Fairy Tail RP

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    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thread Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 27th July 2015, 3:25 pm

    Erika  1ddCiR9

    Erika D. Skittles/Nightshade




    Attack Helicopter

    Special Characteristics
    Mostly listed in her Lineage proper (see magic)


    Erika will probably make the most annoying and maniacal person you ever knew look like a saint. She isn’t the best at keeping her mouth shut and in fact will frequently edge a provocation on just for the fun of it. She finds great joy on occasion ruining the atmosphere by saying the perfectly wrong thing at the perfectly wrong time. Erika typically acts as the creator of destruction through words, and the teller of your momma jokes on occasion. To many this brings them beyond the point of rage, while those with good taste will find it humorous at just how well she can get one to shut themselves off to her, or attempt to fight back. The worst part of all this is that most of the time she isn’t serious and is just weaving her words to try and manipulate those around her into performing a certain set of actions, most of the time being violent actions. Only one who is well adapted to social situations and manipulation through words could probably tell what she is doing, or counter her efforts for that matter. Entire scientific studies could be done with the only conclusion being ‘she’s just a bitch’.

    Despite how cruel her tone typically is Erika can be far worse in her actions. Selfish to a fault she strives for perfection, and will accomplish it by any means necessary. Remorse is a word that is missing from her vocabulary and regret is only over who she didn’t eliminate when she had the chance. To think that she has a redeeming quality to her attitude is to fruitlessly hope in vain that Erika cares for others in a traditional way. Erika doesn’t assist others for the sake of helping them, she does it when her needs meet up with theirs. When others talk about friendship and teamwork all Erika hears is an excuse to take advantage of them. When one expresses love to her she shows it back in with the most wonderful smile and most sinful desires in her heart as adoration to her is a blank check to write down whatever value upon your use. To summarize dealing with Erika is like making a deal with the devil himself, you will get what you wanted out of the deal, but at the end Erika always gets what she wanted, even if it takes a while, she will achieve it.

    Determined to a fault, Erika doesn’t back down from the war, though she is happy to lose a battle or two if it means a gain overall. While her overall mocking attitude appears as arrogance, it is more self-confidence, well the highest level of self-confidence that one could have without going into the stupidity area of pure arrogance. Erika will never underestimate another, that is why she makes sure to try and lure them away from their senses to take advantage or convert them to her side. If you hadn’t guessed already Erika isn’t a user of violence first but rather her words, well unless she is just bored with the situation and knows it lacks importance, then you are probably dead. Eventually those who meet with her tend to lose a part of themselves in the process as she seems to pick them a part to gain what she desires, even it means making them lose self-confidence like the children she baby sat one time.

    Rarely one to make a mistake emotionally, Erika is only truly open to those who she finds worthy of it. Being worthy is mostly up to her whim, but the only time anyone would find the soft squishy center that her vulnerability. In fact, most of the time the only real emotion that Erika feels within in contempt for her own nature and desires which can’t overcome, and her bouts of joy are more for show than anything. To see Erika, feel anything beyond mild amusement is a rare sight indeed, and to get a true confession out of her would take a miracle at this point in her life. The only emotion that she could possibly feel in great degree right now would be anger but that is only if all of her plans were somehow shut down at this very moment… and heaven help the one who has done it.

    When ordered around Erika tends to humor the one giving her directions and goes along with it… just solves the problem in her own way. One can always count on Erika to get the job done, though probably not with good public relations in the process. Indeed, she’s a bit of a smarty pants (if you couldn’t tell already), and will frequently act a little silly or off kilter. If she ever is the one giving orders you can accept the most convoluted plan that makes almost no sense initially, but in some strange way ends up becoming one of the most perfect plans for the job in the end. Some might say she has foresight, others might say she is lucky, Erika will simply state that she is a genius, and knows the ins and outs of all things… which is once again a massive lie, and she probably will just get lucky in the end, as the victims of said plan weren’t prepared for the dumbest of ideas to smack them in the face.


    • Breakfast: Best meal of the day and she has a secret love of pancakes. If someone wishes to make her carry out petty vengeance the destruction of Bisquick will get her mad right quick.

