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    Starlight [Job; Vincent Gauss and Lilium Santiais]

    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 3222
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 9
    Age : 25
    Experience : 263,160

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Knight of Space
    Second Skill: Paladin's Armaments
    Third Skill:

    Starlight [Job; Vincent Gauss and Lilium Santiais] Empty Starlight [Job; Vincent Gauss and Lilium Santiais]

    Post by King Zenshin 28th July 2018, 8:42 am

    job information:

    It had been about two weeks since Vincent met Lilium of Black Rose and hunted down a mysterious producer of black magical gas which was draining creatures of their energy for some unknown purpose. Despite having stopped the creature producing the gas, the "why" question was never answered; all Vincent had to go on as far investigation was concerned was a summoning crystal which is how the giant eye creature got to Terasu in the first place. The white haired wizard had spent these last two weeks hard at work in his study to try and figure out how this summoning crystal worked, the materials it was made of, and where it led. Two weeks of near non-stop worked had allowed him to come to acceptable conclusions with all of those questions, so the wizard now took a moment to relax and open a letter which was sealed with the symbol of the Magic Council. Dear Mr. Gauss, we have thoroughly reviewed your request for funding with regards to the permanent solution of the problem of the magic sapping black smoke production on Terasu. After examining all of the information from the summoning crystal you have gathered, we have decided that there is not only a credible threat plaguing Terasu, but also that this threat is quite dangerous. As such, we have assigned Saint Lilium to work with you once again to eliminate this threat. The payment will be 75,000 jewels each for your successful eradication of the source of these magic sapping smoke producers and their source. On behalf of the Magic Council, good luck. The white haired wizard smiled as he thought about his skill in writing proposals getting better and better.

    With his growing control over spatial magic, Vincent figured that now was a good a time as any to attempt to travel long distances using only his magic. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he began to condense his magical energy. The space mage made sure to keep all of his loose articles such as paper stacks and notebooks secured for just such an occasion. Instead of being sent flying into the air, his loose articles simply rumbled in place before the wizard disappeared into a quickly shrinking black hole that looked as though it consumed him. When the Crystal Swan wizard opened his eyes, he was right in front of the Wakusei Portal to Terasu. A success! Vincent stepped through the portal so as to get to the planet and wait for Lilium there, though after stepping through he found himself not where he had exited before, but rather floating in a void full of stars. This place was familiar to the young mage, for he had been having dreams of it whenever his body decided that he needed sleep. In that dream, he saw a figure in the same robes as the being which appeared to him at the end of the job with Lilium who would lead him along an invisible path and to two large chairs on either side of a small table which contained two small cups - one for each of them. There was no such man here, but the way was simply a straight path meaning that he didn't exactly need a guide. He carefully raised his leg and put his foot on the empty space in front of him and, sure enough, he felt solid ground. The Crystal Swan mage floated forward and gently placed his other foot down on the platform and it seemed as though a light gravity allowed him to keep his footing instead of floating away.

    Vincent, after what seemed like years of walking, got to the same invisible platform that he had seen in his dreams with the two tall lounge chairs and the table supporting two steaming cups which lacked handles. He felt as though he should sit in their chair, so he did. His head turned to look over and saw that a robed figure sat in the chair next to him. "I'm happy that you could make it, Vincent. It seems like you've been here before." The voice was that of an old woman. "You know I have. You've been bringing me here in my dreams." The old woman shook her head. "That was not my doing, though I would guess that our small meeting in Terasu created a small link between you and my home. Still, to have been dreaming about it after such a minor meeting is quite curious." The old woman put the hood of her robe down around her neck reveal her head. She was quite pale and her long hair was as black as the night sky and complete with radiant white specks which seemed to resemble stars. She gestured towards the drink on the table closest to him, inviting the mage to help himself. He nodded, took the porcelain cup up, and took a drink. White tea... "I'll be honest... um. I don't think I caught your name." "Don't worry, I never gave one. It's been a long time since someone has wanted to address me by some kind of time and even longer since I've forgotten mine. You may just call me Astral." "I'll be honest, then, Astral, it's a bit unsettling for a mysterious and powerful entity to take such an interest in me for unknown reasons. What do you want from me and why?" "I'll answer your first question. I want you to stop the summoner who is sapping the energy from those creatures on Terasu so, thankfully, our goals are aligned. He presents a bigger threat than you might believe and must be stopped. As for your second question, well, we had a deal. You do this and you'll have your answers. Know that nothing bad will befall you if you choose to reject this and any future requests from me. You're well within your rights to refuse." With that, Vincent was transported to his destination: the Wakusei Portal leading to Earthland on Terasu. Here he would patiently wait for Lilium who had also been contacted by the Magic Council with regards to this job.

