're a Valkyrie huh? I'm just a human, a human named Nessa. Nessa Lux. Do you have a name?" She asked. The girl who had been watching Arielle as he healed her, glanced over at Nessa, she seemed to be analysing her, as though whether or not she was worthy of trust. She didn't say anything, she just looked up to the sky, staring at the clouds above. It was then that the girl finally spoke.

    "Gone again." Her voice was light and airy, there was the sound of disappointment in her words. She lowered her eyes to Nessa who was staring at her in confusion. The Valkyries eyes darted over the Starlight Maiden, taking in her soaked appearance, before bringing her eyes to Nessa's once more. "I am Tiphanae. Thank you for saving me." Nessa raised her hands and waved them side to side, shaking her head.

    "Oh you don't need to thank me, honestly. Anyone would have jumped in." She replied humbly, she was genuinely just glad the girl wasn't hurt worse. Nessa moved away, reaching out she grabbed for the strap of her bag, pulling it over. Reaching inside she began to pull out medical supplies. Arielle pulled his hands away, his magic fading as he fell back against the grass. His magic was a drain on his body and he was clearly exhausted. Nessa leaned over and examined the wound. "You've done a good job here Arielle, this isn't nearly as deep as it was, plus it's not bleeding anymore. That's good. I'll just give it a clean up and a bandage and you should be right as rain." Nessa adjusted herself, her body began to glow with light, warming the air around her, drying both herself and Tiphanae. Tiphanae's eyes widened at the sight of her magic, her thin lips curled into  small smile.

    "You use Starlight." She said softly, she looked away, her smile rising more, "Ellamora will love that." She said, Nessa tilted her head, she didn't know why but she could tell Tiphanae seemed happy about this. Smiling too, she decided that if the Valkyrie was smiling, she had clearly done something right. After making sure the wound was dry, she set to work. Her hands moving gently and confidently as she tidied and wrapped the wound. After a short while, she sat back admiring her work, it wasn't too shabby.

    "There you go." She said, brushing her hands together. The Valkyrie looked over her shoulder, moving her wing a fraction, she twinged a little, but it wasn't nearly as much of a reaction as earlier. She looked back at Nessa and expression of gratitude on her face.

    "Thank you Nessa Lux."The girl began to stand up, Nessa followed suit. Nessa watched as the Valkyrie proceeded to bow her head at her. "Do you have a wish for me to grant in exchange for your kindness?" Nessa shook her head,

    "I don't need anything honestly, I'm just glad you're okay." Tiphanae looked at her in surprise,

    "I cannot let this debt go unpaid, it is not in the nature of my kind..." The girl told her, Nessa shrugged back, there just wasn't anything she wanted. The girl looked at her, clearly thinking, slowly she smiled. "Fine then Nessa Lux, how about this, as a thank you. I will show you a world so beautiful it will erase all expectations of beauty from your mind with the very sight of it." Tiphanae raised her right hand, the space infront of her hand began to shake. The air picking up and swirled around to reveal a portal before them. Tiphanae moved her hands in front of Nessa. "Come to Valhalla, Nessa Lux. See the world of the Valkyrie in all it's glory. You too, Arielle of the Fae." Nessa eyed the portal hesitantly, she had experienced her fair share of teleportation in her role as a mage. Nine times out of ten, it didn't end well. Arielle flew off the ground, moving towards the portal.

    "Come Miss," He said happily, "Valhalla not a world you want to deny the experience of, You'll be safe there." She eyed him for a moment, then looking over at Tiphanae's, her eyes kind and welcoming, she reached out taking her hand. She allowed the Valkyrie to pull her into the portal. Almost as easy as walking through a door, as Nessa stepped through the other side, with Arielle and Tiphanae she let out a gasp. Tiphanae had not been lying, she had never seen a space so breathtakingly beautiful. The area around them surrounded with a mixtures of clouds and beautiful flowers. The air felt pure and clean, Nessa took a deep breathe, her body feeling invigorated by the sensation of it. In the distance, she could see the most beautiful sun set, the sun halfway out, the sky a mixture of reds and purples.