    • Fashion: Her magic aside Erika enjoys dressing both herself and others up. Ignore the fact that many times a gift of clothing is more to spy on and/or perform doctor’s checkups with both sides of some razor wire.

    • Puppies: People say that Erika likes to kick puppies, these people like most are incredibly wrong. Erika likes puppies they are loyal to only you and you can train them from birth to murder others for you. They are also fluffy and fun to pet.

    • Borrowing: Erika views that borrowing items is very important to civilization as a whole and freely “borrows” whenever she desires to have an item. Well, technically she isn’t borrowing the item herself as everything on the planet is naturally hers, she just lets others borrow it out of pity for them.

    • Stupid Questions: While it seems odd Erika loves to hear others say stupid questions, for then she has free reign to put another down immediately.


    • Money: The desire for money is only the goal of those who are uncreative or desire a tiny amount of power. Erika is also highly offended that they say money is the root of all evil, as that means it rivals her, and nothing can rival her perfection.

    • Brooding Soul Pained Teenagers: Most of the people out there who claim their live is terrible are in fact just foolish, and many who claim to be evil or horrible people are just pretenders. You can talk about your tragic history all you want, but Erika will just laugh it off and look down on you more.

    • Lawful Stupid: “I will save everyone with the power of friendship”, her favorite quote before she fires the super laser at their planet and shoots the princess in the head.

    • God Complexes: Many try to claim that they are the best, many try to show they are the best, but Erika is the best simply as a matter of fact. To try and claim she is on their level of having a god complex is to compare her to those unworthy to be looked upon by even the ants.

    • Interruptions: Don’t interrupt: her speaking, her naked time, her inner monologue, her breakfast, and her puppy petting time.


    • Freedom through Passion: Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through Passion she gains strength, through strength she gains power, through power she gains victory, she will set herself free.

    • Domination: Over both the land and her flaws, one day Erika will be able to find what exactly she is missing and what will allow her to become the only source of power that matters.

    • Rocks: One day Erika will figure out how to destroy an entire planet with the throw of a rock, on that day she will ascend into the pantheon with the rock gods to destroy all life in the galaxy.


    • Powerless: Secretly she fears being powerless, and no not in the magic sense. Being powerless to live her life the way she wants to, is something she fears, since when one has lost their freedom, what else do they truly have left, since they aren’t living the way they wish to anymore?

    • Letting People In: Despite her outward bravado and her upbeat attitude, Erika tries to keep people at a distance. She doesn’t want them to know any kind of vulnerabilities she might have in her personality, and fears the day that someone uses any of them to take advantage of her, just like she has taken advantage of so many people before.

    • Having Nothing Left to ‘Borrow’: Despite Erika desiring everything, she knows deep down it is her greatest fear to have everything, for if she has everything there will be nothing left to take. This would defeat her entire purpose in life, and thus she must play a careful game of take and take with the world. Without the chaos that is her borrowing, she might as well not exist, at least in her mind.

    General Appearance

    True Appearance

    Erika  DmWzaud

    5’ 3”


    Blue, Waist length


    Skin Tone

    Erika’s appearance is straight forward to observers. She has soft blue eyes which seem to reflect the sky in a shining light, boy if that doesn’t sound like a sue description, and her hair is blue in color. Her hair is very curly naturally, and tends to feel sort of straight which ends up annoying her when she tries to perform certain styles, but she is too stubborn to just shape shift it half the time. In terms of length her hair reaches to her waist in length which makes trying new hair styles easy due to the hairs length. In terms of her body the first thing people will point out is that she isn’t that well-endowed. Erika doesn’t like to show it off however as others are just as... sorry such lies can’t be stated with a straight face, of course Erika likes to show how much better she looks than everyone else, this is because Erika not a nun. From simply being the star of the party to manipulating others to do her bidding, she views her body as just as much of a tool as her mind and plans. Typically, she won’t ever put out to show how badly you fell for her little scheme, or because she doesn’t wish to have anyone but her number one henchman even come close to touching her perfection. She isn’t the tallest of people at just 5’ 3”, but she isn’t the shortest, one could say she is the “perfect” height for what she desires to accomplish. Her weight is no one’s business. All you need to know is that her weight is perfect for her bodies structure and needs, and has never gone a pound above or below, especially from any extra pancake consumption. Her skin tones the only thing fair about her. Her facial features are soft which belies her real intentions deep down. She doesn’t have any blemishes but that is mostly due to her cheating the biological system than her just being born “perfect”. In terms of attire she typically likes to make her casual clothes more like a battle attire, even if her definition of battle attire is a combat skirt, so long as it is fashionable and allows her to win easily she will wear it, bonus points if it makes her look extra fabulous while doing so.

