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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika


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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Lilium 22nd February 2018, 4:02 pm

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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika QOmg1XE


    Posts : 816
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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Lilium 22nd February 2018, 5:09 pm

    The winter weather was in full swing within Rose Garden. The fashion capital of Fiore was embracing the cold weather though. It was rather funny. Most people despised the cold weather but everyone that lived within this city seemed to love it. It let them enjoy their winter outfits and all their seasonal drinks in their multi-million dollar franchises. But, one needs to focus on the positives for a little while. While the inns and hotels were rather flooded at the moment, one that remained empty for the time being was the Silver Moon Inn, the home of the Black Rose guild. Or at least it was until recently. At the moment, it was merely a construction site. A recent event had caused the entire guild hall to crumble. It was rather tragic. Most of it was the fault of the former guild master of Golden Phoenix, Astrid Foss. Ah, that was a name that was getting increasingly more irritating to roll off the tongue. At first, Lilium had viewed her as a smart, young woman who she could potentially be friends with. However, recently, she had viewed some qualities that mainly had the holy mage view her as a nuisance. While there was tensions between the silver haired maiden and Black Rose in the past, while she may have been enraged that her home of Peace Village was destroyed along with her caretaker, she risked lives of innocent in order to fight the one, singular, person she had issues with. She may have been the guild master but that doesn't mean destroy the lives of people Izayuki didn't even know. Perhaps Lilium was getting to heated early in the morning but at this point, she had too much to deal with at the moment. Maybe Astrid was a nice person, but as of this point in time, the former noblewoman couldn't stand her. She has given much more negatives than positives for the holy mage.

    Huffing as she set down a pile of planks, she'd summon a casual outfit. They were getting a lot closer to repairing the Inn to it's former glory. The new Ace of Black Rose was rather proud of the progress her guild was getting done in the past couple of weeks. She was on lunch duty today and it was almost noon so it probably would be better to go get some groceries right now. The ace position surprised the noblewoman quite a bit actually. She hadn't even done anything major when Astrid demolished the guild hall. She was merely acting on instinct, trying to defend her guild master and attack the enemy. If she didn't deserve to be in her family, did she really deserve the Ace position. But, she didn't really try to fight Izayuki on it. She let it be. Summoning a jacket onto her body, she'd walk out to the market, blankly looking at the sky as the snow fell on the cold day. It had been a week since she came out of the Vault of Athena. It had changed drastically from the last time that she had seen it. Her magic had evolved and so had her inherent power. It felt odd. Everything was changing and she hated it quite a bit. Her eyes flickering gold for a moment, a male voice would echo in her head. "Princess, whenever you are ready to talk, I'll be here to listen." Narrowing her eyes, she really hated the nickname of Princess. It pissed her off a lot more than it needed to. The heroic spirit had been trying to calm her down for a week now but she had been ignoring him. She didn't need another person to deal with at the moment. She'd rather be alone. It was much easier.

    Looking at the lettuce, she had already decided on a good meal to make for the guild. They had been working rather diligently so something hearty would be in order. Humming quietly to herself, she didn't really focus on her surroundings but why would she need to? She was in town in the middle of day, in a rather bright area. However, people don't always work in the most logical ways. With a rustle nearby, the holy mage didn't have enough time to turn to see the shadow completely envelop her. Shielding her face to brace for an impact that never came, she would slowly remove her hands and see a warehouse. She'd feel restraints on her hands and feet as she looked to see some people who were using magic to block out their faces. She didn't hear individual voices but made out the jist of the conversation. They were holding her for ransom. The ransom being from her parents. The ones that gave up on her? The ones who basically left her to die after they screwed her up for most of her life? Were they really gonna spend their blood money to save her? Bullshit.

    Solais would appear in the woman's hand as she cut her restraints with expert precision and spread her angel wings from her back. The kidnappers would hop back in surprise as she glared at them, her eyes glowing a radiant gold. Honestly, she wasn't far from murdering them all. She was a lot less tolerant to this kind of non sense really. A lot of her life was never the same as before. How she lived as Hikari was a thing of the past and from now on, she had to live as Lilium but it was something she couldn't get used to. Her old social skills coming back, assailants threatening her life, and just the status of being a former heiress made everything ten times as harder than they needed to be. These kidnappers holding her for ransom really were the icing on the cake. They didn't deserve to continue breathing at this point in time and no matter what, Lilium was willing to make a deal with anyone so that all the local public didn't know she was a former heiress, stress the word former. What she wouldn't give for those days back.

    Words: 1,024/10,000

    Last edited by Lilium on 23rd June 2018, 9:37 pm; edited 2 times in total


    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika QOmg1XE

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 23rd February 2018, 2:34 pm

    Erika deep down was a simple soul, she only desired the total domination of the fashion industry, was that so much to ask for? Well deep down she really wanted the best pancake place known to man, but she'd settle for billions of dollars. Thus why she was here at the rose garden, in order to try and negotiate a merger with other companies, but they methods of business annoyed her. They didn't have a single child laborer in their entire work force, and they called themselves efficient, children are the primary resource, so why not put said resource's to work?

    The morning flew by as meeting after meeting bombarded her, and the words spouted blurred into are noise. Erika had already tien them terms and she wouldn't budge, so as they tried to tell her what she should accept over and over, Erika''s mind flowed onto what Astrid must have been doing right now. She was probably off training or something, growing more powerful or trying to find herself. Briefly Erika got annoyed at the thought that she might be training with annoyed white dragon or something, but no that would never happen, she was the only white dragon she knew of, still if there was another one. Cracking a pen in half the man across the table from her leaned back with some shock.

