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    Ice Cream Date Disaster!


    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Gaia 4th July 2018, 10:47 am

    Ice Cream Date digits:



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Gaia 4th July 2018, 1:38 pm

    It had been a bit after the modeling gig that Gaia had done was over, and she had come out victorious as the winner. It felt good to her to be back in her own clothes once again. Gaia takes a deep breath as she had sent Kyran another letter asking if he wanted to meet up in Era. She wanted to explore the city that was near the capital, and see a bit of where the Magic Council was. Gaia had also heard about a family owned ice cream shop that had amazing ice cream. She heard nothing but good things about the ice cream there and wanted to try some for herself with Kyran, but she never mentioned it in her letter though, wanting to ask him in person.

    When Gaia herself made it to Era, she was rather excited and had decided to try some of her new modeling skills and wore something similar to what Olga, the costume designer for the show, had picked for her. A white blouse tucked in to a red high-waisted skirt with a pink cardigan shawl over the blouse. She donned on pink knee high socks and a pair of black Mary Jane shoes. She felt it went well with her, and she grins to herself as she runs a hand through her hair, waiting on Kyran to come. She had her bag hanging on her hip while she waited. There was a bit of a surprise in her bag that she was excited to give to Kyran, but she'd eagerly await. Noya rested on Gaia's shoulders, in her usual spot of between the collar and her neck.

    As she waited at the entrance of Era, someone had stormed past her, bumping into her. Gaia had nearly lost her balance, but she pouts off in the distance at where the person was going in, before she shook her head and went back to waiting on Kyran. The little tarot reader had taken out her iLac and was scrolling through the screen while she stood there, half tempted to go find a bench to wait instead. "Ooooh, Noya. How long do you think it'll take for Kyran to get here this time?" She giggles quietly to her little white ferret on her shoulders before her eyes looked up looking for her favorite redhead.

    Words: 391



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Kyran 4th July 2018, 6:01 pm

    Kyran adjusted his new gear as he moved through the crowd. He had chosen something a little more formal to wear to this date. The cape might have been a little much but the dark theme of the clothes felt very much to be Kyran. It was loose enough to allow free movement but tight enough to show off Kyran's muscles. He wasn't sure why he cared about how he looked. May-hap he was nervous because he had invited Yona along. It had been a snap decision. Yona was his friend, one he wanted to show Gaia off to. Kyran only hoped that Gaia wouldn't mind having the green haired mage along. Asking Yona to behave would have given Gaia a false image of the woman. That wasn't something Kyran encouraged. Better to have Gaia take the plant mage as she was. Whatever the reason for his formal wear, Kyran found himself nervously adjusting it as he tried to reach the meeting place.

    A little nervous, are we? Erebos said caressing Kyran's mind. It couldn't be because your girls are meeting could it? Malinda said, her smirk felt loud and clear. Tut tut, hostie. Having the wife and the mistress meet is a big no no. Everyone knows that one will kill the other. Medea purred slinking her way into Kyran's mind. Kyran tried to tell them off but he caught a glimpse of Gaia through the crowd. It felt like he had swallowed his tongue. The demons took advantage of his silence. Maybe you can get them both to fall in bed together. You know since you won't fuck the daylights outta little miss bookworm. You can sit in the corner and watch all by your lonesome. Malinda chuckled softly as she pushed images into his mind. While Kyran tried to push them back out, Erebus snapped his fingers. I've got it! Let me borrow the body quick. Kyran had no say as Medea and Malinda wrestled control away from him. Erebos dropped into the driver's seat and Key swallowed hard. What was the demon going to do?

    Erebos cleared Kyran's throat, the changes sweeping over the body. Kyran's eyes turned green, his pupils becoming like that of a toad's. His hands became shadow touched, leaking wisps of a dark substance. As the demon neared Gaia, he let magic seep into his voice. Nothing serious just enough to add subtle instruments as he sang. "I'll swim and sail on savage seas. With n'er a fear of drown'n." A few of the crowd turned to look at Kyran but the demon kept his host's eyes upon Gaia. His voice rang out in a pure baritone, enhanced by magic and instruments. Kyran couldn't believe he could sing like that. Never before had he tried to sing. "And gladly ride the waves of life. If you would marry me." Kyran wished he could take control back. Erebos would send the entirely wrong message with this song! The crowd was parting making a path between Kyran and Gaia as the demon made his intent clear. "No scorching sun nor freezing cold. Will stop me on my journey." Erebos was walking forward, his stride causing ladies to sigh. His attention was entirely upon Gaia and his walk looked predatory, his bearing gallant. Kyran had to admit, the demon knew how to play a part. "If you will promise me your heart. And love me for eternity." Erebos was starting to pick up tempo, his arms sweeping around Gaia. Medea suddenly swept into the body for the next bit. It was too smooth not to be practiced. Kyran wondered how long the demons had been planning this. Kyran's voice changed to a slightly higher pitch, reaching tenor for Medea's part. Other than that there were no real changes to the body. "My dearest one, my darling dear. Your mighty words astound me. But I've no need for mighty deeds. When I feel your arms around me!" Medea swept Gaia into a dance, one that Erebos took over as he once again began to sing. "But I would bring you rings of gold. I'd even sing you poetry. And I would keep you from all harm. If you would stay beside me!" The crowd was beginning to pick up the mood. They were clapping and stamping their feet. A space was cleared for the couple to dance and more than one couple joined Kyran and Gaia. The demons were feeling immensely pleased with themselves as they neared the end of the song. "I have no use for rings of gold. I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold. I only want you near me. Kyran's voice took on a dual quality as the two demons began to sing together. No one seemed to really care, caught up in the mood as they were. "To love and kiss to sweetly hold." "For the dancing and the dreaming." "Through all life's sorrows." "And delights!" "I'll keep your laugh inside me" "I'll swim and sail a savage seas." "With ne'er a fear of drowning." "I'd gladly ride the waves so white." "And you will marry me!" Erebos held the last note, pulling Gaia close to his chest.