    Real Appearance:

    Erika’s Appearance

    Erika  Oz3sEL9

    5’ 2”


    Brown/Pink, Long


    Skin Tone

    This appearance is for Erika is that of her teacher, and the one she uses most often. Her teacher is one of the few people she respected, and at the same time, wished would never breathe again. After Erika killed her to prevent others learning thread magic as well, or at least from anyone other than Erika herself, she adopted this appearance as her common one out of a twisted sense of ‘respect”. In this form, Erika’s appearance is quite normal, for an eccentric. Thankfully Erika is eccentric, in fact you could almost called her Erikantric… that sounded better in my head. Regardless Erika’s appearance is quite unusual, mostly due to her hair and eye color, which is naturally two colors. Some have expressed that it is impossible for it to be natural, to which Erika replies that’s she’s too awesome for the impossible. Simply put you won’t get a straight answer as to how her hair is this color or if it is natural, instead you will only get excuses of how she thinks it’s awesome. Best not to waste your time. Instead the better option is to examine her other features, such as how short she is. She doesn’t comment on that part, but it is a notable feature none the less, especially if she doesn’t admit it. Other than that, her fair color skin, and other noticeable features aren’t too special even if she says they were all made to be perfect, they weren’t and she’s just lying again.

    Typically, Erika dresses in a very contemporary style that she views as being the very innovative in fashion statements, because naturally she is the center of the fashion universe. Her appearance in terms of clothing will vary depending on her mood for the day or hell even the moment, as she can be very fickle in this aspect. One moment she might be wearing a nice dress, and then suddenly switch to a more goth or punk outfit, merely because she got bored with her old duds and wished for something new. This makes her a nightmare in clothing shops, especially if she starts to alter the merchandise for her own needs and then never bothers to return it to normal if she gets bored with it. Normally I’d mention her favorite colors, however her taste is so erratic that she doesn’t seem to have a favorite color, instead she is like a mood ring, ever shifting depending on her attitude at the time.

    Erika appearance:

    Sharp Appearance

    Erika  8chseGu

    5’ 5”/6’ 0”



    Pink, Neck/Waist length


    Skin Tone

    Sharp’s appearance can be segmented into different categories. Her body, her clothing choice, and the more celestial features. Naturally starting with the body, many of her measurements are off limits to the normal viewer, but she isn’t painfully lacking (well in her older form anyway), nor is she filled with an abundance of any feature over another. Her skin tone is lighter than normal, but she isn’t so light that she could hide within a snowbank, but she isn’t going to win any kind of tanning contest based off her natural looks. Sharp’s facial features tend to be, as you would guess, a little sharper in terms of the construction, though her nose and eyes are soft. In effect she looks normal, not too much of an effortless beauty or anything, but she looks far from hideous, then again one’s perspective of normal might differ from her appearance, but to Sharp she looks average facially. Her weight isn’t something to be concerned about, she though she doesn’t really have much fat instead she has more muscle, mostly due to her more recent life style of close quarters combat all the time, which pretty much burned off all the baby fat she would probably ever have. Sharp’s height is normal for her appeared age when she is in her younger form, but in her older form it could be discerned as strange from just a glance as she is absurdly tall. Sharp is five foot five inches in her more childish form, and six foot two inches in her adult form, though in general her adult form makes it harder for her to wear cute outfits then her younger form. Lastly Sharp’s hair is also a bit unique though not as much so compared to her height. Her hair is a pure pink and is a bit on the short side reaching down towards her neck in her younger form and past her waist in her adult form. Thankfully due to her being a celestial spirit she can be lazy in maintaining it, except for washing, meaning that is mostly not styled. Sharp is probably lucky that she is a celestial spirit, otherwise she would find things a bit harder as she would need to focus more on maintaining her body than maintaining her goals. Sharp is ambidextrous and doesn’t prefer one hand to the other.

