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    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent


    Posts : 816
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    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
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    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by Lilium 24th July 2018, 7:12 pm



    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent QOmg1XE


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty Re: GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by Lilium 24th July 2018, 8:01 pm

    The Wakusei Portals were not an unfamiliar sight to the holy mage. After all, she has been here a handful of times. It was just the fact that every time that she seemed to come here, she had another appearance. At first, she had her appearance that she had when she went under the alias Hikari, another one where she had her brown hair as a Santiais exile, but now, her hair was stained blonde due to the overwhelming influence from her holy magic. With her hand making contact with a blonde lock, the holy mage glanced at her golden locks as she placed her white sunhat on top of her head. Freshening herself, the holy mage would step into Arcadia as she was being briefed on what was requested by the Magic Council. This was a simple mission. She was meant to simply see what was happening in one of the worlds that was linked to Fiore through the Wakusei Portals, being Terasu. It was known for always being night and illuminated by countless stars that painted the shadowy sky. However, as of late, the stars have been discovered to actually be creatures that were affected by something plaguing the creatures. At first, this was only causing the creatures to fall from the sky, creating a falling star effect, however now it was becoming a threat because the animals were affected by the virus within the air. The once popular dating spot was becoming a threat to the general populace.

    Peeking his head over Lilium's shoulder, the Heroic Spirit would speak up. "So, is there anything about partners for this assignment." Arthur's eyes glazed over the report and his eyes narrowed in somewhat confusion, "Or even what you are doing? This is extremely broad as to what you are doing. You don't even know what you are looking for." The holy mage sighed while placing her pointer and middle finger on her temple in annoyance. "Of course. They are supplying me a partner for this assignment and they don't even really have a clue what we are looking for." The holy mage has had an unlucky slew when it came to partners. After all, the Wakusei Portals were responsible for her meeting Astrid. Sighing to herself, the Heroic Spirit would look at her with an annoyed expression on his face. "For someone who hates Astrid so much, your thoughts seems to end up on her a lot." The holy mage turned with a hand that was shimmering gold, full of magic that she was completely ready to back hand her Servant with before turning around in a huff and summoning a portal. "I don't wanna to hear your horrid logic anymore. Let's go." The holy mage would step into the portal with a burst of annoyance in her head as the Heroic Spirit rolled his eyes, "Girls like you are insufferable."

    Landing in a spot near the entrance of the Terasu portal, the holy mage would look around searching for any traces of magic within the area. Sitting on a nearby rock, the holy mage would glance towards the sky as she saw the star creatures faintly covering the sky. What once was completely filled with the creatures was nothing more than empty space. The area was significantly darker so it was hard to get a read if there was anything nearby that could harm her as well. Unsheathing Solais, the holy mage would summon her iLac to float in front of her while she read the profile of the mage who was sent on this request as well. It seemed they were a member of Crystal Swan, one of the new legal guilds in Fiore. It was good that the guild was gathering members. Their guild master was probably one of the nicest souls she has met. Arthur would reappear in a flash next to her. The sudden burst of light caused her to shield her eyes as Arthur quietly apologized. After her eyes readjusted to the darkness surrounding them, Arthur would speak, "Are you going to need me to talk for you?" Lilium playfully nudged his shoulder while laughing. "I can take care of this myself don't worry." Sending her iLac back to Arcadia, the holy mage would face the portal, waiting for the mage who would be accompanying her on this mission.

    Total: 726/4,000


    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent QOmg1XE

    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
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    Cosmic Coins : 25
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    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty Re: GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by King Zenshin 24th July 2018, 10:14 pm

    Today was a rather odd day for Vincent. He was typically a man of purpose, planning his daily actions carefully before acting decisively on that plan. On this day, however, he felt a kind of compulsion to accept work from the Magic Council. Vincent was in quite good standing with the Magic Council due to his past successes for them; the Council saw him as a valuable asset and would often send him job requests hoping that they could get a reliable mage to solve some problem for them. Usually, the white haired space mage would turn down the such requests due to generally having much better things to do than what he viewed as glorified errands, but today was a bit different. For one reason or another the Crystal Swan scholar decided that it would be best to humor the Council and actually go on a bit of an adventure to Terasu. In the past he had only formally visited the Wakusei Portals once in order to find and defeat a Shadow Phoenix in Nazo, but he had actually visited that place twice. The second time he visited Nazo was when he was taken by Yōkai to be used as a backup food source. Thankfully such a fate did not befall him and he actually ended up diplomatically resolving that questionable activity. The Magic Council had given him a gist of what his mission entailed: the stars that Terasu are known for are actually starlight creatures and, for some reason, they have begun to fall prey to an unknown illness which is now affecting the creatures and people of the land. Vincent, along with a rather well known mage of Fiore, were tasked to figure out what was happening and put a stop to it.