    The demons pulled away quickly, leaving Kyran in charge. The crowd began to clap but Kyran simply turned bright red. As the demonic changes faded, Kyran dipped his head to kiss Gaia gently. "I'm sorry" He whispered in her ear. "My demons wanted to surprise you. How did I sound? I've never sung before." Kyran was trying to play off what had just happen. He wasn't sure how well he was doing however. His face was still red and the crowd was talking excitedly as they moved away. Many passers by clapped Kyran or Gaia on the back, shooting the couple smiles and thumbs ups. Erebos was cackling in Kyran's head. His mischief was managed. Kyran led Gaia back to a bench and sat her down. "I hope you don't mind but I invited a friend along with us. I don't have many and I wanted to..." He cleared his throat. What was the best way to put this? "I wanted to show you off to her." Kyran rubbed the back of his neck. The motion had him noticing Noya. "Ah!" Kyran grabbed a bag from his satchel. He was glad it hadn't ripped or spilled. That would have ruined Gaia's present. Pulling out a strip of fresh meat, Kyran offered it to the ferret. "For you, my lady. And you, baby girl." He winked at Gaia. "You'll get your present later."

    WC: 1,106



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 960,162

    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Zincarla 4th July 2018, 10:17 pm

    Yona Hisamori knew how important this day was to Kyran and she had many times seen Kyran's best laid plans and hopes go awry. With what happened in the houses with the spiders, Yona had herself withdrawn somewhat. She just wasn't as crazy as before, not as silly or playful, and though she had read already both of the books that Kyran had given her, she had yet to ask him for the next in the series. The truth was bringing him closer to her as a friend was something she greatly desired and being invited to meet Gaia was a real big deal. Knowing she was acting as some mysterious mage's personal spy made her recoil, terrified of losing her new friend, terrified of putting his life in danger, and stuck in an awkward in-between because if she withdrew too much she knew just what could happen to him, and to her. Yona wanted to be herself as much as possible today, having avoided Kyran for two days despite knowing they had more jobs with those damn spiders coming up.

    Today was for Kyran. She was going to assess Gaia and give her opinion to Kyran about her and their relationship. And Yona was going to try to make nice, since if she was going to stay friends with Kyran she would likely be seeing Gaia again in the future. Yona didn't have much to wear that was 'nice' so called but she knew that they did dress better in the big city. Fashion was moderately important but Yona had no desire to look over the top beautiful when her natural features were already miles above most women. It made her a horrible model really, instead of people looking at the clothing she wore they were looking at her. A single day on a model set taught her and the directors that much. So the green haired woman stuck with what she knew. She wore black stockings with cutouts along the sides of her thighs, a loose flowing navy mini skirt, and flat sturdy black boots. Good for movement and for running if she needed to. Her top was simple: bandage like wraps around her chest and a short sleeved light fabric hoodie in a medium shade of blue.

    Yona had listened to Kyran gush about Gaia some more on the way there, carrying a single over the shoulder bag diagonally over her back. She nodded and maintained a kind polite nature about her, sensing Kyran's nervousness. She herself felt nervous too, inside her mind desperately wanting to learn more about Key and about Gaia, wanting to have real friends and real connections for the first time in her life, but at the same time pleading with Key to keep his secrets so that she could not be persuaded to give them away. As they walked through Era, suddenly she saw dark wisps around Kyran's hands. Uh oh, she thought to herself. Before she could ask Key what was going on or if he was okay, he began to frolic ahead of her. He danced and skipped, belting out a romantic song as a crowd turned to watch and applaud him. Yona blushed, shifting into the crowd, not wanting to be part of whatever his demons were up to this time.

    When he stopped before a woman about the same height as her and bent his head for a kiss, Yona looked down giving him privacy and feeling ashamed. If anyone loved her like that, she would die to lose them. And here she was gathering intel and making friends in the shadiest way possible. When she figured a way out around being coerced into betrayal, Yona was going to wring that mystery man's tiny neck and snap it like a twig under her boot. She swallowed and drifted through the dispersing crowd and put a real smile on, because she was truly happy that Key appeared this happy. He was feeding the fuzzy creature on her shoulder, a weasel perhaps, when the plant mage approached. She left her hood on to hide her green hair, hoping that maybe nobody was watching her, but instantly feeling like a shrub compared to the beautiful fashionable woman that must have been Gaia. He was smitten with a real model, she could tell. The eye for clothing like that was something Yona never understood even if she had ten fold on natural beauty, there were some things you never matched up on.

    "Hey, you must be the infamous Gaia! Bear has told-- sorry Key has told me all about you. I hear you like Anon's books. So do I," Yona said placing her hands on her hips and lifting her chin, flashing a big smile. She looked at Kyran and rose a brow, promising silently that she was going to whack him for making such a scene and giving her a permanent awkward role of third wheel in this big city.

    WC: 829


    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Gaia 5th July 2018, 3:27 pm

    It took Gaia a moment, but she recognized Kyran's voice a little and quickly snapped her head to see what was going on fully. When she sees that he looked different again, she blinked in confusion. She only saw him change once, when they went to go and get a flower in the spooky forest. She looks around for the source of the music, but she realized it was only coming from Kyran. Gaia blinked wide eyed at him while her cheeks and ears were blushing a rosy color. As the line 'If you would marry me' came out of his mouth, Gaia's mouth dropped and her eyes seemed to bug a bit. She wasn't expecting that at all, not even when he grabbed her to start dancing. She was able to easily fall into place with him though, but her face was a bright red as he continued to sing and dance with her. A grin was forming on her face as she couldn't help but enjoy herself with his dancing. She kept her eyes on Kyran as she enjoyed dancing with him and was super glad her shoes were capable of dancing right then too. When his voice became dual, Gaia was caught off guard by it, looking confused at him, but was able to still keep in step with Kyran and the song. The last bit that was repeated got her grinning and blushing deeply once again, especially as she was in Kyrans chest, snuggling him a bit. It was clear she was happy about this.