    "Uh, miss nightshade are you okay? Are the terms that disatisfying?"

    "Huh? Oh, uh no. The terms are acceptable, well my terms that is. I don't care about what you are spouting from yout facehole. Sign the form I provided or not, I'll have your company either way. "

    "What makes you think you will take over my company so easily? The options I put on the table are quite fair Miss Nightshade, and you had best accept. "

    Erika smirkex, "cute, I'm afraid I always... " Erika mind flashed to a scene of Astrid lying naked on a bed, "I almost always get what I want. Do you want to know why my favorite methods of taking over a competitor is hostile takeover? Because it has the word hostile in it. Good day mister butters, the next time we meet I'll have whipped your company. " walking out of time he room Erika dramatically flipped her golden hair and in time the process flipped him off as well.

    Sighing as she left the building one of her aids informed Erika that the new storage location should be ready soon. She had recently purchased some of the warehouses that weren't in use since the rose garden had been attacked, and it seemed like the perfect place to store some of her clothing and potential weapons. It didn't take long to reach them, mostly because Erika simple warped over, and also because it was close by, Erika was just that lazy when it came to walking.

    Walking up to one of the warehouse's she had purhased, Erika noticed the door was open, how odd. Was sheomeone trying to squat on her property? She wouldn't tolerate this. Cutting down the loading door with her threads, Erika saw the dramatic scene before her, ropes on the ground by a girl along with ball gags, people with shadowed faces, oh great.

    "if you are going to try and have some weird sex party, please have it somewhere else, this warehouse is now the property of the Nightshade corporation and I will have to kindly ask you to leave. "



    Posts : 816
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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Lilium 25th February 2018, 8:45 am

    Turning her heads towards the woman who had entered the picture, Lilium wouldn't really be afraid to talk at the moment because there were more pressing issues at hand. Her anxiety couldn't really bug her in this situation, especially not after she had heard what the golden haired woman had just said. What did she mean by sex party? Didn't they only want her for the ransom? Looking around on the ground, Lilium's eyes caught a foreign object and after observing it for a moment, she let out a rather massive sigh. So, it was one thing to be held for ransom to her parents who really didn't give a damn whether she died or not. It was another thing to be held for ransom with the intention of being assaulted. These kidnappers had a way of getting on her nerves, but she was getting more and more annoyed as she thought about what could have happened if she had not escaped soon. Spreading her white angel wings, she'd break the ropes that were confining her. Using her wings like that actually really hurt, as she winced as they spread to full wingspan. The kidnappers looked horrified at two things, one being the new person and the other the look of death on Lilium's face. If looks could kill, they'd be dead twice over at this point.

    The kidnappers reassured themselves by telling each other that she was a former Rising Star and she wouldn't kill them in addition to her being a legal mage. They really had made one fatal flaw. She has seen legal mages do terrible things that aren't really comparable to the murder of low lives, such as them. Such as a Wizard Saint killing someone on live broadcast to all of Fiore. Murdering your kidnappers in a recently purchased warehouse could be something looked over. After all, Lilium didn't even want the chance to see these men alive after this. Unsheathing her sword, the noblewoman would fly at her fastest speed and pierce through one of the kidnapper's torso with her sword. Using one of Solais' abilities by unsheathing an ethereal version of the sword and tossing it at another kidnapper, the sword would materialize into it's physical form as Lilium teleported with it. Grabbing the hilt, the woman would slice upward through the man's chest. Did she really need to kill them with dignity when they already lost it the minute they kidnapped her? Making a crescent slash, she'd fly away to her original spot, stomping and shattering one of the ball gags. As she did, the kidnappers that she slashes would collapse into a heap. Wiping the blood off of her sword, she wasn't really fazed by the fact that she had pretty brutally murdered those people. Her family has done a lot worse in the past so this honestly felt like nothing to her. Resheathing her sword, she would look towards the entrance of the warehouse again.

    Ah, there was another thing to deal with. She had almost completely forgot about the woman who had arrived and informed her as to what this scene looked like. Lilium was planning on putting the bodies into Arcadia but they didn't really deserve that either. She honestly felt like letting them rot whether they will be. Making eye contact with her, she'd speak after hesitating for a moment. "My apologies, I wasn't really here by choice. I can clean those filthy corpses if you'd like but I'd rather not be near them any longer." She'd look at the corpses again and without really missing a beat would say, "Some people really don't deserve to be on this planet and I don't think we should hesitate in chopping them down." She was being rather pessimistic right now and if she focused hard enough within Arcadia, she could probably hear Arthur booing her and calling her edgy again. Hey, when you can vent, you take the opportunity to vent whenever you can. Looking at the affiliate of the Nightshade Corporation, which in all honesty sounds very familiar, perhaps it was popular in Rose Garden and that's why it sounded familiar. Either way, Lilium would look at her again and say, "My apologies, I shouldn't be getting so twisted without introducing myself. My name is Lilium. Lilium Santiais if the name holds any weight at this point." Since apparently everyone knew she was a noble, there was no point in hiding it. It felt rather refreshing to simply state who she once was without having to hide it.

    Words: 1,784/10,000

    Last edited by Lilium on 23rd June 2018, 9:37 pm; edited 2 times in total


    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika QOmg1XE

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 6th March 2018, 9:52 pm

    Erika was shocked, she was astonished, she was slightly unimpressed. it was great to see another valued human life in the same way she did, but it was also sad that the girl didn't torment these men before killing them. Did the youth of this day and age have no style? Ignore the fact that Erika is around twenty and is the youth of the age, she just wanted to sound wiser in her head.