    WC: 1029/10000


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
    10 Year: 1
    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019

    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    Starlight [Job; Vincent Gauss and Lilium Santiais] Empty Re: Starlight [Job; Vincent Gauss and Lilium Santiais]

    Post by Lilium 30th July 2018, 8:56 am

    Once she saw the cause of the falling stars in Terasu, she knew that wouldn't be the end of it. It was going to get investigated further, but she wasn't sure if she would be assigned to the task in all honesty. It would make sense if she assigned to the mission but the Magic Council wasn't always known for making sense. They probably were going to assign Vincent to the task regardless given their nature for relying on him for menial tasks combined with the fact that they gave him a fragment of the summoning stone. He was a shoe in for a candidate on this mission. Either way, the holy mage had saw the contact he had with a silent figure for a little while after the assignment. He had given her the fragment wordlessly but either way, she had lingered under the radar in order to see him give it to the magic council member. Scratching the back of her hair in confusion, the holy mage would sigh as Arthur walked over with a cup of tea. Taking the beverage, the two would be sitting in Arcadia at a table that was set up in the middle of the endless fields. The holy mage heard an notification on her iLac as she summoned to appear in front of her while she sipped her tea. Ah, there it was. Her request to join the assignment of the smoke creatures in Terasu, who were aptly named Nox. A fitting name in all honesty considering they were as pitch black as night as Arthur asked aloud. "Any job partners?" The holy mage would click the accept prompt to let the council know that she was going on this mission, allowing her to access all the details that came after. She was aware that Arthur was somewhat excited to see Vincent again because he was his protege but had not been able to see him for two weeks. This could potentially provide him a way to help Vincent practice his swordsmanship, with a few interjections from the holy mage herself on the style of imperial fencing. Looking at Arthur, she would sip her tea and then set it down on the saucer. "You know perfectly well that he is coming too." Arthur smiled softly before sipping his own beverage as he said, "Of course. He does remind of myself when I was younger, so I want to help out where I can." Lilium chuckled as she finished her drink and placed it on the table where it faded into golden magic, Arthur doing the same. "In that case, let's make haste. We can't keep him waiting."

    Walking through the plains of Arcadia was always refreshing because despite being full of people, it still was technically untouched by humanity. Houses decorated the area here and there as there was still a civilization present within the nation. You could easily get lost in a conversation with a fallen soul because they still were human and the time would go by extremely quickly So, the holy mage had to practice not getting sidetracked when heading towards destinations when using the medium of her magic to travel. Arthur smiled as he waved at the families that walked by, recognizing them as the wielder and her mentor. Summoning Solais and it's sheath so that it stayed by her side, she feel the weight of her sword on her side as she sighed. She felt more empowered when it was by her side so she was excited to wield it today. She has been using her magic of Arcadia more recently. She wanted to practice her swordsmanship with Mana Burst a little more as it could come in handy when empowering the star creatures who had their magic power drained. Opening a portal to the Wakusei Portals, the holy mage would have Arthur step through first and stepped in after the holy knight.