    Clothing Wise Sharp tends to cover herself up, for the simple reason that the enemies unworthy blood hitting her body is a mark of shame normally, they must earn the right to touch. Basically, she views that modesty is only a stepping stone that one must overcome to hurt someone, if her clothes are fully functional at the end of a fight, then they were too weak to ever see or hurt her body. It’s a very… strange way of thinking to be sure, but it decides her style of clothing more than any other factor. Typically, Sharp ends up wearing more in the skirt category than anything, with most tops and outfits being complete with stockings and panty shot blocking skirts. Her outfits tend to try and match each other so that her opponents have but one simple target to focus on, though occasionally she will try and patch up different areas of an outfit with differing hues to give an opponent an advantage in striking her “weak points”, to test to see if they can even provide a challenge for her. Basically, Sharp likes to wear outfits for the purposes of combat, which means that yes, every skirt she wears is a combat skirt. Typically, she makes her outfits around the same color as her hair, both for cooperation and the fact that she likes red, which is in her hair.

    Sharp’s celestial features aren’t many, but they are there. While most of the features she has are listed in her magic or lineage respectively, we are here to talk about the ones that are of the physical, and there is only one thing left to talk about. Sharp has wolf like ears and a wolf like tail. These appendages she tries to hide via clothing or illusions so that only those she wishes to see them can see them, though occasionally they become noticed, and she then should deal with the possible reaction that others can give to her, which can make it so she can’t understand their normal emotional range or try to at the very least. The other thing that is strange is that when she uses her magical power for her magic or other sources Sharp’s hair, wolf ears and wolf tail tend to have red petals come from them, which gives a bit of a wind blowing effect to said areas, and a cool little petal show as well. She can cause this to happen without using any energy, but typically she doesn’t as it, again, can cloud other emotions around her making them harder to understand for her.

    Sharp Appearance:





    Skin Tone



    Golden Phoenix

    Over her heart, because friendship is magic

    Tattoo Color
    Light Pink

    S-Rank, (See side bar if the profile isn’t updated)

    Last edited by Special Snowflake on 18th September 2017, 8:19 pm; edited 8 times in total
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 1394
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Mistress Venir 27th July 2015, 4:18 pm

    Awesome character app thus far(Love the F.C)! However, would you mind adding how she acts as a leader/under a leader in her personality? Also, even though she is guildless you're still going to have to put where she would put her tattoo in the event that she does join a guild later on! Thank you! Bump when edits have been made!


    Erika  Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Erika  Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Erika  Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thread Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 27th July 2015, 4:26 pm

    Thanks, took a while to decide on a face claim this one seemed perfect.

    Added the section about leadership as the last paragraph for personality, and added where she will place the guild tattoo.


    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 1394
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Mistress Venir 27th July 2015, 4:42 pm

    I agree! Gotta love RWBY! :) (Definitely does not have Weiss as an older F.C right now....)

    As I said your app looks fabulous so we can go ahead and call this:
    Erika  D07fty2


    Erika  Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Erika  Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Erika  Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Cr1tikal 11th October 2015, 9:13 pm


    Unlocked for edits.


    Erika  MQNhOUw

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thread Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 11th October 2015, 9:19 pm

    Done with edits.



    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Cr1tikal 11th October 2015, 9:24 pm


    Pukes a bit. Approved...I guess...


    Erika  MQNhOUw


    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Cr1tikal 5th May 2016, 10:02 pm

    unlocked for edits.