    "Most people don't deserve to live on the planet, or any other planet for that matter. You should have tormented them a little bit though, made them understand where they had gone wrong and who they were being killed by, give them a glorious show to your own perfection before their demise, but alas you did not."

    Disappointed in this girl, Erika tried not to show it, but she failed. If she had only killed them with more style than she had shown off, then Erika would be satisfied with these men's deaths, but as it stood she was frankly prepared to let this girl meet a similar fate, til Erika saw looked at Lilium closer. She was a disgruntled mage who had killed people, she didn't taunt them but perhaps with the proper guidance, she could be shown the correct way to carry out such levels of murder. Erika might be able to generously show this girl the true path, the true wae, and inflate her own ego at the same time.

    "Honey I don't care who you are, but for the record, I don't recognize the name because I probably have more money than them anyway, or they just don't matter to me. What does matter to me is that I saw malice within your heart towards them, but you didn't recognize it fully today, sure you murdered them, but as I just said you didn't really murder them. So what do you say, I treat you to lunch and then, for fun, we track down the rest of them if there are more, and I show you how to properly kill someone."

    Erika meant every word of it, and she spoke with a clarity and perfection that could only befit one such as her, aka only her. Others would probably just view her as insane, but at least they would remember her, unlike the woman before her who no one would remember unless she learned to kill with style. The reason why Erika had never contemplated joining a dark guild was that all of them lacked showmanship in their kills, marks, pride, it was all just about the death and not about the egotistical side of the death. Legal mages always killed for a principle which meant they were easier to get along with in the end if one must be surrounded by murderers they should at least surround themselves with the ones who kill with some style. Regardless, hopefully, the young girl would see the value in Erika's offer since it wasn't every day Erika was prepared to teach someone how to perfectly murder another individual.

    [Post WC: 515]
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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Lilium 11th March 2018, 7:55 am

    Lilium's eyes would have widened as the blonde woman in front of her stated that she should potentially have tormented her victims more. Pondering for a moment, it's not like they'd remember being tortured before they died and the only person who would have seen it would be the one berating her for not prolonging her death, so there probably would have been no harm in letting them suffer. But still, the point remained that when Lilium saw how disgusting they were acting, she didn't really want to see them alive at all after that point. She just wanted them to die. Perhaps they didn't deserve the swift justice that she delivered and instead deserved the prolonged suffering like this woman said. What does the Nightshade company do in that they warrant such people such as the woman in front of her, criticizing people on how to truly kill someone who deserved it. Actually, repeating the name in her head, warranted some familiar memories. Thinking back her jobs as Hikari when she was modelling, she noticed that an upcoming brand within the fashion community was the Nightshade Corporation. Maybe it was the same one."Backtracking because I just remembered, you said you worked for the Nightshade Corporation, correct? What do you do for it? It's pretty amusing to see how well versed you are in the field and application of murder when you work for a very prestigious clothing brand."

    Lilium ended up even more confused than before when the blonde woman spoke about how she murdered her assailants but she didn't murder them? It sounds fairly confusing and Lilium was starting to question she was thinking of the same clothing company. Perhaps there was a second Nightshade Corporation that specialized in covert missions. It was a pretty cool name for something like that after all. She was still confused, and somewhat intrigued by the offer of being taught how to kill properly. She didn't fight other opponents that were humans but it could come useful to know how to take one down when necessary. Also, free lunch would seal the deal in all honesty. Smiling at the woman, Lilium would speak, "Considering how strong the magic coming off of you is and how confident you are in yourself, I'd be delighted to learn how to properly kill someone, if you'd show me the wae." Smirking, Lilium would look at the shorter girl and contemplate. It's nice to have people around that don't care where you came from. (Although, with the vibe she got from the Nightshade representative, she didn't think that she really cared about her at all.) It was terribly refreshing but she didn't want to confide that in someone she didn't really know. Stepping closer to the door of the warehouse, she'd ask quizzically at the blonde woman and say, "I'm guessing you know all the hot spots on where to eat in the Rose Garden, so where do you want to go?" Lunch was the main motivation and learning something from (i'm running out of pronouns to use) would be pretty fun in all honesty. "Oh, and pray tell your name? I'm very curious as to who you are now."

    Post: 534
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    Last edited by Lilium on 23rd June 2018, 9:37 pm; edited 2 times in total


    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika QOmg1XE

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 12th March 2018, 1:51 am

    "What do I do for the Nightshade corporation?"

    Her face turned noticeably amused as Erika as she spun to look towards the skyline for a brief moment. Raising her arms to her side Erika took a deep breath.

    "I AM the Nightshade Corporation!"

    She proclaimed with self-satisfaction and arrogance one would rarely hear without a hint of sarcasm attached to her. When it came to the company Erika had worked very hard on it, to the point where she had quite a few enemies within the world that wished to make her life a living hell in one form or another, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Lowering her arms and looking towards the noble girl Erika regained a smile quickly, though it was far more boastful than sadistic this time.

    "I am everything with it, I founded it, I shape it, I design it, and I use it. I create the best fashion products in the world and seek to gain a higher market share than any other company out there, well the company already has that I just want more. If you are wondering how I know how to kill it is unrelated to the company, though I won't say other corporations haven't tried to kill me in my sleep in order to stop my rapid rise to success, the assassin who tried and poison the food for a corporation meet and greet, such a shame I invited his family to the event."

    Looking towards the bodies Erika would wave her hand and push them towards the corner of the warehouse so they wouldn't be easily noticed from the street in case anyone innocent was watching somehow, Erika already figured if there were backup kidnappers they had already seen the death and fled.