    The Portals were always an interesting sight in all honesty because they were identical to one another and you normally couldn't tell what world you were going to but the iLac had guided the holy mage to the correct portal where saw the white haired male that she had acquainted with before. The holy mage would smile as she looked at Arthur, who met her with a similar expression. "Vincent!" Summoning her wings, the holy mage would fly over to the man as she landed delicately in front of him with Arthur landing after a large leap towards them. "It's good to see you again." Curtsying the holy mage would look at him as she waited for Arthur to speak. "It hasn't been that long but it's good to see you are doing well Vincent." Smiling, Arthur would perform a somewhat deep bow as he looked towards the ground. Raising his head and standing up straight, the blond knight would speak, "This time, if you'd like we could practice your sword techniques, just be warned." Lilium smiled somewhat smugly as her Heroic Spirit indicated to her with his thumb. "She might interject and teach you a little bit of her style, which is a little more noble and refined than mine." The holy mage would chuckle a little bit as she spoke, "It's unavoidable. I was a woman of the sword before I was a mage. As for the refined part, it's only natural given that I was a noble." Arthur rolled his eyes before smiling gently at his Master. Looking at Vincent, Arthur would say, "We can go into Terasu whenever you are ready." The duo of Master and Heroic Servant would walk over to the portal and wait, with Lilium polishing her sword. Glancing at her sword, Arthur would pat the holy mage on the head. She really was growing. She was able to jest about her noble background without freezing up completely. Lilium smiled gently as she moved his hand gently. "It's fine. I don't need any comfort for this. I said it after all." The holy knight nodded as he glanced at the sword that she doing her best to maintain it's peak fighting state.

    Total: 1,025/10,000


    Starlight [Job; Vincent Gauss and Lilium Santiais] QOmg1XE

    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 3222
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 9
    Age : 25
    Experience : 263,160

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Knight of Space
    Second Skill: Paladin's Armaments
    Third Skill:

    Starlight [Job; Vincent Gauss and Lilium Santiais] Empty Re: Starlight [Job; Vincent Gauss and Lilium Santiais]

    Post by King Zenshin 30th July 2018, 3:32 pm

    It wasn't long before Lilium and her Heroic Spirit emerged from a brilliant portal before the Wakusei Gate to Terasu. The Saint was as radiant as ever with her greeting despite the length of time that had passed between this mission and their last. Vincent smiled to her and gave her a shallow bow due to the existing familiarity between them. He reciprocated the greeting given by the Heroic Spirit in kind. "I'm glad that you look well, too." The Crystal Swan mage listened as the two bantered lightly and simply nodded his head before responding. "This should be interesting, then, for I actually have weapons in my armory for just such a combination." On Vincent's right side, a relatively standard Italian style rapier would appear - a popular weapon among Minstrel swordsmen; on the mage's back a relatively long and peculiarly red-bladed claymore would appear - a popular weapon among the monster hunting Paladins of the Pergrande Kingdom. These two blades were different than the rest in his armory, for not only were they the strongest which he had, but they also held personal significance to the young mage. "I've spent these past two weeks studying that odd summoning crystal that we found in that crater you left. While the creatures themselves which are summoned via this nifty little relic are undoubtedly using a smoke replete with dark magic to sap out the strength from those starlight creatures, the mage who summoned them is either a powerful light mage, comes from a realm replete with light magic, or both."

    The wizard paused for a moment before continuing his little pre-mission briefing. "A small amount of the magic taken by the summoned gas producers is returned to the mage summoning them, but the majority is being channeled into a powerful teleportation spell." Vincent removed the summoning crystal from his pocket and pointed at two distinct and intricate carvings made on the ends. "Those carvings are what not only allow the summoning crystal to transmit magical power to its creator and his circle, but also what allow the summoner to channel light magic through it in order to summon what I have dubbed as 'Nox' for lack of a better word. What's more is that the runes used are not very commonly seen due to their associated... danger. These runes are only used when the amount of magic transmitted or absorbed far exceeds the amount that you or I could provide. You would need to drain an S-Ranked mage dry a hundred times over to achieve the amount of magic needed to warrant using such powerful inscription. I wouldn't be surprised if all of the magic that was being absorbed was being put to some nefarious use given how it was being collected, nor would I be surprised if the summoner poses quite a threat to us." Vincent took a breath. He knew that the the job he was about to undertake with Lilium was going to be a real doozy, to say the least. Still, he was confident that they would be able to handle whatever threat decided to present itself to them after the holy mage's show of might on their last assignment. The Crystal Swan mage would step through the portal to Terasu and simply close his eyes as it took him to the familiar land of picnics and love.