    "The sky never changes, we lived in the between of the changing sky." Tiphanae explained, walking forward, Nessa began to follow. Her footsteps felt light, almost as if she was walking on air. As they moved along, through the cloudy path a building began to appear in the distance. The closer they got the greater it seemed, until standing before there was a grand castle, made completely of white brick. Tiphanae looked over her shoulder at them.

    "Welcome to Odin's hall." She said, reaching forward, she pushed open the white painted door stepping inside. Nessa and Arielle exchanged glances before following her in. Nessa's ears were hit with an array of noise. Laughter, the clinking of drinks, raised voices, and music. All blended together to what was clearly a party of sorts. She looked around, they had walked straight into a long rectangular room, large wooden pillars standing at over a hundred metres in height. In the centre of the great hall, was a round table at least ten metres wide all the way around, completely covered in food and drink. Seated around it, an array of different thrones. All designed with their own magnificence and detailing. As they approached, the noise died down as the faces of several women looked over. Nessa stared in shock, sitting in front of her was a multitude of Valkyries, all different shapes and sizes, but uniquely all beautiful women. There was the sound of scrapping as a chair was pushed back, and a woman with long snow white hair and long pointy ears came walking across the room. As she reached them, she threw her arms around Tiphanae.

    "Oh Tiph, thank goodness, you're back." Tiphanae embraced her back, gently so as to not knock her wing. After a moment the two Valkyrie's let go of eachother. The white haired woman smiled at her, before glancing over her shoulder at Nessa and the fairy. "Tiph, you brought a human, and a fae." There was a loud crack, and a second later, a brunette woman appeared infront of them. Holding her sword up towards Nessaa.

    "Nonsense, they must have tricked her. Human, what deception have you placed on my companion to bring you here?" She snarled, Tiphanae raised her hand, bringing it up to the sword, she pulled it towards herself as opposed to Nessa.

    "No trickery Agatha, this human and this fae saved my life." The Valkyrie named Agatha held her sword there for a moment, before lowering it slowly, her expression still somewhat suspicious. The sound of footsteps indicated another person was approaching. Stepping around Agatha, a tall blonde woman stepped out. She was the most awesome and magnificent being Nessa had ever laid eyes on, practically oozing with power. Her steely gaze settled on Nessa, causing her to gulp. Agatha hadn't quite shaken her with her sword, but seeing this new Valkyrie gave Nessa a real sense of awe. On top of that, she felt a pull towards her, her magic coaxed forward, almost as though excited to see the woman. The woman's eyes shone with a familiar light, Nessa couldn't see much of her expression, her mask covered most of her face. The woman looked away from Nessa, and to Tiphanae.

    "What of Hakon?" Her voice was deep, and powerful. Tiphanae's faced dropped slightly, she lowered her eyes to the ground.

    "I found her but..." Tiphanae's eyes grew sad, almost as if she were to cry. "She's so much stronger Ellamora, She wouldn't listen. We ended up fighting," Tiphanae turned so the girls could see her wounded wing. "She got the best of me and I ended up falling to earth.  I was fortunate enough to fall in front of this human and fae. They used magic and human medicine to treat me, Hakon was long gone by that point." The Valkyrie named Ellamora reached out, gently touching Tiphanae's chin, she pulled her face up to look at her.

    "It couldn't be helped, at least you are safe." Ellamora lowered her hand once more then looked at Nessa. "What's your name human?"

    "Nessa Lux and the fairy here is Arielle." Nessa replied, Ellamora's lips curled into a smile, reaching out she took Nessa's hands in hers.