    When Kyran went down to kiss her, Gaia smiled up to him, and opened her mouth before he whispered to her. "You sing lovely! I find it hard to believe you never had sung before! I-" She cuts herself off and pulls back a little. "Demons?" She whispered and tilted her head while he lead her to the bench. She blushed as others touched her, getting a little closer to Kyran as he walked with her. She sits on the bench when Kyran brought her to it, and looks up to him. He slumps her shoulders when she was told he brought a friend, but then smiles and nods. His comment of wanting to show her off buttered her up just a little. "I don't mind! I'd like to meet some of your friends too! Maybe, if you join me in Ace of Spades, I'll introduce you to a couple of my friends as well!" She giggles when Noya popped her head up at Kyran, clearly smelling the treats before he pulled it out. The ferret took it rather eagerly, and scurried into Gaia's shirt. Gaia blushed at Kyrans wink, and covered her cheeks a bit. "Then you don't get your present till later too!" She teased back and stuck her tongue out at him.

    Gaia fixes her blue glasses on her face and smiles when Kyrans friend showed up. Gaia blinked at the names she called Kyran, and she looked to him with a giggle. "Bear? Key?" She raised an eyebrow to him before she stands up to her full five foot, two inch height, and goes to shake the other girls hand. "I didn't think I was too well known to be honest. I don't think Kyran talked even a little bit about any of his guild members. Do you mind telling me your name?" She blushed as she realized that sounded a bit bad. "I do love Anon's books too though. Especially the Cursed Dynasty books." She giggles as she pushed her hair behind her ear. She glances down to Noya, and gasps as she points to her. "This is Noya too! My snowy ferret." She grins as Noya's big eyes looked up at the other girl. Gaia glanced over to Kyran, then to the other woman, before she gasped and looked between them. "Oh! Would it be okay to go get some ice cream? I wanted to try this ice cream shops ice cream not too far from here. Someone told me the ice cream was divine!" She nervously scratches her cheek as she felt like she was talking too much in front of the stranger, but she wasn't sure. Gaia may have been getting good with talking a bit more openly around the guild, on jobs, and Kyran, but she was still a bit unsure around others she hadn't met outside of a job.

    Words: 738
    Total: 1129



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Kyran 6th July 2018, 5:39 pm

    Kyran chuckled softly when Gaia whispered demons. He would be hitting his girlfriend with a lot of new things today. He had completely forgotten that she had never been told about the demons. Instead of answering her incomplete question, Kyran simply smiled mysteriously. He noticed her little slump before brightening. Noted. Bringing along a friend without notice was a big N-O. Unless you're having an orgy. Then bring as many friends as possible! Malinda commented. The snake had to butt her nose into everything. "I would like to meet your friends, baby girl." Kyran said with a wide smile. When she teased him, Kyran felt something twitch inside him. Something that wasn't the demons. He rubbed his chest as he leaned forward. A pout was evident on his face. "You've never given me a gift though! What if I ask really nicely with kisses on top?" Kyran scooted closer. He was about to try something only his characters tried when Yona walked up. Talk about timing. Kyran did his best not to scowl at his friend.

    A soft groan escaped his lips when Yona called him by his nicknames. He had to force a smile when Gaia asked. Key was fine but Bear was something Yona alone called him. A reference to being her teddy for a night. "Nicknames others have given me. They seem to be piling up." Kyran tried to catch Yona's eye. There was a distinct urge to warn her not to say anything else. Wouldn't want her to find out about your naked cuddle now would we? Erebos cackled, rubbing his hands together. Perhaps I'll give the lovely lady a little heads up. Medea perked up. Challenge them! See who would make the better mate! Then take her somewhere and bind her to you! Kyran's eyes widened slightly. He expected Malinda to make a comment like that, not Medea! What was going on with his demons? They had distracted him for the girls' conversation. Shaking his head, Kyran stood up slowly. His mind was running over everything that had been said.

    "Ice cream sounds lovely." Kyran said happily. He captured Gaia's hand, twining his fingers with hers. His other hand was held out to Yona. When she either took or refused his hand, the red head started down the path. There wasn't a care if he was going in the right direction or not. He was with his friend and his girlfriend. It was alright if they took a little detour. A few of the passing guys stared enviously at the three of them. Kyran grinned cheekily at them, making a few turn away and others turn red with anger. Erebos laughed merrily, amused by Kyran's antics. Kyran slowed after a short while to wait for Gaia to lead them in the right direction. It was hot and ice cream was sounding better and better every passing minute.

    WC: 483
    Total: 1,589



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 960,162

    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Zincarla 7th July 2018, 1:06 pm

    Yona retracted her hand after the shake and answered the talkative woman's questions as best as she could, whenever it seemed the blue haired one took a breath. "Its a nickname from a night of drinking after a job," Yona said before Key spoke up to explain and shoot her a look. The look clearly said not to discuss that night and because of it, Yona was tempted to do so anyway. As the questions and comments were fired out, Yona kept up carefully: "I'm Yona Hisamori." "I don't think I have read that far into them yet." "Noya?" Yona reached out a tentative finger, most animals got along with her and if Noya appeared relaxed, she would rub the ferret lightly on the head. Gaia was really chatty, she must have been nervous or annoyed, Yona thought. Kyran quickly spoke up and said that ice cream was a good idea.

    Yona watched as he laced up his hand in a loving hold with Gaia's fingers and she felt distinctly uncomfortable. She had thought meeting Gaia would be less like a date and more like... well meeting a friend. It was as if she were seeing things that she shouldn't have been allowed to see. Still, for Key to be this open was an unusual sight and Yona had to admit that meant something serious was happening deep down. She played up her smile once more and nodded her agreement with him, "Yes, ice cream sounds fine by me." The hot weather had made the snack a particularly good choice and food always seemed to make engagements such as these less awkward: something she had picked up when she was using the guys left and right up until a few years ago. Yona got a lot of information that way and food and drink always seemed the key ingredient in getting a person to relax. Yona was surprised when Key's open hand extended to her and she flicked a glance at Gaia before taking it. She found his grasp comforting and soothing. It was as if he wanted to show how much Gaia meant to him, but perhaps how good a friend Yona was to him as well. Yona didn't want to pass up that chance and appear to be less of a friend with possible spies watching. Yona didn't know which way the ice cream place was either and so in stride she hoped that Key or Gaia did. Yona noticed Key's cheeky grins and looked up at him slightly perplexed, "You're enjoying having two beautiful women on hand aren't you? If you're not careful you might end up getting slapped you know." She teased him. The plant mage kept up walking with them, the ice cream place luckily becoming soon visible.