    "If you are curious as to why I am telling you this, it's simple. I know what you just did, on my property never the less, so if you tried and tattle on me I'd just simply accuse you of the crime now in the corner. That's the first lesson, the only safety you have in this world is if someone else feels the need for self-preservation, that weakness will make anyone bow to your will. There are more to come, follow me."

    Now the sadistic expression returned in an instant as the words left her lips. Everything about Erika seemed to switch in an instant from relaxed and arrogant to sadistic and cruel, a masterful actress performing her perfected role in front of her lone audience member. Erika wasn't doing this to intimidate the girl nor threaten her, but if it came across that way all the better for it would be that much better of a lesson. If she was going to be chased by such people Lilium would have to learn that the way she presented herself could save herself or defeat someone before they even fought. This would seem like a random act of kindness at first, or cruelty depending on what side of the fence you were on, but Erika didn't just randomly select this girl to talk to in this way, if she had been someone who didn't have aggression in her or a past which seemed shrouded in sorrow she would be worthless, but right now she saw almost the same thing she did in Astrid, except this time it was tempered anger, honed into an edge, now it only needed an anvil and hammer to perfect it as a weapon. Hopefully, Lilium would follow her, and as they walked towards a restaurant she would listen.

    "I know a good amount, there are some fancy ones around here, they cost a lot but money isn't that much of an issue, as for my name you already know my last, Nightshade. My first is Erika, it is a pleasure Lilium of the Santiais, juding by your skills I would have to say you have inherited something from them at least."

    Post WC: 663
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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Lilium 12th March 2018, 2:55 pm

    Lilium walked back over to the blonde woman as she answered Lilium's question with question that didn't even provide the answer. But, she thought this too soon as the spectator of the murder seemed to indulge in creating suspense with her reply. She was really good at being extra. It was making it very fun to talk to her in all honesty. Oh. She owned the entire Nightshade Corporation. That was something to take in. A multi-billion jewel fashion company started with the person in front of her. That was incredibly amazing of her that she was still at the forefront of her company's goals and missions instead of her selling off the company and living however she wants for the rest of her life. Although, she probably did live however she liked now. It was interesting to the holy mage the CEO of the Nightshade Corporation was also a practiced assassin. There was a lot of layers to this woman and Lilium found it very entertaining. She also had apparently been the target of assassination attempts, and considering that she alluded to one of the assassin's families, it was probably going to slow down the amount of assassination attempts that targeted her for a while.

    Ah, the situation continually gets more interesting. The CEO could have easily just told the police that she had committed murder on her property. "You are probably the smartest beings I've ever met, people don't put me in a checkmate that fast." Smiling at the blonde woman before turning around, "I'd have no reason to tattle if I don't even know what you do. I definitely would not want to be on your bad side." Lilium had to walk a little faster to keep up with Erika but she didn't falter when she saw a sadistic expression come across her face. Looking at where they were headed, the restaurants in this neighbourhood were incredibly fancy and it was a bit much for serving food. The holy mage would swear that in the short time they have been here, she saw four different restaurants with gold embellishments on their desserts. Like, what was the point of that? Lilium winced a little when Erika said she got something from them. Chuckling to herself, "Didn't receive any sort of caring emotion that's for sure. But you gotta live with what you get." Summoning a ball of mana for a moment before letting it flicker back into the air, she'd see a restaurant and point to it, "Oh, that restaurant apparently has amazing pork dishes. Along with really good dessert." Hoping that the specialties of this restaurant weren't related to one another, she'd walk up to the hostess, "Excuse me, I'd like a table for two." The hostess would look to her, in all her young adult fury and say, "Uh, yeah. We only accept people with reservations. So, by-" Lilium place her hand on the table gently, looking into the woman's eyes. Her eyes would turn into a shimmering gold, "Oh, we'll be needing that table for two right away, if you don't mind." The other woman's eyes would shimmer for a moment before glossing over and guiding the two to a vacant table. Lilium would turn to Erika and smile before letting her enter first, if she wanted to go to this restaurant.

    Post: 557
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    Last edited by Lilium on 23rd June 2018, 9:38 pm; edited 2 times in total


    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika QOmg1XE

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 17th March 2018, 1:02 am

    "Keep the compliments coming."

    This girl was praising Erika, Lilium showed intelligence in giving Erika what she liked, praise. The perfect praise for the perfect individual, truly Lilium had potential if she already knew how to lie her ass off and smooth talk Erika, that was very well done. Hopefully, the girl would continue to learn that there must be some truth to the comments, and while certainly, Lilium wouldn't want Erika as an enemy she probably only meant that in this moment and not, later on, that was the arrogance that Erika had to tone down, ego was a wonderful tool to get what where you wanted to go, boost you with confidence, but it was also a terrible tool that could get you killed. Erika should know, her ego almost got her killed as well, but that is a story for another day.

    Lilium commented that she didn't get any caring emotions from her parents, Erika could already tell that because the attitude was much like a younger Erika, well that's not true. There wasn't as much hatred towards everything present within her, but there was enough to show that things hadn't been easy and fate was a cruel mistress to her. Fate was cruel a lot of people, however, and cruelty in that regard was unavoidable one could only use it to temper their own attitude and expectations, which it seemed Lilium was master of doing, especially if she already hated her parents for what they had done to her. Erika had been there, though she still hated half of her family and she hadn't even met them yet. Such was the debacle of her household and why she understood the struggle though if Lilium knew both of her parents then surely the hatred might be more concentrated than Erika's.