    Erika  MQNhOUw

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thread Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 5th May 2016, 10:08 pm

    Edits made



    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Cr1tikal 5th May 2016, 10:08 pm



    Erika  MQNhOUw


    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Guest 28th March 2017, 5:50 pm

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thread Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 28th March 2017, 6:13 pm




    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Guest 28th March 2017, 6:22 pm


    Erika  ReaIoJo

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Guest 18th September 2017, 8:16 pm

    tgf, ti oD.

    Special Snowflake wrote:
    Erika  O6lSODY

    Erika D. Skittles/Nightshade




    Attack Helicopter

    Special Characteristics
    Mostly listed in her Lineage proper (see magic)


    Erika will probably make the most annoying and maniacal person you ever knew look like a saint. She isn’t the best at keeping her mouth shut and in fact will frequently edge a provocation on just for the fun of it. She finds great joy on occasion ruining the atmosphere by saying the perfectly wrong thing at the perfectly wrong time. Erika typically acts as the creator of destruction through words, and the teller of your momma jokes on occasion. To many this brings them beyond the point of rage, while those with good taste will find it humorous at just how well she can get one to shut themselves off to her, or attempt to fight back. The worst part of all this is that most of the time she isn’t serious and is just weaving her words to try and manipulate those around her into performing a certain set of actions, most of the time being violent actions. Only one who is well adapted to social situations and manipulation through words could probably tell what she is doing, or counter her efforts for that matter.  Entire scientific studies could be done with the only conclusion being ‘she’s just a bitch’.

    Despite how cruel her tone typically is Erika can be far worse in her actions. Selfish to a fault she strives for perfection, and will accomplish it by any means necessary. Remorse is a word that is missing from her vocabulary and regret is only over who she didn’t eliminate when she had the chance. To think that she has a redeeming quality to her attitude is to fruitlessly hope in vain that Erika cares for others in a traditional way. Erika doesn’t assist others for the sake of helping them, she does it when her needs meet up with theirs. When others talk about friendship and teamwork all Erika hears is an excuse to take advantage of them. When one expresses love to her she shows it back in with the most wonderful smile and most sinful desires in her heart as adoration to her is a blank check to write down whatever value upon your use. To summarize dealing with Erika is like making a deal with the devil himself, you will get what you wanted out of the deal, but at the end Erika always gets what she wanted, even if it takes a while, she will achieve it.

    Determined to a fault, Erika doesn’t back down from the war, though she is happy to lose a battle or two if it means a gain overall. While her overall mocking attitude appears as arrogance, it is more self-confidence, well the highest level of self-confidence that one could have without going into the stupidity area of pure arrogance. Erika will never underestimate another, that is why she makes sure to try and lure them away from their senses to take advantage or convert them to her side. If you hadn’t guessed already Erika isn’t a user of violence first but rather her words, well unless she is just bored with the situation and knows it lacks importance, then you are probably dead. Eventually those who meet with her tend to lose a part of themselves in the process as she seems to pick them a part to gain what she desires, even it means making them lose self-confidence like the children she baby sat one time.

    Rarely one to make a mistake emotionally, Erika is only truly open to those who she finds worthy of it. Being worthy is mostly up to her whim, but the only time anyone would find the soft squishy center that her vulnerability. In fact, most of the time the only real emotion that Erika feels within in contempt for her own nature and desires which can’t overcome, and her bouts of joy are more for show than anything. To see Erika, feel anything beyond mild amusement is a rare sight indeed, and to get a true confession out of her would take a miracle at this point in her life. The only emotion that she could possibly feel in great degree right now would be anger but that is only if all of her plans were somehow shut down at this very moment… and heaven help the one who has done it.

    When ordered around Erika tends to humor the one giving her directions and goes along with it… just solves the problem in her own way. One can always count on Erika to get the job done, though probably not with good public relations in the process. Indeed, she’s a bit of a smarty pants (if you couldn’t tell already), and will frequently act a little silly or off kilter. If she ever is the one giving orders you can accept the most convoluted plan that makes almost no sense initially, but in some strange way ends up becoming one of the most perfect plans for the job in the end. Some might say she has foresight, others might say she is lucky, Erika will simply state that she is a genius, and knows the ins and outs of all things… which is once again a massive lie, and she probably will just get lucky in the end, as the victims of said plan weren’t prepared for the dumbest of ideas to smack them in the face.