    If the Magic Council has assigned the Saint of Sacrifice to this task then the situation must be more dire than it seems. I wonder what kind of might is possessed by someone who holds the highest title in Fiore. Vincent, not originally from Fiore, had never met what the people of his current home referred to as a "Wizard Saint" before and thus he decided that they were the equivalent of what he knew as Paladins: the strongest warriors that a nation has to offer. If his current partner had anywhere near the fighting prowess that a Paladin had, then this was going to ironically be the safest job he had ever taken, for their might was truly without peer. Other than her title, the scholar knew nothing about his job partner and was quite excited to see what one of high magic was truly capable of, though he suspected that he might not be able to see this on account of the questionable danger of the job at hand. I can't quite explain it, but I feel as though I'm being... persuaded in order to take up this job from the Magic Council. It's quite a nice opportunity that I'll get to meet such a proficient mage, but I can't help but feel as though I'm not taking this job entirely of my own will. Unbeknownst to him, Vincent was currently being affected by the will of a creature who served as a guardian of space. These guardians were without physical forms and thus found proficient spatial mages to act as their proxies.

    When Vincent arrived at the Wakusei Portals he was greeted by a woman dressed in white and what appeared to be a knight in plate armor. What struck him first and most strongly was the woman's hair - it could only be described as grossly incandescent. This was definitely the person with which he was partnered, for her brilliant magical energy could be felt instantaneously. "Hello miss, I am Vincent Gauss of Crystal Swan. It is a pleasure to meet you." As far as he knew, there were no physical ways of showing respect in Fiore, so he simply gave her a shallow bow due to the remaining Midian influence on account of his long stay with the Yōkai. For her companion, though, he did something a bit different. The wizard pressed his left arm which was kept at a right angle to his stomach, took a step back with his right leg, and gave a bit of a deeper bow to her companion. "And that greeting extends to you, sir." Due to the appearance of Lilium's companion, Vincent decided that it would be best to greet him as he would a fellow Pergranden knight. At worst he would think that Crystal Swan mage was being overly formal, but at best he would be familiar with the greeting and understand that they share a bond of honor and steel. After the introductions were over, Vincent would walk into the Wakusei Portal associated with Terasu to be greeted with a plane of lush green grass. There were tons of "stars" in the sky which created a rather romantic atmosphere as evident from the few picnic blankets that could be seen spread out throughout the plane. A mysterious disease wasn't enough to persuade couples from watching shooting stars, it seemed.

    WC: 860/4000


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
    10 Year: 1
    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019

    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty Re: GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by Lilium 25th July 2018, 8:16 am

    The holy mage ran a hand through her hair to remove any knots that she had yet to comb out but surprisingly, her hand ran through it rather smoothly with no resistance. Glancing at her locks, the holy mage would squint with an expression of annoyance on her face. Considering they were caused by her magic, that meant that it probably kept itself in the best possible condition. But, it was almost an irritating shade of blonde to look at especially with the darkness that completely enveloped them otherwise. She was really sticking out like a sore thumb. She sighed as Arthur placed a hand on her head, absorbing some of the residual magic, effectively dulling her. Chuckling, the holy mage would look at her companion, "Am I your battery now?" The joke would elicit a similar laugh from the Heroic Spirit as he removed his hand. It still had a shine to it, but now it was more reasonable passable as due to the dull lighting in the darkened world. However, the holy mage was snapped out of the issue of her hair when she saw an approaching figure.

    He had somewhat of smaller frame compared to a lot of the male mages that she had come across. However, she couldn't deny that the magic power that he was giving off was rather potent. He was a mage that shouldn't be underestimated at all. Smiling to herself, the holy mage would think about the mages that Crystal Swan had at their disposal. They sure were building up a strong base with the mages that they had at their disposal. Sheathing Solais while the white haired male approached, she looked at him, silently. First impressions were important and considering the personalities of the mages that she knew, they made it extremely to get the kind of vibe that a person gave off. Considering how important the first impression was, the young male in front of him gave a splendid one, even including a bow. She was almost caught off guard with the formal greeting because it's been quite a bit since she has met someone that introduced themselves with a bow. Smiling gently, the holy mage would curtsy, lifting up her skirt gently as she dipped. "The pleasure is all mine, Vincent. My name is Lilium Santiais and I come today on behalf of Black Rose." Standing up straight, the holy mage would look up to see the man's icy blue eyes until he turned to Arthur and extended a deeper bow to the former king. Lilium's gaze turned to her Heroic Spirit, questioning glance in her eyes. Arthur seemed surprise by the amount of respect he was getting but returned the deep bow. Ah, he was somewhat rusty with formal greetings too. After all, he's been dead for a while. Standing up straight again, Arthur would offer a half smile, "I'm honoured. It's nice to meet you. My name is Arthur and I'm Lilium's Heroic Spirit." Perhaps he thought he was someone else or Arthur just held himself with a grace that seemed like he was of importance. Well, he was but not quite as a spirit.