    Something struck the mage as soon as he opened his eyes, though it took him a while to realize what exactly was wrong with this picture. His eyes widened when he realized what was wrong - the night sky was completely black. Terasu was known for its brilliant sky of perpetual night dotted with what seemed to be millions of stars which were now known to be creatures. Those creatures were now absent. In addition to this already startling revelation, the ground around them was sprinkled with Nox which were each pumping out a large volume of pitch black smoke. The starlight creatures littered the ground around the Nox. "Oh my... this is much worse than I thought. The summoner did not appreciate our dispatching of that one Nox at all so I suppose he decided to speed up the collection when he realized that he had been found out. No sense in being stealthy about it if you've already been caught, I suppose." A Nox could be seen few meters in front of the exit of the portal with what appeared to be an unconscious couple which were undoubtedly caught by surprise and had their magical power sapped. They were still alive, but only barely. Instinctively, Vincent stuck his right palm out facing away from him and swept his arm upwards to raise the two bodies and then he bent his elbow as far as he could to cause the bodies to speedily float towards and then past the three magi and through the Wakusei Portal leading to Fiore. "Looks like the summoner is simply taking magic indiscriminately at this point. We need to be vigilant in our apprehension of our target, for I'm sure there are many others who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time."

    Vincent put his right hand on the sheath of the red bladed claymore that rested comfortably on his back. Most of the blade had been hidden up until this point, for unsheathing a blade on his back would be quite impractical when it was as long as a two handed sword. Once he had the handle attached to what appeared to be a broken blade out of its sheath and resting on his shoulder, the rest of the blade appeared in its scarlet glory. He was actually quite proficient at dealing with giant enemies such as this - it was smaller and more conventional opponents where his skill faltered. The wizard would crouch down and begin to channel lightning magic into his legs to increase his speed well beyond that of which he would normally be capable. Hyena's Pack Hunt... A voice belonging to his mother would sound off in his head which would remind him the name of this ability for which she was known. The claymore wielding wizard would disappear from his current spot for a singly blink of the eye before returning. For an instant it would appear as if he attacked from five different angles which would trace out the lines of a five point star - the last attack bring him back to his original position but one meter away from the Nox. It hadn't even gotten the chance to register a threat before it was nearly dispatched. Before disappearing, the fallen starlight creatures around it were filled with that familiar black smoke which caused them to raise off the ground and make high pitched screeching sounds as if they were in pain. The Nox would disappear, but about ten of the starlight creatures which were typically quite friendly were now poised foes towards the three mages there to help them.

    WC: 2200/10000

    HP: 650
    MP: 750


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
    10 Year: 1
    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019

    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    Starlight [Job; Vincent Gauss and Lilium Santiais] Empty Re: Starlight [Job; Vincent Gauss and Lilium Santiais]

    Post by Lilium 1st August 2018, 4:17 pm

    The holy mage would tuck a strand of hair behind her ear as she watched Vincent commented on the combination of Arthur's swordsmanship and Lilium's would provide. Glancing at the younger mage for a moment the holy mage's eyes would fall upon the rapier that rested on his hip. Ah, wasn't it a bit stereotypical that he presumed she wielded the thin weapon. She was well versed in it, that part was true, but she didn't wield it primarily. Rapiers are good in practice because they help practice with thrusts however they are nigh useless for slashing which a lot of combat becomes when clashing two swords together. They are good for parrying but if you are facing someone of equal or higher skill level, all you can really manage to do is meet their blows head on. She may be refined but she was aware that not all swordplay was regal enough to where she could employ her fencing tactics. The holy mage let out a huff as Arthur chuckled while awkwardly scratching the back of his head. It seems that she was annoyed with the generalization of the noble parts of swordplay. Patting her head, the holy mage would quietly sigh as she looked at the red claymore and back to the rapier. Dual wielding at such different weights of sword would be cumbersome in the end. He could easily switch between if he has the capability to carry both on his person. The styles generally don't mesh well in addition to the fact. Flashing in a golden light, the holy mage would don her battle garments, forgoing the white sundress she had been wearing moments ago. Her long flowing hair now in a braid and a metal headress adorning the Equipping Solais by her side, she'd glance at the Crystal Swan mage with small childlike annoyance in her face. "Let's get on with this, shall we?" Turning into the portal, Arthur chuckled as he looked to the side. "Sorry."