    WC: 829+462= 1291


    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Gaia 7th July 2018, 7:11 pm

    Kyran's smile to her question, actually made her feel a little uneasy. She pursed her lips as she wasn't sure how to take that right now. As he asked if he could ask nicely with kisses on top to get his gift, Gaia simply shook her head and grins. "Unfortunately, no. It's a special gift I feel you may like." She raises a hand up to poke his nose before she begun interacting with Kyran's friend. After hearing that one of the nicknames was one from a night of drinking, Gaia's smile faltered a little. She was able to gain her composure again. Gaia had been pleased to find out a little bit about this woman though, smiling sweetly to her. Noya let up a squeak as Yona reached to rub her head. She had quickly burrowed herself into Gaia's shirt, making her let out a gasp and shiver from how ticklish the fur was on her. b Noya quickly popped herself back up behind Gaia's head with her front paws sitting on top of her head. "Sorry about her... She's a princess and doesn't like people she doesn't know touching her..." Gaia sighs to Yona.

    Gaia hadn't expected Kyran to grab her hand so promptly like he did in front of Yona. She blushed nervously as he pulled her away, but was a bit concerned when he held his hand out to Yona as well. She didn't say anything about it, and just fell silent when Kyran started walking in the complete opposite direction of the shop. Gaia honestly didn't notice the grin Kyran had on his face, as she was looking away from him a bit. Hearing Yona's question though, she looked back to them with a confused expression. She shakes her head a little and takes a deep breath. "The shop is the other direction." Her voice was quieter than before, but she manage to get out a small giggle to try to brighten herself up a bit. Kyran slowing down gave her the ability to tug on him a bit.

    It wasn't too terribly far of a walk from where they were, at least a five or so minute walk. It was a quaint shop that had a bunch of umbrellas around circle and square picnic tables. The shop itself had large windows that showed a small dine in area that had a vintage theme to it with part of the counter having an indent for people to sit in stools at, and a few circle tables inside with four wrought iron backing chairs at each of them. The smile on Gaia's face widened a little bit as the place seemed adorable to her. If she was honest, she never really got to experience an ice cream shop before, so she really wanted to eat here, regardless if it were just Kyran or not. She looks up to Kyran a bit and raises her eyebrow. "What do you think?" She asks him as she walks forward a bit to walk through the tables to the door of the shop.  As she walked, she unintentionally picked up bits of a conversation.

    "... Phoebe was kicked out last week for harassing the workers here for the final time. She's been officially banned from the shop since the ice cream is never right to her when even the boss himself makes it." It was a middle aged mom gossiping with another as they watched over their children eating their ice cream happily. "Really? You heard that?" "Yeah, and I heard her scream that she was going to be back to take revenge on the shop." The women snort before they noticed someone behind them. The first one raised an eyebrow to the group behind them, as Gaia had stopped right next to them. "Have they come back at all to try and threaten the shop? I'm a member of Sabertooth." She turned her head and pushed her hair back behind her ear a bit to show the guilt tattoo that was hidden there by her hair. The little tarot reader was genuinely concerned for the welfare of the shop and the workers there. When the two women see the mark and quickly shake their head. The first woman turns to face Gaia a bit more. "No, I might of seen her at least on the other side of the street a time or two, but not here specifically since then." She explains. Gaia nods slowly as she taps her chin and glances around. "Thank you for telling me." She says with a sweet smile to them before she started to make her way over to the entrance of the shop.

    Before Gaia could even get to the front door, something blue fluttered down in front of her face, making her go cross eyed for a moment before she noticed more and more blue specks coming down. Gaia pales as she noticed that the specks weren't specks, but snow. Noya was the tip for it as she was getting hyper over it. She had jumped on her head and sticks her tongue out to take the snow in her mouth. Gaia was concerned for this snow, however. It wasn't normal snow. She had let go of Kyran's hand, and was reaching for her bag on her hip, before she realized it was pointless. The one time she leaves her staff at her home, and she feels like she needs it. Noya suddenly noticed Gaia's uneasiness, and looks over to Kyran to see if he had anything Gaia could use, or if he felt there was danger as well or not.

    Words: 940
    Total: 2069



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    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Kyran 14th July 2018, 2:12 pm

    Kyran didn't notice the expression or body language of Gaia as he walked. He threw back his head and laughed at Yona's question however. "No, no, I'm simply ecstatic that I can share today with two of the most important people in the world to me." He stopped and turned to kiss Gaia. It was a quick peck on the lips but his eyes softened as they gazed into hers. "My girlfriend" He turned to Yona. Using his grip on her hand, he spun her into a hug. "And one of my dear friends. The fact that both of you are exquisitely beautiful is just an added bonus onto all of this." Charmer. Malinda hissed snidely. Kyran chuckled at her attempt to snap him out of his good mood. Nothing would ruin this date for him. Nothing at all.  Don't be so sure, hostie. There's always a chance something could go wrong. Medea warned in his ear. That was true and unfortunately had a tendency to happen to Kyran. He tried not to let it get him down too much.