    The holy mage would summon her iLac to float in front of her again, coating the device with a golden hue. Voicing her thoughts to Vincent, the holy mage would speak, "Despite the Magic Council sending mages like us to this, you'd think they would have an idea what we should be on the look out for." The holy mage would interrupt herself with a sigh. "However, they have no idea what is going on other than the creatures falling from the sky, so we have to investigate this and fix it ourselves." Looking at the white haired male, the holy mage would ask, "Any leads as to what could be happening?" Looking up at the sky, the holy mage would glance at the sight of the 'stars'. It was still a beautiful sight, although she did not know how to feel about the fact that they weren't actually millions of light years away. That meant that the people that came here were at risk of the creatures falling onto spots near them. Glancing at the surrounding area, the Ace of Black Rose would glance at the picnic blankets and groan. Romance was a foreign concept to Lilium and she didn't want to put in the effort to see exactly what it was like. It just felt like it was more of a hassle than anything else. The former noblewoman didn't really feel like she had time to dedicate to a significant other in all honesty. It was nice to be able to share a life with someone potentially but that was also a big risk if the other person left or something happened. Too many risks but the pay off could potentially be great. Sighing, Lilium would look at the sky and then to the mage in front of her, "If you want, I can take to the air to gain a surveillance over the area to see if there is anything tampering with the creatures." The holy mage would summon a pair of white angel wings from her back as she sat on the air, crossing her legs as she waited for a response from the young man. She wasn't quite sure as to what magic he used in actuality. He probably knew what her abilities were considering the fact that she was a Wizard Saint. The Magic Council probably shared her capabilities around which could be a pain if she wants to remain unrecognized though. Glancing at Arthur, her eyes would become gold as she communicated to him. If I'm to go to the skies, I'd like to request that you remain here with Vincent and lend him a helping hand whenever necessary.

    Post: 975
    Total: 1,701/4,000


    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent QOmg1XE

    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
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    Posts : 3222
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    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 9
    Age : 25
    Experience : 263,160

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Knight of Space
    Second Skill: Paladin's Armaments
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    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty Re: GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by King Zenshin 25th July 2018, 10:02 am

    I see she's cut from a finer cloth, then he thought, noticing the curtsy that his partner had performed. Vincent's experience with Black Rose was a tad... limited to say the least. As far as he knew, he had never once been partnered up with a mage from the guild. He didn't even know what their objectives were, truthfully, though if they were the kind of guild in which Saints were aces then they must surely be a legitimate force for good in Fiore. Lilium's partner introduced himself as Arthur the Heroic Spirit. Heroic Spirit? Is that a kind of familiar? And the name Arthur... that's quite uncommon here, though... His thoughts trailed off as his eyebrow raised at the second greeting he received. The scholar was familiar with all manner of magical summoning and what type of beings could be summoned, but he had never once come across any kind of "Heroic Spirit." This ignorance sparked a hungry curiosity in the young mage on which he would act quite soon. Once the two were properly in Terasu, Lilium would remark on the Magic Council sending them despite having little to no information. "It's unfortunate, though I'm sure that's part of the reason they sent me. I have a bit of a reputation in the Magic Council for being able to efficiently use what little information I can find. That said, I'll need to find one of these fallen creatures before I'm able to draw any conclusions." Not long after, wings would emerge from Lilium's back and she would ask if it would be best for her to scour the skies for any tampering with the little starlight creatures. Vincent smiled a bit before responding. "I would say it looks like you've already made up your mind, miss Santiais. Go ahead, though, it might pay off to see if there is any direct tampering with the creatures before they've fallen from the sky. I will search the ground and see if I can't glean any information from one that has already fallen."

    Unbeknownst to him, Lilium had communicated to Arthur to accompany Vincent in his search for fallen starlight creatures. While he had noticed that her eyes had changed to a brilliant golden color, he didn't exactly know what it meant. All he knew about her powers were that they were related in some way to "holy light," though that was vague enough to be unhelpful. Vincent did, however, notice a sudden increase in her power once her wings were out. He wondered if it was just his imagination, but eventually concluded that it couldn't have been due to how noticeable the change was. "You know I've studied quite a bit of summoning magic which entails both the methods by which mages summon their companions as well as what kind of companions may be summoned, and I've never once come across what you called yourself - a 'Heroic Spirit.' If you would be so kind, could you please explain to me what exactly a Heroic Spirit is?" His curiosity what genuine and he couldn't wait for Arthur to respond to his inquiry. Hopefully he would get the answers he wished for, but it was entirely possible that the knight did not wish to speak of his own kind. As the two walked, Vincent wondered how he was going to find the small starlight creatures who had lost their light in this sea of lush grass. I suppose it would be easier without all of this grass, though is that possible...? The white haired scholar of Crystal Swan wondered to what extent he could control the environment around him and eventually decided that it wouldn't hurt to try his plan.