    A surprise would come to Erika as Lilium stated how a restaurant had a good selection, was that her favorite type of food? Honestly, Erika typically liked to eat meat, so pork was fine, mostly she only liked to eat stuff that had bled for her, such sacrifice made the meal worth it plants simply were plucked not slaughtered. Following the girl, Erika was surprised when the hostess told them that they would need a reservation, did this girl not know who Erika was? One rant would handle that, but surprisingly Erika didn't have to rant at all, instead, the girl was lulled into some form of trance by Lilium and made to get them a seat. Such a devious smile was given, what an interesting ability Erika could have done nearly the same, but to see another act that way without any regrets, shivering.

    Moving to be seated, hopefully, Lilium would follow the hostess as well as the table and menus were handed out. Sitting down and looking through the menu Erika noticed this place had quite the assortment of meats, steaks, pork, salads, sandwiches for lunch, very commonplace but with fancy names. Thankfully the entire place while posh was simple, Erika liked simple it meant there was less of a chance of those cooking her meal could make a stupid mistake and ruin all of it. As she finished looking over the menu Erika noticed that the place wasn't busy at all... in fact, they were the only ones in it. Did they just open? No there were people in here before... hmm had they just stumbled upon something less than reputable?

    "Fancy place." Erika would state placing the menu down on the table, "But I feel a little strange we are the only ones here."

    "All the better to serve you lovely ladies!" Appearing some seemingly nowhere a waiter stood with pad and pen. "What can I get both of you started with?"

    Placing her hand to shake the waiters Erika smiled. "First off sir I want to thank you for allowing us to be seated here! it was so gracious of this establishment!"

    Took back a bit the man smiled and shook Erika's hand. "It is my pleasure, now then, what could I get for starters."

    "Oh I will have... you know what just some water sounds fine, oh and the bread."

    "Simple but good, and you ma'am?" He stated looking towards Lilium awaiting an answer, all the while Erika just had such a lovely smile on her face that made her appear as if she was swooned by the man. To any who knew her, this would probably look disturbing.

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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Lilium 18th March 2018, 1:17 pm

    As the duo got towards their seats behind the trance state of the young woman who seemed to be swaying as she walked, Lilium would glance around the restaurant and be mildly annoyed with how it appeared to be. Was there really a need for reservations when the restaurant was completely empty. There was absolutely no one in this restaurant apart from Erika and herself and as they sat down at their table, Lilium was sufficiently irritated while they sat. She'd sip the glass of water that was set down in front of her as she quietly remarked as the waitress walked away, "I know I said I only killed those who are evil, or those who do a severe disservice to me. Would you consider taking reservations by heart even though the restaurant is empty a disservice to me?" Lilium would sip her water quietly as she contemplated making the waitress pay for what she just did to her. Pettiness wasn't an emotion that Lilium displayed often, but when it did, it usually completely consumed her thought process for a little bit. The holy mage had half a mind in order to brandish her sword out in public and 'tell' the woman to come back for a moment. But, she might not deserve it in the end, right? Slowly coming back to her senses, Lilium would place her water on the table as she heard Erika remark about how empty the restaurant was and some petty thoughts invaded her way back into her mind as Lilium's eyes gazed towards the floor, muttering some choice words as she spoke to Erika, "I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt, and say they have a lot of reservations for today. I shouldn't lose my head over this." Looking at the menu for a quick moment, a server came a little too quickly despite the entire restaurant being empty.
    It almost felt as though they were waiting on the duo to show up. It was rather odd.

    However, something that completely dwarfed how oddly fast the service came was how Erika seemed to switch personalities once again. She had done a complete one eighty on how she was behaving mere moments ago. She was acting rather fake, for lack of a better term. The personality that she was donning didn't suit how she was going into detail about how to properly kill someone. This could probably be how she might talk to someone involved with her business regarding the Nightshade Corporation but it didn't seem fitting to speak like this to wait service. While one should always be nice to wait staff, it really appeared to Lilium that she was hamming it up a fair bit. She heard a bit of hesitation in the blonde woman's voice as she simply asked for water and bread. Oh, was she not hungry. Seems as though she was only really here to talk with Lilium, so getting a full meal might be rude. Pointing to one image on her menu in particular, "Um, would I be able to get a strawberry parfait?" The parfait was rather light so it'd be something that she'd be able to talk with Erika while they were eating. But the fact that Erika was being so polite was something that was a bit unnerving. She'd give the waiter her menu as he walked off towards the kitchen. Except, he made a right turn instead of heading in. Puzzled, Lilium would look at the waiter as he stood near a shadowy part of the room for a moment. With her eyes glazing over gold for a moment, she'd focus on that part of the room before noticing that there was a figure camouflaged within the darkness. Suddenly, a lot of things added up. The emptiness of the restaurant, the overly perky waiter and now, why the waiter didn't immediately go to the kitchen. It was all set up. Except for the one woman who almost didn't let them in. She probably didn't know what was going on behind the scenes but they could still potentially lump her in with them. Looking to Erika, Lilium would say, "Uh, have you noticed how shady this waiter is being?" Nudging her head in the direction of the darkened area of the restaurant the waiter would emerge with a basket of bread and the strawberry parfait. Lilium's eyes would narrow as the waiter came back to the table with the food that the duo had requested. Placing down the strawberry parfait in front of Lilium, her eyes would narrow as she analyzed the dessert. As delicious as this looked, the identification within the ingredients of the dessert and further analysis concluded that there were traces of poison within the whipped cream. Lilium would look at Erika and slyly gestured to the waiter under the table as the man asked if there was anything else that he could get for her.

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    Last edited by Lilium on 23rd June 2018, 9:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika QOmg1XE

    Special Snowflake
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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 12th April 2018, 5:01 pm

    "Oh I certainly would take it as an offense, they could have sat us but they decided to try and play us for fools. besides you could give someone the benefit of the doubt, but when a profit is involved I've found people tend to lie far more often than if there are no stakes. Obvious, but so is much of business."