    When Gaia asked what he thought of the ice cream shop, Kyran took a moment to look serious. A teasing grin flashed across his face. He swept Gaia into his arms, nuzzling her neck and letting go of Yona's hand. "This place looks absolutely awful. There is no way I'd want to eat here. Unless of course I was eating you." Kyran kissed the juncture where Gaia's neck became her shoulder. Malinda shot him an image of a woman fanning herself. Better find a motel now or she'll be melting all over you! Quick! Go! Strip that woman! Kyran was getting the feeling that the lust demon was getting desperate for Kyran to lay someone. She kept suggesting he lay everybody nowadays. Kyran nipped Gaia's ear before he let her go. He straightened tugging on the lapels of his uniform. "Shall we eat than ladies?" Kyran asked opening the door for them. He noticed she had gone to talk to a few mothers gossiping while their children played. Seeing where her guild tattoo was gave Kyran a powerful urge to lick the tattoo. "Malinda!" Kyran growled under his breath sure the demon was responsible. Malinda made the impression of holding her hands up. That was all you, Tiger. Wanna get some action?

    He was about to argue with her when something made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.  Something wasn't right. A sound alerted the redhead to something attacking them. His wings snapped open wrapping around Yona and Gaia, sheltering them so Kyran took the brunt of the attack. He silently thanked the gods for the purchase of his new armor and rune. "Looks like ice cream will have to wait." He said mournfully. Noticing that Gaia was missing her staff, he handed over his dagger. Unfortunately it wasn't magical but it would give her something to defend herself. Kyran turned to face their attackers. Six...snowmen? That was new. He touched Yona's shoulder. "Buy me some time to charge up my spells. I have a feeling these guys aren't the worst of our problems." Kyran looked over at Gaia. He couldn't remember if she had magic or not. "Guard the patrons, baby girl." A flap of his wings carried him into the air. Now he could see the whole battle field. Medea and Ahriman were getting fired up. Kyran used the other aspect of his rune to open wounds behind his ears and on the backs of his hand. Thanking Advent for the self repairing clothing, Kyran began to prepare four spells simultaneously. He could wipe this enemy out quickly and get back to his date before it was completely ruined.

    WC: 626
    Total: 2,215



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    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Zincarla 16th July 2018, 11:51 pm

    Yona hadn't bothered to reply to Gaia's comment in defense of the ferret, she herself didn't like to be randomly touched by strangers either. There were no hard feelings on account of the woman's companion or pet. When they got to the ice cream place, Yona released Kyran's hand and slowed her pace to stand behind the couple. She wasn't sure she wanted the odd looks from the women sitting out here at the tables. Just to be sure they weren't making comments, Yona eavesdropped on their conversation. She heard the same things that Yona heard about a shouting Phoebe threatening vengeance for imperfect ice cream and chuckled a little to herself. Key made a romantic scene with Gaia, getting snuggly and Yona couldn't help but wonder if the love was serious or this outwardly affectionate because it was still so new. When Gaia stepped away for a second, Yona commented instead on the conversation she had heard. She looked at Kyran and whispered, "Whoever heard of imperfect ice cream anyway?" When she looked back, her green eyes caught sight of Gaia striding right up to the women.

    Intrigued, Yona watched, a bit surprised that Gaia had also been eavesdropping and even more so that she had stepped up to intervene. Gaia must have been in a real goody-two-shoes kind of guild. The kind where it was all sunshine and roses. Nobody ever broke any rules and they all had fun drinking juice instead of wine and throwing parties for dozens of guests. Still, Key had mentioned maybe that Gaia was a mage, Yona couldn't recall the detail. Maybe she didn't have magic at all. She didn't outwardly carry any sort of defensive weapon that she could see, unless it was hidden under her clothing.

    Yona felt a sudden change in temperature and looked away from Gaia, catching the sight and feel of gentle snowflakes. She reached up a hand and as a few collected and melted in her palm, she nodded. "Real snow... in summer." She sighed, sensing something was about to happen. Something with far more work than being a third wheel and spending time meeting her friend's girl. A strange sound and Kyran's swift wings had protected them from sort of attack. Yona couldn't tell with his wings in the way. "Key, what?" She started to ask. Yona flicked her green hair out of her eyes as his wings moved back, him asking her far more than he was saying out loud. Yona saw him pass a small blade to Gaia but it sounded like he worried for her safety. "I can handle snowmen, Bear, please," Yona laughed, waving him off. Yes, she thought, I'll watch out for Gaia.

    Yona much preferred rushing into a fight, but it was more important now to have team work and keep Gaia safe if she was a defenseless innocent as she seemed to be. Key took to the air and Yona glanced around. Six snowmen stood before her, striding towards the outdoor tables. The women who were gossiping got to their feet, grabbing their children, wailing. It was time for a big spell and a big showy one for Gaia. Yona didn't know what Kyran might have said about her, if anything, but Yona wanted to look good for him. It didn't help that the less she knew about Gaia the better. Perhaps the date getting ruined was in the end to Key and her advantage. It would be easier to avoid the Mindreaver's demands if she didn't learn anything about Gaia at all.

    Yona reached into her pocket and pulled out a tiny seed. She hurled it upwards, tossing it so it would land in the center of the six snowmen. As soon as it hit the ground, a large whirlwind of leaves ripped through them all. The leaves like razors slashed through and over, around and around the snowmen, dealing some damage but most importantly distracting them as well. If the damage wasn't enough to injure them to the point of death, it would be enough to get all six of them to focus on her and not the civilians around her. Not on pretty little Gaia. The only downside was that despite how effective the spell might be at both of those two goals (damage and distraction), the leaves would also slice and shatter a couple tables and the pretty fence near the entrance of the ice cream place.

    WC: 1291+742= 2033

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 255/300

    C+ Leaf Blade Cyclone- 1/5 duration


    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Imageedit-3-2741721522

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    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Gaia 18th July 2018, 8:41 pm

    Gaia had been surprised by Kyrans quick kiss on her lips, and she blushed rather deeply with a small smile on her lips. She felt a bit embarrassed for the affection when he had one of his other friends so near to them. Kyran's original comment about the ice cream shop, made her pout, but his comment about eating her made her face instantly turn red as she rather weakly punched his arm while he kissed her neck. "Kyran! Behave! We're in public." She pouts as she shakes her head to him. Of course he would make her feel confused once more. He had done it nearly every date now. She had been pouty till she went to talk to the other women about the banned patron.