    He held both of his palms out and facing away from him before a dark grey magical aura began to radiate from them. In an instant, all of the grass in a twenty-five meter circle around him and Arthur disappeared leaving only the dirt visible as the two continued walking. "That's surprising. I still don't know to what extent I can affect the world around me. I half expected that not to work. I didn't actually make the grass disappear, but rather I just... rearranged the elementary components of the grass so that light could pass through it" he thought aloud as he scanned the brown dirt for what he imagined was a small sphere. Sure enough, he saw a blackened sphere in the dirt about five meters north-east of where he and the armored spirit stood. He pointed to it so that his current companion would know what they were looking for before lowering his hands and returning the healthy green grass back to normal. Vincent would pick up the spherical creature which once illuminated the night sky and inspect it thoroughly. Then, he would channel some of his magical power into it to see if that would produce the effect that he predicted. The more magical power he channeled the brighter the creature got until it was just a bit dimmer than it normally was. The white haired mage needed to look away to protect its eyes. I see... so the magical energy of the starlight creatures is being sapped by something, or someone, who decided that the bank of stars would be a free source of magical energy. We just need to find where all of it is being kept." Happy that it was back to normal, the creature made high pitched noises and flew around Vincent and Arthur, leaving a white trail around them before it took off into the night sky to resume what it had always done and will always continue to do. "I wish that little creature was just a tad more helpful. Hopefully we can solve this problem before it gets drained of its power again."

    WC: 1833/4000


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
    10 Year: 1
    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019

    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty Re: GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by Lilium 25th July 2018, 1:27 pm

    Lilium raised her eyebrow in surprise when Vincent stated the reason he was sent by the Magic Council. Being acknowledged by the Magic Council in high regard is quite the task. The Council just held a natural disdain for mages because they usually caused more problems than they solved. However, in this case, it didn't seem like they used him in cases where they needed a solution instantly. The holy mage would interject, "From the way you describe it, it sounds like they are trying to send you on menial tasks that they don't really feel like solving themselves." Chuckling, the holy mage would listen to his reply. "I had made up my mind but it'd be rude to simply disappear. If you simply tell Arthur what has happened, he can directly contact me with how the situation has changed." Spreading her wings out completely, the holy mage would launched herself into the sky as they flapped once. Feathers were left within a small radius as Arthur grabbed one within his fingertips. Glancing at the delicate feather, Arthur would turn to Vincent before stating, I'll be happy to help out wherever I can."

    Arthur had simply remained quiet as Vincent got caught up in thought. The young man seemed to get lost in his own thoughts quite a bit or was thinking about his observations that he has recently seen. It felt odd to be constantly viewed and observed for the sake of his curiosity but the Heroic Spirit was used to this feeling. Glancing at the Crystal Swan mage, the knight would raise his eyebrow as he heard Vincent's query as to what exactly a Heroic Spirit was. Rubbing the back of his neck in a somewhat uncertain fashion, he'd chuckle while saying, "For my case, it's not so much of a case as summoning magic." Summoning an orb of gold magic in his hand, Arthur would look at it as his eyes turned a similar gold to Lilium's when they spoke mentally. "I am a former user of the same magic that Lilium uses. It's name is one that doesn't hold weight because there can only be one wielder of this magic every few millennia or so. I was the last person of worth who was also the wielder of the magic. It's called the Relics of Arcadia." The golden orb of magic would let out a pulse of light before turning into Arthur's sword, coated completely with golden light."My body died many millennia ago but at this point, my soul lives in the place where we draw our magic. Arcadia is place where souls of fallen soldiers and renowned tacticians come to rest, sharing their battle talents with the wielder of the magic. Because of how proficient I was in using the magic, the goddess who blesses us with the magic, Athena, chose me to be a mentor to the wielder's once they were able to handle the burdens of being the mage who wields this magic." Snapping his fingers, his sword would burst into holy light magic particles as he looked at Vincent with a smile, "Although, I believe this will be my last time being a mentor. She's almost more powerful than I was in my peak." Arthur had a sudden realization. "Ah, sorry. I told you everything except what you asked for." Smiling gently, the knight would look at Vincent's eyes as his eyes changed back into their normal emerald colour. "Heroic Spirits are the souls of warriors with a legend that carries on their name. I was formerly a king so I fell into this spot of being recognized while wielding the Relics. Lilium doesn't consciously summon me as I am able to transport freely between here and Arcadia with my own magic. However, she acts as a bridge to Arcadia, so I can only ever enter this world while she is nearby."

    Arthur would go back to a neutral expression as he felt the grass beneath him completely disappear. Listening to the Crystal Swan mage explain his thoughts aloud, the former king would chuckle. "You are rather brilliant for being such a young man. The job partners that she's had in the past... have been colourful to say the least." Sighing to himself, the Heroic Spirit's eyes would fall onto the small sphere creature that was completely dim. Guess they had found what they were looking for. Arthur simply watched as Vincent investigated it. Slightly covering his eyes due to the light that was being emitted from the creature, Arthur smiled a little as the creature flew around them as its offering of thanks as it flew back up to the sky. Looking at the creature fly away while Vincent spoke, Arthur's eyes would glow golden as he spoke to Lilium. The creature's magic is being sapped so be on the lookout for anything that could be sapping their power.