    A mini-rant as Erika looked around and got suspicious as to why no one was here, she had already been suspicious of course but if the hostess really meant they were holding out for others, surely some people would have arrived by now, instead, the place cleared out and everyone was in the back. That didn't right, everyone going to the back of the place. Well as much as Erika wanted to continue to pretend that she had no idea what was going on, by touching the waiter she, in fact, knew what was going on. These weren't the people who ran in place, at least the ones serving them weren't and no doubt the woman at the counter was probably dead. Apparently, everyone wanted to kill Lilium BUT Erika, which was a weird change. Normally everyone wanted to keep someone alive and Erika was the one kill them, but no it was reversed this time. Erika was a bit joyed at the idea that she got to experience the good guy side of a change, oh how much fun this was going to be, now she could fight in THE NAME OF JUSTICE!

    It was a strange sensation for Erika to fight on the side of justice, or at least use it as an excuse to perform such horrible actions. In this case, Erika would use it as an excuse to get away with killing these people who were trying to kill them, self-defense and all that, clearly. Man, these justifications sure were great as to why murder was okay, was this why the good guys were always so happy all the time? Hot damn she got it now, what it meant to be one of them, to always have a free conscious about killing everything in your way. Well, Erika already had a clear conscious anyway but now she could use even more excuses! Regardless eventually the man returned to the two of them and drop off their drinks, and smile. Lilium showed concern over what was within the drinks and Erika agreed. He was trying to poison them since he was an assassin. Frankly, no matter what place they went to the staff would probably have been replaced, which sucked because Erika wanted to have a nice meal and not just slaughter people. Okay, the last part was a lie, she was always up for that, but she did want a nice meal.

    "So what else can I get you, ladies."

    Erika decided to go first, and in an awkward wink towards Lilium proceeded to speak.

    "Yes, I'll have the assassination attempt with a side of killing my waiter. OH, and could you hold the crying like a little bitch please, I'm trying to watch my waistline."

    Erika said as she gradually looked up towards the waiter and gave him a great big loving smile. The waiter was a complete loss for words as he looked at the two women and blinked a couple of times.

    "Miss I'm sorry I don't understand, what are you talking about?"

    "Well, several things, I could be referring to how you replaced the kitchen staff with assassins, how you poisoned our food, or how you are ready to pull a gun out from under your sleeve and shoot at my friend across from me. I was surprised to find the gun, that was a clever way to try and kill someone."

    His eyes grew wide as he looked towards Erika and attempted to hit the release on the small handgun in his sleeve but it wouldn't move, in fact his entire outfit felt tight.

    "Do you know who I am good sir?"

    "CEO of the Nightshade corporation."

    "Very good, now tell me what do you think my magic is?"

    Looking down at his tight suit the man slowly looked up towards Erika terror in his eyes.

    "Oh looks like he did figure it out!"

    With a small flick of her wrist, the man exploded in a red mist right on the spot and Erika just kept up her smile as she saw other assassins run out from the back to attempt and kill the two. Looking at Lilium Erika would sigh a bit.

    "Such terrible service, would you teach them some manners Lilium?"

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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Lilium 16th April 2018, 2:51 pm

    The holy mage would bite her straw in anger as Erika retold the facts regarding murdering the hostess. Her pettiness was taking over again as the holy mage's eyes narrowed in mild annoyance as she was genuinely debating calling the sad excuse of a waitress back over as she summoned her sword next to her with a golden flash of light. It was one thing to be annoyed about it but everything Erika had said honestly just added to the annoyance that the holy mage felt towards the hostess who almost didn't let them in. She probably was expecting Lilium to pay more in order to get in so she denied her but the jokes on her because she had powers of extreme influence. Also know as hypnotism but it sounds much worse if you say it like that. Lilium was also annoyed with the fact that there had been a good amount of people trying to target her today and she really just wanted a good meal at this point. But, apparently it was also ruined by the countless people who were after her head, and actually, potentially Erika's. She had said that she was targeted by assassins in the past so maybe they saw both of them as a two for one deal. If you killed both, odds are you'd have enough money to live your next two lives in comfort. Unfortunately for them, Lilium was already a competent mage and Erika honestly was disgustingly strong, and she mainly deduced this from her unique magical energy alone. She was extremely grateful that she was on the side of the CEO because she knew that she would never be able to take her out in a magical duel.

    Glancing at the waiter who had reappeared at their table, Lilium would look at her parfait and sigh. What a shame. It was poisonous but it looked so delicious. The chef was very particular with placing the whipped cream in that it was all over the dessert so it was nearly impossible to eat around it. Looking at Erika now, the holy mage would catch her awkward wink and catch the laugh in her throat. It was almost painfully comical how bad that wink turned out but it was fine. Sipping her water, she'd listen to Erika respond to waiter's question and almost choked on the drink. Coughing into her napkin, she'd be suppressing her laughter into it as she looked at Erika with somewhat watering eyes. Oh my god. Erika was great. Completely calling him out instead of just beating around the bush and trying to get him to admit it. People that were brutally truthful in their actions were great. It was a shame that they came so far and few in between. She'd have to make sure she stayed in touch with the mage. When Erika mentioned the gun hidden in the waiter's sleeve, she'd notice as his suit seemed to tighten on him. The outline that the gun had was clearly evident now and Lilium's eyes narrowed in annoyance as Erika continued. He seemed to get a lot of hints from the fact that Erika was the CEO of the Nightshade Corporation but Lilium didn't seem to realize why. Upon the man completely transforming into a red mist, a lot of things became clear. First of all, she was extremely grateful she didn't try to talk down to Erika in the warehouse, and second, the owner of the most prestigious fashion company in the world had thread magic. She made all her clothes and that's why they were so high quality. The girl who sat across the table from her really was a genius. Upon the man exploding into the aforementioned red mist, two more 'waiters' emerged from the back, armed with guns as they approached Lilium and Erika. Making eye contact with Erika, she'd smirk as she listened to the thread mage speak. "Of course! I'll instill the methods I saw while being taught manners just for consistencies sake."