    "Thank you Nessa Lux, you have saved my sister and allowed her safe return home. As gratitude please join us in a heavenly feast." She said, Nessa felt her cheeks grow pink. She wanted to refuse, to say it was too much, but for someone reason she couldn't. Ellamora's eyes bore into hers, and somehow she found herself nodding. The girls led her to the table, her jaw dropped at the sight of all the food. They definitely weren't short of things to eat. The white haired Valkyrie spoke,

    "I'll get her a chair." But Ellamora shook her head, as she slid into her own throne. She pointed at the empty throne across from her,

    "She may sit there." All the Valkyries exchanged glances, a girl with red hair and demonic claws for hands sat next to the empty throne. She leaned forward, replying cautiously.

    "But that's Hakon's seat."  Ellamora's cool gaze landed on the girl, giving off an intensity that made Nessa shudder.

    "And Hakon's not here is she. She is somewhere out there, whilst Tiphanae stands here with the wound she inflicted on her. A wound that nearly killed her, I'm not saying we don't wish for her return but at least for today, I think she's lost the grace of a saved seat at our table." She replied, the red haired Valkyrie sat back in her seat, staring down at the table in clear discomfort. Nessa gulped,

    "Honestly a normal seats fine, I don't think I'd be tall enough to sit on one of those anyway. She told the Valkyries, Ellamora smiled over at Tiphanae. There was a sudden gust of wind and Nessa was lifted into the air. Carried over to the empty throne were she was gently propped down. Tiphanae climbed into the empty throne next to Ellamora, smiling at her, she reached forward, picking up a leg of chicken. The pretty dainty girl began to attack the thing with her teeth. Nessa looked down at the food, it all looked so good. But she felt a little rude just digging in. Arielle on the other hand had made his way over to the fruit bowl and was already working on a juicy grape. Nessa looked around the room, all the Valkyries were now seated in their chairs, eating, chatting a drinking. The white haired girl was on the other side of her, she smiled at Nessa sweetly.

    "I'm Arcturus, the red-head next to you is Elgorea." She began indicating the girl with her hand before gesturing to the others as she continued. "You know Tiphanae, and Ellamora. The brunette that came for you is Agatha, don't mind her, she's a little short tempered." A second later a fork came flying across the room and embedding itself in the frosty throne, she was sitting on. Nessa jumped in her seat, but Artcurus just looked over at Agatha will a sweet smile. "There's also Lucinda, who isn't here right now, and Scythen who-" Nessa felt her stomach drop, there was a suddenly sensation of dread rippling through her.

    "My, my, what a pretty birdy." Came a smooth seductive voice in her ears, Nessa jumped once more. Standing over her was a blue haired woman, with a upside down crescent moon symbol on her forehead, glowing eyes without pupils. Nessa stilled, this woman was just as awe-inspiring as Ellamora, only somehow she brought a sense of fear within Nessa that she couldn't explain.

    "Scythen who is here now. Maybe give the girl some space, your energy is probably affecting her." Scythen leaned in uncomfortably close to Nessa's face, almost as if she was breathing in her scent.

    "Delightful." She said before moving away, stalking her way across the room to her only black and purple throne.

    "And that's everyone, there's used to be many more of us but... well let's just say war." Arcturus told her, Nessa nodded, understanding full well what war did to a species. She didn't know much about Valkyries except they were warriors. It must have been hard on them. "Please eat Nessa Lux, food from the heavens is limitless, you should enjoy it whilst you are here. It would please us greatly." Nessa looked over at the food, smiling she reached forward and grabbed a bowl. Setting herself a bowl of soup, after taking a sip, she closed her eyes. It really was delicious, unlike anything she'd ever tasted, rich and savoury. She couldn't get enough. She eased into the meal, and listened to the Valkyries chatting. They were clearly very close, and a wild array of personalities. It was obvious that Ellamora had a tendency to take charge, the girls looked up to her, and Nessa could see why. The Valkyrie had the reliable charisma of a true leader.

    Nessa noticed that the Valkyrie Elgorea was being quiet in comparison to the rest of them, she wasn't eating, and she had her demonic arms tucked in at her sides. Nessa looked at her, putting down her buttered roll. "This food really is delicious, what's your favourite Elgorea?" She asked, the girl looked at her, as though surprised to be addressed. Pulling her arms in tighter, it didn't help much, Nessa could still see them. Tiphanae laughed from across the table, a teasing smirk on her face and she leaned forward, resting her chin on her palm.

