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    Oh, let us shower in the blossoms. [Job - Nerkos/Kita]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 482
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 19,840

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    Oh, let us shower in the blossoms. [Job - Nerkos/Kita] Empty Oh, let us shower in the blossoms. [Job - Nerkos/Kita]

    Post by Nekros 25th July 2018, 6:21 am

    Job Title: Cherry Blossom Shower
    Rank: C
    Player Requirements: Up to 3 mages
    Job Requirements: 4k words total, the enemies do not require rolls but the boss MUST be defeated to stop the cherry blossom shower.
    Job Location: Rose Garden
    Job Description: Cherry blossoms have started suddenly appearing around Rose Garden. It was very beautiful… that was until it’s starting to blockade the area! The cherry blossoms keep piling up, and it’s up to you to sort it out before it gets even worse.

    Note: the petals will keep piling up throughout the thread until you defeat the boss, however, the speed of the petals raining down is up to you.
    Weak: Slippery petals - These petals can be a pain, they have not been laid on top of each other like the other petals and they can be extra slippery, precaution is required! And don’t slip! Slipping deals 1 D rank damage, hope that butt is okay.

    Normal: Petal minions x3 - These are short people on high ground, commanding some of the cherry blossoms to come down, in every post they will attempt to attack you with cherry blossoms or with melee attacks. They deal C ranked damage and they take 3 C ranked damage to take down.

    Strong: Petal dancers x4 - These dancers are simply plant people dancing, thinking the petals coming down are very pretty and elegant and they want to keep it moving. They will not notice you until you come close to them, they are pretty agile in dodging attacks so melee attacks will not do unless they are stunned. They can deal 2 C ranked damage every post unless you dodge them and they take 4 C ranked damage to take down!

    Boss: Cherry Blossom mage - this is the source of the cherry blossoms piling up! Once you spot her, there will be no end, she will use earth magic and the magic of cherry blossoms at you. She can deal 1 B ranked damage and it will take 10 C ranked damage before she cannot be bothered to play around with the town anymore and will basically get lost and Rose Town will be saved! Who knew flowers could be deadly??

    Reward: 8k Jewels and C ranked EXP

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 482
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 19,840

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    Oh, let us shower in the blossoms. [Job - Nerkos/Kita] Empty Re: Oh, let us shower in the blossoms. [Job - Nerkos/Kita]

    Post by Nekros 25th July 2018, 6:26 am

    What a time and location, Rose Garden. It had been some time since Jaeger had been at this romanticized city, especially since the last time he had been here it was Valentines day. That day will go down in his memory as to why you don’t want to mess with a darker moralled woman. One who is easily scorned and set-off on a murderous activities. Not only that, sometime after Jaeger was teamed with another to help protect a wedding from some thugs, that didn't go all too well as his partner decided to impersonate the bride and keep her locked away. Ooooh the fun memories with women he’s had in Rose Garden.

    However those memories make him feel, reminiscing wasn’t the reason for his return. The young-ish mage was newly employed with the West Fiore Trading Company, and as such has a job to protect trade, clients, and it was his turn to do his part for the company. Rumors have slowly been trickling in from the companies traders about something going on in Rose Garden or how its getting harder to get their goods into the city. Eventually, a job went out to all the notice boards for guilds and independants alike. A weird Cherry Blossom event started taking hold of the city, blockading the streets, walkways, homes, and whatever else could be blocked. The petals need to be cleaned up and dealt with, but more importantly, find the source and put a stop to this madness.

    The trip there wasn’t all too exciting. The mage, dressed in his fine white suit and blonde hair draped around him, had to travel from Tolgalen to the very top of Fiores mainland. It was long, tiring, and just plain dull. At first, he had hopped onto a boat to make it to Hargeon and then hop onto a train and other vehicles to get to Rose Garden, but it got too bad. At the next stop, close to Capital Crocus, Jaeger popped himself into the ground and just raced to his destination via the scenic route. Like this, he could go as fast or as slow as he could or wanted to. The worker bee could see all the sights along the way and actually enjoy his travels rather than constantly sit in some seat and follow some track, road, or any other trail.