    Nodding as she flew through the sky, the holy mage thought to herself. What kinds of things would attract the creatures? They couldn't be attracted to light as they were basically their own flashlights. However, darker areas could potentially attract them. Gazing at the landscape from above, all of the land was dimly lit however, there was a brief spot of land that was extremely dark. Glancing at the sky above the area, it was completely barren. It was devoid of all creatures. Flying over above the dark area, the holy mage would be hesitant to land as she completely couldn't see what was down there. I think I found what we are looking for. The holy mage's eyes would glaze over gold as she spoke to her Heroic Spirit. However, the dark mass released a burst of smoke as Lilium narrowly avoided the smoke. When the smoke touched the star creatures, they immediately began to fall towards the ground, losing the light they emit in the process. Holding an orb of golden light in her hand, she'd toss it up into the sky, leading it to burst in a fashion similar to fireworks to mark her location.

    Arthur's eyes would turn towards the golden light that was given off by the fireworks. Glancing at Vincent, the holy knight would turn to Vincent while catching him up on the situation. "She's found the problem and wants us to come. However, it's a rather large being so she needs some help in containing it in the case that it reacts negatively when we use magic." The knight's eyes would narrow as he looked at Lilium in the distance as she held a ball of golden light to mimic the stars. "It shouldn't take too long to get there, so let's get going."

    Post: 1,119
    Total: 2,820/4,000


    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent QOmg1XE

    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 3222
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 9
    Age : 25
    Experience : 263,160

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Knight of Space
    Second Skill: Paladin's Armaments
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    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty Re: GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by King Zenshin 25th July 2018, 2:37 pm

    "Yeah, they often try to send me on such tasks. As a result I end up turning down a lot of the work they request of me, but I felt a kind of inexplicable compulsion to take up this job. It's odd, but I don't regret my decision." The wizard would respond to Lilium's interjection before she took off. Later, before Arthur could respond, Vincent would materialize a small black leather bound notebook and pencil in his hands which was already opened to a blank page for the sake of convenience. As the knight responded, Vincent wrote down the most important information and left blanks to fill in later. Relics of Arcadia. Fallen soldiers and renowned tacticians. The goddess Athena. Heroic Spirit =/= Familiars; Independent. Legends associated with them; King Arthur? A semi-detailed sketch of Arthur's weapon would accompany these notes. Upon processing all of the information that had just been spoken, Vincent put a few pieces together and his eyes widened a bit in surprise. "A knight named Arthur, a holy sword, and a legend associated with your name? It's undeniable - you must be the Heroic Spirit of King Arthur!" It wasn't exactly a difficult deduction, but the realization was sill startling. Despite trying his best to hold back his excitement, a bit still slipped into his next statements towards the knight. "Where I come from in particular your legend is told to all of the aspiring warriors of the nation! The King of Knights who could fell entire armies with a single swing of his sword! I'm sure that those accounts are a bit exaggerated, but you must have performed some great feats to have produced such a legend!"

    The opportunity to speak with a historical figure of legend was one that every scholar dreamed of, though this one in particular was a bit romanticized in the white-haired mage's mind due to the constant stories of heroism he heard when growing up in the Pergrande Kingdom. Suddenly, Vincent was glad that he extended such a greeting earlier to the king before him. Vincent looked away from the man while addressing him so as to hide the mix of childlike wonder and shock that his earlier deduction had produced. By this point Vincent had completely separated the essence of a knight from what his loathed countrymen had turned it into and thus had nothing but respect for the one that embodied the true ideals of that title. "Thank you for the compliment. If you wish to extend your time as a mentor just a bit longer, I would be honored to study the ways of the sword under you. It's quite unpleasant to admit, but my swordplay is nowhere near as sharp as my mind." The mage could think of no better mentor in the ways of the sword than the legendary knight and, not knowing when the next time he would get the chance to extend his offer, decisively jumped on the opportunity to potentially study under the Heroic Spirit. The worst he could say, after all, was just no. Eventually he saw the signal thrown by Lilium to indicate her position using her control over light magic to create what was essentially a flare. How practical. It's rare to see a mage use their magic beyond its combat capabilities. I wonder why that is...

    Vincent listened closely to the knight once again as he explained that Lilium had found the source of that magic sapping. He nodded as he followed the holy knight to his current protégé. Once they arrived, Vincent would feel a familiar feeling of dread which he had first felt when he explored that dark world with his teammate Elvira. There was... something hidden behind horrible black smoke that seemed to consume whatever light was unfortunate enough to pass through it. "I can definitely feel the overwhelming amount of stored magical energy now that I'm this close. You work quickly, Lilium." Without hesitation Vincent held his arms out and strengthened the air around the three in the shape of a silo so that it was not only solid, but magically reinforced as well to keep whatever it was which sapped the starlight creatures of their magic inside. This barrier would not be visible. "There, that should contain this... thing while we do whatever it is we need to do" he said as he lowered his arms. The white haired mage was overcome with another familiar compulsion - this time a thought. For some reason he knew that this gaseous monster was what he was here to take care of. Such a strange feeling. I don't like it one bit. I wish whatever it was which was trying to influence me would simply leave me to my own devices. I need to come up with a stronger enchantment to keep unwanted beings from trying to 'persuade' me once I figure out what is trying to control me. As soon as he finished this thought the compulsion subsided. Either the being was scared of him finding out what it was or, more likely, it did not want to upset him any further. Creatures like these were not used to being noticed by the ones they tried to puppet.