    • Breakfast: Best meal of the day and she has a secret love of pancakes. If someone wishes to make her carry out petty vengeance the destruction of Bisquick will get her mad right quick.

    • Fashion: Her magic aside Erika enjoys dressing both herself and others up. Ignore the fact that many times a gift of clothing is more to spy on and/or perform doctor’s checkups with both sides of some razor wire.

    • Puppies: People say that Erika likes to kick puppies, these people like most are incredibly wrong. Erika likes puppies they are loyal to only you and you can train them from birth to murder others for you. They are also fluffy and fun to pet.

    • Borrowing: Erika views that borrowing items is very important to civilization as a whole and freely “borrows” whenever she desires to have an item. Well, technically she isn’t borrowing the item herself as everything on the planet is naturally hers, she just lets others borrow it out of pity for them.

    • Stupid Questions: While it seems odd Erika loves to hear others say stupid questions, for then she has free reign to put another down immediately.


    • Money: The desire for money is only the goal of those who are uncreative or desire a tiny amount of power. Erika is also highly offended that they say money is the root of all evil, as that means it rivals her, and nothing can rival her perfection.

    • Brooding Soul Pained Teenagers: Most of the people out there who claim their live is terrible are in fact just foolish, and many who claim to be evil or horrible people are just pretenders. You can talk about your tragic history all you want, but Erika will just laugh it off and look down on you more.

    • Lawful Stupid: “I will save everyone with the power of friendship”, her favorite quote before she fires the super laser at their planet and shoots the princess in the head.

    • God Complexes: Many try to claim that they are the best, many try to show they are the best, but Erika is the best simply as a matter of fact. To try and claim she is on their level of having a god complex is to compare her to those unworthy to be looked upon by even the ants.

    • Interruptions: Don’t interrupt: her speaking, her naked time, her inner monologue, her breakfast, and her puppy petting time.  


    • Freedom through Passion: Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through Passion she gains strength, through strength she gains power, through power she gains victory, she will set herself free.

    • Domination: Over both the land and her flaws, one day Erika will be able to find what exactly she is missing and what will allow her to become the only source of power that matters.

    • Rocks: One day Erika will figure out how to destroy an entire planet with the throw of a rock, on that day she will ascend into the pantheon with the rock gods to destroy all life in the galaxy.


    • Powerless: Secretly she fears being powerless, and no not in the magic sense. Being powerless to live her life the way she wants to, is something she fears, since when one has lost their freedom, what else do they truly have left, since they aren’t living the way they wish to anymore?

    • Letting People In: Despite her outward bravado and her upbeat attitude, Erika tries to keep people at a distance. She doesn’t want them to know any kind of vulnerabilities she might have in her personality, and fears the day that someone uses any of them to take advantage of her, just like she has taken advantage of so many people before.

    • Having Nothing Left to ‘Borrow’: Despite Erika desiring everything, she knows deep down it is her greatest fear to have everything, for if she has everything there will be nothing left to take. This would defeat her entire purpose in life, and thus she must play a careful game of take and take with the world. Without the chaos that is her borrowing, she might as well not exist, at least in her mind.

    General Appearance

    True Appearance

    5’ 7”