    "Elgorea has a little trouble around humans, she get embarrassed about her arms." Elgorea responded by hissing in Tiphanae's direction angrily, then proceeded to sulk at the table. Nessa tilted her head,

    "You shouldn't be embarrassed, they look awesome to me. I bet you're a great fighter."Nessa said to her, the demon Valkyrie peeked up at her. Staring at her for a moment before slowly uncurling her hands revealing her thick scaly claws. "Wow, so cool! But.."She pasued frowning in confusing, "I guess it must have been hard to pick your nose as a kid." She said with a bright smile. Elgorea looked at her blankly, her lips began to curl and after a moment she lost it. Creasing over with laughter at the simplicity of Nessa's comment. Nessa felt pleased, having eased the awkwardness the Valkyrie must have felt moments ago. Laughter echoed round the table as the party carried on. Nessa almost lost track off how long she was there, finding herself slipping into a comfortable state, she was soon nattering away. Telling the girls about her life, tale after tale. They seemed to hang on every word, clearly not used to the stories of a human. Even the sarcastic and grumpy Agatha seemed intrigued. Chewing on a rib as she questions Nessa's tales.

    "So this Aven, have you bedded him yet? He sounds like he'd breed good kin." Nessa's face turn red, raising her hands she shook them vigourously along with her head.

    "Oh god no, Aven's my friend. And I've not... I mean-"

    "I prefer the sound of this Markus, dark and mysterious," Scythen interrupted, sitting sideways in her throne. "I may have to pay him a visit myself," She said licking her lips, Nessa face grew even hotter. "Perhaps we could take turns." Nessa covered her face, earning a round of laughter across the table.

    "I don't... I'm not..." Arturus leaned in, batting her eyelashes sweetly,

    "Perhaps you prefer a womans touch." Nessa leaned back in her seat, her mortification rising.

    "Um.. No, I do like men. I've just... I've not..."

    "You've not given yourself to one." Ellamora finished, a playful smirk on her lips. Nessa nodded, squeezing her eyes shut. There was a round of whoops and squeals across the table. The girls were clearly enjoying teasing her, and of course they would. They were clearly much more experienced and confident women.

    Scythen leaned across the table grinning malevolently a Agatha, "Want to make a wager? Loser gets a punishment designed by the other." Agatha smirked back, standing up she held her hand out to Scythen.

    "Aven against Markus? I like those odds" The Valkyries, despite Nessa's vigorous protests shook hands. Elgorea sat forward,

    "What if she ends up with neither?" Following this Ellamora spoke up.

    "Then they both lose, and the rest of us pick their punishment." Tiphanae made an 'ooo' sound, and the girls exchanged grins. Nessa couldn't believe this, her love life was now the wager of a bunch of Valkyries.

    "Agreed." Agatha and Scythen replied in unison. Arcturus touched Nessa gently on the arm,

    "It's just a little harmless fun Nessa Lux. Please do not worry." Nessa sighed, it couldn't be helped. In her several hours there, she had shared a great deal of her life with these girls. They were so easy to talk to, it had been so long since she had had any real 'girl talk' if felt good. She didn't realise how much she had missed it. Ellamora was looking over at Nessa, her expression one of contemplation. She  had been observing the girl intensely for most of the night and had been considering something. Finally, she raised a fork to her goblet, clinking it against it a few times. The room fell silent as everyone looked at her. She cleared her throat.

    "I have a proposal." She began, "Nessa Lux, you have shown our sister Tiphanae a great kindness, and after spending this time with you. I believe you have a pure and kind soul, the true desire to save your kind from the darkness that attempts to envelope it. As you may be able to gage, we Valkyries are powerful beings of magic. Should we desire, we can offer our powers to humans we deem worthy to use them. Through a magical link or oath if you will. Nessa Lux, I believe you are worthy of my oath." Nessa mouth fell up in surprise, she couldn't believe it, she had heard about magical contracts but never had she imagined she would ever be offered one.