    Vincent removed a small scroll that he kept in a black drawstring bag that he had prepared previously in case a terrible fire broke out indoors, but this seemed like a fine application for the wind spell. He opened the scroll and fed it a bit of his magic in order to activate the intricate rune at the center of the parchment. The rune glowed a bright green and a magical circle identical to the rune appeared in the air in front of him. A powerful breeze began to blow from all directions into the scroll which would serve as a "container" of sorts for any smoke blown into it. With all of the current smoke gone and the parchment of his scroll tainted a pitch black, the three magi would see the perpetrator of this problem: a giant black sphere with a single massive eye looking down at them. The black sphere contained many small tubes on its surface which were responsible for spewing the magic sapping black smoke that he had sucked up. Vincent put the scroll away and remarked on its rather unsettling appearance. "This is the source of that terrible smoke - but I've never seen anything like it before, how about you two? If it's producing the smoke I would be hesitant to attack it without preparation, for it could contain an obscene volume of that substance."

    WC: 2939/4000


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    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
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    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty Re: GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by Lilium 25th July 2018, 6:30 pm

    Arthur chuckled when the smaller magus summoned a leather bound notebook as well as his pencil. He used his magic for smaller tasks just like Lilium did and the way he eagerly took notes on what Arthur had said was pretty endearing as well. It was rare to see someone so eager to learn about him because the only person he ever could really talk to was Lilium who already knew everything about him and whoever she was doing her job with, who didn't show interest in learning about him because they would have to get past Lilium's attitude to do that. Smiling softly, the holy knight would look down at the ground while thinking for a second when Vincent exclaimed figuring out who he was. Rubbing the back of his neck as Vincent confirmed to the Spirit who his identity was when he was alive, he chuckled. "Ah, you got it. Hope I didn't disappoint too much compared to the legends." Arthur smiled softly as he glanced forwards at the creatures as they slowly floated about in the sky. They were really adorable creatures in all honesty, wanting to do nothing but let off light and float around in the sky. With the amount of magic they contained within themselves, they could be threats if they channeled their magic but they remain calm regardless. Looking down into the leatherbound notebook, Arthur's eyes would sparkle for a moment as he looked excited, a somewhat childish wonder on his face. "That's an amazing sketch for something you spent hardly any time on!" Arthur realized how childish he sounded and blushed slightly while clearing his throat, "Sorry. I've never held writing instruments other than signing my name so I never learned how to draw." Arthur felt like the tables were evened when he heard the slightly excited expression in Vincent's voice as he stated the feats that were detailed in his legends. Chuckling darkly, he'd state, "Yeah, it makes sense that they would discuss the only thing I was notable for which was fighting." Shaking his head, his expression would brighten when the Crystal Swan magus informed him that he was discussed in great length where he was from. "I guess I can live with that. I don't want my legend to be forgotten, even if it was pathetic near the end."

    Arthur saw the mix of glee and wonder on Vincent's face. Smiling, Arthur would simply state, "This is really endearing, Vincent. It's really innocent how you are acting right now." Chuckling, the knight straightened up in posture while looking at the slightly shorter young man. "I appreciate you telling me all this but, in life, I was just an average king doing my duties. Hearing my legend spoken in such high regards makes me feel like I'm somewhat underwhelming." The holy knight raised an eyebrow in surprise while looking at the young man. Interesting, that he was proposing the idea of being a student under the Spirit. He was definitely allowed to but Lilium might get tired of being forced to visit the young mage every now and again. Or she could gain a potential ally within Vincent. Smiling at the white haired mage, the former king would extend his hand to offer a handshake. "I'd be honoured if you would have my as a teacher. You just have to make sure you tell Lilium. She won't mind but she will probably need to get comfortable with you beforehand as she will need to come with me if I'll be training you." Placing his hand on Vincent's and ruffling his hair a little bit, "Even if your sword skill has a fraction of the sharpness of your mind, you will probably be amazing." Smiling, the king would begin walking to the source of the makeshift flare that Lilium just cast.