    After a few days of travel, Jaeger finally made it to the outskirts of the town. Boy, they weren’t kidding. The lovely pink petals were all over the place. The streets looked as if someone had planted large cherry blossom bushes all over them. Hell, one could even say if it got any worse, there might be some cherry blossom avalanches to flood the entire area. While he need to get to work right away on this, Jaeger also needed to find the client that put this job through to all the guilds. Merging back into the ground, the mage shifted under the piles and entered the city. After doing some asking around, it was pointed out that it was likely one of the city officials to make the request. Coming up on the building he was directed to, the man was ready to meet with the client.

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-primary-magicgreat-tree-arcnekros
    Lineage: - Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: - Land Shark [-30MP]
    Active Effects: - Land Shark
    Remaining MP: 170MP
    Total MP: 200MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Post Word Count: 544 Words.
    Job Word Count: 544/4,000
    Kitalpha Aurence
    Kitalpha Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Infernal Hellblaze
    Position : None
    Posts : 193
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,650

    Oh, let us shower in the blossoms. [Job - Nerkos/Kita] Empty Re: Oh, let us shower in the blossoms. [Job - Nerkos/Kita]

    Post by Kitalpha Aurence 27th August 2018, 12:10 pm

    A sweet scent tickled the blonde’s nose as she gazed up at the seemingly endless stream of soft-pink petals that the wind carried from within the town. Oh so gentle, like a mother carrying her sleeping child to its bed, to lay on its soft mattress; as such did the petals unto the grasslands surrounding the town of light and laughter. Rose Garden; endowed and both plagued at the same time by a storm of cherry blossom flower that laid scattered, coating the roads, houses, benches and people in silk shrouds of Mother Nature’s love… Or so they thought. Kitalpha inhaled deeply as she slowly walked across the carpet of fallen flowers, who laid there welcoming her towards their fellow-named flower base. Although the road was still long before she were to enter the town, she could already see the mess the cherry blossoms had caused; with the town at the horizon gesturing her to come closer. Drown in the pleasure and beauty Rose Garden had to offer. She would’ve bent and relinquished her distrust for humans and crowds to venture inside… were it not for the scent of these trees. At first glance they seemed normal, smelled normal; but the sensation she got afterwards did not belong to any natural phenomenon. This was coated with magic. Deeply rooted within the trees, the ground and even the water to create these living carpet-makers. She huffed and shook her head to get the devilishly alluring scent out of her nose and head alike. She needed a clear mind to deal with this… however funny, as the devious smell of these flowers lingering in the air had caused her to drift towards the town of Rose Garden, for the first time actually finding her way to a location she was meant to go to in the first place. Which deserved a mental pat on the back by yours truly. Good job kiddo. Just don’t fuck up again.

    About an hour later Kitalpha finally shuffled through one of the entrance gates of Rose Garden, together with a dozen other visitors who just as carefully as her crossed the slippery roads. It was a rather hilarious sight to behold, as if these people were walking on a surface of ice rather than solid ground. Ever so careful. The deceivingly sweet scent of cherry blossoms still penetrated her sensitive nose, stronger than ever now she was so close to the source of all this, and as she did it became more apparent that this was an unnatural phenomenon. All the clues were there, like a puzzle, waiting to be put together. She figured there’d be no missing pieces. For this amount of magic, the scale of this event happening, the user could not go far from it. Lest they be of a rank as high as her former guildmaster, and able to conceil their magical power. She doubted it. Mages like that were scarce as is… and they tended to disappear without a trace, too. The blonde warrioress stopped somewhere past the gates, in the looming shadows of the walls holding them. Her hands gripped her seam of her long coat and clenched down until her knuckles colored white. Ever since Leila had left them, the blonde had failed to be able to stay within the walls of Silver Wolf. A confinement that made her remind what she had missed. During her descent from the mountain she’d had had a short rendezvous with one of her fellow guildmembers, but afterwards she’d feared returning to the guild. Dreaded it. Biting her lip the blonde held back the tears that tried to push their way past her crimson eyes. She wasn’t even there when Leila left…. she didn’t have the chance to say goodbye. Again.