    "I...I don't know what to see. I don't know if I deserve such a gift, I wouldn't want to burden you." Ellamora held up her hand in a 'stop' gesture.

    "It is no burden Nessa Lux, far too long I have gone without a real purpose. Also it is not a gift but an exchange. I have a feeling contracting myself with you with lead us to our lost sister, Hakon. In whose Throne you currently sit." There was that name again, Hakon, the Valkyrie that had hurt Tiphanae. Nessa bit her lip,

    "Can I really help you find her?" Nessa asked, Ellamora sat back in her throne and smiled. Tiphanae stood up suddenly.

    "I want a contract to. Nessa Lux saved me, I owe it to her." Ellamora looked at her for a moment,

    "If you wish, then I shall not deny you."

    "I want one too!" Elgorea piped up suddenly,

    "And me!" Artcurus added, Ellamora smiled, Nessa felt overwhelmed. All these Valykries wanted to work with her, she felt herself welling up slightly.

    "Agatha?" Ellamora asked, the brunette glanced over at Nessa and shrugged.

    "Sure, why not." She said, Scythen leaned forward, her eery features staring at Nessa.

    "I think it would be fascinating."

    "You best include Lucinda, you know she hates to be left out of anything." Arcturus stated. Ellamora nodded, and Arcturus suddenly disappeared.  Ellamora stood up in her seat, she jumped up and began to walk across the table. Somehow avoiding plates of food and yet walking with a confident stride. Tiphanae held out her hand and Nessa felt the wind once more. Rising her out of her seat, until she was also standing on the table.

    "Then it’s agreed, we shall give you our oath Nessa Lux, and serve you in your fight for good." Nessa felt a tear run down her cheek, she couldn't believe it. Yet she felt unbelievably happy to be bonding herself to such amazing beings.

    Suddenly, all the Valkyries jumped on the table, there was a flash Arcturus had returned with another woman. Nessa's eyes widened, this Valkyrie was covered head to toe in flames. "I hear we're making an Oath, exciting!" She said hands on her hips. Ellamora stepped up to Nessa, standing so close they were practically inches apart.

    "Close your eyes Nessa Lux, I warn you this will hurt but only for a moment." Nessa nodded, slowly closing her eyes. The girls around her linked hands. Ellamora leaned forward and pressed her forehead against Nessa's. The Valkyries began to chant, a bizarre language, clearly an ancient Norse dialect. The words flowed through the air and each girl began to swirl with their own magical energy. Nessa felt a searing pain in her neck, like her flesh was being carved into with a rusty knife. She gritted her teeth, trying to hold back the urge to scream. Although it crept out a little. Through the pain, she felt an overwhelming pooling of magic, it flowed into her. Embedding itself within body, she felt it take over her completely. Until she couldn't feel anything else, only the magic that swirled around her. Different shapes, forms and colours, now entering her, binding itself to her.mThe chanting slowed to a stop, and the pain faded. Nessa felt Ellamora moved away from her.

    "It is done. May the door to Valhalla always be open to you." She said, Nessa opened her eyes, her vision blurred, as she tried to focus. She took a step, only for her body to give way and for her to slip deep into unconscious, her world fading to blackness.

    When Nessa eyes opened once again, she found herself lying on a grassy bank, her bag infront of her and Arielle sat their smiling at her. She sat up, looking around, realising she was back in the spot she had been when Tiphanae had fallen. She reached up and touched her neck, feeling the point where she had felt the searing pain. She noticed a raised edge. Her fingers running over the white branding of a Norse symbol, three triangles entwined. The symbol for Valhalla.


    WC : 5055 /2000

    2000 Used for Secondary Magic Training
    1500 Handed in a C Rank freeform
    1500 Handed in as C Rank freeform

    55 Word excess

    WC : 5055 /2000


    Not all Valkyries have wings. [ S o l o ] 60582_s

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 1:07 pm