    Stepping out of her chair, the holy mage would unsheath her sword and throw the sheath to the side. The sheath would fade back into Arcadia in a brilliant light as she sliced a bullet that was shot at her, roughly. It wasn't a clean cut but she still managed to cut the bullet. Erika told her that she killed them too quickly last time, so perhaps she could make some changes with how she did this one. Fading in a golden shimmer, the holy mage would reappear behind the two assassin's as she sliced quickly near their heels and wrists. Cleanly cutting the two, they would fall in agony as their feet and hands rushed with blood. Not the most pleasant sight but the holy mage would have to get used to seeing this as these men were honestly able to be considered less than human at this point. Also, she may have over exaggerated with how she was taught manners but on some days in her youth, it really would have felt better just to have lost her hands and feet altogether. Stepping on one's stomach as she wiped off her sword of their blood, the holy mage would glance at Erika and say, "Should I put them out of their misery now? They don't really deserve to be put of their misery just yet, but I don't want to ever have the chance of seeing their faces in the future." Hearing a horrified scream, her head would turn towards the aforementioned hostess that she wanted to suffer immensely for her actions. The holy mage's eyes would narrow for a brief moment as she said, "I'm going to make this brief. I count to three, and if I still see you, you're gone." The holy mage stuck up her pointer finger and that was the sign for the waitress to run. Slipping out of her heels the woman would run towards the door as Lilium mouthed two. However, the door would shut before she could make it to three. Silently cursing, the holy mage would look at Erika, somewhat disappointed the woman was fast enough to make it out in time, "I can't deal with that one anymore so now I have a little more leeway for how I'm willing to kill these two. What do you think they deserve?" The holy mage would kick the man that touched her with the bloody stump where his hand had been, seeking pity. Snapping her fingers, the blood would be cleaned off of her clothes as she sighed in annoyance.

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    Last edited by Lilium on 23rd June 2018, 9:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika QOmg1XE

    Special Snowflake
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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 8th June 2018, 12:27 am

    "Descretion is the key word here, you don't want to just finish them off in a way that's not memorable, just think what I would do in this situation and adjust to meet your own personal flair. You could just stab them, but you could make them stab each other, perhaps both of end up drinking the poison they probably have back in the kitchen? The limits are only in your imagination."

    Erika would state as she was fairly amused and impressed at the display. So willing to kill, and fight, determination, Erika felt this was sufficient to start up a few lessons. Letting the one lady go was a mistake from a tactical viewpoint, it was clear she was merely going to go and inform her employers of the failure faster than if they had just left the corpses behind, but that was half of the fun, right? The thrill of being hunted, well in Erika's case the thrill of the enemy slowly realizing they weren't hunting her, but rather she was hunting them. Information gained from the waiter would prove useful in unearthing the plots, though they frustratingly didn't tell him too much besides Erika and Lilium's names, appearances, and general location. This place was also just a base of operations for them currently, the fact that the two had entered it was purely by chance, and not by intention. Such an entrance caught them off guard and well, look at them now, at the mercy of Erika and Lilium, mostly Lilium, but Erika always included herself because she's just that important.

    Calm and uncaring despite the fact that two people were most likely going to die right now, Erika tried to ponder a bit on what the man's memories said about him, and who he had met with. The voice was familiar, but it wasn't clear to the dragon. She knew it was a man, but beyond that, not much... Perhaps the gentleman who wished them dead was in it for profit, beyond just a bounty, it was clear that while Lilium was worth quite a bit, Erika wasn't worth it to capture, she was the owner of the company in the first place, while it did make sense to try and get a profit out of it, Erika had fail-safes in place to prevent such a loss from impacting the company negatively. No, what they would want from Erika would be power, the power over what she owned, which lead Erika to believe this guy might be involved with one of her competitors. If only she had managed to give one of the people in the meeting this morning a handshake, she might know who did this right now, but alas she didn't. Assuming the two were disposed of, one way or another Erika would continue the conversation.

    "This was just a base they had created to hunt you down, and now me as well. Granted I could be an original target as well, many would want to see me gone in the fashion industry. Barely a couple years and I already own a majority of the market, many suspect me of foul play, but I find it hardly foul to use a bit of magic now and again. Just because some don't learn magic, well, that doesn't mean I am playing unfairly."

    Erika smiled a bit at that thought, many were mad that she bought them out and drove them from the market. The authorities regarding jewel exchanges at first suspected Erika was playing the books but fair taxes sent, and a full showing of her wealth made them silent. They should have felt honored, as it was one of the few times Erika wasn't lying to someone outright, she provided the truth because her truth was completely beneficial to her. Now, her knowing the next lineups they had planned and beating them all to the punch in less than a few  days before the reveal time and time again, that was just her being smart, not like she had any documents on them or any spies in their midst, that such nonmagical people could have even hoped to detect. The benefits of being geared towards infiltration, finding secrets were easy, especially ones hidden away in a person's brain.