    Gaia had turned around just as Kyran protected her and Yona from something attacking them, and blinked rapidly as she was trying to figure out what had happened. Kyran handing her his dagger, made her a bit in awe for a second, but she nodded a little as she gripped it firmly. She listened to Kyran take charge, and she takes a deep breath. She would have to start doing that herself soon, getting the confidence to take charge of a situation. She nods to Kyran's command of her guarding the patrons, and glanced over her shoulder at Yona. She was a bit glad that the other mage had said she could handle the snowmen, and she glanced down to her bag. Noya squeaked and quickly ran down her arm and stuffed herself into her bag before she pulled out a couple cards in her mouth, and went to pass them to Gaia. Gaia blinks quietly as she grabs the cards and looks to the cards before at the snowmen. She grits her teeth. She wasn't going to be the bystander.

    She glanced up as Yona had set a spell of leaves tearing through the snowmen, then she held up one of her cards. "Knight Tadronteg of the Fire!" She cries out as the card vibrated for a moment before something yanked itself out of the card. Before her stood a dull red splatted male dragon holding a small stick in his claws. He was taller than Gaia, probably about seven feet tall, and he glares down at her. "Why not call my father out as well, you're holding his card." He grumbles. Gaia takes a deep breath and holds the second card up. "Fire King Ryaqold." She says and the card vibrated in a similar fashion to the first. A blood red dragon, about eight or so feet tall, stood next to Tadronteg while holding a staff in his claws, and snickers quietly. "Bout time you did something, girl." The dragon muttered. They both saw the snowmen, and Gaia simply nodded. The two nod as well before looking up at Kyran and Yona. "Those two are with me. Don't harm them, and just go after the snowmen, leave the people alone." She tells them. Tadronteg snickers as he shakes out his stick a moment, and flame came around the opposite end of it, like a blade. Tadronteg had jumped after the snowmen, avoiding the vines as Ryaqold slammed his staff in the ground and dragged it a bit in a half circle.

    Before them came a barrier of fire, the heat wasn't intense or anything, but it was a little bright. Gaia glanced back, and noticed that the children of the women she had just talked to, had come up to her. Gaia gasped a bit and suddenly they were attacking her. "We want ice cream!" The two children scream at her in unison. "Give us ice cream!" Their heads were covered in snow, and she glanced up to see the mothers now glaring daggers at her. Gaia quickly lifted the dagger out of their range and shoved it into her bag before she closed it tight. She had been grabbed by the little monsters while she was getting the knife away from her, and her shirt was immediately untucked, and her stomach was scratched by them. "Hey! Cut it out!" Gaia cries out at the children as she ended up backed into the window of the store with the kids on her. They didn't seem to be acting like they had been before, and it kind of worried her.

    Her eyes look up to see the Knight of Wands running at the snowman and using his fire sword to cut at a leg of the snowman, the fire burning right through the snow and melting it. He seemed to be chuckling as he was going about taking care of the snowmen with his sword.

    Words: 783
    Total: 2852




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    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Kyran 26th July 2018, 10:01 am

    Kyran smiled at Gaia's pout, shaking his head at her request to behave. Where was the fun in that? Erebos laughed heartily at that. Usually Kyran was serious, solemn, unable to let go of what had happened in the past. Yet here with his friend and girlfriend, the mage was joyful, playful. The demon liked seeing that side of his host. A soft chuckle escaped Kyran's lips with Yona's comment. Imperfect ice cream did seem improbable. How did one screw up such a simple dish? Gaia walking up to the patrons distracted Kyran from making a response.

    It looked as if Kyran didn't even have to do anything. He watched in bemusement as Yona and Gaia took care of the snowmen with relative ease. Yona's new spell rounded all the snowmen up. Gaia's new magic swordsman dispatched them with his flaming sword. Kyran made a note to ask Gaia about her magic later. It looked amazing and he wanted to know more about it. All that was really left was the one behind all this. Using his new wings, Kyran searched the nearby area. It wasn't hard to find the woman dressed in a pale blue. His nose wrinkled. She looked like a walking icicle. As he was about to descend, Kyran noticed that the woman was talking to someone. It took only a moment for him to realize who it was. Claudia. Claudia looked into the sky, catching sight of Kyran. She winked to his amazement. Then she was suddenly in ten places at once. A mage. Claudia had been a mage the entire time. Kyran clutched his head in his hands. No. No. She couldn't have been. Claudia couldn't be a mage. ~I was always a mage, sweet.~ Claudia's sickly sweet voice said directly into his mind. Kyran jerked, suddenly dropping toward the ground. He barely managed to catch himself. ~It didn't take much magic to mold your feelings for me. Thought I have to admit the effects lasted longer than expected.~ Kyran's world tilted on its axis. Claudia had messed with his mind. Messed with his feelings. All this time Kyran had thought he'd simply been massively stupid not to see what Claudia really was. In reality, she'd been using magic on him.

    A terrible roar ripped its way from Kyran's throat. Claws erupted from his hands. He slammed into the ground, trying to tear into Claudia. Her image dissipated leaving only her mocking laughter. The mage seemed stunned by his sudden appearance. She was his target now. Kyran needed to rip, needed to tear, needed to kill something. The woman threw out her hands. Something flew at Kyran as he stalked towards her before a massive fog bank seemed to appear out of nowhere. He looked at the blue stuff closely. No not fog. Some kind of spell. The cold was creeping into his limbs, slowing him down. As if that would stop him. Ahriman rose swiftly lending Kyran the strength to run without hindrance through the spell. The woman hadn't gotten far. She went down with Kyran's weight on her back. Her shrieking was in anger at first. Probably something to do with her revenge or some other stupid reason. Kyran's fangs sank into her shoulder, flooding his mouth with hot blood. That turned the mage's shrieks into those of pain and fear. It was a delicious sound. As the change rippled over Kyran's body, Kyran lost consciousness. He was so lost to his rage, unable to think clearly and Ahriman launched a sneak attack.