    The holy mage would look to the two as they approached her and smirked. Creating a bubble the holy mage would trap a little bit of the black gas within it, to preserve it for later just in case. Tapping the top of the bubble would send it to Arcadia as she spoke to Arthur, "You guys sure took some time getting over here. Was talking about yourself that fun?" The childish smirk on her face got an annoyed huff out of Arthur as he walked over to the Wizard Saint. Grabbing her cheeks and spreading them in anger, she'd be groaning in pain as he spoke rather annoyed, "Is it bad that someone took interest in me because they know about my legend?" The holy mage made eye contact with Vincent before looking at Arthur and holding Arthur's cheek in her hand making her eyes flicker gold for a second. She was seeing what he had experienced in the time that she was gone. He had given her permission to use this ability despite his dismay initially. Smirking, the holy mage would look at Vincent. "You know when you were talking to him, you lit up. It's adorable." Chuckling, the slightly older woman would look blankly at the gaseous creature as Vincent shielded them from the being. A fair counter measure because she wasn't sure what it was capable of either. However, he was placing a little too much precaution in the dormant creature that was doing nothing but letting off smoke occasionally. The holy mage would smile gently as she took the compliment to her work ethic. "It was thanks to you being perceptive enough to search for one of the creatures and test your hypothesis out." Arthur rolled his eyes at her dignified response. She was really good at switching between being playful and being formal. At least she was interacting with people a lot easier now.

    The holy mage looked at Vincent summoned a scroll and used it to channel a wind spell to clear the area of the smoke. The holy mage would summon a golden platform that the three of them could stand on. It was a golden magic circle that seemed to amplify her magic power by a bit. She listened to Vincent as he stated that they should be hesitant to attack it but she looked at the eye as it simply blinked back at them. Shuddering a little bit due to the unease of the creature, the holy mage would look to Vincent. "It may contain a lot of that smoke but if I destroyed everything in that vicinity, it should dissipate the gas as well." Smiling, the holy mage raised a hand to the sky as weapon tips in a radius all above them began to peek out of portals of Arcadia, threatening to fall. Breathing in deeply, the holy mage would have a halo appear above her head as she empowered her magic power again. The tips of the weapons began to solidify and make the embers of Mana visible to the naked eye as her eyes shimmered gold. Pointing her hand towards the mass of darkness beneath them, the holy mage would begin the fall of her Relics towards the mass. It let out a burst of smoke but the holy mage had a feeling it was going to do this. Snapping her fingers caused the weapons that were still falling to be coated in Mana as they absorbed the smoke while falling onto the unknown mass. The weapons would continue to fall before Lilium made a swiping motion with her hand, ceasing the creation of the Relics. By raising her hand up to her chest, her eyes would turn a shade of crimson as the Mana that surrounded the weapons burst, completely clearing out the area underneath her from the dark mass, leaving nothing more than the fallen star creatures. The blast had infused magic power into them so there was now a bunch of them flying around the barrier that Vincent had set up, all emitting high pitched noises to show their thanks. Smiling, the holy mage would cover her eyes as they were rather bright and there was multiple flying around them.

    Looking at Arthur, he would teleport down to where the creature formerly was and pick up a piece of rubble that looked different from the ground underneath. Bringing it back up to the holy mage, she would analyze the odd rubble and speak aloud, "This... is a fragment of a summoning stone." Surveying the night sky, the holy mage would see nothing else of note and no other creatures similar to the one she just took down in a close proximity to where they were now. The holy mage would smile as she made the piece of the summoning stone float in front of Vincent, coating it in a golden hue. "We did take care of what the Magic Council was asking so we are technically done our job here. But, this probably should be brought to them." Placing it into his pocket with her magic, the Wizard Saint would continue. "I feel like it would be best to leave it in your hands." The holy mage would summon a golden portal that led to Arcadia. "We should be taking our leave now. It has been my honour to meet you, Vincent and let me know when you'd like to train with Arthur. I'd be happy to accompany." The Heroic Spirit would wave politely before stepping into the portal. Hovering in front of the portal with her wings, the holy mage would smile gently at the young man before stating, "You should smile a lot more. It really suits you." Waving, the holy mage would step into the portal before it closed, not quite waiting to hear a response from the man in regards to her passing remark.

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    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent QOmg1XE

    King Zenshin
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    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty Re: GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by King Zenshin 25th July 2018, 8:07 pm

    Vincent was quite content upon hearing the praises of what was sort of a childhood heroes. "Yes, well I should hope so! Crystal Swan is a guild of artists; the basics of sketching were also taught as an invaluable skill in the Academy in which I learned about magic." Later, the former king would remark somberly about the state of his legend and how it wasn't very deserving of the title by the end of his reign. Like every hero that had ever come to being, there was an eventual fall. The fall of the legendary king was as known to Vincent as his great triumphs in battle, though he never liked to dwell on it too long. Even if the end of the king's reign was one of political turmoil, the white haired mage didn't mind. "Even if the end of your reign was 'pathetic,' as you say, to have adopted the role of king and be remembered so fondly should be quite telling of how well you 'simply did your duty.' There have been many bloodthirsty and tyrannical kings and many more which history has left out of even its footnotes, but there are only a rare few which achieve an almost deific status such as yourself." He felt as though he words rang true, for no king ever willingly left their seat of power; no, all rulers eventually had their courts betray them or were otherwise forced out of their positions, for who would want to relinquish such a potential to do good. This fact made the white haired mage think of the king of Pergrande and what it would take for him to change his stance towards magic users. Drastic effects require drastic causes... What broke Vincent out of this sudden thought was an outstretched hand from the holy knight who happily accepted his request under the condition that Lilium give him her blessing. He, perhaps too excitedly, grabbed the hero's hand and gave it a firm shake with a smile on his face.