    Kitalpha shook her head and swallowed the lump forming in her throat, unconsciously letting out a small grunting sigh as she did. This was no time for tears. Not here. There was something she’d promised Leila to do. To retrieve. But first she needed to get stronger. Stronger before returning to that place. Until then, she had to press forward. Not dwindle on the past. ”Alright. First things first. I’ll just take a stroll around town and figure out where to start the--- huh?” Kitalpha bend her head back a bit as she tried to sniff the aroma of a certain scent that had passed her like a sudden gust. She’d merely gotten a whiff of it, but… it had something. Something familiar, though she couldn't quite place it within her memories. As befitting of a family bloodline cursed by a wolf demon however, her canine senses did the searching for her, and soon enough she found herself following a trail towards an unknown destination. Said destination turned out to be the broad back of a blonde individual, presumably male. Hopefully male. She thought. But the scent lingered around him, like the scent of melting wax around a freshly-lit candle. Without any other thought given to it, Kitalpha didn’t falter and tapped the white-uniformed man’s shoulder, blurting out the words she’d better taken a moment to reconsider, as she realised afterwards. ”Excuse me mister, but you smell kinda funny. What’s your name?” Shameless and tactless as always, yet her crimson pupils eyed the man curiously, awaiting his reply.

    Wordcount: 888
    Total wordcount: 1432 of 4000



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 482
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 19,840

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    Oh, let us shower in the blossoms. [Job - Nerkos/Kita] Empty Re: Oh, let us shower in the blossoms. [Job - Nerkos/Kita]

    Post by Nekros 6th September 2018, 7:25 am

    A choice meeting, fates intertwining! Just before the young, handsome and blonde man could take another step, a poke came unannounced to his shoulder. It was slightly pointed, felt as if it was a slender digit of a woman. Maybe it was the nail that gave it away, maybe it was the presence, or maybe it was the feminine tone and sound of her voice, ringing out like angels bells. When he turned to see who it was, it was like the whole world went into slow motion. His hair twirling with not so much grace, eyes fixated until the red irises of a lovely blonde woman now standing before him. Oh could it be, at the first site of this scene, true love? Meeeeeen. His mind echoed eerily as if his innervoice was no longer his own, but of a stout, thick and chiseled jaw of a man. She claimed that he smelled funny and asked for his name, rather odd thing to say, but it left a great opening to make a good impression.

    “I am Jaeger Kruger, but you can call me Mister Right. What you smell is my natural scent attracting such a beautiful woman to my side.”

    With that, he put right arm across his stomach and slightly bowed towards the woman. That line was so weird and cheesey, the bow hopefully would restore some faith in his decency. It couldn’t have gotten much worse than that, but perhaps that lame corny thing is what she’s into. This feeling he got, it just reinvigorated him for meeting people of the opposite sex. From their kissable lips to their easy to follow feminine figure.

    “What’s your name, cutie? Are you here about the Cherry Blossoms too?”

    If so, it would be a good chance to get to know this one and let the ever living romantic in him flutter away into fantasy and ecstasy. Even after his own heart break, the feels always find a way to break through some crusty exterior to burn bright once again. However, it needed to go slow. To start, do the job! Clean this city off it’s blossom business and then perhaps, more time could be had. Coffee? Muffins? The blood of their enemies streaming down their cheeks as they eat giant fish men?! All good options. Sometime later, an assistant came frantically down the steps to the officials building. She had been alerted to their presence after their possible short and brief introduction to one another.

    “Are you two here about the petals all over the town? They started sprouting and falling some weeks ago, no one knows where from, but it slowly trickled into mountains of these things. Nothing we’ve done so far has worked, we’ve swept them up, mulched them down, even tried burning large piles!

    The petals and trees just keep coming. “

    The assistant was very manic about this.

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-primary-magicgreat-tree-arcnekros
    Lineage: - Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: - Land Shark [-30MP]
    Active Effects: - Land Shark
    Remaining MP: 170MP
    Total MP: 200MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Post Word Count: 487 Words.
    Job Word Count: 1,919/4,000

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:16 pm