    The holy mage would distantly listen to Vincent as he explained the situation up until now. She was aware of the basics due to the fact that the Magic Council has sent her a condensed version of what Vincent was now saying. The fact that the runes were dangerous was pretty much a given when she laid eyes on it. She felt like that her hand was being held through this situation as Vincent explained what was going on. Lilium sighed while she walked into the portal before the two of them. "I'm aware. I wielded a type of rune magic in the past so the character was familiar to me." Arthur glanced at his Master before summoning his own sword and shield and stepping into the portal right behind her. Glancing at the darkness that completely enveloped Terasu, Lilium's eyes glowed gold in order to give her a clearer sense of night. The floor was decorated the star like creatures. Harnessing a ball of Mana in her hand, she was going to release a burst of Mana so that she could empower the creatures so that they could fly back up into the sky but at the moment, with the sky being decorated with the smoke, it wasn't the best plan. Dissipating the ball of Mana, the holy mage would turn to Vincent who was sending a couple that was at the brink of magic depletion back into Fiore. Looking at the star light creatures, Lilium would turn to Arthur who was also gazing at the small orb like creatures. "There probably will be more couples but instead of prioritizing sending them back, we need to get to the summoner because getting rid of him will stop the mana flow that sustains the Nox, which will cause them to get destroyed or sent back to where they came from."

    The holy mage would hear Vincent adjusting the claymore on his back as her eyes locked on the hilt of the sword. It seems he'd be using it at this point in time. The Nox who that he was going to attack was seemingly unaware of what was to come. Glancing at the way he gripped his sword, she was somewhat intrigued to see how he'd wield it. At least he was going to wield one sword at a time because he wasn't the type of person who would wield the claymore with one hand. There have been people like that and while they have enough strength to justify it, the fact that they are using a sword incorrectly just gets on her nerves. Arthur seemed to be curious as to how the space mage would wield his sword as well. The holy mage's raised one of her eyebrows as she questioned his reasoning for using a spell that was about quick attacks with a claymore. It was hindering him on the speed front and made him more vulnerable to getting hit. If he had wielded another sword like a saber then it could have the speed and the power behind the slashes. Arthur looked at how the young man was wielding his sword and had the same questions raised in his head. When Arthur fights with his sword, he generally tries to use it so that he hits not that often but when he does, he hits extremely hard. By channeling his attacks into the sword, he can get off a lot more damage than expected as splitting his capabilities between speed and power. Unsheathing Solais, the holy mage would step near Vincent as she walked closer to the crystal creatures who were making their way over to them. Ah, seems like this time, the smoke had affected their core and was now making them more hostile. However, when they were this low on magic, they didn't really pose a threat whatsoever.

    The holy mage would look at Vincent's claymore as she stared at him for a moment. "The idea is solid but you need to play around with more types of sword. Sometimes, capitalizing on one strength is better than spreading yourself thin. For example..." The holy mage's eyes would turn gold as her wings sprouted. Analyzing the claymore, the holy mage would form a similar blade of that surrounded Solais to emulate the claymore. Flourishing the sword so that she could switch her grip to a reverse two handed grip. "I'd be wasting a lot of energy if I simply lugged this around the same way I would with any other sword. So instead focusing on speed, go all out." Wielding the sword with one hand for a brief moment, the holy mage would spark a flame of Mana within her hand as she ran it along the blade. The mimic claymore would become coated in flames of Mana as she held the sword above her head again. "If you are dealing with enemies who simply aren't knowledgeable enough to dodge a big hit, it's easier to channel your energy into getting rid of everything with one shot." Smiling as her eyes changed to a crimson colour, the holy mage would slam the claymore on the ground as it ruptured the earth causing a shockwave of Mana to be released in front of them, immediately wiping out the star light creatures in their tracks. Smirking, the claymore blade that Lilium created began to fade as she flourished her sword before sheathing Solais again. "The tactics you were employing are smart however, that's only if your enemy is smart enough to be aware of what you are doing. For now, we can practice all offense." Pointing to Arthur somewhat blankly, the holy mage would chuckle. "That's all he focuses on anyways." The mentioned Heroic Spirit was ready to interject but couldn't because she was correct.

    Smirking, the holy mage would stab her sheath in the ground as she leaned onto the sword. "If I'm gonna be a teacher, I'm not gonna be easy on you so be prepared." Twirling the sheath, she'd hook it to her belt as she turned to Vincent. "Since you have told me everything up until this point, I'm guessing you'll know how to locate the summoner as well. I'll follow behind when you are ready."

    Total: 2,399/10,000


    Starlight [Job; Vincent Gauss and Lilium Santiais] QOmg1XE

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:12 pm