    The pitiful woman screaming under him wasn't worth the effort of killing. Ahriman sniffed at her display as he stepped away from her. His body was different. Shaped more like a wolf than normal, his black fur was interspersed with red. The red fur appeared to be in various designs. Despite his more wolfish form, Ahriman discovered he still had human-like paws and he could stand up. Though standing was more of a hunched endeavor Ahriman was pleased. He could kill as a wolf or a human as he pleased. Three horns curled down from his brow framing his snout. That was good. Goring was an option as well. Ahriman let out a delighted howl. It caused the woman to scream. Chuffing in anger, the wolf-demon cuffed her over the head. When she didn't stop, he did so several more times. Why wouldn't she stop? Something slammed into Ahriman from below. It threw the wolf into the air. When he landed by the ice cream shop, he whimpered in pain. Blood dripped down his fur. The puny woman had attacked him!

    Snarling in outrage, Ahriman turned to find something to rend. Green filled his vision. Green hair. The host's friend. There was another color that stood out. Blackish blue locks. The scent of that one sent a shiver down Ahriman's spine. The host was trying to mate that one. He should test them both. Make sure they were worthy. There were two strange creatures with the friend and potential mate. They smelled of fire. Nothing to worry about. Fire didn't scare the Great and Terrible Ahriman. The wolf prowled back and forth. Which one? Which one first? Children were distracting the potential mate. Pitiful. She would die first. Ahriman licked his chops. Her blood would be sweet. The host would thank him for getting rid of such a weakling. Snarling, Ahriman charged forward. The younglings would be knocked aside and he would sink his teeth into the weakling's neck. What a glorious day.

    WC: 924
    Total: 3,139



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    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Zincarla 28th July 2018, 11:46 am

    From what Yona could tell the snowmen were taken care of, being cut to ribbons by her leaf cyclone and eliminated by the fiery swords of whoever Gaia had summoned. She gave a nod of respect, "Nice move, Gaia." The prevalent danger seemed to be controlled in part so far. Yona took in the rest of the scene from around her, noting a couple of children harassing Gaia and watching as Kyran took a sudden dive for the ground. Between Kyran suddenly dropping and a couple of kids, Yona went for her friend of course. She dashed towards him, pausing only when he seemed to catch himself. The plant mage turned around, looking for whatever held his attention: a blue-clothed female who had thrown up her hands and made a small fog. Yona couldn't see clearly but by the screams, it would seem that Kyran had taken care of her. Yona looked back to Gaia and the children and stomped her foot on the ground just once, throwing up a wall of thorny nettles inbetween her and the young ones. It wasn't much but it was like the children here were wild, like the ones she and Adalinda had handled in the mountains one time.

    As the fog began to clear, and with so much going on, Yona tried to make an actual decision of how to act. Kyran's form flying through the air and landing hard made her realize the female mage was still alive. She lifted her hands quickly, intent on ending the mage or restraining her because that was really the better response delegated by a good society. Yona wet her lips and just as she started her spell, she stopped dead in her tracks, arms hovering in the air in the mage's direction while her wide green eyes looked on in horror at Kyran. Her friend had gotten to his feet and had dashed after Gaia. She couldn't tell if her shield had done anything as the children were knocked away to the side, and she couldn't tell quite yet if Gaia was injured. All that she knew was that she had seen this form before. It was the wolf demon from the tomb job, the one who had destroyed the skeletons and then had gone after her. "The wolf demon," She whispered. It was not Kyran in control of that wolf-form, it was a blood thirsty demon and with Gaia in his sights, Yona had to make another decision. She hit her head a couple times with her palms, "This is so stupid, this is a terrible idea," She berated herself and then she cast her spell, covering her arms and hands in gauntlets made of spiked black thorns, tipped with a yellow liquid.

    Adrenaline was fuel enough for the moss haired maiden: Yona ran towards Gaia and the wolf, hoping her shield would hold just a moment longer. She bashed her fists into the demon's back: over and over slamming him, cutting his flesh and fur, and dosing him with poison. "Face me! What am I not good enough for you? Don't be scared, face me!" Yona demanded as she hit him. She had to get his attention away from Gaia. "Face me!" She implored one more time, and assuming that either from injured pride, annoyance, or anger she had gotten the demon's attention, Yona took a small step backwards, her arms still up and ready for a fight. "Gaia, that other mage is still alive. I need you to deal with her until I can get Key back. And Gaia, I swear, I will get him back." Yona had no idea how, but she hoped reassuring the blue haired woman might restore her confidence and instill some bravery. She hoped that Gaia would see that this creature before her was not Key. She couldn't tell if Gaia had magic but it didn't matter; giving the woman a job to do that was obviously important would do two things at this moment. It would tell Gaia that regardless of her mage or non mage abilities, Yona believed in her and depended on her now because Key believed in her, and that was all Yona really needed to know that Gaia would help. It would also keep Gaia out of range of Kyran until he had regained control, and Yona didn't even know how to help Kyran accomplish that. She had stopped him before but he was not fully transfomed, full taken over. Yona had to just make it up o the way and hope it was the right answer.

    WC: 2033+ 766 = 2799

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 225/300

    C+ Leaf Blade Cyclone- 2/5 duration
    D+ Sheath of Thistles- 1/3 duration


    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

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    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Gaia 3rd August 2018, 12:01 pm

    The tarot reader smiled as she looked to the green haired mage. "Thanks..." She said sheepishly. She honestly didn't expect that to work, but she was really glad it did. Gaia barely noticed Kyran falling as she was trying to keep the kids back. She was trying her hardest to no hurt them as the parents seemed to be coming closer to them, and that wasn't helping her at the moment. She had pushed them back just before Yona put up a wall between her and the children, pushing them back towards their parents. Gaia had heard the screams before, and only assumed that Kyran was taking care of the woman who was behind it, like he foiled her, but then the screams changed, and Gaia was a bit concerned if it might of been a passerbyer being harmed on accident.