    The Saint of Sacrifice greeted the two warriors happily, lightly teasing them as they approached the location which she had signaled. Arthur responded by walking up to the positively incandescent mage and spreading her cheeks apart. It's an... interesting relationship that they have, it seems he would think watching as they both teased each other in a "call and response" manner. It was quite humanizing, to say the least. Vincent simply took the return of his compliment with a smile and nod. Lilium then summoned a golden platform which seemingly had the effect of strengthening her magic a tad more. "It may contain a lot of that smoke but if I destroyed everything in that vicinity, it should dissipate the gas as well." Vincent's eyes widened as this nonchalant expression of just how much destructive power her magic held. "If you can completely destroy the being and all of the gas, then by all means show me the power of Arcadia." His voice was tinged with a bit of excitement. This would be his first real display of magical proficiency at a high level and, thankfully, he wasn't on the receiving end of it. A brilliant halo would appear over her head and, with the swipe of a hand, glowing weapons would begin to fall onto the giant eye creature. Before any smoke had the opportunity to escape, Lilium's weapons of Arcadia absorbed them as they continued their onslaught on the strange producer of smoke. Not only was the eye completely annihilated, all of the smoke was gone, and many of the small starlight creatures were empowered by the residual magical energy given off by the relics. They were all quite happy from the sounds of it, for Vincent's head was looking down has he clapped at the spectacle.

    "That was truly a sight to behold! Such displays of magic used with such grace, beauty, and ease is part of why I came to Fiore! I had heard stories of the mages here, but only now have I seen the reality which surpasses the stories!" Suddenly, a thought hit him. He remembered that he had interacted with another mage from Black Rose. I suppose I nearly suppressed that unpleasant memory. Vincent snapped his fingers as a look of relief washed over his face. "You actually aren't the first ace of Black Rose with which I have interacted. There was a miss Kazehime if I recall correctly. The difference between you two is like night and day. Black Rose must attract a very broad range of mages." After his exclamation of remembrance was complete he would return the air around the mages to normal so that the starlight creatures could return to their rightful place in the sky. Soon after all of the creatures ha scattered back into the everlasting night sky, Arthur noticed a piece of debris that was unlike burnt ground and brought it back up to the platform on which they stood for closer inspection. Lilium had correctly identified it as a summoning stone, the implications of which were not lost on the white haired scholar. She figured that this stone was best left in his possession, a decision that he agreed with. I'll have plenty of time to study this in the privacy of my home. "I'll let them know what we found and tell them that there's a bit more work to be done regarding what they probably believed to be a short errand. I'm sure I can even get them to fund another expedition - research isn't cheap, after all." he said with a smile before Lilium bid him farewell. "Thank you Lilium, Arthur, I feel as though we might be meeting up again much sooner rather than later." Vincent, now, was alone. He closed his eyes and felt a dark aura wash over him as he transported himself in front of the Wakusei Portal back to Fiore. This transportation happened without a hitch, though when he arrived he saw an old robed figure standing in his way.

    The figure wore a robe covered in what appeared to be white stars. "Am I to presume that you're the one behind the compulsion I felt to actually accept this job from the Magic Council?" This mysterious figure simply responded with a nod. "And is it safe to assume further that you mean me no harm?" Another nod. "Alright, I'll extend my assistance to your mysterious cause. I won't ask too many questions, yet, but you need to be more direct with what tasks you would like me to perform. After that, I will handle it. Eventually I will expect payment in the form of answers, do we have a deal?" One final nod. One might wonder why Vincent was willing to work for some mysterious figure that had been trying to influence his will, though the wonder would soon dissipate if they felt the spatial magic radiating from the hooded figure the way that Vincent had. He felt as though resistance would eventually be futile, so he instead decided to work with this being on his own terms to which it happily agreed.

    WC: 4135/4000


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    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
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    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019
    King Zenshin
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    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty Re: GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by King Zenshin 25th July 2018, 8:08 pm

    Rolling for my Dungeon Tokens

    Last edited by King Zenshin on 25th July 2018, 8:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Character / Vincent Gauss
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    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty Re: GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by NPC 25th July 2018, 8:08 pm

    The member 'King Zenshin' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Die_01_42158_sm
    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

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    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty Re: GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by King Zenshin 25th July 2018, 8:08 pm

    Rolling for Lilium's Dungeon Tokens

    Last edited by King Zenshin on 25th July 2018, 8:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Missions Completed
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    Character / Vincent Gauss
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    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Empty Re: GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent

    Post by NPC 25th July 2018, 8:08 pm

    The member 'King Zenshin' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    GIVE IT UP ⚜ vincent Die_06_42164_sm

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