    She’ll just lie about it

    Blue/Blonde, Waist length


    Skin Tone

    Erika’s appearance is straight forward to observers. She has soft blue eyes which seem to reflect the sky in a shining light, boy if that doesn’t sound like a sue description, and her hair is both blue and blonde in color with the streaks mixing and matching throughout. Her hair is very curly naturally, and tends to feel sort of fluffy which ends up annoying her when she tries to perform certain styles, but she is too stubborn to just shape shift it half the time. In terms of length her hair reaches to her waist in length which makes trying new hair styles easy due to the hairs length. In terms of her body the first thing people will point out is that she is well endowed. Erika doesn’t like to show it off however as others are just as... sorry such lies can’t be stated with a straight face, of course Erika likes to show how much better she looks than everyone else, this is because Erika not a nun. From simply being the star of the party to manipulating others to do her bidding, she views her body as just as much of a tool as her mind and plans. Typically, she won’t ever put out to show how badly you fell for her little scheme, or because she doesn’t wish to have anyone but her number one henchman even come close to touching her perfection. She isn’t the tallest of people at just 5’ 7”, but she isn’t the shortest, one could say she is the “perfect” height for what she desires to accomplish. Her weight is no one’s business. All you need to know is that her weight is perfect for her bodies structure and needs, and has never gone a pound above or below, especially from any extra pancake consumption. Her skin tone the only thing fair about her. Her facial features are soft which belies her real intentions deep down. She doesn’t have any blemishes but that is mostly due to her cheating the biological system than her just being born “perfect”. In terms of attire she typically likes to make her casual clothes more like a battle attire, even if her definition of battle attire is a combat skirt, so long as it is fashionable and allows her to win easily she will wear it, bonus points if it makes her look extra fabulous while doing so.

    Real Appearance:

    Erika’s Appearance

    5’ 2”

    She’ll just lie about it

    Brown/Pink, Long


    Skin Tone

    This appearance is for Erika is that of her teacher, and the one she uses most often. Her teacher is one of the few people she respected, and at the same time, wished would never breathe again. After Erika killed her to prevent others learning thread magic as well, or at least from anyone other than Erika herself, she adopted this appearance as her common one out of a twisted sense of ‘respect”. In this form, Erika’s appearance is quite normal, for an eccentric. Thankfully Erika is eccentric, in fact you could almost called her Erikantric… that sounded better in my head. Regardless Erika’s appearance is quite unusual, mostly due to her hair and eye color, which is naturally two colors. Some have expressed that it is impossible for it to be natural, to which Erika replies that’s she’s too awesome for the impossible. Simply put you won’t get a straight answer as to how her hair is this color or if it is natural, instead you will only get excuses of how she thinks it’s awesome. Best not to waste your time. Instead the better option is to examine her other features, such as how short she is. She doesn’t comment on that part, but it is a notable feature none the less, especially if she doesn’t admit it.  Other than that, her fair color skin, and other noticeable features aren’t too special even if she says they were all made to be perfect, they weren’t and she’s just lying again.

    Typically, Erika dresses in a very contemporary style that she views as being the very innovative in fashion statements, because naturally she is the center of the fashion universe. Her appearance in terms of clothing will vary depending on her mood for the day or hell even the moment, as she can be very fickle in this aspect. One moment she might be wearing a nice dress, and then suddenly switch to a more goth or punk outfit, merely because she got bored with her old duds and wished for something new. This makes her a nightmare in clothing shops, especially if she starts to alter the merchandise for her own needs and then never bothers to return it to normal if she gets bored with it. Normally I’d mention her favorite colors, however her taste is so erratic that she doesn’t seem to have a favorite color, instead she is like a mood ring, ever shifting depending on her attitude at the time.

    Erika appearance:


    Infinity Hydra

    Over her heart, because friendship is magic

    Tattoo Color
    Light Pink

    A-Rank, (See side bar if the profile isn’t updated)
    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thread Magic
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    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 18th September 2017, 8:19 pm

    Edits made



    Posts : 1219
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by kittykool75 18th September 2017, 8:35 pm


    Erika  SESFcGa


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Erika  1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

    Posts : 1584
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 1
    Age : 23

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    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Lester Drynedi 13th June 2018, 1:20 pm

    Unlocked & Moved at users request



    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thread Magic
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    Third Skill:

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 13th June 2018, 1:29 pm




    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by Guest 13th June 2018, 1:45 pm


    Erika  UKo46jy

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Wanderer- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Helper- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Monty Python- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
    Position : ULULU
    Posts : 1006
    Guild : ⫸ Hidden Blades ⫷
    Cosmic Coins : 70
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 92,777

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Malefic Felines
    Second Skill: Sinister Arsenal
    Third Skill: Grimm

    Erika  Empty Re: Erika

    Post by aeluri 3rd February 2019, 2:45 pm


    This character is being archived~


    Erika  60637_s

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:40 pm