    The two dragons had disappeared when the snowman went away, but the barrier created by the king stayed, providing an extra place to hide behind momentarily. She had no clue where they were, but she could feel that they were still out of their cards. When a beast thing came crashing near the ice cream shop. Gaia had noticed the wolf flying, and her eyes went wide as she remembered her second encounter with Kyran, and the wolf that had come to attack her. Noya was growling rather angrily at the wolf, but seemed confused about it at the same time. Gaia's pouch began to shake violently as she noticed that the something was coming at her. Without thinking she quickly reached in and yanked out her staff. Of course her cards would give it to her last second. As soon as she yanked it out, she swung it to smack the wolf coming after her in the face, attempting to keep it off of her for a second before Yona attacked his back. Gaia clearly looked a bit terrified that she was being targeted, but she wasn't going to back down. That was, till Yona said that this was Kyran and that she'd get him back. "What?!" She screamed at her before she took a couple steps back. She quickly shakes her head as she points her staff at Kyran while she goes off in the direction she thought she heard the woman coming from. "We're having a talk after this, Kyran!" She growls before she hurries off to find the other mage.

    It didn't take her long to find an injured mage and blinked to her. "What in the world...?" She muttered to herself before the mage spotted her and growls. She blasted out a couple miniature snowmen in front Gaia, who slumped her shoulders for a second before a fiery sword came down upon the two. "I don't think my master's too glad to have to deal with those." Said a dull red dragon to the woman in a deep voice. Behind her was the blood red dragon holding a staff that glowed rather brightly. "I hope you don't cause our master too much trouble..." King Ryaqold chuckles. Gaia quickly walked around the two, and grabs her arms as she held them behind her. "I think you're now under arrest." She mutters as Knight Tadronteg kept his sword near, letting the heat radiate off of the mage to keep the ice magic down, but it was also effecting Noya too. Gaia had grabbed the woman's arms rather tightly and was waiting with the two dragons for the Rune Knights to come and pick her up, which didn't take too terribly long. Gaia huffs as she let the rune knights take care of the lady as she stands there with her arms crossed over her chest. "Yona said that wolf thing was Kyran..." "Yup. He seemed like he was a good mate for you too." The knight says as Gaia quickly looks at him with a deep blush on her face. "He seems strong. You'll do fine together." Ryaqold says as he nods. "My wife would agree. We must go now, our job is done now." "Why haven't you guys allowed me to use you yet?!" She cries out in anger as she puts her hands on her hip before Tadronteg patted her head gently, extinguishing his sword before the two of them shimmered away and back into her pouch.

    Gaia growls as she wasn't answered. Noya seemed to be doing better now too, and looked to Gaia for a moment. Part of her wanted to go back to the ice cream shop, but she figured her cards wren't going to respond again so soon if something was still amiss there. She takes a deep breath and grips her staff, glad to have it back with her. Last time she'll leave it at home now, even if it's just for a quick walk. She made her way back to the ice cream shop, wondering if Yona managed to subdue Kyran or not.

    Words: 825
    Total: 2677



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    Lineage : Inner Presence
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    Age : 29
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Ice Cream Date Disaster! Empty Re: Ice Cream Date Disaster!

    Post by Kyran 8th August 2018, 3:03 pm

    Ahriman howled in frustration when the green haired one tried to stop him from rending the potential mate. Why couldn't she wait her turn? He only wanted to eat, to swallow mouthfuls of delicious blood. Saliva dripped from his mouth, sizzling upon the pavement. Alright this one could go first. It didn't look like she would be much of a challenge anyway. The wolf slowly stood upon his hind legs. Even with this hunched form, Ahriman stood at nearly three meters. The ground shook from his weight as he turned to face his opponent. The green haired one was in for a surprise.

    "Puny mage. Last time me no eat you. This time, me eat you. Host no save." Ahriman said. His words were slightly slurred from having to talk around over-sized teeth. The wolf slammed his fists into the ground. His muscles rippled from the impact before the ground cracked. Blood red vines shot from the cracks. Thorns decorated their lengths. Each one reached for Yona, attempting to squeeze her in their embrace. When Ahriman lifted his hands, the vines disintegrated in puffs of black dust. Blood dripped from the wolf's hands. He bared his teeth in a doggy grin. Fun. This was fun. No host to ruin his fun this time. Ahriman charged, trying to take Yona's head with a few swipes of his paws. He hoped the edges of his razor sharp claws would make quick work of the green haired one. That way he could track down the mate. Potential mate. Whatever she was.

    Ahriman lunged, trying to sink his teeth into Yona's flesh. Succulent flesh. Taste good. He could feel his control slipping the longer he went without eating. Food made Ahriman think, made his violent behavior smarter. Now he could feel the green mages poison coursing through his veins. It sent the demon's instincts into overdrive. Eat, survive, destroy. Not necessarily in that order. Ahriman scented something on the wind. Despite his need to eat the green hair, the wolf turned his nose toward the scent. More enemies. Rune Knights. The wolf demon licked his lips. They'd provide an easier meal than the green hair. He bounded away from the ice cream shop. Gotta find food.

    Kyran came awake as the demon bounded through the streets. What had happened? It took a little while for his foggy mind to remember. Ahriman had sucker punched him. He'd transformed and blacked out. Shit. What had Ahriman done while Kyran wasn't there to keep him in check? There was a dying flicker of hope that Gaia hadn't seen him like that. Not that there was much chance of that. The nearest target other than the enemy mage would have been Gaia and Yona. So much for having a normal date. So much for having a good friendship or relationship. Kyran grabbed Ahriman by the ears, yanking him from the 'driver's seat'. The demon yelped but Kyran kept a brutal hold upon the wolf's ears. This was not going to be a debate.

    Once Kyran was back in control, he took a look around. Ahriman had them in an alley. That was good. His black furred body would keep them concealed for now. Kyran knew that his body would return to normal in a short while. However, he wasn't sure he could face the carnage he had almost caused again. The last time... Images of screaming and walls painted with blood flashed through Kyran's mind. No. He couldn't face Yona and Gaia yet. The mage clawed his way up to the rooftop. After a brief look back in the direction of the ice cream shop, Kyran bounded across the rooftops toward the edge of town.

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    Total: 3,757


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:35 pm