    "Well, we haven't had lunch and people have already attempted to ransom, violate, and kill you Lilium, I'm a bit jealous, I'm apparently only worth the bullet, isn't that depressing? I get all dressed up and they won't even pull out a rope around me, maybe I am just too perfect for them to understand what they are missing, such simple minds... Now I must ask, if you were a hired mercenary with no morals, what type of person would you work for? A crime boss? That makes sense, but probably not... what s\about a politician? Oh but you are estranged, so that doesn't make sense either. Oh, what about a man who needs money to outdo his competition or get out of a hole? Simply kidnap one and kill the other, but why try to kill me, besides I am around you, surely it would be better to wait to take you alone... I know about them but that doesn't mean I can really report anything once we aren't together."

    Standing up from the table Erika made sure to do a dramatic hair flip before the long-winded reveal would take place, she had to look good while she bragged about her reasoning after all.

    "Simple, I am also a target, which means one of my enemies is trying to take advantage of both of us being in the same city at the same time, and since these people were hired recently... he might be in this very town right now. We need a bit of a lead, you know this place well, were would one go to acquire not so legal dealings... besides Black Rose itself, obviously, he wouldn't try and kill a member of the guild and ask for their help, plus the assassins didn't have the guild mark."

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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika Empty Re: ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika

    Post by Lilium 2nd July 2018, 3:40 pm

    Lilium glanced at the CEO of the Nightshade Corporation as she summoned her sheath again. The metallic sheath was adorned with intricate golden designs. She had to agree with Erika's logics regarding the fashion industry as well. Magic was something that she was born with, so it's technically natural for her to do this. Just because there were people in Earthland born without magic, that didn't mean that they were at a disadvantage. Well, at first, there seemed to be a distinct gap between the mages and non mages initially, but there have been a couple prime examples of non mages becoming the most powerful people on Fiore. Obviously not in actual physical prowess but even then, there were some examples of non mages doing this. Erika was smart for using her magic to her advantage and the fact that she specialized specifically in manipulating threads, this meant that it was even easier to usurp the power from whoever was on top of the fashion industry a year ago. To be completely honest, the holy mage was surprised that the thread mage had not done this sooner. She could probably completely control the market if she tried hard enough, but to be completely honest, this seems more of a side job for the CEO. She seemed to put extremely well planned minimal effort into the company that she has built from the ground up. The holy mage looked at Erika before wondering, "It's not foul play if it's your natural ability, but like, is there anything you want to do past this? You essentially conquered the fashion world. Any dreams for the future?" The holy mage would smile at Erika before glancing at the man who was reduced to crawling around. Her smile quickly faded as she glanced at the man before turning to Erika again.

    This woman certainly had a sense of humor considering she was capable about joking on the issue of being kidnapped and being held for ransom. Granted, the humor was rather dark but that didn't make it any less funny. Lilium would glance at Erika as she spoke about being sad that no one tried to tie her up and hold her for ransom. "Sorry, if I could throw the kidnappers onto you, I would. Not in a rude way or anything. Just... you get what I mean." The holy mage would sigh as she ran a hand through her hair until her interest was caught by the thread mage speaking about what kind of person she would work for if she had no morals. That was a rather tough question because she definitely would not be the same person if she had no morals but either way, it was difficult to answer. Or she was over complicating the situation. The holy mage thought for a brief moment before answering, "Ah, to be completely honest, I'd probably just work for whoever would offer the highest pay if I had no morals. The world is money focused anyways so money would probably just become my number one priority." The holy mage would chuckle a bit after seeing Erika flourish her golden hair for a moment as she stood up. She really did know how to punctuate her presence. Oh, so Erika had also been a target in all the attacks of today as well. Then, her main opponent was probably aware of all this and was using this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Too bad that the person behind all this scheming thought they were seven steps ahead, when they were probably a couple tumbles down the stairs behind them. While playing the wrong game.

    The holy mage would think about Rose Garden as a whole for a moment before looking at Erika as she remembered, "Oh, actually, since the Silver Moon Inn is almost in the heart of the Rose Garden, it divides the city in two. We are on the newer side, so most illegal and suspicious activity would be done on that side to avoid too much exposure. If anything, he's probably over there, hiding in a building or something of the like." The holy mage would hear a groan of pleading from underneath her as she kicked away the bloody stump where the man's hand used to be. Summoning a lance, she'd step back leap into the sky with her wings keeping her there. Looking beneath her, she'd glance at the man with a somewhat sadistic smile coating her face as she spoke, "Am I right or am I right?" The colour in the man's face quickly drained away as Lilium threw the lance at his face, the golden weapon became coated in a silver light as it flew towards him. However, it stopped mere centimetres in front of his face. The holy mage would fly back down and look at him as his eyes trained on the lance that almost ended his life. He was panting somewhat hysterically as Lilium chuckled saying, "Would you like to tell me where that building is?" The assassin nodded furiously as he stated the general area of the hideout that they had set up the area that whoever Erika was suspicious about. Apparently, they had set up some sort of portal in the kitchen that allowed them to teleport to the base of operations, but with the woman, who escaped they could have had time to disable it, or at least trap it. Lilium looked somewhat annoyed as she snapped her fingers. The lance would fall to the ground in front of the assassin as he sighed in relief.

    "If we make it to the kitchen fast enough, we could probably use the portal that they made. But it might be risky in all honesty with how much time they have been aware of us not dying to our meals." The holy mage looked over to the lance and whistled, causing it to become enveloped in a golden light before exploding into pure magic, almost eradicating the assassin's body. With that, he experienced relief and then immediate panic before he died. That surely was better than her last killing of those who tried to attack her. The holy mage would look at Erika for affirmation before glancing over towards the kitchen, "Let's look through the kitchen first. Unless you'd like to just go to the building the old fashioned way. You can lead the way."

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    ⚜ from now on ⚜ erika QOmg1XE

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